Including Special Theme Sessions on “Urban Protest and Reform in the Gulf South and Caribbean Basin.”
October 9-11, 2025—Crowne Plaza Hotel in the historic New Orleans French Quarter
The Gulf South History and Humanities Conference is an annual event sponsored by the Gulf South Historical Association, a consortium of colleges and universities, in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.
The 43rd Annual Conference, hosted by Southeastern Louisiana University, welcomes proposals for presentations that address the culture and history of the Gulf South – the U.S. South and territories in Central America and the Caribbean.
Proposals must be submitted electronically by August 8, 2025, to the program chair, Dr. Keith Finley, [email protected]. To submit an individual paper, please send a PDF containing a title, a 150-word abstract, and a one-page vita. To submit a themed panel or roundtable forums, send a PDF containing a title and brief (150-word) description of the theme, a 150-word abstract for each paper, a one-page vita for each presenter, and a suggested chair/discussant.
In addition to sessions on traditional scholarship, the program committee encourages panels on pedagogy, public history, or material culture. The committee also welcomes non-traditional session proposals including roundtables, “state of the field” sessions, and lightning rounds. Full- session proposals are strongly preferred, though the committee will consider individual papers. Graduate students are encouraged to submit proposals and may compete for the William S. Coker Award, awarded annually for the best graduate paper presented at the conference. Additional information on applying for the Coker Award will be provided to conference registrants.
To register, please send a check and registration form to the Center for Southeast Louisiana Studies, P.O. Box 10730, SLU, Hammond, LA 70402. Make checks payable to the Gulf South Historical Association. For online registration, please go to this link:
The full registration fee includes a Thursday evening reception, all conference sessions, and a free one-year membership in the Association. The additional banquet fee includes tickets for the banquet, annual keynote address, and cocktail reception.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Astor Crowne Plaza located at 739 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. When calling to make your reservation, please mention that you are with the Gulf South Historical Association to receive the discounted conference rate of $195 per evening. Please call 1-877-408-9661 to make your reservation by Thursday, September 18, 2025. All reservations must be made by this date. To reserve a room online, please follow this link. Louisiana state employees, be sure to inquire about a limited number of state employee discounts for the event available on a first-come, first-served basis at this link.
Registration Form:
Phone:_____________________________ Email:____________________________________
Institutional Affiliation: _________________________________________________________
Full Registration: $70____ Student registration: $30____ Saturday Only Registration: $30____
Attending Complimentary Thursday Reception: yes/no (Please circle choice)
Friday Awards Banquet: $50 _______
Total enclosed: ___________________