Standing Committees

Standing Committees 2024-2025

A. University Councils

  • Tena Golding
  • Eric Summers
    (VP SA)
  • John Boulahanis
    (Graduate Studies)
  • Karen Fontenot
    (Dean, AHSS)
  • Kay Maurin
    (Chief EMO)
  • Bruce Craft
    (Fac Sen President)
  • Tará Lopez
    (Dean, BUS)
  • Jeffrey Temple
    (AVP AP)
  • David Sesser
    (Library Director)
  • Paula Calderon
    (Dean, EDUC)
  • Jeffrey Wright
    (Council of Dept Heads)
  • Ann Carruth
    (Dean, NHS)
  • Rebecca Davis
    (CFE Director)
  • Dan McCarthy
    (Dean, R&I)
  •  Claire Procopio
    (Dean, H&E)
  • Pat Moyer
    (Interim Dean, S&T)
  • Student Representative:
    Kyle Hidalgo
    (SGA President)

  • Paula Calderon
    (Chair/Dean, EDUC, ex officio)
  • Jordan Ahrend
    (Clinical Practice/Res)
  • Charity Bryan
    (Dept Head, KHS)
  • Mindy Crain-Dorough
  • Deborah Dardis
  • Thomas DeVaney
    (Dept Head, ELF)
  • Charles Elliott
  • Wade Smith
    (Interim Dept Head, TL)
  • Ryan Dutsch
  • Jeffrey Wright
    (Dept Head, MPA)
  • Dale Newkirk
  • Jerry Parker
  • Leilya Pitre
  • Angela Ellison
    (Accred/Program Review, TL)

Student Representatives:

  • Zachary Handlin
    (Student Rep, GRAD)
  • Brooke Fallon
    (Student Rep, UG) 

Public School Representatives: 

  • Erick Treuting
    (St. Charles Parish)
  • Bruce Chaffin
    (Livingston Parish)
  • Sharon Spring
    (Tangipahoa Parish)
  •  Raphael Tillman
    (St. Tammany Parish)

  • Jerry Parker, Chair
  • Aristides Baraya
  • Charity Bryan
  • Sanichiro Yoshida
  • Celina Echols
  • Jeff Wright, Co-Chair
  • Marcela Spicuzza
  • Priyadarshini Dasgupta
  • Taneshia Drake
  • Keonta Johnson
  • Hilton Magee
  • Mohamed Zeidan
  • Justin Bice
  • Michael Sistrunk
  • Julian Gros
  • Kyle Hidalgo (student)
  • Thais Gomes (student)

  • John Boulahanis
    (Chair/Grad Studies)
  • Ashley Wicker
  • Michael Bisciglia
    (Applied Sociology)
  • Margaret Westmoreland
  • Susan Prude
    (NURS-MS & DNP)
  • Janice Bossart
  • Ziba Rashidian
  • Brandon Baiamonte
  • Holly Kihm
  • William Robison
  • Ellen Caillouet
  • Amber Narro
  • Eric Booth
  • John Cresson
  • Wendy Rock
  • Edward Hebert
  • Caprice Lee-Holloway
  • Matthew Alford
  • Sanichiro Yoshida
  • Linda Collins
  • Ryan Green
    (Athletic Training)
  • Celina Echols
  • Lucie Agosta
  • Quoc-Nam Tran
  • Student Representatives:
    La’Chele Green
    Austin O’Brien

  • Tim Hudson
    (Chair/Dept Head)
  • Paul Kelsey
    (Library – Non-Voting)
  • Paula Calderon
  • Logan Place
  • Holly Kihm
  • Pam Bentivegna
  • David Bowes
  • Aime Anderson 
  • Amber Narro
  • Cherissa Vitter
  • Alexandra Anderson
    (SACSCOC Liaison – Non Voting)
  • John Boulahanis
  • Mohamed Zeidan
  • Student Representative:
    Matt Matthews

  • Tena Golding
  • Sam Domiano
    (VP AF)
  • Eric Summers
    (VP SA)
  • Wendy Lauderdale
    (VP UA)
  • Kay Maurin
    (Chief EMO)
  • Jeffrey Temple
    (AVP AP)
  • Paula Calderon
    (Dean EDUC)
  • Ann Carruth
    (Dean NHS)
  • Karen Fontenot
    (Dean AHSS)
  • Dan McCarthy
    (Dean R&I)
  • Tará Lopez
    (Dean BUS)
  • Pat Moyer
    (Interim Dean, S&T)
  • Claire Procopio
    (Dean H&E)
  • Rebecca Davis
    (Director CFE)
  • Malayne Sharp
    (Director Alumni)
  • John Boulahanis
    (Director GS)
  • Robert Rivault
    (Chief Marketing & Communications Officer UMC)
  • Jay Artigues
    (Dir Athletics)
  • John Paul Domiano
    (AVP Finance)
  • Tara Dupre
    (Director HR)
  • Michelle Hall
    (Director IR)
  • Ken Howe
    (Director FP)
  • David Sesser
    (Director LIB)
  • Marjorie Parker
    (Dir Student Engagement)
  • Craig Marinello
    (Director CS)
  • Chris Bentley
    (Athletic/Academic Liaison)
  • John Burris
  • Christy Montgomery
    (Dean of Students)
  • Connie Davis
    (AVP Operations & Auxiliary Services)
  • Jeffrey Wright
    (Chair Council of Dept Heads)
  • Bruce Craft
    (President Faculty Senate)
  • Alexandra Anderson
    (SACSCOC Liaison)
  • Mindy Crain-Dorough
    (EDUC 2023-2025)
  • Wendy Rock
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • Suzanne Booth-LeDoux
    (AHSS 2023-2025)
  • Holly Kihm
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Leilya Pitre
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Christopher Beachy
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Erin Horzelski
    (ST 2023-2025)
  • Amy Baptist
    (LIBR 2024-2026)
  • Louis Le Guyader
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Student Representative:
    Kyle Hidalgo
    (SGA President)
    Levi Spiers
    (SGA Vice President)

B. Standing Committees of the Faculty

1. Standing Committees of the Faculty Reporting to the President

  • Alice Gibson
    (Chair / Faculty Athletic Rep 2024-2025)
  • John Woosley
    (BUS 2022-2025)
  • John O’Reilly
    (ST 2022-2025)
  • Jack Bedell
    (AHSS 2022-2025)
  • Justin Bice, Ex-Officio
    (Compliance Officer)
  • Erin Watson-Horzelski
    (ST 2022-2025)
  • Sarah Schillage
    (AHSS 2022-2025)
  • Luke Stedrak
    (EDUC 2024-2027)
  • Deborah Dardis
    (ST 2022-2025)
  • Russell Castro
    (AHSS 2023-2026)
  • John Hatcher
    (EDUC 2023-2026) 
  • Brad Bergeron
    (ST 2024-2027)
  • Chris Bentley
    (Athletic/Academic Liaison)
  • Paul Kelsey
    (Library, 2024-2027)
  • Matthew Crook
    (BUS 2022-2025)
  • Carrie Edwards
    (NHS 2022-2025)
  • Thomas Meyer
    (BUS 2022-2025)
  • Keri Larsen
    (NHS 2022-2025)
  • David Faucheux
    (BUS 2023-2026)
  • Jean Genzale
    (NHS 2022-2025)
  • Student Representative: 
    Patrick O’Neill

2. Standing Committees of the Faculty Reporting to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

  • Aime Anderson
  • Lindsey Caillouet
    (EDUC 2024-2026)
  • Linda Collins
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • Thomas Cullinan
    (Co-Chair/Assoc Registrar)
  • Celina Echols
    (EDUC 2024-2026)
  • Cris Koutsougeras
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Ruben Pereyra
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Janie Branham
    (LIB 2023-2025)
  • Paulo Regis
    (ST 2023-2025)
  • James Winter
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Donis Lambert
    (LIB 2023-2025)
  • Christy Montgomery
    (Dean of Students)
  • Katie Cali
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Mary Ritter
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Sam Cappel
    (BUS 2023-2025)
  • Dell Mars
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Aristides Baraya
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Jamie Davis
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • Student Representative: 
    Kyle Hidalgo

  • Amber Narro
    (Chair / Director of Honors)
  • Kellen Gilbert
    (AHSS 2023-2025)
  • Kristie Riddle
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Samantha Perez
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • André Honorée
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Mehmet Bahadir
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Jason Landrum
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Luke Stedrak
    (EDUC 2024-2026)
  • Alan Cannon
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Jerry Parker
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Amy Baptist
    (LIBR 2023-2025)
  • Prem Chanda
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Holly Kihm
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Ghassan Alkadi
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • James Winter
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Ashley Bordelon
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Lisa Moody
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Eddie Hebert
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Lisa Brady
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Alicia McDaniel
    (H&E 2024-2026)
  • Student Representative:
    Kyle Hidalgo
    (SGA President)

  • David Sesser
    (Chair, Director Library)
  • Minh Huynh
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Reshelle Marino
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Sarah Schillage
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Louis LeGuyader
    (BUS 2023-2025)
  • Mohamed Zeidan
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Molly McGraw
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Celina Echols
    (EDUC 2023-2025)
  • Mehmet Bahadir
    (ST 2024-2026) 
  • Marc Settembrino
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Angela Wood
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • Penny Shockette
    (ST 2023-2025)
  • Mandy Jo Pickering
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Sang Lee
    (BUS 2024-2026)

3. Standing Committees of the Faculty Reporting to the Vice President for Student Affairs

  • Curtis Meyers
  • Luke Stedrak
    (EDUC 2024-2026)
  • Luanne Billingsley
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Mandy Jo Pickering
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Melanie Lemoine
    (EDUC 2023-2025)
  • Ghassan Alkadi
    (ST 2023-2025)
  • Joshua McDermott
    (AHSS 2023-2025)
  • Lindsey Caillouet
    (EDUC 2024-2026)
  • Erin Horzelski
    (ST 2023-2025)
  • Michael Bisciglia
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Donis Lambert
    (LIB 2024-2026)
  • Marcia Oursler
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Bridget Hester
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Florida Uzoaru
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Jonathan Varnado
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Marc Settembrino
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Angela Wood
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Robert Knights
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Ruben Pereyra
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Staci Taylor
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Mohamed Zeidan
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Randall Frederick
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Holly Kihm
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Dan Hollander
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Jerry Parker
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Ashley Bordelon
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • Aristides Baraya
    (BUS 2023-2025)
  • Laura Fazio-Griffith
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • David Faucheux
    (BUS 2023-2025)
  • Wendy Rock
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • John Hatcher
    (EDUC 2023-2025)
  • Coleen Cicale
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • Student Representative:
    Rosemary Matthews

  • Gary Prescott
    (Chair / Dir TS)
  • Melanie Lemoine
    (EDUC 2023-2025)
  • Bruce Sherman
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Molly McGraw
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Donis Lambert
    (LIB 2024-2026) 
  • Michael Bisciglia
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Aimee Adams
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Scott Burns
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Alice Gibson
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Linan Peng
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Reshelle Marino
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Ghassan Alkadi
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Student Representative:
    Rosemary Matthews

C. Committees Elected by the Faculty

  • Dayne Sherman
    (Chair, LIBR 2022-2025)
  • Vacant
    (BUS 2024-2027)
  • Kristie Riddle
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • Molly McGraw
    (AHSS 2023-2026)
  • Evan Mense
    (EDUC 2023-2026)
  • Ephraim Massawe
    (ST 2022-2025)
  • Monique LeBlanc
    (AHSS 2023-2025)
  • Laura Fazio-Griffith
    (NHS 2023-2026)
  • Penny Shockett
    (ST 2024-2027) 


  • Brandon Baiamonte
    (AHSS 2023-2026)
  • Vacant
    (EDUC 2023-2026)
  • Christopher Beachy
    (ST 2024-2027)
  • Suzanne Booth-LeDoux
    (AHSS 2023-2025) 
  • Amy Baptist
    (LIBR 2022-2025)
  • Erin Horzelski
    (ST 2023-2025)
  • Vacant
    (BUS 2024-2027) 
  • Luanne Billingsley
    (NHS 2023-2025) 
  • Holly Kihm
    (NHS 2024-2026) 

  • Alan Cannon
    (ST 2023-2026)
  • Vacant
    (EDUC 2024-2025)
  • Cris Koutsougeras
    (ST 2023-2025)
  • Molly McGraw
    (AHSS 2023-2026)
  • Celina Echols
    (EDUC 2023-2026)
  • Amber Narro
    (AHSS 2023-2025)
  • Jeff Bell
    (AHSS 2024-2027)
  • Paul Kelsey
    (LIBR 2024-2027)
  • Jean Fotie
    (ST 2024-2027)
  • André Honorée
    (BUS 2022-2025)
  • Holly Kihm
    (NHS 2022-2025)
  • Peggy Rolling
    (NHS 2024-2026)
    (BUS 2024-2027)
  • Ralph Wood
    (NHS 2024-2027)

D. Standing Committees Appointed by the President, Provost, and Vice Presidents

1. Reporting to the President

  • Renee Underwood
  • Celina Echols
    (EDUC 2023-2025)
  • Ralph Wood
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Tara Dupre
    (Human Resources)
  • Marcia Oursler
    (ST 2024-2026) 
  • Kellen Gilbert
    (AHSS 2023-2025)
  • Angela Wood
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • Michael Leeman
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • Sang Lee
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Taneshia Drake
    (Student Engagement)
  • Keonta Johnson
    (Auxiliary Services)
  • Jennifer Whisenhunt

  • John Burris
    (Chair, CIO)
  • Gene Pregeant
  • Thomas DeVaney
    (EDUC 2024-2026)
  • Matthew McNulty
    (Office of Technology)
  • Jeffrey Temple
    (AVP AP)
  • Angie Estes
    (LIBR 2024-2026)
  • Rebecca Davis
    (Director, CFE)
  • Jared Wall
  • Daniel Hollander
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Judy Bowles
    (AVP Systems)
  • Kari Wall
    (Southeastern Online)
  • Paulo Regis
    (ST 2023-2025)
  • Ray DeJean
    (Client Connectivity Leader, Deputy CIO)
  • Jerry Parker
    (AHSS 2023-2025)
  • Mandy Hoffman
    (Financial Aid)
  • David Faucheux
    (BUS 2023-2025)
  • Scott Cooper
  • Student Representative:
    Sonja Bhatta

  • Ray DeJean
  • Bryant Martin
    (Office of Technology) 
  • Jacob Penton
    (Office of Internal Audit) 
  • Khalli Hagan
  • Joe Burns
  • Robert Cope
  • Tara Dupre
  • Thomas Cullinan
    (Registrar’s Office) 
  • Michelle Hall
    (Director, IR) 
  • Matthew Johnson
    (Enterprise Resource Planning) 
  • John Foster
    (PeopleSoft Financials) 
  • Cris Koutsougeras
  • Eric Summers
    (VP, SA) 
  • Thomas DeVaney
  • Connie Davis
    (AVP Operations & Auxiliary Services) 
  • Gene Pregeant
  • Rachel Artigues
    (Nursing & Health Sciences) 
  • Jared  Wall

2. Reporting to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

  • Claire Procopio
    (Chair, Dean, H&E)
  • Bruce Craft
    (Faculty Senate)
  • Timothy Hudson
    (Mathematics/Analytical Reasoning)
  • Rachelle Cope
  • Jeffrey Wright
    (Fine Arts)
  • Troy Williams
    (Natural Sciences)
  • Craig Marinello
    (Career Services)
  • Sherri Craig
  • Jacqueline Guendouzi
    (Nursing & Health Sciences)
  • Angela Ellison
  • Jerry Parker
  • Sarah Sohr-Preston
    (Social/Behavioral Sciences)
  • Angie Anderson

  • Alexandra Anderson
    (Chair, SACSCOC Liaison)
  • Paula Calderon
    (Dean, EDUC)
  • Ann Carruth
    (Dean, NHS)
  • Jeffrey Temple
    (AVP, AP)
  • Kay Maurin
    (Chief EMO)
  • Dan McCarthy
    (Dean, R&I)
  • Pat Moyer
    (Interim Dean, S&T)
  • Karen Fontenot
    (Dean, AHSS)
  • John Boulahanis
    (Graduate Studies)
  • Claire Procopio
    (Dean, H&E)
  • Tará Lopez
    (Dean, BUS)
  • Michelle Hall
    (Director, IR)
  • David Sesser
    (Director, LIB)
  • Rebecca Davis
    (Director, CFE)

  • Jared Wall, Chair
    (Chair, Center for Faculty Excellence)
  • Thomas DeVaney
    (EDUC 2023-2025)
  • Laura Fazio-Griffith
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • Jerry Parker
    (AHSS 2023-2025)
  • Luke Stedrak
    (EDUC 2024-2026)
  • Angie Anderson
    (Quality Matters / AHSS)
  • Aristides Baraya
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Bonnie Achee
    (ST, iHub)
  • Mehmet Bahadir
    (ST 2024-2026)
  • Louis LeGuyader
    (BUS 2023-2025)
  • Kari Wall
    (Southeastern Online)
  • Alicia McDaniel
  • Florida Uzoaru
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Lindsey Poret-Willard

  • Penny Shockett
  • Sita Aggarwal
  • Justin Farrell
  • Bill Robison
  • James Nelson
    (Community Representative)

  • Michelle Hall
  • Luke Stedrak
  • Jean Fotie
  • Brandon Baiamonte
  • Letitia Walters
  • Pradip Panta
  • William Chernoff
  • Paul Kelsey
  • Lee Lind
    (Student Affairs)
  • David Bowes
  • Daniel Hollander
  • Avi Waikar
  • Susan Prude

  • David Sesser
    (Director, Library)
  • Gene Pregeant
  • Cris Koutsougeras
    (ST 2023-2025)
  • Dan McCarthy
    (Dean, R&I)
  • Cherissa Vitter
    (EDUC 2024-2026)
  • Cheryl Hall
    (Executive Director, Non-Voting)
  • David Armand
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Bruce Craft
    (President, Faculty Senate)
  • Sang Lee
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Ann Carruth
    (Dean, NHS)

  • Mary White
    (Chair / ST)
  • Tará Lopez
    (Dean, BUS)
  • Laura Fazio-Griffith
  • Jerry Parker
  • Paula Calderon
    (Dean, EDUC)
  • Luanne Billingsley
  • Peter Shrock
  • Tim Hudson
    (Dept. Head, ST)
  • Ann Carruth
    (Dean, NHS)
  • Lara Gardner
  • Ashley Wicker
  • Alexandra Anderson
    (SACSCOC Liaison)
  • John Woosley
  • Melanie Lemoine

  • Katherine Rose
    (Chair, Development)
  • Karen Fontenot
    (Dean, AHSS)
  • Marjorie Parker
    (Dir. Student Engagement)
  • Robin Parker
    (Aux Services)
  • Dan McCarthy
    (Dean, R&I)
  • Gary Prescott
    (Director, Transport Services)
  • Aristides Baraya
  • Tara Dupre
    (Director, HR)
  • Mandy Hoffman
    (Financial Aid)
  • Craig Marinello
    (Career Services)
  • Janie Branham
  • Cheryl Hall
    (Sponsored Research)
  • Marie Bernard
    (College of H&E)
  • Kimberly Bergeron
    (Dir Student Accessibility Services) 

  • Kay Maurin
  • Khalli Hagan
  • Bonnie Achee
    (ST 2023-2025)
  • Molly McGraw
    (AHSS 2024-2026)
  • Jeffrey Wright
    (Council of Dept Heads)
  • Marjorie Parker
    (Student Affairs)
  • Joshua McDermott
    (AHSS 2023-2025)
  • Melanie Lemoine
    (EDUC 2023-2025)
  • John Burris
    (Office of Technology)
  • Jay Artigues
  • Tara Dupre
    (Human Resources)
  • Connie Davis
    (AVP, Operations & Aux Services)
  • Coleen Cicale
    (NHS 2024-2026)
  • Sam Cappel
    (BUS 2023-2025)
  • Shanna Lee Holloway
    (NHS 2023-2025)
  • John Woosley
    (BUS 2024-2026)
  • Ashley Rosalez
    (Registrar’s Office)
  • Myranda Wheeler
  • Student Representative:
    Kyle Hidalgo
    (SGA President)

3. Reporting to the Vice President for Administration and Finance

  • Tara Dupre
    (Chair / HR)
  • Susan Zimlich
  • Kimberly Bergeron
    (Student Access Serv)
  • Marc Settembrino
  • Dayne Sherman
  • Carmen Bray
  • Lisa Brady
  • Rebecca Davis
  • Shuwanda Harrison-Carter
  • Hilton Magee
    (Physical Plant/D&I)
  • Patrick Moyer
  • Administrative Support:
    Nicole Dunnington

  • Sam Domiano
  • Justin Anderson
    (Science & Technology)
  • Mary White
    (Science & Technology)
  • Jeremy Brignac
    (Radiation Safety Office)
  • Pradip Panta
    (Science & Technology)
  • Sanichiro Yoshida
    (Science & Technology)

4. Reporting to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Administration and Finance

  • Khalli Hagan
    (Chair / Controller)
  • Tará Lopez
  • Ashley Rosalez
    (Registrar’s Office)
  • Jeffrey Temple
    (AVP Academic Programs)
  • Paula Calderon
  • Pat Moyer
  • Logan Place
  • Holly Kihm
  • Student Representative:
    Aidan Hidalgo