Teachers Retirement System of Louisana (TRSL)

Teachers Retirement System of Louisana (TRSL)

Persons employed as teachers who teach 6 or more credit hours, or unclassified staff
hired after 7/1/1991, are eligible for membership in TRSL unless they are already
retired from the system. Employees contribute 8% of their gross salary. Effective
7/1/2017, the University contributes 25.8% of the employee’s gross salary. Certain
employees are not eligible for membership in TRSL: part-time employees (working 20
or less hours per week) and temporary appointments. With TRSL benefits are fully vested
after you have completed five years of service. If you terminate employment prior
to the expiration of the 5 year vesting period, you are entitled to a refund of the
employee contributions only. The employee must be out of state service for at least
90 days to obtain a refund. Since retirement contributions are tax deferred, taxes
and related penalties will apply to cash refunds. For more information about Teachers Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL), please
visit their home page at http://www.trsl.org.