Finance Course Descriptions
123. Personal Finance. Credit 3 hours. A
study of the management of personal finance affairs, including
budgeting, banking, insurance, installment financing, rent/purchase
decisions, real estate, personal taxes and lifetime financial
planning. (May be used as a Business Elective, but not a
Finance Elective in the Finance Degree Curriculum. Not open to
juniors or seniors majoring in the College of Business).
381. Business Finance. Credit 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Junior standing and Accounting 200. A study of
organization of business firms, financial planning, funds from
operations, short and intermediate loan capital, owners’ equity,
long-term debt, and business promotion and expansion.
382. Problems in Business Finance. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisite: Finance 381. This course
encompasses the analysis of financial policies and problems of
corporate financial management in light of different operating
functions. Attention is given to cases involving financial
decisions for nonfinancial corporations. The primary
objective of the course is to encourage independent constructive
criticism of existing theories and knowledge, and to develop a
personal philosophy of financial management.
383. Working Capital Management. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisite: Finance 381. A study of the
analysis of financial theory and problems involving working
capital. Topics include the management of cash, receivables,
inventories, and short-term funding.
391. Finance Internship. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisites: Finance 381, 2.5 grade point average
and permission of Department Head. Finance Internship
provides a student with finance experience in an assignment
selected and approved by the University with a cooperating business
firm. Students will earn three semester hours of credit for
360 hours of approved work experience. Only finance majors
can receive credit for the Finance Internship course. All
grades are assigned on a Pass/Fail basis.
392. Finance Internship. Credit 3
hours. Continuation of Finance 391. In order to obtain
credit for Finance 392, the work assignment must be different from
that of Finance 391.
401. Capital and Money Markets. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisite: Finance 381 or approval of the
Department Head. This course is designed to provide the basic
knowledge and tools required to analyze financial markets and their
institutions. The primary objective is to provide students
with adequate knowledge of the structures and practical operations
of major financial markets and the underlying forces which unify
410. Managerial Finance. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisites: Junior standing, ACCT 225, ECON 201 and
FIN 381. The study of tools and techniques used in the
formulation and implementation of financial policies, including
analysis of financial needs, acquisition of financial resources,
and allocation of funds to finance a business. Financial
decision making involving applied economics, accounting, and
statistics. (Not open to finance majors).
431. Principles of Real Estate. Credit
3 hours. Prerequisite: Finance 381. The nature of real
property, principles of urban land development, classification of
property right, financing of real estate, and real estate
432. Real Estate Practice. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisite: Finance 431 or a valid Louisiana Real
Estate Salesman’s License. A consideration of the
professional aspects of real estate brokerage, property management,
finance, appraisal, property development, and problems relating to
real property. Emphasis is placed on the managerial and
marketing aspects of operating and managing a brokerage firm.
447. Global Financial Management. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisite: Finance 381. The financial
problems and opportunities that confront the management of
international firms. Sources and instruments of international
finance, import and export financial considerations, and the
interrelationship of governmental and international agencies to the
financial function of business will be emphasized.
451/551. Investment Analysis. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisite: Finance 381. A study of the
fundamental principles of business firms; major markets in the
United States, and hypothetical portfolios developed using current
452. Portfolio Management. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisite: Finance 451. A study of financial
investment alternatives and strategies in a portfolio
context. Specific emphasis is give to financial engineering
techniques applied in the design and management of investment
portfolios within the framework of specific risk-return
470. Bank Administration. Credit 3 hours.
Prerequisites: FIN 381, and either ECON 333 or FIN 401. A
study of common problem situations and management techniques as
they apply to the operation of an individual bank.
481. Principles of Insurance. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisite: Finance 381. A study of the
business of life insurance, types of policies and annuity
contracts, fire and allied fire contracts; automobile direct loss
and liability insurance; other types of casualty insurance.
482. Life, Accident, and Health Insurance.
Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: Junior standing. The
general principles of life, accident, and health insurance and the
application to both business and personal uses.
495. Special Topics in Finance. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisites: Finance 381. A seminar course
that covers selected current and unique topics of special interest
in finance not covered in existing courses.
499. Seminar in Finance. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisites: Finance 382 or Finance 451. A
capstone seminar course with emphasis on the application of finance
concepts to real world problems using case studies with heavy
reliance on spreadsheet models and Bloomberg application.
650. Health Care Finance Management. Credit
3 hours. A course designed to introduce students to the
concepts of basic managerial financial functions, such as
budgeting, accrual accounting, and the responsibilities of
financial management.
653. Financial Policies I. Credit
3hours. Prerequisites: Finance 381 or Graduate
Standing. The study of tools and techniques used in the
formulation and implementation of financial policies.
Specific emphasis is given to the analysis of financial statements,
working capital management, valuation, capital budgeting, cost of
capital, capital structure and leasing.
654. Financial Policies II. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisites: Finance 381 or Graduate standing.
The study of tools and techniques used in the formulation and
implementation of financial policies involving topics not covered
in FIN 653. Specific emphasis is given to the analysis of
risk management, dividend policy, the investment banking process,
hybrid financing, bankruptcy and reorganization, mergers and
divestitures, and multinational financial management.
657. Financial Institutions Management.
Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: Finance 381 and Graduate
standing. A case-oriented introduction to the mechanics,
operation, and structure of the financial intermediary
system. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of
financial markets, monetary policy and the international financial
695. Special Topics in Finance. Credit 3
hours. Prerequisite: Finance 381 or permission of the
Department Head and Graduate standing. A seminar course
focusing on selected issues in finance.