Title: Bibliography of the History of Art/International Bibliography of Art
Access: Freely available on the Internet
Producer: Getty Research Institute
Category: History and Political Science; Visual Arts + Design
Coverage: 1975 – part of 2009
Update: This database is currently not being updated.
Content: Searches in this database cover the R pertoire de la litterature de l’art (RILA),
one of the predecessors of BHA, with records that cover 1975-1989, Bibliography of
the History of Art (BHA) covering the years 1990-2007, and the International Bibliography
of Art (IBA) covering 2008 and part of 2009.
The BHA indexes and abstracts over 4,300 journal articles, art-related books, conference
proceedings and dissertations, art exhibition and dealers’ catalogs from Europe and
the Americas; includes painting, sculpture, drawings, prints, decorative & applied
arts, architecture & industrial design and popular & folk art.
Notes: A list of journals included in the BHA can be found here (opens PDF).
Help: Search help is available by clicking on Help at the top of the search page. The BHA
subject index can be browsed from the Simple Search page.