How Do I Get Advised Online?

Please be sure to use your curriculum sheet when selecting courses for the upcoming
semester AND the University Catalog to check pre-requisites when completing the online advising process.Your courses
will not receive approval if you do not meet the pre-requisites for the courses listed.
You can only submit one advising request during an open registration period, but you
can make changes to your submitted form UNTIL it is reviewed by your advisor. Please
print out these directions and use them to submit your online advising request. 

  • Log into LEONet for Students.
  • Click Self-Service.
  • Click Online Advising New.
  • Click the Search button.
  • Select the upcoming semester for which you wish to register.
  • Please fill in all the information asked for on the online advising form. (Please
    see figures below for screen shots of what you should see when completing your form.)

      • Advisor’s name
      • Total number of hours for which you intend to register
      • Select courses (select one or two courses as alternate courses)
          • Click on magnifying glass
          • Enter prefix for course in subject box or enter the first letter of the course (Ex.
            ENGL or E”)
          • Click Lookup.
          • Select the specific course (it will show in the box. (Ex. ENGL 102)
          • To add more courses, click on the “+” at the end of the row.
          • To delete a course, click on the “-“ at the end of the row.
      • Provide a brief explanation if you listed any courses that are not required in your
      •  Review the page – make sure you have listed your advisor’s name, the total number
        of hours you plan to take, and check your list of courses.
      • Click the Save button.


Note: Your online form will be reviewed by the advisor whose name you entered in your form.
If you do not put your advisor’s name in the appropriate box, your online form WILL
NOT be reviewed.

Note: After you submit your online advising form (by clicking on save), and your advisor
has reviewed your courses, you will get an email from your advisor stating that you
should go back into the online advising system to read your advisor’s response.

Note: If your courses are approved, the Remove Advising Hold button will be activated.
Click on that button and you will remove all academic advising holds.

Note: Clicking on this button will NOT remove holds placed by the Controller’s Office,
Office of Admissions or Office of the Registrar.


If your online submission is disapproved, your advisor will give you instructions
in the comment box on how to proceed to complete the advising process. During peak
advising periods, it may take three or four days to get a response from your advisor.
If you submit your courses during the week of priority registration, do not expect
to get a response in time to register during that week.