Woody Jenkins

Woody Jenkins

 Located in Alphabetized Manuscript Series

Folder    1.    The Weftminfter Magazine dated April, 1780 contains several different articles including “Extract of a Letter
from Major General Campbell to Lord Geo. Germaine, dated Dec. 15, 1779″; “Copy of
Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Dickson to Major General Campbell, dated New Orleans,
October 30, 1779″; “Copy of Lieutenant Colonel Dickson’s reasons for removing to Baton
Rouge”; additionally contains list of capital convicts, promotions, births, marriages,
and deaths. (Scanned copy)    2.    The Balance, Columbian and Repository dated Tuesday, July 19, 1803; No 29, Vol II contains several sections which discusses
Louisiana being ceded to the United States; and “State Papers for Louisiana: on the
question, whether it be advantageous for France to Take possession of Louisiana” (Scanned
copy)    3.    Columbian Centinel: and Massachusetts Federalist dated Saturday, May 7, 1803 contains article concerning a proclamation made by the
French Republic to the Louisianians which concerns Louisiana’s separation from France.
(Scanned copy)    4.    New England Palladium dated Tuesday, September 18, 1804 (partial scan) headline and article entitled Revolutionary
Proceedings which contains brief description of Nathan Kemper’s march against the
fort of Baton Rouge and  the exact letter posted at the head quarters of Nathan Kemper
(Scanned copy)    5.    New England Palladium dated Tuesday, September 18, 1804, full issue which contains the entire article concerning
Nathan Kemper’s march against the fort of Baton Rouge with the letter posted at his
head quarters (Scanned copy)    6.    Flyer entitled Birthday Newspapers … a different kind of gift!  (Scanned