



Dr. Tran

Quoc-Nam Tran, Ph.D.

Title: Professor of Computer Science
Location: CSTB 3027
Phone: (985) 549-3282
Email: [email protected]

Expertise:  Symbolic computation, formal methods, algorithms, parallel computation, bioinformatics,
networks & security

Dr. Matthew McNulty

Matthew McNulty, Ph.D.

Title: Instructor of Computer Science & Lab Coordinator
Location: CSTB 3023
Phone: (985) 549-2037
Email: Matthew.McNulty-2@southeastern.edu
Expertise: Introduction to Programming, Survey of Computing, Assembly Language, Networking, Cybersecurity
Education, Cyber Operations, and Cyber Defense

Dr. Paulo Regis

Paulo Alexandre Regis, Ph.D.

Title: Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Location: CSTB 3029
Phone: (985) 549-2251
Email: pregis@southeastern.edu
Expertise: Smart-Cities, Internet of Things, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
Heterogeneous Networks, Cybersecurity