How Do I Enter Grades into LEONet?

  1. Sign In to PeopleSoft version 9. Remember to use CAPS when entering your User ID.
  2. To enter final grades: Self Service > Faculty Center
  3. Click on the grade roster icon.
  4. Enter your instructor ID number and select the appropriate term number for the semester.
  5. Select the appropriate class number for the grades you would like to enter.
  6. Then change mid-term to final grade roster. Make sure you are on the final grade roster and not the mid-term grade roster.
  7. Select the correct grade in the roster grade input field, next to the student’s name.
  8. Save your work. You may enter part of your grades, save your work, and re-enter at
    a later time to continue entering your grades.
  9. Review your work. If you notice an incorrect grade, click the grade and change to
    correct grade from drop down box. Don’t forget to save your work.
  10. Remember to sign out of PeopleSoft when you have finished your session.

Things to Remember

  • The Office of the Registrar will post grades every four hours beginning at 4 a.m. each
    day during grade input.
  • Complete a Change of Grade form and submit to the Registrar to change any grade that has been posted.
  • Valid grade choices are:
    A = Excellent
    B = Good
    C = Average
    D = Below Average
    FY = Failing, Yes student attended classes on or past the 60% point of the semester
    FN = Failing, No student did not attend classes on or past the 60% point of the semester
    P = Passed
    UY = Unsatisfactory, Yes student attended classes on or past the 60% point of the
    UN = Unsatisfactory, No student did not attend classes on or past the 60% point of
    the semester
    I = Incomplete