Field Locations

Most of our field research is conducted on the Manchac Wildlife
Management Area, which is approximately 8000 acres of fresh marsh,
“owned” by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and
located adjacent to the
Turtle Cove Environmental Research Station. Turtle Cove is a great old house built in 1908 that
serves as a base of operations for much of our work.

Other sites include saltmarsh habitat on
Timbalier Island in the Gulf of Mexico and
baldcypress/tupelogum swamps surrounding Lake Maurepas.

heronThere is an abundance of wetland habitat types all
across south Louisiana… Hey!!! I guess that’s why we do our
research here!… and finding beautiful places to work is never a
problem (assuming of course, you like being with the animals and
plants in
their home). Deciding
which one of these locations to use as a study site is the
real problem. Tough life, eh?

Maybe a visit to our
photo album will inspire you to come and work with us…
