Women’s Health Services

Prior to your visit, complete the Women’s Health History form and bring with you to your visit.

Services Offered

  • Birth  control management/Contraceptive counseling
  • Consultation, education regarding self breast exam
  • Testing and treatment of STI’s
  • Consultation regarding other women’s health issues
  • Annual Wellness exam
  • Pelvic exams
  • Cervical cancer screening/PAP testing at age 21
  • Evaluation and treatment of menstrual irregularities
  • Breast exams
What is a PAP Smear or Pelvic Exam? 

Follow-up Appointments

All follow-up appointments must be scheduled online.

Birth Control Refill Policy

If it has been more that 12 months since you have seen the practitioner you must make an appointment
to see the practitioner for refills.


If for any reason you cannot keep your appointment, please call the University Health Center within 24 hours of your scheduled time so others can take advantage of this opening.  985-549-2242

If you have an outstanding balance with the Health Center, you will have two weeks to take care of this before the Controller’s Office is instructed to block your account. You may make payments if unable to pay entire balance at once.