Student Internships

Professional Writing Internships

One of the capstones to the Professional Writing Master’s emphasis is the internship.
Master’s students will secure, with the help of the Coordinator of Professional Writing,
an internship in a professional environment. This internship is the basis for practical
experience in the workplace, but, more importantly, it is the basis for the Professional
Writing Master’s Thesis. This internship lasts for one semester, but may be completed
over the summer if needed. Students are urged to contact the Coordinator of Professional
Writing early in their MA studies to plan ahead for the internship. Southeastern’s
MA students have interned both on and off campus. We have placed students at such
diverse locations as:

  • Aramark

  • Office of Career Services

  • Nineteenth Century Literature

  • Avondale Shipyards

  • Neill Corporation

  • The City of Hammond

 Students have completed a variety of projects including web design, page design,
procedural manuals, proposals and other in-depth business documents.