Letter Collection
BOX 1 –Letters with no dates
1. Letter from Shing to Mom, no date, marked Saturday, a.m., sends regrets that Shing
cannot visit due to the child whom she refers to as “Junior”; A prayer for Lillie
Carter written by her sister; “A Drop of Water,” n. a.,–religious; Recipe for peach
peelings and pits, n. a.; Incomplete letter, n. a., discusses small pox epidemic in
Texas and expresses fear that it may spread to Louisiana; Poem, “Lay Me By the River
Side,” n. a.; Letter to Lillie May Craig from unknown author, relates how the recent
rains have been good for the watermelons. 8 Items
2. Incomplete letter from T. C. Carter to unknown recipient, discusses his boat and
the level of the river; Incomplete letter to Adrian, expresses approval of his decision
to go to Texas, marked September 12, but no year; Incomplete letter to unknown recipient
from Nannie, informs of her impending fishing trip; Incomplete letter to unknown recipient
from unknown author, discusses Sallie’s future marriage to a farmer; “The Sinking
Anchor,” n. a.; Incomplete address concerning the worthiness of candidates for admission
to the Patrons of Husbandry, n. a.; Letter from Zelma to Gran, marked Saturday, discusses
Nannie and Simpson and the unseasonably hot weather for September; Gag letter to Miss
Margaret Gill from Squatt and Leavit; Incomplete letter to unknown recipient from
unknown author, discusses his impending trip to Texas. 10 Items
3. Incomplete letter to unknown recipient from unknown author, discusses John’s return
home and the construction of a new dormitory at school; Incomplete letter from J.
Carter to unknown recipient, discusses ornery farm animals; Letter to “My Dear Schofield”
from Winifred, marked October 14, discusses Winifreds delight with her stay in Slaughter,
La.; Letter, Nannie to Zelma, relates the seriousness of Nannie’s recent illness.
10 Items
4. Incomplete letter from Mary Frierson to unknown recipient, discusses Mr. Steele’s
gasoline launch and Mary’s use of a rod, reel, and fly which is new to her; Incomplete
letter to T. C. Carter from unknown author, author states that he went broke farming
last year; Incomplete letter from unknown author to unknown recipient, author is requesting
poems for his scrapbook and warning his “dear” to keep her promises; Letter from unknown
author to unknown recipient, letter is mostly illegible; Letter from J. W. Patton
“Chairman” warning unknown recipient to “guard against similar acts in your parish;”
Poem, “There is a Low Green Valley on the Old Kentucky Shore,” n. a.; Letter to Tullia
Carter from Alice Turner, discusses sickness and “R. R.’s” going to Virginia to attend
the military school; Letter from Zelma to Gran discussing Zelma’s trip to see the
family; Letter from Nannie Sharp to her sister, discusses a visit that Nannie had
with a friend and her child “little Daisy,” 12 Items
5. Letter from unknown author to unknown recipient, letter is obviously from a man
to his sweetheart; Letter pertaining to romantic connotations between the author and
the recipient, n. a., (partial letter); Letter concerning an anticipated visit by
author to recipient, n. a.; Letter concerning an awaited responds from the recipient,
n. a.; A paper containing diverse penmanship of quoted remarks; Letter pertaining
to sickness in family; Letter pertaining to the harvesting of cane and grinding the
substance. 11 Items
6. Letter concerning cold weather and sickness in family; Letter concerning school
events: test, etc.; Letter from Hall, Wedge & Carter pertaining to industry of shipment
in the market. 10 Items
7. A prepared written speech pertaining to Livingston Parish; Letter containing information
about family sickness; Partial letter pertaining to a portrait and preparations for
a trip; A poem entitled “Christmas;” A letter from W. W. Laust to Mr. Carter concerning
an itemized account.
12 Items
8. A written poem explaining doubtless of life; Letter discussing the makings of a
dress out of cashmere; Letter that is literally unreadable, n. a.; Letter explaining
money sent in the amount of $3.00, n. a.; Partial letter explaining visits and joshing
with people, n. a.; Letter describing the music of life, etc. 10 Items
9. Partial letters describing family background, boarding at school with Professor
Dean, Graduations, renovations of a house, preparations for business (orange orchard),
health conditions, lecture and dance events, practicing penmanship, and a sonnet entitled
“Childhood–Hollowed Hours” n. a. 10 Items
10. Letters describing visitations, sickness, invitation to a dance in honor of Mr.
Wallace Settoon, and a request for money. n. a. 12 Items
11. Letters describing a sonnet entitled “A Shing without a Head,” visitations, preparations
for a meal, attending a ball, school, and feelings toward another person, n. a. 11 Items
12. Letters describing a story entitled “Last Jewel,” inquiry concerning family members,
inquiry about teaching position, the pertinence of school, concerns of stress, inspiration
given through spirituality, sonnet entitled “Listening to the Mocking Bird,” and harvesting
of hay, n. a. 10 Items
13. Letters describing visitation, legal terms of peril and tort, a sonnet entitled
“My Pet Coon,” home sickness, sonnet entitled “Snatters of Thought (?)”, and a sonnet
entitled “Thoughts and Dreams of the To Come.” n. a. 10 Items
14. Partial letter describing an accident of some sort–Doctor involved, sickness,
forgiveness, spiritual inspiration, an invitation to a party held in the honor of
Mr. A. M Davidson, a short sonnet entitled “Battle,” leasing a Hall, agricultural
situation, request for a nephew to come out with all pistols to assist an Uncle, and
a sonnet entitled “Emphasis,” n. a. 11 Items
15. Partial letter describing confrontations with opposite sex, torn paper giving
explanations about typhoid fever, prescription from Doctor, a literary writing entitled
“No eloquence without virtue,” inquiry of politics and personal events in correspondence,
the laughter of young girls, broken appendages, and sickness, n. a. 9 Items
16. Letters describing a marriage, a written narrative pertaining to a play (partial),
agricultural situations, partial letter concerning no news from Uncle Jim, a request
for a meeting at Mrs. Baley’s house Friday morning, and visitation, n. a. 10 Items
17. Letters describing school, sickness, plans for a train trip, a sonnet entitled
“What Should make Thee Sad,” calculation on interest for land, relationships and flirtatious
responses, and sonnet entitled “Home,” n. a. 10 Items
18. Letters describing Myrtle’s events in packing straw, visitations, a literary writing
concerning mortality, a love letter to Miss Tullia, an escaped convicted from jail,
and sickness, n. a. 10 Items
19. Letters describing a sonnet, invitation to a dance party, literary writing pertaining
to “School,” sickness, and a sonnet entitled “A Letter in the Candle,” n. a. 10 Items
20. Letters describing the essentials and eloquence of art, sickness, naming of something,
selling of land, and literary writing pertaining to knowledge and pleasure, n. a.
8 Items
21. Letters describing feelings toward another person, agricultural situations, sickness,
weather conditions, literary writing entitled “Animals,” and a petition of a will,
n. a. 11 Items
22. Letters describing raising turkeys, weather conditions, sickness, vacation to
Gulf Port, and employment, n. a. 12 Items
23. Letters describing Roman law lecture, conquering lives diversities, sickness,
marriage, and vacationing in Gulf Port, n. a. (a few incomplete letters) 13 Items
24. Letters describing correspondence, sickness, social reunion, and a sonnet entitled
“Vacation Song,” n. a. 11 Items
25. Letters describing preparations for a wedding, health conditions, agricultural
situations, riding a horse, and a literary writing entitled “Childhood and Womanhood,”
n. a. 8 Items
26. Letters describing a persuasive love letter, regrets of not being about to visit,
literary writing entitled “Friendship,” and sickness, n. a. 11 Items
27. Letters describing health conditions, incomplete letter explaining Christmas events,
explaining a buggy ride, and playing pranks, n. a. 10 Items
28. Letter describing literary writing entitled “Birds,” weather conditions, and health
conditions, n. a. (a few incomplete letters) 11Items
29. Letters describing weather conditions, events that caused detriment to body, mortality,
a literary writing entitled “Can I, Can’t I,” and preparations for a visit, n. a.
30. Letters describing weather conditions, agricultural conditions, a statement written
about prosperity and longevity and mortality, taking an excursion away from family
members, an incomplete letter explaining gentleman’s manners, and a sonnet entitled
“Winter is gone and Spring has come,” n. a. 11 Items
31. Letters describing marriage, sickness, weather conditions, courtships, growing
old, and mortality, n. a. 10 Items
32. Letters describing agricultural situations, health conditions, dairy production
(milk), weather conditions, employment, and attending school, n. a. 11 Items
33. Letters describing visitations, sickness in family, acknowledgment of a birthday,
and a sonnet entitled “Good Bye My Lady Love,” n. a. 10 Items
34. Letters describing health conditions, mortality, visitation, youth frolicking,
and the labor of work, n. a. 10 Items
35. Letters describing correspondence, visitation, a prayer (religious), following
in love, sickness, laboring house chores, a poem entitled “Jimmie the flower of Kildare,”
and inspiring the love between two individuals, n. a. 7 Items
36. Letters describing assistance to a relative, health conditions, traveling, sonnets
and literary writings, half torn paper discussing an estate (not entire form), a faded
paper briefly describing assistance and persuasion, and a torn letter pertaining to
an invitation to a dance, n. a. 8 Items
37. Letters describing the election of Mr. Cleveland, an exhibit, going to church
and events that happened, a description of Negroes’ personalities and characteristics
in work and activities, n. a.
10 Items
38. Letters describing payment of a note, mortality, health conditions, weather conditions,
family life, and preparations for visitation, n. a. 5 Items
39. Christmas and vacation post cards. 14Items
BOX 2 –Letters
1. (August 15, 1847, from St. Charles, MO) Letter to Miss Amanda Richardson from a college graduate (Jos.
H. A[lexander]?) 1 Item
2. (1855) Letters from Amanda about waiting anxiously for a friend to arrive. 4 Items
3. (1856-1857) Letter about receipt from Sheriff Gates for licenses of 1855. Letter describing purchasing
and selling of peaches. Letter from a friend concerning the well-being of his family
(Smiley?). 3 items
4. (1858) Letter from W. E. Walker to Mr. Carter about the amount of a note with interest.
Letter from a nephew to an uncle regarding a note for $610.50. Letter from Elias Durbin
concerning a note against the estate of the Cutrer? Harrison’s house. Letter from
Joseph H. Alexander concerning marital bliss and feelings for Amanda. Receipt from
A. W. Kinchen to Geo. Richardson. 7 Items
5. (1859) Receipt from L. W. Stewart to M. T. Carter in the amount of $9.55. Letter from A.
Addison requesting money for Mr. Skipeth Durbin. Letter to the Gentlemen and members
of the Order of the Sons of Temperance from the ladies of Springfield expressing thanks
for their cause by giving them a Bible. 3 Items
6. (1860) Letters from W. G. Richardson to A. Davall about not finding title to land for Moses
Harris and Andrew Cooper. Comments on a piece of land in Bayou Barbary concerning
Mr. Joseph Herd and Loflin. Letter from R. C. Richardson to his sister pertaining
to the Christmas holiday and visits, and governmental issues–election of Lincoln
and the slave territory. Letter from W. G. Richardson to A. Deval about the “Fanner
Tract” concerning Thomas Davidson and Fanner along with the surveyors mentioned. 8 Items
7. (1861) Letter describing the cutting of timber on Mr. Deval’s land, forbidding Mr. Loflin
to cut the timber. A request of information concerning the claims at hand–Geo. Richardson’s
estate. Letter pertaining to Fanner Tract and other lands. 9 Items
8. (1863) Receipt for $30.00 of fruit trees. Letter to M. T. Carter from A. Addison concerning
the purchasing of cotton and preparations for shipment. 2 Items
9. (1865) Letter giving permission to cut timber in Ponchatoula and the publication of writings
by Mr. Fields during the elections. 1 Item
10. (1866) Letter describing land purchasing and the dimensions of the land near Bayou Barbary
(territorial map included). Letter from Uncle Dewitt emphasizing education, and who
is getting married. An apologetic letter concerning a late written letter, the finale
of apple season, learning a carpentry trade, a description of winter living, inquiry
about girls down in Louisiana. Letter concerning the substitution of representation
at a meeting. 6 Items
11. (1867) Letter describing a persuasion to a friend to work in Oquawka– where there is tremendously
cold weather, and inquiring about local Louisiana girls and New Orleans. 2 Items
12. (1868-69) A certified letter from Zena Bartlot (?), and the selling of cotton and the demand
for it. An appreciative letter concerning a Christmas visit to see friends in Mississippi.
3 Items
13. (1870–Unknown Month) 15 addressed envelopes and letters describing curious information on whether Tullia
was married or not, and regards concerning Emily’s graduation speech. Letter concerning
sincerity, advice given and acknowledged. A partial letter concerning description
of a young man’s apologetic attitude for writing dreadfully. A sonnet from the lyrics
of “Just as I Am” substitution in words (Friend). An attitude of sociability towards
weddings and christening. 23 Items
14. (1870) Letter describing agricultural crops and railroads, and the Prussian War. Christmas
time and a courtship broken up by a sweetheart because of future engagement to be
married, and not moving from St. Helena to the Free State (Livingston Parish). Letter
regarding a commission that will be brought to Springfield (a replied deposition from
Joe Dreghr and Isaac Christmas in Fort Bend Co. Texas). Letter concerning an appreciative
response pertaining to a song written, and agricultural situations (harvesting figs,
melons, and eggs). 10 Items
15. (1871) Letter describing the visit of family members and health concerns (Rheumatism, yellow
fever, whooping cough) and harvesting fruits and vegetables. The anticipated work
travels and destinations. The permission to borrow a machine. Letter to a cousin concerning
the interest of a significant other. The life on the farm raising chickens. A wondering
traveler writing about scenes and inquiring information on a picture of a lady. Letter
concerning an excursion to Barbary and Baton Rouge, also emphasis on Christmas holidays.
A description of the Mardi Grew parade–Mystic Crew-representing Prince Arthur and
Fairy Queen and attendants. Inquiry about Christmas and Mr. Derman’s visit to Tucker’s,
and a description on gardening. An Arithmetic example problem. 22 Items
16. (1872, February-July) Letter describing the time during Mardi Gras and health issues (Typhoid fever and
Rheumatism). An invitation to a wedding ceremony. A gift from a parent and the performance
of acting, also the frolic play of youth. Invitation to see scenery of land (budding
of flowers, etc.) and engaging in a little expedition. The description of two journeymen
and their destination. An analogy of teaching and buying on credit in correlation
to using your mind to learn. A letter concerning the detriments of a young hurting
himself. Letter concerning the marriage of Ernestine Davis to Mr. Wheelis from Amite
City, and raising turkeys. 13 Items
17. (1872, August-December) Letter describing visitation with relatives and the hardships of delivering a new
born baby. The decision of an anticipated race and vicinity where it could be held.
A foot injury by a spectator who was walking on a plank. A Bee sting and the results
of it. The difference in intelligence among people. Describing the career of a school
teacher and being engaged to be married. The cold weather climate in harvesting oranges
and sugar grinding and the re-election of General Grant. Mentions of the liberal meeting
at the court house–speaker, Armstrong. Describing a letter to open a private school
and a local re-election–Henry?. A letter concerning the computation of a mathematical
problem–Algebra. A letter from a friend in Osyka concerning Christmas festivities.
An aspirations to educate oneself. A written poem entitled “A Dreaming Thought.” 15 Items
18. (1873, January-February) Letter describing lost keys to a trunk and the interest in beaus. A letter concerning
the love for a new beau, secretly. The explanation of the Mardi Gras parade and theme–Darwin’s
Origin of Species, also the extraction of a tooth. Describing the arrival of relatives–Grandma.
Writing about the next letter to be sent and from whom. Letter concerning regret in
not mailing a correspondence, the Dr.’s curiosity involving the women in Amite City,
Miller and Hyde families moving, and inquiring whether Alice Turner and Timmy Elmore
will marry. 8 Items
19. (1873, March-June)*** Letter describing a Mardi Gras parade and a picnic on Lake Borgne. The Democratic
party attempting to take possession of the police station and a riot broke out killing
three or four people and a great many wounded. The anticipation of dating and the
birth of a child. Describing typhoid fever, going to a concert, and asking for money
to purchase a pair of gloves. The anticipated visit of Mrs. Amanda and the appointment
of school board directors in St. Bernard. Political troubles at St. Martins parish–the
citizens would not acknowledge Gov. Kellogg’s party (officers), determined not to
pay taxes, and Negroes violent threats. A United States Court Judge fought a duel
and resulted in the death of Judge Durell. The assassins of Gov. Kellogg being acquitted.
Speaking about beaus. Letter concerning an anonymous valentines letter sent to Tullia,
Alice’s feelings that are not complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Michael, family members
visiting, and information about weather and agriculture. 8 Items
20. (1873, July-August) Letters describing household chores and agriculture, mathematical problems, and knowledge–knowledge
without virtue is like a good frame without a roof. Traveling the southern part of
U.S.A. Descriptions of a wagon carrying mail and passengers. Remarks of a quarrel
with a friend, horse and buggy accident, and photographs. A fascination with wax flowers
and design. The death of a new born baby. Letter from D. C. Carter inquiring about
a teachers position in French Settlement (references cited). An epidemic of Bilious
fever, and an invitation to attend school in the Settlement. 9 Items
21. (1873, September-October) Letter announcing a wedding date, traveling destinations and a place to be reached.
Worms eating the cotton crops. Yellow fever and the coolness of the weather. The plantation’s
agricultural crops–fruits. 6 Items
22. (1873, November-December) Letter describing a visit from a family member, the dengue fever, and grinding sugar
cane. The sugar cane production had decreased and planters were finding new work and
Negroes were going to be out of work. An accident that caused an injury by a cow.
The captivation of hearing a new priest in the Catholic Church. Preparing for the
Christmas holidays and wanting to visit with a certain person. 3 Items
23. (1874, January) Letter describing the amount of money drawn from the school fund. The issues of beaus
and money–having enough money to marry or staying a young maid. The planters paying
the appropriate amount to laborers. The well-being and the mental capacity of a friend–Gissie.
An untold secret that lingers into exciting curiosity. The encouragement to play a
musical instrument. The issuance of a warrant for an arrest. 5 Items
24. (1874, February-March) Letter describing the visit to the orange orchards in Plaquemines Parish. The curious
concerns of courting. Horse dies from locked jaw, and Senator Shears bill to colonize
the Negroes did not pass. Governor Warmouth’s foot caught in a machine and possible
amputation or lose his life. Oscar Dunn the Lieut. Governor may take his place. An
informative letter concerning Margaret’s husband who is an Englishman and works at
the Red River saw mill, a woman’s attitude in the way she tells a story (indiscrete
in conversing and actions), and a slandering tale pertaining to a young woman’s brutal
murder. 6 Items
25. (1874, April-May)*** Letter describing visiting the relatives and talking about beaus. The extraction
of a tooth, and the renovation of a house–the parlor. The concerns of the reconstruction–writing
about Squire James on the Red River. Letter pertaining to correspondence of emits
engross news, Plaquemines Parish weather conditions (rain) causing crevasses and damaging
crops and resident’s life. 5 Items
26. (1874, June-July)*** Letters describing the concern of family members (health and school). The hardship
of finding a husband in St. Bernard, simply because men do not having enough money
to buy the essentials for himself and his wife–thoughts of being an old maid for
life. Informing of Negroes committing outrages in different parishes as seen in the
newspapers. Repairs done to the house and inquiring about the occupation of being
a school teacher. A domestic quarrel that resulted in two men shot. The raising of
rice instead of sugar cane and traveling to Texas. The threat of selling the property
for taxes–a Negro tax collector is a candidate for the legislature and was previously
over the representatives. Citizens are joining the Negro party, called the yellow
party. Describing the fruit crops and weather. 6 Items
27. (1874, August) Letters describing a picnic with family members, discussion of beaus, and weather
and crops. Describing the best yield (2 barrels) of sweet potatoes planted by whites
and Negroes. Harvesting of honey. Selling of chickens. Mr. Walker, the delegate to
Baton Rouge from the Democratic party. Discussion of a young Dentist who studied under
his father. Contemplated sale of land for taxes. The intrusion of a burglar and the
startling effect it made on the family. Living in the prairie lands and droughts that
affect agriculture. 4 Items
28. (1874, September)*** Letter describing the visit of family relatives and friends. A visit to the monument
which was erected to commemorate the battle of New Orleans. The monument’s description.
M.T. Carter’s school money in the amount of $40.00 (written statement). The account
of The Battle of Liberty Place–bloodshed of New Orleans, contributed by armed citizens
and law enforcers, commanded by Gen. Badger and Gen. Ogden (40 killed and wounded).
4 Items
29. (1874, October) Letter concerning the request of a book that was borrowed, Home Journal. The discontinued profession as a teacher–an insufficient salary. Harvesting the
rice crops and selling it in the market of New Orleans. A request to visit the family
(grandma). A letter describing the aspirations of a man and woman. Inquiring about
the position of being a granger. Orange harvesting and the amount produced. 4 Items
30. (1874, November) Letter describing the anticipated visit of a friend, the essence of St. Bernard parish
(rich soil). The inclination that every person employed should vote the Democratic
party. U. S. marshals have issued warrants for arrest to respectable citizens of Shreveport.
A description of a legal fee. The concerns of having an ailment, Dyspepsia, and not
being able to write well enough. The business and production of raising sugar cane.
A citation for the parish attorney in relations to treasury bonds. The petition of
Theron A. Bartlette. A letter concerning election time for legislators and congressmen
(elated with democrats taking seats). 10 Items
31. (1874, December)* Letter describing the procession of the Knights Templar, composed of Masons from
every state in the union and ex-confederate soldiers. Davis Elementary Algebra–Power
of Binomials by formula. 4 Items
32. (1875, January) Letter describing the health concerns and the winter weather. Death of W. S. Pike,
and the Knights Templar commandeers visited New Orleans. The wretched mood of Alice
caused by the cold weather. Cold weather and the tension it caused on the trees (orange
and maple) but was uninjured. Young ladies’ interest in men and deciphering who is
the right man. 3 Items
33. (1875, February) Letter describing the flood that has devastated the farms and bridges. School embarking
and the unsuccessful achievements. A Mardi Grew parade description. The suggestion
that secrecy should not be told in a letter and the desire to have a significant other.
Inquiry about Uncle D____(?) and Tullia. 3 Items
34. (1875, March) Letter describing proper etiquette and the characteristics of a young gentleman,
Eddie. A toothache that was made better because of a surprise letter. A sore finger
that was supposed to be lanced but instead poulticed. Buying Calico material and making
a stylish dress. Playing a game “Blind Man’s Bluff” and getting hurt. A trip to the
Catholic Church and the grave yard. Sending vine seeds in the mail. An expedition
with friends in the woods–hunting and fishing.
5 Items
35. (1875, April) Letter describing the family dispute due to a lack of correspondence. An encouraging
love letter about a woman. The discussion about a anticipated boat ride up a river,
raising watermelons, and a fight that broke out between two blacks. Jack’s thoughts
of getting married. Inquiring information on the interest of a young lady. A letter
concerning marital blessings from a brother. A letter pertaining to Marcus’ visit,
a description of lives beautiful creatures, and an accident that resulted in paralyzation
of Uncle Isreal’s right side body. A letter concerning the feelings of love for a
cousin (Lillie) and explanations of being sick (fever). 8 Items
36. (1875, May) Letter describing the heart break or sympathy of a long distant friend, who was visiting
and had recently left. The gossiping of two individual people, “He said, she said”.
Writing of a cordial visit and eating some delicious strawberries. The enthusiasm
of telling jokes and feeling the failure of doing so. The sentiments of sending flowers
and the appreciation of reading letters. Explication of a late arrival home (receiving
money and purchasing items for brothers) and having a picnic. A brother’s genuine
feelings for a sister (Lillie). 7 Items
37. (1875, June) Letter describing a train trip and the departure date. Informing a friend of an anticipated
visit and giving information about St. Bernard. Joshing with a friend in a sardonic
way. Excuses made for not responding to a letter sooner, and engaging in the assistance
of administering a test in a local school. Alluding the characteristics of a new sweetheart
and the success of raising a crop. Taking an excursion ride upon a train, also Negroes
taking a train ride. A letter concerning a heart-broken announcement, sleeping tremendously,
information pertaining to a picnic, and inflamed sickness. 7 Items
38. (1875, July) Letter describing a visit with a cousin and not over staying because crop needs attending
to. Learning to play the violin and popping the cow whip. Anticipation of joining
the Grange because the beauty of women involved. The request of receiving money for
Dr. A. B. Robertson for teaching school in Livingston Parish ($91.00). Expecting the
response to a picnic date, but to no avail because letter was sent late. The mailing
route has been changed from Fridays to Mondays and Tuesdays. The excitement of receiving
a letter, the posing for a photo painting, and the comparison of a beautiful woman
to other women. The visitation to see a father, who was in good spirits. The warming
of the weather and the success of raising a crop. 5 Items
39. (1875, August-September) Letter describing parcel that was left containing confectionery. The events that
took place in St. Bernard while out of town–three weddings and cutting branches off
of magnolia trees. An unsuccessful consent from a family concerning a marriage. A
visit to the Baptist church which seemed to be a very unpleasant experience, due to
the preachers egotistic attitude and warm weather. An expected death caused from illness
(Miss Gissie). Writing about the miserable feeling and dreariness of not having a
friend come and visit St. Bernard; therefore, persuasion is used toward the friend.
The success of an orange crop and the Mespilus blossoms. An acknowledgment from beaus
during a dance and deciding who will be the right person to have as a beau, and all
the detailed information from conversing (flirting). A gentleman’s sincere and kind
heart writing to his girlfriend, who lives miles away, and explaining his encounter
with two girls which he escorted to a woman’s house. Enjoying 15 men playing musical
instruments and dancing. Describing the situation at camp (labor was not hard, but
accommodations were bad). A desolate place west of the Lake on East and Railroad on
west near a swamp. Sickness in family (swamp fever). 12 Items
40. (1875, October) Letter describing a trip to Amite and the interest in beaus and the effect of love.
The wedding engagement that was kept concealed. The death of Mr. Kelly, an unexpected
death. A meeting concerning a fishing trip. A sickness that keeps one from corresponding,
until sickness diminishes. Saving the life of a young boy and being appreciated by
parents. The flattering of writing a letter to a sweetheart. A storm that consumed
total damages of $400 to a crop. 3 Items
41. (1875, November) Letter describing a train trip from Tangipahoa to New Orleans, and also to Galveston.
Addressing letters to an appropriate place of address–Greensburge. Ms. Bettie, suffers
from Brokebone fever. A trip down Lake Borgne Canal to Fort Dupre. An argumentative
letter concerning a friend, who does not appreciate or give full expression/explanation
in letter. Describing the flattering of a young beau and his gentleman ways. Also,
speaking of future wedding ceremonies and all the accessories involved. 5 Items
42. (1875, December) Letter describing the amount of letters written in one day. A request to keep a bracelet,
and not to use the initial E. in letters. Accepting a photograph and taking one by
the artist, Moses. Anticipating the arrival of a letter. A father who came home sick.
The governor signed a bill (no mention of specific bill). The discussion of agricultural
crops–strawberries and raspberries. The maturing of a cotton crop, and a expedition
fishing trip. The complaining of having a melancholy personality. The Christmas Eve
memories and family residing in far off places. Christmas morning receiving a letter
from an uncle, who is very pleased at where is he living. Never receiving a letter
from Greensburg. Corresponding with a person in Texas and marveling over matrimony
steps. Mr. Gaston caught the attention of Alice, while talking to her father. 8 Items
BOX 3 –Letters
1. (1876, January)* Letter describing a love one leaving his sweetheart. Taking a tiring train trip
to Ponchatoula and crossing a bridge over a creek. The emphases and feeling of a man
and his departure from the town. Describing what events are going to occur for Valentines
and what has occurred for Christmas. Telling a companion that he really loves her
and that he would do anything for her, and a dream that he writes about pertaining
to her. The concern of not receiving a letter from a friend–lost in oblivion. Describing
a Christmas Ball with dancing. Leaving behind a love one and setting out on a journey
to Ponchatoula with minor delays and obstacles. A sincere love letter concerning two
young individuals. 6 Items
2. (1876, February-March)* Letter describing a person’s feeling towards another–not impressing hurt on a person’s
feeling. An apologetic letter to a love one concerning ones feelings. The selling
of cotton in the market, and meeting a mature woman. Describes a experience of a fishing
trip, and the concerns of a young Prussian man who is working in New Orleans. Also,
the concerns of a lost letter in the mail–wondering if any person knows the true
names of the men mentioned. A man, who once again receives rejection from Tullia,
and is tremendously hurt over the fact. Anticipating the arrival of a friend and confiding
in this friend. Describes a time during Mardi Gras–a busy city with train fares and
carnival exhibits, and canons being fired giving recollection of Federal bombardment.
17 Items
3. (1876, April-May) Letter concerning the unsuccessful trip to Clio and attending a meeting. Letter to
Tullia concerning Henry’s love for her, and his fishing party trip, and the 15 years
he last saw her. A ladies fair in New Orleans which contributed to selling lottery
tickets for the building of the St. Joseph Church. Describing a fishing trip with
much excitement involved–getting stuck in a perogue and having one person walk the
rest of the party to safety. Henry’s business with his crop and not being able to
see Tullia, and watching the watermelon seeds grow. Mr. Gaston attempting to shoot
someone. 7 Items
4. (1876, June) Letter concerning a written statement in regards to a future prediction of marriage.
Henry’s concern about Tullia’s feelings, playing croquet, and cleaning a canal for
boats. The excitement in receiving a letter from a friend and writing about a young
man, whom one is interested in. Tullia’s wedding engagement to Mr. Stephen D. Ellis,
and a visit to the courthouse. 5 Items
5. (1876, July-August) Letter pertaining a letter that has stated negative connotations toward one, who
implemented the first unpleasant remarks. Letter concerning borrowing money from parents,
and the events that happened to family member at home–a brother cutting his foot.
Receiving a ring from a gentleman, but not a sweetheart. Letter concerning the same
regards and feelings for Tullia–a letter from Henry. Letter describing the agricultural
crops–figs, berries, etc. Helping with the preparations for a wedding. 9 Items
6. (1876, September-October) Letter concerning the anticipation of returning home to Ponchatoula. The enjoyable
pleasures of sewing. Describing an illness (measles) which unfortunately delayed correspondence.
The grand Centennial Pierie successful accomplishment of functional canal. A generous
offer to buy a corset and determining it does not fit, and looking after a dear mother,
who is down in spirit. 4 Items
7. (1876, November-December)* Letter concerning a poem entitled “I think of Thee”. Describing the democratic elections
and a brief message of Davidson’s defeat. Letter describing one’s feelings toward
the St. Bernard area (pertaining to entertaining activities), and information about
Henry. 4 Items
8. (1877, January-March) Letter concerning interest in hiring a young girl–compensation by living in employer’s
dwelling place. Philosophical comments for a couple with wedding bliss. A discussion
on agriculture and family status. A wish for a twenty-first birthday. The agricultural
crops–sugarcane and the netting process. A statement about the Germans troops invading
Paris, and the “Parisians” being defeated–no significant information given. 7 Items
9. (1877, April) Letter describing the generous nature of sincere thoughts for Tullia. The fatal ailment
of pneumonia. Anticipating the visit with a friend, and the dating match–who is dating
whom. Letter concerning alteration of an unsuccessful clothes fitting–a coat. A lottery
ticket number. 4 Items
10. (1877, May) Letter describing invitations to a ball, brief information pertaining to Indians,
information relating to stock ranch, letter regarding an inquiry from Livingston’s
Clerk of Court concerning Samuel Settoon estates. 4 Items
11. (1877, June) Letter describing extracurricular activities in school. Working wages and the necessities
that are bought with wages. Letter from the Office of R. G. Dun & Co. concerning a
list requested by Marcus Carter. 4 Items
12. (1877, July-August) Letters describing scenery, visits, Balls, writing poetry, and the rising waters
expounded diversities of events. 3 Items
13. (1877, September-December) Letter describing temperance and persuading a friend to visit Livingston. Letter
written to husband in regards to agriculture, elections, and family life. A daughter
writing her mother in regards to an inappropriate attitude towards each other. Taking
advise from a friend. Christmas wishes from Henry to Tullia in a sincere manner. 8 Items
14. (1878, January) Letter describing Henry’s advise, thoughts, and a Happy New Year wish to Tullia.
The death of Mrs. Simpson and the effect it caused on her family. 9 Items
15. (1878, February) Letter describing the scenery in Washington Parish and agricultural
crops and working people. Letter from the commissioner of Dept. of Interior concerning
land clauses (Davidson and Rheius). Letter from Henry to Tullia wishing a Happy Valentines
and thanking her for the inspiration. 5 Items
16. (1878, March) Letter describing a letter from Henry to Tullia explaining how much he misses her,
and sending her detailed information on the Krewe of Mardi Gras. A notice requesting
the payment of $25.00 to Ms. T. Carter. 6 Items
17. (1878, April) Letter describing Willie Carter’s anticipation of seeing his cousin. Letter concerning
an unconfirmed claim of Thos. J. Davidson in regards to the actual settlers dated
June 7, 1813–What manner should congress prosecute? Henry’s concern thoughts about
how he feels toward Tullia. 4 Items
18. (1878, May) Letter describing an offer to take Tullia home in a buggy. A journey to visit a friend
and elaborating about the tiresome trip and an encoded message by telegraph alphabet.
Describing a trip to Greensburg and New Orleans, and seeing Mr Brodrock. A visit to
the Temperance. Mr. Rownd’s agreement not to drink and reminding Tullia not to smoke.
9 Items
19. (1878, June) Letter describing a letter to Tullia from Henry. An account of stumps by Z. T. Richardson.
Describing the confidentiality of the letter written. The concern for Uncle Carter’s
health. The concerns of not attending the temperance lecture. Describing Mr. Ellis’
interest in Tullia. An appreciation of flowers sent to Tullia. 8 Items
20. (1878, July) Letter describing an alphabetical telegraph decoder. The appreciation of being invited
to a party. ____Harris stays with the Carters until her husband returns from Baltimore.
Mrs. Higington’s family moved down to Springfield. Mr. Brodrick and five other men
were in Springfield. The wedding announcement of Clara Coats. Letter telling Tullia
to enjoy herself. Describing the day at temperance and then to Mr. Kemps for a visit.
The death of Mrs. Kemp, and the mail-carriers resignation. An anticipated visit to
Greensburg. The appreciation of an emblem. Explaining the trip from St. Bernard to
Springfield. Letter describing the homesickness of Tullia Carter in St. Bernard. Describing
the prohibition of capturing a fawn. Tullia’s anticipation of going home. Letter from
Henry to Tullia explaining his feelings for her. Mr. Chapman requesting money in the
amount of $195.50 from cutting timber off of land. 13 Items
21. (1878, August) Letter describing the anticipation of receiving a letter and a visit from Tullia
and preparing a basket full of pears for the arrival. Elaborating on the enjoyment
of a buggy ride in Greesburge with Tullia. Describing the harvest of hay and no expectation
of rain. Describing illness in the family and encouraging Tullia not to back down
from Henry McCrea. Relatives visiting from Georgia. G. T. Rownd wanted desperately
to converse with Tullia after church, but to no avail. A poem written to Tullia, titled.
Earnst and True Confessions. Mr. Sellers is putting up a saw mill in town. Millerwood
has been sold to J. Miller? The breaking relationship of John and Ada. Mr. Noel Norwood
visits the family in Jackson. 9 Items
22. (1878, September) Letter describing the fever panic and transporting milk and the success of as new
school. The changing of the mail train’s time. G. T. Rownd describes to Tullia the
location of his Brother and the number in family, also the yellow fever in Osyka.
Description of killing time by hunting. G. T. Raoul’s astonishment of hearing the
engagement of he and Tullia from mother. 7 Items
23. (1878, October) Letter describing Mr. Rownd’s brother’s infection with yellow fever and not being
in the best of health. Mr. Rownd’s brother dies of yellow fever and leaves behind
his wife and children. A discussion about yellow fever and grinding sugar cane. 7 Items
24. (1878, November) Letter describing a job offer Mr. Rownd is inquiring about through his brother which
is in Georgia, and informing Tullia of it. Mr. Rownd’s informative letter to Tullia
concerning his deceiving character of being drunk in Independence. Tullia’s return
letter to Mr. Rownd, explaining her feeling toward him and encouraging him to be careful,
especially with the yellow fever going around. 5 Items
25. (1878, December) Letter describing Mr. Rownd’s position at Express mail in Georgia, and the Election
that is about to take place, along with hoops and hollers. Letter describing a suit
which involves a clause for land certificate. Letter from L. P. Watts writing to inform
about the weather. Letter from Mr. Rownd concerning the election in Georgia between
Huff and Collins, and the scuffle that broke out amongst the crowd. A suit taken place
between Porter and Benefield and Setton amount charged, $125. 10 Items
26. (1879, January) Letter describing Mr. Rownd’s work in Georgia and his description of how busy the
Express is around Christmas, also two people were shot in Macon and Savannah Georgia.
An endeavoring letter explain the sympathy for Mr. Carter’s daughter. 3 Items
27. (1879, February) Letter written from S. S. Norwood with deep sympathy in regards to Zoa. Mr. Rownd’s
regards to Tullia in the lost of her sister, Zoa. Mr. Rownd’s letter to Tullia describing
his sickness and the cold rainy weather that he has to work in. A letter from Tullia
explaining her father’s sickness. An encouraging letter to a niece from A. E. Johnson,
and congratulations to the father in the success of becoming a Judge, etc. 7 Items
28. (1879, March) Letter from Mr. Rownd explaining his laboring hours at work. Tullia writing a letter
to Mr. Rownd describing the events taking place around Springfield–Henry Coats eloping,
ecological situations. Encouraging Rownd to keep his head up, things do get better.
Letter from Nattie Hamilton to Nannie Watts explaining the death of acquaintances
in Hazelhurst, Mississippi, and acknowledging the good times she spent with she and
her family. 3 Items
29. (1879, April) Letter describing the Carter’s sick family. Finding the cheapest way to make bonnets
and hats. An acquainting letter from Billie R.? to Tullia inquiring about her feelings
towards him. 3 Items
30. (1879, May) Letter enclosing a check in the amount of $198.41 to J. H. Adden. Letter from A.
E. Johnson to her niece. Letter to Tullia from Raouls concerning his stay in Georgia–contemplating
on whether or not to join a church, and not having any activities to do on Sunday.
Letter from Mrs. Reid to Tullia–Reid’s thinking about accommodating Tullia if Reid
has finished her work. 5 Items
31. (1879, July) Letter describing a letter to Tullia from W. Rownd concerning the temperature in
Georgia, and no letter from Tullia and wondering why. Letter to William Rownd from
Tullia concerning a anticipated ride in a buggy with William when he returns home.
7 Items
32. (1879, August) Letter describing a letter to Tullia concerning her resent marriage to Mr. Rownd,
and a request for all of his letters back. Letter to Tullia’s future husband, Mr.
Rownd, informing of the excessive rain. A letter to Tullia from her husband, William,
anticipating the return to her. Billie’s letter to Tullia describing his trip to Mr.
Vincent Salapie and Billie’s feelings toward Tullia. Letter concerning the death of
Emma and an abundance of water in the swamps. Rownd’s informative letter to Tullia
concerning purchased articles. Letter from Billie concerning healthy eating (fruit)
and meeting Mr. Mason in Port Vincent and information on Port Vincent. 12 Items
33. (1879, September) Letter describing water rising and washing away the Williams Bridge and Mr. James
Fels’s cotton house and Martin Pauls Balton field fence. Letter concerning hurricane
Terabel, John’s election for Sheriff, and not being able to attend Billie’s wedding.
Letter concerning Round’s townships survey. 4 Items
34. (1879, October) Letter concerning Rownd’s letters to Tullia and the safety of packaging those letters.
1 item
35. (1879, November) Letter concerning S. S. Norway’s letter describing fees that
are due and being almost bankrupt. 1 Item
36. (1879, December) Letter describing an opinion from an expert concerning maternity.
Illness in the family (pneumonia). Letter concerning Christmas Holidays, and speaking
about wearing trains on the legs. Letter from an Aunt concerning the well-being of
the family (an attack with yellow fever.)
5 Items
37. (1880’s) Empty envelopes. 7 Items
38. (1880, January-March) Letter describing negotiation of purchasing land, the Rose Mount land and land on
the Amite River. Paying a fee of $25.00, and saving to build a house for the family.
The raising of potatoes and being lonely with a loved one. 4 Items
39. (1880, April-June) Letter describing agricultural crops. Lillie’s trip to her cousin and Wades responsibility
to see to a safe arrival and departure. An invitation to relatives to come and see
them. 3 Items
40. (1880, August-September) Letter describing a letter to Judge Carter in respect to a legal matter concerning
a $50.00 cotton crop in Clio. A request to look after the sale of the Wood River Mill.
The concern of the Chapman’s claim, and the circuit court meets in Franklinton. 3 Items
41. (1880, October) Letter describing a relative visiting. Letter asking for the request of Judge Carter
in response to business matters and etc. 2 Items
42. (1881, January) Letter describing rice going to the mills and Sims is going to Wadesboro. The concern
for a mother and baby, and the agricultural situations around the community in Asension
Parish (an abundance of rain). Letter concerning a land claim. 4 Items
43. (1881, February-March) Letter describing the glorious stay in Algiers. Letter from Mr. Callihan to Mr. Carter
concerning multiple job opportunities and being sick. 3 Items
44. (1881, June-July) Letter describing a letter from Mr. Richardson to his nephew, T. C. Carter pertain
to not being able to visit. Letter from Tullia’s husband concerning employment and
the well being of Tullia and Grace. 3 Items
45. (1881, August) A registry return receipt and card. 2 Items
46. (1881, December) Letter concerning the Unites States Law Association and whether the land title is
legitimate or not. 2 Items
BOX 4–Letters
1. (1882, January-February) Letter describing a letter concerning land title and wanting to buy it. Letter concerning
a dance, Mr. Davidson getting some eggs, and etc. Letter inquiring about an affair
and a marriage that is about to take place. 3 Items
2. (1882, July-September) Letter describing a receipt from W. M. Cunningham. Letter concerning the traveling
opportunities and the explanation of what could have been between Tullia and ____.
Letter from the auditors of the Post Office Department in regards to payment of $61.14.
4 Items
3. (1882, November-December)** Letter describing a sickness in the family and Ernest having responsibilities in
taking care of the home. Letter from Mollie Kelly to Tullia Carter concerning the
visit in Baton Rouge and deciding on whether to live there with a brother, and informing
of Percy Spillers’ Mother’s death. Letter asking for Tullia to pay $5.00 for the repairs
of a sewing machine and giving permission to loan it to her for compensation. 3 Items
4. (1883, January-December) Letter describing a letter concerning a petition on a claim. Letter requesting the
visit from Judge Carter to Centerville, and some arrangement for accommodations for
Judge Thompson. A request to relinquish packages to the Carter address. Letter from
a nephew to an uncle asking for the surveying of land. Letter regarding the cutting
of timber and railroads. 10 Items
5. (1884, March-August) Letter describing agricultural situations (raising corn and selling cattle), rearing.
rearing children and being a responsible parent. Letter concerning the selling of
property and receiving the deed. Letter describing the satisfaction of good cattle
bought. Letter concerning the death of Mr. Carter. 7 Items
6. (1884, September-November) Letter concerning land tax. Receiving a letter in regards to an account–medical
expenses. Letter concerning cattle with various ailments and trying to make a living
with cattle. Letter concerning the selling of sewing machines. 5 Items
7. (1885, March-July) Letter describing a letter to Lillie patiently waiting for a letter and a visit.
Letter from Lille Carter explaining the death of her sister, Tullia. Letter concerning
the visit from Bill, and asking if Fred accepted matrimony. 4 Items
8. (1885, August-September) Letter describing a letter concerning false accusations. Letter concerning Mr. Lanton’s
health–being very good physical health, but no improvement in his mental condition.
3 Items
9. (1885, October) Letter describing a letter from Mollie to Lille concerning her resent visit. Letter
from Mollie Kelley to Tullius Carter explaining her future visit to see them. Letter
from Katie concerning family matters (Mother’s sickness) and finishing the preparations
on a dress. 4 Items
10. (1885, November-December) Letter describing a letter concerning Mr. Lanton’s ailing health and his death. Letter
concerning Mollie’s wedding day. 3 Items
11. (1886, March-October) Letter describing information on any location of possible camp site establishments.
Letter concerning a question about having taxes reduced. Letter concerning the visits
with family and sickness (Malarial fever). Letter referring to former complaints made
by buyers who received unsatisfactory shipments. A friend writing to inform about
a possible visit. 8 Items
12. (1887, February-April) Letter describing a sister writing to her sibling, inviting her to Dallas for a visit
and informing of family matters. Letter concerning the establishment of a new school
by De Carter. 4 Items
13. (1887, May-June) Letter describing a letter concerning the sale of timber and a lost of logs in the
swamp caused by oxen. Letter giving advice about girls and etc. Letter concerning
Mr. Rownd and the Railroad, and the selling of timber. A registry return receipt.
Letter concerning a loan and negotiations. Itemized receipt from H.T. Cottam & Co.Wholesale
Grocers. 8 Items
14. (1887, July-November) Letter describing a letter concerning a check written to Mr. Rownd in the amount
of $200. Letter concerning reasons why Mr. Callihan resigned from his job in the factory
and finding employment else where. Letter concerning Mr. Rownd’s charged account pertaining
to state land in the sum of $100. Letter describing the timber industry and the management
that is put into organizing a business. Letter concerning negligence in delay of Keg
Powder to Mr. Carter. 5 Items
15. (1888, February) Letter describing letters concerning possible visits, Mr. Pruman sister visiting,
giving entertainment to family members and friends. Letter concerning the cultivation
and utilization of land, and possible visits. Letter concerning an undecided answer.
3 Items
16. (1888, March) Letter describing a letter concerning a possible visit, farming, informing of three
deaths, train accidents, and the spreading of measles. Letter concerning employment
and the true feeling toward one who is admired. 4 Items
17. (1888, April) Letter describing information concerning the health of Bob, Tullian’s day in Springfield
meeting with the Knights of Labor, flowers that were sent by Tullian to Lillie, and
marriages. A poetic letter to Kate from Lillie concerning blessings. Letter concerning
the success that Susie has and will accomplish, and encouraging words from Frank.
4 Items
18. (1888, May-June) Letter describing a letter concerning an appeal to the 4th circuit court in Livingston Parish.
Letter concerning the death of a husband and the grieving moments in healing.
3 Items
19. (1888, July) Letter describing a letter concerning the bursting of a leg and an operation that
must be performed. A sincere letter from Susie concerning death of Lillie’s husband.
Letter pertaining to the paying of stock dividends from Good Will Stock Co. Letter
concerning the equal exchange of products, tobacco for lard, corn meal, and pearl
grits. 6 Items
20. (1888, August-November) Letter describing a written receipt. Letter from Kate giving comforting words to
Lille, and informing Lillie on the high price of coal due to terrible storms. Letter
from Mimmie Johnson to Mr. T. C. Carter concerning neglect responses from family members,
persuading an invitation, and sympathy given to family on behalf of Ralph’s death.
Letter concerning a storm that destroyed crops. Letter concerning the selling of (Star
?) to Tom Ganney. 7 Items
21. (1889, January-February) informing Mr. Rownd of requested work has been promoted to different employee. An
itemized receipt from H.T. Cottam & Co. Wholesale Grocers. Letter concerning the sale
of a tractor and timber. Letter pertaining to goods traded for equal value. Letter
describing the lonesome feeling of a mother without her children. Letter to an Aunt
describing how much she is missed and loved. Letter concerning home sickness and the
tiresome travel. Letter concerning surveyed land by Mr. Rownd. 9 Items
22. (1889, March) Letter describing the lonesomeness and sickness in the family. Letter asking for
a copy of surveyed land from sec. 36. Letter asking for the request of land ownership
in Tickfaw, surveyor, Mr. Rownd. 7 Items
23. (1889, May-July) Letter regarding taxed property–ownership, and prospects for land–business oriented.
Letter concerning help from a friend. Letter concerning homestead. 4 Items
24. (1889, August-September) describing purchasing of timber, the interest of visiting family and reminisce on
family activity (hunting). Letter from a cousin describing his journey on a train
with his brother and giving his love to the Springfield girls. Letter from Gay Brothers
& Company requesting a representative for the company or house. 5 Items
25. (1889, October) Letter describing anticipation to visit a friend on Sunday, with exception for attending
church. Letter concerning the selling of an ox or steer on credit, but not receiving
payment (repossessing). An itemized receipt form from H.T. Cottam & Co. Wholesale
Grocers. 3 Items
26. (1889, November-December) Letter describing a letter of happiness and respect. Letter from The Detroit Free
Press recognizing the acts of becoming an agent. Letter from the parish treasurer
concerning the allocation of $3.60. Letter concerning a shot gun and cooking a duck.
Letter concerning land that was sold to McDowell and requesting information on land.
7 Items
27. (1890, January-February) describing a letter concerning an unreadable letter and unfamiliar words. Letter
of apology for not writing sooner, concerns for employment, and salary. Letter encouraging
a visit from a family relative. A requested affidavit from J. Rashky & Co. in regards
to packaged goods (skins) in transit. 6 Items
28. (1890, April) describing an itemized receipt from H.T. Cottam & Co. Wholesale Grocers. Letter concerning
anticipated visit from a family member and sending valuables on a schooner. Letter
from the State of Louisiana concerning the retiring of operations. 4 Items
29. (1890, June-October) A list of numbers. Letter concerning the present discussion of a great deal. Letter
concerning the selling of log. Letter concerning the health of Kate and her well-being.
Letter concerning the events at school and rules that must be kept. A paper with duplicate
hand writings. 8 Items
30. (1890, November-December) Letter describing the selling of cotton seeds for $10.00 a ton. Letter concerning
the joining of the church. Inquiring about Tullius’ mills, and writing about a sick
child that needs health care. Letter written during lunch break concerning an anticipated
visit on the weekend. A piece of scrap paper with adding figures. A written poem speaking
about money-less man. 8 Items
31. (1891, January-February) Letter describing the sickness of Mr. Rownd and unable to take care of business.
Letter in regards to Mr. Rownd’s sickness and a sister, who would really like to visit
him. 4 Items
32. (1891, March-April) describing the intervention of the omnipotent (attending church). Letter concerning
the death of Maggie. Minutes from the Perfect Harmony Farmers Union No. 687. 9 Items
33. (1891, June-July) Letter describing a registry receipt from the post office in Clio, LA. Letter pertaining
to an African Americana’s death in Breckenridge Mill due to shooting. Letter concerning
sickness in the family (Uncle Tim). Letter describing picking raspberries and Mrs.
Nish a teacher at Springfield. Letter concerning high water and children, who were
gone for three months, on account of high water, and encouraging words. Letter concerning
agricultural situations (corn, and cotton), and rain. The selling of cattle, and the
operation of Willie Craig’s lumber mill. 9 Items
34. (1891, September) Letter describing amount of $3.20 which was collected from secretary of Perfect Harmony
Union. Describing attempts to find a place to live, and being successful in the search.
Living with a musical inclined land lord, and hearing a preacher speak about suffering
and acknowledging God during this time (prayer). The selling of cotton seed for $.50
per cotton. The death of Zelma Carter’s uncle, attending a barbecue, and the starting
of school. An anticipated letter concerning a beau, a barbecue in Clio. Visiting the
name sake in the family (Walt). The death of Tom Glover’s little girl. Mr. Sim’s abusive
attitude agitated his wife to live (a circulated statement). 7 Items
35. (1891, October) 7 items describing the arrangement of receiving timber. A visit that will be put
off till after the first, and making a home a stopping place. A newspaper pamphlet
titled– Organization, Platform and Address of the People’s Party, Adopted at Alexandria,
La., October 2 & 3, 1891. A business ordeal with Mr. Rownds. A Negro woman, who is
sick and can not afford to pay the Doctor’s bill; therefore, Mr. Davidson pays. Pamphlet
entitled “Ritual of the Farmers Alliance”.
36. (1891, November-December) Six pages of written scribble or repetitive writings. The death of Uncle Simpson,
and a woman, who intends to work for the church all her life (doing God’s work). The
purchase of a flat built by cypress for $ 25.00. The starting of a project after Christmas
holidays. 11 Items
37. (1892, January-April) Letter describing graining lumber that was shipped on cargo that was dissatisfying.
A receipt from Stoves Crockery, and House Furnishing Goods in the amount of $2.40.
Being sick on a business trip, reimbursing money, and the proposal of a corporation.
A price list from Alliance Tobacco Co. The request for an aunt to come and visit,
and learning spelling and the teacher, who is teaching the subject. 5 Items
38. (1892, May-October) Letter describing a request for Mr. Carter to come in regards to available work (Salary).
The death of Mr. Craig’s father due blood poison, and the acceptance of an arrangement.
An enclosed letter concerning a check paid in the amount of $76.15 for seed rice,
and Mr. Cooper’s anticipated business trip concerning the Tug measurement of timber.
A much anticipated return to Springfield, and seeing school children, and rain. Trips
taken to New Orleans, a bird (Polly) that can talk, and fire in New Orleans. Letter
concerning going to school and raising a goat. Letter concerning the selling of rights
and claims of land in interest to the successors. Letter concerning the measurements
and supplies needed to build. 10 Items
39. (1892, November-December) Letter describing a letter from the De Loach Mill requesting a favor from Carter
concerning the market for a mill. M. Schwartz Co. writing to carter advising not to
send a Inspirator, but plan to send the receipt in ship for the amount of $ 15.00.
A replied request for timber, but was unable to find the lines except for one corner.
Letter requesting a schooner. A request for lumber, but not reply. A request for a
cargo of billed lumber. 6 Items
40. (1893, January) Letter describing a lender in need of payment or will collect on payment. Mrs. carter’s
tax receipt in the amount of $5.36 No. 8 Ward 6. Mrs. Amandy Carter’s tax receipt
in the amount of $27.60 No.9 Ward 6. Letter concerning the abuse Ada received from
her husband when intoxicated. The sickness of Mat. 4 Items
41. (1893, March) Letter describing H. Dudley Coleman Machinery Co. letter regards to the order of
circular lumber buggies for $17.50, but have none. A request for the price of cypress
lumber. Mr Longaller and Mr. Brakeridge’s request to view logs. Letter regarding the
request for specific materials and measurements. Letter pertaining to enclosed billing
of lumber. Letter requesting the lumber that is described at price attached. The recognition
of sunken logs not marked. The life of living in Dallas, Texas and being sick, also
hearing from family and friends. 9 Items
42. (1893, April) Letter describing a duplicate marks and articles form from H. Dudley Coleman Machinery
Co. The selling of the Edgar as is, and shipment upon satisfactory. An order of lumber
was sent without acknowledgment of receipt. Pay order to Dr. Fraust M.D. for the attendance
of wife (2 visits) in the amount of $5.00. 9 Items
43. (1893, May-June) Letter describing a company that is in need of cash. A received note payment in the
amount of $25.00 Lisa Watts deceased (Perry Watts). Letter concerning jealousy and
envy. Letter concerning the agricultural and education situation. An invitation to
Pine Grove Church’s patriotic meeting. 12 Items
44. (1893, August-December) Letter describing payment of lumber which was insufficient in the amount that was
needed. A watch that was sent in the mail, and waiting for reply. Letter informing
of daily activities (school, surveying, and rain). Letter concerning the ending of
school and information about the Heron bird. Arriving home and staying busy; preparing
new dresses and going to school. Requesting the shipment of lumber and a reply. Acknowledgment
of joining the church and belonging to the manhood. Letter concerning no significant
changes in company, and if any vacancies a reply will be announced. 15 Items
45. (1894, January-July) Letter describing encouraging words, an invitation to visit Amite city, hunting for
ducks, and asking for a picture. Lille May Craig’s written address or residents. Letter
concerning sending clothes to an address, and speaking about trouble (?). Letter concerning
renting a hall and collecting money, requesting a statement to settle. An anticipated
visit and elaborating on harvesting honey from bee hives. Letter informing of a delayed
arrival. Letter concerning a visit to Springfield, acknowledging pretty women, and
plenty of rain. 13 Items
46. (1894, August-December) Letter describing a friends sincere wishes to see an earnest friend and providing
information for her concerning events taking place and citizens there in the community.
Information on the arrival of an uncle, a ball that will be held on a Saturday, and
a hunting spree (raccoon and opossum). A request for an order of pigs, roasters, chickens,
and old hens. A letter requesting permission to open Blood River for log-men. Letter
concerning sickness. A friend’s inability to visit on All-Saints-Day, unable to plant
because of the dryness, and the interest in a dress, also other events and activities.
The death of Mr. Simpson Kemp Dell’s Grandpa, making wreaths, sickness in the family,
and the Kinchen’s store burned. An anticipated visit from a friend. 10 Items
47. (1895, April-May) Letter describing a social gathering with entertainment, a discussion concerning
the marriage of May, the whipping of a Negro girl. Letter concerning scholars studying
their examines, and Meggie quitting school. Letter concerning the donation of a hat
with potential decorative designs. Agricultural situations giving emphasis on chicken
and planting corn, acknowledgment of the Grand Jury, and killing a rooster. A letter
describing a visit to Franklinton and returning to solidarity, also the lonesome feeling
of not having any of acquaintances from Franklinton around. A description of the society
party pertaining to the quantity of people joined, and costume presentation. 13 Items
48. (1895, June-July) Letter describing encouraging words to Lillie and Tullius concerning the doctrine
of the religion faith, and attending school. Letter asking for immediate response
in helping to facilitate in housing three or four working girls. Letter concerning
sickness that recurs and agricultural situations (raising corn). The appearance of
a young girl who has blossomed. Letter concerning the anticipated response of the
arrival date. Asking permission from a husband, in regards to a trip to Ponchatoula
(visiting Grace). 5 Items
49. (1895, August-November) Letter describing an appreciation letter pertaining to Mr. Carter’s daughters. A
sympathetic reader who is much concerned for the writer. The loneliness of not having
a Grandparent around–memorabilia of Grandpa’s belongings. Letter concerning business–
urging to keep quit until otherwise told. A receipt in the amount of $2.01, Lodge
number 3900. A receipt for Lodge 3900. Letter pertaining to a secrete, school, and
the death of a boy and the grieving mother’s moments. A request for Molasses and Syrup.
11 Items
50. (1896, January-February) describing a request for $7.00 which pertain to purchase goods. A registry receipt
M. C. Lipscomb. Recording charges to an account which is more than expected, also
asking for a $25.00 advance. An itemized tax form in 1895, No. 45 Ward 6. Letter describing
the miserable death of Mr. Varnado, and the outbreak of measles in Mississippi. Letter
concerning the diverse harvesting of vegetables and fruit. 9 Items
51. (1896, May-December) describing a receipt in the amount of $2.05 to Springfield Lodge, No. 3900 K. of
H. (Quarterly Dues). A receipt from Settoon Bros. in the amount of $17.75. A letter
torn in half. A receipt from Bought of Settoon Bros. in the amount of $8.35. A letter
enclosing the amount of $4.50 left by Mr. Russ. A receipt from J. R. Abels Groceries
& Apparels in the amount of $12.85. A typed letter concerning entertainment and singing,
also visiting relatives. A receipt from H. J. Cotton Co. Limited in the amount of
$20.21. 10 Items
52. (1897, January-March) Letter describing a young boy, who is working as a book keeper in a company, and
emphasis on dignity. A poem entitled Blue Beard. Half a torn letter describing hog
killing and prisoners being cared away to parish prison. A graduation program, 1897,
Franklinton Central Institute. The building of a house and the security involved.
A letter inquiring about Christmas and New Year holidays. 8 Items
53. (1897, April-June) Letter describing the purchasing of a machine on account. Callihan’s future establishment
of a brickyard, and the ecological situations (planting corn). Letter concerning the
marriage, visiting relatives, and a fishing trip. An appreciative letter concerning
appointments, and the inability to go home due to work. (Home sickness) 5 Items
54. (1897, August-December) Letter describing a mistake in mailing a letter. A daughter being sick returning
to her family. A registry return receipt addressed to L. D. Allen in Springfield.
An itemized receipt from Settoon Brothers in the amount of $5.50. An itemized receipt
from Chas Feahney Grocer in the amount of $35.75. A post card regarding the anticipation
of returning to the family. Letter concerning the painful work of plowing without
a horse, and the consistence of falling rain. 9 Items
BOX 5 –Letters
1. (1898, February-December) An advertisement for Prickly Ash Bitters Co. The agonizing and hardships of public
school. Recognizing Henry’s name as divine, and anxiety headaches. The judgment in
the well-being of a little boy. Charles Pendarvis’ war trip to Cuba–newspaper articles
describing the war, and the curiousness of Charles’ rank. Information to a relative
concerning how much a cousin thinks of the other, and flirtatious comments in the
letter. A statement written concerning the non-contamination of yellow fever to Mr.
Oscard and Miss Grace Rownd. The persuasion to keep Tullia from entering Springfield
because of a contaminated person walking around with Yellow Fever. Letter from Dell
to a friend in regards to visiting Springfield, the weather (continuous cold temperature),
the purchase of a new coat, and the secrecy of wanting to be married. A “pineywoods”
person studying for long hours, skinning a Negro (perhaps medical school), and disinfecting
his epidermis at night (the first part of a letter). 15 Items
2. (1899, January-June) Description of pretty girls and the potential in finding the right girl, and sleet
not melting. Letter speaking of forgiveness. A bridge condemned and unsafe to travel
on, and building coupes for rabbits and pigs. Attending a hat party and a social party.
The death of Mr. Keen Cullion and Bill’s father. A poem describing friendship and
staying together. Traveling home from an entertainment, hearing about cows dying and
wondering who will be the new school teacher. Letter of recommendation from Henry
D. Roberts, concerning Zelma’s personality and working ability in school. Miss Adell
Rabby’s address. Half of a letter concerning sickness, working around the house, and
writing a letter. 16 Items
3. (1899, July-August) Letter describing agricultural situations and visits from a stranger–old man. The
death of Mrs. Blanche Roberts, anticipation in making shingles and expecting to visit
friends, and playing musical instruments at a picnic. Letter concerning a river boat
ride from White Hall and falling down with possible injury. Letter persuading a correspondent
to write, and sympathy for a family members illness. The joining of a brass band and
becoming a new member. A visit to see family and friends, and going through the Settlement
to see Dinah. 9 Items
4. (1899, October-December) Letter describing an attitude of resentment, the death of Dr. Legers’ brother, and
a visit to the Gulf for bathing (swimming). Letter describing information in the changing
of address to New Orleans, and the serenity of people’s attitudes in the town. A visit
to Barbary, weather conditions, and jealousy. The memories of a brother’s death, feeling
empathy towards a woman’s lost–Lillie’s husband’s death, anxious in hearing the opinion
from Lillie concerning a new spouse, the descriptions of Mrs. Dell Hill’s house in
Shreveport, and the dedication of several churches in Shreveport. 8 Items
5. (1900, January) Letter describing Christmas holidays, inquiring about Are, and being drunk for the
Christmas holidays. The engagement of Mr. Adam and Leontine Lobell, and Mr. Guitreau
being robbed the night of a concert. At French Settlement a Professor and Trustee
request payment from the people for Christmas. Painting a picture of Mrs. Bailey.
Total members in the French Settlement school (57-60). An election ballet for the
Twenty-fifth Judicial District. The proprietors of the Emporium in French Settlement–Mr.
Ray and Mr. Mounier. Attending and entertaining a Christmas party. Bertha’s infatuation
or feelings for a man. A former teacher, Mr. Burton dies before Christmas. The request
for a Negro girl to assist Nannie in work around the house. 12 Items
6. (1900, February-March) Letter describing the feeling of returning to school, an inflamed eye, and losing
the eye. Work in Centerville and being paid $3.00 a day, Lulu’s disturbance with her
husband’s drinking (Children’s involvement with domestic violence), and attendance
at Mardi Gras. A vaccination that hurt. A passing grade in Physiology, a Zoology lecture
in school, and plenty of examinations. Preparation for cooking wheat or grits, and
seeing Albert’s name in the Devel River News. Letter describing the sacrificial aspect of lent (no dancing), a hog cooking, and
candy cooking. Letter concerning measles, new relationships, crawfishing, and memories
of past childhood experiences. 18 Items
7. (1900, April-May) Letter describing reasons for not attending school because of measles, the companionship
of a bird (parrot), rising waters near Clio, and asking for a photograph. Letter concerning
the price on machinery–self dump hay rake, hand dump rake, and the 3 1/2 foot blade
mowers. The killing of a “gobbler.” A letter written at school concerning Zoology
and Latin. Letter concerning the flooding waters and a wedding. Letter concerning
feelings for Schofield and relationships. Grandpa’s sickness and activities taken
place. Half a written letter pertaining visits and sickness. 25 Items
8. (1900, June-September) Letter describing attending school and a concert event, a woman killed the day of
the concert, also a French performance put on by students. Letter that pertains to
feelings–a begrudging letter. Gossiping about a new school teacher in Springfield.
Partial letter pertaining to bringing a child to church. Letter concerning the intense
studying at Settlement–a school teacher’s time is spent studying, the feeling about
Gearod Salassi, and boarding at the Lambert’s. 15 Items
9. (1900, December) Letter describing an awaited visit from relatives, cold winter, and raising wheat
and cotton. Bragging about a husband to an old-maid friend, the death of a child with
Scarlet Fever, an appreciation for an invitation to a Christmas event. A letter pertaining
to preparing meals, squirrel hunting, and horse back riding. 12 Items
10. (1900, Unknown Month) Newspaper clipping “Admiral Engaged. Dewey to Wed the Widow of Gen. Hazen.” Letter
concerning a baby that needs tending to, and a 15 year old girl who is willing to
assist the mother in taking care of the infant. Gardening and the wonderful fragrance
of flowers. (A partial letter) Letter describing a man’s toes being amputated. Letter
to a Grandmother informing an anticipated visit, and the tremendous recovery of sickness.
Letter describing the cold weather and children playing (Claiborne). Describing Grandmother’s
infected tooth that has been running. The description of a well behaved baby, and
winter wear and apparel. The rainy weather that has put a damper on work productivity,
the death of a cousin, Ned’s bout with pneumonia, and entertainment in Springfield.
A specific description on how to navigate the Mississippi River. Much information
on nursing and caring for a baby.
11. (1901, January-April) Letter describing Mary’s time in Arkansas. Christmas Holiday, school, shooting a
rifle, and hunting. Letter to Zelma from Alec Lobell wishing to visit her. Letter
concerning May Cooper resignation from school because of marriage, Mr. Ross is organizing
a lodge (Practical Knights of America) in Maurepas (Mr. Ross). Someone getting $100
gold per month making a living on high income and wishing to be back in the states
making less money. Being lost in the mountains while hunting. The cold weather that
brought sickness to family members. An informative letter to Grace concerning her
trip to Baton Rouge with Uncle Allen. A visit to Franklinton, promoted to being the
cook, and too busy to go around with girls. 17 Items
12. (1901, May) Letter describing joining a Sunday school class, gossiping about Will and John Settoon,
attending a fish fry picnic, and raising money to buy an organ for the church. A shipment
of Strawberries sent to Mrs. A Carter in Ponchatoula. An informative letter concerning
a picture enclosed with letter. 4 Items
13. (1901, August) Letter describing the washing of clothes, an informative letter concerning names
such as, Judge Jackson, Hon. Mr. W. Davidson (a visitor). Correspondence to a friend
and regards to a camp meeting. Letter describing camp meeting, traveling, marriage
(Lobell’s), playing the piano at Dr. Adam’s house for entertainment. An apologetic
letter concerning joshing which took place between Grace and Miss Kate. Apologizing
for not sending money to purchase items. 17 items
14. (1901, September-December) Letter from Edw. Harrison requesting Mr. T. C. Carter to collect money from L. V.
Settoon to pay Hendricks for 3 cords of wood and 2 jugs of a/c. Letter describing
the opinion of dancing, and a prom at the local high school in French Settlement.
Letter concerning not being able to visit because father is home, and not allowing
any person to glance at the letter. 8 Items
15. (1901, Unknown Month) Business card from P.C. Sears Commission Merchants. A program of the Grand Ball given
by the young men of Springfield, Louisiana. A pamphlet pertaining information on the
Supreme Chapter of the Protected Knights of America. Grandpa’s stomach problem, Henry’s
ability to fix Zelma’s teeth, and inquiring about Grandma’s return home. A letter
that was curiously read by Mr. Willie Cook from Crystal Springs and another girl becoming
tremendously jealous (Alzada). Letter concerning the preparations for a concert (Driving
to Mrs. Duly Settoon’s house to dress). Letter pertaining to a hunch of who is getting
married? (A partial letter) Letter concerning Amelia’s anticipated visit, and Nannie’s
long distance separation from her relatives. (A partial letter) Letter that was answered.
14 Items
16. (1902, February-May) Letter describing Aunt’s sickness, Willie Harriet’s boys picking up a duck for Uncle
Oliver because he was very sick, and an acute bout of sickness in the family. A description
of high water and sickness. A message requesting T. C. Carter to visit P.B. Carter
in Hammond. Letter describing a dance at New River in Ascension Parish, a teacher
conference in Donaldsonville. Exciting news about passing the teachers’ examination,
and will be teaching 1st grade level in June. 12 Items
17. (1902, June-September) Letter describing a meeting at a Baptist church and wanting to see a friend, and
the sickness of Bert, Mrs. Tolifson(?) dying moments. A business correspondence from
W. W. Carre’ & Co. regarding reeving and boring timber from Ryan and Bailey. Letter
requesting the visit of Zelma Carter from Aunt Annie Watts, and an invitation to attend
a Grand Ball at Springfield given by the men. Letter from W. W. Carre’ & Co. regarding
the towing of timber. Letter concerning traveling in the rain and a request for pictures.
Letter concerning secrets and starting school. 13 Items
18. (1902, November) Letter describing the opening of French Settlement High School with sixty enrolled,
preparation for teaching at Ascension School, (a partial letter) describing procrastination
of writing a letter because of teaching school. Working around the house and keeping
up with the children, and Nannie, 2 years old, is able to function better than children
her age. Florence’s child (Golda) died of diphtheria. Waiting to receive a letter
from Nannie. Two close friends from high school correspond–writing about their high
school days, and Winfield Landry being a beau or sweetheart. 15 Items
19. (1902, December) Itemized list of expenses. Letter concerning the farewell of Wiley from Head of Island,
and the termination of smoking. Letter concerning the affairs of Wiley and Nannie’s
life. Letter pertaining to an Aunt’s emotional feeling (wanting to cry all the time).
Letter from Shwartz & Isaac Co. concerning the trimming of hats. 9 Items
20. ( 1902, Unknown Month) Letter describing a request to bring a team and wagon home by Saturday (R. Bailey).
A slip of paper that may correlate to other information in the Carter Plantation collection
(Book numbers and pages, mortgage records–with seal on paper). A newspaper clipping
entitled, “A New Yorker Marries His Stepmother-in-Law.” Grandpa’s brother and wife
came for a visit and was excited to see them. A letter to relative persuading her
to visit. (Grace). A Christmas card wish a Happy New Year. A letter concerning the
death of little Golda(?). 17 Items
21. (1903, January-April) Letter describing Christmas Holidays and the cold weather–along with cooking meals
and hunting deer. Letter concerning the well-being of an Aunt and attending chapel.
A letter from Mrs. Callihan concerning the safety of a boy, the bearer carrying a
letter to Mrs. Settoon. A letter pertaining to the attendance of a dance. Apologizing
for a procrastination in a letter and informing of teaching at French Settlement.
Giving birth to a 12 lbs. baby and the doctor checking the condition of the mother,
young boys and girls flirtatious characters. Letter concerning teaching in the winter
months and dreading not being about to attend the bridal tour, a trip to New Orleans
was a pleasant business adventure. 17 Items
22. (1903, May-July) Letter describing a house and attending to the store, preference in working hard
than being idle, making excursions to New Orleans and Mobile. A letter of appreciation
to Theo. Noel Co. in regards to a product, Vitae-Ore, curing different ailments. The
disorders of Momie and Grace and O. J., and wishing they were feeling better, easing
the mind of an owners garden, encouraging not to write long letter if not feeling
up to it. A letter of memorandum concerning the purchase of cypress logs. A letter
to a mother concerning her trip, garden, and farm animals (chickens). Letter concerning
employment and being paid $4.00 per mouth, not having the opportunity to know an individuals
personality. Letter pertaining to a scare death because of cramps, and a storm that
blew in–the peaceful time of sleeping. Tending to a meeting and not being able to
visit. Letter concerning the selling of logs. Preparations for a the Springfield Ball
and events at the Ball that follow (dancing). Sickness in the family (Charlie’s bout
with Typhoid fever), baking desserts, picking figs, teaching as a profession; instead
of, sewing, dressing accessories. 41 Items
23. (1903, August-September) Letter describing a visit with all the arrangements involved (meeting at the depot),
the concerns for Hardy’s ailment, Typhoid Fever. Letter concerning a mother’s trip
home and her visit with Lillie and Grace, and Mamie’s sickness. Nannies recuperation
from sickness by taking Henry’s medicine. Letter of remittance for $38.50 for Cypress
logs sold to Settoon & Cullum, and acknowledgment of sunken logs in Blood River. A
purchase order sheet from Miss Grace Round to the McGregor Bros. Co. (Florist and
Seedsmen). A letter concerning high water near the cross-way and not being able to
go home. Letter concerning the moving of Eva’s office (address given), the absence
of detail in a letter, attending a matinee and watching moves. Letter concerning the
visit to Arkansas and being home sick, along with plenty of activity to occupy time
(hunting). 25 Items
24. (1903, October-November) Letter from W. W. Carre’ Co. Ltd. Lumber regarding the head-way in raising sunken
log that were sold to Mr. T.C. Carter. A letter concerning Sim and his work earning
$150. Letter concerning hunting squirrels and ducks and the brutal killing of a rabbit.
The accidental shooting of Uncle Carl. 10 Items
25. (1903, December) Letter describing the concerns of Christmas Holidays, naming a baby Henry. An incident
that took place at Mr. Gordon’s place concerning young boys and a party. Spending
Christmas Holidays in New Orleans because of sickness–an enlarged spleen and kidney
caused tremendous pain. Letter concerning a drug for chronic ailments (Vitae-Ore)
from Theo. Noel Co. 9 Items
26. (1903, Unknown Month) Letter describing a trip to the city and an Uncle buying a dress, also family members
visiting. A sympathizing letter concerning Uncle Carl. An exciting letter from a Grandchild
to a Grandparent explaining a trip of enjoyment (partial letter). The recuperation
of Nannie. Letter pertaining to a non-received correspondence, peaches, a brief word
about visiting Bull Run road, and a favorable teacher with non-exquisite appearance.
Newspaper article entitled, “Heaven” His Subject. Letter concerning chores around the house and the pursuit of receiving a picture.
A legality of sworn statements from C. C. Murray to J. A. Stafford. 29 items
27. (1904, January-March) Letter describing Willie Bell Watts successful entry into the third grade reader,
and concerns for Grandma. Letter pertaining to a trip to the city because of an abbessed
tooth, the marriage of Lolo Ribara. Hannibal Carter’s death announcement. Making a
dress and other apparel for Mother, and Julia’s first day to start teaching school
in the Baptist school. The preparations for a fishing trip at Rome (Clio). Letter
concerning the well-being of Nannie, the killing of hogs, and ducks. Letter concerning
the marriage of Nancy. 18 Items
28. (1904, April-May) Letter describing the sickness of a baby, coping with the measles epidemic, a letter
from S. M. Robertson responding to the request for information from the Pension Office.
Letter to Zelma concerning dating. Letter pertaining the reunion of the Olde Confederates
held in New Orleans–a brief discussion, and planting shrubs (gardening). A visit
to Head of Island, Sims continuous work at the railroads, and possible excursion to
the worlds fair. 17 Items
29. (1904, August) Letter describing a notice from the International Correspondence Schools verifying
a percentage withheld because of dissatisfied work, a letter inquiring about land
survey. The Magee estate, C. H. Haight’s wife’s acres, and Akers Homestead. A Percentage
Certificate for M.C. Rownd relating to subject matter of arithmetic Sec. 1. of the
surveying and mapping course (answers included). Letter concerning an invitation to
visit, Ernest trip from Texas and having bowls on his face, a baby having hooping
cough, a brief mention of a paper’s article concerning murder charge (a woman’s death),
staying busy, and a visit from Mrs. Bolton and her grandson. Letter concerning rain
which contributed to nonproductive fruit, and specific information not to travel on
Kentwood’s roads, but to travel on Osyka’s on the twentieth or twenty-first. 15 Items
BOX 6 –Letters
1. (1904, September) Letter requesting answer to a question asked by Smiley Williams. Inspirational letter
from John to Zelma, a Percentage Certificate from the International Correspondence
school to Mr. Rownd pertaining to the subject of arithmetic sec. 3 of surveying and
maps (answers included). Letter concerning a young man’s feelings for Miss Zelma–
waiting to hear a response from Zelma before entering into the United States Army.
Nannie Sharp sickness and having to hire some young girl to work around the house.
17 Items
2. (1904, October) Percentage Certificate from the International Correspondence School to Mr. Rownd
pertaining to the subject of arithmetic sec. 4 of surveying and maps (answers included).
Letter from Mary Frierson explaining her stay in Arkansas. Letter from Nannie to her
sister explaining her sickness and how busy she is. 10 Items
3. (1904, November-December) Letter describing cleaning a house, Nannie’s lump in her stomach, and harvesting
pecans (instructions not to pick the pecans). Letter from Sallie explaining the slow
and tiresome death of her mother who is buried close to where she resides, and a trip
to the fair in St. Louis. Letter concerning the loving infatuation with Miss Zelma,
and requesting a response to Zelma’s feelings. A correspondence to an Aunt giving
information on family (name and age of children), chores of retrieving wood, a discussion
about Mimmies marriage and husband, newspaper clipping concerning birth stone descriptions–meanings.
Letter pertaining to a beau and family. Letter concerning a wagon accident. Letter
pertaining to Christmas events and family gatherings. 35 Items
4. 1904 (Unknown Month) Letter concerning a husband’s over abundance of work in New
York. Letter concerning a vocation that is rightly enjoyed (teaching), taking a teachers
exam, emphases on teachers’ salaries. Letter concerning sickness, an operation, and
going to Mardi Gras. Letter concerning a tiring trip, a grandparent who likes to travel,
entertaining five young boys, interacting with young girls and boys in Amite, and
Uncle Earl’s sickness (fever). A letter concerning cousin Ann’s visit, a child named
Owen, and an excursion to Head of Island (a partial letter). Leisurely time spent
doing chores, and raising chickens. A Claiborne who is growing fast, as well as, the
hair (partial letter). Letter pertaining to house chores, Charles’ gift to Nammie
and Sim (bedroom set), receiving an ice cream maker and making ice cream, and a begrudging
feeling toward a sibling. Speculating whether Mr. Sandford killed his wife or not,
and gardening. Sim’s long trip from home, Nannie’s responsibility in taking care of
Daisey’s bird, Howard’s epidemic with the measles (partial letter). Simpson’s sickness
and Zelma’s disliking of packing berries. Letter pertaining to the request from the
International Correspondence Schools, dissatisfied completion of work (copied sample
page, instead of working problems). Renovating Aunt Mattie’s room with different accessories
for room (wallpaper, rug…). A gathering at a picnic, Mr. Gris(?) purchase of a boat
and making business trips up the river. The death of Hardy, and Sims busy schedule
of work. A list of products to be purchased. A partial letter concerning a brief description
of seniority in race (explanation of hiring an older Negro woman). 39 Items
5. (1905, January-March) Letters describing mathematical problems from the International Correspondence School,
sickness, water, and a visit to Independence. 17 Items
6. (1905, April) describing an invitation to dinner, mathematical problems from the International
Correspondence School, an infant, hunting, a visit to the Settlement, and Ellis Hoover’s
sentence to the penitentiary for 15 years. 16 Items
7. (1905, May-August) describing a book torn, sickness, trespassing on land, and a visit to French Settlement.
12 Items
8. (1905, October-November) Letter describing putting up preserves, a marriage, K and P receipt, mathematical
problems from the International Correspondence School. 19 Items
9. (1905, Unknown Month) Letter describing packing and shipping for a trip, baby laughing and playing, a test
in Centerville, a pamphlet entitled Student’s Aid Department from the International Correspondence School, a card of “kindly thoughts,” sickness
in the family, winter weather, and Christmas celebration. 13 Items
10. (1906, January-March) Postcard with painted photo, selling of land, a visit on New River, an acceptance
to the International Correspondence School, children playing, infant crying, assistance
in work performance, working abroad, and mailing address, and death. 24 Items
11. (1906, April-May) Letter describing agricultural situations, mathematical problems from the International
Correspondence School, cooking for guest, account sales receipt from M. George & Co.
No. 720 in the amount of $751, an addressed post card. 16 Items
12. (1906, August-October) Letter describing clansmen, sickness in family, a representative for a scholarship
in the academic department of Tulane University, political speech performed by Judge
Haviot, school and the events surrounding it (flirting with woman), a cadet’s explanation
form from Louisiana State University, preparation for an exam. 19 Items
13. (1906, November) Letter describing cold winter months, and agriculture, a cadet’s explanation form
from Louisiana State University, holidays for cadets in relations to total demerits,
hunting, prominent people speaking at chapel in University, Judge Favor killed Dr.
Aldrich, preparation for Thanksgiving, examination at L. S. U., and agricultural situations.
23 Items
14. (1906, December) Business card (M. C. Rownd, Parish Surveyor), exams at L. S. U., and mathematical
problems from the International Correspondence School. 12 Items
15. (1907, January) Finding a boarding house to live in with two other boys, sickness in family, land
examination records (Richardson), inquiry of 240 acres of land owned by L. Evans,
and policy of Veterans from the Confederate Veteran. 13 Items
16. (1907, February-March) Letter describing sickness in family, photographs of cadets, examinations, information
about stock in the Regal Shoe Co., purchase of land, and death in family, and request
for feed corn. 29 Items
17. (1907, April-May) Letter describing cold weather, rainy weather, preparations for a law exam, preparing
for a visit, death in the family, agricultural situation, writ of attachment of indebtedness
of Rev. Francis Gross, Justice of the Peace, Martin L. Bowman, permitting H. T. Cottom
& Co., a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Louisiana, and a summons
to appear in court. 24 Items
18. (1907, June-July) Postcards, a writ of seizure of property, a writ of default, preparations of law
suit, sickness in family, agricultural situations, and advertisement for a clearance
sale. 19 Items
19. (1907, August-September) Postcard, preserving vegetables, family expansion, journeying on a river for a visit,
and working situations. 9 Items
20. (1907, October-December) Letter describing road expansion in 6th ward (overseer), locket of hair, and sections
of law statues. 6 Items
21. (1907, Unknown Month) Christmas greetings, rhyme entitled The Farmyard Belle, advertisement for Buckingham’s Dye for the Whiskers, gardening, high water, sickness
in family, agricultural situations, and weather conditions (rainy). 15 Items
22. (1908, February-June) Letter describing inquiry about surveyor school, subscription with the Christian Herald, program for the Inaugural Ball, post card with address affixed, visitation with
family, and request for Rev. Owens to appear before Judge Norms (?). 11 Items
23. (1908, July-December) Letter describing a visit to Baton Rouge, photolithograph of T. 5 S., R. 4 E., St.
Helena Meridian, 1853, fishing trip, correspondence, post card with address affixed,
sickness, and Americans Correspondence School of Law examination. 14 Items
24. (1908, Unknown Month) Letter describing special train pass, Christmas greetings, card with Mrs. William
M. Chaffin name presented, post card, Phelps Shoes hand calendar, children frolicking,
agricultural situations, weather conditions, post card with writing. 13 Items
25. (1909, January-March) Letter describing inquiry of land description, Americans Correspondence School of
Law examination, weather conditions, post card with written message, and information
concerning Rownd’s insurance policy at Merchants and Farmers Bank, sickness. 12 Items 26. (1909, April-May) describing the Americans Correspondence School of Law examination, agricultural situations,
inquiry of field notes for section 2 & 3, T 7 S, R 6 E, Greensburg District Louisiana
(map included), railroad establishment, and litigations against Miss M. Cornett in
regards to uncollected accounts of $5.00. 13 Items
27. (1909, June) Postcard with message, agricultural situations, Americans Correspondence School of
Law examination, surveying of Robert’s track of land, Credit Clearing House returning
claim, claims against Louis Watson for uncollected debit, and correspondence regarding
the Memphis Reunion, invitation to the Club House by the Tennessee Club. 10 Items
28. (1909, July-August) Letter asking questions concerning a partnership, correspondence, Americans Correspondence
School of Law examination, letter concerning the heirs of George Richardson. 5 Items
29. (1909, September-October) Diary of Mr. C. Rownd beginning Friday the 17, postcard with message, acceptance
of an offer, and a request for field notes in the amount of $1.00. 7 Items
30. (1909, November-December) Letter describing turkey shipments, and a postcard. 4 Items
31. (1909, Unknown Month) Letters describing the attendance at a ball game, agricultural situations, and weather
conditions. 14 Items
BOX 7 –Letters
1. (1910, January-February) Diary of Mr. C. Rownd, agricultural situations, sickness in family, and photolithograph
of T 4 S, R 4 E, St. Helena Mer. 12 Items
2. (1910, March-April) Letter describing anticipation of surveying land near Rome Ferry, soldiers practicing
the Calvary with fine riding, surveying of Fishers track and charges involved, photolithograph
of T 7 S, R 6 E, Helena Mer., 1846 amount charged $1.30. Informative letter excusing
the absence at meeting, and diary of Mr. C. Rownd. 12 Items
3. (1910, May-July) Letter asking that mail be sent to appropriate address, anticipation of purchasing
land, postcard with message, Letter concerning series of Banking Accounts from Merchants
and Farmers Bank, weather conditions, request for increase in public school revenues–a
petition presented to Governor and General Assembly, surveying land, postcard, and
preparations for a dance. 16 Items
4. (1910, August-September) Letter describing agricultural situations, traveling, visiting relatives and friends,
card with Geraldine Richardson, September 7, 1910 inscribed on it, and postcard. 13 Items
5. (1910, November-December) Postcard, Rownds diary for November, weather conditions, Christmas greetings, and
Petition to the Governor and Member of the General Assembly. 7 Items
6. (1911, January-February) Letter describing sickness in family, visitations, postcards, Advertising letter
from Iszard-Warren Co. Inc., playing with a baby, surveying 20 acres of land. 14 Items
7. (1911, March-April) Letter describing a wedding, farm life, Easter postcard, President Taft on Canadian
Reciprocity, postcard, and sickness in family. 13 Items
8. (1911, May-June) Christmas card, farm life, anticipated visit, agricultural situations, information
concerning the progress of a new business, sickness, and furnishing Delta wagon wheels,
and postcard. 15 Items
9. (1911, July) Letters describing traveling, sickness in family, weather conditions, business progression
and taxes, postcard. 17 Items
10. (1911, August) Eye glass prescription, awards presented to Schofield, weddings, information on aviation
competition, Chicago’s campaigns, weather conditions, and postcard.28 Items
11. (1911, September) Letter describing visitation, weather, post card, and gardening. 12 Items
12. (1911, October-November) Letter describing sickness in family, farming conditions, burning house, laboring
work, marriage, check from Merchants and Farmers Bank in the amount of $21.00, and
a letter of enclosed note. 18 Items
13. (1911, December) Postcards, delivering a message, marriage, political re-election for parish of Livingston,
inquiry about Christmas holiday, and family sickness. 24 Items
14. (1911, Unknown Month) Letter describing house cluttering, family sickness, permission slip for law student
to use library, and postcard. 6 Items
15. (1912, January-February) Letter describing sickness, weather conditions, postcard, and a political letter
from Mr. William J. Bryan. 20 Items
16. (1912, March-April) Letter describing sickness, weather, planting, a certificate from the state of Louisiana
of Good Road Congress of the National Good Roads Association, growing, company, and
Easter postcard. 37 Items
17. (1912, May-June) Letter describing sickness, school closing, weather conditions; Sulphur, Oil, Minerals
profit; land surveying, examinations, lumber order, and working with cattle. 56 Items
18. (1912, July) Birthday card, Act. No. 12 Extra Session of 1912–Joint Resolution, Report of the
Committee on Statistics of Budget, traveling, announcement for the office of District
Attorney of the 25th Judicial District, proxy to vote shares of stock, and policy
of Life Insurance of Rome Insurance Company. 13 Items
19. (1912, August) Letter concerning field notes and sections, declaration of candidacy for the office
of member of the Parish Democratic Executive Committee, land clearing, morality, vacationing,
and weather conditions. 16 Items
20. (1912, September-November) Postcards, statement from Register of State Land Office, statement from the State
of Louisiana Executive Department–taxes, and sickness. 9 Items
21. (1912, Unknown Month) Letter describing weather conditions, sickness, field notes in T 7 S R 5 E. 9 Items
22. (1913) Letter describing traveling, marriage, land pricing, agricultural situations, postcard,
sickness, and Sheriff Simpson Sharp’s written speculative motives for the murder of
Dr. A. Willis.
22 Items
23. (1914) Letter describing shipping berries, Nitrate Agencies Co., weather conditions, agricultural
situations, and postcard. 19 Items
24. (1915) Postcards, wedding invitation, agricultural situations, letter of credit installment,
and Cypress piling selling or furnishing the parts? 6 Items
BOX 8 –Letters
1. (1916) Selling pecans, weather conditions, prices for smoke sausage, postcard, and sinking
cypress logs. 10 Items
2. (1917) Letter describing army life, visitations, preparations for All Saints Day. Marriage
announcement, Beulah Carter to T. J. Magee, December 27, 1917. 3 Items
3. (1918, January-April) Letters describing sickness, weather conditions, conference, Americans Red Cross
requesting legal advisory, and National War-Savings Committee. 12 Items
4. (1918, June-July) Permanent record of Children Examined During the Weighing and Measuring Test, Child
Welfare, weather, and postcard. 22 Items
5. (1918, August-December) Letter describing weather conditions, agricultural situations, the German War, National
Woman’s Liberty Loan Drive, and postcard. 14 Items
6. (1919) Letter describing mortality, war letters, invitation to a graduation, agricultural
conditions, a certificate of covenants from the Methodist Church, potential considerations
of opening up a work shop, a metal of recognition in the Liberty Loans service, cemetery
maintenance for All Saint’s Day, and postcards. 25 Items
7. (1920) Correspondence, T. C. Carter account with Springfield Lumber, weather conditions,
stumpage bought by T. C. Carter, Masonic Temple resolution to W. B. Rownd, a number
stamp used for shipment, written statement of payment of $200, Easter card, and postcards.
36 Items
8. (1921) Marriage invitation, sickness, exams, weather conditions, agricultural situations,
request payment for the amount of $3520 for land piling, postcard, and practicing
of penmanship.13 Items
9. (1922) Letter describing wedding attendance, procuration form for mortgage, sickness, copy
of Donation Partition, Christmas card, and invitation to graduation. 14 Items
10. (1923) Letter describing selling of parcel of land, practicing penmanship, land sites, invitation
to graduation, announcement of candidacy for the Democratic nomination, request for
members to attend the meeting at the Americans Legion Hall, property owners and sections,
mortality, and postcard. 25 Items
11. (1924) describing impromptu note payable, mortality, work, weather conditions, procurement
of parcel of land, timber cutting, and section and range of Greensburg District. 16 Items
12. (1925) Christmas cards and invitation to graduation. 12 Items
13. (1926) Souvenir (Fairy Cave), Souvenir (Diamond Cave), announcement of arrival of a baby,
agricultural situation, irrevocable power of attorney of transfer of stock (blank
form), certificate of share holdings in Tickfaw River Land Co. Inc., procurement of
parcel of land, surveying of land, purchase of land, contract of deed, advice of shipment
of United Sates Securities, warranty deed, and payment on promissory note. 18 Items
14. (1927, January-June) Letter describing release of vendor’s lean notes from Gulf Coast Securities Co.,
Inc., Deed of Trust, inquiry about 15th installment payment, procurement of land,
and option note endorsement. 19 Items
15. (1927, December) Christmas cards, and registered mail deed from the Gulf Coast Securities Co., balance
in Ponchatoula Bank. 21 Items
16. (1928) Postcard, invitation to graduation, greetings card, procurement of land, notes due
on the property acquired from the Gulf Coast Sec. Co., tax payments, interest collection
from Capital State Bank in Edinburgh. 11 Items
17. (1929, January-November) Letter describing the birth of child, abstracts of certain lands in Livingston parish,
private act warranty deed, Cleveland draft in the amount of $24.78 to the Savings
Deposit Bank Co., hunting, and advertisement from Cash Grocery. 7 Items
18. (1929, December) Sympathy card, and Christmas cards. 12 Items
19. (1930) Receiving shipment, procurement of land, estimates for painting ceiling, note holding
of $307.42, an official dipping notice, health and living conditions, post card, and
pertinent information containing periodic examinations on accounts at the bank. 13 Items
20. (1931) Letter describing a bloc election of one Director, progress of school, employment
conditions, health conditions, preparing diverse meals, invitation to graduation,
meeting of back payment of loans be brought up to date, and agricultural situations.
20 Items
21. (1932) Letter describing court cost, postcard, sending money, mortgage note, proxy from
the Merchants & Farmers Bank & Trust Co., parish tax receipt, Christmas cards, postcards,
and procurement of mortgage with bank. 17 Items
22. (1933) Annual audit of Ponchatoula Farm Bureau Association, postcard, Tangipahoa Bank &
Trust Company, sickness, Christmas card, and disbursement of the Ballard check of
8 Items
23. (1934, January-July) Price list for pieces of pile, Sheriff and Tax Collector’s office, post card, discussion
of church program, agricultural situations, theft, invitation of graduation, wedding
invitation, and purchase of piling from Missouri River. 12 Items
24. (1934, August-December) Words of wisdom, procurement of land purchase, postcard, health conditions, traveling,
mercantile report, a notice of first installment paid, Christmas postcard, and Reconstruction
Finance Co. 22 Items
BOX 9 –Letters
1. (1934-1935) Postcard for beautiful silks, Christmas cards, postcard, inquiry about doors and
sashes from Madison Lumber Co., visits with family and friends, agricultural situations.
12 Items
2. (1936) A piece of newspaper article, postcards, marriage, first installment on car loans,
and procurement of land. 6 Items
3. (1937) Christmas cards. 2 Items
4. (1938) Graduation invitation, and Secretary of State certificate of incorporation. 5 Items
5. (1939) Letter describing bridal shower, distribution of seeds, Hungarian Grammar School
Literary Society presents play. Visiting The Circle Star Ranch, sickness in family,
tax receipt, Longino & Collins, Inc, statement of unpaid account, W. A. Fikes’ daughter’s
non-sufficient fund check.
14 Items
6. (1940) Tax receipt, Miss Round’s non-sufficient funds. 2 Items
7. (1941) Promissory note contributed to Simpson Sharp, tax receipt, procurement of land purchase.
3 Items
8. (1943) Itemized tax receipt. 1 Item
9. (1944) Letter from the Sun Oil Company explaining the release of the company’s rights.
2 Items
10. (1945) Retail lease from Universal C.I.T. Credit Corp., note payable to General Gas Corp.,
Christmas greeting card, and informative letter pertaining to the Carter Heir timber.
7 Items
11. (1946) Letter describing land procurement, titles and page numbers for different experiments.
4 Items
12. (1947) Tax receipt, statement of exchange of property, and mortality. 3 Items
13. (1948) Letter describing morality, and a lease statement for S. H. Sharp. 2 Items
14. (1949) Letter describing a claim for death benefits from the Veterans Administration, and
tax notice, and land taxes. 7 Items
15. (1951) Letter describing Evelyn Miller Sharp and Delmas D. Sharp’s parcel of land. 2 Items
16. (1952) A statement of procuring land, Wiley H. Sharp statement, correspondence from Jones,
Kimball, & Everett attorney at law pertaining to inquires of litigation suit (title
of real estate).
9 Items
17. (1953) describing statement of procuring land, and itemized list received from Mr. & Mrs.
R. E. Thompson to C. W. Sharp. 3 Items
18. (1954) Letter describing procuring of land. 2 Items
19. (1957) Letter describing sanitary conditions (dwelling place), map of 71/2 acres in N. E.
1/4 of S. W. 1/4 Section 31, T 6 S, R 6 E, inquiry of fraction from royalty interest
of land, and insurance notice of liability. 8 Items
20. (1959) Tax receipt and timber deed. 2 Items
21. (1960) Letter describing receipt from Farmers State Bank & Trust Co. in the amount of $3,500
and $50, notes payable to Guaranty Bank & Trust Co., and correspondence pertaining
to timber purchases and investments. 4 Items
22. (1964) Letter of anticipated bid in Denham Springs for a Drive-In establishment ($25, 781).
1 Item
23. (1966) Post card. 1 Item
24. (1969) Letter describing the Chamber of Commerce’s first anniversary celebration. 1 Item