Current students, check with the department office for your major or contact the following advisers:

Undergraduate teacher education students should contact Ms. Berry: [email protected]

Graduate students in Teaching and Learning should contact Dr. Zimlich:
[email protected]

Master’s students in Educational Leadership should contact Dr. Wicker:
[email protected]

Doctoral students in Education Leadership can contact Dr. Stedrak:
[email protected]

Incoming transfer students are advised through the departments. See below for departmental phone numbers.

You can find information about out them on our Student Organizations page.

Please contact your department to appeal a grade. 

Office phone numbers:

Department of Teaching & Learning, 985-549-2221

Department of Educational Leadership & Technology, 985-549-5713

Teacher Development Center, 985-549-5246 or [email protected]

Dean’s Office, 985-549-2217