Dual Enrollment Materials and Criteria


Qualified students can enroll in college courses while still attending high school.
Dual Enrollment courses are facilitated at the participating high school by high school
teachers who have partnered with Southeastern faculty. Students earn high school and
college credit, with grades appearing on both high school and Southeastern Louisiana
University permanent transcripts. In addition to preparing for the rigor of college
work, Dual Enrollment students can lower the cost of their college education by earning
credit in high school and using TOPS for graduate school.

Dual Enrollment students are admitted to Southeastern as visiting students with access
to Moodle, Webmail and the university’s online library. Students must meet the eligibility
requirements and complete a Dual Enrollment application.


Grade Level

Applicants must be in 11th or 12th grade.


Test Scores

Subject-specific demonstration in mathematics and/or English:

English Score

Math Score

  • Required for Art, Comm, Educ, Engl, Gbio, Hist, Mus, Psych, Soc, Span, Thea courses
  • Pre-ACT English ≥ 18
  • ACT English ≥ 18
  • Pre-SAT Writing/Language ≥ 25
  • SAT Evidence-Based Reading/Writing ≥ 500
  • Required for Chem, Gbio, Math courses
  • Pre-ACT Math ≥ 19
  • ACT Math ≥ 19
  • Pre-SAT Math ≥ 500
  • SAT Math ≥ 510


In the event that no standardized exam has been taken or the requirements above cannot
be met, a Counselor Recommendation may be used. Please note that the Counselor Recommendation
must demonstrate at a minimum the following for the dual enrollment courses taken:

  • Dual enrollment Art/Comm/Educ/Engl/Hist/Mus/Psyc/Soc/Span/Thea require a C or above
    in the last high school English course taken before the dual enrollment course
  • Dual enrollment Chemistry/Math require a C or above in the last high school math course
    taken before the dual enrollment course
  • Dual enrollment Biology requires a C or above in the last high school English AND
    math course taken before the dual enrollment course 



Be on track to complete the Louisiana Core 4, have a cumulative 2.5 GPA, have no developmental
math or English requirement(s) and meet course-specific criteria as listed above.