Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Donald J. Sharp

Donald J. Sharp

Archival Collection




DRAWER 1 – British Land Grants

1. Copies of Land Grants

A. Georgia and South Carolina

B. West Florida- Given to John Spell

2. 1814 Evacuation of Mobile Point- Display put together by Mr. Sharp which includes
copies of photographs, obituary of Daniel Patterson, and other letters

3. Copy of West Florida Surveyor’s Plat with attached seal and Land Grant given to
Mager Spell at Bayou Castin

4. Copies of Land Grants with information on the documentation of land grants

A. Georgia Land Grant with Surveyor’s Plat and attached Seal

B. West Florida

5. Map of Louisiana and Mississippi – by H.S. Tanner, 1820 – National Archives

DRAWER 2 – Maps

1. Survey or Passage of Mississippi River by Lake Pontchartrain and Maurepas to River
Iberville by Patrick Strachan. Circa 1769. Accompanied by written report to British
Commandant at Pensacola

2.Copy of William Wilton Map of 1774, Mississippi River from Iberville to Yazoo showing
owners of grants from the Yazoo to Iberville Rivers, first owners of events that is
today’s Denham Springs. Also contains Mr. Sharp’s 2006 research on Grant distributions
and plantation owners

3. Springfield and Denham Springs Quadrangle Maps, produced by U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, copied by New Orleans Map Co. INC. 1965 Edition

4. Copy of 1765 Draught of the passage from Lake Pontchartrain to Mississippi River
created by British Lt. Philip Pittman, also contains information regarding Pittman
and the map

5. Copy of plan of the Iberville River from Lake Maurepas to the forks of the Comite
and Amite Rivers. Drawn by surveyor Elias Durnford. Map is in 6 parts on 2 boards.
Various Indian villages along the Amite show. Also biographical sketch of West Florida
surveyor Elias Durnford.

6. Painting – “Captain Carmick Joins the Constitution, Boston, 9 July 1799. Artist
: Colonel

Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

7. Painting – ” Swamp Ambush, St. Augustine, 11 September 1812. Artist : Colonel

Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

8. Painting – ” Marines at the Great Guns, off Tripoli, 3 August 1804. Artist : Colonel

Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

9. Painting – ” Final Stand at Bladensburg, Maryland, 24 August 1814. Artist : Colonel

Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

10. Painting – ” Assault on Derna, Tripoli, 27 April 1805. Artist : Colonel

Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

11. Painting – ” Changing Back to Green, off Valparaiso, Chile, May 1835. Artist :

Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

12. Painting – ” The Storming of Quallah Battoo, Sumatra, 6 February 1832. Artist
: Colonel

Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

13. Painting – ” Commandants Wedding Reception, Washington, D.C., Marine Barracks,
17 October 1823. Artist : Colonel Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

14. Copy of “A Plan Of Point Ibberville, 1765.”

15. Copy of “Map of Cap de la Madelaine and Becaneour, 1709.”

16. Copy of “Goodby Tract, Filed on 15 th April, 1828.”

17. Copy of “The Survey of Chinchuba Cemetery Property Located in Section 4, T8S,
R11E; Greensburg District, St. Tammany Parish, LA, December 26, 1980.”

18. Framed Map of Livingston Parish, Louisiana. Attached: Two Articles: 1) “Port Vincent
is Popular for River Activities” and 2) “French Settlement Remains Quiet River Village,
and a List of French Settlement Land Owners from 1810-1829.

19. Framed Survey Map of St. Tammany Parish. Surveyor: David B. Morgan. Made in September,
1827 for Court Case No. 225, Letchworth and Wife v. Bartles and Wife, 8th Circuit
Court. Covington Courthouse Archives. 20. Hutchins’ Report Survey Dated May, 1773. Area Surveyed: Nine Miles of River Front
from Manchac to Ibberville.

DRAWER 3 – Exhibits and Displays

1. Exhibit Board describing the “Location of Navy Yard in St. Tammany Parish, 1969-1996,”
contains photographs, maps, and letters

2. Exhibit Board describing “The Block ship ‘Tchefuncte’ 1813-1823,” contains boat
plans, photographs, and letters

3. Exhibit Board describing “U.S. Gunboats on Lake Pontchartrain 1806-1815,” contains
photographs, drawings, maps, service dates, and information pertaining to the lifestyles
of the time period

4A. Display board from the St. Tammany Historical Society, Inc. presentation of Mr.
Sharp’s research

4B. (2) Drawings of U.S. Revenue Cutter “Louisiana” 1804-1812, copyright Anthony A.
Fernandez Jr., 1992

5. Poster “Tower of London Celebrates 900 years of History”

6. Posters of Russia

7. Posters of England

8. General Bernardo de Galvez Poster

9. Fort Michilimackinac Display

10. Voyageurs Display

11. Framed Pelican Drawing

12. Framed Listing of the Hammond Light Guards, Louisiana Volunteer Infantry, 1898

13. Acadie L’Odyssee d’un Peuple Display

DRAWER 4 – Miscellaneous

1. Picture frame containing newspaper articles re: Mrs. Bertha Neff, archivist at
St. Tammany

Clerk of Court Office, St. Tammany Parish

2. Framed – Plan of the city of New Orleans in 1819 by Bartholemy La’Fon, city surveyor,

Showing all the United States government property. Also General Lafayettes along

River, unpublished, color negative.

3. Framed – map showing location of Fort Oak (1813-1820), the U.S. Naval Facility
(1813- 1823), and Pineland Park on the Tchefuncte River. By St. Tammany Parish surveyor,
Matthew Dicks circa 1872 for Charles Parent succession.

4. James Rumsey Pedigree Chart of Wales, England. Rumsey was inventor the steamboat.

5. Mandeville Map showing the beginning of Mandeville – Court case No. 225, Joseph
Letchworth and wife vs. Jacob Bartles and wife, 1825 – 1829

6. Mandeville map showing Bayou Castin (future Mandeville) settlers in 1827, by parish

Surveyor David B. Morgan. Map was evidence in parish court case No. 225, Joseph

Letchworth and wife vs. Jacob Bartles and wife, 1825-1829.

7. Posters of the Sharp Family Line in Mandeville

8. Framed – Letter of Commend for the work done on the History of St. Tammany Parish
form Robert L. Livingston, Member of Congress to Mr. Donald J. Sharp. December 17th,

9. Framed – Letter of Gratitude from James A. Michener, Visiting Scholar to Donald
J. Sharp. Barker Texas History Center. January 24th, 1983


1. Painting – “Captain Carmick Joins the Constitution, Boston, 9 July 1799. (2 copies).
Artist : Colonel Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

2. Painting – ” Cutting out of the Sandwich, Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo, 11 May 1800,
(2 copies). Artist : Colonel Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

3. Painting – ” Repulse of the Highlanders, New Orleans, 8 January 1815, (2 copies).
Artist : Colonel Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

4. Painting – ” Foray into Fajardo Bay, Puerto Rico, 14 November 1824, (2 copies).
Artist : Colonel Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

5. Painting – ” Parley at Nukuhiva, Marquesas Islands, 8 January 1814, (2 copies)
Artist : Colonel Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

6. Painting – ” Shipbuilding at Sackets Harbor, New York, 11 January 1814, (2 copies).
Artist : Colonel Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

7. Painting – ” Placing the Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C., 31 March, 1801, (2

Artist : Colonel Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR, Marine Corps Art Collection

8. Marines in the Frigate Navy (Prints)

1) Marines at the Great Guns Off Tripoli, 3 August 1804. 2) The Storming of Quallah Battoo, Sumatra, 6 February 1832. 3) Swamp Ambush, St. Augustine, 11 September 1812. 4) The Assault on Derna, Tripoli, 27 April 1805. 5) The Final Stand at Baldensburg, Maryland, 24 August 1814. 6) Changing Back to Green, off Valparaiso, Chile, May 1835.


1. Videocassette – Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, (unopened)

2. Gold Braid and Foreign Relations: Diplomatic Activities of US Naval Offices, 1798-1883,
David F. Long

3. Rock and Shoals: Order and Discipline in the Old Navy, 1800-1861,

James E. Valle

4. The Commodores: The US Navy in the Age of Sail, Leonard F. Guttridge and

Jay D. Smith

5. The Pirates Laffite: The Treacherous World of the Corsairs of the Gulf,

William C. Davis, (included Amazon shipping receipt)

6. Dawn Like Thunder: The Barbary Wars and the Birth of the US Navy,

Glenn Tucker

7. Sink or Be Sunk – Paul Estronza La Violette

8. The History of the American Sailing Navy: The Ships and Their Development,

Howard I. Chapelle

9. The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History, Volume I, edited by

Michael J. Crawford

10. The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History, Volume II, edited by

William S. Dudley, 2 copies

11. The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History, Volume III, edited by

William S. Dudley (contained bookmarks)

12. Thomas ap Catesby Jones, Commodore of Manifest Destiny, Gene Smith

13. The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy, Spencer C. Tucker

14. A Most Fortunate Ship, Captain Tyrone G. Martin, former captain of the U.S.S.

15. Amite County Mississippi, 1699-1890, Florida Parishes, La.

16. Honor and Fidelity, Jack D.L. Holmes

17. Bernardo de Galvez in Louisiana, 1776-1783

18. Index to the Archives of Spanish W. Florida, 1782-1810

19. The Imperial Osages, Gilbert C. Din and Abraham P. Nasatir

20. Framers of the Constitution, National Archives and Record Admin.

21. Indian Traders of the Southeastern Spanish Borderlands by Thomas D. Watson and
William S. Coker

22. Life of Stephen F. Austin, Eugene C. Barker

23. A Bourbon Soldier in Spanish Louisiana, Gilbert C. Din

24. Spain: Forgotten Ally of the American Revolution, Buchanan Parker- Thomson

25. Florida in the American Revolution, J. Leitch Wright, Jr.

26. The Economy of British West Florida, 1763-1783, Robin F.A. Fabel

27. George Gould: Surveyor and Cartographer of the Gulf Coast, John D. Ware

28. Major Robert Farmer of Mobile, Robert. R. Rea

29. Bombast and Broadsides: The Lives of George Johnstone by Robin F. A. Fabel

30. The Minutes, Journals, and Acts of the General Assembly of British West Florida,
Robert. R. Rea

31. The Letterbooks of John Fitzpatrick, 1768-1790, Margaret Fisher Dalrymple

32. King’s Bounty: A History of Early Shelburn Nova Scotia, Marion Robertson

33. Anglo-Spanish Confrontation, Coker and Rea

34. American Forces at Chalmette: Veterans and Descendants of Battle of New Orleans,
January 8, 1815

35. The Amphibious Campaign for West Florida and Louisiana, 1814-1815, Wilbert S.

36. The Log of H.M.S. Mentor, 1780-1781, Robert R. Rea

37. The Siege of Mobile – 1780 – In Maps, William and Hazel Coker

38. Florida Historical Quarterly – July 1982

39. Pierre George Rousseau, Raymond J. Martinez

40. Siege! Spain and Britain: Battle of Pensacola, March 9-May 8, 1971, Virginia Parks

41. American Heritage – June 1975, Volume XXVI, number 4

42. American Heritage – August 1972, Volume XXIII, number 5

43. James Rumsey: Pioneer in Steam Navigation, Ella May Turner

44. Steam: The Untold Story of America’s First Great Invention, Andrea Sutcliffe

45. Steamboats Come True, James Thomas Flexner

46. Tories, Dons, and Rebels; The American Revolution in British West Florida” by
J. Barton Starr, 278 pgs.

47. This was our Town Mandeville by Millie Fischer, 2 copies

48. Historic City Park New Orleans by Sally K. Evans Reeves, William D. Reeves with
Ellis P. Laborde and James S. Janssen

49. A Comparative View of French Louisiana by Carl A. Brasseaux

50. Preble’s Boys: Commodore Preble and the Birth of American Sea Power by Fletcher

51. Blaze of Glory: The Fight for New Orleans, 1814-1815 by Samuel Carter III

52. A History of Medicine in the Early U.S. Navy by Harold D. Langley

53. Nothing Too Daring: A Biography of Commodore David Porter, 1783-1843 by David
F. Long.

54. Commodore David Porter 1780-1843 by Archibald Douglas Turnbull

55. Steamboats on the Western Rivers: An Economic and Technological History” by Louis
C. Hunter.

56. The American Navy 1789-1860: A Bibliography” by Myron J. Smith Jr.

57. Edward Preble: A Naval Biography 1761-1807″ by Christopher McKee

58. A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession: The Creation of the U.S. Naval Officer
Corps. 1794-1815″ by Christopher McKee.

59. Live Oaking: Southern Timber for Tall Ships” by Virginia Steele Wood

60. For the Purposes of Defense: The Politics of the Jeffersonian Gunboat Program”
by Gene A. Smith.

61. Martha Washington: An American Life” by Patricia Brady

62. “The Passions of Princes” by Eloise Genest

63. Corkerns Have Many Cousins” compiled by Nelwyn Corkern

64. The Military Presence of the Gulf Coast” edited by William S. Coker

65. Family Records of Ila Venable Brown and Other Families of St. Helena Parish, Louisiana”
by Irene Reid Marvis.

66. The Story of the West Florida Rebellion” by Stanley Clisby Arthur

67. French Roots in the Illinois Country; The Mississippi Frontier in Colonial Times”
by Carl J. Ekberg

68. Journal of a Tour in Unsettled Parts of North America in 1796 and 1797″ by Francis

69. Revolt in Louisiana; The Spanish Occupation, 1766-1770″ by John Preston Moore

70. Bolton and the Spanish Borderlands” edited by John Frances Bannon

71. Eighteenth Century Florida; Life on the Frontier” edited by Samuel Proctor

72. Louisiana’s Loss, Mississippi’s Gain; A History of the Hancock County, Mississippi,
From the Stone Age to the Space Age” by Robert G. Scharff.

73. William Claiborne; Jeffersonian Centurion in the American Southwest” by Joseph
T. Hatfield.

74. The Spanish in the Mississippi Valley 1762-1804″ edited by John Francis McDermott

75. Bayou St. John in Colonial Louisiana, 1699-1803″ by Edna B. Freiberg

76. Gayoso; The Life of a Spanish Governor in the Mississippi Valley, 1789-1799″ by
Jack D.L. Holmes.

77. The Natchez Trace; A Pictorial History” by James A. Crutchfield

78. The History of Camp Moore and Life at Camp Moore among the Volunteers” by Powell

A. Casey.

79. Struggle for the Gulf Borderlands; The Creek War and the Battle of New Orleans,
1812- 1815″ by Frank Lawrence Owsley Jr.

80. Fort Maurepas; The Birth of Louisiana” by Jay Higginbotham

81. (2)”In Search of Gulf Coast Colonial History” edited by Ernest F. Dibble and Earle
W. Newton.

82. Doomed Road of Empire; The Spanish Trail of Conquest” by Hodding Carter.

83. Kinsmen All; Descendants of Wettenhall Warner and Related Families” by E. Russ
Williams Jr.

84. The Canary Islands Migration to Louisiana 1778-1783; The history and passenger
lists of the Islenos volunteer recruits and their families” by Sidney Louis Villere.

85. Marines in the Frigate Navy” by Colonel Charles H. Waterhouse, USMCR

86. St. Charles; Abstracts of the Civil Records of St. Charles Parish 1700-1893: by
Glenn R. Conrad.

87. Index to Court Records; St. Tammany Parish Court House, Covington, Louisiana

88. Historical Survey; Mandeville, Louisiana”.

89. First Settlers of the Mississippi Territory

90. Four Centuries on the Pascagoula; History, Story, and Legend of The Pascagoula
River County” collected and edited by Cyrill Edward Cain

91. The 14th Colony; British West Florida 1763-1781″ by the John Appleyard Agency

92. Honor and Fidelity; The Louisiana Infantry Regiment and the Louisiana Militia
Companies 1766-1821″ by Jack D.C. Holmes

93. Legends of Covington Cemetery no. 1″ published by Auxilary-Chamber-St. Tammany

94. Conquering the Rivers; Henry Miller Shreve and the Navigation of America’s Inland
Waterways” by Edith McCall.

95. Notarial Archives of Orleans Parish 1731-1953″ by Rudolph H. Waldo

96. Louisiana’s Florida Parishes; A Bibliography” compiled by C. Howard Nichols

97. Archives Notariees De La Pavoisse d’ Orleans”

98. Notarial Archives of Orleans Parish” by Rudolph H. Waldo

99. Microfilm Center, Inc. Micropublications in Print”

100. The Presbytere on Jackson Square”, “The Colonial Period 1723-1803” by Samuel
Wilson Jr. and “The American Period 1803 to the Present” by Leonard V. Huber.

101. America spreads Her Sails; U.S. Seapower in the 19th Century by Clayton R. Barrow

102. Louisiana; A History, a second edition by Bennet H. Wall, Light Townsend Cummins,
Joe Gray Taylor, William Ivy Hair, Mark T. Carleton, and Michael L. Kurtz.

103. Lewises, Meriwethers and Their Kin: by Sarah Travers Lewis (Scott) Anderson.

104. Pascagoula; Singing River City by Jay Higginbotham.

105. The Kansas Indians; A History of the Wind People, 1673-1873″ by William E. Unrau.

106. Louisiana in 1776; A Memoria of Francisco Bouligny Translated with Introduction
by Gilbert C. Din.

107. New Orleans: Facts and Legends by Raymond J. Martinez and Jack D.L. Holmes.

108. Spain and her Rivals on the Gulf Coast edited by Ernest F. Dibble and Earle W.

New Orleans 1718-1812; An Economic History” by John G. Clark.

109. The Settlement of the German Coast of Louisiana and the Creoles of German Descent
by J. Hanno Deiler.

110. New Orleans; Battle of the Bayous by Harry Albright.

111. The Battle of New Orleans; Plantation Houses on the Battlefield of New Orleans
by Samuel Wilson Jr.

112. The Favrot Collection: A Catalog of the Printed Material in the Special Collections
Division, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University compiled by Silvia Verdun

113. Biographical Sketches of James M. Bradford, Pioneer Printer by Elrie Robinson.

114. A Brief Guide to the Manuscripts Section of The Special Collections Division,
Tulane University Library compiled by Wilbur E. Menary.

115. A Guide to Spanish Louisiana, 1762-1806 by Jack D. Holmes.

116. This was our town, Mandeville by Millie Fisher.

117. (2) “Guide to Research at the Historic New Orleans Collection” compiled by Robert
D. Bush, Mrs. Ralph V. Platou, Kenneth Trist Urqulart, John A. Mahe II., Florence
M. Jumonville, Rosanne McCaffrey, Susan T. Cole and Marie A. Kambur.

118. Calender of Louisiana Colonial Documents” vol.1 compiled by Winston DeVille.

119. An Attempt to Re-Assemble the Old Settlers in Family Groups by Sidney A. Marchand

120. Louisiana Soldiers in the War of 1812 compiled by Marion John Bennet Pierson.

121. Baroness Pontalba’s Building and the remarkable women who built them by Leonard
V. Huber and Samuel Wilson Jr.

122. Negro Ironworkers in Louisiana 1718-1900 by Marcus Christian.

123. The Federal Road through Georgia, the Creek Nation and Alabama 1806-1836 by Henry
Deleon Southerland Jr. And Jerry Elijah Brown.

124. A Guide to Archival Materials by Elisabeth Joan Doyle.

125. The Battle of New Orleans: The Weapons of The Battle of New Orleans by William
A. Muese.

126. The Cabildo on Jackson Square; “The Colonial Period 1723-1803 by Samuel Wilson
Jr. and The American Period 1803 to the present by Leonard V. Huber.

127. Gulf Coast Architecture by Samuel Wilson Jr.

128. A History of Baton Rouge 1699-1812 by Rose Meyers.

129. French Roots in the Illinois Country; The Mississippi Frontier in Colonial Times
by Carl J. Ekberg.

130. Gilbert Antoine de St. Maxent; The Spanish-Frenchman of New Orleans by James
Julian Coleman Jr.

131. Chez Les Cansas; Three Centuries at Kawsmouth, The French Foundations of Metropolitan
Kansas City by Charles E. Hoffhaus.

132. Louisiana Census and Militia List 1770-1789 vol. 1 by Albert J. Robichaux Jr.

133. Research in the Spanish Borderlands by William S. Coker Jack W.L. Holmes, Samuel
Proctor, J. Leitch Wright Jr. and Jack D.L. Holmes.

134. Federal Land Grants in the Territory of Orleans; The Delta Parish by Charles
R. Madnell Jr

135. The Presbytere on Jackson Square by Samual Wilson Jr. and Leonard V. Huber.

136. An Index to the 1820 Census of Louisiana’s Florida Parishes and 1812 St. Tammany

Tax List compiled by Mary Elizabeth Sanders (in D. Sharp’s possession)

137. The Illinois Central Reilroad Story by Alan R. Lind . All illustrated history
of the “Main Line of Mid-America”. Transport History Press 1993

138. Fortier’s History of Louisiana by Alcee Fortier, second Edition by Jo Ann Carrigan.
Volume II: The Spanish Domination1769-1803. Baton Rouge , Claitor’s Publishing Division,

139. John Talley and Anna Magee Family by Doris E. Holden and Vondale H. Talley, published
June 1984

140. The Kleinpeter Legacy by Lynette Le Blank Kleinpeter. Herbert Publication, 1995

141. Mr. Kentzel’s Covington 1878-1890, Carol Saunders Jahncke. Legacy Publishing

142. Military Service Records. National Archives Trust Fund Board. National Archives
and Service Administration Washington, D.C. 1985.

143. American Heritage, Vol. XXII No.6. Oct. 1971.

144. The Architecture of Colonial Louisiana. Collected essays of Samuel Wilson, Jr.
F.A.I.A. compiled and edited by Jean M. Farsworth and Ann M. Masson. Published by
The Center for Louisiana Studies University of Southwestern Louisiana.

145. Mandeville on the Lake: A Sesquicentennial Album. Published by the St. Tammany
Historical Society. Compiled and edited by C. Howard Nichols, 1990.

146. Settling in: Early settlers of Washington and St. Tammany Parishes: Sharp, Jenkins,
Galloway, Taylor, Erwin, Jones, Breland, George, Leuchus, Spears and others. By Juanita
E. Jenkins Herbert.

147. The Free State: A History and Place Names study of Livingston Parish. By the
members of the Livingston Parish American Revolution Bicentennial Committee in cooperation
with the Livingston Parish Police Jury and the Louisiana American Revolution Bicentennial
Commission, 1976.

148. The Louisiana Strawberry Story. By Ginger Romero. Northwestern State University

149. Louisiana Images 1880-1920: A Photographic Essay. By George Francois Mugnier.
Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge.

150. Descendants of John Spell and Cecelia McLemore. By Doris E. Martin Holden.

151. The First Families of Louisiana. Vol. 1. By Glenn R. Conrad. Claitor’s Publishing

152. East Florida as a British Providence, 1763-1784. By Charles Loch Mowat. University
of Florida Press, 1964.

153. Frenchman and French Ways in the Mississippi Valley. By John Francis McDermott.
University of Illinois Press, 1969.

154. Sharp Family History. By the American Genealogical Research Institute. Heritage
Press Inc., 1977.

155. The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History vol.II. By William S. Dudley, Library
of Congress Cataloging.

156. Rails Across America: A History of Railroads in North America. By William L Withuhn,
Smithmark Publisher Inc., 1993.

157. Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Bighorn. By Evan S. Connell, Promontory
Press, 1993.

158. The King’s Ranger. By Edward J. Cashin. University of Georgia Press, 1989.

159. American Heritage. Dec. 1975 vol. XXVII no.1. American Heritage Publishing Co.

160. Storyville New Orleans. By Al Rose, University of Alabama Press, 1974.

161. Grand Isle on the Gulf: An Early History. By Sally Kittredge Evans, Frederick
Stielow and Betsy Swanson. Jefferson Parish Historical Commission, 1979.

162. Old Families of Louisiana. By Stanley Clisby Arthur. Claitor’s Publishing Division,

163. Davy Crockett: Explained and Defended vol.II. By Harry B. Roberts.

164. Louisiana Historical Quarterly: Winter Spring 1972 vol.LV no. 1. By William E.
Rooney. The Louisiana Historical Society Inc., 1972.

165. The Grand Portage Story. By Carolyn Gilman. National Park Service, 1992.

166. March De Galvez. By Jack D.L. Holmses, Ph.D. Baton Rouge Bicentennial Corporation.

167. They Lived at Chalmette. By Isabell Marshell French Ph.D. Hope Publications,

168. Undaunted Courage. By Stephen E. Ambrose. Ambrose-Tubbs Inc., 1996.

169. The Fox Wars. By R. David Edmunds and Josephe L. Peyser. University of Oklahoma
Press, 1993.

170. The Southern Indians: The Story of the Civilized Tribes Before Removal. By R.S.
Cotterill. The University of Oklahoma Press, 1954.

171. Bayou St. John: In Colonial Louisiana, 1699-1803. By Edna B. Freiberg. Harvey

172. Family Biographies. By Jay Higginbotham. Griffice Printing Co., 1967.

173. Ocean Springs Mississippi. By Thomas Ewing Dabney. 1699 Historical Committee,

174. Fabulous New Orleans. By Lyle Saxon. Robert L. Crager & Co. 1958.

175. Africans in Colonial Louisiana: The Development of Afro-Creole Culture in the
Eighteenth Century. By Gwendolyn Middle Hall. Louisiana University Press, 1992.

176. The Devil’s Backbone: The Story of the Natchez Trace. By Jonathan Daniels. McGraw-Hill
Book Co., 1962.

177. The Great Days of the Garden District and the Old City of Lafayette. By Martha
Ann Brett Samuel and Ray Samuel. Fifth Printing, 1961.

178. Cavalier in the Wilderness. By Ross Phares. Pelican Publishing Co., 1976.

179. Mysterious Marie Laveau VooDoo Queen. By Raymond J. Martinez. Hope Publications.

180. Portraits of New Orleans Jazz: Its People and Places. By Raymond J. Martinez.
Hope Publications, 1971.

181. The St. Charles Street Car or the New Orleans and Carrollton Railroad. By J.L.
Guilbeau., 1975.

182. Spain and Her Rivals on the Gulf Coast. By Ernest F. Dibble and EArle W. Newton.
Historic Pensacola Preservation Board, 1971.

183. Proud, Peculiar New Orleans: The Inside Story. By Gaspar J. “Buddy” Stall. Claitor’s
Publishing Division, 1984.

184. Antoine: Coureur de Bois. By Adrienne Leduc. Mazarin Publication, 1996.

185. Negro Troops of Antebellum Louisiana. By Roland C. McConnell. Louisiana State
University Press, 1968.

186. A Hornbook of Virginia History. By J.R.V. Daniel. Virginia Department of Conservation
and Development, 1949.

187. Louisiana Historical Quarterly. Summer – Fall 1971, vol. LIV no.3. by William
E. Ronney. Pelican Publishing Co., 1971.

188. Kentucky Genealogical Research. By George K. Schweitzer, 1983.

189. Pirates of the Pacific 1575-1742. By Peter Gerhard. Arthur H. Clark Co., 1960.

190. Renato Beluche: Smuggler, Privateer, and Patriot, 1780-1860. By Jane Lucas De
Grummond. Louisiana State University Press, 1983.

191. Cabanocy: The History, Customs, and Folklore of St. James Parish. By Lillian
C. Bourgeois. Pelican Publishing Co., 1957.

192. The Writings of American History. By Michael Kraus and Davis D. Joyce. University of
Oklahoma Press, 1985.

193. William Clark: Jeffersonian Man on the Frontier. By Jerome O. Steffen. University
of Oklahoma Press Publishing Division, 1977.

194. The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History. Vol. 1., 1985. William S. Dudley.

195. Ole Rosinheels: A Genealogical Sketch of the Family of major Amos McLemore, 27th
Mississippi Infantry Regiment, C.S.A. Rudy Leverett, 1988.

196. Bronaugh History: The Sharp Family of Sharpsburg, Kentucky and Related Families
vol. 2. By Amelia Bronaugh Benson, 1980.

197. The Voyager. By Grace Lee Nute. Reprinted in 1955 by Minnesota Historical Society.

198. Our French Canadian Ancestors. By Thomas J. Laforest vol.1 LISI Press, 1983.

199. Our French Canadian Ancestors. By Thomas J. Laforest vol. 2 LISI Press, 1988.

200. Creole Families of New Orleans. By Grace King. Claitors Publishing Division,
1971 reprint.

Within book: 1. Article: “Grace King subject of a new book”.

2. Article: “Burial customs intriguing history”. Times-Picayune Oct. 29, 1989.

3. Copy of an article Grace King subject of new book.

4. Article: “Many writers found Orleans Fascinating”. Times-Picayune July 5, 1976.

201. Kaskaskia Under the French Regime. By Natalie Maree Belting. Polyanthos Inc.,

202. Great Characters of New Orleans. By Mel Leavitt. Lexikos, 1984.

203. The Story of Old Ste. Genevieve. By Gregory M. Franzwa. Patrice Press Inc., 1967.

204. The Scotch Irish: A Social History. By James G. Leyburn. The University of North
Carolina Press, 1962. Within book: 1. “Parade: Can you guess what they have in common
a provocative report by James Webb. Times-Picayune Oct. 3, 2004.

205. The Chattanooga Country, 1540-1976: From Tomahawks to TVA. By Gilbert E. Govan
and James W. Livingood. The University of Chattanooga, 1963.

206. Falgoust: A History and Genealogy of the Falgoust and Falgout Families of France
and Louisiana 1555-1988. By Barbara L. Allen. Barbara L. Allen, 1988.

207. Ship Registers and Enrollments of New Orleans, Louisiana vol.III, 1831-1840.
Prepared by the Survey of Federal Archives in Louisiana Service Division, 1942.

208. Ship Registers and Enrollments of New Orleans, Louisiana vol.V, 1851-1860. Prepared
by the Survey of Federal Archives in Louisiana Service Division, 1942.

209. Ship Registers and Enrollments of New Orleans, Louisiana vol.II, 1821-1830. Prepared
by the Survey of Federal Archives in Louisiana Service Division, 1942.

Within book: 1. Ship Registers and Enrollments of New Orleans, Louisiana vol.I, 1804-1820.
Prepared by the Survey of Federal Archives in Louisiana Service Division, 1942. (23

210. Of Them that Left a Name Behind: A History of the Starnes Family. By H. Gerald
Starnes and Herman Starnes. Getway Press Inc., 1983.

Within book: 1. Letter to Donald Sharp from Herman Starnes containing information
about Starnes/Starns family reunion. May 31, 1984.

2. Letter, order form and envelope to Donald Sharp from Herman Starnes containing
information about “Of Them That Left a Name Behind”. Sept. 19, 1983.

3. Envelope and Letter to Donald Sharp from Herman Starnes containing information

on the purchase of a book.

4. Need Cupres: St. Tammany Parish. By Freland and Ellis: handwritten notes.

5. “Of Them That Left A Name Behind.” newsletter sent to Don Sharp from Now and Then
Book Store

211. The First American Frontier: A History of Missouri from the Earliest Explorations
and Settlements Until the Admission of the State into the Union. By Louis Houck vol.I
R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 1908.

212. Sword of Pestilence: The New Orleans Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1853. By John Duffy.
Louisiana State University Press, 1966.

213. The Old Dominion in the Seventeenth Century: A Documentary History of Virginia,
1606-1689. By Warren M. Billings. The University of North Carolina Press, 1975.

214. The German People of New Orleans, 1850-1900. By John Fredrick Nau. E.J. Brill,

215. The Rudolph Matax History of Medicine in Louisiana, vol.I. By John Duffy. Louisiana
State University Press, 1958.

216. The Historical Journal of the Establishment of the French in Louisiana. By Jean
Baptiste Bernard de la Harpe. University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1971.

217. A Concise History of Early Texas, 1519-1861. By Charles E. Gilbert Jr. Charles
W. Parsons, 1964.

218. Descendants of John Spell and Cecelia McLemore. By Doris E. Martin Holden. Dogwood
Printing, 1992.

219. A History of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. By Charles E. Nolan. Editions du
Signe, 2000.

220. A Pictorial History of the City of London “The One Square Mile.” By Raymond Smith.
Pitkin Pictorials LTD

221. The Records of the Colonial and Dominions Offices, Public Record Office. By R.B.
Pugh. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1964.

222. Magna Carta. By G.R.C. Davis. British Museum Publications Limited, 1977.

223. The Pictorial Guide to the Tower of London “The Crown Jewels in Colour.” Pitkin
Pictorials LTD.

224. Margaret. By Raymond J. Martinez. Hope Publications.

225. Southwestern Newspapers and Historical Material on Microfilm. By Harvey G. Rust.

226. The Battle of New Orleans, The Battle on the West Bank. By Richard Remy Dixon.
Committee of Louisiana, 1965.

227. Louisiana Purchase. By The Louisiana State Museum. Wetzel Printing Inc., 1953.

228. Texas, a Novel. By James A. Michner. Random House, 1985.

229. Scottish Clan and Family Encyclopedia. By George way of Plean and Romilly Squire.
Harper Collins Publishers, 1998.

230. Lakeview Lore. By leonard V. Huber.

231. Old Mobile, Fort Louis de la Louisiane 1702-1711. By Jay Higginbotham. University
of Alabama Press, 1977.

232. La Vie Aux Illinois Au XVIIIe Siecle, memoirs of Marie-Anne Cerre. By Marthe
Faribault-Beauregard. Societe de recherche historique Archiv-Histo Inc., 1987.

233. The Louisiana Governors from Iberville to Edwards. By Joseph G. Dawson III. LSU
Press, 1990.

234. Citizens and Foreigners of the Nacogdoches District 1809-1836 by Carolyn Reeves.

235. Journeys to a Distant Star by Barbara Winters Korin. 236. Ponchatoula Bicentennial Commission Historical Souvenir Booklet. 237. Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana Centennial march 23-29, 1969. 238. “They Came West.” National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Oushola
Capter. 239. Doomed Road of Empire: The Spanish Trail of Conquest by Hodding Carter, Edited
by A. B. Gutherie. 240. 1870 Census of St. Helena Parish, Louisiana. 241. British History Illustrated, Volume I, no. 2 June 1974. 242. British History Illustrated, Volume II, no. 3 August 1975. 243. British History Illustrated, Volume II, no. 5 December 1975. 244. British History Illustrated, December 1976/January 1977. 245. British Heritage June/July 1985.

246. Tower of London by Hibbert Christopher


BOX 1 – Articles by Anita R. Campeau and Donald J. Sharp that appears in “Genesis”
from 2004 – 2005.


1. From Ile Perrot, Canada to Pearl Island, Louisiana by Anita R. Campeau and Donald
J. Sharp, 2004

2. Pierre-Francois Olivier De-Vezin: An Entrepreneur In Canada & Louisiana by Anita
R. Campeau and Donald J. Sharp, 2004

3. Social Mobility and Genealogy: The Girardy Family by Anita R. Campeau and Donald
J. Sharp, 2004

4. “A Mystery Solved: The Identity of Morgan Edwards is Revealed,” by Donald J. Sharp.

5. “Colonial History & Genealogy: Scioneaux & Allied Families,” by Anita R. Campeau
and Donald J. Sharp. 6. “Migration Patterns,” by Anita R. Campeau & Donald J. Sharp

7. From Lacombe, Louisiana to Lacombe, Alberta by Anita R. Campeau and Donald J. Sharp

8. Land Grants to the French: North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain by Anita R. Campeau

Donald J. Sharp

BOX 2 – Researched in London by Donald J. Sharp, summer 1980


1. Mayoralty Seal

2. Admiralty Seal

3. Great Seal of East Florida (1763-1780)

4. Obverse of Great Seal of George III

5. Great Seal of Queen Victoria, “The Largest of the Great Seals,” contains small
card which translates meaning

6. Great Seal of William the Conqueror (1027-1087), contains a small card which translates

7. Seal of John de Marenne, Earl of Surrey

BOX 3 – Researched in London by Donald Sharp, summer 1980.


1. Great Seal of Edward I, in a box which contains information about the seal and

2. Unidentified black Seal with a knight on it, contains a pamphlet about seals

3. Unidentified yellow-gold Seal, possibly Anne

4. (4) Pamphlets produced by Museum Casts in the British Isles

B. (1) translating Elizabeth I’s seal

C. Typed list of Seal types of England

D. Guide to Seals in the Public Record Office, London, 1968

5. (2 ) Mullins Heraldry of Dublin order forms with Price Costs

B. information card on design, making, and casting of seals

C. Invoice for purchase of Seal of Queen Anne and Henry IV from Britain’s Public Records

D. London with cardboard label from the Public Record Office

E. Pictures of Seals of Great Britain

6. “A Better Fate! The British West Florida Seal,” Robert R. Rea, Alabama Historical
Quarterly, Winter 1981

B. (2) Photocopies of Official Seal of British West Florida, courtesy of St. Tammany
Parish Archives

C. Seal Replica Order Form

D. Price list of Museum casts of American Seals and Royal Seals (3 pages)

E. Letter, postmarked from Paignton, Devon, written April 12, 1987

7. Letter from Mr. David Thomas to Don Sharp of Public Record Office, London, dated
14 February 1980

B. Letter from Dr. Robert Rea to Ms. Florence Chesnutt of Mandeville, dated 19 January
1981, describes up coming St. Tammany Historical Society Meeting and a presentation
to be given by Mr. Rea

-Backside contains a letter from Mrs. Colvin to Mr. Sharp date 20 January 1981 about
displaying his seals from England

C. Letter from Mrs. Pat M. Ward of Baton Rouge to Mr. Sharp, dated 18 February 1980,
asks for suggestions on how to do research in England and contains an article from
the 1975 Shreveport Times, “Looking Backward,” by John A. Manry about an unmarked
grave at Pleasant Hill Cemetery

D. Empty Envelope from Auburn University History Department to Mr. Sharp, postmarked
January 9, 1982

E. Letter from W. W. Mills of Baton Rouge to Mr. Sharp, dated 25 February 1980, asks
Mr.S harp to do research on the James Family in England

Also contains an ancestor chart of the James Family beginning with Phillip M. James,
born May 5, 1811

F. Letter from the State of North Carolina Department of Cultural Resource to Mr.
Sharp, dated 12 February 1980, relates to research dealing with Major John Spell

G. Letter from Mrs. Inez B. Tate of Amite to Mr. Sharp, dated February 21, 1980, relates
to interest in St. Helena Parish Maps and Tate Family history in St. Tammany Parish

H. Empty Envelope from Europe, addressed to Mr. Sharp

8. Letter from Miss E. Talbot Rice of the National Army Museum in London to Mr. Sharp,
dated 4 may 1988, in reference to Lieutenant Rumsey and William Johnston

B. Letter from Wilma MacDonald of Public Archives in Canada to Mr. Sharp, dated 15
July 1987, in reference to research on Sir William Burnaby, admiral, Captain William
Chaloner Burnaby, his son or James Rumsey, Captain William Chaloner Barnaby had a
land grant on the Amite River that today is the city of Denham Springs

-Contains photocopies of :

Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal Navy 1660-1815, VOL 1

Letter addressed to Brigadier General Haldinmand

(2) letters from Capt. Burnaby

Letter from a W. Burnaby

Extracts from 1766-1770 Army Lists

Gage Letter

C. Letter from Bob Rea of Auburn University History Department to Mr. Sharp, dated
25 September 1984 in reference to research on Captain William Chaloner Burnaby, Lt.
William Grant, British West Florida

D. Letter from Bob Rea of Auburn University History Department to Mr. Sharp, dated
4 August 1988 in reference to James Bruce, also contains a copy of Rea’s notes on
Bruce from the Audit Office

F. Letter from Finn Bower of the Shelburne County Museum, dated April 23, 1988, in
reference to the Bruce Family, contains photocopies of family connection of Arthur
Bruce to James Bruce, picture of Charles Bruce and Arthur Majorie, and George

G. Letter from Finn Bower of the Shelburne County Museum, dated November 22, 1988,
in reference to the Bruce Family

H. Letter addressed to Judge Tate, dated June 8, 1979, in reference to South Carolina
Regulators, by Richard Maxwell Brown

BOX 4 – Researched in London, contd, 1-4


1. (2) Brochures on the London Buses

B. Brochure “100 Inexpensive Hotels”

C. Brochure “Hampton Court, The Palace”

D. Brochure “Windsor, The Castle”

E. (2) Brochures on the British Museum

F. Brochure on “Duty-free Allowances-An International Guide”

G. Brochure on “Britain, Tracing your Ancestors”

H. Brochure on “Debrett Ancestry Research and Travel”

I. Brochure on “Britain Holiday Accommodation”

J. (6) Postcards printed by the Public Record Office for museums

K. Public Record Office pamphlet, “History is where you can make a date”

L. Book from Madame Tussaud’s Museum in London

M. Flyer for Westminster Abbey Band Concerts

N. Information on the Victoria and Albert Museum

2. Book on St. George’s Chapel

B. Book on Robert the Bruce

C. Book on Bonnie Prince Charlie

D. Book on Harrods

E. Book on King Henry VIII

F. Book on Westminster Abbey

G. Book on Richard III

H. Book on the Royal Line of Succession

3. Book on St. Paul’s Cathedral

B. Book on The London Dungeon

C. Book on the City of Winchester

D. Book on London, a pictorial guide

E. Book on Buckingham Palace

F. Book on the Houses of Parliament

G. Book on the Tower of London

4. Souvenir Guide to the Victoria and Albert Museum

B. The official chart of The Tower of London

C. “The Louisiana Purchase”by Bernard De Voto

5. List of Old Illinois Central Railroad Engineers and Employees compiled by Mr. Sharp
and Nelson Penton

6. Sharp’s Livingston Parish History

A. “Village honors its 1st mayor, 1953 beginning,” in unidentified newspaper, written
by Laureen Tedesco

B. “Hungarian Settlement,” by Phil Blankenhorn of Gumbo Magazine, March 30, 1986

C. “Personality of the Week-Early Ray Wascom,” in unidentified newspaper by Phil

Womack, July 12, 1984

D. “Police News, “Livingston authorities make 22 arrests,” unidentified newspaper

E. “Hungarian Church a monument,” by Edna Campbell, the Hammond Vindicator, January
21, 1982

F. “Ward2 marshal continues without opposition,” by Phil Womack, unidentified newspaper,

G. Letter from Golda Forrest

H. “Electric Utility Development in Livingston Parish,” written by Clark Forrest and
presented on April 23, 1992; this draft was given to Judge Ford on May 1, 1992

7. “Land Records Found in England,” St. Tammany Farmer, August 2, 1079

A. “The Lady is lord of London,” by Sharon Litwin of the Times-Picayune, August 26,

B. (2) “Louisiana Ancestors- Researching in Scotland, Ireland, and the British Isles,”
by Damon Veach of the Times-Picayune, March 9, 1980

C. (2) “Louisiana Ancestors-More Places to Look When Researching in Great Britain,”
by Damon Veach of the Times-Picayune, March 2, 1980

E. (3) “Louisiana Ancestors- What you should know before taking a Research Trip,”
by Damon Veach of the Times-Picayune, February 24, 1980

F. “Missing Seal is Returned,” St. Tammany Farmer, August 2, 1984

8. Miscellaneous Research Notes

9. “The Iberville Canal Project: Its Relation to Anglo-French Commercial Rivalry in
the Mississippi Valley, 1763-1775,” by Douglas Stewart Brown, The Mississippi Valley
Historical Review

10. St. Tammany Historical Society’s “Chronological Order of Historical Events, 1699-1830”

B. English Land Grants in St. Tammany Parish and West Florida

11. a) Charges for Photo-copies at London Public Records, June 18, 1979.

b) Brochures for the Public Records Office. c) Address and London Contacts list. d) Public record office admission ticket. e) Public record office: application for a reader’s ticket. f) India Office Library and Records. g) Public record office receipt dated 17-7-79. h) Customer’s receipt dated April 3, 1980. i) Contacts of specialists in office records. j) Letter from D.L. Thomas to Mr. D.J. Sharp dated 13 March 1980. Attached is a map
of the public records office and an excerpt from London: The Sights. k) Letter from Judith Farrington to Enquirer, contains brief vita of Farrington.
l) Letter from Sara Tyache, Assistant Keeper to Mr. Gary Weichs. Dated Sept. 3rd,
1980. Attached is procedure list for photographic service guide and price list.

BOX 5 – British Land Grants, raising first American flag over St. Tammany and Biography
of Elias Durnford, Lt. Gov. And surveyor of British West Florida


1. Research on the Location of British Land Grants in the area of Mandeville and the
Tchefuncte River

B. “An Enduring Community:Anglo-American Settlers at Colonial Natchez and in the Felicianas,
1774-1810, by Light Townsend Cummins, in the Journal of Mississippi History, May 1993,
along with personal research

C. “Photographs from Mr. Sharp’s Presentation for the St. Tammany Historical Society,
Inc. on British West Florida Land Grants, 1774-1779

2. Research on air fields in Louisiana

B. Research on the Gulfport Field of the Army Air Force

3. Research on the first American Flag to be flown in St. Tammany Parish in preparation
for a presentation at the Thomas Noble Chapter Louisiana State Society of the National
Society Daughters of the American Colonists Marker Dedication, August 26, 2006

4. Robert Edward Gray’s Master Thesis on Elias Durnford, and personal research on
British West Florida

5. Taped recording of Mr. Sharp’s personal commentary on the items which can be found
in his donation to the Center for Southeast Louisiana Studies

Box 6 – Joseph Trottier Desruisseaux, “Lord of the Ile Perrot, Canada and owner of
Pearl Island, Louisiana.

Folder 1

A. Loose Material at the front of the Folder

1. Article: The Times-Picayune. “Alfred Little, from Jefferson school chief” Sept.
21, 2003.

2. Marriage Contracts between Joseph Milon and Marie Franoise Girardy, Louis Rene
Francois de Mane and Francoise Lauren Le Blanc.

3. Copy of The Times-Picayune; Dixie. Dec. 14, 1975.

4. Article: “Black Revolt leader became a symbol to Louisiana slaves” by Alex Martin
Feb.12, 1984.

5. Appendix C (Governors of France) and Appendix D (Intendant of New France).

6. Excerpts: Lecomte/Lecomte 4pgs.

7. Map of the Iroquois Wars 1641-1701.

8. Excerpt: Images of Marie-Theresa Guyon Cadillac, 2pgs.

9. Excerpt: Danville/Dardene.

10. Excerpt: Pamilles de Scioneaux, 4pgs.

11. Le Bourg Des Trois-Rivieres

12. Letter to Donald Sharp from Steve Nielsen regarding the Snake River.

13. Article: The Times-Picayune. “Canadian visitors to Louisiana increase” March 15,

14. Excerpt: “French Explorers” 8pgs.

15. A French Canadian Heritage Society of Michigan Descendant Certificate Program.

16. Article: The Times-Picayune. “First families of Mobile seek Kin” July 1, 2001.

B. Bound Material

1. The Trottier Des Russeaux Family of Montreal and Ile Perrot, Canada

2. Antoine-Batiscan, 3 pgs.

3. History, 150pgs.

4. L’lle Perrot, 102pgs.

5. Detroit, 105pgs.

6. Illinois, 9pgs.

7. Mallets-Santa Fe, 42pgs.

8. Bayou St. John, 5pgs.

9. Nicholas Richard, 5pgs.

10. Fort de Cavagnial, 6pgs.

11. Homerooms, 6pgs.

12. Excerpt: Dictionary of Canadian Biography.

C. Loose Material at end of Folder

1. Excerpt: Lemarche/Lemay.

Folder 2

A. Bound Material

1. “A Dazzling Enigma; The Story of Morgan Edwards” by Howard R. Stewart, 417pgs.

2. The British in West Florida, 40pgs.

3. Principal players in trial no. 225, 23pgs. Letchworth and wife vs. Bartles and
wife, 1825 – 1829. The beginning of Mandeville.

Folder 3: Picture of Jerome Phelypeaux de Pontchartrain

A. Loose Material at front of Folder

1. Excerpt: “Probate Racketeering in Colonial Louisiana” by James D. Harry Jr.

B. Bound Material

1. Introduction, 137pgs.

2. Tar Production, 164pgs.

3. Hertel de Rouville Family of Canada and Bayou Lacombe, 64pgs.

4. Vaudreuil Family of Canada and Louisiana, 22pgs.

C. Loose Material in back of Folder

1. History and Settlement From Bayou Lacombe to the Pearl River 1699-1800.

Folder 4: Intestate Succession of Don Antonio Bonnabel, New Orleans merchant whose estate acquired
in 1798 is now Fountainbleau State Park, 227pgs.

Folder 5: “The Tchefuncte River and the History of Madisonville” by Donald J. Sharp

A. Loose Material

1. Article: The Times-Picayune. “River yields even more treasures” Aug.7, 1995.

3. Article: “Parish’s first courthouse unearthed” by Erin Mangiapune.

4. Article: The News Banner. “Planned new courthouse one in a string of courthouses”
Oct.21, 1998.

5. Excerpt: “The Location of Fort Oak” opposite Madisonville on Tchefuncte River,

6. Title page: “James Rumsey; Pioneer in Steam Navigation” by Ella May Turner.

B. Bound Material – General History of St. Tammany from 1699 to 1850 featuring some
early settlers and land grants for the French, British, Spanish and American periods

1. Introduction, 3pgs.

2. French Period, 45pgs.

3. British Period, over forty British land claims in the Bayou Castin and Tchefuncte
River areas, crude map, 167pgs.

4. Spanish Period 55pgs.

5. Fraudulent Claims, from 1803 through 1805 in St. Tammany, 50pgs.

6. American Period, 121pgs.

7. Bibliography, 24pgs.

Folder 6: The History and Settlement of Pearl River vol. 5.

A. Bound Material – Early Settlers

1. Combelle, 25pgs.

2. Pichon, 2pgs.

3. Judice, 6pgs.

4. Early inhabitants between Bayou Bonfouca and Pearl River, 95pgs.

5. N. Fromentin, 14pgs.

6. Francois Rillieux, Vincinte Rillieux, 54pgs.

7. Herpin De La Gantrais and Jean Claude Favre, 156pgs.

8. Pearl River, 159pgs.

9. Pearl Island, 81pgs.

B. Loose Material at end of Folder

1. Article: The Daily Sentry-News. “Bayou fair built on mass-covered”.

2. Excerpts on Francois Pichon, 17pgs.

3. St. Charles Civil Abstract 1770-1803.

4. The Witz Family

5. Email to Donald Sharp from John Campeau concerning the Favre family and the Reine

6. Claude Favre of Mobile and West Pearl River.

BOX 7 – John Shaw Letterbook – Captain John Shaw was First Commandant of the New Orleans
Station, 1806-1808 and 1810-1813

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook – New Orleans Station, Jan. 10, 1810 – Jan. 5, 1813

Page Date Sender Receiver

1 Jan.10, 1810 Capt. David Porter Hon. Paul Hamilton

1 June 15 Lt. Michael B. Carroll . Paul Hamilton

1 June 19 ” ” Lt. Comm. David Patterson

2 June 20 ” ” Major Daniel Carmick

2 June 20 ” ” Lt. Comm. John Henley, George Washington’s nephew

3 June 22 ” ” Midshipman James Bliss

3 June 20 ” ” Lt. Comm. David Patterson

3 June 21 ” ” Lt. Comm. David Patterson

4 June 21, 1810 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton, Sec. Of Navy

4 Aug. 12, 1809 ” ” General James Wilkinson

5 June 28, 1810 ” ” Lt. Comm. William Carter, Jr

5 July 3 ” ” Boatswain M. Smith

5 July 3 ” ” Boatswain Joseph Curry

6 July 2 ” ” Lt. Comm. John Henley

7 July 2 ” ” Major Daniel Carmick, U.S. Marine at New Orleans

7 July 2 ” ” Lt. W.T. Reed

7 July 2 ” ” Thomas B. Robinson

7, 8 July 2 ” ” Mr. George Ulbrick

8 July 4 ” ” Lt. W.T. Reed

8 July 5 ” ” Lt. Comm. Patterson

8 July 5 ” ” Mr. Albert S. Bartheulf

9 July 5 ” ” Mr. William Johnston

9 July 5 ” ” Capt. David Porter

9 July 5, 1810 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

9 July 5 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

10 General Order Evans, Midshipman Perault

10, 11 July 5, 1810 M. B. Carroll Hon. Paul Hamilton

11 July 17 ” ” George Davis

12 July 17 ” ” Thomas C. Magruder

12 July 17 ” ” Lt. Comm. D. T. Patterson

12 July 20 ” ” Mr. William Peters

12 July 20 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

13 July 20 ” ” Lt. D. T. Patterson

13 July 21 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

13 July 25 ” ” Midshipman James Bliss

14 July 26 ” ” Midshipman James Bliss

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

14 July 26 ” ” Midshipman James Henley, George Washington’s nephew

14 July 27 ” ” Lt. Comm. D.T. Patterson

14 July 27 ” ” Lt. Comm. D. T. Patterson

15 July 28 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

15, 16 July M. B. Carroll Lt. W. Carter

16 July 30 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge, brother of Capt. William Bainbridge

16 Aug. 1, 1810 ” ” Midshipman James Roney

16 Aug. 1 ” ” Lt. Comm. D. T. Patterson

17 Aug. 2 ” ” Lt. Comm. D. T. Patterson

17 Aug. 2 ” ” Lt. Henley

17 Aug. 2 ” ” Lt. Comm. Merrill

17 Aug. 3 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

18 Aug. 3 ” ” Lt. Comm. D. T. Patterson

18, 19 Aug. 2 ” ” Paul Hamilton, Sec. Of Navy

19 Aug. 3 ” ” Act. Sailing Master Lasportas

19 Aug. 3 ” ” Act. Sailing Master Lasportas

19 Aug. 3, ” ” Act. Lt. Budd

19, 20 Aug. 4, ” ” Lt. Comm. George Merrill

20 Aug. 4, ” ” Lt. Gamble

20 Aug. 4 ” ” Lt. Comm. D. T. Patterson

20, 21 Aug. 8, ” ” Allen Gorhaxm, mastercarpenter

21 Aug. 12 ” ” Major D. Carmick

21 Aug. 15 ” ” Thomas ap Catesby Jones

21 Aug 15. ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

22 Aug. 17 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

22 Aug. 17 ” ” Lt. Comm. Patterson

22, 23 Aug. 17 ” ” Lt. Comm. Patterson

23 Aug. 17 ” ” Lt. Comm. J. D. Henley

23 Aug. 18 ” ” Thomas ap Catesby Jones

23 Aug. 22 ” ” J.D. Heap

24 Aug. 22 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

24 Aug. 24 ” ” Lt. Comm. Dexter

24 Aug. 24, 1810 ” ” Lt. M. Gamble, Fort Adams

24 Aug. 24 ” ” Lt. Comm. Patterson, Natchez

24 Aug. 24 ” ” Lt. Comm. Patterson

25 Aug. 25 ” ” Hon, Paul Hamilton

25 Aug. 30 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

25 Aug. 30 ” ” Major Daniel Carmick

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

25 Aug. 30 ” ” Act. S. Master George Ulrick

25 Aug. 30, ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

26 Aug. 30 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

26, 27 Aug. 31 ” ” Lt. Wm. Carter

27 Aug. 31 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

27 Sept. 1, 1810 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

28 Sept. 3 ” ” Midshipman Samuel Henley

28 Sept. 3 ” ” Midshipman Thompson

28, 29 Sept. 3, ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

29 Sept. 4 M.B. Carroll Lt. Gamble

29 Sept. 6 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

29 Sept. 6 ” ” Lt. Comm. Merrill

30 Sept. 7 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

30 Sept. 13 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

31 Sept. 13 ” ” Lt. Comm. Bainbridge

31 Sept. 13 ” ” Lt. Comm. Patterson

32 Sept. 13 ” ” Lt. Comm. Patterson

32 Sept. 15 ” ” Lt. Comm. Henley

32, 33 Sept. 20 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

33 Sept. 23 ” ” Lt. Comm. D. Dexter

33, 34 Sept. 26 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

34 Oct. 1, 1810 ” ” Lt. H. J. Read

34 Oct. 1 ” ” Mid. Roney

34 Oct. 1 ” ” Mid. John Henley

34 Oct. 4 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

34 Oct. 4 Transferred command to Capt. Joseph Tarbell

35 Nov. 7, 1810 Capt Joseph Tarbell Hon. Paul Hamilton

35 Nov. 8, ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

35, 36 Nov. 8 ” ” Lt. D.T. Patterson

36 Nov. 8 ” ” Lt. Lewis Alexis

36 Nov. 16 ” ” Midshipman George Senatt

37 Nov. 16 ” ” Lt. D.T. Patterson

37 Dec. 3 ” ” S. M Robert Spedden

37 Dec. 3 ” ” Thomas ap C. Jones

37 Dec. 6 ” ” Enoch H. Johns

37 Dec. 8 ” ” Midshipman Nicholas Pope

38 Dec. 7 ” ” Paul Hamilton

38 Dec. 7 ” ” Lt. George Merrill

38 Dec. 8 ” ” David Gursinger

38 Dec. 9, 1810 ” ” Surgeon Robert Kearney

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

38 Dec. 9 ” ” William Barnwell

39 Dec. 11 ” ” William Carter, Jr

39 Dec. 11 ” ” Heathcote Reid

Thomas ap C. Jones

39 Dec. 14 ” ” Heathcote Reid

39 Dec. 14 ” ” Thomas ap C. Jones

39 Dec. 14 ” ” Comm. D. L.Dexter

39 Dec. 17 ” ” Midshipman J. Henley

40 Dec. 17 ” ” Midshipman Cunningham

40 Dec. 17 ” ” Lt. Comm. D. L. Dexter

40 Dec. 18 John Shaw Lt. Commanding the Navy Yard

40 Dec. 19 ” ” Lt. John B Nevitt

41 Dec. 19 John Shaw Daniel T. Patterson

41 Dec. 20 ” ” Gov. WCC Claiborne

41 Dec. 22 ” ” Midshipman John Thompson

41 Dec. 22 ” ” Paul Hamilton, Sec. Of Navy

42 Dec. 28 ” ” Gov. WCC Claiborne

42 Dec. 29 ” ” Capt. Joseph Tarbell

43 Dec. 29 ” ” Mr. George Senatt

43 Dec. 29 ” ” Lt. Lewis Alexis

43, 44 Dec. 30 ” ” Lt. Lewis Alexis

44 Dec. 31 ” ” Lt. C.B. Thompson

45 Capt. Shaw’s predecessor, Capt. David Porter attempted to build telegraph communication
(flags) to the Belize in 1808.

45 Jan. 2, 1811 Circular John Shaw to the Officers of the US Navy New Orleans re:
death of Samuel Barron

45, 46, 47 Jan. 3, 1811 John Shaw Hon. Paul Hamilton

47 Jan.4 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

47 Jan. 4 ” ” Amos Evan, Surgeon

47 Jan. 3 ” ” Lt. J Henley

47 Jan. 3 ” ” Cunningham

48 Jan. 5 ” ” Charges of Daniel Patterson

48 Jan. 5 ” ” Mr. Perry

48 Jan. 5 ” ” Mr. G. Farragut

48, 49 Jan. 5 ” ” Mr. Cunningham

49 Jan. 6 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel Dexter

49, 50 Jan. 6 ” ” Heathcote Reid

50 Jan. 7 ” ” Midshipman G. Senatt

50 Jan. 12 ” ” Worker in the armory

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

51 Jan. 16 ” ” Lt. Carter

51, 52, 53 Jan. 18 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

54 Jan. 19 ” ” Lt. Dexter

54 Jan. 24 ” ” Act. Lt. Dallas

54, 55 Jan, 25, 1811 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

55 Jan. 28 ” ” Lt. Comm. D.S. Dexter

56 Jan. 28 ” ” Lt. George Merrill

57 Jan. 22 ” ” Joseph Macpherson

57, 58 Feb. 1, 1811 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

59,60, 61 Flag hoisted at Tchefuncte, Jan. 6, 1811, Necessary of Marines and a Hospital

61 Feb. 1, 1811 John Shaw Daniel Patterson

61, 62 ,60 Feb, 2 ” ” Capt. Joseph Tarbell

63, 64, 65 Feb. 2 John Shaw Lt. Comm. John Henley

65 Feb. 5 ” ” Robert S. Kearney, Surgeon of the Lake Division

66 Feb. 5 John Shaw Otho Norris

66 Feb. 5 ” ” Lt. M.B. Carroll

67 Feb. 8 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

68 Feb. 14 ” ” Midshipman John Thompson

68, 69 Feb. 16 ” ” Midshipman Nelson Webster

69, 70 Feb. 22 ” ” James Mather

70, 71 Feb. 23 ” ” Commanding Officer of the Lake Division

71 Feb. 23 ” ” Thomas Cunningham, Command Officer

72 Captain John Shaw Orders to all officers

72, 73 Feb. 28, 1811 ” ” Lt. Comm. William C. Cater

73 Feb. 28 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

74 March 1, 1811 ” ” Lt. Comm. John B. Nevitt

75 March 2 ” ” Brig. Gen. W. Hampton

75, 76 March 5 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

76, 77 March 5 ” ” Midshipman Francis Gregory

77 March 6 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

78 March 5 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel Patterson

78 March 6 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

78, 79 March 6 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

79 March 7 ” ” James M. Lewis

79 March 7 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

79, 80 March 7 ” ” Lt. John B. Nevitt

80, 81 March 7 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

81 March 7 ” ” Mr. George Penat

82 March 11 ” ” Major Daniel Carmick

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

82 March 14 ” ” Governor Claiborne

83, 84 March 15 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

85, 86

86 March 16 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

87 March 16 ” ” Lt. John Henley

88 March 1 ” ” Lt. William Carter

89 March 19 ” ” Thomas L. Cunningham

89 March 21 ” ” Thomas C. Magruder

90 March 21 ” ” James Raney

90, 91 March 22 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

92, 93

93, 94, 95 March 28 ” ” Gov. WCC Claiborne

95, 96 March 29 ” ” Lt. Comm. Lewis Alexis

96 March 29 ” ” John A. Kearney

97 March 27 ” ” Sailing Master Richard Dealy

97 March 28 ” ” Act. Sail Master Frances Gregory

97 April 1, 1811 John Shaw Elisha Norton

97, 98 April 1 ” ” Lt. Comm. Charles Thompson

98, 99 April 2 ” ” Hon. James Mather, Mayor of the city of New Orleans

99, 100 April 3 ” ” Lt. Lewis Alexis

100 April 3 ” ” Thomas ap Catesby Jones

100, 102, April 3 ” ” Lt. Comm. George Merrill


103 April 8 ” ” Brig. Gen. W. Hampton

104 April 9 ” ” Mr. Francis Gregory

104 April 9 ” ” Mr. Enoch Johns

105, 106 March 25, 1811 Mayor Mather Capt John Shaw

106, 107 April 11, 1811 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

107, 108 April 11 ” ” Capt. Joseph Tarbell

108, 109, April 12 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

110, 111

111 April 14 Capt. John Shaw Robert Spedden

112 April 15 ” ” Gov. WCC Claiborne

112 April 16 ” ” Mr. Thomas Watts

113 April 16 ” ” Capt. Joseph Tarbell

114 April 16 ” ” Capt. Joseph Tarbell

115 April 18 ” ” Joseph Macpherson

115 April 19 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

115, 116 April 20 ” ” Dr. James Wells


117 April 23 ” ” Capt. Joseph Tarbell

117, 118 April 24 ” ” Lt.Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

118, 119 May 1, 1811 ” ” Lt. Harvey

119 May 2 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

119, 120, May 9 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

121, 122

122, 123 May 9 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

123, 124 May 11 ” ” Lt. John Henley

124, 125 May 10 ” ” Mr. George Ubrich

125 May 14 ” ” Thomas Watts

125 May 14 ” ” Francis Gregory

126 General Orders

126 May 14 Capt. John Shaw Lt. Comm Daniel S. Dexter

127 May 15 ” ” Lt. Comm. Michael B. Carroll

127 May 15 ” ” Lt. Comm. Michael B. Carroll

127 May 15 ” ” Lt. Jacqueline B. Harvey

128 May 15 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel Dexter

128 May 15 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel Patterson

129 May 15 ” ” Lt. Heathcote Reid

129 May 15 ” ” Capt. Joseph Tarbell

130 May 18 Capt. John Shaw Hon. Paul Hamilton

130 May 20 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

131 May 20 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel Dexter

131 May 16 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel Patterson

131, 132 May 24 ” ” Dr. James Wells

132 May 24 ” ” Lt. Comm. John Henley

132, 133 May 24 ” ” Mr. Thomas Cunningham

133 May 28 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

134 May 30 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel Dexter

134, 135 May 31 ” ” Lt. Comm. Jacq. Harvery

135 May 31 ” ” Dr. Robert S. Kearney

135 May 31 ” ” Lt Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

136 May 31 ” ” Mr. George Anthon

136 June 1, 1811 General Orders for sentinels to not discharge fire arms in direction
of the city

137 June 3 Capt. John Shaw Lt. Comm. George Merrill

137 June 3 ” ” Mr. Richard Dealy

137, 138 June 3 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

139 June 6 ” ” Mr. William Johnson

139, 140 June 6 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

141, 142

143, 144 June 8 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge


145 June 7 ” ” Robert S. Kearney

145 June 8 ” ” Mr. William Johnson

146 June 9 ” ” Gov. WCC Claiborne

146 June 10 ” ” Lt. John D. Henley

146 June 10 ” ” Mr. Samuel Henley

147 June 10 ” ” Thomas C. Magruder

147 June 12 ” ” Lt Comm. B. F. Read

147, 148 June 12 ” ” Lt. Comm Joseph Bainbridge


149 June 13 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

150 June 14 ” ” Mr Richard Dealy

150 June 18 ” ” Midshipman James Nichols

151 June 15 ” ” Mr. Nicholas Pepe

151 June 15 ” ” Gov. WCC Claiborne

152, 153 June 16 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

154 June 16 ” ” Mr. Nathaniel D. Nicholson

154, 155 June 16 ” ” Lt Comm. Daniel Dexter

155, 156 June 16 ” ” Lt. Comm Benjamin F. Reed


159 June 17 ” ” Mr. Enoch H. Johns

159, 160 June 17 ” ” John A Kearney

160 June 17 ” ” Robert S. Kearney

160, 161 June 17 Capt. John Shaw Amos A. Evans

161 June 22 ” ” Mr. Thomas S. Cunningham

161, 162 June 22 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

163 June 18 ” ” Lt. Boyle, Marine Corps

164, 165, June 27 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll


166 July 1, 1811 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

167, 168 June 28, 1811 ” ” Poree Esquire, French Command

169 July 1, 1811 ” ” Mr. George Ubrich

169 July 5 ” ” Mr. James Roney

170 July 5 ” ” Mr. Henry Rapp

170 July 5 ” ” Thomas Shields

170 July 8 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

171 July 8 ” ” Pollard Davis, midshipman

171, 172 July 9 ” ” Dr. James Wells

172, 173. July 18 ” ” Michael Perault

173, 174

174 July 20 ” ” Lt. Comm. George Merrill

175, 176 July 20 ” ” Lt. Comm. John Henley

176 July 22 ” ” William Garrard

176, 177 July 23 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

177, 178 July 23 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

178, 179 July 25 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

179 July, 1811 Sam D. Heap, Surgeon Certification of William Deane

179, 180 July 25 William Johnson Certification of William Deane Seaman

180, 81, 82 July 26 John Shaw Hon. Paul Hamilton

183 (Passage of Gun Vessels pass Mandeville Fort to Ft. Sloddart)

183 July 27 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

184, 185 July 27 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

186, 187 July 27 ” ” Mr.Francis, Gregory GV. 162 187 July 25 ” ” Mr. Jonathan D. Ferris

187 July 29 ” ” Lt. J.B. Harvie

187, 188 July 30 ” ” Midshipman Samual Heley

189, July 30 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

190 Lt. Benj. F Read ill order to shore at Bay St. Louis Mr. Gregory & Lt. Harvie
ordered to Washington

191, 192 July 30 ” ” Lt. Benj F Read G B. 156 (Order to rent sa

192, 193, Aug. 3, 1811 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton


194,195 Aug. 7 ” ” Lt. Comm.. M.B. Carroll

195 Aug. 7 ” ” Mr. Nathanuel D. Nicholson g.v.162

196, 197, Aug. 7 ” ” Lt. Comt John D. Henley


198 Aug. 8 ” ” Mr. Thomas S. Cunningham Commd. The

198 Aug. 8 ” ” Lt. Com. Joseph Bainbridge

198, 200 Aug. 8 ” “

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

200 Aug. 9 Capt. John Shaw Major W. Mac Rear, Comm. U.S. military forces

200 Aug. 9 ” ” S.M. Thomas Watts

200, 201 Aug. 9 Circular Orders Following Commanders

201, 202 Aug. 9 ” ” Mr. Robert Spedden G.V. no. 66

202 Aug. 9 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

202 Aug. 9 ” ” Mr. Thomas S. Cunningham

203, 204 Aug. 8 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

205, 206 Rank of Officers Flying Of

206, 207 Aug. 16 ” ” Lt. Comm. George Merrill (Capture of suspected pirates

207, 208 Aug. 16 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll

209 Aug. 17 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Banbridge

210 Aug. 17 ” ” Lt. Comm John D. Henley

210 Aug. 17 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louis Alexis no. 65

210 Aug. 24 ” ” Midshipman Michael Perralt, Bay St. Louis G.V. no. 29

211 Aug. 28 ” ” His Excellency Gov. W.C.C. Claiborne

211 Aug. 24 ” ” Thomas S. Cunningham

212 Aug. 23 John R. Grymes Dist. Attorney Commodore Shaw

212 Sept 2, 1811 Capt John Shaw Lieut. Comm. John D. Henley

213, 214, Sept. 2 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D.

215 Henley

215, 216 Sept. 13 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

217, 218 (Location of Gunboat survivors & Brig Siren & Viper; General condition in
the city: fever rages)

218, 219 Sept. 15, 1811 Capt. John Shaw Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson (Leaving for
Bay St. Louis. Giving D. Patterson instructions & Command)

220 Sept. 16 Captain John Shaw Hon. Paul Hamilton

220 Sept. 16 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

220, 221 Sept. 20 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

221, 222 Sept. 20 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

222 Sept. 22 ” ” Mr. Thomas S.Cunningham

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

222, 223 Sept. 22 ” ” Lt. Comm. William Carter

223, 224 Sept. 22 ” ” Midshipman Nelson Wolster

224 Sept. 22 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

224, 225 Sept. 24 ” ” Lt. Comm. Charles C.B. Thompson

225 Sept. 25 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louis Alexis

226 Sept. 26 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louis Alexis

226, 227 Sept. 26 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

227 Sept. 27 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel S. Dexter

228, 229 Sept. 28 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel S. Dexter


230, 231 Sept. 28 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel S.Dexter

231 Sept. 28 ” ” Lt. Comm Joseph Bainbridge

231, 232 Sept. 29 ” ” Lt. Comm Joseph Bainbridge

232, 233 Oct. 5, 1811 ” ” His Excellency Gov. William C.C. Claiborne

233 Oct. 5 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson

234 Oct. 5 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louis Alexis G.V. no. 65

234 Oct. 8, 1811 Capt. John Shaw Comm. Joseph Bainbridge

236 (Placed under arrest and Specifications of charges)

236, 237 Oct. 8 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel S. Dexter

237, 238 Oct. 8 ” ” Lt. Comm. Michael B. Carroll

238, 239 Oct. 9 ” ” Mr. Nathaniel D. Nicholson

239 Oct. 17 ” ” Lt Comm. John D. Heneley

240 Oct. 14 ” ” Lt Comm. John D. Heneley

241 Oct. 30 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louis Alexis G.V. 163

242 Oct. 28 ” ” Dr. James Wells

242, 243 Oct. 30 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll U.S. Brig Siron

244 Nov. 1, 1811 ” ” William Barnwell Esq.

244 Nov. 1 ” ” Nicholas Peipe Esq. Midshipman U.S. Navy

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

244 Nov. 1 ” ” Mr. Philip Philibert

245, 246 Nov. 3 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel S Dexter

247 Nov. 6 ” ” Thomas Ap Catesby Jones

247 Nov. 6 ” ” Mr. Thomas S Cunningham

247 Nov. 6 ” ” Doctor William Barnwell

248 Nov. 9 ” ” John T. Shubrich Esq.

248 Nov. 9 ” ” Elisha Norton Esq.

248, 249 Nov. 10 ” ” Honored Paul Hamilton Sect. of the U.S. Navy

249, 250 Nov. 10 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll

251, 252 Nov. 12 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson

253, 254 (Commencement opening of navy yard. Mr. Tell to call in a good

group of carpenters)

254 Nov. 13 ” ” Thomas H. Gregory Esq. G.V. 162

254, 255 Nov. 14 ” ” Mr. Michael Perault G.V. 22 (Proceed to Tchefuncte for careening)

255, 256 Nov. 14 ” ” Mr. Richard Dealy G.V. no.11 (Proceed to Tchefuncte for careening)

256 Nov. 14 ” ” Just arrived Mr. Thomas Watts Sailing Master

256, 257 Nov. 14 ” ” Mr. E

257, 258 Nov. 18 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. (Alligator stopping in at Tchefuncte) Patterson

258 Nov. 18 ” ” Mr. William Johnson

258 Nov. 18 ” ” Midshipman Nelson Webster G.V. no. 23

259 Nov. 14 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley (Ordered to Tchefuncte for Careening)

259, 260 Dec. 1, 1812 ” ” Lt. Comm. Charles C.B. Thompson

260 Dec. 4 ” ” Mr. George Senat

260 Dec. 22 ” ” Mr. Richard Dealy

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

261, 262 Dec. 22 ” ” Lt. Comm. William Carter ( G.v no. 11 & 22 completed careening
on Tchefuncte no. 25 & 24 next)

262, 263 Dec. 23, 1811 Capt John Shaw Lt. Louis Alexis

263 Dec. 23 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll

263 Dec. 26 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll

264 Dec. 25 ” ” Midshipmen William Garrard

264 Dec. 27 ” ” Mr. M. Perranlt- Comm. G.V. no. 27 Ft. St. John

264, 265 Dec. 28 ” ” Midshipman N. D Nicholson. 265 ” ” Midshipman William 265 Pollard

265, 266 Dec. 28 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson

266 Dec. 30 ” ” Lt. Comm. Joseph Bainbridge 266 Dec. 30 ” ” His Excellency Gov.


266 Dec. 31 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson commanding

the Navy Yard

267 Dec. 31, 1811 Capt John Shaw Lt. Comm. Daniel T.Patterson 267 Jan. 3, 1812 ” ”
His Excellency William C.C. Claiborne

267, 268 Jan. 3 ” ” Midshipman W.M. Garrard

268 Jan. 4 ” ” Lt. Comm. Michael P. Carroll 268, 269 Jan. 4 ” ” Mr. Thomas S. Cunningham
G.V. no. 25

269 ” ” Joseph Bainbridge Esq. Lt. (Changes Specification 3rd for arrest and trial)

270 Jan. 4 ” ” Mr. William Garrard G.V. no. 24

270 Jan. 4 ” ” Lt. Comm. Michael B. Carroll

271, 272 Jan. 6 ” ” Mr. John L. Diron G.V. no. 22

272, 273 Jan. 7 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louis Alexis Commanding Balize Division

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

273 Jan. 7 ” ” Lt. Comm. William Carter- Commanding the Mobile Division

274 Jan. 8 ” ” Mr. William H. Erwin, Commander of the Alligator (Dispatched to Tchefuncte Lt.
Comm. Henley)

274 Jan. 13 ” ” Mr. William Garrard

275 Jan. 8 “General Order” Capt. John Shaw (Future Complement of Officers

Marine & Seamen on G.V.)

275 Jan. 8 ” ” Lawrence Rousseaux Esq. Comm. Lt.

276 ” ” Frederich W. Smith, Esq.

276 Jan. 14 ” ” Mr. Joseph Bonnier an Acting midshipman

276 Jan. 14 ” ” Joseph Bonnier Esq. acting midshipman

277 Jan. 6 ” ” Mr. Erasmus Watkins

278 Jan. 27 ” ” Mr. Philip Philbert

279 Jan. 4 ” ” Ebenezer Cooley Esq. acting surgeon

280 Jan. 12 ” ” Mr. James Rodrich, Sailing Master

280 Jan. 12 ” ” Mr. James Rodrich, Sailing Master

280 Jan. 18 ” ” Mr. Thomas S. Cunningham G.V. 25

281 Jan. 22, 1812 Capt. John Shaw Mr. William Percy midshipman

281 Jan.23 ” ” Mr. Benjamin W. Booth Esq.

281, 282 Jan. 23 ” ” Mr. Thomas Shields, Esq.

282 Jan. 25 ” ” John K. Smith Esq. Navy Agent

283 Jan. 25 ” ” Thomas Shields Esq. Purser N.O. Station

283, 284 Jan. 27 ” ” Francis H. Gregory Esq.G.V. 162

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

284, 285 Jan. 27 ” ” Thomas ap C. Jones Esq. G.V. 162

285 Jan. 27 ” ” Mr. Robert Spedden

285 Jan. 28 ” ” Mr. Issac McKeeven, art S.M.

286 Jan. 28 ” ” Mr. James Roney

286 Jan. 29 ” ” Doct. Ebenezer Cooley

286, 287 Feb. 1, 1812 ” ” John K. Smith Esq. U.S. Navy

287 Feb. 1, 1812 ” ” Mr. Philip Philbert

287 Feb. 1 ” ” Mr. Clair Lebebre act. Midshipman

288 Feb. 2 ” ” Mr. James Roney G.V. no. 5

289 Feb. 3 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

289 Feb. 3 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

290, 291, (Correct Roster of Naval Forces at New Orleans)


293 Feb. 4 ” ” Lt. M.B. Carroll

293 Feb. 5 ” ” John R. Grymes esq. U.S. Dist. Attorney New Orleans

294 Feb. 5 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll

294 Feb. 5 ” ” John K. Smith Esq. U.S. Navy agent

294 Feb. 6 ” ” Mr. Daniel C. Nicholl, Acting midshipman

295 Feb. 6 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley G.V. 64

295 Feb. 6 ” ” Jonathan D. Ferris Esq. G.V. no. 27

295, 296 Feb. 6 ” ” Mr. Enoch H. Johns

296 Feb. 6 ” ” Mr. Jonathan D. Ferris, Esq. G.V.27

296, 297 Feb. 7 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel S. (Roster of Brig.Viper) Dexter V.S. Briza

297, 298 Feb. 10 Capt. John Shaw Hon. Paul Hamilton

298 Feb. 10 ” ” Mr. Joseph Bent act. Midshipman

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

298 Feb. 11 ” ” Mr. Vincent LeSassier act. Midshipman

298 Feb. 11 ” ” Mr. Enoch H. Johns commanding G.V. 27 New Orleans

299 Feb. 11 ” ” Mr. Robert Spedden G.V. 65 off Bataria

299, 300 Feb. 12 ” ” Thomas

301 Feb. 14 General Order Capt John Shaw

301 Feb. 15 Capt. John Shaw Mr. Jonathan D. Ferris G.V. no. 163

301 Feb. 18 ” ” Mr. E

302 Feb. 7, 182 ” ” Appoint Oscar Davis act. Midshipman

303 Feb. 17, 1812 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

304, 305, (Description of Pirate Operations in New Orleans and Barataria)

306, 307 Mr. Shubrich has thumbs shot off in altercation in New Orleans

308 Feb. 19, 1812 ” ” Mr. Michael Perrautt commanding the alligator off Ft. St. John

308 Feb. 19 ” ” Mr. William Johnson S.M. U.S. Navy

309 Feb. 20 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

309 Feb. 21 ” ” Mr. Oscar Davis cut midshipman

309 Feb. 21 ” ” Mr. Thomas S. Cunningham act S.M. U.S. Navy

310 Feb. 22 Capt. John Shaw Mr. Champion Wood act. S.M. U.S. Navy

310 Feb. 22 ” ” Mr. Champion Wood (Transfer from Ft. St. John to Bayou Bridge public

310, 311,

312, 313 Feb. 21 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel S. (Barataria the General no

313, 314 Feb. 21 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel S. Dexter (List of ships that are identified
as Pirates)

314 Feb. 22 ” ” Mr. Jonathan D. Ferris, U.S. Navy no. 163

314, 315 Feb. 22 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

315 Feb. 22 ” ” Lt. Comm. Charles C.B. Thompson

315, 316 Feb. 24 ” ” Lt. Daniel S. Dexter

316 Feb. 24 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson

316 Feb. 24 ” ” Mr. James Watson Boatsman U.S. Navy New Orleans

317 Feb. 24 ” ” James B. Wright (Appointed Sailing Master)

317 Feb. 24 ” ” Mr. James B. Wright art. Sailing Master

317 Feb. 24 ” ” Ebenezer Cooley Esq. act surgeon New Orleans

318 Feb. 25 ” ” Doctor Ebenezer Cooley act surgeon

318 Feb. 25 ” ” Lt. Joseph Bainbridge

319 Feb. 25 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll

319 Feb. 25, 1812 Capt. John Shaw Mr. Michael Perranlt midshipman

320 Feb. 26 ” ” M.B. Carroll

320 Feb. 26 ” ” Lt. Comm. George Merrill Comm. G.V. no. 24

320, 321 Feb. 27 ” ” Midshipman Manuel Morales

321, 322 Feb. 27 ” ” Mr. John L. Dexon acting master U.S. Navy G.V. no. 22 (To Amite
River to cut timber)

322 Feb. 29 ” ” Mr. Robert Spedden G.V. no. 65

323 Feb. 29 ” ” Mr. Joseph Morales acting midshipmen 323, 324 March 2, 1812 ” Paul

325 March 2 ” ” Mr. Robert Spedden G.V. no. 66

325, 326 March 2 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

326 March 3 ” ” Mr. Francis H. Gregory G.V. no.162

326, 327 March 3 ” ” Lt. Comm. George Merrill(To transport troops to Tchefuncte)

327 March 3 ” ” Mr. Thomas Ap. C. Jones G.V. no. 156

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

327, 328 March 3 ” ” Mr. Thomas L. Callinder, midshipman

328, 329 March 3 ” ” Lt. Comm. George Merrill

329 March 4 ” ” Lt. Comm. Loius Alexis (Mr. Sequino Dock Yard)

329, 330 March 10 ” ” John K. Smith V.S. navy agent

330, 331 March 12 ” ” Mr. Champion Wood G.V. no. 25

331, 332 March13 ” ” Mr. Champion Wood G.V. no. 25 332 March 14 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

332 March 16, 1812 Capt. John Shaw Hon. Paul Hamilton

333 March 16 ” ” Lt. Comm. Chas C.B. Thompson G.V. no. 58

333 March 17 ” ” Mr. George Senat, midshipman

333 March 17 ” ” Mr. James Armstrong midshipman

334 A statement of the expenses incurred in the arsenal and dockyard at New Orleans
in repairs of Brigs and Viper and 14 gun vessles attached to the New Orleans Station

July 1st to December 31st, 1811.

335 March 17 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson

335 March 18 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll

326 March 19 ” ” John T. Shubrick act. Lt.

336, 337 March 19 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll

337 March 21 ” ” William Carter. Lt. Comm. Mobile Division

338 March 24 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

338 March 25 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson

338, 339 March 25 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

339 March 24 ” ” Mr. Thomas Pollock

340 March 30 ” ” Capt. Winfield Scott, Baton Rouge

340, 341 March 30 ” ” Mr. George Ulrich (First mention of the steamboat)

341 March 31 ” ” Thomas Ap Catsby Jones

341, 342 April 1 ” ” Robert S. Kearney Surgeon Brig

342 April 6 ” ” Capt. Winfield Scott

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

342 April 6 ” ” Mr. William A.C. Farragut midshipman

376 May 18, 1812 Capt. John Shaw Mr. Vincent Sessassier G.V. no.66

376, 377 May 18 ” ” Appointment of Edward Herries acting midshipman

377 May 18 ” ” Mr. Edward Herries

377, 378 May 18 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll Brig Siren

378 May 19 ” ” Mr. John L. Dixon G.V. no. 22

378 May 21 ” ” Mr. John L. Dixon G.V. no. 22

378, 379 May 21 ” ” Mr. Thomas Watts Sailing Master

379 May 21 ” ” Lt. Comm. D.T. Patterson Navy Yard

379, 380 May 22 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll Brig Viper

380 May 22 Court of Inquiry at Navy Yard

380 May 25 ” ” Mr. James Rooney G.V. no.23

381 May 25 ” ” Thomas Shields Esq. Purser

382 May 25 ” ” Lt. Comm. Mr. B. Carroll brig siren

382 May 25 ” ” Dr. John A. Kearney

382 May 25 ” ” Mr. Edward Herrie, art midshipman

383 May 27 ” ” Thomas Shields, Esq. Purser

383 May 28 ” ” Mr. William Johnson G.V. no.64

383 May 28 ” ” The Officer Commanding G.V. no.22

384 May 29 ” ” Midshipman Nelson Webster

384, 385 May 29 ” ” Mr. Martin Johnson art. S.M. G.V. no.22

385 May 29 ” ” Mr. Thomas Watts

385, 386, May 30 ” ” Lt. William Carter G.V. no. 5 387 Mobile Bay

387 May 30 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louis Alexis

388 May 30 ” ” Lt. Comm. Geo. Merrill, middle division, raised first American flag

Tchefuncte River, Jan. 6, 1811. Died at Madisonville in 1822.

389 May 30 ” ” Mr. Thomas Ap C. Jones G.V. no.156

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

389, 390 June 1, 1812 Capt. John Shaw Hon. Paul Hamilton


391 The armed vessels in service on the New Orleans station, together with the names
of their respected commanders

392, 393 June 2 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

393 June 3 ” ” Mr. William Johnson G.V. no.64

393, 394 June 3 ” ” Mr. Michael Perrault midshipman

394, 395 June 4 ” ” Mr. James Roney

395, 396 June 4 ” ” Major William McRea military commanding officer at New Orleans

396, 397 June 5 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll Brig Siren

398, 399, June 6 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley Brig 400 Viper

401 June 8 ” ” Mr. Champion Wood G.V. no.25

401 June 8 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll, brig siron

401 June 8 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley

401, 402 June 4 ” ” His Excellency Gov. Claiborne

402, 403 June 8 ” ” Col. Robert Pundy military commanding officer at Baton Rouge

403, 404 June 9 ” ” Lt. Comm. William Carter G.V. no.5

404, 405 June 13 ” ” Mr. James Roney G.V. no.23

405 June 15 ” ” Thomas Shields purser

405 June 15 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

406, 407 A complete list of the commissioners and warrant officers on the New Orleans
station , June 15, 1812.

408 June 16, 1812 Capt. John Shaw Lt. Comm. John Henley

409 June 17 ” ” Mr. Champion Woods

409, 410 June 17 ” ” Dr. Ebenezer Cooley, Balize Division

411 June 17 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll, Brig Siren

411 June 18 ” ” Mr. James Roney, G.V. No. 20

412, 413 June 20 ” ” Lt Comm. M.B. Carroll

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

413 June 20 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B.Carroll

413 June 22 ” ” Daniel T. Patterson, Navy Yard

414 June 22 ” ” Midshipman Joseph Berret

415 June 22 ” ” Lt. Comm. M.B. Carroll

415, 416 June 23 ” ” Mr. James Watson, Boatswain, Navy Yard

416, 417 June 23 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

417 June 24 ” ” His excellency, the General of Marine Vera Cruz

418, 419 June 24 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

420 June 27 ” ” Lt. Comm. D.S. Dexter

420 June 29 ” ” Mr. Edward ____

420 June 29 ” ” Mr. Richard Dealy. G.V. No. 11

421 June 30 ” ” Mr. James Roney, G.V. 23

421 June 30 ” ” Lt. F. Barbin De Bellevue

422 July 2, 1812 ” ” Dr. Robert Kearney

422 July 2 ” ” appointment of Dr. George Marshall, acting surgeon

422 July 2 ” ” Dr. George Marshall

423 July 2 ” ” appointment of Mr. William Watts, acting midshipman

423 July 2 ” ” Mr. William Watts

423, 424 July 3 ” ” Mr. George Ulrich

424, 425, July 6 ” ” Col. Robert Purdy


426, 427 July 7 ” ” Mr. John Dixon

427 July 7 ” ” Mr. Richard Dealy, G.V. 11

427, 428 July 4 ” ” Thomas B. Robertson, Esq. Attorney at law, New Orleans

428, 429 July 8 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel Dexter

429 July 9 ” ” The Officer Commanding the Balize Division – News of war with England

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

429, 430 July 9 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louis Alexis, Commanding Mobile Div. At Bay St. Louis

430, 431 July 9 ” ” Lt. Comm. George Merrill Commanding G.V. at Bay St. Louis

431, 432 July 10 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel S. Dexter

433, 434, July 10 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louis Alexis,

435, 436 Mobile Division

436 July 11 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louise Alexis, Mobile Division

436 July 11 ” ” Lt. Comm. J. Blakely, commanding Brig. Enterprise, New Orleans

437 July 12 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel Patterson

437 July 12 ” ” Mr. James Roney, G.V. 23

437, 438 July 12 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson, Navy yard (white oak timber on
River Amite, Forges acts up at Bay St. Louise and Fort St. Philips

439 July 27 ” ” Lt. Comm. John D. Henley, Brig Viper

439, 440 July 27 ” ” Lt. Comm. John Blakely, Brig Enterprise

440 July 28 ” ” Mr. Richard Dealy

441 July 28 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson

441 July 28 ” ” Mr. William Watts

441, 442 July 29 ” ” Mr. Champion Wood

442 July 30 ” ” appointed of William F. Shield acting midshipman

442, 443 July 30 ” ” Mr. William F. Shields

443, 444, Aug. 1, 1812 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel Dexter


445 Aug. 2 ” ” Lt. Comm. M. B. Carroll

446, 447, Aug. 4 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

448 (First mentioning building two block ships to the Secretary, Indians threatening
settlers on the Pascagoula River)

448 Aug. 6 ” ” Mr. George Ulrich, G.V. 22

448, 449 Aug. 6 ” ” Lt. Comm. William Carter

449 Aug. 7 ” ” Mr. Joseph Morales, acting midshipman

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

449, 450 Aug. 8 ” ” Lt. Comm. J. B. Blakely, Brig Enterprise

451 Aug. 8 ” ” Lt. Comm. John T. Henley, Brig Viper

451, 452 Aug. 10 ” ” Lt. Comm Daniel Dexter (Mahogany gun carriages)

452, 453, Aug. 11 ” ” Major Gen. James Wilkinson,

454, 455 Military Commander in The District of Mississippi (Capt. Shaw upset about
being place under Wilkinson’s Command)

456 Aug. 12 ” ” Gen. James Wilkinson

457 Aug. 11 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

457 Aug. 11 ” ” John Kilty Smith

458 Aug. 14 ” ” Major Gen. James Wilkinson

458 Aug. 14 ” ” Benjamin Morgan, Esq

458 Aug. 14 ” ” Mr. Harris (Schooner Deligence chartered by the Navy agent to pick

White oak on the Amite River)

459 Aug. 15 ” ” Mr. Isaac McKeever

459 Aug. 15 ” ” Mr. Richard Dailey

459 Aug. 15 ” ” Mr. William Johnson, G.V. 64

459, 460 Aug. 15 ” ” Lt. Comm. Daniel T. Patterson

460, 461 Aug. 16 ” ” General W. Helms, Navy Agent, New Port, Tennessee

462-466 Aug. 17 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton (Block ship for Rigolets under consideration)

467 Aug. 17 ” ” lt. Comm. J. Blakely

468, 469 Aug. 18 ” ” Major Gen. J. Wilkinson (Block ship to draw 4 ½ feet, cost $80,000)

469 Aug. 18 ” ” Lt. D. T. Patterson

Aug. 18 ” ” Lt. D.T. Patterson

Aug. 19 ” ” Daniel T. Patterson

470-472 Aug. 22 ” ” Lt. Comm. Louis Alexis, Bay St. Louis (Devastating hurricane hits
New Orleans)

472-476 Aug. 23 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

477 Aug. 23 ” ” Michael Perrault, Esq

477, 478 Aug. 23 ” ” Major Gen. James Wilkinson

478 Aug. 26 ” ” John K. Smith, Navy Agent

479 27th Circular

479 Certification to Don Diego Morphy

480 Aug. 28 ” ” Major Gen. Wilkinson (Capt. Shaw leaves with ship contractor and carpenters
to Select site for building the block ships

481 Aug. 29 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

482, 483 Sept. 27, 1812 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

485 Sept. 28 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

486 Sept. 29 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

486, 487, Oct. 27 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton


489, 490 Sept. 9 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

490, 491 Sept. 27 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

491- 493 Sept. 29 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

493, 494 Oct. 27 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson (Requesting carpenter from the army
for the building of the Block ship)

494 Oct. 24 ” ” Capt. Charles _____

496-498 Dec. 19 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

498-499 Dec. 22 a List of Public Vessels on the New Orleans station

499-500 Dec. 27 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson (Contract for the timber at Tchefuncte)

500 Dec. 31 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

500-501 Jan. 5, 1813 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson G.V. 66 and 24 to be handed ashore
and torn down to keel at Tchefuncte

501 Jan. 8 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

501-502 Jan. 11 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson-Shaw intends to leave for Tchefuncte in
two or three days For cutting timber for then complete frames for gun vessels And
timber for a Block ship

503 Jan. 14 ” ” Daniel T. Patterson

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

503 Jan. 14 ” ” Hon. William Jones, Sec. Of the Navy (Shaw and Patterson at the Tchefuncte,
Shaw briefing Patterson his successor of plans to return to Washington


504 Jan. 15 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson (troops at Petit Coquille)

504 Jan. 16 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

505-507 Jan. 16 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

508 Jan. 16 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton

510-512 Jan. 22 ” ” Hon. Paul Hamilton (Mentions he is cutting timber to lay down
keel for block Ship in April)

512-513 Jan. 24 ” ” Thomas H. Williams, Esq., Collector of Customs

513 Feb. 27, 1813 ” ” Hon. William Jones

513-516 March 12 ” ” Hon. William Jones (Two months cutting timber and storing it
at newly Established shipyard, will be ready to start Block ship by April 20th)

517 March 12 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

517 March 16 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson (Shaw wants to borrow 8 tents for men working
in the Woods cutting trees0

518 March 15 ” ” Gen. W. Helms, US Navy Agent, Newport, Tenn.

518 March 17 ” ” Thomas H. Williams, Collector of Customs

519 March 17 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

520 March 19 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

520 March 22 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

520 March 24 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson (G.V. 162 grounded on the bar at the mouth
of the Tchefuncte)

521 March 29 ” ” Hon. William Jones (Leave for taking Mobile)

522 March 31 ” ” Capt. W______

522- May 9 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

Captain John Shaw’s Letterbook Continued

523 (Shaw leaves Dauphin Island for Tchefuncte. Suggest a Battery of cannons be erected
at Mobile Point)

523 April 27 ” ” Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson

523 June 4, 1813 ” ” Brig. Gen. Thomas Flounay

524, June 4 Capt. Shaw answered questions submitted by Maj. Gen.Wilkinson on how to
defend Mobile Bay


526- April 19 ” ” Hon. William Jones (Summary to the Sect. On how Fort Charlotte was


529 June 7 ” ” Gov. WCC Claiborne

530- June 8 ” ” Brig. Gen Thomas Flounay


531- June 14 ” ” Hon. William Jones


533, June 12 ” ” Hon. William Jones


534 June 18 ” ” Hon. William Jones (Shaw to the Tchefuncte for 6 days. Will send a
plan to

Sect. Jones for procuring timber on the Tchefuncte, Mr. Smith, Navy agent, left for
Washington City with Maj. Gen. Wilkinson

535- June 28 ” ” Hon. William Jones

540 (Shaw gives Sec. Jones a progress report on the building Of the Block ship. He
describes the timber resources and the Physical asset. Of the Naval facility on the

540- July 5 ” ” Maj. Gen. William Jones (Shaw complains to Sec. Jones the difficulty
in obtaining Iron and canvass of the Block ship. 3rd Reg. Under Col. Constant left
city for Cincinnati, Ohio

543- Sept. 15 ” ” Hon. William Jones

545 (Capt. Shaw and Gov. Claiborne are at the Tchefuncte Navy Yard a plan to defend
themselves against Indians proposed by Claiborne. A stockade fort with marines and
heavy cannon to be build on Tchefuncte.Capt. Shaw predicts the British will attack
the Gulf Coast)

545- Oct. 22, 1813 ” ” Hon. William Jones

547 (Workers and carpenters at Tchefuncte sick with the fever. It will delay the launching
of the Block ship.)

547- Dec. 3, 1813 ” ” Hon. William Jones

549 (Shaw writing from Tchefuncte tells Jones Block ship bends in every effort made
to have it launched)

549- Dec. 21, 1813 ” ” Daniel T. Patterson, Commanding Officer at New Orleans

555 (Capt. Shaw writes a farewell letter giving Cap Patterson a general state of affairs
of the New Orleans station and the official transferring of authority

556, Dec. 22, 1813 Capt. John Shaw additional information and letters


558, Dec. 22 ” ” Hon. William Jones


560 Dec. 23 ” ” Daniel T. Patterson

Dec. 24 ” ” Daniel T. Patterson

Extra Content in Box:

561. Letter from John Shaw to Navy Department dated November 26, 1811. 562. Capt. John Shaw’s Letterbook, New Orleans Station, Jan. 10, 1810-Jan. 5, 1813.
Contents I. Brief Description of Important Letters. II. “Some Interesting Historical Incidents that Mentions the Northshore and the Tchefuncte
River Areas. III. Letters sent by Capt. David Porter, Lt. Michael B. Carroll, Capt. Joseph Tarbell
and Capt. John Shaw. 563. Article by Anita R. Campeau and Donald J. Sharp, “The United States Navy and
the Naval Station at New Orleans, 1804-1826.”

BOX 8 – microfilm of John Shaw’s letters (microfilm can be ordered from Library of

m 149 – Letters sent by the Secretary of the Navy to Officers, 1798-1868

Roll – 8 – Jan. 1, 1808 – Dec. 20, 1809

9 – Dec. 20, 1809 – March 28, 1812

10 – March 28, 1812 – June 30, 1813

11 – July 1, 1813 – Dec. 31, 1814

14 – May 17, 1820 – May 28, 1823

m 147 – Letters received by the Secretary of the Navy from Commanders, 1804-05

Roll – 1 – April 9, 1804 – Sept. 29, 1807

2 – Jan. 4 – Dec. 27, 1808

3 – Jan. 1 – Dec. 29, 1809

4 – Jan. 1, 1810 – Dec. 30, 1812

5 – Jan. 2, 1813 – Dec. 29, 1814

m 273 – Records of General Courts Martial and Courts of Inquiry of the Navy Dept.

Roll – 4 – 1805-1810

5 – 1810-1812

6 – 1812-1814

7 – 1814-1815

8 – 1815-1816

9 – Jan. 26, 1816 – June 5, 1817

m 441 – Letters sent by the Secretary of the Navy to Commandants and Navy Agents,

Roll – 1 – Jan. 2, 1808 – Aug. 27, 1816

T 12

Roll – 1 – Journey of John Lanbredth – Nov. 15, 1818 – 1819

F 157 – Daniel Dexter Letters – 1811 – 1813

BOX 9 – Microfilm on the U.S. Navy, 1804-1823

1. m 148 – Letters Received by the Sec. Of the Navy from Commanders – 1804-1886

2. m 125

3. m 745 – Letters sent by the Office of the Quartermaster General

4. m 1094 – General Orders and Circulars of the War Dept. And Headquarters of the
Army, 1809-1860

5. m 1099 – Annual Reports of the Dept. Of the Navy

6. m 441 – Letters sent by the Secretary of the Navy to Commandants and Navy Agents

7. m 370 – Miscellaneous Letters sent by the Sec. Of War, 1800-1809, (2 copies)

8. m 417 – Buell Collection of Historical Documents Relating to the Corps of Engineers,
1801-1819, (2 copies)

9. m 6 – Letters sent by the Secretary of War relating to Military Affairs – 1800-1889,

(3 copies)

10. m 178 – Correspondence of the Sec. Of the treasury with collectors of customs,

11. m 472 – Letters sent by the Secretary of the Navy to the President and Executive
Agencies, 1821-1886

12. m 209 – Miscellaneous Letters send by the Sec. Of Navy, 1798-1886, (2 copies)

13. m 506 – Letters received by the Topographical Bureau of the War Dept., 1824-1865

14. m 678 – Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers who served during the

War of 1812 in organizations from the Territory of Mississippi

15. m 259 – Passenger lists of Vessels arriving at New Orleans, 1820 – 1902

16 m 22 – Registers of Letters received by the Office of the Sec. Of War, Main Series,

1800-1870, (3 copies)

17. m 124 – Miscellaneous letters received by the Sec. Of the Navy, 1801-1884

18. m 1029 – Letters received by the Sec. Of Navy from the Attorney General of the
US containing Legal Opinions and Advice, 1807-1825

19. m 65 – Letters sent by the Office of the Chief of Engineers Relating to Internal
Improvements, 1824-1830

20 m 625 – Area file fo the Naval Records Collection, 1775-1910

21. m 1328 – Abstracts of Service Records of Naval Officers, 1829-1924

22. 125 – Letters received by the Sec. Of Navy from Captains, 1805-61; 1866-85

23. m 745 – Letters sent by the Office of the Quartermaster General, Main Series,

24. 977 – Navy Department General Orders and Circulars, 1798 – 1862

25. 148 – Letters received by the Sec. Of Navy from Commanding Officers below the
rank of Commander and from warrant, 1802-1884

26. 149 – Letters sent by Sec. Of Navy to Officers, 1798-1868, (2 copies)

27. Book – National Archives – Microfilm Resources for Research

– inside book –

28. – Letter from Donald Sharp – 11/12/90, 11/15/90, 11/25/90, 1/1/91,


29. – Paper describing the contents of M 147

30. – Order form for Microfilm

31. Book – re: m 147, 148, 209, 441

– inside book –

32. – Handwritten notes – Don Sharp – re: m 147 -Letters Received by Sec.

Of the Navy

33. Book – re: m 273 – John Landreth

– inside book-

34. – Handwritten notes – Don Sharp – miscellaneous phone numbers

35. Book – re: m 124, 125

BOX 10 – Miscellaneous Letters, mainly on early U.S. Navy and Marines on the New Orleans
Station, 1804-1826.


1. Naval War of 1812 Volume I 7 pgs.

2. St. Tammany Historical Society Membership Letter

3. Letter to Donald Sharp from Richard A. von Doenhoff, National Archives, 1989

4. Purchase order for a map of New Orleans

5. Index of documents regarding the Navy, receipt book and warrants 2 pgs.

6. Letter to Donald Sharp from Richard A. von Doen hoff, National Archives, 1989

7. Purchase order Library of Congress John Shaw papers

8. Letter to Donald Sharp from Mary Ann Hawkins, Archivist, National Archives, 1988

9. Letter to Donald Sharp from Jeanette Kling, Archivist, La. Sec. of State, 1991

10.Letter to Donald Sharp from John Easterly, La. State Univ. Press, 1990

11. Letter to Donald Sharp from Mabel Hemphill, St. Tammany Historical Society, grant
award notification, 1990

12. Copy of grant award, $500.00

13. Letter to Donald Sharp from Gary Morgan, National Archives, re: microfilm publication

14. Order from for microfilm publication

15. excerpt The Beginning of the US Navy, 1783-1812, pgs. 310-319, 354-355, 380-397

16. Map by Carlos Trudeau in 1801, 3 pgs,

17. List of US Marines

18. handwritten notes

19. excerpt The United States Marines pgs. 16-39

20. excerpt Semper Fidelis, History of the USMC

21. excerpt list of officers of the Navy and USMC from 1775-1900

22. excerpt Officers of the Marine Corps, 1798 to present time

23. American State Papers, Naval Affairs

24. Navy Registrar for 1818

25. Letter to Donald Sharp from Danny J. Crawford, Dept. of Navy, re: Marines in New
Orleans in early 1800s

26. excerpt, Home of the Commandants 7 pgs.

27. excerpt, A History of the US Marine Corps pgs. 18-111

28. Copy of a letter US Ship Louisiana May 4, 1814

29. booklet Implementation of the Monroe Doctrine 1994

30. Letters from David Dexter 1812

31. handwritten notes

32. Letters from Chris Goldsborough to Thomas Gingey 1809

33. Letters from R Smith to Thomas Gingey 1809

34. Letter to John K Smith from Benjamin Homand 1814

35. Letters to John K Smith from CW Jones 1814

36. Letter to John K Smith from Benjamin Homand 1814

37. Letters to M Murray from Benjamin Homand 1815

38. Letter to John K Smith from B. Homand 1815

39. Letter to John K Smith from BW Crowninshield 1815

40. Letter to John K Smith from B.W.C. 1816

41. Letters from B.W.C 1818

42. Letter to Miles King 1818

43. Letter to John Smith from B.H. 1818

44. Letter to John Smith from B.H. 1820

45. Letter from S.J. 1821

46. Letter to Joseph Hawkins from S.J. 1821

47. Letter of affirmation re: Joseph Hawkins by James Monroe 1821

48. Letter to George Harrison from S.J. 1821

49. Letter to Isaac Hull from S. J. 1821

50. Letter to William Simms 1822

51. Letter to D. Patterson from S.L.S. 1824

52. Letter to A. Sinclair from S.L.S 1824

53. Letter to Nathaniel Cox 1825

54. Letter to Nathaniel Cox from Sam Southard 1825 (2)

55. Letter to Naval Store Keeper from Sam Southard 1825

56. Letter to Nathaniel Cox from S.L.S 1826

57. Record Group No. 45 Office of Naval Records and Library, 1775-1910, c. 1945 pgs.
13-14, 42-49

58. Records of the US Marine Corps National Archives, 1970 3 pgs.

59. New Universal Dictionary of the Marines

60. Letter to John Rodgers from Sam Southard 1827

61. Letter to John Rodgers from Smith Thompson 1822

62. Letters to Navy Office 1816

63. Letter to Navy Office from John Rodgers 1817 (2)

64. Letter to Navy Office from John Rodgers 1818 (5)

65. Newspaper article re: Fort St. Phillip Times Picayune 3/3/1997

66. Newspaper article re: Woodland Plantation Times Picayune 1/18/1997

67. Handwritten bound book Capture of Baton Rouge 1810

68. bound book Fort Oak

69. 2 cassette tapes

70. Letters from David Patterson, 1/21/1814, 4 pgs

BOX 11

Binder – Navy Volume 3 – Navy and New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

1. Diagram of a ship

2. Pictures/descriptions of a cannon

3. List of Royal Navy – 1813

4. Letter to Donald Sharp from A.R. Foucha 7/1/1991

5. Entry on ‘Shields’ from ship’s encyclopedia 2 pgs

6. Page from Charles F. Gunther collection about the U.S. Navy

7. Letter to Donald Sharp from Alice Creighton 7/12/1991

8. Letter to Donald Sharp from Dr.William S. Dudley 7/8/1991

9. Officer letter 1821

10. Naval Operations from Dec. 1800 to Dec. 1801 2 pgs.

11. Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships 2 pgs.

12. Index list 1-10

13. Book order form for Algiers Point

14. Algiers Point: Historical Ambience and Property Analysis of Squares Ten, Thirteen,
and Twenty, With a view Toward their Archaeological Potential

Pgs. 9-23

15. book Commodore John Rodgers: Captain, Commodore, and Senior Officer of

the American Navy pgs. 1-410

16. book Rear Admiral John Rodgers pgs. 4-10

17. photo of George Washington with Lafayette

18. book Rear Admiral John Rodgers 1812-1882 pgs. 1-3

19. book Barataria and the Baratarians pgs. 3-175

20. book Vidal and Zoning in Spanish New Orleans, 1797 pgs. 270-389

21. book Edward Livingston pgs. 144-147

22. excerpt French Defenses Another Attempt pgs. 22-229

23. St. Tammany Historical Society memberships, 1989

24. St. Tammany Historical Society Newsletter, 1989 pgs. 1-3

25. article Soldiers Return re: Washington returns to Mt. Vernon pgs. 11-13

back pocket of binder

26. newspaper article obituary of Sam Wilson 10/22/1993

27. register of Officer Personnel and Ships Data 1801-1807 pgs. 1-2

28. article Booty from Below (re: Spanish ship) Times Picayune 12/7/1993

29. design of a gun boat

BOX 12 – Miscellaneous materials on early U.S. Navy at New Orleans, 1804-1826

Folder -1

1. Letter from 9/1814

2. Information guide for visitors to National Archives, 12/1976

3. Book – American Ships of the Line, 1969

4. Booklet – Maritime Books from Mystic Seaport Museum – Fall 1992

5. Copy of the Proceedings of Court of Inquiry as to the Conduct of Lt. Lawrence Cruise
– 12/26/1808

6. Excerpt – Roads, Rails and Waterways, The Army Engineers and Early Transportation
by Forest G. Hill

7. Excerpt – The Gulf Coast Theater – Orders to Economize, Problems of Ill Discipline,
Court Martial of Patrick Garrey

8. Excerpt – Sanctions – 4 pgs

9. Excerpt – table – re: Size of the Officer Corps, 1800-1815 – 3 pgs

10. Excerpt – Tables of Flogging – 6 pgs

11. Excerpt – Letter to Lt. Sam Miller from Dan Carmick – re: forms of punishment

12. Excerpt – List of Commissioned and Warrant Officers

13. Excerpt – Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Volume VII, 2 pgs

Folder – 2

1. Map/plan for front part of the city of New Orleans

2. Picture of a painting of Evalina Anderson Porter and daughter, wife and daughter
of Capt. David Porter, Evalina alongside a painting of The Frigate Essex

3. Sketch of two prisoners aboard a ship

4. Map of the Frigate Essex

5. Photocopy of picture of midshipmen Thomas ap Catesby Jones

6. Excerpt – The War of 1812 – painting of Albert Gallatin

7. Sketch of shipwright’s tools

8. Example of a recruiting poster alongside a painting of a man being punished

9. Sketch of Navy ship hanging a man

10.Picture of Navy man on a ship pointing to hanged man – (3 copies)

11. Naval Historical Center, Washington Navy Yard Visitors Guide

Binder – Lt. Michael Brown Carroll, US Navy, Commander of naval facility on the Tchefuncte
River during the Battle of New Orleans

1. Picture of Michael Brown Carroll painting from St.Mary’s Historical Society

2. Newspaper article – History at Sea – The Pride of Baltimore

3. Divider – Forward

4. Handwritten notes re Owen Byrnes, merchant at Madisonville, 1810-1816, 1 pg

5. ” ” re Michael Brown Carroll, 3 pgs

6. Picture of painting of Michael Brown Carroll

7. Excerpt – St. Mary’s Families – re: Michael Brown Carroll, 3 pgs

8. Handwritten notes re: Michael Brown Carroll, 3 pgs

9. Letter to Don Sharp from Brian Jeffrion – re: MBC, 5/9/2002, 2 pgs

10. Descendants of Henry Carroll of Maryland, 15 pgs

11. Letter to Don Sharp from Juanita Gass, St Mary’s Genealogy Secretary,

Re: Michael Brown Carroll, 8/19/1993, 2 pgs

12. Excerpt – Side lights on Maryland History, 2 pgs

13. Marriages and Deaths in St. Mary’s County, 1634-1900, 7 pgs

14. Picture of Susquehanna House, 1 pg

15. History of St. Mary’s County of Maryland, 11 pgs

16. Email between Don Sharp and Linda Reno re: MBC artifacts, 10/1/1999

17. ” “, 10/4/1999

18. ” “, 10/25/1999

19. ” “, 10/26/1999

20. ” “, 10/27/1999

21. ” “, 11/4/1999

22. ” “, 12/21/1999

23. Handwritten notes re: Michael Brown Carroll, 2 pgs

24. Sec of Navy, Robert Smith, 17 pgs

25. 4th Squadron Samuel Barron/John Rodgers, 2 pgs

26. Handwritten notes re: Michael Brown Carroll, 5 pgs

27. Copy – picture of painting – Stephen Decatur boarding Tripoli gunboat

28. Divider – 1798-1807

29. Handwritten notes re: MBC – Siren, 2 pgs

30. Map – Carthage Bluff, important port for illegal shipment during the embargo of

31. Maritime Causes – Naval War of 1812 – list of Lieutenants, 4 pgs

32. Divider – New Orleans Station

33. Picture of Lt. Michael Brown Carroll

34. Handwritten notes re: New Orleans Station, 7 pgs

35. Sketch of gunboat navy, 1 pg

36. Picture of David Porter, John Shaw, Daniel Patterson

37. Gulf Coast Theater – Naval Forces at New Orleans, 3 pgs

38. Handwritten notes re: Michael Brown Carroll – Captain of Brig.Siren,

3 pgs

39. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater, 1 pg

40. Divider – Promotion Ladder, 1 pg

41. Handwritten notes re: promotion ladder, 1 pg

42. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater, 2 pgs

43. Excerpt – A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession, 3 pgs

44. Excerpt – William Jones, Sec. Of Navy who stopped construction on the Blockship
Tchefuncte in 181411 pgs

45. Handwritten notes re: promotion ladder, 2 pgs

46. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater, 2 pgs

47. Handwritten notes re: Brig Siren, 2 pgs

48. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater – Joseph Bainbridge, brother of Capt. William Bainbridge,
6 pgs

49. Handwritten notes re: construction of Tchefonta, 1 pg

50. Copy of letter re: construction of Tchefonta, 1 pg

51. Copy of letter – John Shaw to Sec. Of Navy, 3/12/1813, 2 pgs

52. Handwritten notes re: building of Tchefonta, 1 pg

53. Copy of letter- from John Shaw, 6/28/1813, 4 pgs

54. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater, 5 pgs

55. Sketch of ship’s hull

56. Excerpt – History of the American Sailing Navy

57. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater, 8 pgs

58. Handwritten notes re: Michael Brown Carroll, 2 pgs

59. Map – scene of New Orleans campaign

60. Picture of Daniel Todd Patterson

61. Handwritten notes re: attack on New Orleans, 6 pgs

62. Great Mail, 1 pg

63. Map – property, 1 pg

64. Handwritten notes re: US Navy after War of 1812, 3 pgs

65. Excerpt – Naval War of 1812, 1 pg

66. Divider – Bibliography

67. Handwritten notes re: bibliography

68. ” ” re: case of John Perry, 2 pgs

BOX 13

Binder: United States Navy; Roster of Officers on the New Orleans Station 1804-1826

A. Front pocket of binder

1. Letter to Don Sharp from Capt. Tyrone G. Martin, retired Capt. Martin previously
had been captain of U.S.S. Constitution, April 6, 1996

2. Muster Roll, USS Constitution, October 9 1798- April 30, 1801

3. Statement of Service, USS Constitution

4. Muster Roll, USS Constitution, August 12, 1803

5. Excerpt: “A Most Fortunate Ship”

6. M209, Miscellaneous Letter sent by the Secretary of the Navy, National Archives

7. M149, Secretary of the Navy letters to officers, National Archives part one

8. United States Navy Roster of officers on New Orleans Station, 1805-1826

9. Information on Marshall, George, Martin, Joseph and Prentiss, Nathaniel

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

B. Binder – Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

1. Introduction

a. Notes

b. Foreword

c. United States Navy Roster officers on New Orleans, 1805-1826

2. Section A, Volume 1, A-I

a. Alexis, Louis

– Ships of Livingston Parish

– Excerpt: “The Logbooks Speak” by Christopher McKee

b. Allard, Daniel Stanislas

c. Anthon, George Jr.

d. Armstrong, James

3. Section B

a. Bainbridge, Joseph, younger brother of Capt. William Bainbridge

-Excerpt: “A Poor Beginning”

-Excerpt: ” The Barbary War (1795-1804)”

-Excerpt: “The Barbary Aftermath”

-Excerpt: “Bad Luck for Joseph Bainbridge”

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession” by Christopher Mckee

b. Ballard, Edward J

c. Ballard, William

-Excerpt: “Gold Braid and Foreign Relations

d. Blakeley, Johnston

-Excerpt: “The Carolina Student: Johnston Blakely

e. Bliss, James

f. Booth, Benjamin Waller

g. Boussier, Joseph

h. Boyd, Walter

I. Breese, Thomas

j. Brown, John

k. Bassett, James

-Excerpt: “The Southern Atlantic Theater

l. Beatty, Horatio

m. Benit, Joseph

n. Bird, John D

o.Blaine, Ephraim Rowland

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

p.Barnwell, William Jr.

q. Rarrett, James B

-Excerpt: “Gold Braid and Foreign Relations”

r. Brown, Thomas H.

s. Budd, Charles A.

t. Butler, William

4. Section C

a. Callender, Thomas L

b. Campbell, Archibalds

c. Canby, William P

– Biographical Sketch of Daniel Carmick, Major U.S.M.C.

– Article: “Battle of New Orleans. not over for Marine”

– Excerpt: “Dawn Like Thunder”

d. Carrol, Michael Brown

e. Carson, John

f. Carson, Peter

g. Carter, Neil M.

h. Carter William Jr.

I. Chambers

j. Claxton, Alexander

-Excerpt: “A Most Fortunate Ship” by CDMR Tyrone G. Martin, commander of the U.S.S.

k. Cooley, Ebenezer

l. Conkling, Robert

m. Cotler, John Michael

n. Crowley, Charles E

o. Cunningham, Thomas

-Excerpt: “Renato Beluche; Smuggler, Privateer and Patriot (1780-1860)”

p. Cuthbert, Benjamin H

q. Cuthbert, Lanchlan A

5. Section D

a. Dailey, Thomas W.

b. Dallas, Alexander

-Excerpt: “The Texas Revolution against Mexico (1836-1837)”

c. Darnwell, William

d. Darragh, Alexander

e. Dashiel, Richard

f. D’Avezac de Castera, Gaston

-Excerpt: “Blaze of Glory”

g. Davis, Charles

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

h. Davis, Oscar

I. Davis, Pollard

j. Davis, Samuel

k. Dayers, Gerard

l. Dealy, Richard

m. Delino, Francis

n. Dexter, Daniel Singer

-Excerpt: A Petition for promotion

o. Dixon, John L

p. Dorgan, Andrew

-Excerpt: “Dorgan Roots” by William Dorgan Chadrich

-Article: The Times Picayune March 4, 1994

q. Douglas, Gustavus

r. Downes, John

s. Downes, Shubael

6. Section E

a. Earle, John

b. Edwards, Richard G

c. Elbert, Samual

d. Elton, John H.

e. Evans, Amos Alexander

7. Section F

a. Farragut, David Glasgow, adopted by Capt. David Porter

-Excerpt: “David Glasgow Farragot; Admiral in the Making” by Charles Lee Lewis

b. Farragut, George

-Excerpt: “Breaking Up the Home”

c. Ferris, Jonathan D.

-Letter from Sailing Master, Jonathan Ferris, last to leave St. Tammany Parish in

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession” by Christopher Mckee

d. Finch, William B

-Excerpt: “Gold Broid and Foreign Relations”

e. Fleetwood, William

8. Section G

a Gamble, Francis B

b. Gamble, Robert M

c. Gurrard, William Jr

d. Gates, John

e. Geisinger, David

-Excerpt: “Gold Braid and Foreign Relations”

f. Gibbs, John Walters

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

g. Grant, Robert A

h. Gray, Henry

-Excerpt: “Promotion Blues”

-Excerpt: “Our Navy and the West Indian Pirates”

-Excerpt: “God Braid and Foreign Relations”

j. Groulier, John B

9. Section H

a. Haddaway, Edward H

b. Hambleton, Samuel

-Excerpt: “For God and Country; The Hambleton Family of Maryland’

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession”

c. Harrison, Alexander Conlee

d. Harvie, Jaqueline B

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession” by Christopher Mckee

e. Heap, Samuel Davis

f. Heermann, Lewis

-Excerpt: “Lewis Heermann, Surgeon in the United States Navy (1779-1833)”

by F.L. Pleadwall

g. Henley, John Dandridge

-Excerpt: “A Most Famous Ship” Report of the U.S. Invalid Seamen admitted into

Hospital quarters on the Charleston Station during six months ending the 19th

May 1813

-Excerpt: “Our Navy and the West Indian Pirates”

-Excerpt: “Gold Braid and Foreign Relations”

h. Henley, Samuel

-Excerpt: “Our Navy and the West Indian Pirates”

I. Herbert, Joshua

j. Harries, Edward

-Excerpt: “Gulf Coast Theater”

k. Hipkins, Battan G.

-Excerpt: “Service Record of Individual Glunboats”

-Excerpt: “Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession”

l. Hoffman, Beekman Verplanck

-Excerpt: “A Most Fortunate Ship” by CDMR Tyrone Martin

m. Hunt, Thomas

n. Hunt, Lewis

10. Section I

a. Irwin, William

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

BOX 14 :

Binder: United States Navy Roster officers on the New Orleans Station

1804-1826, Volume II, J – P

A. Front pocket of binder

Articles from the Times-Picayune:

1. “Battle of New Orleans has royal connection” Oct. 12 1997

2. “Museum working to save 1814 flag” Fri. July 4, 1997

3. “Book lovers get a rare opportunity” April 12, 1991

4. “Saluting two kinds of esprit de Corps” Sat. Nov.16, 1996

5. “From the battlefield to ballroom banquet” Wed. Jan. 22, 1997

6. “Beaten, not defeated” Sun. Sept. 28, 1997

7. “Float Your Boat” Sun. Sept. 28, 1997

8. “Sunken Treasures”

B. Binder

1. Section J

a. Jenkins, William

b. Johns, Enoch A

c. Johnson, Martin

d. Johnston, Smith John

e. Johnson, William

-Excerpt: “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy” by Spencer Tucker

f. Jones, Jacob

-Excerpt: “Foremost of Crimes”

-Excerpt: “A Most Fortunate Ship” by Tyrone Martin

-Excerpt: “Preble’s Boys”

-Excerpt: “The Latin American Wars of Independence”

g. Jones, Richard Blackledge

-Excerpt: “Dawn Like Thunder” by Glenn Tucker

h. Jones, Thomas

-Letter from Jones to Dobbien, Oct. 31, 1855

-Excerpt: “Clear the Lakes”

-Excerpt: “Gold Braid and Foreign Relations”

-Excerpt: “U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings” Sept.1968

-Excerpt: “The Young Officers Best Teachers”

2. Section K

a. Kearney, John Achilles

-Excerpt: “Most Fortunate Ship-Constitution” by Tyrone Martin

-Excerpt: “Exit the Unwanted”

b. Kearny, Lawrance

-Excerpt: “Lawrence Kearny; Sailor Diplomat” by Carroll Storrs Alden

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

c. Kearney, Robert Smith

d. Keene, Lawrence

e. Kennedy, Edmund Pendleton

-Excerpt: “Dawn Like Thunder”

-Excerpt: “Noted American Duels and Hostile Encounters” by Hamilton Cochran

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession” by Christopher Mckee

3. Section L

a. Laub, Henry

-Excerpt: “Gulf Coast Theater”

b. Leaycraft, John R

c. Lefebvre, Clair

d. Leonard, Frederick A

e. Leonard, James T

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession”

f. LeSassier, Vincent

-Excerpt: “Gold Braid and Foreign Relations”

g. Lewis, James Martin

h. Loomis, Jairus

4. Section M

a. Macpherson, Joseph Stout

b. Madison, John Ripley

-Excerpt: “The Latin American Wars of Independence”

c. Magrath, Humphrey

-Excerpt: “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy” by Spencer Tucker

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession”

d. Magruder, Thomas C

e. Manning, Edward S

f. Marshall, George

g. Marshall, James

h. Martin, John

I. Martin, Joseph

j. McIntosh, James McKay

k. McKeever, Isaac McKay

-Excerpt: “The Pacific Islands other than Hawaii”

-Excerpt: “Renato Beluche; Smuggler, Privateer and Patriot 1780-1860” by Jane

Lucas De Grummond

l. Milligan, John L

m. Mitchell, Frank

n. Mitchell, Lucco

o. Mooney, John

p. Morales, Emanual

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

q. Morales, Joesph

r. Moran, Daniel

s. Morrison, James Jr.

5. Section N

a. Neale, Hamlet

b. Nelson, Armistead

c. Nelson, John Dixon

d. Nelson, Joseph Sim

e. Nelson, Phillip Thomas

f. Nevitt, John B

g. Newcomb, Henry Stearns

h. Necomb, Walter

I. Nicholls, David Clark

j. Nicholson, John B

-Excerpt: “Mad Jack” Captain John Percival U.S.N., 1779-1862

k. Nicholson, Nathaniel Dowse

-Excerpt: “The Quasi War with France”

l. Norris, Otho H

m. Norton, Elisha

6. Section O

a. Owings, John Cochey Jr.

-Excerpt: “Gunboat and Cutlass: An Incident on the River Border, 1808”

by Donald Dorr

7. Section P

a. Parker, George

-Letter from secretary of the Navy Jones to Master commandant George Parker

b. Patterson, Daniel Todd, Commander of New Orleans Station, 1813-1824

-Excerpt: “Our Navy and the West Indian Pirates”

-Excerpt: “Dawn Like Thunder”

c. Pepe, Nicholas

d. Perrault, Michael

e. Perry, Samuel

-Excerpt: “Views of Louisiana 1811” by Henry Marie

f. Peters, William

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession”

g. Pettigrew, John

h. Philbert, Phillip

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession”

I. Pollock, Carlile

j. Pollock, Thomas

k. Porter, David Jr.

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

l. Porter, David Sr.

-Excerpt: “The High Art of George Hadfield” by John Walker

-Excerpt: “Avery” by Janet Parks

-Excerpt: “Renato Beluche; Smuggler, Privateer and Patriot 1780-1860

by Jane Lucas De Grummond

-Excerpt: “Breaking up the Home”

-Excerpt: “Our Navy and the West Indian Pirates”

m. Porter, John

n. Pottenger, Robert

o. Potter, Richard Mierchen

p. Prentiss, Nathaniel Appleton

8. Back pocket of binder

a. Memorandum for General Richards, U.S.M.C.

b. Letter from Sharon Clayton to Don J. Sharp concerning Alexander C. Harrison

BOX 15

III. Binder: United States Navy, Roster of Officers on the New Orleans Station 1804-1826.

A. Front pocket of binder

1. Articles from The Times-Picayune

a. “Saving Face” Sun. June 20, 1993

b. “Grace King Carved Career as Talented, Sensitive writer” Sun. Feb.1, 1976

c. “Ships” Mon. Aug.12, 1996

d. “Battle: Everything’s real but the bullets” Jan.6 1990

e. “Mad about Madisonville” Sat. Nov. 26, 1994

-Letter to Donald J. Sharp from the Department of the Navy concerning Puser Thomas

B. Binder, Volume III, R-W

1. Section Q

a. Quinn, John

2. Section R

a. Ramage, James

-Excerpt: “The West Indian Squadron”

b. Ramsey, Daniel D

c. Randolph, Robert C

d. Rapp, Henry Bainbridge

e. Raymond, Joseph

f. Read, Benjamin Franklin

g. Read, George Campbell

-Excerpt: “Our Navy and the West Indian Pirates”

-Excerpt: “Gold Braid and Foreign Relations”

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

h. Reed, Hethcote Johnson

I. Reed, William

j. Reynolds, John

k. Rion, Pierre Charles

l. Sheriff, George

m. Rodrick, James

n. Rogers, William

o. Roney, James

p. Rousseau, John Baptiste

q. Rousseau, Laurence

-Excerpt: “The Naval Career of Laurence Rousseau” by Jack D.L. Holmes

r. Rush, John

-Excerpt: “The Paradoxical Doctor Benjamin Rush” by Bernard A. Weisberger

-Excerpt: “The Voyage Begins” by James P. Ronda

-Excerpt: “Men of the Revolution-VII”

-Excerpt: “Doctors on Horseback; Pioneers of American Medicine” by James Thomas Flexner

3. Section S

a. Senat, George

b. Shaw, John

-Excerpt: “The Life of Commodore, Thomas Truxtun, U.S. Navy” by

Eugene S. Ferguson

-Excerpt: “A Cycle of Cathay” by James C. Thomson Jr.

c. Shepperd, Richards

d. Shields, Thomas

-Letter from Maureen Murphy Singleton to Donald J. Sharp concerning

Thomas Shields, 16 May, 1991

-Article: “The Historian of Hancock County

-Letter from Maureen Murphy Singleton to Donald J. Sharp, Dec. 31


-Excerpt: “Historical Memoir of The War in West Florida and Louisiana

1814-15, by Major A. Lacarriere Latour

-Letter between John Shaw and Thomas Shields

-Article on the original grave of Thomas Shields

-Excerpt: “The Mississippi Gulf Coast; A Portrait of a People” by Charles L. Scullion

-Letter between Norman Litts and D.W. Knox

-Letter between Clifford P. Isaacs and William S. Dudley

e. Shields, William F

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

f. Shubrick, John Templer

-Excerpt: “A Most Famous Ship”

g. Shumate, Julius R

h. Sim, William

I. Smith, Fredrick William

j. Smith, John Kilty

-Letter from secretary of the Navy Jones to Navy Agent John K. Smith

k. Smith, Edward S

l. Smith, Thomas

m. Spedden, Robert

-Article: The Daily Picayune “Death of Robert Spedden” July 25, 1865

n. Spence, Keith

-Excerpt: “Three Centuries of Freemasonry in New Hampshire” by

Right Worshipful Gerald D. Foss

-Excerpt: “Guide to American Historical Manuscripts in the Huntington Library”

-Excerpt: “Appletons Cyclopaedia of American Biography vol. V”

o. Spence, Robert Trail

p. Spooner, Gustavus Wallace

q. Spriggs, Horatio S.

r. Spriggs, John

s. Stephens, John

t. Storer, Nathaniel

u. Suggs, William Barker

4. Section T

a. Tarbell, Joseph Capt.

-Excerpt: “Shall I not take mine Ease in Mine Inn?” by Rudolf A. Clemen

-Letter from Captain John Cassin to Secretary of the Navy Jones

b. Thomas, Thomas

-Excerpt: “Lower South America”

c. Thompson, Charles C.B.

d. Thompson, John W

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession”

e. Trippe, John

-Excerpt: “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession”

-Excerpt: “Gold Braid and Foreign Relations”

f. Turner, Benjamin

-Excerpt: “A Most Fortunate Ship”

5. Section U

a. Ulrich, George

Roster of U.S. Naval Officers on the New Orleans Station, 1804-1826

6. Section V

a. Vienne, Louis

7. Section W

a. Ward, Robert

b. Watkins, Erasmus

c. Watts, George

d. Watts, Thomas, Sailing Master from South Carolina stationed on the Tchefuncte in
1813 and built a house near the entrance. He sold it to Lawrence de Cruise, former
Marine Lt. Who was brought before a court of Inquiry by Capt. David Porter in 1808.
Cruise became Justice of Peace for St. Tammany.

e. Watts, William

f. Weaver, William Augustus

g. Webb, Thomas Tarlton

h. Webster, Nelson

I. Wederstrandt, Philemon Charles

j. Wells, James

k. Wilkinson, Joseph Biddle

l. Wilmer, Emanuel S

m. Wood, Champion

n. Wright, James B

8. Section XYZ

a. Excerpt: “A History of The United States Marine Corps.” by

Clyde H. Metcalf

9. Back pocket of binder

a. Pension Application Files

BOX 16

Paintings by Col. Westerbrook of famous events in the history of the U.S. Marine Corps
that has connection to St. Tammany.

1.Marines in the Frigate Navy 1798-1835.

2. Captain Carmick Joins the Constitution Boston 9 July, 1799.

3. Cutting Out of the Sandwich Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo 11 May, 1800.

4. Parley at Nukuhiva Marquesas Islands 8 January, 1814.

5. Shipbuilding at Sackets Harbor New York 11 January, 1814.

6. Repulse of the Highlanders New Orleans 8 January, 1815.

7. Foray into Fajoardo Bay Puerto Rico 14 November, 1824.

I. Binder: U.S. Gunboats & Gunbarges On. The New Orleans Station 1806-1823.

– Tracking their movements from the time they were launched to the day they were condemned
or lost.

A. Front pocket of binder

1. Medal of Honor Recipient

Local hero: Vietnam Vet.

2. Local hero to join vet’s salute.

3. Dedication of this book.

4. United States Navy Roster officers in New Orleans Station 1804-1826. Over 300 officers
served during this period

5. Shaw, John

6. The Times-Picayune; “Real Estate”.

7. Hand written note by Don Sharp discussing the history of the U.S. Navy and it’s
conflict with the Barbary States.

– accompanied by a picture of a ship steered by a dark figure.

B. Binder

1. 1809-1810 Gun Vessels

a. Table of Contents; Gunboats on the New Orleans Station 1806-1823. Over 30 gunvessels
plus barges were stationed at New Orleans during this period. They were intensified
by numbers instead of names.

b. Forest Clark

2. Gunboat 5

a. Page 42 of unknown work. Titled as “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy”

b. Diagram; Figure 6. Possible design for no. 5

3. Gunboat 11 – were the first gunboats up the Tchefuncte River in Nov. 1806.

a. Article; “The Embargo”

b. Excerpt “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy” p. 48 & 50

c. Excerpt “Construction and Description” p. 53

d. Figure 11. Plan of No.12 drawn by coffin at request of Preble.

4. Gunboat 12 – were the first gunboats up the Tchefuncte River, Nov. 1806

a. Excerpt “Maritime Causes; The Embargo”

b. Excerpt “The Embargo” ch. 6

c. Excerpt “Arrangements, Equipment and Manning” ch. 4

5. Gunboat 13

a. Excerpt “The Embargo” p.83

6. Gunboat 14

7. Gunboat 15

a. Excerpt “The Embargo” p. 95

8. Gunboat 16

a. Excerpt “A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession” p.234

Gunboats on the New Orleans Station 1806-1823.

b. Article “A Rough and Rugged Class of Men

c. Article “What Sea Lawyers Heard” p.235

9. Gunboat 17

10. Gunboat 18

11. Gunboat 19

a. Excerpt “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy

12. Gunboat 20

13. Gunboat 21

a. “Construction and Description: p. 51 & 52

14. Gunboat 22

a. Chart; Gulf Coast Theater

15. Gunboat 23

a. Excerpt “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy” p.52

b. Excerpt “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy” p. 94

16. Gunboat 24

a. Excerpt “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy” p.52

17. Gunboat 25

a. Excerpt “The Embargo” p.95

b. Excerpt “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy” p.96

18. Gunboat 26

19. Gunboat 27

a. Diagram; Gulf Coast Theater, Gun Vessel no.27

20. Gunboat 58

a. Excerpt “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy” p.84

b. Excerpt “The Embargo” p.85

21. Gunboat 64

22. Gunboat 65

23. Gunboat 66

a. Excerpt “The Embargo” p.87

b. Excerpt “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy” p.94

24. Gunboat 149

25. Gunboat 152

26. Gunboat 154

27. Gunboat 155

28. Gunboat 156

a. Excerpt “The Embargo” p.89

b. Excerpt “The Embargo” p.95

c. Excerpt “The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy” p.96

d. Excerpt “The Embargo” p.97

29. Gunboat 162

30. Gunboat 163

Gunboats on the New Orleans Station 1806-1823.

a. Excerpt “The Embargo” p.95

31. Gunboat 168

a. Excerpt “Edward Preble; A Naval Biography 1761-1807.” Capt. Preble was responsible
for building gunboats No. 11 and 12 that first sailed on Lake Pontchartrain in late
Oct. 1807. He was Commander of the American squadron in the Barbary Wars.

32. Selections from The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy by Spencer C. Tucker

33. Letter to Donald J. Strong from Tyrone G. Martin concerning John T. Shubrick

II.. Bound book: Thomas AP Catesby Jones, of “The Old Navy 1788-1858” by Udolpho Theodore

Bradley 1933

III. Negatives of Photographs

BOX 17

I. Binder: United States Naval Ships on the New Orleans Station 1804-1826.

A. Front pocket of binder

1. (1) 3 1/2in. Floppy disk; New Orleans Station, List of U.S. Navy ships that appeared

2. (3) Letters to Donald J. Sharp from Dr. W.M.P. Dune concerning the schooners James

Lawrence and Peacock, as well as Thomas Shields.

B. Binder

1. Table of Contents; U.S. Naval Ships on the New Orleans Station 1804-1826

a. Diagrams of Naval Ships

2. Section A

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Gunboat no.166. Later U.S.

schooner Alligator

3. Section B

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Brig boxer 1815-1817.

b. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Felucca Bull Dog 1814-


c. Excerpt “Our Navy and the West Indian Pirates” p.16

4. Section C

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Carolina 1812-


5. Section E

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Eagle 1814-


b. Excerpt from the Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner,

Later Brig Enterprise 1798-1823

c. Excerpt “Our Navy and the West Indian Pirates” p.22

d. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Bomb Ketch ETNA 1803-


United States Naval Ships on the New Orleans Station 1804-1826.

e. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Bomb Ketch ETNA 1813-


6. Section F

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Cutter, later Schooner

Later U.S. Brig Viper 1806-1813

b. Excerpt from “Constitution and Description” p.51

c. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Firebird

d. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Flying Fish, ex.

Independence 1838-1842

e. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Brig Franklin 1805-1807

7. Section G

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Grampus 1821-

1843. Broken main mast replaced in 1823 from forest of St. Tammany Parish

b. Excerpt “Our Navy and the West Indian Pirates”

8. Section L

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Ship Louisiana 1812-1821

b. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Lynx 1814-1821

9.Section N

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Nonsuch 1812-


10. Section P

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Porpoise 1821-


b. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Hermaphrodite Brig Promotheus

c. Excerpt “Our Navy and the West Indian Squadron”

11. Section R

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Revenge


12. Section S

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Brig Saranac 1815-


b. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Seahorse


c. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Brig Siren 1803-1814

13. Section T

a. Resource Data File -Operational History, United States Block Ship Tchifonta


b. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Sloop Tickler 1812-


United States Naval Ships on the New Orleans Station 1804-1826.

c. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner Tom Bowline


14. Section V

a. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Bomb Ketch Vesuvius


b. Resource Data File – Operational History, United States Schooner, later Brig Vixen


c. Article: 21 Sanctions

15. Loose Material

a. Mystic Seaport brochure

b. Letter to Donald Sharp from the New Hampshire Historical Society

II. Bound book: Vicente Folch, Governor in Spanish West Florida 1787-1811. Folch was
at Baham Village on the Tchefuncte River in 1808 during the embargo. He met with American
Commandant David Porter over stopping of Spanish and British ships.

III. Bound book: American secretaries of the Navy vol. I, 1775-1913

BOX 18

Binder: Miscellaneous Material & Letters

A. Front pocket of binder

1. Articles: The Times-Picayune. “Taking toys seriously”, “War and remembrance”,

“City readies welcome for retiring carrier”, “Cabot”, “Museum”

B. Binder

1. Miscellaneous A

a. Historical Base Map of Principal Mississippi Delta Area defense, 1700-1900

b. Information on Edward Livingston

2. Miscellaneous B

a. Map of 1819 by Bartholemy Lafon, city surveyor, negative available in color, ap
unpublished, U.S. Properties in New Orleans

b. Fort Covington

3. Miscellaneous B

a. Fire at the Naval Yard on Sunday, May 14, 1820

4. Miscellaneous D

a. Salle Des Grandos Bals

b. Article: The Times Picayune. “House’s past can be a key to its furtere”

c. The Decline of the Naval Yard

d. Ante-Bellum Pensacola and the Military Presence vol. III

5. Miscellaneous E

a. New Orleans National Archives

b. Survey of St. Tammany Parish in the National Archives of Orleans Parish

c. Military History of the United States; An Annotated Bibliography

6. Miscellaneous F

a. Captain John Shaw to Secretary of the Navy Jones

b. A Purser’s Authority: Shaw vs. Shields, Part II

c. Captain Daniel Patterson’s letter to Secretary of the Navy William Smith

d. Preliminary Checklist of the Naval Records Collection of The Office of Naval Records
and Library, the New Orleans Station, 1812-1815 by Dr. William Dudley

e. Pinchpenny Flotilla: The U.S. Navy on the New Orleans Station 1812-1815

f. An account of Piracy on the High Seas

g. The War of 1812 by John K. Mahon

Bound book: Miscellaneous Articles Pertaining to the Early (1804-1826) Navy Yard at

Orleans and their facility on the Tchefuncte River (1813-1823)

A. Front pocket of binder

1. Deaths: Hanger, 37, studied colonial Louisiana

2. Mad Jack and the Missionaries

3. Article: “Lafayette, You are Here!”

4. Title page to “The History of The American Sailing Navy; The Ships and their development”

5. Historical Base Map, Principal Mississippi Delta Area Defenses, 1700-1900

6. Map of The West End of Grande Terra Island 1840-1856

7. Estate claimed by Harry L. Edwards

8. Vice Admiral Sir Alexander Forrester Inglis

9. Statements of Expenditures 1791-1801

10. Statement of Expenditure from the 1st of January 1797

11. Military Service Records in the National Archives of the United States

B. Binder

1. President and Endymion January 15, 1815. The History of the American Sailing Navy

2. New Orleans as it was in 1814-1815

a. Letter to Donald J. Sharp from the Department of the Navy, 14 December 1989

b. America’s Fighting Ship

c. “The Battle of New Orleans; New Orleans as it was in 1814-1815” by Leonard V.


d. Article: The Times Picayune, “LSU’s Taylor enjoys days in the shade” Sunday,

October 15, 1989

3. The United States Navy 1775-1907

a. “Statistical and chronological History of the United States Navy 1775-1907” by

Robert Wilden Neeser

b. “Brit crosses over for Chalmette’s battle ceremony” by Julie Durocher

c. Article: The Times-Picayune, “Civil War Sleuth may find La. education answers”

4. New Orleans, The Glamour Period 1800-1840

5. “The Great Mail; A Postal History of New Orleans” by Leonard V. Huber and Clarence
A. Wagner

6. “Historical Memoir of The War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-15” by

Major A. Lacarriere Latour

a. “History of Louisiana The American Domination” by Charles Gayarre

7. “Ante-Bellum Pensacola and the Military Presence” vol. III by Dr. Ernest F.


8. Back pocket of binder

a. Bibliography

BOX 19

1. bound – Lewis Heerman, Surgeon in the US Navy, Annals of Medical History, 1719-1833

2. Binder – The Block ship Tchefuncte, 1813-1823, researched, compiled, and edited
by Donald Sharp, 1990

1. Photo of a gunboat blowing up (gun boat was at Belize when struck by lightning,
all the crew lost, circa 1815). 2 copies

2. Photocopy of a painting of a man

3. Excerpt – Sketches of a ship – Shipwrights, Shipyards, and live oakers, 2 pgs

4. Handwritten notes re: National Archives

5. Actual photo – photograph of a drawing by a surveyor in 1837 of the view of Madisonville
from across the river

6. Excerpt – re: Maritime Museum, Covington News Banner, 5/6/2002

7. Newspaper article – re: Mandeville Mansion Burns, Times Picayune

8. Photocopy of a drawing – Military Installations in New Orleans, 1813

9. Rough draft of cover of binder, Block ship Tchefuncte

10. Photocopy of a sketch timber for ships, Live Oaking, 1 pg.

11. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater, 6 pgs.

12. Newspaper article re: Photos of Historians, St. Tammany Farmer, 4/9/81

13. Copy of Lafon’s Plan for New Orleans, 1819, includes notes by Don Sharp

14. Newspaper obituary – Sam Wilson, New Orleans architect, was author of many articles
on historical buildings in the French Quarter, Times Picayune, 10/22/1993

15. Newspaper obituary – W.K. Turner, Dean at Tulane, Times Picayune, 2/10/1994

16. Handwritten letter by Don Sharp re: W.K. Turner

17. Newspaper obituary – Morgan Gerald Ernest, developer of Beau Chene, Times Picayune

18. Newspaper article re: Growth of Mandeville, Times Picayune, 11/1/1998

19. Divider – 1812

20. Handwritten notes re: location of a Naval facility in St. Tammany, 4 pgs.

21. Letter from Powell Casey to Don Sharp re: US Navy Yard on the Tchefuncte River,
location of Naval Yard unknown in 1985, was confirmed by Donald Sharp, 2/23/1985

22. Letter from Powell Casey to Don Sharp re: Sailing Master Johnathan D. Ferris,

23. Handwritten notes re: search for Navy Facility on Tchefuncte River, 1 pg.

24. Excerpt – Encyclopedia of Forts, Posts, Named Camps, in Louisiana, 1700-1981,
Powell Casey, 7 pgs.

25. Excerpt – Navy Yard on the Tchefuncte, 9 pgs.

26. Handwritten notes – Matthew Dicks Map, Charles Parent Jr. 5 pgs.

27. Map/sketch of Military Road, 1817, Block ship Tchifonta

28. Divider – Pineland Park

29. Excerpt – Pineland Park – 8 pgs.

30. Handwritten notes – Matthew Dicks, surveyor, 2 pgs

31. Excerpt- Jeffersonville – 5 pgs

32. Handwritten notes – Treaty of Paris, 1 pg

33. Photocopy of advertisement for selling land, Jeffersonville, 1 pg

34. Excerpt – Where the Heck is Houltonville? – Inside Northside, April/May 2002,
6 pgs., includes handwritten note re: Otis House Mansion

35. Handwritten notes – history of Mandeville, 4 pgs

36. Photocopies of pictures of Robert Smith, Paul Hamilton, Benjamin W. Crowinshield,
Smith Thompson

37. Picture of Capt. , John Shaw, U.S. Navy

38. Handwritten notes – Navy on the Tchefuncte River, 3 pgs

39. Picture of Thomas ap Catesby Jones as a midshipman

40. Handwritten notes – Yellow Fever on the Tchefuncte, 3 pgs

41. Excerpt – The Gulf Coast Theater re: John Shaw, 2 pgs

42. Handwritten notes – Timeline of Block ship Tchifonta, 9 pgs

43. Letter to Donald Sharp from Michael Crawford, Dept. of Navy re: Microfilm, 10/8/1991

44. Picture of Captain David Porter

45. Picture of John Shaw

46. Letter from Michael Crawford to Don Sharp re: Naval War of 1812 publication, 11/12/1998

47. Photocopy of letter by John Shaw to Sec. Of the Navy re: shipbuilding of Tchefuncte,
1821, 5 pgs

48. Handwritten notes re: Block ship Tchefonte, 4 pgs

49. Handwritten notes re: Lt. Michael B. Carroll, 4 pgs

50. Picture of Michael Brown Carroll

51. Handwritten notes re: Johnathan Ferris, 5 pgs

52. Handwritten notes re: Louisiana State Museum, 4 pgs

53. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater – re: John Shaw, 18 pgs, includes handwritten notes
re: John Shaw

54. Divider – 1813

55. Photocopy of Sec. Of Navy, William Jones. He was the Navy Sect. Who stopped construction
on the “Blockship” in 1814.

56. Handwritten notes re:William Jones, 2 pgs.

57. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater – John Shaw – 4 pgs.

58. Handwritten notes re:Gun vessel

59. Paper regarding microfilm – gun vessels, 1 pg

60. Handwritten notes re: bodies of sailors wash up on beach, 1 pg

61. Write up re: dead sailors, 3/8/1813, 7 pgs

62. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater – re: state of ships, 2 pgs

63. Photo of a navy man

64. Excerpt – Paul Hamilton, 6 pgs

65. Copy of a letter by John Shaw, 3/25/1811, 2 pgs

66. ” ” re: Live Oak timber for shipbuilding, 12


67. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater – 1 pg

68. Map of Military Road/block ship Tchefonta

69. Photo of model of USS Tchefuncte. Model was constructed by lawyer Anthony Fernandez
of St. Bernard Parish.

70. Sketch of ship Tchefonta

71. Handwritten notes re: ship Tchefonta, 2 pgs

72. Photocopy of letter re: USS Tchefonta , 3/12/1813, 4 pgs

73. Summary of a land sale

74. Letter to Donald Sharp from Michael Crawford re: War of 1812,

Volume 4, 1/9/2001

75. Handwritten notes re: Matthew Dicks

76. Map of 1860 by Matthew Dicks, parish surveyor

77. Picture of Gen. David Bannister Morgan

78. Handwritten notes re: David Bannister Morgan, 2 pgs

79. Map by David B. Morgan re: Navy Yard

80. Handwritten notes re: John Shaw, 1 pg

81. Copy of letter – John Shaw, 6/28/1813, 4 pgs

82. Handwritten notes re: John Shaw Letter, 1 pg

83. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater – re: John Shaw, 6 pgs

84. Handwritten notes re: Louisiana in the War of 1812, 4 pgs

85. Map showing South Louisiana, 1 pg

86. Copy of letter – John Shaw, 9/15/1813, 2 pgs.

87. Copy of letter – John Shaw, 9/13/1813, 4 pgs

88. Master Development Plan – Beau Chene

89. Handwritten notes re: John Shaw @ Bay St. Louis

90. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Chapter – building of Tchefonta, 3 pgs

91. Handwritten notes re: Capt. Shaw to leave New Orleans

92. Map of Military Road/sketch of USS Tchefonta

93. Handwritten notes re: Tchefonta

94. Copy of letter re: D.T. Patterson

95. Handwritten notes re: D.T.Patterson

96. Handwritten notes re: Pay Roll of Block ship Tchefonta

97. Copy of payroll of workers on Tchefonta, 2 pgs

98. Divider – 1814 Pattersons Letters

99. Picture of painting of James Madison

100. Picture of paintings of Villere, Patterson, Marigny, capture of gunboat on Lake

101. Handwritten notes re: Daniel T. Patterson’s letters, 1 pg

102. Excerpt – D.T. Patterson

103. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater – Letter from Patterson to Navy Payroll, 1814, 26

104. Picture of unknown man

105. Excerpt – Benjamin W. Crowinshield, 1 pg

106. Excerpt – Toward a Peacetime Establishment – Patterson to Crowinshield, 1815,
8 pgs

107. Excerpt – History of American Sailing Navy – 1 pg

108. Handwritten notes – Marines on the Lakefront, 2 pgs

109. Copy of a letter, 1814

110. Tanners map of 1819

111. Handwritten notes of Matthew Dicks for Tchefuncte Map

112. Map of Matt Dicks subdivision for Charles Parent Succession. This map identifies
the location of the U.S. Navy Yard, 1813-1823 on the Tchefuncte River

113. Copy of letter – from David Patterson, 1/25/1814, 3 pgs

114. Letter from Capt. Patterson , 2 pgs

115. ” “, 3/1814, 2 pgs

116. Handwritten notes re: Sec. Of Navy, William Jones, 5 pgs

117. Copy of letter to Patterson from Jones, 3/7/1814, 4 pgs

118. Copy of letter from D. Patterson, 2 pgs

119. Copy of letter, 1/25/1814

120. Handwritten notes re: Capt Patterson

121. Copy of letter, April 1814, 2 pgs

122. ” ” 6/2/1814

123. Copy of letter from D. Patterson, April 1814, 3 pgs

124. ” “, 6/18/1814, 2 pgs

125. Copy of letter, 6/1814, 2 pgs

126. Divider – End of Navy Yard

127. Handwritten notes re: Decline of Naval Facility on Tchefuncte River

128. List of Ships, 6/16/1816, 1 pg

129. Handwritten notes re: Tchefonta on the stocks, 2 pgs

130. Excerpt – John Rodgers, 1 pg

131. Handwritten notes, Board of Navy Commissioners, 3 pgs

132. Letters from Rodgers, 1816-1817, 2 pgs

133. Handwritten notes re: Naval Records

134. Letters – from Captain David Porter, 1817

135. ” ” from John Rodgers, 1817

136. ” ” 1819

137. Letters to John Rodgers from Smith Thompson, 8/15/1821 – EMP of Navy Yard on
the Tchefuncte

138. ” ‘ 6/1/1822 (2 copies)

139. Letters from D. Patterson, 2/1822

140. Handwritten notes re: Patterson letter, 3 pgs

141. Letter to Patterson from Smith Thompson, 3/14/1822

142. Letter from D. Patterson, 5/24/1822, 3 pgs

143. Letter to Rodgers from Smith Thompson, 5/29/1822, 1 pg

144. Letter to Patterson, 11/8/1822

145. Handwritten notes re: Thompson Island, 3 pgs

146. Letter from Patterson, 5/5/1823

147. Letter to Navy Dept., 9/12/1826, 2 pgs

148. Excerpt – Development of areas around Madisonville, 2 pgs

149. Handwritten notes re: land occupied by Navy Yard, 1 pg

150. Pictures of Pineland Park, c.1900

151. Excerpt – Pineland Park, 4 pgs

152. Newspaper article, Louisiana Ancestor, 1/8/89

153. ” “, 12/25/1988

154. Picture of Theodore Dendinger, c. 1905

155. Excerpt – re: Madisonville

156. Pictures of lumber -c. 1915, c. 1900

157. Handwritten notes re: bibliography

158. Excerpt – American Sec. Of the Navy, Volume I, 3 pgs

159. Excerpt – Benjamin W. Crowinshield, 9 pgs

160. Excerpt – Smith Thompson, 6 pgs

Binder – Lt. George Merrill, USN, 1783-1822. Raised the first American Flag over what
is present day St. Tammany Parish, Jan.6, 1811

1. Newspaper article – Original Constitution for West Florida, 10/16/2000

2. Newspaper article – Louisiana State Museum to open in B.R. Park, 1/10/2006

3. Excerpt – A Ship’s Sail Plan – 1 pg

4. Map – British West Florida, 1763-83, 1 pg

5. Divider – Hartford Connecticut

6. Handwritten notes re: George Merrill, 4 pgs

7. Letter to Don Sharp from Alesandra M. Schmidt, Connecticut Historical Society,
re: George Merrill, 7/21/1993

8. Letter to Don Sharp from Robert E. Burford, Connecticut Historical Society, re:
George Merrill, re: George Merrill Genealogy

9. A Merrill Memorial by Samuel Merrill, Volume I, 13 pgs

10. The Story of Our Branch of the Collier Family by Charles Arthur Collier, Sr.,
14 pgs

11. Invoice for copies – Conn. Historical Society, 7/20/1993

12. Divider – Midshipman, 1799

13. Excerpt – Ships Data, 1800-1807, re: George Merrill, 1 pg

14. Midshipman George Merrill, service record, 1801-1802, Barbary War, 5 pgs

15. Excerpt – Naval War of 1812, Volume I, 4 pgs

16. Divider – New Orleans Station, 1806

17. Handwritten notes re :speech, 3 pgs

18. Handwritten notes re: US vessels of war on New Orleans station, 10 pgs

19. Picture of Thomas Jefferson, 1 pg

20. Handwritten notes re: gun boats, #s 11 and 12, 5 pgs

21. Excerpts – sketch of uniform of a sailor in 1812

22. Excerpts – sketch of arrangement of gunboat #s 11 and 12. First U.S. Gunboats
to enter Lake Pontchartrain in October, 1806

23. Excerpt – History of American Sailing Navy, 1 pg

24. Lt. George Merrill – 1st to Raise the American Flag over St. Tammany Parish on
1/16/1811, Genealogy, Service Record, Captain of Gun Boat,

2 pgs

25. Correspondence – with Smithsonian Institution re: 1811 American Flag,

3 pgs

26. Events leading to the raising of American flag on Tchefuncte River, 5 pgs

27. Letter to Sec. Of Navy from George Merrill, 3/2/1817, 2 pgs

28. Picture of Captain John Shaw, 3 pgs

29. Gunboats on the Tchefuncte River in 1806, 6 pgs. Gunboats 11 & 12

30. Letter to John Rodgers from Smith Thompson, 1 pg

31. Bibliography, 4 pgs

32. Table of contents – Gunboats on the New Orleans Station, 1806-1823, 3 pgs

33. Handwritten notes re: Lt. George Merrill, 1pg

34. Map – shows Gunboat Landing and Carthage Landing

35. Spanish map – shows Southeast Louisiana, 1 pg

36. Handwritten notes re: letter of Lt. George Merrill to Capt. David Porter,

3 pgs

37. Handwritten notes re: Lake Maurepas, 1808-1819, 5 pgs

38. Picture of Captain David Porter, 1 pg

39. Handwritten notes re: Lt. Benjamin F. Read, 1 pg

40. Excerpt – Plan of city of New Orleans, 1 pg

41. Handwritten notes re: American fag over West Florida, 1 pg

42. Photocopy – letters from John Shaw, 2 pgs

43. ” “, 1/28/1819, 1pg

44. ” “, 1/1/1811, 5 pgs

45. ” “, 2/23/1811, 1 pg

46. Picture of Midshipman Thomas ap Catesby Jones, 1 pg

47. Photocopy – letter re: Tchefuncte, 1/10/1810, 3 pgs

48. Picture of Captain David Porter, 2 pgs

49. Divider – Raising Flag, 1809, 1811

50. Handwritten notes re: National Archives of the US – microfilm, 2 pgs

51. Handwritten notes re: Lt. William Butler, 3 pgs

52. Picture of Capt. John Shaw, David Porter, Todd Patterson, James Leonard. All served
as Commanders at the New Orleans station.

53. Handwritten notes re: Letter of Captain John Shaw to Navy Secretary,

2 pgs

54. Handwritten notes re: St. Tammany Parish, 3 pgs

55. Handwritten notes re: US Navy in Pensacola, 2 pgs

56. Handwritten notes re: books of WCC Claiborne, 1 pg

57. Handwritten notes re: post route down the Federal Road, 2 pgs

58. Handwritten notes re: gunboats in the lakes, 1 pg

59. Handwritten notes re: desertions on gunboats, 2 pgs

60. Handwritten notes re: letter from Captain David Porter to Sec. Of Navy, 1/10/1810,
2 pgs

61. Handwritten notes re: raising the American flag at Tchefuncte River, 1/6/1811,
2 pgs

62. Photocopy – letter from John Shaw, 12/30/1810, 2 pgs

63. ” “, 1/28/1811, 1 pg

64. ” “, 2/1/1811, 5 pgs

65. ” “, 4/3/1811, 2 pgs

66. ” “, 4/8/1811, 1 pg

67. ” “, 6/22/1811, 2 pgs

68. ” “, 11/12/1811, 4 pgs

69. ” “, 11/13/1811, 1 pg

70. Handwritten notes re: Captain John Shaw, 1 pg

71. Photocopy – letter from John Shaw, 11/11/1811, 1 pg

72. Sketch – naval court, 1 pg

73. Excerpt – Sanctions – A Gentlemen and Honorable Profession, 2 pgs

74. Excerpt – Gulf Coast Theater, 2 pgs

75. Handwritten notes re: war of 1812, 3 pgs

76. ” ” re: Captain John Shaw to Sec. Of Navy, 1 pg

77. ” ” re: Hurricane of 1812, 3 pgs

78. ” ” re: George Merrill, 2 pgs

79. ” ” re: letter book of Captain John Shaw, 1 pg

80. Divider – Madisonville, 1816-1822

81. Handwritten notes re: National Archives, microfilm, 1 pg

82. Handwritten notes re: 1816-1817 on the Tchefuncte

83. Photocopy – letter from George Merrill, 3/2/1817, 2 pgs

84. Letter to Don Sharp from Nancy Milnor re: Sharp contribution to Conn. Historical
Society Museum, 8/22/2006, 2 pgs

85. Letter to Don Sharp from Rebecca Livingston, National Archives re: Navy Officers
in New Orleans

86. Letter to Don Sharp from D’Arcy Van Bokkelen, Historical Society of Old Newbury,
re: Lt. George Merrill, 7/21/1994, 1 pg

87. Letter to Don Sharp from Michael J. Crawford, Dept. Of Navy, re: George Merrill,

88. Letter to Mrs. Noel Hester from Mrs. Joseph Linn Colburn re: DAR marker, 11/6/1998,
2 pgs

89. Letter to Mrs. Colburn , historian, DAR re: DAR marker in Madisonville, 11/17/98,
3 pgs

90. Letter to Don Sharp from Mrs. Joseph Colburn re: DAR marker in Madisonville, 2

91. Letter to Don Sharp from Dr. Dunne re: Maritime Institute, 8/29/1993,

2 pgs

92. Letter to Don Sharp from Dr. Sam Hyde, Director, Center for Southeast Louisiana
Studies, re: DAR marker, 11/17/1998

93. Letter to Donald Sharp from Dr. John Crain, Provost, SLU, re: Maritime Museum,
7/7/2006, 1 pg

94. Letter to Don Sharp from Michael J. Crawford, Dept of Navy, re: War of 1812 series,
7/11/2006, 1 pg

95. Invitation to unveiling fo DAR marker in Madisonville, 8/26/2006

96. Letter to Don Sharp from D’Arcy Van Bokkelen re: George Merrill, 7/21/1994

97. Handwritten notes re: US naval facility at New Orleans, 11 pgs

98. Lt. George Merrill, the First to Raise the American Flag over St. Tammany Parish
on January 6, 1811.

99. History of the American Flag of 1811

BOX 20 James Rumsey, inventor of steamboat, pioneer in steam navigation

Binder – James Rumsey lived and worked in what is now St. Tammany Parish 1774-1779

a. portrait of James Rumsey

b. James Rumsey family history, 9 pgs.

c. Introduction, 12 pgs.

d. Early years, 7 pgs.

e. 1759 – 1765, 4 pgs

f. 1766 – 1774, 6 pgs.

g. 1774 – 1779, 60 pgs.

h.1779 – 1782, 7 pgs.

I. 1783 – 1788, 9 pgs.

j. 1789 – 1792, 45 pgs.

k. Conclusion

l. Bibliography, 14 pgs

Binder – re: Rumsey

a. Library of Congress, 12 pgs.

b. divider, 71 pgs.

c. divider, 63 pgs.

d. divider, 4 pgs.

e. divider, 7 pgs.

f. pocket – 10 items re: Rumsey

Binder – James Rumsey, “The Most Original” – The Story of His Life

a. Introduction, 30 pgs.

b. divider, 5 pgs.

c. divider, 1 pg.

d. divider, 10 pgs.

Binder – James Rumsey: Pioneer in Steam Navigation – The True Complete Story, Donald

a. Introduction, 37 pgs.

b. Bristol, 147 pgs.

c. Bohemian Manor, 70 pgs.

d. Illinois, 38 pgs.

e. Louisiana, 11 pgs.

f. Bayou Lacombe, 3 pgs.

g. Pearl Island, 23 pgs.

h. Letters, 37 pgs.

I. Natchez Court Records, 65 pgs.

Folder 1

a. loose papers from binder, James Rumsey: Pioneer in Steam Navigation – The True
Complete Story by Donald Sharp

b. Letter with information on John Nancarrow, Jr.

c. Diagram of Fort Claiborne with information noted on John Nancarrow, Jr.

bound book – James Rumsey: Pioneer in Steam Navigation, the True Complete Story by
Donald Sharp

a. Introduction, 18 pgs.

b. History of Bayou Lacombe, 22 pgs.

c. Bibliography, 44 pgs.

BOX 21


1. Blue bound book – Second Admiral- A Life of David Dixon Porter, 1813-1891,

By Richard S. West, Jr, 204 pgs

2. Captains of the Old Steam Navy, edited by James C. Bradford, 7 pgs

3. Edward Livingston – By William B. Hatcher, 34 pgs

4. The Great Sea Battle by Peter Padfield, 37 pgs

5. Bound – Captain David Porter, 17 pgs

6. ” ” – Benjamin Rush, 2 pgs

7. ” ” – William Jones, 13 pgs

8. ” ” – Jonathan D. Ferris, 11 pgs

9. ” ” – Naval Presence at Bay St. Louis, 44 pgs

10. Bound – Secretary of the Navy, 49 pgs

11. ” ” – Thomas ap Catesby Jones, 32 pgs

12. -includes booklet – Thomas ap Catesby Jones and the 1st

implementation of the Monroe Doctrine

13. Bound – Biographical Information and Diplomatic Activities of US Naval Officers

served on the New Orleans station, 1804-1823, 33 pgs

14. ” ” – Where the Heck is Houtonville?, 19 pgs

15. ” ” – Six Letters that Sealed the Fate of the Block Ship, Tchefuncte, 17 pgs

16. ” ” – Slide Presentation of Gunboats on Lake Pontchartrain, 1806-1823, 46 pgs

17. Bound manila folder – Succession of Owen Burns, Navy Yard, 93 pgs

18. Newspaper obituary – Norma D. Core, business woman, abstractor at Covington Court

19. Copy – land deed, 9 pgs

20. Handwritten notes re: succession of Charles Parent, 6 pgs

21. Letter to Dale from Don Sharp re: presentation, 12/13/2001

22. Copy – succession of Charles Parent

23. Real estate auction ad – Jeffersonville, (2 copies)

24. Copy of map of land grant, 2 pgs

25. Succession of Charles Parent

26. Early Jews of New Orleans, 13 pgs

27. Handwritten notes – list of names, 5 pgs

28. ” ” re: Dix, 3 pgs

29. ” ” re: natorial record, 3 pgs

30. Excerpt – Residents in 1830s – Madisonville, 1 pg

31. Copy – sale of property, 1/6/1860

32. Handwritten notes re: Charles Parent, 1 pg

33. ” ” re: Owen Byrnes, 4 pgs

34. Newspaper article – Historical Society Cookbook – St. Tammany Farmer,


35. ” ” – Official City Map Restored

36. ” ” – movies – Eve’s Bayou, 11/1/1997

37. ” ” – Houlterville, 8/13/1978

38. Copy – deed – Charles Parent, 1 pg

BOX 22 – Oral History of St. Tammany Parish Families

A. “Chinchuba history” by Edgar Sharp a.k.a. The Old Pelican

B. “Story behind the massacre” by Edgar Sharp

II. Binder: Donald Sharp letter book. How he located sources etc.

A. Pocket of binder

1. Portion of Franquelino’s map of 1688.

2. Letter to

3. Bibliography from the Metairie Library

4. Single paper; subjects of Biographies

5. Key to numerals on map on page ii & iii from Beaver Harves of

North America

6. Illinois State Historical Society

B. Binder

1. Section 1

a. Letter to Donald Sharp from Donald J. Mrozek concerning

fur trade in the Missouri Valley

b. Excerpts: “The Kansas Magazine” by Regis Loisel

c. Letter to Donald Sharp from Homer E. Socolofsky concerning Des Russiaux

d. Letter to Donald Sharp from Homer E. Socolofsky

e. Articles from the Times-Picayune

– “Doner finds peace in orchids” Sun. Sept. 17, 1994

– “Think Green; Make a landscaping plan to take advantage

of all plants offer, experts say” Sun. Nov. 18, 1995

– “Single: Woman keeps firm hand at tiller” Sun. Jan. 21


– Photographs of a garden/ pond

– “House(s) beautiful; Down the bayou to Pilot House” Sun.

Jan. 18, 1981

– “Old friends new challenge” Sun. May 15, 1983

f. Article: “Single life calls for steady course”

g. Letter to Donald Sharp from Charles E. Hoffhaus

h. Excerpt: “The Kansas Historical Quarterly” by Charles E.


I. Letter to Donald J. Sharp from the National Archives of

Canada concerning French Canadian fur traders

j. Letter to Donald Sharp from Dennis Taylor concerning

the genealogy histories of the Desruisseaux Trotier

k. Letter to Donald Sharp from Dennis Taylor concerning the

genealogy histories of the Desruisseaux Trotier

l. Letter to Donald Sharp from Rebert L. Fraser

m. Excerpt: “Dictionary of Canadian Biography

n. Letter to Donald Sharp from Joy Reisinger concerning

biographies of the Hertels

o. Letter to Donald Sharp from Suzy M. Slavin concerning

Laurent Ermantinger

p. Excerpt: “Dictionary of Canadian Biography vol. III

q. Handwritten Notes

r. Letter to Donald Sharp from Pierre Louis Lapointe

concerning Fort Cavaignal and the Sionneaux Family

s. Letter to Donald Sharp from Jean Comeaux concerning the

Sionneau family

-Article: The Times-Picayune “Comeau lineage traced to 14th

century” by Damon Veach

-correspondence reply form- letter

-Excerpt: (cover page) “Inventaire; Des Greffes Des Notaires

Du Regime Francais XXVII & XXVI”

t. Excerpt: “Dictionary of Canadian Biography”

u. Excerpt: “Rechereche par titre”

v. Excerpt: “Les Armoiries”

w. “Histoire De Ile Perot de 1662 a nos jours”

x. Letter to Donald Sharp from Adrienne Leduc containing a

page from Canadian Geographic, 2 pages about Verendrey’s

last voyage, 3 pages about a rout taken by Verendrey, 4

pages from Harold Ledu, five page excerpt about Ile Perot

y. Excerpt: “Etienne Charet”

z. Excerpt: “Dictionaire National des Canadiens Frameais”

aa. Letter to Donald Sharp from Adrienne Leduc concerning Jean-

Baptiste Leduc and includes excerpts from “Journal des


2. Section 2

a. Handwritten notes on Trottier-Desruisseaux

b. Letter to Donald Sharp from David Bosse concerning the

Hertel de Rouville family

c. Hand written notes on Trottier-Desruisseaux

d. Ancestor Chart no. her-7

e. Excerpts: “The Jefferson County Historical Quarterly”

f. Genealogy of the Dufrene family

-Excerpt: “genealogy of French Families of the Detroit River

Region. Revision 1701-1936. vol. II” by The Rev. Fr

Christian Denissea

g. Con’t Genealogy of the Dufrejne family

h. Letter to Donald Sharp from David Roberts concerning the

French history of Louisiana

I. Letter to Don Sharp from Mary Munk concerning the

purchasing of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography

A dictionary of Canadian Biography

j. Letter to Donald Sharp from Richard Virr concerning Antoine

Trottier Desruisseaux

k. Letter to Donald Sharp from Richard Virr concerning Ile


-Excerpt on Perrot

-Hand written notes

l. Letter to Donald Sharp from Pierre Louis Lapointe containing

an excerpt from “Dictionnaire genealogoque des familles du

Quebec” by Reno Jette

m. Commandants of Fort De Cavagnial

n. Excerpt: “Robinan de Villelon

o. Excerpt: “Seigneuries Et Files Du Quebec

p. Excerpt: “Seigneuries Et Files Du Quebec (noted as the same)

q. Excerpt: “Decous”

Section 3: Five boxes containing 100 separate tapes on St. Tammany Parish History
and Families

Box 1

Tape No.


Drs. Ed and Ethel Boagni. The Fall meeting of the St. Tammany Historical Society,
September 1978. Speaking on the history of Madisonville.

Don Sharp and Mrs. Guy F. Bourgeois. Topic of Discussion: The Dubussion Family of
St. Tammany Parish. January 6, 1979.

Zachariah “Cutise” Sharp and Marguerite Sharp Menant talking on the history and genealogy
of the Sharps and allied families of Mandeville. August 2, 1963.

Mrs. Genny Abney Gant at her home in Pearl River, November 8, 1978. Topic of interview:
the Strain Family of St. Tammany Parish.

Mrs. Genny Abney Gant at her home in Pearl River, November 8, 1978. (Second tape)
Topic of interview is the Strain Family continued.

James Morgan at his home on Strain Road north of Mandeville November 1, 1978. Topic
of discussion with Don Sharp was the Sharp and allied families, including the family
of David B. Morgan.

Mrs. Bertha Neff, Courthouse archivist, and Don Sharp, June, 1977. Discussion is on
the Sharp and allied families and their records in the Covington Courthouse archives.

Jenny Beaujeau, a descendant of Mandeville settler Joseph Sharp, at her resident north
Mandeville, 1965. This is a second trip to her home in Mandeville. The first voice
interview was in 1963 and on the Scotch Magnetic Tapes. “Aunt Jennie”, with a clear
mind, well into her 80’s recalling events at Mandeville of bygone days. She remembered
vividly the burial of ancestor (grandfather) of Don Sharp in Chinchuba Cemetery in
1904. She pointed out the exact spot (no headstone) where Edmund Sharp was buried.

Mrs. Bessie Marie Scioneaux Sharp and interviewer Don Sharp, November 19, 1979. Topic
of the interview: the Benson and Gabb families of St. James Parish. They were allied
with the Scioneaux and Sharp families.

Ferdinand Falgoust at his home on River Road in St. James Parish. Participating in
the discussion are Mrs. Bessie Sharp and Don Sharp. Topic: the Scioneauxs and allied
families of Vacherie, St. James Parish.

Edgar Sharp, (nicknamed “The Old Pelican”) and family at their home on Sharp Road,
Mandeville, Louisiana. Discussion on the Sharp and allied families of Mandeville,
the Sharp, Spell, Strain Cemetery at nearby Chinchuba and its upkeep. July 21, 1978.

Edgar Sharp and family discussion continued. July 21, 1978.

Mrs. Bertha Neff, Dr. Ethel Boagni, Don Sharp, and Jack Galatas. Group discussion
in the basement of the Covington Court House, June 30, 1978. Topic of discussion:
history of St. Tammany, Madisonville, and many of the early settlers of the parish.

Ferdinand Falgoust, researcher and historian of the Falgoust and Scioneaux families
of St. James Parish. Discussion with Mrs. Bessie Scioneaux Sharp and Don Sharp.

Bessie Marie Sharp at her home in Metairie. Topic of interview was the history and
genealogy of the Scioneaux and Sharp families. Year 1988.

Box 2

Mrs. Bertha Neff and Don Sharp, in the basement of the Covington Court House, November
22, 1977. Discussion on locating records of the early settlers of St. Tammany Parish.

Mrs. Neff and Don Sharp in the basement of the Covington Court House. June 26, 1978.
Researching for documents on the Sharp and Spell families.

Mrs. Neff and Don Sharp in the basement of the Covington Court House June 26, 1978.

Mrs. Neff and Don Sharp in the basement of the Covington Court House. Searching for
documents and “picking Mrs. Neff’s brain and memory” for information on documents
relating to the Sharp, Spell, and Strain family history and genealogy.

Mrs. Neff, Dr. Larry Crain and Don Sharp, June 26, 1978 in the basement of the Covington
Court House. Discussion on the history of St. Tammany Parish.

, Mrs. Neff and Don Sharp at Covington Court House July 7, 1978. Discussion on Children
of Uriah Smith, plus information on Herpin de la Gautrais, Judge Stephen Ellis book,
Amos and George Richardson, George Sharp. (Recording problem. First five minutes of
tape is blank.) Sharp, Spell, Strain Cemetery at Chinchuba, Francois Cousin and Nicolas

Covington Court House July 9, 1978 on Side A, Side B interviewing Leon Scioneaux at
Reserve Louisiana.

Mr. and Mrs. H.W. (Myrtle) Fletcher of Magnolia, Mississippi, descendants of Morgan
Edwards and Uriah Smith lines. Seeking information on the genealogy of both families.
July 9, 1978.

Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher of Magnolia, Mississippi July 9, 1987 continued.

Robert N. Parker and wife Thelma Goodbee Parker at home in Goodbee, Louisiana . Topic
of interview: the history and genealogy of the Morgan Edwards and James and Elizabeth
Goodbee lines. July 12, 1978.

Robert Parker and Thelma Goodbee interview continued. July 12, 1978.

Robert Parker and Thelma Goodbee interview continued. July 12, 1978.

Robert Parker and Thelma Goodbee interview continued. July 12, 1978.

Edgar Sharp (The Old Pelican) and family at their home on Sharp Road in Mandeville,
Louisiana. July 19, 1978. Stories on the Sharp, Prieto, and allied families of Mandeville.

Edgar Sharp and family continued July 19, 1978. Edgar Sharp was Sharp family historian
and had many family stories on the Sharps and other families in early Mandeville.
A very good story teller!

Box 3

Raymond J. Martinez, author of Lt. Pierre Rousseau who fought with Capt. William Pickles
on Lake Pontchartrain September 12, 1779.

Discussion on Canadian Joseph Trottier Desrussieaux, Purchaser of Pearl Island in
1757. Article on Desruisseaux is in “Genesis” 2004.

Desruisseaux, Girardy, and Duvernay Families in Colonial Louisiana.

Doris Holden, author of many genealogical books and articles of St. Tammany families.
Interview on March 17, 1979. Subject matter of interview is the Sharp, Spell, Strain
and Jenkins families. Also discussion on Morgan Edwards.

St. Tammany Historical Association meeting of May 9, 1979. Speaker is Carol Sanders
Jahnke on her book “The Story of Covington”.

Mrs. Jeanette Cornibe, researcher and historian. Interview is on the history of Slidell.
The date of interview is June 12, 1979.

Mrs. Jeanette Cornibe interview on the history of Slidell. Continued June 12, 1979.

Mrs. Jeanette Cornibe interview on the history of Slidell. Continued June 12, 1979.

Mrs. Bertha Neff and Don Sharp at the office of Mrs. Neff in basement of Covington
Court House June 19, 1979. Topic is varied. History of St. Tammany Parish and Sharp
and Spell families.

Mrs. Bertha Neff and Don Sharp discussion on the research of St. Tammany and the Sharp,
Spell, and allied families continued June 19, 1979.

St. Tammany Historical Society Annual Dinner at the Tchefuncte Country Club. Speaker
for the dinner: Judge Frederick Stephen Ellis on the writing of his book “L’Autre
Cote Dulac” The History of St. Tammany Parish June 9, 1979.

Mrs. Bessie Marie Scioneaux Sharp interview on June 20, 1979. Topic: the Joseph Sharp
family Bible of Mandeville. Interview covers the history of the Bible, how it was
almost lost and its restoration.

Miss Ella Paine interview at her home on the lakefront at Mandeville. June 24, 1979.
Subject of interview: recollections of Mandeville from the early 1900s and the genealogy
of the Sharp family.

Miss Ella Paine interview continued June 24, 1979.

Mrs. Bessie Scioneaux and son Donald J. Sharp on the history and genealogy of the
Sharp family.

Box 4

Mrs. Bertha Neff and Don Sharp at the Covington Court House November 10, 1979. Discussion
on the British period (1763-1781).

Mrs. Bertha Neff and Don Sharp on the British settlers of Colonial period of St. Tammany
Parish. Continued.

Edgar Sharp, the Old Pelican, at his home on Sharp Road in Mandeville, Louisiana,
September 25, 1982. Edgar Sharp, family historian and storyteller on the Sharp, Spell,
Prieto, Dicks, and allied families of Mandeville.

Powell Casey, author, historian, and lecturer on the history of Southeastern Louisiana.
Lawyer from Baton Rouge was author of books on the War of 1812 (Battle of New Orleans)
and Forts and historical sites in Southeastern Louisiana. Guest Speaker at the meeting
of the Louisiana Historical Society. Topic of speech: Some historical sites in St.
Tammany Parish. This was the inspiration given to Don Sharp to find the correct site
of the U.S. Naval facility in St. Tammany where the Blockship “Tchefuncte” was constructed.

Mrs. Bertha Neff and Don Sharp at Covington Court House. Discussion of Francois Cousin
and family of St. Tammany Parish.

Dr. Robert Rea, professor of History and Chairman of the Department at Auburn University.
Author of numerous books and articles on the British period of West Florida. Guest
speaker at the March 31, 1981 meeting of the Louisiana Historical Society at City
Hall, Mandeville, Louisiana. Topic of Dr. Rea’s presentation: “Lake Pontchartrain:
International Waters”.

Mrs. Neff at her home in Covington, Louisiana after retiring from the Clerk of Court’s
office December 22, 1982.

Mrs. Neff and Don Sharp at her home in Covington, December 22, 1982 continued.

Norma Core (DePriest) at her office in Covington, September 27, 1982. Discussion on
the location of the United States Navy Yard on the Tchefuncte River during and after
the War of 1812.

Aunt Emma, Henry Sharp, and Don Sharp at Aunt Emma’s house in Waldheim. January 5,
1984. Discussion on the genealogy of the Sharps and allied families.

Blaise D’Antoni speaker at the St. Tammany Historical Society meeting of March 21,
1985. Topic of presentation: “Pere Adrien Roquette”.

Louis Villere (ret.) Discussion at his home in Madisonville. History of Madisonville
and genealogy of Judge Joshua Lewis and family.

Doris Holden at her home north of Covington on June 3, 1986. Topic of discussion:
History and genealogy of Sharp and Spell families.

Doris Holden at her home June 3, 1986 continued.

Dr. Roman Heleniak and others from Southeastern Louisiana University at January 10,
1986 meeting of the St. Tammany Historical Society. Topic” “Palmetto People of Manchac”.

Box 5

Bessie Sharp and her visit to Sheridan, Wyoming. Discussion at home of sister-in-law
Fannie (Edmund) Sharp.

Bessie Sharp and her visit to Sheridan, Wyoming. Topic of discussion: Her marriage
and life in Sheridan, Wyoming. Edmund Sharp was the son of Edmund and grandson of
Marshall Sharp of Mandeville, Louisiana. Both Edmund and Marshall died in 1904 and
1906 and are buried in the Sharp, Spell, Strain Cemetery.

Norma Core (DePriest) at her office in Covington July 11, 1988. Topic of discussion:
Location of the Navy Yard in St. Tammany Parish.

Norma Core (DePriest) at her office in Covington July 11, 1988 continued.

Bessie Marie Sharp, Donald J. Sharp, and Thelma Falgoust at Bessie’s home in Metairie,
Louisiana. Topic: the history and genealogy of the Scioneaux and Falgoust families
of St. James and Jefferson Parish.

Bessie Sharp, son Ed Sharp, Fannie and neighbor Bertha Hawks. Discussion was held
in Sheridan, Wyoming.

Bessie Scioneaux Sharp, Don Sharp, Bennie and wife Azema Roddy, Dorothy and Flora
Gabb in Bessie Sharp’s home in Metairie on July 4, 1997. Discussion was on the Gabb
family of St. James Parish.

Branden Blakenship and Michael Bailey, guides at the Fort Morgan Museum at Gulf Shores,
Alabama. Topic of Discussion: History of Ft. Morgan (started by General Wilkinson
and Capt. John Shaw of the U.S. Navy at New Orleans in 1913). The portrait hanging
at Museum incorrectly identified as Gen. Daniel Morgan of the Revolutionary War was
actually Gen. David Bannister Morgan of St. Tammany Parish. Portrait is in archives
at Baton Rouge. Whether the portrait was changed at the museum is not known.

Mrs. Bessie Scioneaux Sharp and Donald J. Sharp identifying old photographs of the
Scioneaux, Sharp and allied families at Bessie Sharp’s home October 30, 1997.

Bessie, Mathilde, and Vicki Scioneaux meeting on March 29, 1998 at Bessie’s home.
Discussion: The Scioneaux family history and genealogy.

Donovan Scioneaux of St. Amant, Louisiana and son Ronnie at Don Sharp’s home. April
27, 2000. Activity: Making copies of Don Sharp’s research on the Scioneaux family
tree to be use in a Scioneaux family reunion in October of 2000 in St. Amant, Louisiana.

Scotch Magnetic Tapes 140 Tartan Series

Side 1: 1963 Miss Jenny Beajeaux. First visit to her home in northern Mandeville.
Discussion of the Sharp family in Mandeville in the late 1800, Chinchuba Cemetery
and people buried there, cattle raising in St. Tammany, etc. Approx. time 1.5 hours
(one of the earliest tape recording visits).

Tape #3: Sharp family history. Side 1: Mandeville Sharps (Edgar Sharp, the “Old Pelican”
and caretaker of the Chinchuba Cemetery). Family history stories: Argument over the
Pecan tree, fight with the Prietos over cattle, etc. At 101 ft. Mrs. Amos Neff (Archivist
at Covington Court House) November 1964. Discussion of the Chinchuba (Sharp, Spell,
and Strain) Cemetery. At 115 ft. Mr. Ferdinand Falgoust (History Researcher on the
German Coast). Ends at 692 ft. Side two: Edgar Sharp, Arthur (Henry) Dix, and Mrs.
Charles Spell with Donald J. Sharp and a discussion on the Sharp Cemetery.

1. Outline of Oral History of St. Tammany Parish recorded by Donald J. Sharp

Section 4: Metal Recordings

a. Taped July 31, 1963

-Maurice Sharp- Mandeville

-Bessie Sharp

-Clarence Sharp

b. (2) Taped Aug. 2, 1963

-First half, Z “Cutsie” Sharp on Cutsie’s back porch in Mandeville, Louisiana

-Second half, Maurice J. Sharp, in his living room

c. (3) Recorded Aug. 2, 1963

Mrs. Marguerite Sharp “Cutsie” Sharp at Mrs. Marguerite

Sharp’s house. Mandeville, Louisiana

d. (4) Recorded Aug. 13, 1963

Miss Jenn Beaujeaux. Abita Highway. Mandeville, LA

e. (5) Mrs. Alma Armstrong. 327 Walnut St. by Donald Sharp

f. (6) Recorded Aug. 15th

Mrs. Otis Baker (Marguerite) & Mrs. Ross Thompson

(Myrtle) & Elious “Joe Bill”

5. Section 5

a. Tape 1: History of Mandeville (1764-1830)

Side A (4/17/06): -Started Family (Sharps) about 1958

-Sharp Bible 1794, Donald J. Sharp and Family present owners

-Zachariah “Cutsie” Sharp

-Edgar Sharp

-Maurice Sharp

-Covington Court House

-Great Seal of West Florida (British)

Side B (4/18/06)

-Adrian Schwartz, British Settlers at Bayou


-George Richardson

-Tobin Map 1813

-Amos Richardson

-Zachariah Faircloth

– (Loyalist) and Friend

-George Sharp 1792

b. Tape 2: History of Mandeville (1764-1830)

Side A: -Tobin Map of 1813 showing land owners

-Amos Richardson

-Louis Charles Reggio

-Paul Labataut

-Zachariah Faircloth

-William O’Brian

-Jacob Bartell

-Thomas Spell

-James Goodbee

Side B: -Elizabeth Goodbee

-Martha Richardson

-Morrice Smith and Nancy Smith

-Morgan Edwards and wife Margaret Smith

-Abel Geoffigan and Christina Weeks

-George Sharp

c. Tape 3: History of Mandeville (1764-1830)

Side A (4/21/06): -George Joseph & William Sharp

-Capt. Halley’s Journal

Mississippi in 1789 &1791 from

Kentucky to New Orleans, George Sharp, first Sharp in St. Tammany Parish, 1792

-History of Sharps from Scotland to


Side B (4/21/06): -Hugh & Landon Davis

-William Webb

-Jacques Lorreins

-Joseph Rabasa

-Edward Ross

-William McDermot

-Court case no. 225, Letchworth and Wife vs. Bartles and wife, 1825- 1829

-Marriage of Bartell and Elisabeth Spell


-Faircloth & Richardson 1821, witness in


d. Tape 4: History of Mandeville; Court case no.225

Side A (4/24/06):- Marriage of Jacob Baqtles & Elizabeth

Spell (1818)

-Marriage of Martha Richardson and Joseph

Letchworth (1824)

-Case no. 225 begins in September of 1825

-Bills of Exception

Side B (4/24/06):-Witnesses in Case

-Daniel Edwards

-Renez Baham

-Lawrence Sticker

-Love B. Green (Mandeville school teacher),

Midwife, Preacher

e. Tape 5: History of Mandeville; Court case no.225

Side A (4/26/06):-Love B. Green on witness stand testifies

that Mrs. Bartles (Elizabeth Goodbee)

Spell) tries to bribe him to forge papers.

He also implicates son Thomas Spell and

Delisle De La Barthe

Side B (4/27/06):-Renez Baham

-Mr. Raymond of Madisonville

-De cused Henry Sodon

-Obed Kirkland

-John Edwards and the Gilberto Guillamard survey of 1798

f. Miscellaneous Tape: History of Court case no. 225

Family names mentioned. Brief

genealogy of some families 5/3/06

6. Articles accompanying Oral History collection

1. New Orleans States-Item. Mon. Dec. 14, 1964. “Question

Origin of Historic Trial”

2. “Courthouse ‘Catacombs’ Yield Treasure Trove of

Documents” Thur. Aug. 6, 1964. Sec.II

3. “Early Laws and Taxes Related by Mrs. Neff”

4. Slice of Life/Dixie. Charlie Chapple Aug. 19, 1984.

“Bertha Neff’s subterranean world”

5. The St. Tammany Farmer. Vol.113. no.36. “Bertha Neff,

Historian, Archivist Dies”

6. The St. Tammany Farmer. Vol.109 .no.27 Thur. April. 12,

1984. “Seal Missing”

7. The St. Tammany Farmer. Vol. 109. No.43. Thur. Aug.2 1984.

“Missing Seal is Returned”

8. The St. Tammany Farmer. The Old Town Gazette.

Covington, LA. Thur. Sept. 13, 1984. 1-C

9. The St. Tammany News Banner. Vol. 25, No. 60. January 25, 1989. “Judge Tells Some
Ghoulish Stories.”

10. “Touring Columbia, Ms., A Gem of a Notion.”

11. “Library Names Local Authors.” April 18, 1984.

12. The St. Tammany Farmer. June 30, 1983. “Art Group Elects New Officers.”

13. “Causeway Officials Discuss New Link.”

14. St. Tammany Farmer, December 16, 1982. “Judge Crain to be Installed.”

15. The Times Picayune, June 15, 1989. “Mountain of Paperwork” photo of

Steve Ellis

16. The Times Picayune, June 24, 1988. “Retired Judges Still in Law Business.”

17.The Times Picayune, May 30, 1982. “Escape to Tammany.”

18. The St. Tammany Farmer, January 24, 1985. “

19. The Times Picayune/States Item, June 12, 1980. “She’s Hooked on Bayou St. John.”

20. The Times Picayune, January 17, 1982. ” Judge Ellis Removes Mystery as he Describes

St. Tammany’s Yesterdays.”

21. The St. Tammany Farmer, January 24, 1985. “Four Fires Break Out, One Child Dies.”

22. “Shade, Springs Drew Many to Mulberry Grove Hotel”

23. Brochure – Olivier Pollock, Merchant, New Orleans

24. Brochure – Festival De Marigny

Picture of Edgar Sharp of Mandeville aka “The Old Pelican”. A family historian, fisherman,
writer, storyteller

2. Donald Sharp handwritten notes (1 pg)

3. Photos of steamboat demonstration (2 copies)

4. Index of Oral History tapes

BOX 23

Binder – Miscellaneous

1. article about a Marine general Times Picayune 7/15/1995

2. Handwritten note titled- Proof of exact location of Navy Yard

3. Newspaper article @ Miss. River Times Picayune 5/18/1991

4. Newspaper article @ Plantation archaeological dig Times Picayune 4/21/1997

5. Newspaper article @ historic homes in Madisonville Times Picayune 11/26/1994

6. Newspaper article @ historic New Orleans Collection Times Picayune 11/21/1996

7. Handwritten table of contents

8. Letter to Donald Sharp from Dr.William Dudley

9. excerpts Maritime Causes 12 pgs.

10. handwritten note Secretaries of the US Navy, 1805-1823

11. book Neglected Lessons of 1812 4 pgs.

12. handwritten note re: Paul Hamilton

13. handwritten index titled – Chapter II

14. excerpt Gulf Coast Theater pg.396

15. excerpt Gulf Coast Theater list of lieutenants and midshipmen pg. 5

16. photos of 3 Navy men

17. two drawings of Navy ships

18. unknown photo

19. memo to Captain Knox from George Richards

20. General Order from Navy Dept. re: Naval Station New Orleans 11/5/1991

21. handwritten notes re: Alpuente Family

22. handwritten notes re: various navy personnel

23. handwritten notes re: battle between Livingston and Claiborne

24. photocopy of envelope to Secretary of Navy

25. excerpt Gulf Coast Theater pg. 377

26. handwritten note re: List of Officers of the US Navy and Marine Corps 1775-1900

27. excerpt – 1813 re: Southeast, James Wilkinson pgs. 200-205

28. excerpt Gulf Coast Theater pg. 397

29. pictures of the French Market, 1838 and Steam Pump, 1817

30. Sketch of French Market, 1830

31. index of illustrations

32. handwritten notes re: Commandant Shaw, New Orleans 1718-1812 and Letter Books
of WCC Claiborne

33. excerpt re: Lewis Heerman, US Navy, Aug. 1940 2 pgs.

34. excerpt re: Insurrection above Manchac and Kemper and his followers 1 pg.

35. excerpt re: Lewis Heerman, surgeon, US Navy 5 pgs.

36. handwritten notes re: territory

37. excerpt re: New Orleans Naval Station from Naval Historical Center

38. handwritten index: Chapter III

39. picture of Sec. Of War, John Armstrong – Nations at War

40. handwritten notes re: Navy boats where it was built and years in service

41. excerpt Gulf Coast Theater weakening of Gunboat Crews pgs. 107-115

42. excerpt The United States pgs. 4-7

43. excerpt Gulf Coast Theater pgs., 376, 420-434

44. photo of Lewis Heerman, U.S. Navy surgeon

45. drawing of Royal Street

46. handwritten notes 9 pgs.

47. newspaper photo of developer Walton Aucoin @ Tchefuncte Harbor

48. excerpt Blaze of Glory pgs. 119-131

49. photos of Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane and Sir Edward Michael Packenham

50. paper regarding mail contracts

51. excerpt US Navy and Marine Corps Bases, Domestic 5 pgs.

52. Map of Military Road from Madisonville to Tenn. River Navy Yard

53. handwritten notes index, Secretaries of the Navy 1775-1913, Navy and Indian Pirates

54. appendix re: Navy Ships

55. newspaper article re” old newspapers Times Picayune 9/26/1990

56. St. Tammany Historical Society Newsletter Winter, 1990

57. General Orders from Dept. of Navy 3/23/1856 & 4/4/1856 National Archives

Box 24 (re: book collection)

Book – Immigration in British West Florida, 1763 – 1781


1. Bernardo de Galvez – Newspaper article re: Galvez, Times Picayune, 7/4/1976

2. Index to the Archives of Spanish West Florida – handwritten notes

3. Imperial Osages

a. receipt for book purchase

b. excerpt – The Offices and Functions of the New Orleans Cabildo, Gilbert Din

c. excerpt – Carondelet, the Cabildo, and the Slaves: Louisiana 1975, Gilbert Din

d. excerpt – newspaper article – Reign of Spain, Times Picayune, Dec. 1996

e. letter – from Gilbert Din to Don Sharp, 8/7/1996

f. letter – ” “, 2/27/1997

g. letter – ” “, 3/10/1997

4. Life of Stephen Austin – handwritten notes

5. The Economy of British West Florida – handwritten notes

6. George Gould: Surveyor and first British Cartographer to survey and Map the Tchefuncte
River, 1768

a. brochure re: George Gould, cartographer for British Navy in West Florida

b. newspaper article re: Professor’s Declaration

7. Major Robert Farmer of Mobile – brochure re: The Log of HMS Mentor (2)

8. Bombast and Broadsides

a. purchase order for book

b. brochure re: Bombast and Broadsides

9. Letterbooks of John Fitzpatrick, merchant of Manchac

a. handwritten notes

b. letter to Donald Sharp re: Sacramental Records

c. invitation to event for St. Tammany Historical Society, Dec. 29, 1989

d. newspaper article – Louisiana Ancestors – June 1, 1986

e. letter to Donald Sharp from Margaret Fisher Dalrymple, March 12, 1980

f. ” “, Dec. 17, 1979

g. booklet – Mohawk Baronet: Sir William Johnson, James Thomas Flexner

h. newspaper article re: Hale Boggs’ collection to Tulane Library, Times Picayune,

I. excerpt – re: Major Rogers

j. receipt for book purchase

k. excerpt – Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Lawrence Ermatinger

10. American Heritage (2 books) – handwritten notes

11. Rock and Shoals, Discipline in early U.S. Navy

a. letter to Donald Sharp from Dr. James E. Valle, re: Valle’s book “Rocks & Shoals,
March 3, 1993

12. Naval War of 1812, Volume III

a. letter to Donald Sharp from Michael Crawford, 12/11/2000

13. Land Grants to the French: Northshore of Lake Pontchartrain, 30 pgs.

Box 25 – Letterbooks of U.S. Navy officers on the New Orleans station, 1806-1823

1. Lt. Daniel Dexter Letterbook

2. Donald J. Sharp Letterbook

3. John D. Henley Letterbook

4. Letterbook of Samuel Hambleton, New Orleans Station, Feb. 3, 1807 – June 16, 1811

5. Capt. John Shaw Letterbook (2nd copy)

Box 26

The Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletters

Volume Number Issue

1. 1 1 January, 1983

1 2 April, 1983

1 3 July, 1983

4. 1 4 October, 1983

5. 2 1 Winter, 1984

6. 2 2 Spring, 1984

7. 2 3 Summer, 1984

8. 2 4 Fall, 1984

9. 3 1 Winter, 1985

10. 3 2 Spring, 1985 (2 copies)

11. 3 3 Summer, 1985

12. 3 4 Fall, 1985

13. 4 1 Winter, 1986

14. 4 2 Spring, 1986

15. 4 3/4 Summer/Fall, 1986

16. 5 1 Winter, 1987

17. 5 2 Spring, 1987

18. 5 3 Summer, 1987

19. 5 4 Fall, 1987

20. 6 1 Winter, 1988

21. 6 2 Spring, 1988

22. 6 3 Summer, 1988

23. 6 4 Fall, 1988

24. 7 1 Winter, 1989 (2 copies)

25. 7 2 Spring, 1989

26. 7 3 Summer, 1989

27. 7 4 Fall, 1989

28. 8 1 Winter, 1990

29. 8 2 Spring, 1990

30. 8 3 Summer, 1990

31. 8 4 Fall, 1990

32. 9 1 Winter, 1991

33. 9 2 Spring, 1991

34. 9 3 Summer, 1991 (2 copies)

35. 9 4 Fall 1991

36. 10 1 Winter, 1992

37. 10 2 Spring, 1992

38. 10 3 Summer, 1992

39. 10 4 Fall, 1992

40. 11 1 Winter, 1993

41. 11 2 Spring, 1993

42. 11 3 Summer, 1993

43. 11 4 Fall, 1993

44. 12 1 Winter, 1994

45. 12 2 Spring, 1994

46. 12 3 Summer, 1994

47. 12 4 Fall, 1994

48. 13 1 Winter, 1995

49. 13 2 Spring, 1995 (2 copies)

50. 13 3 Summer, 1995 (2 copies)

51. 13 4 Fall, 1995 (2 copies)

52. 14 1 Winter, 1996 (2 copies)

53. 14 2 Spring, 1996

54. 14 3 Summer, 1996

55. 14 4 Fall, 1996

56. 15 1 Winter, 1997

57. 15 2 Spring, 1997

58. 15 3 Summer, 1997

59. 15 4 Fall, 1997

60. 16 1 Winter, 1998

61. 16 2 Spring, 1998

62. 16 3 Summer, 1998

63. 16 4 Fall, 1998

64. 17 1 Winter, 1999

65. 17 2 Spring, 1999

66. 17 3 Summer, 1999

67. 17 4 Fall, 1999

68. 18 1 Winter, 2000

69. 18 2 Spring, 2000

70. 18 3 Summer, 2000

71. 18 4 Fall, 2000

Folder 1

Historic New Orleans Collection newspaper articles

1. “A Remembrance of artists past.” Times Picayune, July 19, 1987

2. “The Few, the proud celebrate birthday.” Times Picayune, Nov. 18, 1993

3. “Putting the past in its place.” Times Picayune, April 7, 1991

4. “Fest folks take center stage for party scene.” Times Picayune, March 31, 1997

5. “Historic area proposal gets negative vote.” Times Picayune, August 17, 1991

6. “The Reign of Spain.” Times Picayune, July 19, 1992

7. “Historic Moment.” Times Picayune, May 18, 1995

8. “Reading Room.” Times Picayune

Box 27

The Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletters (cont’d)

Volume Number Issue

1. 19 1 Winter, 2001

2. 19 2 Spring, 2001

3. 19 3 Summer, 2001

4. 19 4 Fall, 2001

5. 20 1 Winter, 2002

6. 20 2 Spring, 2002

7. 20 3 Summer, 2002

8. 20 4 Fall, 2002

9. 21 1 Winter, 2003

10. 21 2/3 Spring/Summer 2003

11. 21/22 4/1 Fall, 2003/Winter, 2004

12. 22 2 Spring, 2004

13. 22 3 Summer, 2004

14. 22 4 Fall, 2004

15. 23 1 Winter, 2005

16. 23 2 Spring, 2005

17. 23 3 Summer, 2005

18. 24 1 Winter, 2007

19. 24 2 Spring, 2007

20. 24 3 Summer, 2007

21. 24 4 Fall, 2007

20. The Les Descendants Newsletter, Fall 1992

21. The Les Descendants Newsletter, Spring 2002

22. The St. Tammany Historical Society Gazette, Volume 1, Sept. 1975

23. ” “, Volume 2, April 1977

24. ” “, Volume 3, April 1978

25. ” “, Volume 4, March 1980

26. ” “, Volume 7, Dec. 1986, Blaise D’Antoni

Folder 1 Blaise D’Antoni, author of “Chata Ima” the life of Father Adrian Roquette

1. Handwritten notes re: Blaise D’Antoni, 11 pages

2. “Suit,” St. Tammany News, July 29, 1987.

3. “Priest’s garments to be shown as part of exhibit in Lacombe.”

4. “Chahta-Ima heeded a special call to serve,” The Times Picayune, February 1, 1987.

5. “Chahta-Ima was beloved part of Choctaws’ family.”

6. “D’Antoni,” obituary, The Times Picayune, October 17, 1989.

7. “D’Antoni,” obituary

Box 28 (Navy)

1. Marines in the Frigate navy – Some prints portraying historical events that occurred
in St. Tammany Parish

2. River Front History for the Audubon Institute by Sally K. and William D. Reeves,
1990, 67 pgs.

3. Handwritten notes re: New Orleans Public Library, Louisiana Division, Index 1770-1835

4. “Historical drawing offers fresh look at Carrollton.” Times Picayune, Feb. 18,

5. ” State society staged a historic occasion.” Times Picayune, January 24, 1992.

6. Excerpt – General Andrew Jackson’s Military Road from Nashville, Tenn. To Madisonville,

(in clear cover)

7. “Marines first to hoist flag over St. Tammany.” St. Tammany Farmer, Feb. 19, 1998.
(clear cover)

8. Map of south Louisiana and Mississippi (in clear clover)

9. Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America that deal with the Navy
facilities at New Orleans and the Tchefuncte River

10. Lighthouses and Lightships of the Northern Gulf of Mexico

11. Friends of the Archives of Louisiana

12 A negative of a map of New Orleans in 1819. Map was drawn by surveyor Bartholemy
Lafon showing United States Positions in New Orleans. Map is in color.

13.Two excerpts of the plan of the city of New Orleans, exhibiting the property of
the U.S.

14.Excerpt from Architectural Digest. Oct. 1993, “True Tales of the Pirate Architect
of New Orleans” by Roger G. Kennedy: Barth: Barthelemy Lafon.

15.Letter to Don Sharp from Gary Morgan concerning the Etna.

16. Article: The Times Picayune, “Market” sun. Feb. 17, 1991. and “Picking up the
Pieces: Company Restores old Treasures” Thurs. Nov. 18, 1993.

17. Letter to Don Sharp from DA Burr concerning seals.

18.Article: The Times Picayune “Storing city history” by Kathleen A. Mulvihill mon.
April 20, 1981

19. Excerpt from the Alabama Historical Quarterly by Dr. Robert R. Rea. Dr. Rea outlines
the origin and demise of the Great Deputed Seal of West Florida

20. The United States Navy Yard at New Orleans 1804-1826.

A. Introduction: Thomas Jefferson and the Gunboat Navy; and the officers and men who
served it.

B. Barbary Wars 1801-1805.

a. Origin of the U.S. Gunboats

b. Commodore Edward Preble: Naval hero and builder of the first gunboats at New Orleans.
Gunboats no.11 and 12 entered Lake Pontchartrain in October, 1806

c. The capture and burning of the frigate Philadelphia.

d. Battle of the gunboats August 3, 1804 off Tropli Harbor

e. Peace establishment and officers who were retained.

C. New Orleans Naval yard

a. The marines were first in (March 1804) New Orleans, Captain Daniel Carmick Commanding.
Arrives with Marines in March of 1804

b. Purser Keith Spence Assigned 1805.

c. The U.S. Naval Commandants at New Orleans.

d. Aaron Burr affair 1807-1808.

e. Navy Hospital, Drs. Samual Wells, Samuel Heap and Lewis Heerman.

D. Gunboats on the New Orleans Station

a. The First on (in Fall/Oct. 1806) the lakes, gunboats no.11 and 12 enter Tchefuncte

b. U.S. Naval Organization by captain Porter in 1808.

c. The Embargo act 1808-1810. Spanish and British smuggling from Carthage landing
on the Amite River

d. The Naval Hospital at New Orleans.

e. Yellow Fever, New Orleans, Tchefuncte and Bay St. Louis.

f. The Origin of each gunboat and its officers.

E. Discipline and Court Martial.

a. Harsh discipline for sailors and marines.

b. 300 lashes for desertion.

c. Bad boys marines.

F. Senior Lieutenants.

G. The U.S. Navy shipyard on the Tchefuncte.

a. Repair and watering facility.

b. Yellow Fever at Madisonville, Fall 1809

c. The seaman’s bodies at Bayou Castine 1813.

d. The building of the Blockship “Tchefuncte” 1813-1814, Captain John Shaw selects
site on Tchefuncte river, December, 1812

e. The role of the Navy ship building yard on the Tchefuncte during the war of 1812.

H. Lt. George Merrill

a. First raised flag in West Florida, Jan. 6, 1811.

b. Embargo and Precious Ridicule, captivated by Lt. Merrill at Manchac Pass in 1809

c. Commandant of shipyard and his court of inquiry (fire Dec. 10, 1815)

d. Resident of Madisonville, died 1822 at Madisonville.

e. Passed over on Promotion Ladder.

I. U.S. Marines

a. First Naval Personal at New Orleans in 1804. Arrived in March, 1804, quartered
at barracks across the river.

b. Discipline and Desertion

c. The U.S. Marine Commandant officers. Daniel Carmick, Anthony Gale and Archibald
Henderson. Major Anthony Gale and Capt. Archibald Henderson became Commandant of the
U.S. Marine Corps.

d. Guarding the “Tchefuncte” and “Fort Oak”.

e. Assignments to the gunboats.

J. End of New Orleans Navy Yard at New Orleans in 1826.

a. The acts of Congress that caused the Navy yard’s demise, starting in 1818.

b. Friction with city corporation.

c. The fire of 1820.

d. Closing the gates, Sept. 21, 1826, Lt. Lawrence Rosseau was the last officer on
the New Orleans Station.

K. Postscript

L. Bibliography

21. Barbary Wars

A. Origin of the U.S. Gunboats from Barbary Wars.

B. Commodore Edward Preble, head of the Barbary Wars.

C. Preble builds gunboats no’s 11 and 12, first on Lake Pontchartrain.

D. The capture and burning of the Frigate Philadelphia.

E. Heros from Barbary wars on the New Orleans station.

22. United States gunboats on the Tchefuncte River: New Orleans Station 1806-1817.

A. No’s 11 and 12: The first gunboats on Lake Pontchartrain and Maurepas in Oct. 1806.

B. The organization of the Navy yard and gunboats by second commandant David Porter
1808-1810. After Capt. Porter left the New Orleans station, he took the USS Essex
to the Pacific.

C. The Embargo Act of 1808-1810 and military action on Lake Maurepas and Pontchartrain
between Spain and the United States.

D. Yellow Fever Epidemic and the gunboats on the Tchefuncte death at Baham village.

E. Gunboat no. 5.

23. Discipline and Court Martial on the Tchefuncte.

A. Harsh discipline for sailors.

B. Court martial at the Tchefuncte. Several were held on Gunboats on the Tchefuncte

C. 300 lashes with “cat o nine tail” for desertion.

D. Marines get bad reputation.

24. The naval career of Lt. John Dandridge Henley, nephew of George Washington

25. The United States Naval Facility on the Tchefuncte River 1812-1823.

26. The naval career of Lt. George Merrill.

27. United States Marines first military to arrive from the Atlantic coast after the
Louisiana Purchase. They arrived at the end of March, 1804.

Folder 1

1. Letter to Donald Sharp from Michael J. Crawford, Dept. of the Navy re: River Front

2. Letter to Donald Sharp from Fred Bauman, librarian, Library of Congress re: Naval
Historical Foundation Collection registers, January 17, 1991

3. Bladen Dulany, Gustavus R. B. Horner, Daniel Todd Patterson – A Register of their
Papers in the Library of Congress – Naval Historical Foundation Collection

4. David Glasgow Farragut, John Gwinn, John Lowe, The Porter Family – A Register of
their Papers in the Library of Congress – Naval Historical Foundation Collection

5. Nathan Sargent, John Shaw, Montgomery Sicard, Roger Welles – A Register of their
Papers in the Library of Congress – Naval Historical Foundation Collection

6. The Rodgers Family – A Register of their Papers – Naval Historical Foundation Collection

Box 29 Miscellaneous material on James Rumsey, Pioneer of the Steam Engine

1. A History of the Steam Engine, Robert H. Thurston

George Michael Bedinger: A Kentucky Pioneer, Danske Dandridge, 80 pgs.

2. James Watt and the Steam Engine, H. W. Dickinson and Rhys Jenkins, 97 pgs.

3. James Rumsey: Pioneer in Steam Navigation, Ella May Turner, 48 pgs.

Folder 1 Material relating to James Rumsey, Pioneer in steam navigation

1. Will of Charles Rumsey – Cecil County, Maryland, 1 pg.

2. excerpt – George Washington’s Patowmack Canal – National Geographic Magazine,

Vol.171, No. 6, June 1987, 6 pgs

3. excerpt – Steamboats Come True, 2 pgs.

4. excerpt – The First American Steamboat, 11 pgs.

5. excerpt – Diaries of Washington, 11 pgs.

6. excerpt – A New Society Takes Root – James Rumsey and the Steamboat, 2 pgs.

7. letter to Don Sharp from Louise Harrison re: James Rumsey, 7/25/1995

8. excerpt – Dictionary of American Biography re: James Rumsey, 1 pg.

9. excerpt – Maryland Calendar of Wills, 3 pgs.

10. excerpt – James Rumsey: Pioneer in Steam Navigation, 3 pgs.

11. Family records of Rumsey, 7 pgs.

12. handwritten notes re: Rumsey,1 pg.

13. excerpt – Power of Attorney granted to Charles Morrow by James Rumsey

14. excerpt – Berkeley County, West Virginia, 2 pgs.

15. excerpt – James Rumsey: The Inventor of the Steamboat, 4 pgs.

Folder 2 Material relating to James Rumsey, Pioneer in steam navigation

1. Maryland Historical Magazine

John Nicholson and the Great Steamboat Rivalry by Robert D. Arbuckle

pg. 61. Rumsey gave land in Bayou Lacombe and Penl Island as security for a newcomen
engine to John Nancarrow for information on the steam pipe boiler (Nancarrow iron
works in Philadelphia)

2. The Original Steam Boat : a Reply to James Rumsey’s Pumphlet.

3.The Documentary History of the State of New York.

4. John Nancarrow vs John House . Docket # 1549 and docket # 1550

John Nancarrow’s son John Nancarow Jr.came down in 1802 with steam engine for sawmill
and stayed.

5. Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana Nancarrow vs. Nelson

6. A History of Washington County Maryland

Facts on the Early Life of James Ramsey: No proof that he was born in Maryland

7. Oliver Pollock. The Life & Times of an Unknown Patriot by James Alton James.

Oliver Pollock’s association with James Ramsey.

8. The Illinois Country 1673-1818 by Clarence Walworth Almond

9. Illinois State Historical Library Vol. II Virginia Series Vol. 1 by Clarence Wolworth

10. The Papers of Sir William Johnson Vol XII The University of the State of New York

11. Steam by James Ramsey, Philadelphia 1788

12. The Pennsylvania Magazine: History & Biography 1925

13. Kaslenshia Renorde. 1778-1790 by Clarence Walworth Almond

Folder 3 Material relating to James Rumsey, Pioneer in steam navigation

1. The Pennsylvania Magazine Vol XVIII

2. Trade & Politics 1767-1767 by Clarence Walworth Almond. 1927. Merchants Bayntor,
Wharton & Morgan Papers

3. Pioneer History: Ohio Valley, 1848

4. Encyclopedia Americana: International Edition

5. The revolutionary Frontier 1763-1783 by Josh M. Sosin, University of Nebraska

6. News of James Rumsey of Louisiana June 2, 1858

7. The Rumsey Family History of Ceirl County

8.Tidewater Maryland by Poul Wilstach.

9..Early Western Travels 1740-1846 by Reuben Gold Thwaites 1904

10. Spanish Records in Louisiana on James Rumsey.

Folder 4. Material relating to James Rumsey, Pioneer in steam navigation

1. A letter from Oliver Pollock to unidentified person ( in French)

2. Oliver Evans: A Chronicle of Early American Engineering by Greville Bathe and Dorothy
Bathe. Historical Society of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, 1939

3. Article in Louisana Historical Quarterly (vol. 20, No 2, April 1937) by Jennie
O’Kelly Mitchell and Robert Dabney Calhount: ” The Marquis de3 Maison Rouge, The Baron
de Bashop, and Colonel Abraham Morhouse. Three Ouachita valley soldier ov fortune.
The Maison Rouge and Bashop Spanish land “Grants”.

4. Carolina Gradle by Robert W. Ramsey. Settlement of the Northwest Carolina frontier,
1747-1762. The University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill.

5. Forth to the Wilderness. The first American Frontier. 1754-1774 by Dale Van Every.
Published by William Morrow and Company, New York, 1961

6. A letter from Robert R. Rea to Mr. Donald J. Sarp, dated 14 September 1989

7. The Life of Thomas Johnson by Edward S. Deplaine . The Grafton press, New York

Box 30 Miscellaneous material on James Rumsey, Pioneer of the Steam Engine

James Rumsey of St. Tammany Parish 1774-1779 Inventor of the Steamboat1. The Critical
Period 1760-1765 by Clarence W. Alvord 1915

2. The New Regime 1765-1767 by Clarence Walworth Alvord, 1916

3 George Morgan: Colony Builder by Max Savelle

4. Baynton, Wharton & Morgan Papers: Illinois Historical Collections.

5. Bernard and Michael Gratz Papers: Merchants of Philadelphia 1754-1798 by William
Vincent Bryans

6. The Mississippi Valley in British Politics by Clarence Walworth Alvord Vol II 1917

7. George Croghan and the Westward Movement 1714-1782 by Albert T. ???? 1926.

8. Council Fires on the Upper Ohio by Randolph C. Downes 1940

9. Letters of James Rumsey Inventor of the Steamboat William and Mary Quarterly

10. George Morgan: Early Illinois Businessmen: A Case of Premature Enterprise by Robert
M. Smith

11. The George Rogers Clark Adventure in the Illinois by Katherine Wagner Semele

Folder 12. The Filson Club History Quarterly: West Fincastle-New Kentucky

13. Illinois Historical Collections: British Illinois M63-1778

14. Carolina Cradle. The First Settlement 1747-1751

No. 101 James Rumsey’s heirs claim eight hundred areas to be arpents by purchase from
Francois Lemell, by deed, bearing the late 3 1777. The said deed of conveyance is
the only document accompanying the notice of the claim, and no proof to establish
occupancy has been offered. The deed of conveyance, however, having been passed in
a regular manner before the commandant of the past, no doubt is ? of the reality of
the claim, and it is recommended for information:

American State Papers. ? Dec 4 1815 – ? 27, 1984

George Rogers

pg 15

Morgan quietly left for Philadelphia on March 3, 1771 and never returned to the Illinois
as a merchant. He took with him a petition for Milkins’ removal, signed by the Illinois
residents and addressed to General Gage. Morgan kept in touch with his friends in
the West and in 1774 appointed Winston and Hemety? Nov. 10, 1777 they declared before
the Isle of ? that they were no longer George Morgan’s agents but purchasers of his

pg 17

Capt. Williams Murray of the 42nd Regiment was relieved by Capt. Charles Edmmotme
of the 18th Regiment in early October 1767. Edmmotme commanded at Fort Pitt for five
years until he was ordered to withdraw his garrison and abandon the post in October

pg 17

James Rumsey went into partnership with William Murray. In May 1773 Rumsey and his
wife McIntyre, sold a piece of property at ???. He later settled on an island plantation
at the mouth of the ??? River in West Florida (Haynes p. 23) His widow Jane Ramsey
signed ??? at Opelousas in 1779 and 1782

??? of Documents, Vol II ??????, Part one De Ville D676.D233

pg 33

No. 2 ??? wrote to General Gage from Fort deChartres on Oct 16, 1765 to report his
arrival from Fort Pitt

pg 66 & 67 Chapter Four

The Congress

No. 14 Carolina Cradle The First Settlements, 1747-1751

No. 13 Illinois Historical Collections British Illinois, 1763-1778

No. 12 The Filson Club History Quarterly West Fincastle Now Kentucky

No. 11 The George Rogers Adventure in the Illinois

Wilderness Warrior

No. 9 Letters of James Rumsey, Inventor of the Steamboat

American State Papers. Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the
United States

No. 8 Council Fires on the Upper Ohio

Croghan and the Westward Movement, The Occupation of the West

George Croghan: Wilderness Diplomat, Up the Ladder, Illinois Mirage, The Indian Boundary,
Pittsburgh Land Speculator, End of the Trail

B. and M. Gratz Merchants in Philadelphia 1754-1798

No. 6 The Mississippi River Valley in British Politics

Box 31 Miscellaneous Material relating to early families of St. Tammany Parish

1. Haden Edwards and Family, 193pgs. Bought Paullabatut Plantation (Lewisburg) in

2. Francois Rillieaux and Family of St. Tammany Parish, 227pgs.

3. History of West Florida, 113pgs.

4. “Early land owners and settlers of St. Tammany Parish vol.2” by Donald Sharp, 211pgs.

5. Copies of the Records of the Superior Council of Louisiana that appeared in the
Louisiana Historical Quarterly from 1919 through 1940 which pertain to the history
of the north shores of lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas, 170pgs.

6. a. Major John Spell and Family, Zachariah Faircloth and Family, 702pgs.

b. “Edgecombe County; A brief history” by Alan D. Watson, 109pgs.

7. History of colonial settlement in Louisiana up to the development of the steamboat,

8. Aydelott, Joshua-Mandeville, 77pgs.

9. Sharps of St. Tammany and Goodbees of St. Tammany, 472pgs.

10. Strains of St. Tammany Parish, 61pgs.

11. Morgan Edwards Family, 107pgs.

Box 32 Material relating to the Livingston Family of New York and Louisiana

1. “A Comparative View of French Louisiana, 1699 and 1762: The Journals of Pierre
Le Moyne d’ Iberville and Jean-Jacques-Blais d’ Abbadie” translated, edited and annotated
by Carl Brasseaux, 153pgs.

2. “British West Florida Trade and Commerce in the Customs Records” by Robert R. Rea,

3. “Planters and Plantations in British West Florida” by Robert R. Rea, 63pgs.

4. “British Land Grants-William Wilton Map, 1774” compiled by Gordon M. Wells, 10pgs.

5. History of Phillip Livingston, 52pgs.

6. Notes on “Forks of the Amite” 9pgs.

7. “Gentleman Phil: Eighteenth Century Opportunist, Phillip Peter Livingston, 1740-1810”
by Ruth Corinne Connor, 183pgs.

8. “The Livingstons of Livingston Manor” by Edwin Brockolst Livingston, 273pgs.

9. Article: The Times Picayune. “Past introduces itself to the old-line Livingstons

10. Excerpt: “Loyal Whigs and Revolutionaries; The Making of the Revolution in New
York, 1765-1776” by Leopold S. Launitz-Schurer Jr.

11. “An American Aristocracy; The Livingstons” by Clare Brant, 38pgs.

12. (2) Genealogy Table of Livingstons

13. Excerpt on Robert Livingston, 1pg.

14. Excerpt: “The Jay Papers I: Edited and Annotated” 23pgs.

Box 33 Articles by Anita Campeau and Donald Sharp that appear in the periodical “Genesis”
between 2004-2008

1. “Migration Patterns” by Anita R. Campeau and Donald Sharp

2. “Trottier Family History” by Donald Sharp

A. A time line of the Desruisseaux Branch of the Trottier Family. From Antoine to
his grandson Joseph Trottier Desruisseaux II.

B. A profile of the Desruisseaux Branch of the Trottier Family of Canada and the United

3. “From Ile Perrot, Canada to Pearl Island, Louisiana” by Anita R. Campeau and Donald

4. “Migration Patterns” by Anita R. Campeau and Donald Sharp

5. “Social Mobility and Genealogy: The Girardy Family” by Anita R. Campeau and Donald

6. “Colonial History and Genealogy: Scioneaux and Allied Families” by Anita R. Campeau

Donald Sharp

7. “A Mystery Solved: The identity of Morgan Edwards of Bayou Castin is Revealed”
by Donald Sharp

8. From Lacombe, Louisiana to Lacombe, Alberta, by Anita Campeau and Donald J. Sharp

9. Land grants to the French: North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain by Anita R. Campeau
and Donald J. Sharp

Folder 1

A. Letter from New France; The Upper Country 1686-1783

B. “The Great Lakes Frontier” by John Anthony Caruso

C. “A History of French Louisiana” vol.1 “The Reign of Louis XIV, 1698-1715” by Marcel

D. Letter to Donald Sharp from Julie Preston

Box 34

1. Bound material

A. “Mandeville” by Michel Dejan

B. Marigny De Mandeville Family and the Fountainebleau Plantation 1700-1938

2. New Orleans Genesis vol.4 Jan. 1965 no.13

3. Plaquemines Deep Delta Genealogical Society vol. I, issue 4

4. Plaquemines Deep Delta Genealogical Society vol.II, issue 6

5. “Alabama Records” vol.118 Perry County by Pauline Jones Gandrud

6. Letter from The Historic New Orleans collection to Donald Sharp concerning the
2003 Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Conference

7. A dissertation bibliography; Louisiana

8. “The Civil War at Charleston” by Arthur M. Wilcox and Warren Ripley

9. “Louisiana in the War of 1812” by Powell A. Casey

10. 1880 Louisiana Census; St. Tammany Parish

11. Bayou Lacombe

12. “Miscellaneous Records; St. Tammany Parish-Louisiana” by Doris E. Martin Holden

13. 1900 Federal Population Census; A catalog of microfilm copies of the schedules

14. Regulators Petition, 5 pgs.

Box 35

1. “Pierre-Francois Olivier de Vezin: An Entrepreneur in Canada and Louisiana” by
Anita R. Campeau and Donald Sharp (Copy 2)

2. Manilla Folder

A. “The Chahta-Ima Chronicles: commemoration his 192nd Birthday Feb. 26, 2005 by Carl

B. Diary of Francois Sidoine Pichon

3. Christ Episcopal Church. Covington, Louisiana

4. Index to Marriages: St. Tammany Parish 1812-1900. Vol. 1 compiled by Mrs. Amos
(Bertha Perreand) Neff and assisted by E. Russ Williams, Jr.

5. St. Tammany 1885-1945: A photographic essay (2 copies)

6. St. Tammany Parish Louisiana Miscellaneous Records containing: Mortgage Records,
Tax List, census of voters, jury list, justice court records, police jury minutes,
voter registration books

7. Louisiana Saint Tammany Parish cemetery records vol. 1

by Dolores Powe Butler and Doris Martin Holden

Box 36

1. “Saint Tammany Parish Louisiana Cemetery Records” vol. II by Dolores Powe Butler
and Doris Martin Holden

2. “Saint Tammany Parish Louisiana Marriage Records 1901 through July 1924” compiled
and published by Doris Martin Holden

3. Loose Material

A. Article: The Windsor Star “In Search of a Cajun hero’s grave” Thursday June 2,

Smithsonian “Saving Atchafalaya” Nov. 2003

Box 37

1. Binder: The U.S. Navy Yard; New Orleans 1804-1826 and U.S. Gunboats on the Lakes

inside pocket

1. Mandeville Picayune – “Tammany’s Role in U.S. Naval History”, June 27, 2002

2. Summary of slide presentation of Gunboats on Lake Pontchartrain

3. Handwritten notes re: letterbooks – 5 pgs.

4. Introduction – 6 pgs.

5. Gunboats – Origin and History

6. Navy Roster on New Orleans station, 1805-1826, 9 pages

7. History of gunboat no. 5 (handwritten notes), 3 pgs

8. Leatherneck advertisement

9. Gunboats and ships1806-1823

10. Handwritten notes

11. Pictures of sailboats, 3 pgs.

12. Handwritten notes – 4 pgs.

13. Memo for General Richards, 7 pgs.

14. Lafon Map of N.O. map of 1819, with colored negative

15. New Orleans in 1806, 3 pgs

16. Copy of map

17. Bartholemy Lafon – architect, 1 pg

18. Navy Commanders of the New Orleans station, 1806-1826, 4 pgs

19. House location of Capt. David Porter, 3 pgs.

20. Purser Keith Spence, First Navy Agent at New Orleans, 26 pgs.

21. Leatherneck article

22. Mandeville Picayune, “Program to focus on role of block ships.” June 16, 2002

23. Foreign Policy, handwritten notes, 3 pgs.

24. Copy of paintings of New Orleans, 3 pgs.

25. New Orleans Corporation – 1805, handwritten notes

26. New Orleans Station

27. Excerpt – The Public Statutes at Large, 3 pgs.

28. 1806, handwritten notes, 6 pgs

29. Photo of a painting of a gunboat struck by lightning at Belez

30. Preble Bombards Tripoli, handwritten notes, 4 pgs.

31. U.S. Navy Officers – 1805

32. Excerpt – Maritime Causes , 5 pgs.

33. 1805, handwritten note

34. Thomas Jefferson’s Gunboat Navy, 5 pgs.

35. Navy Secretaries who played a role in North Shore history

36. Robert Smith, 2 pgs.

37. Barbary Wars

38. Notes, 25 pgs.

39. Dr. Benjamin Rush, the famous American doctor whose son John was a gunboat commander
on Lake Pontchartrain. 7 pgs

40. Handwritten notes, Gunboats, 43 pgs.

41. Lake Pontchartrain

42. 1806, 2 pgs.

43. Correspondence – New Orleans – 1810, 3 pgs.

44. Excerpt – Circular of Military Officers, 2 pgs.

45. James T. Leonard, Acting Commandant, N.O. Station, 2 pgs

46. Jacob Jones, 5 pgs.

47. Capt. David Porter, 7 pgs

48. Senior Lts.

49. Johnston Blakely, 2 pgs.

50. Michael Brown Carroll, Lt. US Navy, 3 pgs.

51. Daniel S. Dexter, 1 pg.

52. Court Martials

53. Photocopy of painting of American flag in New Orleans

54. Yellow Fever

55. Yellow fever, 5 pgs.

56. Newspaper article re: Iberville renovation site

57. Newspaper article re: photos from Save Our Cemeteries gala

58. Yellow fever notes, 4 pgs.

59. History of Naval Hospital at New Orleans, 13 pgs.

60. Map of Navy Yard

61. Lewis Heerman, Surgeon, 8 pgs.

62. Mental breakdowns, 3 pgs.

63. Letter to Donald Sharp from Pete Lesher, Chesapeake Bay Museum, August 25, 1994,
re: Samual Hambleton Letterbook

64. Excerpt, For God and Country: Hambleton Family, 4 pgs.

65. Death of William Butler, 5 pgs.

66. Monument of the Tripolitan War, 3 pgs.

67. Microfilm guide, M146, National Archives, 2 pgs.

68. Letter to Phillip Marshall, 1810, 2 pgs.

69. Excerpt, Gulf Coast Theater, 6 pgs.

70. Meat Market, 8 pgs.

71. Francois Pichon, shipbuilder of the blockship “Tchefuncte”, 1813-1914, 5 pgs.

72. Excerpt, Gulf Coast Theater, 8 pgs.

73. Secretary of Navy, William Jones, who stopped construction of the Tchefuncte in
April, 1814, 23 pgs.

74. Live oaking, 6 pgs.

75. Fort Oak

76. Excerpt, Mississippi Territorial Archives, 7 pgs.

77. Excerpt, Gulf Coast Theater, 3 pgs.

78. Handwritten notes, St. Tammany Historical Gazette, 1 pg

79. Excerpt, United States Naval Operations in the Defense of New Orleans, 4 pgs.

80. War with Britain

81. Battle of Lake Borgne, 3 pgs.

Excerpt, United States Naval Operations in the Defense of New Orleans, 19 pgs.

82. Pirates, 4 pgs,

83. Tchefuncte Ship yard, 1817, 4 pgs.

84. U.S. Marines

85. Newspaper article re: Marine Capt. Daniel Carmick

86. Photocopy of pictures of Samuel Nicholas, William Burrows, Franklin Wharton

87. Biographical sketch of Daniel Carmick, 16 pgs.

88. Letter to Donald Sharp from Danny Crawford, Dept. of Navy re: Marines in

New Orleans during early 1800s

89. U.S. Marines, 19 pgs.

90. Decline of Yard

91. Handwritten notes, 3 pgs.

92. Fire at the New Orleans Navy Yard, 9 pgs.

93. After the fire, 10 pgs.

94. End of Navy Yard

95. Excerpt, Public Statutes at Large, 5 pgs.

96. Letters from Smith Thompson, 1821, 10 pgs.

97. Excerpt, Naval Career of Lawrence Rousseau, 9 pgs.

98. Bibliography

99. Postscript

100. Excerpt, Gold Braid and Foreign Relations, John Downes

101. Letter, 1825

102. Excerpt, Seventh Congress, 4 pgs.

103. Letters, 1826, 9 pgs.

104. Colonel William MacRae

105. Acts and Deliberations, 17 pgs.

Inside back cover

106. Letter to Donald Sharp from Judge Morris Arnold re:Dorothy Core articles,

February 23, 2000

107. Times Picayune, “Museum lacks money, exhibits”, July 31, 2000

108. “Romance and Reality; a story of Indians survival in Louisiana, newspaper article

109. Samuel Lewis Southard, 2 pgs.

Folder 1: The History of Bayou Lacombe and the Branch called Rouville

A. Loose Material at front of Folder

1. Article: The Times-Picayune. “Old Spanish Fort is Getting Attention” Nov. 20, 1977.

2. Article: News Banner. “Ducre Family Cemetery” Jan.1, 1986 and “Morgan and the Battle
of New Orleans” Jan.8, 1986.

3. Excerpt: The Louisiana Quarterly. “Index to Spanish Judicial Records of Louisiana”


4. Excerpts of Names pgs. 372, 373, 156, 157, 162, and 163.

5. Article: “Slice of Colonial history is for sale along the bayou in St. Tammany”
by John R. Kemp.

6. Article: The Times-Picayune.”1770’s St. Tammany cottage is denied a grant for storm
fixes” March, 11, 2007.

7. Excerpt: “Chahta-Ima and St. Tammany’s Choctaws” by Blaise C. D’Antoni.

8. List of names: pgs. 270, 271, 232, 233, 26, 27, 28, 29, 218, 219, 64, 65, 194 and

B. Bound Material- Early settlers on the North Shore between Bayou Castin and Bayou

1. Antonio Bonnabel, 128pgs.

2. Francois Cousins, 45pgs.

3. Urbain Paiche/Etienne Rienne, 18pgs.

4. Francis Cousin II, 60pgs.

5. Joseph Carriere, 69pgs.

6. Nicholas Ducret, 73pgs.

7. Hilario Boutet, 23pgs.

8. Milon Brothers, 41pgs.

9. Bayou Liberty, 2pgs.

10. Laurent, 14pgs.

11. Peyroux and Caue.

C. Loose Material at the end of Folder

1. Article: “Dean will remove top part of ruins” by Karen Turni.

2. Article: “De la Ronde mystery solved: Railroad owned by ruins of home” by Kathy
Diez Kuss.

3. Article: The Times-Picayune. “Map updating will be big job” by Diane Loupe, June
4, 1981.

4. Cover page: “New Orleans Architecture” vol. 7 by The Friends of the Cabildo; Associates
of the Louisiana State Museum.

5. Excerpt: Book I part 2, Greensboro; British West Florida.

6. Excerpt: “Edmund Pendleton Gaines; Frontier General” by James W. Silver.

Folder 2: Lewisburg and Madisonville: Roles they played in the history of Texas

A. Loose Material

1. Compact Disc of Haden Edwards and daughter

2. Letter to Donald Sharp from the Juneau Family Reunion concerning a Juneau family

3. Letter to Donald Sharp from the Center for Southeastern Louisiana Studies.

4. “James Gaines on the Census/Tax List” by Donald Sharp.

5. “Tantalizing Titles” from Ericson Books.

6. Essay on James Gaines by Donald Sharp.

7. Photograph of Haden Harrison Edwards.

8. Essay: “A History of Texas and Texans” by Frank W. Johnson.

9. Census and Tax collection of St. Tammany 1812. (sent to D. Sharp, 2/6/08)

10. Essay: “The Signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence” by Louis Wiltz Kemp,

B. Bound Material

1. Forward, 16pgs.

2. Introduction, 41pgs.

3. “The Signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence” Louis Wiltz Kemp, 90pgs.

4. Edward P. Gaines, 31pgs.

5. Hayden Edwards, 202pgs.

6. Joseph H. Hawkins, 28pgs.

7. History of Texas, 35pgs.

8. “Doomed Road of Empire” by Hodding Carter, 45pgs.

9. Three Roads, 24pgs.

10. Conclusion, 2pgs.

11. Bibliography, 20pgs.

C. Folder 2-Miscellaneous Documents     1. Essay: “A History of Texas and Texans” by Frank W. Johnson.     2.  Essay: “The Signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence” by Louis Wiltz

3. Excerpt: “Edmund Pendleton Gaines; Frontier General” by James W. Silver.

Box 38

1. New Orleans Genesis, Vol. XLII, January 2004, No. 169

2. New Orleans Genesis, Vol. XLIII July 2004, No. 171

3. New Orleans Genesis, Vol. XLIV, July 2005, No. 175 (3 Copies)

4. New Orleans Genesis, Vol. XLV, January 2007, No. 177

5. New Orleans Genesis, Vol. XLVI April 2008, No. 182 (2 Copies)

6. New Orleans Genesis, Vol. XLVII January 2009, No. 185

7. New Orleans Genesis, Vol. XLVII April 2009, No. 186

8. Articles from the New Orleans Genesis: “Marriages, Baptisms, and Deaths of the
Little Red Church” By Alice D. Forsyth and Charles K. Ramond. From Vol. 1, January
1962, No. 1 (12 Pages) Pronunciation of the name “Leboeuf” (2 Pages) “Moutons in St.
James” (2 Pages) “Willig Genealogy and Related Family Lines (4 Pages), and a Times-Picayune
article titled, “Destrehan Plantation” April 27, 1980.

Box 39

1. (39) Slides of Donald Sharp’s Maritime Lecture. June 19, 2002.

2. (1) Hi8 videocassette of D. Sharp’s Maritime Lecture. June 19, 2002.

3. Microfilm: Miscellaneous Material on the Sharp Family.

4. Microfilm: Barnes, Milford Edwin 1883: James Shepard and His Descendents. 5. Tape: Side 1, Tom Spell Memorial Cemetery. Side 2, Story of Haden Edwards. 6. Tape: Don Sharp Interview 1/6/2009. 7. Tape: Don Sharp Lecture 6/19/2002. 8. Bottle of Manuscript Marking Ink. Box 40 Blue Binder 1. Excerpt from The South in the New Nation 1789-1819 by Thomas P. Abernathy (20
pages). 2. Article, “The Study of the West Florida Rebellion.” (10 pages). 3. Excerpt from The West Florida Controversy by Isaac Cox (8 pages). 4. Article, “The Kemper Rebellion’s: Filibustering and Resident Anglo American Loyalty
in Spanish West Florida.” by Andrew McMichael (11 pages). 5. Internet sources on the West Florida Rebellion (8 pages). 6. Excerpts from The Original Lone Star Republic by David A. Bice (67 pages). 7. Excerpts from Florida: Land of Change by Katheryn Abbey Hanna (6 pages). 8. Article, “Floating a Republican Idea, Jefferson’s Gunboats at New Orleans.” by
Gene Smith (17 pages). 9. Excerpt from The West Florida Controversy by Isaac Cox (4 pages). 10. Excerpts from President Thomas Jefferson’s Gunboats on Lakes Maurepas and Pontchartrain in
1806. (18 pages). 11. Select bibliography for The War of American Independence Florida Theater (4 pages).
12. Map of the New Orleans Campaign 1814-1815. 13. Excerpt from Blaze of Glory by Samuel Carter III (9 pages). 14. An index to the 1820 Census of Louisiana’s Florida Parishes and 1812 St. Tammany
Parish Tax List (24 pages). 15. Genealogy notes on the George Family (4 pages). 16. 1840 Census and 1835 Tax List, St. Helena Parish, Louisiana (10 pages). 17. Handwritten notes on West Florida (6 pages). Folders 1. A History of Springfield, Louisiana 2. Copy of Capitulation of the Inhabitants on the Settlements on Lake Pontchartrain,
dated 1779 (2 pages). 3. Dissertation submitted to the graduate School of the University of Pittsburg by
Anna Margaret Cuattrocchi, dated 1944. Title: Thomas Hutchins 1780-1789. 4. Charles Tradeau and Vincent Pintado Papers 5. British West Florida’s Mississippi Frontier During the American Revolution by
Elizabeth May Jones Conover. Box 41 Folder 1 1. Journal of Captain John Halley. Folder 2: The Livingston Family 1. Letter from Robert L. Livingston, Member of Congress to Mr. Clark Forrest, Jr.
President of the Edward Livingston Historical Association. Dated September 19, 1983.
2. Final draft paper titled, “The Livingston Family.” (10 pages). 3. Excerpt from The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary (2 pages). 4. Excerpt from Biographical Directory of the American Congress 1774-1971 (4 pages).
Folder 3 1. History of Evan Hall Plantation (19 pages). 2. The Navy at the Battle of New Orleans (6 pages). 3. Reference sheet for UNO Earl K. Long Library rev. 8125197. 4. Article on Bartreu Trail (copy included) (2 pages). 5. Letter from Patty M. Maddocks, United States Naval Institute to Mr. Donald J.
Sharp, November 8, 1989. 6. Partial map of William Wilton Manchak to Yazoo Map. Folder 4 1. Article from The Daily Sentry News, Thursday Morning July 7, 1977. “Bon-Pacquet
– History of a Slidell Home.” 2. Handwritten note on Bon Pacquet. 3. Pictures of Bon Pacquet Residence (15 pictures). Folder 5 1. Sharp Family of Sharpsburg, Kentucky from 1880 to 1989. Red Binder Titled: Sharp Family History Folder 6: St. Tammany Parish 1. “Certificate of Oaths” found in the St. Tammany Parish Courthouse, Covington,
LA compiled by Doris E. Holden. 2. Article “Old Map Depicts Tammany at Turn of the Century.” The Times Picayune,
August 24, 2006. 3. Article, “State Rep. Bill Strain, voice of ‘Little People.’” The Times Picayune,
July 30, 1999. 4. Title page of The Times Picayune, September 26, 1999. 5. Article, “Claiborne Rendezvous” 6. Article, “Bicentennial” from The Times Picayune, December 15, 2002. 7. Tytle page of the Covington Picayune, August 31, 2006. 8. Article, “Program to Focus on Role of Clock Ships” Mandeville Picayune, June 16,
2002. 9. Article, “Influential Figures Served on Tchefuncte.” 10. Title page of the St. Tammany Farmer, September 7, 2006. 11. Article, “John T. Hunley Jr., Marine Historian” December 11, 2002. 12. Article, “Marves First to Hoist Flag over St. Tammany” February 19, 1998. 13. Article, “Tammany Rich in U.S. Naval History” Mandeville Picayune, June 27, 2002.
14. Article, “Historian Shares Insight on Naval History of Florida Parishes.” 15. The St. Tammany News Banner, March 22, 1981. 16. Article, “Town Gets Flag Marker.” 17. Title Page of the Mandeville Picayune, August 31, 2006. 18. Article, “Historical Society Plans Program.” 19. Article, “A Mystery in History” The Times Picayune, October 3, 1999. Folder 7 – St. Tammany Parish 1. Bayou Lacombe Commemorative Booklet. 2. Times Picayune Article, “Happy Landing: New Site Lures Saints.” July 27, 1984.
3. Times Picayune Article, “Bridge Scheme ahead of it time, official assert.” March
31, 1989. 4. The St. Tammany Farmer article, “From the Files” May 16, 1985. 5. Times Picayune Article, “Figures display ins and outs of the La. Population.”
February 2, 1986. 6. Metro Section of the Times Picayune, October 27, 1986. 7. Times Picayune Article, “Life of Prayer Study,” By John Faley January 22, 1978.
8. Misc. Article, “Brand to Speak on Indians.” 9. The St. Tammany Farmer Article, “Book Memorializes War Squadron.” November 22,
1984. 10. Times Picayune Article, “Faulkner Story is being filmed in Madisonville.” July
17, 1996. 11. Times Picayune Article, “Abita Springs Once Famous Health Spa.” March 13, 1977.
12. Excerpt from Mrs. A.D. Carpenter Holy Bible. 13. Times Picayune Article, “Visitors Line Up at Well.” March 18, 1981. 14. Time Picayune/The States Item Article, “Alive: Orleans Couple is Restoring Long-Dead
131-Year-Old Home.” March 7, 1981. 15. Times Picayune Article, “Register Proclaims Area Historic.” By John Fakey May
8, 1982. 16. Times Picayune/The States Item Article, “Covington has Place on Historic List.”
January 11, 1983. 17. Article, “Faith on Horseback.” by Newell Schindler. 18. Times Picayune Article, “Big Branch: Refuge Worth Saving.” October 16, 1996.
19. Times Picayune Article, “Fisherman Says Future Bleak for him and Lake.” January
9, 1986. 20. Article, “La Provence gets French Florist.” by Reni Haley January 4, 1992. 21. Times Picayune/The States Item Article, “Woman’s Stories Trace a Century.” July
12, 1984. 22. Newspaper Clipping Titled, “Expand.” 23. Times Picayune Article, “Auxiliary Bringing Cemetery Back to Life.” September
22, 1988. 24. Times Picayune Article, “Rebels Remember 50 Years of History.” November 25, 1991.
25. Copy of Article, “An Island Cemetery.” January 1, 1986. 26. The Cousin Family in Louisiana. 27. Times Picayune Article, “Preserving the Future.” by Bob Marshall October 16,
1996. 28. The St. Tammany Farmer Article, “Ox Lots Continue to Cause Conflict.” February
7, 1985. 29. Times Picayune Article, “Anglers Discover the North Shore.” October 24, 1999.
30. Article, “Spouses Arrested in St. Tammany Killings.” March 16, 1981. 31. Article, “Getting that Old St. Tammany Feeling.” by Frank Schneider March 18,
1981. 32. Times Picayune Article, “Bigger than Betsy.” October 3, 1999. 33. St. Tammany Farmer Article, “The Greenlaw Lumber Company.” November 2, 1978.
34. Excerpt from the Greenlaw Lumber Co. Ltd. 35. Article, “It’s no Longer as Hard to Harves Crabs Soft.” by Charlie Chapple December
18, 1983. 36. The St. Tammany Farmer Obituary Page October 24, 1985. 37. The St. Tammany Historical Society Newsletter, August 2001. 38. Clarion Herald Article, “La Purchase Land Major Effect on World History.” January
1, 2003. 39. Article, “Hatching a Spruce-Up.” by Susan Finch August 4, 1977. 40. Times Picayune Article, “Archaeologist Probe Louisiana.” May 21, 1979. 41. Excerpt from North Shore Life, November 10, 1996. 42. The St. Tammany News Article, “Old Timer is Burned to Death by Hunters.” November
8, 1972. 43. Article, “Accessibility is Key at Big Branch Refuge.” by Andrew Canulette. 44. Times Picayune Article, “Canoeing: Barge for Trip Down Your Nile.” June 12, 1977.
45. Times Picayune/St. Tammany front page. August 6, 2005. 46. Times Picayune Article, “Too Crowded? Gas Up.” may 13, 2005. 47. Times Picayune Article, “The Ultimate Guide.” October 22, 2003. 48. Times Picayune Article, “Back to the Basics.” February 3, 1999. 49. Times Picayune Article, “Devils Swamp Show off Cypress.” February 3, 1999. 50 Article, “Claiborne Rendezvous.” by Dayna Harpster. 51. Times Picayune Article, “Pictures from the Past.” October 3, 1999. 52. Times Picayune Article, “House Slices into Notarial Archives Plan.” May 31, 1988.
53. Times Picayune Article, “Preserving the Future.” October 16, 1996. Box 42 Media and Seals 1. CD – Picture of Joseph H. Hawkins and wife George Ann Nicholas. 2. CD – British West Florida Land Grants at the Center in Hammond, La 5-6-2008. 3. Scotch Magnetic Tape: Sharp Family History x2. 4. Microfilm: Vandreuil Letterbook and correspondence dated 1742-1751. 5. Great Seal of Georgia Land Grant 1765. 6. Great Seal of Edward III. 7. Great Seal of Queen Elizabeth (1533-1603). 8. Seal of Thomas Wolsey x2. Box 43 Binders 1. The Sioneau/Scioneaux Family in North America 1687-1998 Canada 1687-1783 Volume
I. 2. The Sioneau/Scioneaux Family in North America 1687-2000 Illinois 1725-1764 Volume
II. 3. The Sioneau/Scioneaux family in North America 1687-2000 st. John Baptiste Parish,
St. James Parish 1764-2000, and South Louisiana 1725 Volume III. 4. Scioneaux Family of New France and Louisiana. 5. Scioneaux/Juneau and Allied Families. Folder 1: St. Tammany Parish Newspapers Clippings 1. Times Picayune Article, “Colleges, Schools Plan for Joint Campus.” June 13, 2007.
2. The St. Tammany News Banner Article, “Tree Compromise Subject of Talks.” July
29, 1987. 3. The St. Tammany News Banner December 29, 1985. 4. The St. Tammany New Banner Article, “Ducre Family Cemetery.” January 1, 1986.
Folder 2: St. Tammany parish History and History of the St. Tammany Parish Historical
Society. 1. “The Signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence” with notes relating to
the Article to St. Tammany Parish. 2. St. Tammany Historical Society News Flyer, December 1978. 3. St. Tammany Historical Postcard Regarding Dues. 4. St. Tammany Historical Society Flyer, Presentation by Mr. J. Buchanan Blitch,
Jan. 11, 1980. 5. St. Tammany Historical Society Flyer, Presentation by Kenneth T. Urquhart, march
11, 1977. 6. St. Tammany Historical Society Flyer, Presentation by Dr. J. Larry Crain, March
10, 1978. 7. St. Tammany Historical Society Flyer, Presentation by Dr. Glen N. Montz, March
14, 1980. 8. St. Tammany Historical Society Flyer, Presentation by Dr. Glenn Curand, Jan. 13,
1978. 9. St. Tammany Historical Society Flyer, Presentation by Rev. Dominic Brand, O.S.B.
Sept. 14, 1979. 10. St. Tammany Historical Society Flyer, Presentation by Judge Frederich S. Ellis,
June 9, 1979. 11. Postcard from Melba to Don, dated 5/22/1979. 12. First Newsletter of the St. Tammany Historical Society, Sept. 15, 1972. 13. The St. Tammany News Banner Clipping Dated March 22, 1981, (5 Copies.) 14. The St. Tammany Farmer Article, “Rev. Brand to Speak at Mandeville Town Hall.”
September 13, 1979. 15. Newspaper Clipping, “Historic Society Elects Officers.” 16. Newspaper Clipping, “Barthet-Taylor to Wed on June 16.” May 10, 1979. 17. St. Tammany Historical Society, Inc. Quarterly Bulletin Vol. 11, no. 2. The St Tammany Historical Society, Inc. Dinner Meeting Pamphlet June 9, 1979 (2 copies).
18. The Fifth Annual Dinner Meeting of the St. Tammany Historical Society, Inc. June
14, 1980. 19. The First Annual Dinner Meeting of the St. Tammany Historical Society Inc. March
14, 1979. 20. Souvenir Program of the St. Tammany Historical Society, Inc. June 9, 1978. 21. St. Tammany Historical Society Minutes from January 26, 1973. 22. The St. Tammany Historical Society Newsletter Summer 1979. 23. Letter from Mrs. Florence Chesnutt to Donald J. Sharp May 1972. 24. St. Tammany Historical Society, Inc. Quarterly Bulletin Vol. 4, no. 1. 25. Copy of Article, “Judge Ellis to Address Society.” St. Tammany Farmer 5-10-79.
26. St. Tammany Historical Society, Inc. Newsletter May 1980. Folder 3: Will of Joshua Aydelott Folder 4: Last Will and Testament of John A. Jones, 1822. Folder 5: Probate: Lemour Rodriguez vs. Eliza Aydelott, 1822. Folder 6: Deed of Sale between Pierre Ader to Joseph D. Hyland, Aug. 18, 1907. Folder 7: Descendents of Henry Carroll. Folder 8: Article, “Michael Brown and the Barbary Coast Pirates.” Folder 9: Hayden Edwards Photos. Folder10: Personal Correspondence 1. Letter from James Rumsey to Col. Williams, June 9, 1771. 2. Letter from Benjamin Chapman to Lieutenant Col. Williams, April 27, 1770. 3. Letter from M. Murray to James Rumsey, April 27, 1770. 4. Letter from James Rumsey to His Excellency General Gage, July 19, 1770. 5. Letter from Lt. Col. Williams to answer Lt. Mynne’s Letter, May 3, 1770. 6. Copy of Three Letters: 1) James Rumsey to Lewis Chapman, December 24, 1770; 2)
James Rumsey to Lewis Chapman, January 27, 1772; 3) Thomas Hutchinson to Lewis Richardson,
February 14, 1772. 7. Letter from James Rumsey to Fort Charles, may 11, 1771. 8. Invoice of Return of Provisions delivered at Fort Charles by Lt. Lewis Wynne,
April 26, 1770. 9. Letter from James Rumsey to John Wilkins, December 17, 1770. 10. Invoice of Return of a quantity of pork brought from Fort Pitt, signed by Murray,
August 9, 1769. 11. James Rumsey Letter to Benjamin Chapman, May 1, 1771. 12. Letter from William Murray to James Rumsey, 6-10-1770. 13. Letter from James Rumsey to Col. Wilkins, January 29, 1770. 14. Copy of Lewis Mynne Memorial to John Wilkins, Date Unknown. 15. Letter from Lewis Mynne to Col. Wilkins, September 29, 1769. 16. Invoice by James Rumsey, 6-10-1770. 17. Letter from James Rumsey to Colonel Williams Esq. April 21, 1770. 18. Letter from James Rumsey to New Orleans, January 28, 1775. 19. Letter from Col. Wilkins to James Rumsey, 2-20-1774. Folder 11: Letter to the St. Tammany Parish Judge John R. Jones from Eliza B. Aydelott,
September 11, 1822. Folder 12: Misc. Material 1. Handwritten note titled: Succession of Joshua Aydelott – 1822. 2. Handwritten notes titled: Critical Evidence on James Rumsey. 3. Letter from Alabama Historical Association to Donald Sharp, March 15, 1981. 4. Letter from Timothy Dube of the British Archives to Donald Sharp, June 30, 1988.
5. Copy of a Claim by James Rumsey. 6. A map sketch of the United States. 7. Brochure of Big Horn Mountain Country. 8. Letter from Albert Tate Jr. to Donald Sharp. Enclosed is a Newspaper article titled,
“The Actor and His Land.” Sun Magazine July 5, 1981. 9. Handwritten note titled: Facts on early Settlers of Bayou Casten. 10. Letter from Donald Sharp in reference to the Spring 1980 Antique Convention in
New Orleans. 11. Copy of the St. Tammany Farmer Article, “Land Records Found in England.” 12. The St. Tammany Farmer Article, “Historic Mandeville Tour is Mapped.” June 4,
1981. 13. The St. Tammany Farmer Article, “Great Debate: Jury, Council Supporters Square
Off.” July 15, 1982. 14. The St. Tammany Farmer April 2, 1981. 15. Copy of the Cover Page of the St. Tammany Tribune August 5, 1960. 16. Copy of the Article, “Land Records Found in England.” St. Tammany Farmer August
2, 1979. 17. Letter from Justice Albert Tate, Jr. to Donald Sharp July 16, 1981. 18. British Museum Map Collection. 19. Metro Section of the Times Picayune July 12, 1999. 20. Handwritten notes on the Public Records Office. 21. St. Tammany Historical Society News, May 1977. 22. Spanish Documents about James Rumsey (note, items are in Spanish). Blue Binder: Donald J. Sharp Letterbook. Box 44 Binders 1. The Story of the West Florida Rebellion. 2. The Origin of St. Helena and Livingston Parishes in West Florida, 1772-1832.

3. The Story of the West Florida Rebellion (Black Binder)

1) Handwritten notes on the West Florida Rebellion (yellow notepad)

2) Handwritten notes (2 pages)

3) Manilla Folder Contents:

a. Copy of 6 letters of correspondence from John Shaw to Cunningham, Date begin on
January 2, 1811 to January 30, 1811.

b. Quick reference guide for understanding the West Florida Revolt and Creation of
the West Florida Republic (7 copies)

c. West Florida Revolt Bibliography (3 copies)

4) Introduction (2 pages)

5) Table of Contents

6) Discovery of the North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain (4 pages)

7) St. Tammany Parish Indian Tribes (5 pages)

8) The acquisition of West Florida by the British (2 pages)

9) The British Proclamation of October 7, 1763. Creating the Government of West Florida

10) General information of West Florida (3 pages)

11) Name of Indian tribes in West Florida with notes

12) Planters and plantations on the Amite River in British West Florida during the
years of 1771 to 1778 (5 pages).

13) British settlers along the Tangipahoa River Area starting in 1767 to 1779 (2 pages).

14) West Florida Boundary note

15) Pinckney’s Treaty summary

16) Excerpt from the article, “The South in the New Nation.”

17) Forword (3 pages)

18) Copy of a Spanish Survey of 1808 Florida Parishes.

19) Timeline notes of the events leading up to the West Florida Rebellion and the
President’s Proclamation (2 pages).

20)The major participants in West Florida Rebellion (2 pages).

21) Principal players in West Florida Rebellion and the annexation to U.S. in 1810.

22) The six key participants of the West Florida Rebellion and annexation to the U.S.

23) Spanish Governors at Baton Rouge and Pasacoula (5 pages).

24) Kemper Brothers (3 pages)

25) Website information on the Kemper brothers (4 pages)

26) Information on Philemon Thomas and Fulwar Skipwith (2 pages)

27) Website information on Fulwar Skipwith.

28) Copy of a land deed presented to Fulwar Skipwith, dated April 8, 1820.

29) Information on John H. Johnson (5 pages)

30) Website information on Isaac Johnson (5 pages).

31) Newspaper clipping: “277 Years of La. Govs.”

32) Information of Sheperd Brown.

33) Copy of land claims in the West Florida District.

34) Information on John W. Leonard.

35) Information on Michael Jones.

36) Information on William Cooper (3 pages).

37) Note on William Cooper, opposite side contains a copy of the land claims in the
Greensburg District of West Florida.

38) Copy of a land claim of John Voisin (2 pages).

39) Copy of a land claim in the West Florida District.

40) Website information of James Madison.

41) Handwritten note on James Madison.

42) Copied photograph of James Madison.

43) Website information on Robert Smith.

44) Handwritten notes on Robert Smith.

45) Copied photograph of Secretary of the Navy Robert Smith.

46) Handwritten notes on James Madison – Robert Smith feud.

47) Website information on William C.C. Claiborne(3 pages).

48) Handwritten notes on William C.C. Claiborne.

49) Copy of The Old South 1789-1805 map.

50) Excerpt from The American Colonial Period about William C.C. Claiborne.

51) Website information in David Holmes.

52) Handwritten notes on David Holmes.

53) Handwritten notes on Governor Holmes to Secretary of State Robert Smith.

54) U.S. Navy Gunboats and the part played in the West Florida Rebellion.

55) Article, “Thomas Jefferson’s Gunboat Navy” (5 pages).

56) Handwritten note on the United States Navy.

57) Picture and bibliographic information on Capt. John Shaw (3 pages).

58) Handwritten notes and picture of Commandant David Porter (3 pages).

59) Copy of an order written by Captain David Porter, dated February 12, 1809, regarding
a navy deserter (4 pages).

60) Website information on David Porter.

61) Copy of the introduction to the article, “The Frigate Essex.”

62) Capt. David Porter in the Pacific with the Essex 1813 (2 pages).

63) Handwritten note on Captain Daniel Todd Patterson.

64) Biographical information on Commodore Daniel Todd Patterson (2 pages)

65) Outline of the “United States Naval Yard at New Orleans 1804-1826” (3 pages).

66) Distribution chart of arnament on gunboats stationed in New Orleans, February
3, 1812.

67) Table of Contents on “Gunboats on the New Orleans Station 1806-1823” (2 pages).

68) Vessels of war on New Orleans Station Dec. 24, 1806 (3 pages).

69) Gunboats on the Tchefuncte River in 1806.

70) Website information and picture of Lt. John D. Henley (2 pages).

71) Handwritten notes on Lt. Joseph Bainbridge.

72) “William Bainbridge: America’s Unlucky Sea Captain.” (3 pages).

73) Illustration showing the typical uniform of a sailor of the War of 1812 period.

74) Illustration showing the design of Gunboat no. 12.

75) Information of gunboats carrying a thirty-two pounder in bow and stern .

76) Timeline of John Rush in the U.S. Navy.

77) Website information on Benjamin Rush (6 pages).

78) The History of the American Sailing Navy (3 pages).

79) Handwritten note on Aaron Burr.

80) Notes and explanation of the Embargo of West Florida (3 pages).

81) Note on Lieutenant George Merrill U.S.N.

82) The Times-Picayune article “Shades of Seaside”

83) Copy of a map of Livingston.

84) Chapter VII introduction: The first American flag to be raised of the Territory
of West Florida (2 pages).

85) Midshipman George Merrill service record 1801-1802 (5 pages).

86) Map of British West Florida, 1763-1783.

87) The first flag to be raised on the Amite and Tchefuncte rivers 1809 and 1811.

88) Facts about the United States Flag.

89) Letter from George Merrill to the Secretary of the Navy, dated March 2, 1817 (2

90) Chapter IX introduction: the raising of the flag on the Tchefuncte River on January
6, 1811 by Lt. George Merrill.

91) Genealogy and service record of Lt. George Merrill.

92) Copy of the plaque installed at Madisonville Townhall.

93) Marker dedication program attached with newspaper clipping and notes (3 pages).

94) Events leading to the Raising of the American Flag on the Tchefuncte (3 pages).

95) Chapter XIII introduction: the final years of Lt. George Merrill 1815-1822 (2

96) Additional participants in the West Florida Rebellion of 1810 (13 pages).

97) Chapter VIII introduction: the West Florida Rebellion.

98) The West Florida Rebellion (4 pages).

99) List of items needed to develop the story of how unrest started in West Florida.

100) Copy of a grievance written by the inhabitants of East Feliciana.

101) Handwritten notes on “The beginning of the Revolution or West Florida Rebellion”
(7 pages).

102) Official records of the West Florida Revolution and Republic (50 pages).

103) Handwritten notes on the takeover of West Florida (9 pages).

104) Article, “Boundary Disputes in the Republic of West Florida in 1810.” (6 pages).

105) Handwritten notes on the unrest on the Tickfaw and Tchefuncte Rivers (5 pages).

106) Introduction: after the annexation of 1810 of the West Florida Republic.

107) Creating four parishes out of Spanish West Florida (5 pages).

108) Copy of the petition of the inhabitants of West Florida, November 20, 1811 to
the Honorable, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the United States (4

109) Handwritten notes on St. Tammany Parish.

110) Minutes of the Police Jury of St. Helena Parish, August 16-19, 1813 (12 pages).

111) The War of 1812 and the Battle of New Orleans.

112) Excerpt titled “Hurricane Damage.”

113) Letter from Captain John Shaw to Secretary of the Navy Hamilton, New Orleans,
August 23, 1812 (3 pages).

114) Letter from Captain John Shaw to Secretary of the Navy Hamilton, New Orleans,
October 27, 1812 (2 pages).

115) Map of the Florida Parishes.

116) Excerpt from a letter by John Shaw, New Orleans, November 2, 1812.

117) The blockship “Tchefuncte” 1813-1822.

118) Captains letters 1813 of Capt. John Shaw, New Orleans, June 28, 1813 (4 pages).

119) Captains letters 1813, Tchefuncte, September 15, 1813 (2 pages).

120) Portrait copy of William Jones, Secretary of the Navy.

121) Chapter XIV introduction: The closing of the Tchefuncte and New Orleans Navy
establishments in 1823 and 1826.

122) Letter from Smith Thompson to John Rodgers, President of Naval Board, June 7,
1822 and 1826.

123) Notes on the United States Navy in St. Tammany Parish.

124) Notes on the 1813 – Fort Mims Massacre (2 pages).

125) Acquisition of Florida.

126) Concluding thoughts on chapter (3 pages).

127) Bibliography (4 pages).

128) Material pertaining to West Florida (2 pages).

129) Reference Material (2 pages).

130) Sources (2 pages)

131) Excerpt, “Maritime Causes” (4 pages).

132) Excerpt “Gulf Coast Theatre” (11 pages).

133) Notes on Midshipman Thomas Catsby Jones (2 pages).

134) Court Martial on the Tchefuncte River (2 pages).

135) Tips on researching the Navy Archives (2 pages).

136) Contents in back pocket: Epilogue (23 pages).

Newspaper Collection Box 1 (Oversized)

Folder 1: The NACon Chronicle

1. Vol. 18, no. 33, March 20, 1964.

2. Vol. 18, no. 43, May 29, 1964.

Folder 2: The Bulletin

1. Vol. II, no. 25, July, 9, 1963.

2. Vol. II, no. 26, July 16, 1963.

Folder 3: The Raider

1. Vol. 12, no. 3, November 27, 1963.

2. Vol. 12, no. 5, January 31, 1964.

3. Vol. 12, no. 7, April 1, 1964.

Folder 4: The Port Reporter

1. Vol. 17, no. 11, May 28, 1964.

Folder 5: The Bridge

1. Vol. 7, no. 8, August 1963.

2. Vol. 7, no. 12, December 1963.

3. Vol. 8, no. 4, April 1964.

4. Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1964.

Folder 6: The Register

1. Pages C1 and C2 of February 1, 1963.

Folder 7: OEA Journal

1. Vol. 5, no. 5, April 1964.

Folder 8: Ramstein Ramjet

1. Vol. 12, no. 33, March 6, 1964.

2. Vol. 12, no. 34, March 13, 1964.

3. Vol. 12, no. 35, March 20, 1964.

4. Vol. 12, no. 40, April, 24, 1964.

5. Vol. 12, no. 41, May 1, 1964.

Folder 9: The Overseas Family

1. Aug. 23, 1963 Excerpt.

Folder 10: Stripes Daily Magazine

1. April 5, 1959.

2. August 24, 1963.

3. August 25, 1963.

4. August 27, 1963.

5. August 29, 1963.

6. September 2, 1963.

7. September 4, 1963.

8. September 5, 1963.

9. September 6, 1963.

10. September 7, 1963 (2 copies).

11. September 8, 1963.

12. September 9, 1963.

13. September 10, 1963.

14. September 11, 1963.

15. September 12, 1963.

16. September 14, 1963.

17. September 16, 1963.

18. September 17, 1963.

19. September 21, 1963 (2 copies).

20. September 22, 1963.

21. September 23, 1963.

22. September 26, 1963.

23. September 29, 1963.

24. September 30, 1963.

25. October 1, 1963.

26. October 3, 1963.

27. October 10, 1963.

28. October 17, 1963.

29. October 18, 1963.

30. October 20, 1963.

31. October 22, 1963.

32. October 23, 1963.

33. October 25, 1963.

34. October 26, 1963.

35. October 30, 1963.

36. November 3, 1963.

37. November 4, 1963.

38. November 15, 1963.

39. November 17, 1963.

40. November 28, 1963.

41. December 1, 1963.

42. December 6, 1963.

43. December 15, 1963.

44. December 19, 1963.

45. December 20, 1963.

46. December 22, 1963.

47. December 29, 1963.

48. January 4, 1964.

49. January 5, 1964.

50. January 6, 1964.

51. January 8, 1964.

52. January 9, 1964.

53. January 10, 1964.

54. January 11, 1964.

55. January 13, 1964.

56. January 14, 1964.

57. January 15, 1964.

58. January 16, 1964.

59. January 17, 1964.

60. January 18, 1964.

61. January 19, 1964.

62. January 20, 1964.

63. January 22, 1964.

64. January 24, 1964.

65. January 25, 1964.

66. January 26, 1964.

67. January 27, 1964.

68. January 28, 1964.

69. January 29, 1964.

70. February 1, 1964.

71. February 2, 1964.

72. February 3, 1964.

73. February 4, 1964.

74. February 5, 1964.

75. February 6, 1964.

76. February 7, 1964.

77. February 8, 1964.

78. February 9, 1964.

79. February 10, 1964.

80. February 12, 1964.

81. February 13, 1964.

82. February 14, 1964.

83. February 15, 1964.

84. February 16, 1964.

85. February 17, 1964.

86. February 18, 1964.

87. February 19, 1964.

88. February 23, 1964.

89. February 24, 1964.

90. February 25, 1964.

91. February 26, 1964.

92. February 28, 1964.

93. February 29, 1964.

94. March 1, 1964.

95. March 2, 1964.

96. March 3, 1964.

97. March 4, 1964.

98. March 5, 1964.

99. March 6, 1964.

100. March 7, 1964.

101. March 8, 1964.

102. March 9, 1964.

103. March 11, 1964.

104. March 12, 1964.

105. March 14, 1964.

106. March 16, 1964.

107. March 19, 1964.

108. March 21, 1964.

109. March 22, 1964.

110. March 23, 1964.

111. March 24, 1964.

112. March 26, 1964.

113. March 27, 1964.

114. March 28, 1964.

115. March 30, 1964.

116. March 31, 1964.

117. April 2, 1964.

118. April 3, 1964.

119. April 6, 1964.

120. April 7, 1964.

121. April 10, 1964.

122. April 11, 1964.

123. April 12, 1964.

124. April 14, 1964.

125. April 20, 1964.

126. April 21, 1964.

127. April 27, 1964.

128. April 28, 1964.

129. April 30, 1964.

130. May 1, 1964.

131. May 7, 1964.

132. May 9, 1964.

133. May 10, 1964.

134. May 13, 1964.

135. May 17, 1964.

136. May 18, 1964.

137. May 19, 1964.

138. May 24, 1964.

139. May 27, 1964.

140. May 28, 1964.

141. May 29, 1964.

142. May 31, 1964.

143. June 1, 1964.

144. June 3, 1964.

145. June 6, 1964.

146. June 7, 1964.

147. June 12, 1964.

148. June 21. 1964.

149. July 6, 1964.

150. July 11, 1964.

151. July 13, 1964.

152. July 20, 1964.

Folder 11: The Stars and Stripes

1. Vol. 22, no. 185, October 20, 1963.

2. Vol. 22, no. 214, November 18, 1963.

3. Vol. 22, no. 218, November 22, 1963.

4. Vol. 22, no. 219, November 23, 1963.

5. Vol. 22, no. 220, November 24, 1963.

6. Vol. 22, no. 221, November 25, 1963.

7. Vol. 22, no. 222, November 26, 1963.

8. Vol. 22, no. 223, November 27, 1963.

9. Memoriam issue of John F. Kennedy: 1917-1963.

10. Vol. 22, no. 228, December 2, 1963.

11. Vol. 22, no. 229, December 3, 1963.

12. Vol. 22, no. 230, December 4, 1963.

13. Vol. 22, no. 241, December 7, 1963.

14. Vol. 22, no. 242, December 16, 1963.

15. Vol. 22, no. 259, January 4, 1964.

16. Vol. 22, no. 262, January 7, 1964.

17. Vol. 22, no. 263, January 8, 1964.

18. Vol. 22, no. 265, January 10, 1964.

19. Vol. 22, no. 285, January 30, 1964.

20. Vol. 22, no. 290, February 4, 1964.

21. Vol. 22, no. 291, February 5, 1964.

22. Vol. 22, no. 292, February 6, 1964.

23. Vol. 22, no. 294, February 8, 1964.

24. Vol. 22, no. 295, February 9, 1964.

25. Vol. 22, no. 296, February 10, 1964.

26. Vol. 22, no. 297, February 11, 1964.

27. Vol. 22, no. 298, February 12, 1964.

28. Vol. 22, no. 299, February 13, 1964.

29. Vol. 22, no. 300, February 14, 1964.

30. Vol. 22, no. 301, February 15, 1964.

31. Vol. 22, no. 302, February 16, 1964.

32. Vol. 22, no. 303, February 17, 1964.

33. Vol. 22, no. 304, February 18, 1964.

34. Vol. 22, no. 305, February 19, 1964.

35. Vol. 22, no. 306, February 20, 1964.

36. Vol. 22, no. 307, February 21, 1964.

37. Vol. 22, no. 309, February 23, 1964.

38. Vol. 22, no. 311, February 25, 1964.

39. Vol. 22, no. 313, February 27, 1964.

40. Vol. 22, no. 323, March 8, 1964.

41. Vol. 22, no. 328, March 13, 1964.

42. Vol. 22, no. 330, March 15, 1964.

43. Vol. 22, no. 333, March 18, 1964.

44. Vol. 22, no. 335, March 20, 1964.

45. Vol. 22, no. 345, March 30, 1964.

46. Vol. 22, no. 359, April 13, 1964.

47. Vol. 22, no. 363, April 17, 1964.

48. Vol. 23, no. 5, April 22, 1964.

49. Vol. 23, no. 13, April 30, 1964.

50. Vol. 23, no. 23, May 10, 1964.

51. Vol. 23, no. 52, June 8, 1964.

Folder 12: Misc. Newspaper Clippings

1. Article, “Exchanges Arranging to Ship Vehicles to and from Ports.” date unknown,
paper unknown.

2. Article, “Teachers Step Up Wage Fight.” The Stars and Stripes, January 15, 1964.

3. Section of The Stars and Stripes, March 17, 1964.

4. Section of The Stars and Stripes, 1964, full date, unknown.

5. Section of The Stars and Stripes, December 13, 1963.

Box 45 – Personal and MiscellaneousFolder 1: Miscellaneous Items (3 items)Folder 2: Personal (2 photographs)Folder 3: documents found inside Microfilm books (6 items)Folder 4: Handwritten Notes on St. Tammany Historical Society, Naval Air Base, and
USMC (3 items)Folder 5: Miscellaneous Newspapers (18 items)Folder 6: Newspaper Articles (6 items)Folder 7: Historical Society Newsletters- St. Tammany, Louisiana, Center for Southeast
LA Studies (7 items)Folder 8: Photocopies of 1805 Inventory of Shipyard Company and Supreme Court documents
(26 items)Folder 9: Gulf South Historical Review (4 items)Item 10: Cassette tape 5/22/2007 Interview with Don SharpItem 11: Cassette tape Instructions to Dr. Hyde from Don Sharp (2 tapes)