Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

Title: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

Access: This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus).
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Producer: EBSCOhost

Category: Communication and Media Studies, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Counseling,
Psychology, Sociology and Criminal Justice, Social Work

Coverage: 1990s to present

Update: daily

Content: Provides nearly 575 full text publications, including nearly 550 peer-reviewed titles
on topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology,
mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. Nearly
every full text title included in this database is also indexed in PsycINFO.

Notes: A list of journals indexed, abstracted and available in full text in this database
can be found in the Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection Database Coverage List.

Help: Search help is available by clicking on Help at the top of the search page.

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