Programs since 1999


Capacity Building and Training Development Programs Since 1999

  • Inter-American Development Bank Annual Meeting and Youth Summit:

    The Southeastern Louisiana University College of Business cooperated in sponsoring
    activities related to the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) Annual Meeting in
    New Orleans. Southeastern faculty presented lectures at the prestigious international
    meeting and a Youth Summit was held on the Southeastern campus that brought together
    Southeastern students and youth leaders from around the world that were participating
    in the IDB’s Youth Programs.

    Capacity Building and Training Development Program

  • Development and Management of Agro-Industrial and Rural Micro-Enterprises:

    This was the inaugural event for Southeastern’s Program for Youth Leaders of the Americas.
    The seminar, presented for the Programa Jóvenes Constructores de Paz (Young Peace
    Builders Program) of Cundinamarca, Colombia, brought approximately fifty youth business
    leaders and entrepreneurs from Colombia’s rural sector to the Hammond campus for over
    three weeks. The seminar was attended by Alvaro Cruz Vargas, Governor of Cundinamarca;
    Octavio Villamarín, Secretary for Social Development of Cundinamarca, and Dr. Alfonso
    Santos, President of the University of Cundinamarca. The Seminar’s success led to
    the signing of Agreements of Cooperation with Jóvenes Constructores de Paz and the
    Government of Cundinamarca, Colombia.

  • Development and Management of Cultural Micro-Enterprises:

    This event was presented to Panama’s Autoridad para la Micro, Pequeña y Mediana Empresa
    (AMPYME Authority for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) and the FUNDARTE arts
    program. The Seminar brought 25 Panamanian artisans and community business indigenous
    Kuna and Embera leaders to Hammond for two weeks. Activities included exposure of
    Panamanian folk art on the university campus and in Hammond Square Mall, lectures
    on business development, culture, and folk-art by leading experts from Louisiana government,
    regional chambers of commerce, the Inter-American Development Bank, the OAS, and other
    organizations. A series of lectures parallel to the Seminar, including presentations
    on Kuna and Embera culture and religion, was presented to the Southeastern community.
    The success of this Seminar led to the signing of Agreements of Cooperation with Panama’s
    AMPYME and the Panamanian Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MICI).

    Capacity Building and Training Development Program

  • English as a Second Language (ESL) for Business Programs:

    Presented for Corporación Jóvenes Constructores de Paz (CJPC) and the Government of
    Cundinamarca, Colombia. The seven-week program brought 36 business leaders from CJPC
    to Southeastern’s campus. The ESL program integrated Southeastern faculty and students
    with the Colombian visitors in various educational, social, business and cultural-exchange
    programs. The success of the ESL program led to the signing of an Agreement of Cooperation
    with the Universidad de Cundinamarca, Colombia.

  • Development and Management of Agro-Industrial Rural Micro-Enterprises:

    Was conducted for AMPYME, Panama. Close to thirty entrepreneurs from Panama’s rural
    sector attended the two-week program in Hammond. A parallel series of lectures was
    presented to the Southeastern community. Joaquín Fábrega, Director of AMPYME and Margarita
    de Durán Adviser to AMPYME, also attended the Seminar.

    Capacity Building and Training Development Program

  • Entrepreneurs in Today’s World: New Horizons for the Americas:

    A teleconference broadcast from Southeastern was presented to the Universidad Central
    (UC) de Colombia. Two hundred and fifty students from UC attended the conference in
    Bogota, Colombia. Southeastern faculty delivered the lectures.

Southeastern panelists included: Dr. Michael Budden, Dr. Randall Settoon, Dr. Danilo
Levi, Assistant professor of Sociology,Dr. Yu Hsing, Professor of General Business,
Dr. David Wyld, Director of the Strategic e-Government Initiative, Dr. Rusty Juban,
Assistant Professor of Management; and Dr. Aristides Baraya, Director of the Latin
American Business and Development Initiative.


  • The Role of the Media in the Economic and Social Development of Latin America:

    Presented for Southeastern business students and faculty. Speaker: Mr. Armando Gonzalez,
    Managing Editor of La Nacion Newspaper, Costa Rica, Regional Vice-President of the
    Inter-American Press Association.

  • Development and Management of Tourism Micro-Enterprises:

    Was presented for AMPYME, Panama. Twenty-seven business entrepreneurs working in areas
    of tourism attended the seminar, along with representatives from AMPYME, the Panamanian
    Institute of Tourism (IPAT), the Panamanian Ministry of Labor (MITRADEL), and the
    Panamanian press.

  • ICT Opportunities for Social and Economic Development:

    Presented for The Inter-American Development Bank to Southeastern EMBA students. Lecturers
    included: Mr. Danilo Piaggesi, Division Chief, SDS/ICT, Inter-American Development
    Bank, Mr. Guillermo Castillo, Specialist, Information Technology for Development Division,
    Department of Sustainable Development, IDB; Mr. Andres Garret, information technologist
    for the IDB.

    Capacity Building and Training Development Program


  • The Global Legal Information Network (GLIN) Training Program:

    Delivered at Southeastern in cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank
    and the U.S. Library of Congress. Twenty Latin American and Caribbean court and government
    officials attended the training program along with representatives from the Inter-American
    Development Bank and the Library of Congress. The Global Legal Information Network
    is a cooperative, nonprofit federation of government agencies that contribute their
    countries’ legal information to the GLIN database. NASA, the World Bank, and the Inter-American
    Development Bank have provided support for various aspects of the GLIN project.

  • The National Conference on Tourism:

    Delivered in El Salvador by Southeastern College of Business Latin American Initiative’s
    Director to a group of more tan 150 business leaders from the tourism sector.

  • The Hispanic Business Resources and Technology Center- HBRTC.

    The growing Hispanic population in southeast Louisiana presents a unique and distinctive
    socio-economic challenge. As new Hispanics move in larger numbers to the region seeking
    work and other opportunities, emerging needs must be addressed and business skills
    and guidance must be provided. The Hispanic Business Resources and Technology Center
    (also known as “the Hispanic Business Center”) was created by the Hispanic Chamber
    of Commerce of Louisiana in early 2006 to address the needs of the Hispanic community
    in the New Orleans region. The HBRTC is a coalition and effort of the Hispanic Chamber
    of Commerce of Louisiana, the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New Orleans-Hispanic
    Apostolate, the Jefferson Parish Public Schools System, and Southeastern’s College
    of Business to address the socio-economic and cultural needs of the Hispanic community
    of the area. This is to happen under a holistic approach of providing business assistance,
    educational opportunities, and social services to the Katrina affected Hispanic community.

  • Commercial Mission Colombia-Louisiana under the Free Trade Agreement USA-Colombia:

    A cooperative effort of Southeastern and the World Trade Center of New Orleans, this
    commercial mission brought twenty-seven Colombian business leaders and governmental
    officials to facilitate and improve business opportunities between Colombia and the
    State of Louisiana under the free trade agreement. The commercial mission offered
    participants the most comprehensive agenda as well as opportunities to meet and interact
    with Louisiana business leaders and government officials.

  • The Role of the Hispanics Businesses in United States:

    Presented to Southeastern business students and faculty. Speakers: Mr. Frank Lopez,
    President and CEO, United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation and Mr. Peter
    Granillo, Chairman Board of Directors United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation

  • Certificate Program in Management and Leadership in Education:

    Through this program, Principals and Educators from the private and public sector
    from Colombia improved educational opportunities between Colombia and the State of
    Louisiana under the vision of “Better Education for our Young” as well as fundamental
    educational programs. During this program, participants learned subjects such as cross-cultural
    aspects and diversity in education, the role of bilingual education, information technology
    in the classroom, and many other topics. This program is delivered at Southeastern
    twice a year.

  • Seminar in Virtual Education and Leadership in Education:

    This program was designed to facilitate and improve educational opportunities to Latin
    American educators in the context of global-virtual education. The program offered
    participants a comprehensive schedule that included pedagogical competences, methods
    and didactics in education, and much more. Participants benefited from the practical
    experiences and activities, as well as from the unique nature of instruction in the

  • International Seminar in Communication and Marketing.

    Program designated to improve communication skills and marketing-advertisement to
    journalists, media executives and reporters from Latin America. The one week seminar
    revolved around topics such as marketing research, organizational behaviors, institutional
    and corporate communication, internet in communication, public relations in communication,
    Commercial communication, TV production and broadcasting. This program is offered
    once a year in New Orleans.

  • International Program in Management of Municipalities, Leadership and E-Government.

    Effective states and municipalities are two keys to a successful democratic system.
    These sources establish the rules and processes for political, economic and cultural
    stability. Additionally, they create a framework for modernization of services while
    enhancing government efficiency, transparency and accuracy. Modernization of the municipal
    branch and strengthening its cooperation with other governmental branches are fundamental
    pillars that mark the development of democratic regions and countries. The Local Government
    Officials delegation to Louisiana is designed to facilitate and improve business,
    political and social development opportunities between Latin America and the State
    of Louisiana. The program offers participants a comprehensive schedule that includes
    opportunities to meet and interact with Louisiana business leaders and government
    officials from different sectors. This program is offered twice a year in New Orleans
    and the Southeastern campus.