Off-Campus Events

Updated event policies:

Student organizations will no longer be required to register events that take place
off-campus. There are exceptions to this change and additional details that are found
below.  We understand that many student organization leaders and advisors may have
questions related to this change. The following offices can be contacted to field

Dean of Students Office

[email protected] 


The Office for Student Engagement 

[email protected]


What is not changing? 


  • Registered Student Organizations must still be formally registered and recognized
    by the Office for Student Engagement. Groups who are not in compliance will be asked
    to cease all activities until proper steps are followed. 
  • Events/Programs/Meetings/Activities that take place ON-CAMPUS must be registered through
    the Registration of Activities platform
  • Relevant policies and procedures must be followed (Example: Student organizations
    who host events on-campus where alcohol is served must still contract with UPD, designate
    Event Managers, be trained; etc)

Policy Change/New Direction

  • Events/Programs/Meetings/Activities that take place OFF-CAMPUS are not required to
    be registered through the Registration of Activities platform. There are exceptions
    that will be displayed in the next section
  • Off-Campus visitation forms will not be required unless your activity requires approval
    and you are missing class. 

Exceptions to the Policy

  • Your organization IS REQUIRED to register off-campus activities if one of the following

    • Your organization is utilizing university funds such as department grant, SGA grant,
      CAB grant; etc
    • Fraternity and Sorority Intake Processes (Recruitment, meeting locations, meeting
      dates, Neophyte Presentations; etc)

Events Off-Campus 

  •  Student organizations are highly encouraged to maintain procedures and practices such as: 
    • Contracting security (local law enforcemen is ideal)
    • Designate members as Event Managers and Guest List Managers
  • Student organizations are required to follow policies and procedures associated with
    their national organizations
  • Student organizations must adhere to the University Alcohol Policy 
  • Off-campus events are not university related, sanctioned, or supported unless University
    funds are used or invlolve membership intake
  • No reference to the University should be included in advertisements of non-affiliated
    events without written permission from the Office of the Dean of Students
  • No organization event shall be permitted to be advertised on campus without written
    permission from the Office of the Dean of Students
  • The use of the University name or logo is strictly prohibited for any unregistered
    event held away from campus without written permission from the Dean of Students 

Fraternities and Sororities 

  • Fraternity and Sorority Life members should ALWAYS remember that you are bound by
    your national policies. That does not shift.
  • Any activities associated with fraternity and sorority intake must be registered through
    the Registration of Activities Platform 

Student Code of Conduct 

  • Students and Student Organizations must know and understand that they must adhere
    to the Student Code of Conduct regardless of the location of the event/activity.



With recent policy changes, many student organizations may begin to consider hosting
events at various off-campus locations. As a reminder, organizations are no longer
required to register off-campus events unless they are using department funds/grant,
SGA grant, CAB grant, or the event is associated with the Fraternity and Sorority
Life Intake process. 

Here are a few things to consider when choosing to host an event off-campus versus
hosting the event on campus:

Space Availability

  • Hosting an event on-campus can be the most convenient and efficient for your organization but understand that
    availability is always in high demand. That said, organizations must continue to register
    their on-campus events and request space through the Registration of Activities Process.As stated, space on campus is generally the most convenient, cost effective, and risk
  • If you decide to select an off-campus venue you should consider the following:
    • Venue cost and deposit
    • Capacity limits
    • Availability of staff before, during, and after your event. You always want to be
      sure there is a representative available to answer questions and navigate any concerns
      you may have
    • Does the venue have an emergency plan in place?
    • Does the venue provide your organization with a contract specifying the details which
      include any expectations or additional usage fees?
    • Does the venue offer their own security? If so – is it reputable?
    • Should I contract with local law enforcement in addition to any venue security?


  • Hosting an event on campus does not typically require funding from your student organization.
    There is usually no need to create any budget for the venue if on-campus.
  • Student Organizations should ensure they have secured the appropriate funding to host
    events off-campus. Often time, venues require a security deposit that in may be non-refundable

Insurance Premiums

  • Hosting events at an off-campus venue come with additional cost. It is important to
    ensure the venue of choice has appropriate insurance. Be mindful to have this conversation
    with a representative from the venue to ensure you don’t need to have your own organizational

Event Security

  • Depending on the nature of your event (Alcohol involved) event security may be required
    for your event. It is strongly recommended that you contract with local law enforcement
    where the event is held. The University Police Department can provide insight and
    information on obtaining appropriate security


  • Student Organizations should consider the transportation of the attendees to the event.
    Fraternities and Sororities should always follow their national policies as it relates
    to transportation. For example, if your national policy requires 3rd party travel – you must book 3rd party travel to your event.
  • Student organizations should be mindful of the following when providing transportation:
    • Transportation company proof of insurance – you should request proof of insurance. 
    • Will the transportation be available both there and back?
    • What will happen if the transportation company cancels day-of?  (make sure to have
      an alternative plan or refund plan)
    • Are there enough seats/buses for the estimate number of attendees?
    • How will the crow at the bus pick location be managed?
    • Does the pick up location interfere with regular traffic?
    • Are the buses ADA accessible?
  • Be sure to sign contract so expectations are clear prior to the event. Also, the host
    should have the day-of bus drivers contact information for easy and available communication
    during the event.

Other important information to remember

  • The University Alcohol Policy still applies to on and off-campus activities. Please be familiar with the details
    of the policy.
  • Students and Student organizations remain responsible for any vio Student Code of Conduct. Those found to be in violation will be reported to the Office of Student Advocacy
    and Accountability.
  • Be a good neighbor! Many student organizations host events at local establishments
    in Hammond. Please be mindful of your conduct while visiting these venues.