

Summer Institute


Each summer, invited teachers meet at Southeastern Louisiana University to discuss
their best classroom practices and write together. If you are interested in applying,
contact the Director or download the application.


During the Institute, selected K-College teachers from across the curriculum study
the teaching of writing, reflect on their own teaching, and share their best teaching
practices with each other. Participants also produce personal and professional writing
and develop workshops on teaching writing suitable for delivery to local schools.
Upon completion of the Institute, they are recognized as National Writing Project
Teacher Consultants. Each spring, updated information will be added to our News &
Events box on the homepage for the upcoming summer institute.


Advanced Institute


Teacher consultants who have completed the Summer Institute may be invited to participate
in the Advanced Institute. The Advanced Institute should feel a bit like a perfect
sabbatical. It is for teachers who want to recharge their batteries by living, writing,
thinking, and sharing with colleagues. We hope to create a community of Teacher Consultants
who will reflect upon their lives’ work (and their lives), teach each other, and walk
away refreshed, yet on fire.


While it is a rare opportunity for reflection and introspection, it is also a time
to learn from each other, to grow as professionals. and to share our discoveries with
the world. Each spring, the topic of this institute will be published along with an
application in our News & Events box on the homepage.