Title: PrepSTEP (formerly LearningExpress Library)

Access: This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus). 
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New users will be asked to register and create an id and password whether using LearningExpress
on campus or off campus. The registration provides access to self-paced study, instant
scoring and diagnostic feedback. 

Producer: EBSCO LearningExpress 

Category: Multidisciplinary 

Content: Provides test preparation materials and practice tests for Advanced Placement, Civil
Service, College Entrance, Cosmetology, Elementary School Skills Improvement, EMS,
Firefighter, GED, Math Skills Improvement, Middle School Skills Improvement, Military,
Nursling, Reading Skills Improvement, Real Estate, Skills Improvement Courses, Graduate
School Entrance Exams, Health Careers, High School Skills Improvement, Law Enforcement,
Skills Improvement with Spanish Instructions, Teaching, Technical and Career College
Skills, TOEFL Preparation, US Citizenship and Writing Skills Improvement. 

Notes: New users will be asked to register. 


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