Written Service Request
Request can be submitted using the Online Service Request form.
Department head signature must be on the service request.
Give a complete description and exact location of work needed.
Submit a request two weeks in advance for all request that must be completed at a
specific time. (Example: sound setups or table and chair setups) -
Submit a request two weeks in advance for any date driven items including sound setups
and moving items. -
For a multiple task service request, a separate request should be made for each different
shop. (IE. plumbing, movers, electrical). -
Do not submit a service request to Physical Plant for surplus items. Contact the Property
Control Department at 549-2205. -
Request to use the Alumni Banquet room must be approved by the director of Alumni.
Student Organizations must have the Advisor or someone at the Student Engagement Office
submit the request and complete the Registration for Activities Form. -
Physical Plant is not able to provide sound system setups for Student Organization
events. -
For Key Request, please see the Key Information Page. https://www.southeastern.edu/admin/phys_plant/key_information/index.html
If a change must be made to a request, call the Physical Plant Services Office at
549-3333 with the Request number. DO NOT SUBMIT ANOTHER REQUEST. -
Do not submit a service request to move furniture/property to a different location
due to a change in the way the space is being used or a change in faculty/staff. A
Change in University Space Request must be submitted per space management policy. Facility Planning will submit approved requests to Physical Plant.