Building Security

Building security is very important to the University Police Department.  Please take a few minutes to read the below information that will assist us in providing a safe and secure workplace.


  1. All University buildings will be secured on a daily basis as soon as possible after scheduled activities have been completed.
  2. All University buildings will remain locked on Saturdays, Sundays, and official holidays, and during periods of official University closures unless an official University activity is scheduled.
  3. Faculty and staff members will have access to their offices at any time; however, those faculty and staff members using their offices on weekends, holidays, closure periods, and after the building has been secured must ensure that the door used to enter and exit is locked afterwards.
  4. Faculty and staff members using their offices during these periods are encouraged to notify the University Police Department’s radio dispatcher for their security and protection.
  5. Unaccompanied spouses and children of faculty and staff members are not authorized to use the faculty or staff member’s office at any time.
  6. Graduate assistants who have been issued University keys to the University facility and who are engaged in research, supervising a laboratory, or supervising students will be authorized to use the necessary University facility during the periods stated in paragraph 3. Budget unit heads supervising the graduate assistant must provide University Police with a memorandum approving the graduate assistant’s access to and use of the facility.
  7. University Police Officers have the right to ask for identification either in the employee’s office or as the employee enters or leaves a building after the building has been secured.