Plaquemines Parish Photo Calendars (16 items)
1 Bank Calendar Delta Bank 1983 Sendker Printing 24 Historic photos of iconic local
people and places
2 Bank Calendar Delta Bank 1984 Rau’s Excel Printing 26 Nature images from around
the parish
3 Bank Calendar Delta Bank 1985 26 Historic photos of iconic local people and places
4 Bank Calendar Delta Bank 1986 26 Maritime images from across the parish
5 Bank Calendar Delta Bank 1987 26 Images of people having fun across the parish
6 Bank Calendar Delta Bank 1991 24 Original Richard Calloway art of local activities
7 Bank Calendar Delta Bank 1995 24 Original Richard Calloway art of local places
8 Annual Calendar Crescent River Port Pilots Assoc 2005 26 Images of the maritime
industry from N.O. south
9 School Calendar Plaquemines Gazette 2006-2007 Plaquemines Newspaper Publ. 24 Tribute
to a place called home
10 School Calendar Plaquemines Gazette 2007-2008 Plaquemines Newspaper Publ. 26 Misc.
historical images collected around the parish
11 School Calendar Plaquemines Gazette 2008-2009 Plaquemines Newspaper Publ. 26 Misc.
historical images collected around the parish
12 Annual Calendar Plaquemines Gazette 2010 Plaquemines Newspaper Publ. 26 Misc. historical
images of local high school football
13 70-year anniversary calendar Fremin’s Grocery 2010 26 Historical and current images
of Fremin’s grocery
14 Annual Calendar Plaquemines Gazette 2011 Plaquemines Newspaper Publ. 26 Images
of 64 years of parish Orange Fair & Festival
15 Annual Calendar Plaquemines Gazette 2012 Plaquemines Newspaper Publ. 26 “Generations”
of images of Plaquemines groups
16 Annual Calendar Plaquemines Gazette 2014 Plaquemines Newspaper Publ. 26 Landscapes
and iconic places in Plaquemines
Deep Delta Quarterly Magazine 1983-1986 (18 items)
Gladys Armstrong, editor.
The Plaquemines Parish Genealogical Society, later known as the Deep Delta Genealogical
Society, published an extensive collection of historical records from census, property lists, publications, and family histories expressly to assist
family researchers in finding relatives in Plaquemines Parish.
Down the Road Magazine 1988-2002 (137 items, missing August & October 1997)
Janice Parker Buras, Editor.
The Down the Road Magazine was a monthly publication that chronicled the history and
activities of Plaquemines Parish and often provided articles on noteworthy local citizens and places. Most of the historical articles were written by Rod Lincoln.
National Geographic Magazine (6 items)
The Lower Mississippi National Geographic Nov-60 Vol 118, No. 5 Page 681-725
New Orleans and Her River National Geographic Feb-71 Page 151-187
The Mississippi’s Disappearing Delta National Geographic Aug-83 Page 226-253
Our Coast in Crisis National Geographic Jul-06 Page 60-87
Killer Hurricanes-New Orleans: Home
No More National Geographic Aug-17 Page 42-77
St Bernard Genealogical Society Quarterly 1978 – 2004 (104 items, missing January & July 1996; January & April 1997; July & October 1998)
L’Heritage St. Bernard Genealogical Society.
The “L’Heritage” is a quarterly genealogical publication focused on families of St.
Bernard and Plaquemines.
Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival Annuals 1947-Present (19 items)
No fair from 1961-69 (because of hurricanes)
The Plaquemines Parish Orange Festival Book is an annual of what has happened in the
parish during the year as well as information on the Orange Festival committee, the
court and other items related to the orange and petrochemical industries. It often
provides a report from various politicians on their status as well as citrus recipes.
Plaquemines Parish Telephone Books 1975 – 2007 (15 items)
Yellow and White Pages
Louisiana Life Magazine 1981 – 1987 (34 items)
Thomas & Nancy Marshall, editors; Errol Laborde, editor (summer 2006 only).
The New Orleans Vignette (1 item)
1 The New Orleans Vignette Todd Fell, editor. 1980
Sky Magazine (1 items)
1 Sky, Delta Airlines Inflight Magazine Lidia de Leon, editor. 1984 cover photo features
the corner of Pere Antoine and Rue de Chartres
The Historical Reporter December 2014 – February 2017 (26 items)
Pearl River County Historical Society
Mark Clinton Davis, editor.
Freeport-McMoRan Magazine December 1980 – February 1982 (6 items)
John R. Paquette, editor.
Picayune Living, Winter 2014 – Spring 2018 (4 items)
Jeremy Pittari, editor.
Fortier Flash April 1997 – August 2002 (6 items)
Dennis Nuss, editor.
The Journal of Mississippi History
Books Contributed to the “Rod Lincoln Collection”
1 2009 Plaquemines Parish Employee Christmas Book (2 Copies) Plaquemines Parish 2009
Snapfish Inc. 24. A photo “annual” of government employees taken throughout the year-given
by new parish president Billy Nungesser.
2 Andrew Jackson, Soldier and Statesman, American Heritage Junior Library Ed. 1963. American Heritage Publishing Co. New
York, NY 153. Regular visitor into Plaquemines to visit Maunsell White-Previously
with Battle of NO
3 Bailey’s Dam LA. Archaeological Survey & Antiquities Commission. 1986. Bourque Printing, Baton Rouge,
La. 29. A history of the Bailey Dam built on the Miss. River to help move General
Nathanial Banks & Admiral Porter’s fleet south to Alexandria.
4 Battle of New Orleans “But for a Piece of Wood” Ron Chapman 2015 Pelican Publishing Co., Gretna, LA 344. Signed by the author. General
volume on the Battle of New Orleans with various mentions of the activities in Plaquemines
Parish at Fort Jackson and English Turn.
5 Brimstone, The Stone that Burns-The Story of the Frasch Sulphur Industry. Williams Haynes. 1959. D. Van Nostand, Princeton, N.J. 308. Story of the Sulfur
industry in Plaquemines Parish (i.e. Port Sulphur terminal, Grande Ecaille mine and
Garden Island Bay mine)
6 Caddo Indians of Louisiana. LA. Archaeological Survey & Antiquities Commission. 1986. Bourque Printing, Baton
Rouge, La. 44 An overview of the Caddo Indian culture and archeological remains.
7 Chalmette, National Historical Park. J. Fred Roush. 1961. National Park Service, Washington DC 55 NPS Historical Handbook
Series No. 29
8 Civil War Trivia and Fact Book. Webb Garrison.1992. Rutledge Hill Press, Nashville, TN 288 Primarily related to trivia
of Fort Jackson, St. Philip & Farragut.
9 Coastal Castles of Louisiana and Mississippi. Dale Manuel.1999. Undetermined 62 Louisiana Fortifications
10 Conquest of Copper Mountain. Forbes Wilson.1981. American Book-Stratford Press, Saddlebrook, NJ 244 History of
Freeport Sulphur – Signed by the author
11 Crossing the Bar. Abbie Ann Cathcart Adam. 2005. Self-Published, Madisonville, Louisiana about 350.
A large collection of materials collected from family and public sources about the
Bar Pilot families at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
12 Deep Delta Country. Harnett T. Kane.1944. Duell, Sloan & Pearce, New York, NY 283. Historically accurate,
easy-to-read, stories of people and occupations in Plaquemines.
13 El Nuevo Constante LA. Archaeological Survey & Antiquities Commission. 1981. LA. Div. of Administrative
Services, Baton Rouge, La, 46. This book tells the background and chronology of salvaging
the Spanish Ship El Nuevo Constante that sank in 1765 in LA. waters.
14 Favorite Huey Long Stories. Hugh Mercer Blain.1985. Otto Claitor Publishing, Baton Rouge, LA.
15 Genesis and Paleontology of the Mississippi River Mudlumps, Geological Bulletin No. 35 1961. Louisiana Dept of Conservation, Louisiana Geological
Survey, New Orleans, La. 208. A scientific study of the Mississippi River mud lumps
found only in Plaquemines.
16 Hurricane Betsy, September 8-11, 1965. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. 1965. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. A technical report
of the hurricane’s organization, path and destruction with many charts, maps, photos
and graphs.
17 Islenos, Tenerife to Terre-Aux-Beouf. Barbara Acosta Perez. 2012. Commercial Printing Co., Picayune, MS 162. About Canary
Islanders who settled St. Bernard, Plaquemines, etc.
18 Jefferson Parish: Rich Heritage, Promising Future. Paul F. Stahls, Jr.2009. Historical Publishing Network, San Antonio, TX 192. Jefferson
Parish History and Business.
19 Judah P. Benjamin. Pierce Butler. 1980. Chelsea House, New York & London, 1980. A distinguished resident
of Plaquemines, lawyer, statesman, the “Brains of the Confederacy and advisor to the
King of England. Lived in Belle Chasse Plantation
20 Judge: The Life and Times of Leander Perez. James Conaway. 1973. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY 204 Dictator of the Delta.
21 Land’s End: A History of the New Orleans District, U.S. Corp. of Engineers and its
Lifelong Battle with the Lower Mississippi and Other Rivers Wending their Way to the
Sea. Albert E. Cowdrey. 1977. U.S. Printing Office, Washington D.C. 118 A History of the
New Orleans Corp of Engineers focused on its challenges on the lower Mississippi River.
22 Lighthouses & Lightships of the Northern Gulf of Mexico. David L. Cipra. 1976. US Dept of Transportation, US Coast Guard 62. Book of photos
and descriptions of each lighthouse on the Gulf.
23 Louisiana Prehistory LA. Archaeological Survey & Antiquities Commission. 1982. Moran Colorgraphic, Inc.,
Baton Rouge, La, 40. A book explaining Louisiana’s earliest archeological sites and
the culture of its first inhabitants.
24 Louisiana the Finest 1937-1938. Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Immigration. 1937. Louisiana Department of
Agriculture and Immigration, Baton Rouge, LA 214. A definitive book on Louisiana agriculture
prior to WWII. Though the book is in bad shape, it has excellent photos and articles.
25 Louisiana’s Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast. Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana. 2007. Coastal Protection
and Restoration Authority, Baton Rouge, LA 117. Focused on restoring the Mississippi
River Delta and LA coastal lands along the Gulf.
26 Louisiana Fourth Annual Tour Guide. Louisiana Travel Promotion Association. 56. A promotional booklet describing places
to visit in each parish.
27 Louisiana Fourteenth Annual Tour Guide. Louisiana Travel Promotion Association. 1984. Louisiana Travel Promotion Association.
120. A promotional booklet describing places to visit in each parish.
28 Lower Mississippi River Delta, Reports on the Geology of Plaquemines and St Bernard
Parishes, Geological Bulletin No. 8. 1936. Louisiana Dept of Conservation, Louisiana Geological
Survey, New Orleans, La.454. Focused on the geology, pre-history, flora and fauna
of the delta.
29 Lower Mississippi River Nation Park to be headquartered at Fort Jackson, Plaquemines
Parish, La. Rod Lincoln. 2008. Self-published. 700+. A collection of correspondence, studies,
historical articles, economic development projections, maps, etc. on the feasibility
of establishing a national park in lower Plaq. headquartered at Fort Jackson.
30 Marine Resources and History of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Volume I, History, Art
& Culture of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Mississippi Dept of Marine Resources. 1998. State of Mississippi 319. Regional history
including south Louisiana.
31 Marine Resources and History of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Volume II, The Coastal
Environment. Mississippi Dept of Marine Resources. 1998. State of Mississippi 502. Covers the
Southeast Louisiana coast as well as the Mississippi Gulf coast.
32 Marine Resources and History of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Volume III, Marine Industry,
Economics and Laws. Mississippi Dept of Marine Resources. 1998. State of Mississippi 320. Covers the
Southeast Louisiana coast as well as the Mississippi Gulf coast.
33 Marine Resources and History of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Volume IV, Agencies and
Organizations: Federal, State, Local and Private. Mississippi Dept of Marine Resources. 1998. State of Mississippi 338. Covers the
Southeast Louisiana coast as well as the Mississippi Gulf coast.
34 Mineral Lands Status Report West Bank Properties Volume II-III. Broadhurst, Brook & Hardy, Attorneys. 1985. Broadhurst, Brook & Hardy, Attorneys.
Flowcharts and documentation showing mineral title ownership transfers of Plaquemines
oil and sulfur leases from the 1920’s to 1985.
35 Mutiny at Fort Jackson, The Untold Story of the Fall of New Orleans Michael D. Pierson. 2008. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Publishing 250.
Poorly researched but some tidbits of good information.
36 Navigation: The Role of the Corp U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. 1983. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers 29.
37 New Orleans Story. John Chase. 1967. The Habersham Corporation, New Orleans, LA 21
38 Notarial Archives 1867 – 1973. Guy Wootan. 1973. Guy Wootan, Orleans Parish, LA 12. A manual of everyday procedures
in the Orleans Parish Notarial Archives
39 “P” is for Plaquemines. Janice Parker Buras. 1994. Down the Road Publishing, Belle Chasse, LA. 28. Small
book of 25 modern photos each representing a single letter of the alphabet.
40 Plaquemines Parish, Challenges and Opportunities, An Economic Development Assessment. Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Louisiana State University. 1996. Louisiana
State University. 82. A plan for economic improvement for Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
submitted as part of the Coastal Economic Strategy Series.
41 Plaquemines Parish Coastal Zone Management Draft. Coastal Environments, Inc. 2000. Coastal Environments, Inc. 290. An excellent source
of coastal maps, site information and lists of geological, hydrological, ecological
and land use resources.
42 Plaquemines Parish Louisiana Census 1850. Margaret A Menge. About 1986. Self-published. 91. A genealogical census of all of
the residents living in Plaquemines Parish in 1850.
43 Plaquemines, The Empire Parish. J. Ben Meyer, Sr. 1981. Laborde Printing Company. 97. One of the earliest published
histories of Plaquemines Parish.
44 Poverty Point. Dept of Culture, Recreation and Tourism. 1983. Moran Colorgraphic, Inc., Baton Rouge, La, 37. A pamphlet discussing the Poverty
Point archeological site.
45 Preserving Louisiana’s Legacy. Dept of Culture, Recreation and Tourism. 1982. LA. Div. of Administration Services,
Baton Rouge, La. 17. A pamphlet explaining the importance of preservation of Louisiana
resources. (2 copies)
46 River Trails, Bayous and Back Roads. Louisiana Office of Tourism, Baton Rouge, LA. 1984. Louisiana Department of Tourism,
Baton Rouge, LA. 129. A guidebook of tourist sites across Louisiana in anticipation
of the 1984 World’s Fair.
47 St. Bernard Parish Celebrates Its Bicentennial. Mona Robinson Raby. 1980. St Bernard Parish Police Jury. 133. Neighbor parish St.
Bernard celebrates.
48 The Overseer, Plantation Management in the Old South. William Kauffman Scarborough. 1966. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge,
LA. 256. Numerous Plaq plantation overseers are mentioned.
49 The Story of Extreme Hurricane Camille, August 14-22, 1969. Nash C. Roberts, Jr. 1969. Undetermined. 139. A technical report of the hurricane’s
organization, path and destruction with many charts, maps, photos and graphs.
50 Where the River Runs Deep, The Story of a Mississippi River Pilot. Dr. Joy Jackson. 1993. Louisiana State University Press 273. Story of a poor resident
of lower Plaquemines Parish who became a river pilot.
51 WWII in the Gulf of Mexico. C.J. Christ. 2005. Undetermined. 295. Stories of German submarines in the Gulf including
the one sunk at the mouth of the Mississippi. Signed by the author.
Plaquemines Parish Maps
Item # Item name Size (in inches) Author or Compiler Year Maps Notes
1-68 Maps, Mississippi Deltaic Plain Region Ecological Atlas (with book). The following
maps are included: A box of 68 quad maps with a resource book by the same title. Dept Interior, Bureau
of Land Management 1982.
Maps A1 B1 XX D1 E1 XX 29 X 48
A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 29 X 48
XX B3 C3 C3 E3 F3 29 X 48
A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 F4 29 X 48
A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 F5 29 X 48
A7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 29 X 48
A8 B8 C8 D8 E8 F8 29 X 48
A9 B9 C9 D9 E9 F9 29 X 48
A10 B10 C10 D10 E10 F10 29 X 48
A11 B11 C11 D11 E11 F11 29 X 48
A12 B12 C12 D12 E12 F12 29 X 48
XX B13 C13 D13 E13 F13 29 X 48
69 18 X 24 Plaquemines Parish (North Section), LA Louisiana Dept of Highways 1956.
70 18 X 24 Plaquemines Parish (Middle Section), LA Louisiana Dept of Highways 1956.
71-72 18 X 24 Plaquemines Parish (Middle Section), LA Louisiana Dept of Highways 1978.
73 18 X 24 Plaquemines Parish (South Section), LA Louisiana Dept of Highways 1954.
74 18 X 24 Plaquemines Parish (South Section), LA Louisiana Dept of Highways 1956.
75 18 X 24 Plaquemines Parish (South Section), LA Louisiana Dept of Highways 1978.
JNC-A5N Edition. 6. 76 42 X 56 US Defense Mapping Agency 1973. 1. A topographical map used by the Air
Force for flights over the United States.
77 Great River Road, National Scenic Byway along the Mississippi River Travel Map.
Mississippi River Parkway, Commission. 1. A simplistic map focused on major communities
along the Mississippi River from Lake Itasca to the Gulf of Mexico. Printed about
78 22 X 25. Louisiana Quadrangles. Louisiana’s Dept of Public Works 1967. 1. Louisiana
map showing 261 quadrangles. Each quad on the map represents another map. Attached
is a cover letter explaining how to read the maps.
79 24 X 36. Quad Map – Louisiana Section 45. Ammann International Corp. Date unknown.
80 36 X 44. Louisiana Gulf Coast, New Orleans to Venice. NOAA 1975. 1. A detailed
map used to show water depth and landmarks used by pilots and various government agencies.
81 13 X 16. Southeast Louisiana Offshore Oil Operations. American Institute of Mechanical
Engineers 1950. 1. A map used to tour national oil and sulfur company dignitaries
on January 9, 1950.
82 19 X 25. Atlantic Ocean Floor National Geographic Magazine 1968. 1. Map of the
Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico floor.
83 25 X 34. Survey Reestablishing Townships Between Mississippi River, Gulf of Mexico
and Range 24 E-SE District, Louisiana, Westbank of Mississippi River. Louisiana Board
of State Engineers 1932. 1. A map showing plantation property and other large tracts
of property from Myrtle Grove to Venice, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. It covers
approximately 35 miles along the river and extends.
84 14 X 20. General Soil Map, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. US Dept of Agriculture,
Soil Conservation Service 1969. 1.
85 31 X 46. Marine Fishes of the Gulf and South Atlantic. NOAA 2005. 1. A poster of
fish common to the Gulf of Mexico.
88-89 17 X 22. Carte Partiuliere du Flevue St Louis dix lieues au deffus et au delfous
de la Nouvelle Orleans. 2. Original map of the Mississippi River from St Charles Parish
to English Turn.
90 19 X 25. The subdivision of the Nairn Plantation, 60 miles below NOLA. Surveyor
1884. 1.
91 24 X 36. Hydrographic Survey, Jump Basin, Venice, La. Wink Inc. New Orleans, LA.
Surveyed by Hugh McCurdy, 2004. 1. An aerial photo of the area at the end of where
Highway 23 ends, between Offshore Shipyard Road and Tidewater Road.
92 13 X 18. Surveyors Map, Township XIX, Range XXVII East, South Eastern District
of Louisiana. John Watson, Jr 1832. 1. Surveyors map of area near Happy Jack, Plaquemines
Parish, Louisiana
93 13 X 18. Surveyors Map, Township XVIII, Range XXVI East, South Eastern District
of Louisiana. John Watson, Jr 1832. 1. Surveyors map of Diamond, Plaquemines Parish,
94 13 X 18. Surveyors Map, Township 18 South, Range 26 East, Southeastern District
of Louisiana. James Lewis, Surveyor General 1909. 1. Surveyors map of the Grande Cheniere
behind Magnolia Plantation
95 8.5 X 14. Surveyor notes on location of surveying monuments at Fort Jackson. Unknown.
1. Source unknown but probably from National Archives documents on Fort Jackson.
96 24 X 36. Belle Chasse with contours. Plaquemines Parish Commission Council 1984.
97 36 X 42. Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana Master Plan Steering Committee Feature Map.
Plaquemines Parish Government 2003. 1. A color aerial map of Plaquemines Parish showing
magnified insets around major population areas-2 years before Hurricane Katrina.
Map also shows existing and proposed features
98 22 X 34. Plaquemines from Triumph to Venice. Plaquemines Parish 2010. 1.
99 22 X 34. Section 50, T20S R30E-Fort Jackson. Plaquemines Parish 1989. 1.
100 22 X 34. Plaquemines from Fort Jackson & St. Philip to Venice, La. Plaquemines
Parish 2010. 1.
101 22 X 34. Plaquemines from Fort Jackson & St. Philip to Home Place. Plaquemines
Parish 2010. 1.
103 22 X 34. The mouth of the Mississippi River without names or markings. Plaquemines
Parish 2010. 1.
104 22 X 34. The mouth of the Mississippi River with Passes marked. Plaquemines Parish
2010. 1.
105 22 X 34. The mouth of the Mississippi River with Passes hand marked. Plaquemines
Parish 2010. 1.
106 22 X 34. Pass-a-L’Outre showing the location of the Balize. Plaquemines Parish
2010. 1.
107 22 X 34. Southwest Pass. Plaquemines Parish 2010. 1.
108 22 X 34. Plaquemines from Port Sulphur to Triumph. Plaquemines Parish 2010. 1.
109 22 X 34. Plaquemines Parish from Nairn to Happy Jack, LA. Plaquemines Parish 2010.
110 27 X 44. 2012 Southeast Louisiana from Morgan City to St. Bernard with emphasis
on Plaquemines Communities & Landmarks. Plaquemines Parish GIS department 2012. 1.
A physical map showing land/marsh area across Southeastern Louisiana focusing on Plaquemines
Parish landmarks & communities.
113-124 36 X 45 (1), 8.5 X 11 (11). 2005 Plaquemines Insurance map. Plaquemines Parish
Commission Council 2005. 12. Maps used immediately after Hurricane Katrina to establish
new and much higher insurance rates.
125 18 X 24. Forts Jackson and St. Philip structures. Plaquemines Parish Commission
Council 2015. 1. Created from various sources over many years to identify locations
particularly at Fort St Philip where few maps exist.
126 22 X 34. Plaquemines Parish with town names. Plaquemines Parish 2010. 1. Draft
used to collect place names. This was the first edition of this map. The 2016 version
is much more complete.
127 35 X 38. Wards – Drainage Districts and Police Jurors of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana.
Freeport Sulphur Company. 1934. 1. An excellent map of the parish showing most of
the bays, passes and bayous.
128-129 35 X 38. Plaquemines Parish. Freeport Sulphur Company about 1955. 2. This
is a very detailed map showing location of structures, oil fields, highways, waterways,
130 30 X 31. Port Sulphur Topography. Freeport Sulphur Company 1954. 2. Map showing
all structures in the Port Sulphur area 1.000 ft above and below the Grande Ecaille
Canal which included all Freeport Sulphur property plus some additional.
131-139 23 X 35. Maps of Plaquemines Parish with Belle Chasse, Port Sulphur & Buras-Triumph,
Louisiana. Merchant Maps 1984. 8. An overall Plaquemines Parish map plus smaller detailed
maps of the major cities showing roads, buildings and other landmarks
140 23 X 29. Cram’s Map of Louisiana showing Parishes, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post
Offices Railroads with Stations and Distances between Stations. George Cram Company,
Inc. 1. A raggy map with a great deal of detail of all Louisiana Parishes.
141 8.5 X 11. Plaquemines, Jefferson and Lafourche Parish Boundaries. Milton Newton,
Jr, Center for Wetland Resources 1977. 1. Photocopy of a map showing the movement
or erroneously delineated parish boundary lines between Plaquemines and Jefferson
144 26 X 38. Well Locations in Grand Bay to the Delta Wildlife Refuge (Blocks T-19-S
and T-20-S) F & A Map Company about 1959. 1. Map extends from Carencro Bay near Venice-East
bank to the marsh behind Pilottown showing well over 100 drilling wells.
145 26 X 34. Map Showing Well Locations in Vicinity of Battledore Island. John C.
DeArmas, Jr. Engineer 1959. 1. Map from Racoon Pass to Coquille Bay to Battledore
showing the location of approximately 100 wells.
146 17 X 19. Proposed Canal to Southdown, Inc. Mark Delesdernier et al No. 1 Well,
Plaquemines Parish. McCurdy-Schilling Civil Engineers & Surveyors 1963. 1. Map of
the Mississippi River land owners on east bank across from Venice, Louisiana.
147-148 12.5 X 14. T19S-R18E. Unknown about 1960. 1. Landowners on both sides of the
Mississippi River below Venice, Louisiana to Pilottown.
149 8.5 X 11. Bastian Bay, Parish of Plaquemines, La. W.D. Duke 1889. 1. A photocopy
of a map in the Library of Congress showing the location of settlers in the remote
area of Bastian Bay.
150-151 32 X 64. Plaquemines Parish, La Ownership map, Happy Jack through Guenard
Woods (Home Place). Rordam & Rordam 1952. 2. Detailed map of all land owners from
about four miles north and south of the Port Sulphur. La townsite
164 59 X 51. Aerial Map of Freeport Sulphur Co’s Garden Island Bay mine and townsite
below the Mississippi River’s Head of Passes. Davis Aerial Photography 1961. 1. A
mosaic of aerial photos, 3 on a canvas backing, of the Garden Island Bay townsite
and field mining areas in the marsh off Dennis Pass in Plaquemines Parish.
165 59 X 51. Aerial Map of Freeport Sulphur Co’s Garden Island Bay mine and townsite
below the Mississippi River’s Head of Passes. Davis Aerial Photography 1961. 1. A
mosaic of aerial photos,3 on a canvas backing, of the Garden Island Bay townsite and
field mining areas in the marsh off Dennis Pass in Plaquemines Parish.
166-171 40 X 54. A Survey of Port Sulphur, La in April 1965. Davis Aerial Photography
1965. 1. A mosaic of aerial photos of the community of Port Sulphur, La (from St Patrick’s
Catholic Church to McBride’s Drug Store, on a canvas backing.
172-177 20 X 30. Survey of Portions of the Mississippi River, including segments of
Lower Childress-Fort Jackson and Venice, LA areas. (The Mississippi River Bank Project)
US Corp of Engineers 1962. 6. A series of Magnetic Contour and Bathymetric Maps (at
10 Gamma Contour Intervals) trying to identify the location of sunken ships and other
anomalies on the river bottom. There is also a book (filed in the Fort Jackson Projects
file) explaining in detail what was found.
178-233 24 X 30. Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey maps. US Corp of Engineers
1987. 55. Orthophotomap maps from the Gulf of Mexico to Concordia Parish, LA. (mile
marker 326 above the Head of Passes)
234-246 14 X 21. Woodland Levee Enlargement & Rock Berm. US Corp of Engineers 1984.
257-260 23 X 42. Woodland Levee Setback & Pavement Slope Right of Way. US Corp of
Engineers 1984. 4. Orthophotomaps of the Woodland Levee Revetment area (Sheets 2-5)
from near the Pointe a la Hache ferry to Pointe Celeste.
261-262 23 X 42. Plaquemines Parish West Bank Levee District Woodland Setback Right
of Way Drawing. US Corp of Engineers 1984. 2. Orthophotomaps of the Woodland Levee
Revetment area (Sheets25W and 26W from St Jude north to Pointe Celeste Plantation.
263-278 23 X 42. Woodland Levee Setback & Pavement Slope Right of Way. US Corp of
Engineers 1989. 16. Orthophotomaps of the Levee Enlargement and Slope Pavement Rights
of Way from Belle Chasse to Junior Plantation.
279 36 X 48. Mississippi River Delta Map 13 of 14, Polyconic Projection 1927. US Coast
& Geodetic 1959. 1. Map showing mostly open water of Breton Sound with the marsh area
between Fort St Philip and the Sound.
280 36 X 48. Mississippi River Delta Map 14 of 14, Polyconic Projection 1927. US Coast
& Geodetic 1959. 1. Map showing mostly open water of Breton Sound with a small portion
of the marsh behind the historic community of Olga (i.e. Blackjack Bayou).
281 36 X 48. Air Photo Compilation No. T-5313 Mississippi River to Breton Sound, Louisiana.
US Coast & Geodetic 1934. 1. Map of Happy Jack (Westbank) and Luling (Eastbank) and
marshland on east bank to Breton Sound.
282 36 X 48. Air Photo Compilation No. T-5309 Mississippi River Round Bay to Socola,
Louisiana. US Coast & Geodetic 1934. 1. Map from Deer Range Plantation to Socola Canal
283 36 X 48. Air Photo Compilation No. T-5318 Mississippi River Delta Lake Washington
to California Bay. US Coast & Geodetic 1932. 1. Map from Diamond to Empire showing
Grande Port where Port Sulphur was being built.
284 36 X 48. Air Photo Compilation No. T-5328 Mississippi River Delta Racoon Pass
to Taylor Pass. US Coast & Geodetic 1932. 1. Map showing the marshland east of Fort
St. Philip including many of the islands in Breton Sound and the location of many
of the hunting camps east of what would become the Delta Wildlife Refuge.
285 36 X 48. US Coast & Geodetic Survey Topographic Map T-9393 Louisiana Breton Sound
including Breton Island. US Coast & Geodetic 1952. 1. A detailed map of Breton Island
based on 1927 data, updated in 1952. The entire island is/was part of the Breton
National Wildlife Refuge.
286-324 25 X ? Mississippi River Archeological Survey. US Corp of Engineers 198?.
39. A series of maps showing locations of historically relevant sites along the Mississippi
River throughout Louisiana.
325 23 X 26. Map – Delacroix, Louisiana into Plaquemines. USGS 1951. 1.
326 22 X 26. Map of Belle Chasse. USGS 1966. 1.
327 22 X 26. Map of Bertrandville/Belle Chasse to Jesuit. USGS 1966. 1.
328 36 X 54. Map of Pointe a la Hache, LA. USGS 1973. 1.
329 36 X 54. Map of Happy Jack to Breton Sound. USGS 1959. 1.
330 36 X 54. Map of Empire. USGS 1973. 1.
331 32 X 36. Map of Breton Sound (map 14 of 14). USGS 1959. 1.
332 40 X 49. JSC-293 Aerial Photo of the Head of Passes from Pilottown south NASA
1974. 1. A black+D100:J107 and +D22:J107white enhanced photo showing Pilot town south
but not all off the way to the mouth of any of the major passes.
333-337 16 X 22. Mudlumps at the Mouth of South Pass, Mississippi River: Sedimentology,
Paleontology, Structure, Origin and Relation to Deltaic Processes. Louisiana Department
of Conservation 1963. 5. A series of maps of the lower Mississippi delta showing locations
of “Mud Lumps,” unique geological formations found only in Plaquemines Parish Louisiana.
These accompany a book of the same title published by LSU – Geological Bulletin Number
35. See Mudlumps book for maps.
338 18 X 29. The United States of America laid down from the best Authorities Agreeable
to the Peache of 1783. John Wallis, Ludgate Street, London 1783. 1. Reprint of a map
of the original 13 American colonies
339 86 X 92. Batiste Collette. Delta Development Co. 1. A map of oil wells in the
vicinity of Batiste Collette Bayou across from Venice, Louisiana.
340 24 X 30. Orthophotomap of Barataria SW La. Empire Project, Corp of Engineers.
1. Map is thought to be pre-1990.
341 24 X 30. Orthophotomap of Pointe a la Hache. Empire Project, Corp of Engineers.
1. Map is thought to be pre-1990
342 24 X 30. Orthophotomap of Bastian Bay. Empire Project, Corp of Engineers. 1. Map
is thought to be pre-1990.
343 24 X 30. Orthophotomap of Tropical Bend. Empire Project, Corp of Engineers. 1.
Map is thought to be pre-1990.
344 24 X 30. Orthophotomap of Empire. Empire Project, Corp of Engineers. 1. Map is
thought to be pre-1990
345 24 X 30. Orthophotomap of Buras. Empire Project, Corp of Engineers. 1. Map is
thought to be pre-1990.
346 48 X 108. Tobin Map of All of Plaquemines Parish. Edgar Tobin Aerial Survey 1956.
Regional Maps
2 24 X 26. Regional Maps: St Bernard Parish, Chalmette to Poydras USGS 1967. 1.
3 24 X 28. Regional Maps: Chef, Rigolets & North Shore. New Orleans Map Co.? 1. Laminated
4 18 X 25. Regional Maps: St Bernard Parish (West). LA Dept of Transportation 1970.
5 18 X 25. Regional Maps: St Bernard Parish (Middle Section). LA Dept of Transportation
6 18 X 25. Regional Maps: Jefferson Parish. LA Dept of Transportation 1970. 1.
7 18 X 25. Regional Maps: Orleans Parish. LA Dept of Transportation 1970. 1.
8 14 X 20. Regional Map: General Soil Map, Orleans Parish, Louisiana. US Dept of Agriculture,
Soil Conservation Service 1970. 1.
9 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Orleans Parish, Indian Beach. U.S.G.S 1964. 1.
10 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Orleans Parish, Little Woods. U.S.G.S 1964. 1.
11 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Orleans Parish, New Orleans East. U.S.G.S 1964. 1.
12 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Orleans Parish, New Orleans West. U.S.G.S 1964. 1.
13 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Orleans Parish, Spanish Fort. U.S.G.S 1964. 1.
14 27 X 40. Regional Maps: St. Tammany. Unknown. 1. A St. Tammany Parish city map
thought to be pre-1970
15 34 X 57. Regional Maps: Southeast and South-Central Louisiana. Lower Mississippi
River Commission. 1939. 1. A detailed map from Guydan, Vermillion Parish to Biloxi,
16 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Terrebonne Parish, Montegut, La. U.S.G.S. 1963. 1.
17 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Terrebonne Parish, Gray, Louisiana. U.S.G.S. 1963. 1.
18 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Terrebonne Parish, Houma, La. U.S.G.S. 1963. 1.
19 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Terrebonne Parish, Bourg, La. U.S.G.S. 1963. 1.
20 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Terrebonne Parish, Dulac, La. U.S.G.S. 1963. 1.
21 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Lafourche Parish, Thibodeaux. U.S.G.S. 1963. 1.
22 23 X 26. Regional Maps: Terrebonne Parish. U.S.G.S. 1963. 1.
23 22 X 33. Regional Map: Baton Rouge & Denham Springs Quadrangles. U.S. Army Corp
of Engineers. 1965. 1. Two quadrangle maps joined together creating a single map.
24 22 X 35. Regional Map: Mississippi Highway Map. Mississippi Dept. of Transportation.
About 2004. 1.
25 22 X 35. Regional Map: Hurricane “Laurie” Platting Map. Freeport Sulphur Company.
1969. 1. Map of the Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean showing all major cities, each of Freeport’s
Gulf Coast mines and the track of Hurricane Laurie during Sept. 1969.
26 28 X 40. Regional Map: City of Hammond, Tangipahoa Parish.
Oversized Maps & Posters
1 40 X 60. The Official Map of the State of Louisiana. Louisiana Department of Public
Works. 1971. 1. A large, colorized, heavy duty map of Louisiana.
2 various sizes. Box of NASA posters and other related items (see below). Various
dates. NASA.
NASA Box inventory:
NASA Missions posters. 19.
NASA personal planner. 2008. 1.
Folder containing Stennis Space Center Educational Workshop materials.
SSET Folder: NASA in the news + Martin Marietta Space Systems documents.
Two folders containing Stennis Space Center information. 2.
Hurricane Katrina Report
Mission Success Bulletins. NASA.
Plaquemines Parish Posters & Blue Prints
Item # Item name Size (in inches) Author or Compiler Year Pages Notes
1 29 X 41. Photo: Aerial of Belle Chasse, LA from the Tunnel south to the Belle Chasse
Library. Unknown. 1. Unknown year.
2 24 X 36. Sketch of the Judah P. Benjamin monument in Belle Chasse, LA. Plaquemines
Parish Commission Council 1968. 1.
3 24 X 24. Sketch of Fort De La Boulaye in Phoenix. Prescott Follet, Architect. 1989.
4 11 X 17. Poster: Nawlins Air Show, Alvin Calendar Air Field Belle Chasse. U.S. Navy
2009. 2. Suitable for framing.
5 18 X 24. Poster: 1916 Port of New Orleans, Bar Pilots Assoc. Branch Pilots, Port
of New Orleans 1916. 1. Photos of all of the Bar Pilots of the time.
6 18 X 24. Poster: 1988 Port of New Orleans, Bar Pilots Assoc. Branch Pilots, Port
of New Orleans 1988. 1. Photos of all of the Bar Pilots of the time
7 17 X 22. Aged Documents Help Locate Old Louisiana Fort Site. Times Picayune Newspaper
1933. 1. Copy of a page from the Times Picayune, Sunday, July 2, 1933, page B-2.
8 18 X 24. Poster: “River Explorer” River Barge Excursions River Barge Excursions.
2010. 1. Suitable for framing.
9 18 X 24. Poster: Choose Louisiana Citrus. Louisiana Dept of Agriculture 2000? 2.
Suitable for framing (2).
10 8.5 X 14. Poster: How Plaquemines Fits In. John Chase 1982. 1. Cartoonist John
Chase created a poster with a map of Plaquemines Parish’s major towns and historical
sites given at the Statesman’s Club July 15, 1982.
11 17 X 24. Poster: Judge L.H. Perez Memorial Park, July 16, 1977. Unknown 1977. 1.
12 19 X 24. Poster: 10th Annual Louisiana Archaeology Week. LA Dept of Culture, Recreation
and Tourism 1997. 1. Suitable for framing.
13 19 X 24. Poster: Annual Louisiana Archaeology Week. LA Dept of Culture, Recreation
and Tourism 1998. 1. Suitable for framing.
14 11 X 17. Poster: Delta Queen on the Mississippi near New Orleans. American Cyanamid
Co. 1988. 1. Suitable for framing.
15-19 23 X 36. Plan, Construction of the de LaSalle monument at Fort Jackson, Plaquemines
Parish, LA. Plaquemines Parish Commission Council 1965. 5. A series of drawings used
for the construction of the LaSalle monument at Fort Jackson plus a conceptualized
drawing of the final monument.
19-26 24 X 36. Fort Jackson Phase 1 Plan for 2010. John Milnor Associates 2010. 8.
Construction plans developed for minor restoration of Fort Jackson.
27 30 X 38. Plan, Landscaping for Freeport Sulphur’s Port Sulphur Office Building
and High School William S. Swldorn, City Planner, NO, La 1954. 1. A map showing where
to plant grass & shrubbery across the newly built Freeport Sulphur office building
& high school in Port Sulphur, LA.
28 30 X 38. Plan, Elevation drawing of the new Freeport Sulphur Company office building
in Port Sulphur, LA being built. Wogan & Bernard Architects, NO, La 1952. 1.
29-33 36 X 45. Plan for athletic facilities in the newly built Port Sulphur School
(Elementary thru High School) in Port Sulphur, LA. Freeport Sulphur Co. 1957. 5. A
series of drawings showing the plan for a tennis court, baseball and misc. athletic
fields and a grandstand associated with the Port Sulphur School.
34-35 23 X 36. Plan, Floor plan and piling layout of the Port Sulphur Schools Freeport
Sulphur Co. 1957. 2.
Plaquemines Parish Artifacts
1 Freeport Sulphur sulfur molds (2) Freeport McMoRan Public Relations. 1977. Molded
by Plaquemines workmen from sulphur mined by Freeport at the mine identified on the
mold. Used for public relations.
2 Clear plastic parish paperweight. Parish Government. Has the shape of the parish
in the paperweight.
3 Parish Flag Paperweight. Parish Government. Given to parish employees and residents
by Parish President Billy Nungesser between 2007-2013.
4 Parish key ring & Lapel Pin. Parish Government. On the ring is a bottle opener that
says “Fort Jackson Louisiana” and a Louisiana-shaped piece of rubber with a Plaquemines
lapel pin stuck through it.
5 (3′ X 5′) Louisiana State flag. Parish Government. 2005. Flag flew over Plaquemines
Parish offices during Hurricane Katrina.
6 (2.5′ X 4.5′) Plaquemines Parish Flag. Parish Government. 2005. Flag flew over Plaquemines
Parish offices during Hurricane Katrina.
7 “Faces of Plaquemines Parish” Tricentennial event Scrapbook. Project Reporter. 2000.
Faces of Plaquemines Parish was a living cemetery event taking place at approximately
five different cemeteries, a plantation house and Fort Jackson in 1999-2000. It was
held twice and different cemeteries were used. It included one of the Indian tribes
setting up a village in Fort Jackson to show their activities, housing, etc. at the
time Iberville and Bienville arrived in Louisiana.
8 Glass drinking bottle. 1969. Bottled for hurricane preparedness for Hurricane Camille,
Oversized Files
1 Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church Record book. Ministers of the church. 1848-1970
Hand written. 98. A Christian church organized by local planters in the mid-section
of Plaquemines Parish from the Alliance Plantation down south of the Magnolia Plantation
1848-1870. It contains birth, baptism, marriage and death records plus a short history
of the church. It contains a large number of slave records.
2 Empire Parish Newspapers. Rod Lincoln. 1865-1877. Empire Parish Publisher & Plaquemines
Observer newspaper Publishers. An incomplete collection of both the French and English
versions of the Empire Parish and Plaquemines Observer newspapers from the end of
the Civil War into the 1870’s. I gave originals to LSU to microfilm.
3 Judge Perez Politics 1916-1969. Rod Lincoln & J. Ben Meyer. Numerous. A series of
articles and documents telling of Judge Leander’s legal and potentially illegal activities
while he was in control of Plaquemines Parish.
4 Perez Notes by J Ben Meyers. J. Ben Meyer. J Ben Meyer. Documents prepared by J.
Ben Meyers, Plaquemines Parish Historian, politician and newsman who was an insider
to much of the political intrigue going on in Plaquemines particularly in the 1920’s-1940’s.
He was both a friend and foe of Judge Leander Perez at different times.
5 Chalin & Lea Perez Politics 1970-1989 Rod Lincoln Times Picayune & Plaq. Gazette.
News articles about the Perez brothers governing in Plaquemines Parish.
6 Anti-Perez Politics 1982-1986. Rod Lincoln & J. Ben Meyer. Various, but mostly the
Plaquemines Gazette, Belle Chasse, La. After Judge Perez died and left parish government
to his sons there was a decade of relative political peace. In the early 1980’s Challon
Perez, President of the Government and his brother Leander Perez, Jr began fighting
and many in the parish saw this as a time to take back their government.
7 Plaquemines Parish School Board vs USA. Rod Lincoln. Various. Litigation between
the two from 1965-1969 regarding segregation.
8 Port Sulphur. Freeport Sulphur Co. Freeport Sulphur Co. Mostly property records.
Large copies of images, maps and sketches (11″ X 17″)
1 Balise 57 Items
2 Battle of New Orleans 32 Items
3 Buras 4 Items
4 Civil War/Battle at the Forts Jackson & St. Philip 57 Items
5 English Turn 32 Items
6 Fort Bourbon 6 Items
7 Fort Jackson 132 Items
8 Fort St Philip 44 Items
9 Newspapers 68 Items
10 Southwest Pass 2 Items
11 Pearl River, MS 16 Items
12 Port Sulphur- Nairn 24 Items
13 Miscellaneous 8 Items
35 mm Slides
Two three-ring binders containing 35 mm slides pertaining to Plaquemines Parish history
and culture. (700 items)
Box 1A, Folder 1
Full Issue of the Historical News Vol. 34 No. 11. Oct-14
Full Issue of States-Item Vol. 96 No. 276. Headlined: “New Threats North of N.O.
Plaquemines Wins Levee Battle.” April 28th 1973.
Front page of The Times Picayune. Headlined: “Monster Hurricane Caused Disaster in
1856: Isle Derniere Split Asunder.” August 21st 1969
Front page of The States-Item Vol. 96 No. 275. Headlined: “Magruder Quits-Watergate
Web Widens” & “Levee Shored in Plaquemines.” April 27th 1973
Front page of The Times-Picayune No. 95. Headlined: “Crews work urgently to fill crumbling
levee near Nairn” & “52 Persons are injured in Ammo Train Explosion. “April 29th 1973
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette Vol. 42 No. 8. Headlined “Miracle of Plaquemines
Unfolds as Parish Restoration Goes on: ‘Plaquemines Parish will Rise Again’ with Galland
Efforts of People and Their Leaders.” September 5th 1969
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette Vol. 42 No. 11. Headlined: ” A call for all
hurricane victims: parishioners urged to make problems known.” September 26th 1969.
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette Vol. 42 No. 7. Headlined: “Parish Restoration
is Underway” – concerning relief due to Hurricane Camille. August 29th 1969.
Full Issue of the States-Times No. 196. Headlined: “Camille rips Gulf Coast cities:
Damage Heavy 12 known dead.” August 18th 1969.
Front Page of State-Times No. 199. ” ‘Ton of Bodies’ are found today: Rescue Units
Report from Pass Christian” –based on Hurricane Camille. August 21st 1969.
Article from States-Times, captioned: “Death Count 8, scores missing in Plaquemines”
Newspaper Clipping depicting “South Plaquemines High Water.” N/A
Article from The Times-Picayune. Entitled “Mystery Cross Unclaimed: Found in Buras
after Hurricane Camille.” July 5th 1970.
Clipping from The Times-Picayune. Entitled “Extensive Storm Damage in Lower Plaquemines.”
August 21st 1969
Front Page of The Times-Picayune No. 209. Headlined “Hurricane Aid will probably hit
record high, says Agnew: Vice-President views Devastation from Helicopter.” August
21st 1969.
Clipping from The Times-Picayune. Entitled “House Demolished in Lower Plaquemines
Parish.” August 20th 1969
Newspaper clipping captioned “Preparing Mercy Flight for Camille Victims.” N/A
Article from Times-Picayune. Entitled “Henderson Pint Landmark Wiped out by Camille.”
Article from State-Times. Entitled “Debbie Absorbs Seeding, Surges on, Intensifies.”
& ” Oil Firms Estimate Damage in Millions.” August 20th 1969.
Full Issue of The Times-Picayune No. 208. Headlined “Toll from Camille Climbs to 170:
Road Damage prevents travel on Coast Highway 90.” August 20th 1969.
Full Issue of Times-Picayune No. 206 “Louisiana Coastline pounded by Camille’s Advance
Winds: Camille Moves Toward Mississippi Coast.” August 18th 1969.
Folder 2
Full Issue of the Times-Picayune. “Special Edition” Headlined: ” A Bridge at Last:
Commemorating the opening of the Greater New Orleans Bridge No.2.” September 30th
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette. Headlined “There’s Something for Everyone”
November 3rd 1989.
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette. Headlined ” Hello Plaquemines Let’s get together
and shop Plaquemines First.” (3 issues)
Full Issue of Plaquemines Gazette. Headlined “Keep Christ in Christmas” + “A Review
of 1981 Parish Project, News, as published in the Plaquemines Gazette.” December 18,1981
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette. ‘Progress Edition’ “Keep Christ in Christmas”
December 18,1981
Full Issue of Plaquemines Gazette. Headlined. “A review of 1984 Parish Project and
News as published in the Plaquemines Gazette.” December 14,1984
Combined issue of The Plaquemines Watchman and Plaquemines Gazette. December 19,1986
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette and The Plaquemines Watchman. Headlined “Mass
Murders: Killings Connected to Bethlehem Stables Birth.” December 18,1987
Folder 3
Full Issue of The Gazette “Christmas Edition” December 18,1987
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette and Watchman. “Christmas Edition” December 19,1989
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Christmas Edition” December 17, 1999
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Christmas Edition” Dec-05
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Holiday Edition” 22-Dec-09
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Holiday Edition” December 21,2010
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Holiday Edition” November 23,2010
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Holiday Supplement Issue” 4-Dec-12
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Holiday Supplement Issue” December 25,2012
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Holiday Supplement Issue” December 17,2012
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Holiday Supplement Issue” December 17,2013
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Holiday Supplement Issue” 16-Dec-14
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette “Holiday Supplement Issue” December 22,2015
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette. Hurricane Katrina Anniversary “Post- Katrina
Progress” 25-Aug-09
Full Issue of the Plaquemines Gazette. Hurricane Katrina Anniversary ” Plaquemines
Parish Our Road Home.” 24-Aug-10
Full Issue of the Times-Picayune 150 Anniversary “Coming Home” 25-Jan-82
Full Issue of the Times-Picayune 150 Anniversary January 26,1987
Full Issue of The Times Picayune. 150th anniversary, “Lights Forward” January 26,
Full Issue of The Times Picayune. 150th anniversary, “Remember” January 24, 1987
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Issue”, “Post-Katrina”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “The Graduating Class of 2011” May 31, 2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 17, “Port, Council Discussion changes to
bait harbors and marines” November 8, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 14, “Candidates for Resident participate
in first debate” October 18, 2006
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 13, “CPRA Community Conversation held in Buras”
October 11, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 11, “Plaq. School-on-a-barge proposal wins
$10 million” September 20, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 9 “Levee breach required” September 6,
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 15 “PABI Candidates for President Forum”
October 25, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 10, “Wilkinson Canal project hits a crisis
paint” September 13, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 21 “Cormier, Lepine make final arguments
prior to rumors election” December 6, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 18 “Daybook Fishers Showered” 15-Nov-16
Folder 5
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 23 “Port promoted 50-year development plan.”
December 20, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 19 “Grim Outlook for 2017 Budget Hearings”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 24 “Venture Global, Governor Eduardo announce
details of LNG facility” December 27, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 22 “Cormier will finish father’s term”
December 13, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 20, “Parish Council reduces proposed layoffs
from 91 to 18 raids emergency fund.” 29-Nov-16
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 16 “PPG files lawsuits motion for DA to
recuse” and “Council approves Portland purchase” November 1, 2016
Opinion Section of The Plaquemines Gazette October 2, 2012
Opinion Section of The Plaquemines Gazette. “National Newspaper Week.” Edition October
4, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Artificial reef demonstration project tests
multiple technological” September 27, 2016
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “67 Assessment appealed” October 4, 2016
Folder 6
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Walmart debate ranger on in 2012” and “Plaquemines schools:
High in the sky”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 26 “Council vote to move to Eastbound deferred.”
And “Plaquemines Senator Alario named as State Senate President.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 24 “Plaquemines see multiple fires over
holiday weekend.” January 3, 2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 28, “Parish dismisses Morteo’s ‘race claim’”
January 31, 2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 30, “Foil Ruler Against Walmart: Ruling
is only latest stage of the game, Morteo tour Seyo” and “Restore Act: Legislators
pushing for congressional action before BP settlement decision.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 29, “Hidden effects of drilling moratorium
highlighted.” February 7,2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 27, “State and Local officials breaks ground
on Walker Road.” January 24, 2012
Obituary Section of The Plaquemines Gazette. February 22,2009
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 10 ” Walmart 2012: Before the two parties
could meet in Court, a continuance was filed, which has pushed the of the hearing
into January 2012″ September 27,2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 48. “Class of 2011” and “Budget drama spills
over at PPC.” May 31,2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 8. “The Race is on for Sheriff.” and “Morteo
and Parish back in Court.” September 13,2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 9 “Sissy Stricklin 2011 Orange Queen” and
“Pulazzo enter race for Sheriff.” 20-Sep-11
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 7. “It’s fun to stay at the…YMCA” and “Construction
underway to Port Eads.” September 6, 2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 11. “Assessor intends to add 69 companies
to tax roll.” and “Plaquemines’ blood drive patrons give life.” October 4,2011
Folder 7
The Plaquemines Gazette, “Hingle Resigns Michael La France appointed Sheriff.” October
11, 2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No 15. “Hingle Pleads “Not Guilty” ” and “Plaquemines
schools rank 5th in Louisiana.” 18-Oct-11
Front Page of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 14 “Run-off November 19 Plaquemines Parish
sheriff.” and “Parish Seat move Fails.” October 25,2011
Incomplete Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 5, “Charter changes up for voter
review” and “New Port Sulphur hospital receives additional FEMA grant.” August 9,2011
Incomplete Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No.4, “Borden Wallace 2011 Orange King”
August 16,2011
Separate Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No. 4B, “Voters to decide Plaq. Charter”
August 19,2011
Incomplete Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No 5, “Hinge will not run.” August 23,2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No 6, “Phoenix: Not quite from the ashes” and
“Lundin to run for re-election as Clerk of Court.” August 30,2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No 17, “Census results force district map changes.”
November 15,2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. No 16, “Adriate Breere onto River.” and “PPSO
seizes “Mojo” from several local stores” November 8,2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette No 21, “Roe headed to Parish prison: Court gives
him two weeks to turn himself in.” December 13,2011
Box 1B Folder 8
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “PPSO audit reveals more Hingle issues.” and
“Crone fires back at BP and Feinberg: ‘Fair compensation formula’ only for unpaid
claims.” December 20,2011
Incomplete Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “For the Record Section.” November 22,2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “$222 million in costed projects slated” and
“Mary Plantation up for auction.” March 6,2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette “James Jean Frace: A little off the Top” and
“Spill on riloe has Water Works on notice.” February 21,2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette “BP pleads health care for first-line fishermen
and communities” March 13,2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette “Nungesser gives PABI State of Parish Address”
and “LA Les. sets Hurricane reading meetings” March 20,2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “PPC approves Permits Dept. subpoena for borrow
pits info.” 17-Apr-12
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette “New bridge curfew response is positive.” Apr-12
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Community gesture candlelit vigil.” and State
deem water safe after rupture” April 3, 2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette “Buras Vol. Fire Dept. installs officers.” And
“Election Results: Santorum wins both local and state GOP ticket.” March 27,2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “PPSO Matches DNA in James Janes murder investigation.”
February 28, 2012
Folder 9
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Parish’s state delegation protects PPSB mineral
rights.” February 11, 2014
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Civil Service Commission considers suit against
Parish Government over enclosure.” 1-Sep-15
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Borrow Pit Regulations: Two Ordinances on
PPC agenda-enforce loach filling on all pits or only pits used for projects outside
of parish.” December 11, 2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Paws approved to be reimbursed from FEMA for
Issue costs.” December 3,2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Belle Chasse acrobatic team to represent US
in Poland” and “Parish government looks to replace internal auditor.” 4-Aug-15
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Phoenix Spartans Undefeated” and “Plaquemines
Parish burglaries salved: Burglaries in Southern and link by social media only, says
Sheriff’s office.” December 27,2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. ” Feinberg’s new formula candid to Gulf Shrimpers.”
and “Hingle pleads guilty.” 12/6/2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette.” Congress/FEMA recalculation nets LA $340M.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Restore Act one step closer with House approval.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette “Parish Parties with Greco.” and “Work without
contracts raises eyebrows PPC meetings.” 7/17/2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Zoning Board approves 25,000 sq. ft. cap.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “King Ben Beenel: King of the 2012 Plaquemines
Parish fairs Orange Festival.” and “Property values up, but so is tax base: Assessor
says taxis bodies could roll taxis mileage reliant gain more revenue.” 8/21/2012
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Plaquemines ranks 5th in state with A” and
“Palazzo to replace brand as Lead Parish Attorney: Brand retiring October 31st.” 10/31/2012
Folder 10
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Budget crisis looms.” and “Patricia’s remnants
cause levee breach.” 11/3/2015
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Oakville Floodgate under construction…. still.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Turlich elected Sheriff.” and “Both Turlich-Vaughn
and Hazel victorious with more than 70% vote.” 10/2/2015
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Gulf Seafood featured at WAS: commissioner
around country to carry and promote Gulf Seafood.” 2/15/2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Parish Reps. Honored by YMCA of Greater N.O.”
and “Heitnier makes transportation projects a priority.” 2/5/2015
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Crutchfield Found Guilty” And “Venice Responders
Village receives emergency permit.” 6/15/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Obama returns to Gulf” and “PPC votes to jump
start dredge plan.” 6/1/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “BP ordered to pay for first portion of barrier
island” and “Burns Auditorium Reopens.” 6/8/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Marsh Creation Continues of Granel Liard.”
and “Burt Proposes costly Permit Monitoring System.” 5/12/2015
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Heitmeier’s plan will garner millions for
hospitals.” 12/7/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Plaquemines Parish Detention Center Opens
with Ribbon-Cutting.” 2/17/2015
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Buras Fire Department Completed” and “Nungesser
asks FEMA forgiveness: Katrina flood insurance penalties add up to $19.93 million.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Ferry closure further isolates southern East
bank.” and “Port employees accuse parish of hiring misconduct.” 1/15/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “PABI installs 2013 officers; Sen. Vitter keynote
Folder 11
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Council accepts Comp. Master Hall.” and “Oil
companies accused of coasted harm in suit.” 11/26/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Corps completes pump station repairs in Plaquemines
Parish.” 4/27/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Belle Chasse fire station opens with ribbon
cutting.” 12/25/2014
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Hurricane Isaac aftermath – the struggle with
Southaven.” 10/8/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Port Ends sells 25% of slips in two days.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Rep. Maxine Waters assures delay to her NFIP
bill by end of year.” 11/19/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Venice’s Coastal Erosion” And “DHH closes
Plaquemines oyster area.” 4/6/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Edwards, Nungesser, table state’s top spots.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Port moves closer to property purchase” and
“Port Ends inches closer to reopening.” 10/1/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Buras Fire Department Complete.” and “LPB
holds oil spill town hall in Buras.” 8/24/2010
Folder 12
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Despite BP well kill, Inland Waterways Strike
Force continues to battle stubborn oil.” 9/28/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Orange Queen 2010 Jordan Gaudet ” and “Beshel
to sign bonds if Nungesser does not.” 9/14/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Canes Crush Cards 44-20.” 9/14/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Campus Construction for Start of School.”
and “Local Events scheduled for Katrina Anniversary.” 7/28/2006
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Hail pummels Belle Chase.” and “PPG receives
Federal subpoena.” 4/5/2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Buras Library reopens.” 12/28/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “The Saints Go Marching In.” 2/16/2010
Front Page of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Morteo drops suit seeking permit.” and “Council
legal advisor gets cut.” 3/15/2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. ” Thinking outside the Levees” And “trade Commission
for load shrimpers against dumping. ” 3/22/2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Buras Vol. Fire Dept. Oilfield Bail off” and
“DHH reopens oyster beds.” 4/20/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “LHSAA upholds sanctions against SPHS.” And
“Levee liability too great for PPC: Vote fails 3-5 in ordinances to speed up Oakville
to Diamond federalization of levees.” 3/30/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “White Elephant on the Levee: Debate causes
stir as officials tour the West Closure Complex.” 3/29/2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Orange Fest media tour returns.” and “Courthouse
ordinance deferred.” 11/16/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Parish Schools Reopen.” 10/21/2005
Folder 13
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Speed Limits increased on Highway 23 in Port
Sulphur.” 7/16/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Unique FEMA Medical Facility Available to
Plaquemines Residents.” 10/14/2005
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Guard practices hurricane medical evacuations.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Lake Hermitage bridge finally replaced: Road
work soon to begin.” 8/6/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Grandfathering gone for Many: New flood insurance
rates to dramatically change nationwide; Base Flood invaded drastically everywhere
but Belle Chase.” 2/5/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Traffic camera vote deferred until further
notice.” 4/30/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “US House passes Biggert-Waters delay.” 6/11/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Drug activity in Plaquemines Parish not tolerated.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Closure tested for 2013 storm season.” 5/21/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Ironton Church opens after Isaac.” and “Parish
officials lobby Congress to change Biggert-Waters.” 5/14/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Diversions aren’t the answer.” 5/7/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Public opinion sought on Belle Chase bridge
replacement.” 0/12/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Parish Emergency Operation Center Preparing
for active 2013 storm season.” 7/23/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Drastic flood insurance changes set for 2014.”
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “PPC to consider rebuilding East Bank court
house.” 11/9/2010
Folder 14
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Belle Chase High School celebrate Veterans
Day.” 11/23/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Gazette 2014 Calendar released Today!” 12/31/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Port approves millage increase.” 10/29/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Council approves lease with port, assessor
evaluation.” 9/29/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “School officials prepares to appeal LHSAA’s
actions against Hurricanes.” 3/9/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Flood Walled: Residents fight corps on flood
gate proposed.” 5/12/2009
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “PPBS to test kindler at three libraries.”
And “Citizens weigh in on how to spend $16.9 million Isaac grant.” 10/15/2013
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “A Fair for Baseball: Flair follows in his
grandfather’s athletic footsteps” and “Oil spill expense report released.” 3/8/2011
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Ponds not Pits no backfill required” and “Fire
in BC ruled accidental.” 3/1/2011
Folder 15
Entertainment section of The Plaquemines Gazette 9/28/2010
Announcement section of The Plaquemines Gazette 3/23/2010
Community Section of The Plaquemines Gazette 4/6/2010
Full Issue of The Plaquemines Gazette. “Council to consider moratorium on New Shopping
Centers in B.C.” 3/2/2010
Community Section of The Plaquemines Gazette 4/5/2011
School News Section of The Plaquemines Gazette 2/28/2012
Folder 1 Box 1C The Plaquemines Gazette
“Plaquemines residents speak out against CPRA’s planned diversions.” 1/21/2014
“Rep. Maxine Waters to visit Plaquemines” 11/5/2013
“La. Guard welcomes home soldiers from overseas” 12/24/2013
“Biggert-Waters delay still not passed by lawmakers” 12/17/2013
“Council recognizes community members” 1/7/2014
“Eastbank Back-Levee Delays Debated” 10/2/2012
“Fire Department working to improve fire ratings” 12/4/2012
“CDBG proposal heads to council” 10/22/2013
“Bonnet Carre Spillway opened Sunday” 1/12/2016
“Orange Festival Guide” 12/1/2015
Folder 2
“Oil and gas lawsuits up for debate” 11/10/2015
“Council votes to kill oil and gas lawsuits” 11/17/2015
“Jobs saved, budget down to bare bones” 11/24/2015
“PP School Board terminates contractor” 12/1/2015
“PPG breaks ground on new courthouse” 12/8/2015
“Plaquemines Bonfire planned for Christmas Eve” 12/15/2015
“Buras home to nation’s largest oyster shell recycling program” 12/29/2015
“Public Defender’s Office faces closure this week” 2/16/2016
“MLK march focuses on the future” 1/26/2016
“Nungesser speaks at PABI installation of officers” 3/22/2016
“Building back the Barrier Islands” 3/29/2016
“Ochsner West Bank named one of nation’s top 50 hospitals” 4/12/2016
“Corps awarded emergency funding for dredging of Baptiste Collette” 4/19/2016
“Contract awarded for new courthouse” 4/26/2016
“Daybrook’s Blessing of the Fleet” 5/3/2016
“Water Dept. looking at fixes as deadline looms” 5/10/2016
Folder 3 The Plaquemines Gazette Special Editions
“Plaquemines Parish, Our Road Home: Katrina’s Five-Year Anniversary Overshadowed by
the BP Oil Spill” 8/24/2010
“Shop Local” 11/23/2010
“Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival” 12/3/2010
“2011 Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival Guide” 11/29/2011
“Greetings of the Season: Timely Messages of Love, Friendship, Faith, & Glad Tidings”
“2011 Fall Sports” 9/27/2011
“Come Let Us Adore Him” 12/20/2016
Folder 4 The Picayune Item
“Jubilee, rodeo set for Saturday” 6/10/2016
“Making a Splash: Picayune Splash Pad now open for fun in the sun” 5/6/2016
“For Discussion: council divided on how to approach board appointments” 2/17/2016
“To Infinity and…Saturn V rocket has a new home at INFINITY Space Center” 6/22/2016
Box 8: Books
1. Farmer-Kaiser, Mary, and Shannon Frystak, ed. Louisiana Women: Their Lives and Times – Volume 2. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
2. Conaway, James. Judge: The Life and Times of Leander Perez. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973.
3. Jeansonne, Glen. Leander Perez: Boss of the Delta. Lafayette, LA: Center for Louisiana Studies, 1977.
4. Daniel, Pete. Deep’n As It Come: The 1927 Mississippi River Flood. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.
5. Plain, Belva. Crescent City: A Novel. New York: Delcorte Press, 1984.
6. Zebrowski, Ernest, and Judith A. Howard. Category 5: The Story of Camille: Lessons Unlearned from America’s Most Violent Hurricane. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press, 2005.
7. Plaquemines Parish Orange Fair and Festival Cookbook, 1973.
8. Kane, Harnett T. Huey Long’s Louisiana Hayride: The American Rehearsal for Dictatorship, 1928-1940. Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing Company, 1986.
9. Liebling, A. J. The Earl of Louisiana. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1970.
10. Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival, December 3 & 4, 2005.
11. Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival, December 7 & 8, 2002.
12. Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival, December 2 & 3, 2000.
13. Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival, December 7 & 8, 1991.
14. Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival, December 4 & 5, 1993.
15. “The Yellow Pages of Plaquemines Parish, Inc.,” 2007-2008.
16. Two VHS tapes, “7/15/99 Channel 7 Coverage on Past Hurricanes” and “7/14/99 Interview
w/ Sarah Vincent about Hurricane Camille.”
17. Delta Bank coin purse.
Folder 1:
1. News clipping, “Pottharst Estate Net $1,465,128,” ND. Found inside Judge: The Life and Times of Leander Perez.
2. News clipping, “Ex-Plaquemines power-broker Chalin Perez dies,” ND. Found
inside Judge: The Life and Times of Leander Perez.
3. Copy of article “The Public Life of Judge Leander Perez,” 21 October 1973.
Found inside Leander Perez: Boss of the Delta.
4. Copy of Publisher’s Weekly review of Leander Perez: Boss of the Delta. 10/8/1973. Found inside Leander Perez: Boss of the Delta.
5. Ivins, Molly. Copy of review of Leander Perez: Boss of the Delta.
6. News clipping, “Chalin Perez Dies at Age 80,” ND. Found inside Leander Perez: Boss of the Delta.
7. Perez, Chalin Obituary. Found inside Leander Perez: Boss of the Delta.
8. News clipping, “Storm defenses could leave some areas out,” 11/09/2006. Found
inside Category 5: The Story of Camille: Lessons Unlearned from America’s Most Violent Hurricane. (2 pages)
9. New Orleans & the World, 1718-2018: Tricentennial Anthology. New Orleans: The Louisiana Endowment for Humanities, 2017.
10. Le Souvenir, 2014.
11. Le Souvenir, 2013
12. Le Souvenir, 2006.
13. Buras, Janice P. Betsy & Camille: Sisters of Destruction. Belle Chase, LA: Down The Road Publishing, Inc., 1995.
Folder 2:
1. Tour Guide, “Plaquemines Parish: Fort Jackson.”
2. Louisiana Tour Co., “Swamp Tours: Airboat & Tourboat.”
3. “Guide to Fishing in Louisiana,” Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries,
4. “Sport Fish Identification Pocket Guide,” Louisiana Department of Wildlife
and Fisheries, 1996.
5. Burts, Hugh M., and Chester W. Carpenter. “A Guide to Hunting in Louisiana,”
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, 1984.
6. Jackson, Paul M., and Dan Timmer, Jr. “A Guide to Fishing in Louisiana: Sportsman’s
Paradise.” Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, 1983.
7. Ensminger, Allan, and Greg Linscombe. “The Fur Animals, The Alligator, and
The Fur Industry in Louisiana.” Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Fur
and Refuge Division, 1982.
8. Brunett, Louis, and Dewey Wills. “A Guide to Wildlife Management Areas.” Louisiana
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, 1981.
9. Pamphlet, “Dr. Wagner’s Honey Island Swamp Tours.”
10. Map of U.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Management Areas.
11. “Spirit of Independence: The St. Joseph Day Celebration.”
12. Nov. 12, 1984, “Agreement Between Martin Marietta Aerospace, Michoud Division
and the UAW & Its Local 1921.”
13. Leadership: St. Tammany, “Leadership Resource Directory,” 2016.
Box 9 – 3D Items
1. Citrus bag, “Pride of Becnelville, Grown & Packed by Ben & Ben Becnel.”
2. 2003 Orange Fest apron.
3. Envelope from Jay Minton. Includes letter and W. Horace Williams Company #226
4. Envelope from Marlene Roberts. Includes two pictures and description of the
Mississippi River Delta.
5. Glass sulphur mold from the Freeport Sulphur Company.
6. Sulphur mold from the Freeport Sulphur Company Caillou Island Mine on the
first day of production
7. Plaquemines Parish Sportsman’s Paradise coin
8. Rolled map of Fort Jackson
9. “Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival” bag
Box 10 – Community
Folder 1A: English Turn & West Bank
1. Note listing the key sites at English Turn
2. “Helter Shelter: Unearthing the Complex History of the Plaquemines Parish
Bunkers,” Antigravity, ND.
3. Documents and maps about Fort St. Leon
a. Two handwritten notes.
b. Biographical information and pictures of General Pierre G. T. Beauregard (7
c. Invitation to a Celebration at Belle Chasse Auditorium and Fort St. Leon,
14 February 1971.
d. Newspaper clipping, Times-Picayune, “18th century is found beneath Plaquemines,” 17 October 1981 (2 pages).
e. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, “Fort St. Leon Sees Light of Day: Ruins of Old Fort in Belle Chasse May Be Soon
a Tourist Attraction,” 30 October 1981.
f. Copy of sketch “An Incident in the Defense of New Orleans,” by Allen C.
g. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, “Corps Plans More Digging at Fort St. Leon,” ND.
h. Various information about Fort St. Leon (4 pages)
i. “English Turn,” Down the Road, February 1990.
j. Copy of email from Kurt Fromherz to Rod Lincoln, 2 December 2002.
k. Copy of email from Rod Lincoln about trip to English Turn and Fort St. Leon,
1 December 2015 (2 pages).
l. Copy of newspaper clipping, “Remnants of 154-Year-Old Fort Found,” ND.
m. Copies of four negatives of Fort St. Leon (2 pages)
n. Two maps of Fort St. Leon
o. “The History of Forts St. Leon and Saint Marie on English Turn, Plaquemines
Parish, Louisiana” by Kathleen Gilmore and Vergil Noble, 1982 (2 copies, 40 pages)
p. Maps of English Turn/Fort St. Leon (17 pages)
4. Woodlands Trail and Park materials:
a. Printed copies of website (13 pages)
b. Woodlands Trail and Park, “Creating a Legacy for Future Generations” vol.
3, no. 1B.
c. Woodlands Trail and Park, “Creating a Legacy for Future Generations” vol.
6, no. 2.
d. Woodlands Conservancy, “Conservation Update” vol. 14, iss. 1, Summer 2015.
e. Woodlands Trail and Park, “Creating a Legacy for Future Generations” vol.
4, no. 1.
f. Woodlands Trail and Park, “Creating a Legacy for Future Generations” vol.
8, no. 2.
g. Woodlands Conservancy, “Update – Creating a Legacy,” Spring 2012.
h. Woodlands Trail and Park, “Creating a Legacy for Future Generations” vol.
8, no. 1.
i. Woodlands Conservancy, “Conservation Update” vol. 13, iss.1, Spring 2014.
j. Article, “Restoring bottomland hardwood forests in post-Katrina Louisiana,”
k. Newspaper clipping, Times-Picayune, “Same Wilderness Park story: No money for improvements,” 1984.
5. Printed copies of Woodland Trail and Park website (16 pages)
6. “Take a Hike!” flyer and membership envelope.
7. Woodlands Conservancy, “Creating a Legacy” vol. 9, iss. 1, July 2011.
8. Woodlands Trail and Park, “Creating a Legacy for Future Generations” vol.
5, no. 2.
9. Copy of “An Investment in the Future…Freeport-McMoRan Audubon Species Survival
and Research Center & Wilderness Park,” Down the Road, August 1990 (2 pages)
10. Research Laboratory information
a. Newspaper clipping, Times-Picayune, “Little lab in the wilderness pioneers medical research,” 19 December 1982 (2 pages)
b. “A Real Fish Story,” Down the Road, January 1992 (5 pages)
c. Tulane University Biodiversity Research Institute, “Royal D. Suttkus Fish
Collection” (2 pages)
d. “Roadmap to Tulane University Riverside Research Laboratories,” ND.
e. Newspaper clipping, Dixie, “Tulane’s nature library,” 14 November 1971 (3 pages)
f. AMS Release, Tulane University, 17 November 1963 (4 pages)
g. News Service, Tulane University, 17 August 1971 (3 pages)
h. Copy of newspaper article, Tulane Hullabaloo, “Grant Further Research at Tulane’s Riverside Laboratories,” 7 February 1969
i. Copy of newspaper article, Times-Picayune, “Fluoride Harmful to Soybeans, Tulane Researchers Discover,” 13 July 1975.
j. Copy of newspaper article, States-Item, “Making sure the mudbugs are safe,” 17 July 1975
k. Tulane Newsletter, April 1968 (2 pages)
l. Tulane Report, Fall 1971, “Dams’ Effect on Fish Populations Studied by Tulane
Biologist while Building Major Research Collection” (2 pages)
m. Copy of newspaper article, States-Item, “Calls TU Biological Lab World’s Best,” July 1967
n. Copy of page from “Louisiana Mississippi Treasure Hunters Leads”
o. Copy of newspaper article, “Tulane will Test Space Fuel Additive,” 12 June
p. Copy of picture of “F. Edward Hebert Center” sign
q. “Pocket Shark Facts”
r. Copies of pictures of swimming pool near English Turn (32 pages)
11. History of the Andry Plantation (2 pages)
Folder 1B: Newspaper Clippings labeled “English Turn / West Bank”
1. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, 30 June 2015, “July 7 – Plaquemines Parish Historical Association Meeting.”
2. Newspaper clipping, “Arminana said Thursday…” ND.
3. Newspaper clipping picture, “Dr. Akira Arimura leaves old ammunition dump…”
4. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, 30 June 2015, “Tulane’s Natural History Museum on Fort St. Leon site is topic of
July Historical Meeting.”
5. Newspaper clipping of three pictures, “Dr. Akira Arimura watches Mike Culler…”
6. Newspaper clipping, “U.S. – Japanese lab may open in ’85,” ND.
7. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, 24 August 1984, “Bright Promise with Labs, Say Business Interests.”
8. Newspaper clipping, “Louisiana’s Biotech Future May Exist in Plaquemines Parish,”
9. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, 17 August 1984, “Research Lab.”
10. Copy of picture of The Herbert Center.
11. English Turn map.
12. Times-Picayune, 155th Year, No. 193. 5 August 1991.
13. Public Notice, Ordinance No. 13-260.
14. Program and Newsletter for the “Mississippi Riverboat History Cruise,” 19 May
15. Invitation for the Woodlands Conservancy’s 10th Anniversary Gala.
16. Program, “Creating a Legacy,” Woodlands Trail and Park.
17. Woodlands Conservancy postcard invitation, 18 January 2013.
18. Newspaper clipping, “Plans for park would be ducky, but not for hogs,” ND (2
19. Happy Holidays card from Woodlands Trail and Park.
20. Thank you card from Mississippi Riverboat History Cruise.
21. Newsletter from Woodlands Conservancy Conservation Update Vol 11, Iss. 1, Summer
2012. Pamphlet “Ecosystem in Crisis.” Pamphlet, “Creating a Legacy for Future Generations.”
Two envelopes.
22. Newspaper clipping, “Park,” ND.
23. Newspaper clipping, “New University Partnership in Service Learning is a Win-Win,”
10 October 2017.
24. Newspaper clipping, Times-Picayune/States-Item, “Wilderness park remains wild, inaccessible., 12 March 1982.
25. Newspaper clipping, “Spring break students volunteer at Woodland Trail Park,”
26. Newspaper clipping, “Chevron Donates to Woodlands Trail,” ND.
27. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Watchman, “Woodlands Trail Celebrates Wetlands Day with Mignon Faget,” 12 May 2012.
28. Newspaper clipping, Times-Picayune, “West Bank wilderness park gets $5 million start,” 19 March 1990.
29. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, “Chevron Oronite provides volunteer labor for spring activities at Woodlands Trail,”
15 March 2016.
30. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, “CSUCI – 10th Annual Service Learning at Woodlands Trail,” 26 April 2016.
31. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, “Council votes to open negotiations for sale of Woodlands Trail,” 8 March 2016 (2
32. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, “Woodlands Trail and Park Struggle premier screening,” 16 November 2010.
33. Newspaper clipping, “Woodlands Tackle Invasive Species,” ND.
34. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, “Woodlands Trail and Park Named Conservation Organization of the Year,” 16 Mark
35. Newspaper clipping, Plaquemines Gazette, “Woodlands Trail – LSU share conceptual designs,” 13 October 2009.
36. Woodlands Trail and Park contact information, 11 December 2002.
37. Plaquemines Gazette, vol. 43, no. 31, 12 February 1971.
38. Copy of a picture of two armadillos.
39. Newspaper clippings, West Bank Guide, “Biomedical” 15 April 1984 and “From old fort to modern research complex.”
Folder 2A: Belle Chasse
1. Two “also see” notes
2. “The Cities of Belle Chasse, Port Sulphur, Buras-Triumph & Plaquemines Parish”
map, 2003 edition.
3. Program for the Dedication of the J. Ben Meyer Plaquemines Parish Historical
Collection at the Belle Chasse Library, 17 April 1983.
4. Two booklets on the Judah P. Benjamin Monument, dedicated 2 June 1968 by the
Plaquemines Parish Commission Council.
5. Copy of “Belle Chasse Rings the Bell…”
6. Copy of “Bellechasse Plantation” poem.
7. Biographical information on Col. J. de Groutin Bellechasse (4 pages). Copy
of letter from the Office of Cultural Development detailing the process of creating
a historical marker, 19 July 2000. “Procedure for Obtaining a Historic Marker” (3
pages). Picture of “William Hodge Barnhill” marker.
8. Information page labeled “Belle Chasse” from the Historic New Orleans Collection
Exhibit “Walls of Air” May-June 1975.
9. “Belle Chasse” by Maurice Ries.
10. Article on Belle Chasse from Louisiana, A Guide to the State, 1941.
11. ”Louisiana Places – Strange Sounding Names: Belle Chasse,” Times-Picayune, 3 April 1960. “Belle Chasse, Louisiana,” Historic Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi River, Army Corps of Engineers, 1977. 3 copies.
12. “Organizationally Speaking: Belle Chasse Bayhi Ravy American Legion Post 329”
Down the Road, August 1989 (2 pages).
13. “Sports & Organizations,” Down the Road, September 1991.
14. “A Dedication of Love,” Down the Road, June 1998 (2 pages)
15. Copy of picture labeled “Belle Chasse Sugar Mill.”
16. Copy of picture labeled “Belle Chasse Plantation.”
17. Copy of booklet on Judah P. Benjamin Monument (12 pages)
18. “Twenty Cents Bought the Best Ride in Town,” Down the Road, September 1994 (2 pages)
19. “When the Light is Green,” Down the Road, January 1998 (3 pages)
20. “Industrial Canal Will Provide Efficient Short Cut to Deep Water,” Times-Picayune, ND.
21. “Historical & Fun Facts and Notes,” Down the Road, April 1991.
22. “Pictures Out of Our Past” (2 copies)
23. “Fighting Fires in Belle Chasses – 50 Years,” Down the Road, April 1998 (4 pages)
24. “Those Were the Days: Excerpts from the biography of Warren Burmaster,” Down the Road, February 1998 (6 pages)
25. “’Busy’ Has Always Been His Middle Name…,” Down the Road, August 1990 (3 pages)
26. “Belle Chasse High School,” Down the Road, September 1997 (5 pages)
27. “A New Beginning: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 1993,” Down the Road, March 1993 (6 pages)
28. “Belle Chasse Baptist Church: A Spiritual Pillar of the Community,” Down the Road, October 1998 (6 pages)
29. List of “Interest Old Houses West Bank of Plaquemines Parish.”
30. Copies of pictures of the Belle Chasse plantation from the Robert Tebbs Photograph
Collection (4 pages)
31. Copy of plans for a plantation
32. Copy of negative of Belle Chasse Parish Buildings, ND
33. Copies of pictures of Belle Chasse High School 1940s to 1950s (6 pages)
34. “The Minatory Arm” and copy of a picture of Belle Chasse Plantation. 2 copies
(4 pages)
35. Two sketches of Belle Chasse from calendar.
36. Pamphlet, “Air Tours on the Bayou.”
37. Invitation to the dedication of the J. Ben Meyer Historical Collection by the
Plaquemines Parish Historical Society, 17 April 1983.
38. Program for the dedication ceremony of the Belle Chasse Plantation Historical
Marker, 20 June 2002.
39. “Belle Chasse Plantation” (3 pages)
Folder 2B: Newspaper Clippings of Belle Chasse
1. Clipping of newspaper picture of “Welcome to Belle Chasse” sign, ND.
2. Newspaper clipping, “Welcome to Belle Chasse!” The Plaquemines Gazette, 22 August 2018.
3. Newspaper clipping, “Did You Know…” Plaquemines Gazette, 17 August 2007.
4. Newspaper clipping, “Plans underway for MRB to be sold to investment group,”
15 January 2019.
5. Newspaper clipping, “Railroad,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 April 2016.
6. Newspaper clipping, “Public invited to Reminisce about Belle Chasse Area History
at Aug. Historical Association Meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 July 2015.
7. Newspaper clipping, “Draining the swamp that was Belle Chasse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 August 2015 (2 pages).
8. Newspaper clipping, “Belle Chasse Hwy. gate raises Jesuit Bend flood risk,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 10 May 2011 (2 copies/3 pages).
9. Newspaper Clipping, “Belle Chasse,” Down the Road, May 1991.
10. Newspaper clipping, “Remembering the Old Country.”
11. Newspaper page, “22nd Annual Oildfield Chili Cookoff,” The Gazette, 12 February 2008.
12. Newspaper clipping, “Belle Chasse High turns 80,” The Gazette, 15 April 2008.
13. Newspaper clipping, “Belle Chasse land-use plan OK…,” 9 May 1984.
14. Newspaper clipping, “Our Parish and Paper,” Plaquemines Gazette.
15. Newspaper clipping, “Happy Birthday Terrell!,” 24 July 2012.
16. Newspaper clipping, “Flood protection upgrades continue throughout parish,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 June 2016 (2 pages).
17. Newspaper clipping, “FEMA funds $5.5 mil. For Gov. Complex,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 July 2012.
18. Newspaper clipping, “Parish Heritage and Seafood Festival is last weekend in
May,” The Gazette, 11 May 2007.
19. Newspaper clipping, “State gets $45M for new Belle Chasse Bridge,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 June 2018.
20. Newspaper clipping, “Blue Star Dedication,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 May 2018.
21. Newspaper clipping, picture of Belle Chasse High School auditorium with caption,
22. Newspaper clipping, “Our Parish and Paper,” The Gazette, 4 November 2008.
23. Newspaper clipping, “Options: Potential plans presented for bridge and tunnel
replacement,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 April 2009.
24. Newspaper clipping, “Corps: BC tunnel flood gate planned,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 September 2009.
25. Newspaper clipping, “Funding the Bypass Road,” ND.
26. Newspaper clipping, “BC tunnel to undergo repairs in 2010,” Plaquemines Gazette, 22 December 2007.
27. Newspaper clipping, “Dedication Ceremony,” ND.
28. Newspaper clipping, “Belle Chasse Tunnel Under Several Feet of Water,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 April 1988.
29. Newspaper clipping, “No Tunnel Traffic,” ND.
30. Newspaper clipping, “Heitmeier: Word on bridges slow but steady,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 August 2012.
31. Newspaper clipping, “Study Requested on Belle Chasse Tunnel,” Plaquemines Gazette, 26 January 2001.
32. Newspaper page, “PPC adopts potential map; Seven Districts in Belle Chasse,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 1 January 2013.
33. Newspaper clipping, “Public opinion sought on Belle Chasse bridge replacement,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 12 February 2013.
34. Newspaper page, “Vote No to the Toll Tax,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 October 2012.
35. Newspaper clipping, “Plaq. Voters to decide fate of bridge tolls Nov. 6,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 October 2012.
36. Newspaper clipping, “RADM Landry speaks at cruise ship safety conf.,” Plaquemines Gazette, ND.
37. Newspaper clipping, “Belle Chasse Swim Pool Solicitation for Funds Underway,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 10 April 1964.
38. Newspaper clipping, “Change to Come in Y2K for B.C. Ferries,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 December 1999.
39. Newspaper clipping, “BC Bridge and Tunnel Study moves forward with consensus
on design,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 June 2016 (2 pages).
40. Newspaper clipping, “Six-lanes on the horizon,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 December 2008.
41. Newspaper clipping, “Belle Chasse Tunnel Opening in 1950s,” ND.
42. Newspaper clipping, “Tunnel keeps on leaking despite decades of attempts to fix,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 9 February 2016 (2 pages).
43. Newspaper clipping, “’No laces, No belts,’” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 November 2011.
44. Newspaper clipping, “Historical Steam Locomotive Coming to Plaquemines,” 20 June
45. Newspaper clipping, “Steamer Coming to Plaquemines in September,” Plaquemines Watchman, 20 June 2000.
46. Newspaper clipping, “Red Star Yeast building to be demolished,” Plaquemines Gazette, 17 June 2014.
47. Newspaper clipping, “Occupancy tax to be discussed at public hearing,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 February 2014.
48. Newspaper clipping, “Terral Stevens, Mayor of Belle Chasse,” 26 November 2013.
49. Newspaper clippings, “Years Ago…,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 July 2014.
50. Newspaper clipping, “NAS and Parish seek land compromise,” 22 April 2014.
51. Newspaper clipping, “African ship anchored near Belle Chasse carried Malaria-infected
crew members,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 September 2014.
52. Newspaper clipping, “Historical Schoolhouse Finds New Home at BCHS,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 May 1999.
53. Newspaper clipping, “B.C. Pool Torn Down After Year of Abandonment,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 April 2000.
54. Newspaper clipping, “FEMA funds $5.5 mil. For Gov. Complex,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 July 2012.
55. Newspaper clipping, “English Turn Bend to Belle Chasse floodwall to be built,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 30 September 2014.
56. Newspaper clipping, “Proposed Trail Includes Plq.,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 September 2000 (2 pages).
57. Newspaper clipping, “Belle Chasse Country Singer Returns Home with Free Concerts,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 31 March 2015.
58. Newspaper clipping, “Government Offices Begin to Move,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 July 2015.
59. Newspaper clipping, “OLPH Seeks Funds for New Building,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 March 1986.
60. Newspaper clipping, “Increased air traffic at BC base,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 December 2012.
61. Newspaper clipping, “Local veteran celebrates his 98th birthday with parade,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 9 November 2021 (2 pages).
Folder 3A: Alvin Callender Air Field
1. “Naval Air Station at Belle Chasse,” 1977 Orange Festival Booklet.
2. Drawing of a Blue Angels jet at the Naval Air Station in Belle Chasse from
a calendar (2 copies)
3. “History of Naval Air Station New Orleans,” Plaquemines Gazette, ND.
4. “Airbase Facts,” Down the Road, January 1989 (4 pages/2 copies)
5. “History of NAS Joint Reserve Base New Orleans” (6 pages)
6. “VPB-132,” Dictionary of American Naval Aviation Squadrons (2 pages)
7. “Bridge and Air Base Woes Fault of Local Politicians, Says Hero,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 July 1982 (4 pages/2 copies)
8. “Making Belle Chasse best,” Westbank Guide, July 1982.
9. “Alvin Callender Air Base and Vicinity,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 July 1982.
10. “Used Navy planes to track smugglers flying across Gulf” ND (2 copies)
11. “N’Awlins Air Show Will ‘Soar to New Heights,’” The Gazette, 6 October 2006.
12. “Callender key to parish future,” Westbank Guide, 2 May 1982
13. Flyer, “Monogrammed Brick Order Form for Louisiana’s Medal of Honor Park & Museum”
(3 copies)
14. “Honoring Heroes and Freedom,” Down the Road, August 1997 (3 pages)
15. Flyer, “Plaquemines Parish Heritage & Seafood Festival,” 2005
16. Brochure, “Medal of Honor Park & Museum” (5 copies)
17. “Louisiana’s Medal of Honor Park & Museum” website printout (7 pages)
18. Magazine, “NAS New Orleans, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, Air Show 1986”
Folder 3B: Newspaper Clippings about Alvin Callender Air Field
1. Newspaper clipping, “Public Use of Alvin Callender will carry High Price Tag,
Says Captain,” ND.
2. Newspaper clipping, “Have you visited Louisiana’s Medal of Honor Park lately?”
Plaquemines Gazette, 26 January 2010.
3. Newspaper clipping, “Orange Festival Donates to Medal of Honor Park,” Gazette, 7 July 2006.
4. Newspaper clipping, “Medal of Honor Park overlooked for too long,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 January 2014.
5. Newspaper clipping, “Medal of Honor Park Officers Making Plans for Phase One,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 18 July 2000.
6. Newspaper clipping, “Honoring Medal Winners,” Gretna Picayune, 24 January 2002. Sticky note with “Medal of Honor Park” written on it.
7. Newspaper clipping, “N’Awlins Air Show Returns,” Gazette, 27 October 2006.
8. Newspaper clipping, “Federal City could mean more people and dollars for Plaq.,”
Gazette, 27 May 2008
9. Newspaper clipping, “Medal of Honor Park celebrates the arrival of Navy cannons,”
Gazette, 29 July 2008.
10. Newspaper clipping, “21 Gun Salute for 50 years in Belle Chasse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 October 2008.
11. Newspaper clipping, “Callender key to parish future,” Westbank Guide, 2 May 1984.
12. Newspaper clipping, “N’Awlins Air Show Will ‘Soar to New Heights,’” Gazette, 6 October 2006.
13. Newspaper clipping, “Used Navy planes to track smugglers flying across Gulf,”
14. Newspaper clipping, “History of Naval Air Station New Orleans,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 April 1982.
15. Newspaper clipping, “NAS Control Tower,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 July 1982
16. Newspaper clipping, “If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, How Much is Model
Worth?” Plaquemines Watchman, 21 March 2000
17. Newspaper clipping, “Naval Air Station celebrates 50 years,” Gazette, 7 October 2008.
18. Newspaper clipping, “One for the Park,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 June 2000.
19. Newspaper page, “DA building dispute rolls on after 4th Circuit decision,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 December 2017
20. Newspaper clipping, “Not Your ‘Plane’ Old Aircraft,” Plaquemines Watchman, 3 November 1999.
21. Newspaper clipping, “ ’99 Air Show to Grace the Skies this Halloween Weekend,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 29 October 1999.
22. Newspaper ad, “N’Awlins Air Show, 2011.”
23. Newspaper clipping, “Bayou Militia deploy overseas,” 26 June 2012.
24. Newspaper page, “Saluting our Military,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 August 2010.
25. Newspaper clipping, “Artillery Practice BOOMS at NAS,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 March 2007
26. Newspaper clipping, “PPC selects Consolidated Grain and Barge for analysis of
potential Eastbank port facility,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 June 2009.
27. Newspaper clipping, “NAS Breaks Ground on Project,” Plaquemines Watchman, 13 November 2001.
28. Newspaper clipping, “Bayou Militia Gather for War Games,” Plaquemines Gazette, 11 August 2009
29. Newspaper page, “Plaquemines Parish Traffic Improvements,” Plaquemines Gazette, 20 April 2010.
30. Newspaper clipping, “OLPH Students Collect Toys for Children’s Hospital,” Plaquemines Gazette, 20 April 2010.
31. Newspaper clipping, “Traffic Circle Nearing Completion,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 April 2010
32. Newspaper clipping, “Bypass Road funded,” Plaquemines Gazette, 26 July 2011
33. Newspaper clipping, “On Alert – At All Times,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 September 2012
34. Newspaper clipping, “Navy Discusses Plans of 275 Home Expansion on Base,” Plaquemines Watchman, 2 February 1999.
35. Newspaper clipping, “Navy Discusses Plans…” Plaquemines Watchman, 2 February 1999
36. Newspaper clipping, “Field carrier landing practice continues at NAS JRB,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 September 2013
37. Newspaper clipping, “Why we honor our military on Veterans Day,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 November 2013
Folder 4A: Concession – Idlewild
1. “Also See” note
2. “Choachas Plantation,” Plaquemines: The Empire Parish, pg. 44-45. Drawing o Chouachas. “A Great Louisiana Plantation,” Louisiana Historical Quarterly, pg. 590-593. (4 pages)
3. Excerpt, Spain and her Rivals on the Gulf Coast, pg. 88-89. (2 pages)
4. “A Great Louisiana Plantation of the French Colonial Period, 1737-1738” and
“Documents Concerning Sale of Chaouachas Plantation in Louisiana, 1737-1738,” Louisiana Historical Quarterly (17 pages)
5. “Documents Concerning Sale of Chaouachas Plantation in Louisiana, 1737-1738,”
Louisiana Historical Quarterly (14 pages)
6. “St. Anne Plantation,” Cultural Resources Survey of 14 Mississippi River Levee and Retretment Items, Iroquois Research Institute, 14 April 1982 (1 pages)., “U.S. General
Land Office Records, 1796-1907,” land grant to Lizardi Hernanos of Plaquemines (2
7. “Concord Planation,” Cultural Resources Survey of 14 Mississippi River Levee and Retretment Items, Iroquois Research Institute, 14 April 1982 (4 pages)
8. Copy of various newspaper articles (1 page)
9. Appraisal Report for the Right of Way for Tiemaker’s Road in Plaquemines Parish,
24 February 1986 (29 pages)
10. Report on meeting between Boy Scouts and Mr. Numa Hero, Sr. (3 pages)
11. Copy of newspaper article, “Local plant receives state award,” Picayune, 22 March 2001 (2 pages)
12. “Chevron Chemical Oak Point Refinery Secrets & Successes,” Down the Road, October 1993 (5 pages)
13. Information about Oak Point Plantation (2 copies)
14. Flyer announcing public meeting about “Proposed Flood Gate across HWY 23 at Oakville,”
29 April 2009
15. Drawing labeled “McCurdy House – Oakville, LA”
16. “Oakville Settlement,” Cultural Resources Survey of 14 Mississippi River Levee and Retretment Items, Iroquois Research Institute, 14 April 1982 (1 page)
17. Newspaper clipping, “Oakville Church Celebrates 111th Year of Existence,” Plaquemines Gazette, 20 March 1983
18. Information on Idlewild/Sarah Plantation (3 pages)
19. Directory for information on Augusta Plantation
20. “Oak Point Plant – Belle Chasse, Louisiana, USA,” ND (2 pages)
Folder 4B: Newspaper Clippings of Concession-Idlewild
1. Clipping of picture of Country Post in Concession
2. Advertisement of lawsuit against Oak Point Plant
3. Newspaper clipping, “Chevron Oronite Plant to Celebrate 100th Anniversary
– Steamboat Style,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 May 2017
4. Newspaper page, “Corps Takes Public Comments on Westbank Levee Project Federalization,”
The Gazette, 30 March 2007
5. Newspaper clipping, “Oakville continues to fight landfill in their backyard,”
6 September 2011
6. Advertisement for “Big Easy Steam Train: A Ride Into History…”
7. Picture of an oil rig from calendar
8. Newspaper clipping, “Oakville Floodgate under construction…still,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 October 2012
9. Newspaper clipping, “West Closure Complex Goes Through Hurricane Season Test
Run,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 May 2015
10. Newspaper clipping, “Residents fight corps on flood gate proposal,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 May 2009
11. Newspaper page, “Algiers river bank gets bolsters,” Times-Picayune, 11 April 2006
12. Copy of painting of a man and a boy
13. Newspaper pictures of Perez plantation home and the “Little White House” in Idlewild
Folder 5A: Jesuit Bend
1. “Also see” note
2. Map of Jesuit Bend, The “Yellow Pages” of Plaquemines Parish, 2002.
3. Three pages of photos of houses at Jesuit Bend abt. 1981
4. Information on Jesuit Bend from various sources (9 pages)
5. “Marcus Zeringue: A Plaquemines Chronicle,” Down the Road, April 1993 (3 pages)
6. “A Century of Life in Plaquemines: As Told by Noelle Kennair,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 June 1982 (4 pages)
7. Advertisement for “Jesuit Bend Estates”
8. Certificate of Membership for McCurdy’s Oakville Oak in the Live Oak Society
of the Louisiana Garden Club Federation, Inc.
9. Newspaper clipping, “Letter to the Editor,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 October 1983
10. Copy of newspaper clipping, “History Treasure is Found at Jesuit Bend,” Plaquemines Gazette, 9 April 1971
11. Information about Live Oak Grove Plantation (3 pages)
12. Report to the Louisiana Department of Archaeology about Dobard Cemetery including
photographs (17 pages)
13. “Gloria Wilkinson Speech 4/3/84”
14. Request from the Plaquemines Parish Historical Society to the Commissioner of
Culture, Recreation, and Tourism to maintain Judge Leander H. Perez Park, 1984. Letter
of support from the Commissioner of Health (2 copies) (5 pages)
15. Copy of photograph of Perez Park, 2003 (3 copies)
16. “The Lost Park,” Down the Road, February 1997 (9 pages)
17. “The Lost Park Continued,” Down the Road, March 1997 (2 copies/15 pages)
18. “A Gateway to the History of Plaquemines Parish,” ND.
19. Jude L. H. Perez Memorial Park map and information (2 copies)
20. Program for the Dedication of the Judge L. H. Perez Memorial Park and Statue,
16 July 1977
21. Guide to Judge L. H. Perez Memorial Park
22. “Sketch of a Police Juror, 1900,” Down the Road, February 1992
23. Pamphlet for Jesuit Bend helicopter tours (2 copies)
24. “Live Oak Levee Enlargement” (2 pages)
Folder 5B: Newspaper Clippings about Jesuit Bend
1. Newspaper, The Plaquemines Gazette, 15 July 1977
2. Newspaper, The Plaquemines Gazette, 18 November 1977
3. Newspaper clipping, “Perez Park No Longer Open to the Public,” 15 June 1984
(2 pages)
4. Newspaper clipping, “Former Judge Perez Park set to re-open,” 18 March 2014
5. Newspaper clipping, “Parish controls Perez Park’s reversionary rights majority,”
6. Newspaper clipping, photograph labeled “A statue of the late Judge Leander
H. Perez…” ND
7. Newspaper clipping, “Alternate Uses of Perez Park Study Urged,” ND
8. Newspaper clipping, “Association Will Maintain Judge Perez Memorial Park,”
Watchman, 13 June 1984
9. Newspaper clipping, “Perez Park’s ruin reflects judge’s fall,” Times-Picayune, 20 November 1988
10. Newspaper clipping, “Perez park may reopen,” Times-Picayune, 15 June 1984
11. Newspaper, The Plaquemines Gazette, 22 July 1977
12. Newspaper clipping, “Plaquemines closes Perez Park,” Times-Picayune, 8 June 1984 (2 pages)
13. Newspaper clipping, “Park Petition Before Council,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 May 1984 (3 pages)
14. Newspaper clipping, “History Treasure is Found at Jesuit Bend,” Plaquemines Gazette, 9 April 1971
15. Newspaper clipping, “Jesuit Bend Mitigation Bank Grows,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 November 2016
16. Newspaper clipping, “Baseball quad project approved in calm council meeting,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 27 February 2018
17. Newspaper clipping, “Local association remembers Plaquemines Jesuit Bend history,”
18. Newspaper clipping, “Jesuit Bend Residents Hear Flood Protection Plan,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 July 2016 (2 pages)
19. Newspaper clipping, “Researching Ancestors in the Dobard Family Cemetery, Jesuit
Bend, LA,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 May 2016 (2 pages)
Folder 6A: Naomi-Ironton
1. “Also see” note
2. Information about Naomi
3. Information about Star Plantation
4. Information about Happy Point Plantation
5. Information about Star and Ollie Plantations (2 copies)
6. Map of subdivision made out of Star Plantation, 1914 (2 copies)
7. “A Star is Born” ND
8. Copies of pictures of Foster’s property and Perez Park
9. Information about Union Plantation
10. “Kingly Duties Begin with Family Traditions,” Down the Road, November 1995 (4 pages)
11. “The Becnel Family Citrus Groves,” March 2008 (3 pages)
12. “Something Old, Something New,” Down the Road, March 1998 (6 pages)
13. Copied picture of Foster’s Plantation, ND
14. Information about Ruessite Plantation
15. Urquhart-Alliance list of property
16. Information about Alliance refinery
17. Booklet, “CHS Myrtle Grove Facility.” “History of the St. Rosalie Site.” “About
the Company.” “Plaquemines land owners offer up tract for Millennium Port,” 2001 (3
18. Copies of maps of Louisiana Citrus Lands (2 pages)
19. Copied map “Lareusite, Alliance and St. Rosalie, 20 April 1995”
20. Copied map “LA Citrus Lands Property including Woodland Plantation, 18 July 1966”
21. Copied map “Job #3108695 Portions of Alliance, St. Rosalie, April 1995”
22. Copied map, “Job #3108695 150’ pipe, 7 April 1995”
23. Copied map “LaReusite, Alliance, & St. Rosalie Plantations, April 1995”
24. Copied map “St. Rosalie Plantation 1931”
25. Copied map “St. Rosalie Plantation 1941”
26. Copied map “Louisiana Citrus Lands 1931 Naomi to Pointe Celeste”
27. Copied map “LA Citrus Lands Naomi to Myrtle Grove 1960” (2 pages)
28. Information on Alliance Revetment
29. “Slave Buying in 1835 Virginia as Revealed by Letters of a Louisiana Negro Sugar
Planter,” Louisiana History, 1970 (8 pages)
30. Copied pages from The Free Negro in Ante-Bellum Louisiana. Fax sheet. Book review. (5 pages)
31. “History of the St. Rosalie Site”
32. “Nuclear Energy for Today and Tomorrow” (2 copies/8 pages)
33. Note labeled “Fosters”
34. Booklet, “The Standard Oil Company Alliance Refinery”
35. Newsletter, The Alliance, Fall 1998
36. Brochure for BP Alliance Refinery
37. Aerial photograph of refinery from calendar (2 copies)
38. Three handwritten notes
39. Booklet, “St. Rosalie Generating Station, Units 1 & 2: More Nuclear Power to
Meet Tomorrow’s Energy Needs”
40. Brochure, “Riverside Citrus Farms, Inc.”
41. Drawing of fruit stand from calendar
42. “The Town of Ironton” map. Copy of emails concerning Ironton history. (3 pages)
43. “The host parish for Mid-Barataria diversion just voted against it; here’s why,”, ND (5 pages)
Folder 6B: Newspaper clippings about Naomi-Ironton
1. Newspaper clipping, “Alliance Refinery manager speaks at PABI meeting,” The Gazette, 26 August 2008
2. Newspaper clipping, “Alliance Refinery will now be a part of Phillips 66,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 1 May 2012
3. Newspaper clipping, “Britain hoped to help BP,” Times-Picayune, 1988
4. Clipping, “Plantation Labor Organization,” ND
5. Newspaper clipping, “Damages from Hurricane Ida Cause Phillips 66 to Convert
Alliance Refinery into “Terminal Facility,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 November 2021 (2 pages)
6. Newspaper clipping, “Alliance Refinery celebrates 50 years of Service in Plaquemines
Parish,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 October 2021
7. Newspaper clipping, “Phillips 66 Alliance Refinery Donates $25,000 to Coastal
Project in Plaquemines,” Plaquemines Gazette, 9 November 2021
8. Newspaper clipping, “Port Administration and Commissioners Argue about Artifacts
on PLT Site,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 January 2021
9. Newspaper clipping, “NOLA Oil tank farm stirs controversy,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 March 2013
10. Newspaper clipping, “Alliance Refinery Back in Operation,” The Gazette, 24 February 2006
11. Newspaper clipping, “Gulf Alliance Overhaul,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 February 1984
12. Newspaper clipping, “BP Amoco to sell Alliance Refinery to Tosco for $660 Million,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 14 July 2000
13. Newspaper clipping, “Parish Council Tours Gulf Oil Alliance Plant,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 December 1983 (2 copies)
14. Newspaper clipping, “Chevron Breaks Ground for Expansion,” The Plaquemines Watchman, 24 November 1998
15. Newspaper clipping, Advertisement for Alliance Refinery, Plaquemines Gazette, 26 November 1999
16. Newspaper page, Message of thanks from Ironton after hurricane, Plaquemines Gazette, 19 October 2021
17. Newspaper clipping, “Port seeking to purchase property in Citrus Lands,” Plaquemines Gazette, 17 September 2013
18. Newspaper clipping, “PPC greenlights RAM Terminals despite protests,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 October 2012
19. Newspaper clipping, “State funds first river sediment marsh rebuilding project,”
20. Newspaper clipping, “Railroad presents Expansion Plans to Service Plaquemines
Port,” 22 October 2013
21. Newspaper clipping, “1886 booklet on McDonogh,” ND
22. Newspaper clipping, “Ferruzzi U.S.A.’s intentions on N.O. operations are fuzzy,”
Times-Picayune, 9 January 1990
23. Newspaper advertisement, “Ethanol, Louisiana’s Home-grown Industry,” Times-Picayune, 12 June 1987
24. Newspaper clipping, “Poor outlook fuels pessimism in Louisiana ethanol industry,”
Times-Picayune, March 1987
25. Newspaper clipping, “The marketplace rejects gasohol,” Times-Picayune, 1 March 1987
26. Newspaper clipping, “New Ethanol Plant to Bring More Jobs,” Plaquemines Watchman, 1985
27. Newspaper clipping, “Myrtle Grove Plant to Go Up Soon,” Plaquemines Gazette, 22 March 1985
28. Newspaper clipping, “Plant,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 August 1984
29. Newspaper clipping, “Ethanol Plant at Myrtle Grove in Go-Ahead Status: Edwards,”
30. Newspaper clipping, “Port meeting showcases CHS,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 November 2016
31. Newspaper clipping, “Alcohol,” ND
32. Newspaper clipping, “A story about ethanol,” Times-Picayune, 11 January 1987
33. Newspaper clipping, “Ethanol Plant Planned Here,”8 August 1984
34. Newspaper clipping, “Gasohol distillery is planned,” ND
35. Newspaper clipping, “Update on Status of Phillips 66 Refinery Closure,” 28 December
36. Newspaper clipping, “Months After Ida, Ironton Still Dealing with Impacts,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 July 2022
37. “Ironton Documentary to Screen in Plaq. On July 26 and August 3,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 July 2022 (2 pages)
38. “Alliance Refinery announces temporary closure,” Plaquemines Gazette, 25 August 2020
39. “New Pipeline to feed Alliance refinery,” Plaquemines Gazette, 22 January 2019
40. “Former Alliance Refinery to be Bought by Harvest Midstream in Early 2023,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 December 2022
Folder 6C: Newspaper Clippings about Mid-Barataria Diversion
1. “Coastal Restoration Project Coming to Plaquemines Parish,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 October 2020
2. “Cormier removed from committee after arguing diversions,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 May 2020 (2 pages)
3. “CPRA Diversion Project in Plaquemines Receives Permit,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 December 2022
4. “Letter to the Editor: Bad Science,” Plaquemines Gazette, 26 May 2020
5. “Parish Council Reaffirms its Opposition to Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 25 October 2022 (2 pages)
6. “CPRA Receives $2 Billion for Diversion, Plans Public Meetings on 2023 Mater
Plan,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 February 2023 (2 pages)
Folder 7A: Myrtle Grove
1. “Also see” note
2. Copies of photographs of Myrtle Grove Plantation (5 pages)
3. Copy of map
4. Drawing of map of Myrtle Grove (2 pages)
5. Copy of map
6. “The Plight of the Sugar Planter,” The Country Gentleman, 2 May 1914 (4 pages)
7. Letter to Rod Lincoln from the US Army Military History Institute including
information about C. S. S. Webb and the Red River Campaign, 30 August 1982 (2 pages)
8. Copy of photograph of Theodore S. Wilkinson
9. Information about Myrtle Grove
10. Handwritten page about Greentown
11. Newspaper clipping copy, “Roussel Has Riverfront Sale to Italian Financier,”
19 August 1973
12. “Myrtle Grove Plantation,” Down the Road, October 1992 (4 pages)
13. “The Hard Way,” Down the Road, August 1993 (3 pages)
14. “Traditions: Jack Cacibauda Strives to Keep Them Alive,” Down the Road, May 1991 (3 pages)
15. Handwritten page titled “Dr. Herbert M. Shillstone”
16. Calendar picture of horse and rider with cows labeled “Citrus Lands” (2 copies)
17. Excerpt from newspaper article, “Myrtle Wax,” ND
18. “Myrtle Grove Central Sugar Mill” copy of two pictures
Folder 7B: Newspaper clippings about Myrtle Grove
1. Newspaper clipping, “Coal loses promise as port cargo,” Times-Picayune, 20 June 1982
2. Newspaper clipping, “Citrus Lands to Build Marina,” ND
3. Newspaper clipping, “Cowpunching in Plaquemines,” Dixie Magazine, 6 December 1981
4. Newspaper clipping, “Making the ranch work is a tough assignment,” Dixie Magazine,
December 1981 (6 pages)
5. Newspaper clipping, “Plaquemines fight over waterways left along by court,”
6. Newspaper clipping, “PPC considers purchase of Citrus Lands,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 August 2009
7. Newspaper clipping, map of Myrtle Grove Plantation
8. Partial newspaper, Dixie, 6 June 1982 (6 pages)
9. Newspaper clipping, “Option granted for seafood plant property,” Times-Picayune, 25 December 1986
10. Newspaper page, “Myrtle Grove Paved Road Completed,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 July 1950
11. Newspaper clipping, “Ironton Seeks Police Patrol, Area Watch,” ND
12. Newspaper clipping, “Plaquemines coal terminal is growing,” ND
13. Newspaper clipping, “Public Invited to Grand Opening of PPSO Administration and
Training Facility on Saturday, Aug. 15,” 11 August 2015
14. Newspaper clipping, “PPC Oks RFPs for Myrtle Grove floodgate,” 26 June 2012
15. Newspaper clipping, “Public Notice,” 2015/6
16. Newspaper clipping, “Picture Profile of a Plaquemines Parish Plantation,” Plaquemines Gazette,12 August 1983
17. Newspaper clipping, “Saga of Bust to Boom: The Shilstone Family of Star Plantation,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 22 July 1983 (2 copies)
18. Newspaper clipping, “Wilkinson Canal project hits a crisis point,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 October 2016 (2 pages)
19. “IGP Methanol Plant Ready to be Built After Years of Delay,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 October 2022
Folder 8A: Wood Park-Pt. Celeste
(including Deer Range and Junior)
1. “Also see” note
2. Brochure, “Woodland Plantation: A Country Inn”
3. Copied map, “Section 4”
4. Copied photograph of Point Celeste Main House (2 copies)
5. Handwritten page on Point Celeste
6. Copied map, “Mississippi River, Sheet #30”
7. Copied email from Rod Lincoln to Ed Baxter. Two handwritten pages on Velasco
Plantation. (3 pages)
8. Copied map
9. Copied pages of handwritten account (7 pages)
10. Handwritten page, “Wood Park”
11. Booklet, “international Marine Terminals”
12. “Coal quality control – a basis for international trade,” International Bulk Journal, March 1982
13. Mississippi Valley Coal Exporters Council, June 1988
14. Copied painting of Andrew Jackson
15. Copied pages of handwritten account (3 pages)
16. “Historical & Fun Facts and Notes” ND
Folder 8B: Newspaper Clippings of Wood Park to Point Pleasant
(including Deer Range, Junior, Velasco, Citrus Lands)
1. Newspaper clipping, “International Marine Terminal,” ND
2. Newspaper clipping, “Public Notice,” 23 & 30 June 2000
3. “Coal terminal record” ND
4. “Parish Historical Society to Hear White March 13,” Plaquemines Watchman, 7 March 1984
Folder 8C: Deer Range
1. “Deer Range Plantation”
2. Handwritten note
3. “Section 4” map by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
4. Map of New Orleans and the Mississippi River
5. “Maunsell White” handwritten page
6. “Junior Crevasse” from Louisiana, A Guide to the State, 1941 (6 copies)
7. “The Pointe Celeste Merchantile Company…” handwritten page
8. Drawn map “Junior-Deer Range Planations” (2 copies)
9. Drawn map “Deer Range-Deer Range Packing Co.”
10. “Deer Range,” from “100 Years of St. Thomas”
11. “400 National Guardsmen camped…” from Land’s End, A History of the New Orleans District
12. Note about National Archives photograph of freighter
13. Information request to Rod Lincoln from Maunsel White
14. Copied portraits of Maunsel White (7 pages)
15. Landscape photographs (5 pages)
16. “The Genealogy of the Maunsell White Papers” (3 pages)
17. Letter to Maunsel White from the University of Southern Mississippi Department
of History, 4 October 1996
18. “White, Maunsell Papers, 1802-1912…” (3 pages)
19. “New Orleans a Century Ago”
20. Letter to the Editor of the Times-Picayune, 21 October 1960 (2 pages)
21. “Maunsel White: Changing New Orleans Forever”; “Maunsel White’s ‘Sauce for All
Seasons,’” Times-Picayune, 10 January 1917 (5 copies); “The History of U.S. Commercial Hot Sauces: Old Flame”
(8 pages)
22. “Did You Know?” Readers Digest, ND (2 pages)
23. Copy of portrait of Mannsel White with description (2 pages)
24. “Battle to Plug Breach in Levee 40 Miles Below City,” Times-Picayune, 24 April 1927 (2 copies; 4 pages)
25. “The Twice that Rescued New Orleans,” Down the Road, October 1993 (3 pages)
26. “Copied from notes given to Mrs. Maunsell” (2 pages)
27. “Deer Range Plantation and Band” (2 copies; 11 pages)
28. Description of Captain Maunsel White’s Company of Louisiana Blues in the War
of 1812 (2 pages)
29. “Father Langlois and the Post-War Era”
30. “Who Was Maunsel White?” Down the Road, January 1990 (2 copies)
31. “Chris Kelly: Blues King of New Orleans Jazz” (16 pages)
32. “Pioneers of the Southwest: Maunsel White of Louisiana” (4 pages)
33. “A Marine Honor Guard…” The World, ND
34. “The City,” Daily Picayune, 19 December 1863
35. National Bank of Commerce 150th Anniversary Commemorative Publication
36. “Survey of the Mississippi River,” 1872 (2 pages)
37. “White, Maunsel” from Biographical Sketches of the Veterans of the Battalion of Orleans, 1814-1815 (2 pages)
38. “Albert Patterson” interview (3 pages)
39. “History of a New Basin Canal Marred by 10,000 Deaths,” Times-Picayune, 1 May 1954 (2 pages)
40. “Not all of the crevasse…” (2 copies)
41. “Maunsel White Rescues a British Officer,” from “Sidelights On the Battle of
New Orleans” (5 pages)
42. “The Junior Crevasse: Accident or Intentional?” Down the Road, November 1994 (3 pages)
43. “Fighting Battle of N.O. led to bigger things for many,” ND
44. “White Peppers,” 13 October 1960
45. “Tabasco inventor hot stuff in social circles,” ND (3 pages)
46. “First Towns on the Ohio and Mississippi; Reminiscences of Maunsel White, Esq.,
of New Orleans” from Fifty Years on the Mississippi (3 pages)
47. Acts 78-81 of the Second Session of the Thirteenth Legislature of the State of
Louisiana (3 pages)
48. “Andrew Jackson: A Local Legend Kept Alive by Familiar Landmarks,” Down the Road, May 1993 (4 pages)
49. “Andrew Jackson: A Favorite Son of the Delta,” Down the Road, January 1996 (4 pages)
Folder 8D: Deer Range cont. – Maunsel White Papers
1. Copies of “Maunsel White Papers and Books – Southern Historical Collection”
(68 pages)
Folder 9A: Lake Hermitage
1. “Also see” note
2. Copy of drawing of fishing camp
3. Copy of map
4. Delta Bank “On the Road to Lake Hermitage” calendar, 1992
5. Three handwritten pages about Lake Hermitage
6. “Lake Hermitage,” Down the Road, April 1999
7. “Summer Oasis,” Dixie, 18 July 1982 (9 pages)
8. “Spanish Moss”
9. Calendar picture, “Deep Range Bayou”
10. Brochure, “Bayou Log Cabins, Lake Hermitage”
Folder 9B: Newspaper Clippings about Lake Hermitage
1. Newspaper page, “Lake Perez Oldsters Masters in Art of Peaceful Living,” States-Item, 1 June 1971
2. Newspaper clipping, “Dedicate Lake Judge Perez Improvements at Installation,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 4 August 1972 (2 pages)
3. Newspaper clipping, “Lake Judge Perez VFD Officers Seated,” ND.
4. Partial newspaper, “Summer Oasis,” Dixie, 18 July 1982 (8 pages)
5. Newspaper clipping, “Don’t tread on me … yet,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 September 2013
6. Newspaper clipping, “Bald Eagle sighted in Lake Hermitage,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 May 2007
7. Newspaper clipping, “U.S. adds St. Bernard to coast plan,” Times-Picayune, 26 March 1987
8. Newspaper clipping, “Parish sends Perez name o dustbin,” Times-Picayune, 15 April 1987
9. Newspaper clipping, “They take the Perez out of Plaquemines,” Times-Picayune, 20 March 1987 (2 pages)
10. Newspaper clipping, “Paving project planned for Lake Hermitage Rd.,” Plaquemines Gazette, 25 September 2014
11. Newspaper picture, kitchen quarters at the Lake Judge Perez Fire Station,” ND
Folder 10A: Woodland
1. “Also see” note
2. Copies of maps (5 pages)
3. Copies of drawings (6 pages)
4. “Southern Comfort’s beginnings…”
5. Copy of “On the Mississippi,” 20 May 1871 (4 pages)
6. “A Tale of Southern Comfort,” Down the Road, March 1992 (5 pages)
7. Letter from Rod Lincoln to the Southern Comfort Corporation, ND
8. Letter from the Southern Comfort Corporation to Rod Lincoln, 24 February 1982
9. Letter from the Southern Comfort Corporation to Rod Lincoln, 16 April 1982
10. Letter from Rod Lincoln to Nettie Sue Cosse, 7 April 1982
11. Letter from Southern Comfort Corporation, 10 December 1982 (2 copies)
12. Letter from Rod Lincoln to Michael McCue and membership list of the Plaquemines
Parish Historical Society, 10 November 1982 (4 pages)
13. Letter from the Southern Comfort Corporation to Rod Lincoln, 26 October 1983
14. Letter from Rod Lincoln to Dave Higgins, 20 October 1983
15. Letter from Rod Lincoln to Dave Higgins and membership list, 9 May 1984 (5 pages)
16. “Message in a Bottle,” New Orleans, April 2005
17. “Editor’s Notes”
18. “Woodland Plantation Life on the Mississippi,” Down the Road, July 1995 (12 pages)
19. Copy, “Hoteliers snap up historic Woodland for princely price,” Times-Picayune, 23 January 1997 (8 pages)
20. Copy, “Faded Woodland Plantation Hasn’t Lost Her Graciousness,” Times-Picayune, 24 April 1977
21. Copy of advertisement for tours of Woodland Plantation
22. “Woodland: Slave Quarters” (2 pages)
23. Copied pictures of Woodland
24. “Woodland Plantation” (2 pages)
25. “Woodland Plantation Site Plan” (33 pages)
26. Woodland Plantation on the National Register of Historical Places
27. Printed Woodland Plantation website (4 pages)
28. Copied church records from Emmanuel Church on Woodland Plantation, 1853-1888
(21 pages)
29. “Proposal for Archeological Test Excavations at Woodland Plantation,” Earth Search
Inc., 16 October 1987 (13 pages)
30. “Historic Archeology at Woodland Plantation: A Proposal,” R. Christopher Goodwin
& Associates, Inc. (25 pages)
31. “Cornelia Schmitz’s Garden of Memories,” Down the Road, November 1993 (4 pages)
32. “History – Woodland Plantation” (2 pages)
33. “A brief history lesson: All you need to know about Woodland Plantation,” WGNO,
2 May 2018 (2 pages)
34. Brochure, “Woodland Plantation”
35. Brochure, “Plaquemines Parish” (2 copies)
36. Brochure, “Folklife in Louisiana”
37. Copied drawing of Woodland Plantation
38. Information about Pilgrim Baptist Church and the Plaquemines parish levees
39. Brochure, “Plaquemines Parish Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Celebration”
40. Brochure, “Woodland Plantation & Spirits Hall”
41. “Southern Comfort” booklet
42. Woodland Plantation enveloped (2 copies)
43. 20 clear maps, pictures, and architectural drawings
44. “The Life and Times of Bradish Johnson” powerpoint (12 pages)
45. “Brown-Forman Distillers Corporation” address card
Folder 10B: Newspaper Clippings about Woodland
1. Newspaper clipping, “Plaquemines Historic Assoc. meets at Woodland Plantation,”
The Gazette, 8 January 2008
2. Newspaper section, Times-Picayune, 2 January 1997, Section C (3 pages)
3. Newspaper section, Times-Picayune, 15 February 2005, Section C (2 pages)
4. Newspaper section, “Plantation in Peril,” Times-Picayune, 18 January 1997 (4 pages)
5. Newspaper clipping, “Southern Comfort is Spirited into Present,” Wall Street Journal, 15 June 2001
6. Newspaper advertisement, “Everyone Needs a Little Comfort”
7. Newspaper clipping, “Plantation Hosts Visiting Queens,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 September 2000
Folder 11A: West Point a la Hache
1. “Also see” note
2. ”Environ Site Location Map, Southeast Region, Port Sulphur,” (5 pages)
3. FEMA request, 9 November 2015 (64 pages)
4. “Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service,” LSU Agricultural Center, December
5. “West Pointe a la Hache Freshwater Diversion Siphon, A Management, Operation
and Monitoring Plan,” Plaquemines Parish Government, March 1992
6. Copy of a picture of a field
7. “Historical Fact and Notes, 19 November 1928”
Folder 11B: Newspaper Clippings about West Point a la Hache
1. Newspaper clipping, “Port proposes purchase of LSU property from parish,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 14 March 2017
2. “Changes coming for AgCenter’s Coastal Area Research Station,” The Gazette, 10 July 2007
Box 11: Community
Folder 1: Magnolia
1. “Also see” note
2. “Magnolia Plantation – Housing Area” map
3. Copy of 1829 newspaper articles (1 page)
4. Pictures of Magnolia Plantation and sugar mill from calendar (3 copies)
5. Pictures of Magnolia Store and note (4 pages)
6. Letter about Magnolia Plantation from Stella Pitts (2 pages)
7. Copy of “A Few Facts and Figures about The Manufacture and Practical Use of
Steam Plowing Machines” (3 pages)
8. “Index to the Magnolia Plantation Journals, West Pointe-a-la-Hache, La.” (8 pages)
9. “Jean Lafitte: A Regular Visitor,” Down the Road, July 2000 (6 pages)
10. “Jean Lafitte: A Regular Visitor,” Down the Road, August 1993 (3 pages)
11. Copy of article from Times-Picayune, 24 April 1977 (1 page)
12. Print of house labeled “Callaway” (2 copies)
13. “A Sad Good-Bye to Magnolia Plantation,” Down the Road, January 1994 (6 pages)
14. “Magnolia Plantation” (1 page)
15. Print of house labeled “Old Homestead of La. Gov. H. C. Warmoth”
16. “Magnolia Plantation: A Lost Treasure,” Down the Road, February 1992 (13 pages)
17. “Magnolia Plantation, 1858,” Down the Road, May 1992
18. “Magnolia Plantation, — History and Music,” The Second Line, Spring 1982 (10 pags)
19. “The Lafittes” (8 pages)
20. “Magnolia Plantation Home is Now ‘Haunting Ruin,’” Times-Picayune, 22 September 1974 (2 copies, 3 pages)
21. Information about the founding of Magnolia Plantation (1 sheet)
22. “Race Issue,” 17 August 1874 (6 pages)
23. “Magnolia, 1921,” hand-drawn map
24. “Magnolia, Plaquemines Parish” (1 page)
25. Information about Magnolia Plantation (1 page)
26. Letter from the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism concerning
Magnolia Plantation, 23 October 1985
27. Copy of “Magnolia Plantation” powerpoint (5 pages)
28. “The Real but Confusing History of George Bradish in Plaquemines Parish, La.,”
by Rod Lincoln (25 pages)
29. “Citrus Lands Plantations” powerpont (9 pages)
Folder 2A: Diamond Area: City Price, Socola, Happy Jack, Potash, Fosters Canal
1. “See Also” note
2. “Diamond includes” note
3. Letter to Frank H. Waddill, 2 July 1931 (2 pages)
4. “Happy Jack” (2 copies)
5. “Angelo Socola, 1831-1900” (4 pages)
6. Copy of drawing of “The Rice Mill of Angelo Socola, New Orleans”
7. Copies of three drawings (3 pages)
8. “Happy Jack Marina, Happy Jack” drawing (2 copies)
9. “Happy Jack Church” (1 pages)
10. “Happy Jack” (1 handwritten page)
11. “Happy Jack” (1 page)
12. “City Price” (1 handwritten page)
13. “City Price/Happy Jack” (1 page)
14. “City Price” (1 page)
15. “Diamond” (1 handwritten page)
16. “St. Jude School” (1 page)
17. Copy of article, “Dorothy Lamour destroys myths on way back home”
18. Information on West Bank Railroad (1 page)
19. “Hays Home, Happy Jack, La.,” by Roxie Giodino (6 pages)
20. “Port Sulphur’s Cannon Ball in a Tree”
21. “St. Paulines”
22. “Father Alvin Doom Celebrates 50 Years,” Down the Road, June 1990 (3 pages)
23. “Plantation Map – Plaquemines Parish” map
24. “Crosses in the Windows,” Down the Road, January 2000 (3 pages)
25. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Rodney J. Barthelemy, 17 May 2021 (4 pages)
26. Copies of pictures of buildings (3 pages)
27. Postcard with picture of Boden Brand Choice Shrimp
28. “Point Michel Revetment” (2 pages)
29. “The Dr. George A. B. Hays Home, Happy Jack, Louisiana” and “Cannonball in a
Tree” (2 pages)
Folder 2B: Newspaper Clippings about Diamond, City Price, Socola, Happy Jack
1. “Lamour still an original after 40 years in show biz,” ND
2. “Diamond Center Coming Soon,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 March 2000
3. “Dorothy Lamour destroys myths on way back home,” 1 February 1974
4. “Diamond Park’s First Step to Revialization,” The Gazette, 23 March 2007
5. “St. Jude Closes,” Plaquemines Gazette, 17 February 2006
6. “Old Picture Turns Out to be Surprise from the Past,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 October 2000
7. “Plaquemines Christmas Trees,” Plaquemines Watchman, 5 December 1985
8. “WWII Veterans Can Still Get ‘Thank You America” Certificates,” ND
9. Plaquemines Gazette, 24 March 1978
10. “Public Notice: Ordinance No. 23-3,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 January 2023
Folder 3: Grand Bayou
1. “Also see” note
2. Photographs and drawings of Balbancha, “The Monument” (six pages)
3. “Grand Bayou Village, 1941-1953, Interview with Rose Cowell Turner, August
2018” (25 pages)
4. “Grand Bayou Village, 1967-1970, Interview with Lee Shelton, August 2018”
(9 pages)
5. “Grand Bayou Visit 2018” (9 pages)
6. “NASA, Remote Sensing and Archaeology: An example from Southeast Louisiana”
(8 pages)
7. PowerPoint, “Excavations at the Bayou Grande Cheniere Mounds” (3 pages)
8. “Grand Bayou Ridge Restoration,” Plaquemines Gazette, 17 April 2018
9. Copy of map of Bastian Bay, 1889
10. “Crewboats are schoolboats for kids from bayou islands,” Times-Picayune, 30 August 1984 (2 copies)
11. “School boat on way to town,” Times-Picayune, December 1945
12. “Children On Bayou Enjoy Hot Lunches,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1980
13. Grand Bayou article (2 copies, 8 pages)
14. “Arrival of telephones has a whole town talking,” The Advocate, 22 February 1993
15. “Grand Bayou: People of the Marsh,” Louisiana Life, January/February 1984 (6 pages)
16. Grand Bayou on TV,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 May 1983
17. “Grand Bayou: A Fishing Community in Transition,” 2005 (7 pages)
18. “On Grand Bayou,” Dixie, 18 December 1983 (2 copies, 19 pages)
19. “Heroism and Faith: A Night of Fear and Survival,” Down the Road, October 1997 (4 pages)
20. “Weeds and Water,” Down the Road, November 1997
21. Excerpt from Frank Waddill’s Journal (2 pages)
22. “Lower Mississippi River Delta: Reports on the Geology of Plaquemines and St.
Bernard Parishes,” Department of Conservation, 1936 (4 pages)
23. Louisiana Life, January/February 1984
24. Mapquest of Port Sulphur
Folder 4: Grande Ecaille
1. “Also see” note
2. Dixie, 2 March 1980
3. “Parish Superdomes”
4. “Attachment 5” handwritten note
5. “Destruction of Grande Ecaille: The End of an Era,” Down the Road, January 2001 (6 pages)
6. “It Just Wouldn’t Say Goodbye,” Dixie, 2 March 1980 (5 pages)
7. Letters to Rod Lincoln concerning Port Sulphur and Grande Ecaille, 1980s (7
8. Letter to Rod Lincoln from the US Department of the Interior, 1983; information
about Grande Ecaille (2 pages)
9. “Field Has Spectacular History,” The Freeporter, 1958 (2 pages)
10. Grande Ecaille Daily Operations Sheet from 12 December 1978
11. Two letters from Rosewood Resources, 1985; two copies of report on oyster habitat
in Bayou Chaland (20 pages)
12. “Sedimentation Rate Investigation, Bayou Chaland, Plaquemines Parish,” 1985 (11
13. Survey maps from Rosewood Resources (5 pages)
14. List of contents of Freeport Sulphur Company Archives, June 1986 (2 pages)
15. Plans and explanation for Grande Ecaille Port Sulphur Fire Protection System,
1935 (2 pages)
16. Copied photograph of Freeport Sulphur Co. 1933
17. Copied photograph of Grande Ecaille, ND
18. Map of East/West Grand Terre Restoration Project
Folder 5: Freeport Sulphur Co.
1. “Gulf Coast Sulphur Mining”
2. “Editorial” (16 pages)
3. Map of Bay Ronquille
4. “Sulphur Mines in the Louisiana Marshes Under Development and Operation by
Freeport Sulphur Co.” map
5. Copied picture, “Freeport Supervisors about 1946”
6. “Brimstone” (3 pages)
7. “Sulphur and Pyrites” (1 page)
8. Copied articles from The Freeporter, 1961-1962 (8 pages)
9. The Freeporter, September 1954 (2 pages)
10. “Operation of a Sulphur Well” diagram (2 copies)
11. “Diagrammatic Sketch of a Salt Dome Sulphur Deposit”
12. “Sulphur Use”
13. Carbon page about printing newspapers
14. The Freeporter, July 1962 (31 pages)
15. Diagram, “Sulphur’s Uses as Acid and as Non-Acid.”
16. “The Sulphur Story” (2 pages)
17. Pictures of National Security Award ceremony, ND (2 copies, 2 pages)
18. “Sulphur in Plaquemines Parish” (2 copies)
19. “Sulphur Mining” (4 pages)
20. Letter, “Assessment Value – Land – Plaquemines Parish,” 12 October 1972
21. “Property Tax Report – Watercraft,” 20 March 1972 (6 pages)
22. “Plaquemines Protector, 1899,” Down the Road, April 1991
23. “Townsite Hurdled Housing Problem,” The Freeporter, July 1962
24. “New Resuscitation Method Held Superior,” The Freeporter, November 1960 (2 pages)
25. The Freeporter, April 1961
26. The Freeporter, July 1962
27. The Freeporter, Aril 1944
28. Invitation to Annual Meeting of Stockholders for the Delta Bank and Trust Company,
10 March 1986
29. Delta Bank and Trust Company, Annual Report 1985
30. “The Sulphur Industry” (37 pages)
31. Proposal to establish a newspaper sponsored by the Freeport Sulphur Co. and note
(5 pages)
32. Letter to employees from Freeport Sulphur Company, 19 February 1952 (2 pages).
Letter to Freeport Sulphur Company from Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company,
13 February 1952. List of businesses near or in Port Sulphur (3 pages).
33. Telegraph to Freeport Sulphur Co., 24 December 1941. “Property Protection” letter,
12 December 1941. Letter to Freeport Sulphur Co. from Lt. Colonel K. F. Hanst, 24
January 1942. Letter to Freeport Sulphur Co. from Lt. Colonel Richard B. Ashe, 11
February 1942. Letter to Freeport Sulphur Co. from Lt. Colonel K. F. Hanst, 20 Janaury
34. “Service Record of Freeport Sulphur Company Employees, 1 January 1934” (12 pages)
35. “Freeport Sulphur Company Regular Roll – Freeport, Texas” (10 pages)
36. “Rate Scale, 7 December 1933” (8 pages)
37. “Freeport Sulphur Company, Wage Rate – Louisiana and Texas” (7 pages)
38. Service Seniority Report, 1934 (38 pages)
Folder 6: Freeport Sulphur Co., cont. – Weekly Reports
1. Weekly Reports – Plant Protection, 1942-1944 (132 pages)
Folder 7: Freeport Sulphur Co., cont. – Publications
1. “Sulphur: Ally of Agriculture and Industry,” 1978.
2. “Facts About Freeport.”
3. “Freeport Sulphur Handbook,” 1958.
4. “Agricultural Minerals – Freeport Sulphur,” Freeport-McMoran.
5. IMC Global 1998 Annual Report.
6. “Blueprint for Growth,” IMC Global Inc. Annual Report 1997.
7. “Yellow Wizard” (2 pages)
8. Freeport-McMoRan Reporter, Sept/Oct 1983 (2 copies)
9. “Stockholder News” (2 pages)
10. Letter to IMC Stockholders, 2 January 1998
11. Freeport-McMoRan Reporter, July/August 1991.
Folder 8A: Port Sulphur
1. Copied map of Port Sulphur, Oct. 1932 (2 copies)
2. Copied newspaper picture of Port Sulphur’s little league baseball team, July
3. “Highway 23, Port Sulphur” calendar drawing (2 copies)
4. “Port Sulphur Hospital” calendar drawing
5. Three pictures of Port Sulphur from calendar
6. “Plaquemines Parish Library” drawing
7. Port Sulphur Office Building First and Second Floor Plans (2 pages)
8. “The Day It Snowed,” The Freeporter, March 1958 (2 pages)
9. Brochure, “History of Port Sulphur…”
10. Copied chapters from Life: 1900-1981, “Louisiana: 1935-1939,” “Louisiana: 1942-1944,” “Retirement: 1961-1981” (14 pages)
11. Copied pictures (4 pages)
12. “Deep Delta Plantation” price schedule for citrus
13. “Potash” handwritten page
14. Copy of “Military museum is man’s labor of love,” Gretna-Picayune, 14 April 2002
15. “You know your from Port Sulphur if you remember…” (3 copies)
16. “Retiree Gus Gustafson Authors Book,” Reporter, May/June 1982
17. “Booming Times,” Down the Road, February 1998 (3 pages)
18. “Shelly’s Petals, Herbs, Et. Fresh-cut Herbs: Producers of Fine Culinary Herbs,”
Down the Road, March 1992 (3 pages)
19. “Modern PS School Building is Testimony to Area’s Progress”
20. Handwritten page, “date PS Post Office began”
21. “Classes of 1950-1955 Renew Friendships at Port Sulphur High School Reunion,” Down the Road, November 1994 (5 pages)
22. Copied pictures of Port Sulphur, Down the Road, September 1996 (1 page)
23. “Banking on the Delta,” Down the Road, August 1996 (6 pages)
24. “World War II in Plaquemines Parish” (2 pages)
25. Letter to Ann Reiley Jones from Rod Lincoln, 9 September 1983 concerning the
historical marker at Port Sulphur (4 pages); “Mineral Industry Surveys: Sulphur in
1982”; Letter to J. Handelman from R. Lincoln, 16 March 1982; two handwritten pages
about Port Sulphur; Letter to J. Handleman from Erba Nevel, 28 August 1973.
26. Series of letters concerning the Port Sulphur Historical Marker: To Rod Lincoln
from Donna Fricker, 12 October 1983; to Rod Lincoln from Donna Fricker, 19 September
1983; to Rod Lincoln from Betty L. Chauvin, 23 August 1983; to Rod Lincoln from David
E. Morse, 30 August 1983; copied page, “Minerals Yearbook, 1934, Sulphur and Pyrites.”
27. “December 15, 1976,” Down the Road, December 1990.
28. “Port Sulphur Theater,” Down the Road, August 1995 (2 pages)
29. “Mrs. Barrios’ movie house,” Times-Picayune, 20 April 1986
30. “Everyday is Filled with Memories of his Father,” Down the Road, June 1990 (2 pages)
31. Down the Road, July 1992, front cover and table of contents (2 pages)
32. Map, “T. 19 5. R. 27 E.”
33. Two handdrawn maps
34. “Port Sulphur” and “’Port’ Still an Important Word in Naming Company Properties”
35. “25th Birthday,” The Freeporter (2 pages)
36. “Past Plaquemines,” Down the Road, August 1994 (2 pages)
37. “A Razor-Sharp Focus Trumps Uncertainty,” Community Settlement Network, 2007
(2 copies, 7 pages)
38. “Father Gerry Stapleton,” Time, ND
39. Email, 6 January 2006
40. “Port Sulphur: The Town, The Mines, & The People Who Were a Part of It,” Down the Road, July 1998 (13 pages)
41. Pictures of Freeport Sulphur Company picnic, Down the Road, ND
42. “Plaquemines Past: Excerpts From,” Down the Road, April 1997 (6 pages)
43. Down the Road, May 1995 (18 pages)
44. Series of letters about Port Sulphur 50th Anniversary: to J. Handelman from Rod
Lincoln, 16 March 1982; to Nina Grant from Robert B. DeBlieux, 18 March 1981; “Memorandum”
from Robert B. DeBlieux (3 pages)
45. “Plaquemines Past,” Down the Road, November 1991
46. “Port Sulphur High School Memories,” Down the Road, March 1991 (6 pages)
47. “Memories of Port Sulphur during the 1950s to 1970s” (3 pages)
48. Delta Bank and Trust Company letter to stockholders, 26 June 1981
49. Map of Louisiana coast; map of Mississippi River (2 pages)
50. Mississippi River Commission map (6 pages)
51. “Port Sulphur” handwritten page
52. “Louisiana Places: Port Sulphur,” 17 December 1967
53. “The Historic Archeology of the Port Sulphur Revetment Project Area” (12 pages
54. Delta Bank and Trust Company Annual Report, 1996
55. “Mother Helps Her Son Find a Safe Harbor in Football,” New York Times, 3 November 2006 (5 pages)
56. “Local Minority Religious and Educational Leaders”; “Names and Addresses of Public
Schools in Plaquemines Parish”; Recruitment letters from Freeport Sulphur Company
(3 pages)
57. “Federal Poll List, Ward 9 Precinct 1” (19 pages)
58. “History of Delta Bank” timeline
59. “November 2, 1972,” Down the Road, October 1990
60. “T. XIX R. XXVII E, South Eastern District Louisiana”
61. “Freeport’s Port Sulphur Exporters baseball squad…” The Freeporter, ND
62. “These houses are among eight new residences…” ND
63. Going…Gone!” The Freeporter, August 1960
64. “Approximately 3,000 fifty-foot piles…” ND
65. “Freeporters Proudly Remodel Homes Purchased from Company,” The Freeporter, February 1960
66. “Due to inability of dairies…” Freeporter Magazine, July 1967
67. “Banks, Just Like People, All Have a Different Personality” advertisement
68. “Port Sulphur, Louisiana: Sportsmans Paradise Gateway to Sulphur & Oil” brochure
(3 copies)
69. “Sulphur: Jack of all Trades” booklet
70. “Port Sulphur Community Directory, 1969”
71. “Serving the Community,” Down the Road, April 1994 (2 copies; 5 pages)
72. “Library in Limbo” copy of newspaper article
73. “Plaquemines Parish Library System”
74. Drawing of Plaquemines Parish Library
75. “Cliff Hope’s Orchestra” advertisement
76. “November 16, 1972,” Down the Road
77. Delta Bank & Trust Company, “Complete Banking Service for Plaquemines Parish,
Statement of Condition, At the Close of Business, June 30, 1957” (2 copies)
78. Plaquemines Medical Center booklet
79. Letter to shareholders from Delta Bank & Trust Company (3 pages)
80. “Deep Delta Boat Sheds & Storage” brochure
81. Plaquemines Medical Center brochure
82. Freeport-McMoRan Reporter, vol. 3, no. 5, Sept/Oct 1983
83. Two pictures of Dr. Ben Slater’s home near Port Sulphur, 1981
Folder 8B: Newspaper clippings about Port Sulphur
1. “Dig into a gold mine of memories,” Times-Picayune, 2 May 1982
2. “Author Gustafson Tells of Past,” ND
3. “K. T. Price Regards Parish as the Garden Spot in the World,” ND
4. “Library in Limbo,” Plaquemines Gazette, 25 November 2008
5. “Check out PS Library, officially,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 September 2007
6. “Council to vote on water purchase agreement with Jefferson Parish,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 July 2016
7. Wedding announcements, Plaquemines Gazette, 10 September 1965
8. “Sulphur Blast Kills 2,” New Orleans Item, 9 January 1951
9. “Letters to the Editor,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 July 2015
10. “Port Sulphur Community Christmas Tree Lighting Committee Gearing Up for Christmas
2000,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 January 2000
11. “Mysterious Cross Believed to be a Miracle,” Plaquemines Watchman, 4 January 2000
12. “Venture Global LNG Project applauded by local officials,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 October 2015
13. “Port Sulphur High School, Class of 1962 celebrates 50th Class Reunion,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 August 2012
14. “Port Sulphur Jail Dedicated in Honor of Fallen Deputy,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 April 2016
15. “More fond memories of Sig’s,” ND
16. “Church and man’s rededication,” Plaquemines Gazette,20 November 2007
17. “St. Pat receives $10,000 from Empire Southpass Tarpon Rodeo,” The Gazette, 14 October 2008
18. “SPHA Celebrates Homecoming,” The Gazette, 27 October 2006
19. “Philanthropy helps fuel Plaquemines Parish Recovery,” The Gazette, 26 August 2008
20. “Our Parish and Paper,” The Gazette, 25 November 2008
21. “Port Sulphur High Reunion Cruise,” Plaquemines Gazette, ND
22. “Fore! What? Over last 10 years, Port Sulphur golf course has cost Plaq. $1 million;
Regardless, council appropriates $200,000 for renovations,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 April 2008
23. “Sig’s photo stirs up memories for staff,” ND
24. “Veteran’s Day,” The Gazette, 11 November 2008
25. “Help,” Times-Picayune, 24 April 1990
26. “ABC Laws Affect Parish Orange Winery,” The Gazette, 19 February 1988
27. “Editorial,” Plaquemines Gazette, 17 March 2009
28. “Plaquemines Featured in NY Times & USA Today,” ND
29. “Soldier’s Iraqi tour Marked by Heroism,” The Gazette, 17 March 2006
30. “L.D.W.F. fishing closure declared in an area south of Port Sulphur in Plaquemines
Parish,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 May 2009
31. “Talapia Takeback,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 June 2009
32. “Brimstone’s stellar career is over,” Times-Picayune, 30 August 1992
33. “Freeport’s historic position in La. Sulfur,” Times-Picayune, 28 February 1988
34. “Freeport Sulphur Celebrates 50 Years of Sulphur Production in Louisiana,” Plaquemines Watchman, 21 December 1983
35. “Port Sulphur Library construction begins amid funding questions,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 March 2018
36. “Our Parish and Paper,” ND
37. “Our Parish and Paper,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 August 2008
38. “Save the Date: Port Sulphur Civic Drive Fishing Pier Ribbon-Cutting,” ND
39. “Port Sulphur Library Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony set for March
31,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2021
40. “Chauvin Tractor Begins 28th Year,” Plaquemines Watchman, 18 May 1983
41. “Fremin’s 70th Anniversary,” grocery advertisement, 2010
42. “Fremin’s Food Market: 70 years of serving our community for 3 generations,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 5 January 2010
43. “Fremin’s Reopening Major Step to Recovery,” The Gazette, 30 March 2007
44. “Fremins Mark Years As Family, Family Business,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 April 1985
45. “Person of the Year: Fremin Family,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 January 2008
46. “Family store struggling to hang on,” Gretna-Picayune, 27 March 1988
47. “Business of the Nation: Hot Water Forced Into Grown Drives Sulphur to Surface
in Molten State,” Chicago Sun, 29 December 1943
48. “Council approves Freeport McMoran settlement,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 April 2020
49. “Library, park, pier projects moving forward in District 7,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 January 2020
Folder 9: Home Place
1. “Also see” note
2. “1868,” Down the Road, October 1990
3. “Petit Prairie” handwritten page
4. “Homeplace” (1 page)
5. “Home Place” (2 copies; 2 pages)
6. Francois Chartier Family Group Sheet
7. “Quartiers”
8. “Gillot Quartier & Family” and map
9. “Homeplace to Sunrise” powerpoint presentation (9 pages)
Folder 10A: Nairn
1. “Also see” note
2. “Nairn”
3. “Nairn” (2 copies; 4 pages)
4. “Empire”
5. Map of Mississippi River from Sixty Mile Point to Point Pleasant
6. Map of Sixty Mile Point
7. Map of Mississippi River showing Nairn Cemetary
8. Map of Nairn Plantation
9. Layout of Nairn Plantation
10. Map of Nairn Subdivision
11. Map of Nairn Home Site
12. Map of Nairn Plantation, 1884 (2 pages)
13. Map of levees near Nairn
14. Handdrawn map of Nairn Plantation
15. “Glenmora Plantation” handwritten page
16. “Riceland (Plaquemines Parish)” handwritten page
17. Map of Louisiana Delta
18. Copy of French newspaper article
19. “A Time to Remember: All Saints Day,” Down the Road, November 1996 (1 page)
20. “Nairn, Louisiana”
21. “Nairn Plantation”
22. “City Information: Nairn” (2 copies)
23. “The World’s Smallest postoffice” copy of newspaper picture (2 copies)
24. “Nairn Cemetery,” Down the Road, October 1990
25. “Rotary Clubs team up to distribute citrus,” Times-Picayune, 13 January 2008 (2 pages)
26. Copied page of The Weekly Observer, 2 August 1879 (3 pages)
27. “Louisiana Oranges” (3 copies)
28. “Plaquemines Past,” Down the Road, September 1995 (2 pages)
29. Picture of the George Lincoln House in Nairn (5 pages)
30. “The George Lincoln House” powerpoint (3 pages)
31. Commission from the Office Board of State Engineers in Louisiana to George Lincoln
to act as the Local Inspector of the orange farm, 1890
32. Nairn Cemetery re-enactment scripts for Captain Timothy Lincoln (5 pages); Stephani
Constantini Kojnevic, Alexandrine Huegenard Cognevich Pelas, and Stephanie Fanny Barbero
Pelas (9 pages); Genevieve& Marie Louise & Alice & Retsy (6 pages); Margaret Collins
O’Brien (3 pages).
33. Application to establish a post office in Nairn, 1884
34. Copied articles from French newspaper (4 pages)
35. “Nairn,” Down the Road, May 1991 (1 page)
36. Brochure, Le Matidora Inn (2 copies)
37. Brochure, Who Says Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees
Folder 10B: Newspaper Clippings about Nairn
1. “George Lincoln House in Nairn Subject of Nov. 1. Historical Meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 October 2016
2. “School Attendance was Lax in Early 1900s,” Plaquemines Watchman, 28 April 1982
3. “The Day People Walked from Westbank to Eastbank,” Plaquemines Watchman, 5 May 1982
4. “O’Brien Reunion in Nairn a Great Success,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 June 2022
5. “Local or Lethal: Louisiana Citrus Industry Could Suffer Same Fate as Florida,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 7 July 2006
6. “Two insects threaten Plaq. Citrus,” 22 September 2009
7. “United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana: Legal
Notice,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 October 2007 (2 copies)
8. “O’Brien Fire Station,” Plaquemines Gazette, 22 August 1986
9. “Awaiting re-entombment,” ND
10. “Parish citrus industry rebounding after storms,” The Gazette, 11 December 2007
11. “The way it was…” ND
Folder 11A: Empire
1. “Also see” note
2. “Plaquemines Fishermen Seek Relief,” Plaquemines Watchman, 16 January 1990
3. List of businesses, Down the Road, July 1991
4. Information on St. Ann church
5. “St. Ann, Empire”
6. “Tropical Bend”
7. “Empire”
8. “Empire,” Crosses on the Delta
9. “Empire”
10. Copy of two pictures of Doullut Canal
11. “Hooray for Empire”
12. “Doullut Canal in Empire,” Down the Road, June 2000 (5 pages)
13. Picture of New Orleans houses
14. Drawing of “Empire Parish” paddlewheel boat (5 pages)
15. “Neda Jurisich: Hard Work is this 90-Year Old’s Prescription for Life,” Down the Road, June 1994 (7 pages)
16. Page on Miljak’s Restaurant, Down the Road, September 1994
17. “Built by Love: The Empire Citizen’s Organization,” Down the Road, February 1998 (7 pages)
18. “Empire’s Arnolie Hotel Confident of Survival”
19. “Empire” and picture of “Empire Hotel”
20. “Sportsman’s Lodge” flyer (2 copies)
21. “Interest Peaks as ECO Carnival Ball for this Saturday Nears,” Down the Road, August 1996
22. “The Oyster Industry in the Project Vicinity, 1900-1910” map
23. “Association Commemorates 300 Years of History in Plaquemines,” Plaquemines Gazette, ND
24. Copied pictures of oyster boats (2 pages)
25. Drawings of steamboats on Mississippi during Civil War
26. “Stockfleth” picture
27. Obituaries for Hilda Packard and Judy Hodnett, Down the Road, May 1998 (2 pages)
28. “Plaquemines Parish Said Ideal Location for Historical Park,” Plaquemines Watchman, 10 October 1984
29. “Helping the Homeland,” Down the Road, July 1993 (2 pages)
30. Copied pictures of canal and house
31. Oyster diagram
32. “Life on the Half Shell,” Down the Road, October 1994 (2 pages)
33. “Oysters: A Louisiana Seafood Delight,” Down the Road, February 1989 (5 pages)
34. “Empire South Pass Tarpon Rodeo” flyer
35. “Boat work keeps shrimpers in line,” ND (2 copies)
36. “The Modern Day Oyster Boat”
37. “10 Good Reasons to Protect the Louisiana Oyster Producing Industry” (2 pages)
38. “The Empire South Pass Tarpon Rodeo,” Down the Road, August 1989 (7 pages)
39. “Plaquemines Leads in Marine Fisheries Products,” Plaquemines Watchman, 11 August 1982
40. “State’s mystery crop: menhaden,” Times-Picayune, September 1981
41. Email concerning “three Indian Mounds east of the Empire Deep Water Channel”
42. “Louisiana History Washes Away as Sea Levels Rise, Land Sinks,” ND (3 pages)
43. “Louisiana Places: Empire,” “Empire Lock,” “After the War”
44. Copied page about the Louisiana Navigation and Fisheries Co., Ltd.
45. “Louisiana Places – Strange Sounding Names: Point Pleasant,” 25 August 1963
46. “The Little School House,” Down the Road, September 1998 (2 pages)
47. “The Church that Wouldn’t Die” powerpoint (2 copies; 8 pages)
48. “Locks at Doullut Canal, Empire,” calendar picture (2 copies)
49. Calendar pictures of Doullut Canal
50. “St. Ann Church Centennial Celebration, March 5, 2022, Empire, Louisiana” booklet
51. “St. Ann Church Centennial Eucharistic Celebration, March 5, 2022, Empire, Louisiana”
52. Drawing of a ship from calendar
53. Picture of Doullut Canal from calendar
54. Drawing, “Old Highway 23, Empire”
55. Drawing, “Empire Bridge, Empire”
56. Judge L. H. Perez Memorial Park: A Guide
57. “The Little Church that Refused to Die: St. Ann Church – Empire, Louisiana” (4
58. “That Little Church of Mine”
59. Packaging for “Fresh Frozen Shrimp” from Amvina Seafood Inc. (2 copies)
60. “November 16, 1972,” Down the Road, October 1990 (2 copies)
61. “Empire Lock”
62. “Christmas Memories…” ND
63. Drawing of St. Ann Catholic Church for the 100th anniversary
64. Picture of St. Ann Catholic Church after Hurricane Katrina
Folder 11B: Newspaper Clippings about Empire
1. “The Little Church that Refused to Die,” The Gazette, 19 May 2006
2. “Rebirth: St. Ann Catholic Church rededicated,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 September 2010
3. “Our Lady of Medjugorje unites Empire,” The Gazette, 20 May 2008
4. “State’s mystery crop: menhaden,” Times-Picayune, September 1981
5. “Plaquemines Leads in Marine Fisheries Products,” Plaquemines Watchman, 11 August 1982
6. “The facts…in an oystershell,” ND
7. “Encalada….” Times-Picayune, 17 May 1981
8. “Public Works in Plaquemines as seen by Hingle,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 February 1982
9. “Hingle” obituary, ND
10. “Doullut’s Canal (Empire)
11. Plaquemines Parish’s Past,” Plaquemines Watchman, 25 August 1982
12. “A Piece of History,” Plaquemines Watchman, 12 May 1982
13. “In and Around Empire”
14. “Delta Marina Attracts Crowds of Residents to Empire for Two Community Events,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 5 July 2022 (2 pages)
15. “72nd Annual Empire South Pass Tarpon Rodeo,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 July 2022
16. “Christmas Memories,” The Gazette, 25 December 2007
17. “Local Artist Selling Art,” Plaquemines Gazette, ND
18. Newspaper picture of bridge
19. “Costly levee query awaits answer,” ND
20. “Plaquemines Parish Said Ideal Location for Historical Park,” Plaquemines Watchman, 10 October 1984
21. “Our Parish and Paper,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 March 2009
22. “St. Ann Prepares to Celebrate Centennial Anniversary,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 November 2021 (2 pages)
23. “Daybrook fisheries showcased,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 November 2016
24. “Empire South Pass Tarpon Rodeo continues to grow,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 August 2018
25. “Our roots are in all of these towns,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 March 2010
26. “Plans begin on Empire Safe Harbor,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 June 2018
27. “Daybrook Fisheries, Inc.,” advertisement (2 copies)
28. “Local Angler Hooks One for the Books,” Plaquemines Gazette, June 2001
29. “Daybrook Hosts 20th Blessing of the Fleet,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 August 2015
30. “Blessing of the Fleet of Bay Adams,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 August 2016
31. “Empire Floodgate to close March 12-26,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 March 2018
32. “Blessing of the Fleet brings residents to Empire,” Plaquemines Gazette, 26 August 2014
33. “Blessing of the Fleet to be held April 19,” ND
34. “A Cleaner Doullut Canal in the Works,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 September 1998
35. “CAS announces new officers & board members,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 July 2015
36. “Talks On Closing Fisheries Plant In ‘Early Stages,’” Plaquemines Gazette, 22 March 1985
37. “Empire South Pass Tarpon Rodeo 2018 Results,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 August 2018
38. “69th Annual Empire South Pass Tarpon Rodeo” advertisement, 2019 (2 copies)
39. “Public Notice: RESTORE ACT Direct Component Multiyear Plan Narrative Department
of the Treasury,” Plaquemines Gazette, 17 April 2018
40. “Daybrook announces Merger with Oceana,” Plaquemines Gazette, 26 May 2015
41. “Fishing and Fun at first Empire South Pass Tarpon Rodeo in 3 years,” Plaquemines Gazette, August 2005 (2 pages)
42. Seafood Festival Advertisement, Plaquemines Gazette, 7 May 2013
43. “Blessing of the Fleet,” Plaquemines Gazette, 25 August 2015
44. “US Army Corps of Engineers Test New Empire Floodgate,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 June 2016. Handwritten note.
45. “Empire united: Doullut Canal Bridge now open,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 May 2012 (2 copies)
46. Daybrook advertisement, Plaquemines Gazette, ND (2 copies)
47. “Blessed and Ready: Daybrook boats given official send-off,” 23 April 2013
48. “Community celebrates new Empire Bridge,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 June 2012 (2 copies)
49. “Empire Lost, Empire Gained,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 August 2010
50. “Oyster harvests at historic lows east of the MS River,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 November 2012
51. Newspaper picture of the Annual Blessing of the Fleet, Plaquemines Gazette, 21 August 2018
52. “Empire Community Recognized at Plaq. Historic Association Meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 February 2007
53. “Germaine and Pat Curley celebrate 65 years of marriage,” Plaquemines Gazette, 25 July 2017
54. “Plaq.’s Croatian roots lie Empire,” Plaquemines Gazette, 9 March 2010
55. “Yugoslavia dissolved; new union formed,” USA Today, 5 February 2003
56. “Croatian American Society seeks public input for future plans,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 February 2011
57. “Grant funds Croatian American Society planning,” Plaquemines Gazette, ND
58. “Overcoming problems, Daybrook Fisheries operational once more,” ND
59. “’Poggie Plant’ Resumes Operation,” The Gazette, 21 July 2006
60. “Plaquemines Fishermen Seek Relief,” Plaquemines Watchman, 16 January 1990
61. “Viets fishing in troubled waters,” Times-Picayune, 4 October 1987 (2 pages)
62. “Tarpon Rodeo returns to Empire,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 August 2008
63. “Boat work keeps shrimpers in line,” ND
64. “Empire Native Wins National Oyster Festival Shucking Competition,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 November 2022
65. “CPRA Holds Meeting in Belle Chasse to Discuss 2023 Master Plan,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 November 2022 (2 pages)
66. “Empire South Pass Tarpon Rodeo Reels in Continued Successc” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 August 2022
67. “St. Ann’s Catholic Church: ‘The Little Church that Refused to Die,’” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 May 2006
Box 12: Community
Folder 1A: Buras
1. “Also see” note
2. Map of 2016 coastal restoration near Fort Jackson
3. Picture of Mississippi River in Buras
4. “In 1825, when the seven Buras brothers arrived from France…”
5. “Buras”
6. “Buras, Louisiana” (3 pages)
7. “Sunrise” handwritten page
8. Copied pictures (1 page)
9. Wedding announcement, Down the Road, August 1991
10. Copied pictures of Buras High (2 pages)
11. “Jean Guillaume Burat (Buras) & Family Lines (6 pages)
12. Two letters between Paul Casimir Buras and Rod Lincoln concerning the Buras family
history (6 pages)
13. “Buras” handwritten page
14. “Buras Legend”
15. Military service of Jean Bautiste Barat
16. “Memories of Yesteryear” (11 pages)
17. Order form for Le Pays Des Fleurs Oranges (2 copies)
18. Letter to Rod Lincoln from the Plaquemines Parish Library, 1978 (3 copies; 5
19. Copy of newspaper sheet, “W. A. Brainerd Canal Store”
20. “Grand Picnic,” Down the Road, May 1991
21. “Historical & Fun Facts and Notes,” Down the Road, October 1991
22. “Settlement of Louisiana, 1715-1750: Mobile, New Orleans, German Coast and Lower
Coast,” Down the Road, February 1990 (4 pages)
23. “Louisiana Becomes American, 1785-1825, Generation II and III,” Down the Road, January 1990 (3 pages)
24. “Class Action Notice: Succession of Hubert Burat (Buras) v. The Board of Levee
Commissioners of the Orleans Levee District,” 29 October 1981 (2 pages)
25. “Next Door to Elizabeth,” Down the Road, August 1991 (8 pages)
26. “World of the Fifties in Plaquemines,” Down the Road, November 1991 (5 pages)
27. “Our Past Moments,” Down the Road, ND (4 pages)
28. “Buras High School Fighting Wildcats, Homecoming 1989” (8 pages)
29. “Back to School,” Down the Road, September 1998 (3 pages)
30. Transcript of interview with Achilles Cheron, 1984
31. “Buras High School, Class of 1969” (25 pages)
32. Copied newspaper page, “W. A. Brainerd Canal Store” and “Empire Parorse”
33. Calendar drawing, “Our Lady of Good Harbor Catholic Church” (2 copies)
34. “Crosses on the Delta” (32 pages)
35. Copied pictures (1 page)
36. “Church Anniversary,” Down the Road, January 1989 (3 pages)
37. “Celebration at Our Lady of Good Harbor will be October 15,” Down the Road, October 1989 (2 pages)
38. “Our Lady of Good Harbor”
39. “125 Anniversary Celebration, Our Lady of Good Harbor Church, October 15, 1989”
40. “The Freeporter,” Down the Road, January 1992
41. “A Medley of Recipes from Our Lady of Good Harbor,” Down the Road, October 1992
42. “State’s First Avocado Pears Raise Hopes for New Industry” (2 pages)
43. “Crosses on the Delta” (2 pages)
44. “Our Lady of Good Harbor” (4 pages)
45. “Batiste Collette”
46. Calendar drawing, “Lulich Brothers Winery”
47. Picture of Buras Saloon, 1951
48. “Alma Mater” (4 pages)
49. Pictures of Pivach Winery (2 pages)
50. Picture of Sazerac Saloon
51. Copy of email with map and pictures of possible cemetery near Triumph, 6 March
(4 pages)
52. “Our Lady of Good Harbor Cemetery” reenactment script (5 pages)
53. Reenactment scripts (7 pages)
54. “Orange Tree 100 Years Old,” Plaquemines Times, 19 June 1937
55. “Industry Spreading Over Large Section and Well Planned,” 10 January 1932 (2
56. “A Reprint from the New Orleans States – February 1947, Elizabeth Kell,” Down the Road, November 1998
57. “Historical & Fun Facts and Notes,” Down the Road, February 1992
58. “Historical & Fun Facts and Notes,” Down the Road, January 1992 (2 pages)
59. “Port Eads, 1887” and “The Highway CA. 1922,” Down the Road, April 1992
60. “Where Everybody Knows Your Name,” Down the Road, June 1993 (4 pages)
61. “Days Gone By,” Plaquemines Gazette, ND
62. “Spring Celebrations,” Down the Road, May 1997 (2 pages)
63. “A New Country,” Down the Road, July 1997 (3 pages)
64. “The Sazerac Saloon,” Down the Road, September 1995 (2 pages)
65. Partial article on the Buras saloon, Down the Road, June 1993 (2 pages)
66. “A Lady of Courage and Determination,” Down the Road, May 1990 (3 pages)
67. Advertisement for “Yours, Mine & Ours”
68. “Historical & Fun Facts and Notes,” Down the Road, March 1992
69. “Organizationally Speaking,” Down the Road, July 1989 (3 pages)
70. “Their Names Live On,” Down the Road, April 1997 (5 pages)
71. “Daddy’s Christmas,” Down the Road, February 1997 (7 pages)
72. “Down the Road Mardi Gras,” Down the Road, July 1993
73. “A Long Road to Buras,” Down the Road, February 1996 (4 pages)
74. “Historical Trial is One of Many in Plaquemines Parish: The Murder of John “Jack”
Richard Kraft: ‘Unsolved,’” Down the Road, July 1991 (2 copies; 6 pages)
75. “And the Walls Came Tumbling Down: Dentist Dimitry Cossich Renovates a Buras
Landmark,” Down the Road, February 1995 (9 pages)
76. “Dumoulin” handwritten page
77. “Ragas” handwritten page
78. “Red Hingle’s Baseball Team” and “Names,” Down the Road, September 1991 (2 copies)
79. “Historical & Fun Facts and Notes,” Down the Road, March 1992
80. “Mardi Gras Moments,” Down the Road, February 1991
81. Copy of a page of The Weekly Empire Parish, 9 February 1867
82. Copy of “Buras Boat Harbor” picture (2 pages)
83. “Buras Library Dedication”
84. “Louisiana Places: Triumph”
85. “A Night of Horror”
86. Map of Fort Jackson
87. Calendar picture, “Our Lady of Good Harbor Cemetery – Buras” (2 copies)
88. Calendar drawing, “Buras Boat Harbor, Buras”
89. Calendar drawing, “Buras High School”
90. “January 8, 1975”
91. “Avis,” copy of French newspaper article
92. “Are you Go’ng to the City” (3 copies)
93. “January 17 & 18, 1768”
94. “Grand Picnic,” Plaquemines Protector, 21 June 1912
95. Copy of train ticket
96. “Orange packing shed, Buras” (2 pages)
97. “Destroyed: Landmark Café Burns in Buras,” Plaquemines Watchman, 5 January 1988
98. Poster for “The Great Big Doorstep”
99. “George Shoenberger,” The Protector, 23 June 1900
100. Two articles from The Protector reprinted in Down the Road, October 1991
101. “W. A. Brainerd Canal Store” advertisement
102. “Who Says Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees” advertisement
103. “Souvenir Program: First Annual Fair and Dance, Benefit American Legion, 25 June
1939” pamphlet
104. “Review of E. P. O’Donnell’s Green Margins”
105. Buras High School article, Down the Road, May 1997 (3 pages)
Folder 1B: Newspaper Clippings about Buras
1. “Historic Buras,” Plaquemines Watchman, 21 April 1982 (4 pages)
2. Newspaper picture of the Sazerac Saloon
3. “Plaquemines Parish’s Past,” Plaquemines Watchman, 28 July 1982
4. “Classic Car,” ND
5. “Plaquemines Parish’s Past,” Plaquemines Watchman, 9 June 1982
6. “Plaquemines Parish’s Past,” Plaquemines Watchman, 26 May 1982
7. “Destroyed: Landmark Café Burns in Buras,” Plaquemines Watchman, 5 January 1980
8. “More on Slavonians,” ND
9. “Plaquemines Parish’s Past,” Plaquemines Watchman, 15 September 1982
10. “Mabel Guillotte,” ND
11. “Reunion: Buras High School Class of 1947,” The Gazette, 17 July 1987
12. “Plaquemines Home,” ND
13. “Family of the Past,” ND
14. “Coffee Break/ On a (Memory) Trip Through the Parish,” Plaquemines Watchman, 15 December 1987
15. “Churches Celebrate 125 Years,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 November 1989
16. “Church to Observe 125th Anniversary,” ND
17. “Churches Celebrate 125 Years,” The Gazette, 3 November 1989
18. “Association Commemorates 300 Years of History in Plaquemines,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 November 1999
19. “More Parish Facts from City Guide Listed,” Plaquemines Gazette, ND
20. “Buras Genealogist Publishes New Book,” Plaquemines Watchman, 22 March 1988
21. “Buras Homecoming,” The Watchman, 24 October 1989
22. “2013 Orange King Coronation Ball,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 November 2013
23. “PPSB South Plaquemines Faculty Housing,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 August 2012
24. “Plaquemines’ popular citrus celebration returns to Fort Jackson,” Times-Picayune, 5 December 2010
25. “Disaster-riddled parish takes a break,” Times-Picayune, 5 December 2010
26. “Seafood Fest celebrates more this year,” 1 June 2010
27. “Fun Facts,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 September 2013
28. “South Plaq. High: Students to be on campus in 6-weeks,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 July 2013
29. “Local teens awarded in poster/essay contest,” Plaquemines Gazette, ND
30. “BHS Athlestics remembered,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 July 2014
31. “Empire swing bridge closed again,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 October 2012
32. “Levee loses 6 ½ feet of height in incident,” Times-Picayune, 30 May 2006
33. “Levee slumps; repairs to take weeks,” Times-Picayune, 30 May 2006
34. Obituary for Preston “Bassy” Kuhlmann, 2007
35. “Just a thought,” ND
36. “South Plaq. Fire Departments united for flag raising ceremony at SPHS,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 November 2013
37. “The Story Behind ‘The Three Crosses’ in Triumph,” Plaquemines Watchman, 30 November 1999
38. “Our Parish and Paper,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 August 2012
39. “Formal Opening of Citrus City in Buras, Saturday & Sunday,” 18 January 1963
(3 pages)
40. “For Rent: South Plaquemines Faculty Housing,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 August 2012
41. “Buras Family History Traced at Reunion,” Plaquemines Watchman, 20 August 1985
42. Newspaper order form for Le Pays des Fleurs Oranges (2 copies)
43. “Orange Fest media tour returns,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 November 2010
44. “New coyote officer funded,” Plaquemines Gazette, June 2011 (2 pages)
45. “Flashbacks: Close Call,” ND
46. “Orange Fair Tour Showcases Parish,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 November 1982
47. “Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival Press Tour,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 November 1981
48. “District 9 council office reopens Fort Jackson Museum,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 March 2019 (2 pages)
49. “Robert Alan Cooper retires with a distinguished military career,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 January 2020
Folder 2: Fort Bourbon
1. “Also see” note
2. Maps of Plaquemines Bend in the Mississippi River and Fort Bourbon (9 pages)
3. “Forts in Plaquemines Bend” (4 pages)
4. “Fort Bourbon – An Historical Summary” for the Plaquemines Parish Commission
Council (52 pages)
Folder 3A: Fort Jackson – History
1. “Also see” note
2. “Plaquemines Parish: Fort Jackson” pamphlet
3. Reprint of The Charleston Mercury, 1863 (5 pages)
4. Reprinted pictures and drawings of Confederate Civil War ships (5 pages)
5. Printed map of Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip on the Mississippi River,
1852 (2 copies)
6. Drawing of monument
7. Copy of a drawing of Ft. Jackson Headquarters House, 1 April 1871
8. Copy of drawing, “Federal Warships on the Mississippi.”
9. Copy of drawing, “The ‘Governor Moore’ in Flames.”
10. Copy of drawings, “The ‘Governor Moore’ Ramming the ‘Varuna’” and “Fort St. Philip
Under Attack.”
11. “Selected Images of Ft. Jackson” (6 pages)
12. “Plan of Fort Jackson.”
13. Sketch of a house
14. Sketch, “Repairing Levee near Plaquemines” (2 pages)
15. Copy of drawing, “Taking the Surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip.”
16. Flyer to visit Fort Jackson
17. Drawing of Historical Marker at Perez Park in Jesuit Bend, LA
18. “Balloon view of the vicinity of New Orleans, looking toward the Gulf of Mexico.”
19. Map of Louisiana Delta
20. “Fort Jackson and the Water Battery”
21. Copy of a picture from the State Library of Louisiana
22. Photograph of a map of Forts Jackson and St. Philip
23. Calendar drawing, “Highway 23, Fort Jackson”
24. Calendar drawing, “Monument to De La Salle at Fort Jackson”
25. Copies of maps and diagrams of Fort Jackson (15 pages)
26. Copied sketch of Fort Jackson
27. “Bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip by the Federal Mortar Schooners”
28. FEMA map of Forts Jackson, St. Philip, and Bourbon
29. Google Earth photographs of Fort Jackson, 2009
30. “Sketch of the Casemates at Fort Jackson, La.,” 1868 (2 copies)
31. Drawing of Fort Jackson from across the river.
32. Drawing of Forts Jackson and St. Philip and the Mississippi River.
33. Plan for Fort Jackson (3 pages)
34. Partial plans for Fort Jackson
35. “Proposed Installation of Taylor-Raymond hoists, Battery Ransom, F. Jackson,
LA,” 1904.
36. “Plan and Sections of Battery for Two 8in. Disappearing Guns in Fort Jackson,
La.,” 1900
37. Fort Jackson Plans, 1817
38. “Fort Jackson, Showing Conditions of Armament,” 1899
39. “Working Plant for construction of Battery for Two 8in. B. L. Rifles, Fort Jackson,
La.,” 1898
40. Sketch of Fort Jackson
41. “Interior of Fort Jackson”
42. Plans and data table for Fort Jackson (8 pages)
43. Map of Fort Jackson
44. “National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929”
45. “Exterior Battery A at Fort Jackson, La.,” 1858
46. 1824 map of planned Fort Plaquemines
47. Sketches from Down the Road, “Fort Jackson,” “Motor boats sink near Fort Jackson,” and “The Wreck of the Morgan”
(3 pages)
48. “Fort Jackson” (4 pages)
49. Picture of monument
50. Title page of “American Civil War Fortifications”
51. “Fort Jackson National Historical Monument” (9 pages)
52. Aerial picture of Fort Jackson
53. Copied pictures of Fort Jackson (7 pages)
54. Unlabeled copied paintings
55. Sketches, “Flag-Officer Farragut’s Gulf Squadron, and Commodore Porter’s Mortar
Fleet” and “Reconnaissance of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on the Mississippi, by
Gunboats from Flag-Officer Farragut’s Squadron”
56. “Work at the Forts Being Expanded,” copied newspaper article, ND (2 copies; 4
57. Drawings of Fort Jackson
58. Copied magazine page about Fort Jackson
59. “Final Report of Cultural Resource Investigations Within the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers New Orleans to Venice Hurricane Protection Project, Annex A: Research
Design for Phase 1 Mitigation of Fort Jackson, 16PL38, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana,”
1988 (16 pages)
60. “Fort St. Philip, Fort Jackson, and Fort St. Leon” (13 pages)
61. “Forts Jackson and St. Philip,” CWSAC Battle Summaries (2 pages)
62. “Encyclopedia of Forts, Posts, Named Camps, and Other Military Installations
in Louisiana, 1700-1981” (35 pages)
63. “History of Fort Jackson” (7 pages)
64. “A Research Design for Cultural Resources Investigations in the Vicinity of Fort
Jackson, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana” (15 pages)
65. “History of Fort Jackson” (4 pages)
66. “A Walking Tour” (4 pages)
67. “Looking at Fort Jackson from Fort St. Philip – 1871,” Down the Road, September 2000 (5 pages)
68. Timelines, 1861-1865, (13 pages)
69. “Fort Jackson, Her Story, Her History, Her Contributions,” Down the Road, January 1996 (3 copies; 27 pages)
Folder 3B:
1. “Fort Jackson, Louisiana,” Historic Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi (2 pages)
2. “Fort Jackson,” Louisiana: A Guide to the State (3 copies)
3. “1861 Surrender of Fort Jackson,” Tales of the Mississippi (2 copies)
4. “1871 Fort Jackson,” Tales of the Mississippi (3 copies)
5. “Fort Jackson, Jan. 8, 1861 – Apr. 27, 1862,” Confederate Forts (27 pages)
6. “History of Fort Jackson” (4 pages)
7. “Sunken ‘Manasses’ Awaits Better Times,” Plaquemines Watchman, 6 April 1983
8. “Finding warships a dream deferred,” New Orleans Times-Picayune, ND
9. “The Governor Moore and the Varuna,” Down the Road, March 2000 (2 copies; 10 pages)
10. “Some Things Never Change,” Down the Road, June 1991 (3 pages)
11. “Tunnel Visions: Historical Collections Are Displayed in Tunnels of Fort Jackson,”
Down the Road, January 1995 (6 pages)
12. “American Seacoast Defense Database: Military Reservations and Concrete Gun Batteries
1890-1945” (6 pages)
13. “A Yankee’s Visit to Fort Jackson,” Plaquemines Watchman, 19 October 1983 (3 pages)
14. “Parish History: One Soldier’s Reflections of Fort,” Plaquemines Watchman, 23 March 1983 (3 pages)
15. “The Official Plaquemines Parish Tour Guide”
16. Envelope for the Plaquemines Parish Historical Association with picture of Fort
Jackson and Fort St. Philip
17. USPS announcement of Civil War 1862 Commemorative Stamps. Envelope. Copy of announcement.
18. Flyer for Civil War Reenactment at Fort Jackson in 2012
19. Printout for John Milner Associates, Inc. Historic Preservation and Cultural
Resource Services
20. Invitation to the Grand Opening of the Fort Jackson Museum & Welcome Center,
2015. Envelope.
21. Picture of memorial, Plaquemines Gazette (2 copies)
22. Nine Fort Jackson pamphlets
23. “Explore Louisiana’s Deep Delta” pamphlet
24. Invitation to Fourth of July Celebration at Fort Jackson, 1968.
25. Sixth Annual July 4th Celebration at Fort Jackson program
26. “Plaquemines Parish Fort Jackson 5th Company Washington Artillery” pamphlet
27. “Forts Jackson & St. Philip: Photos of Plaquemines Parish, La”
28. “Fort Jackson after Katrina: Fort Jackson, Plaquemines parish, La”
29. Copy of newspaper clipping, “Lower Coast”
30. “Barging through America” pamphlet (2 copies)
31. Christmas Card from Port of New Orleans with illustration of Fort Jackson
32. Lower Mississippi River National Park pamphlet
33. “Wounded Fort Pike Closed to public”
34. “Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival,” 1982 pamphlet
35. Pack of tear-off tickets for donations to brick archway at Fort Jackson in Judge
L.H. Perez’s honor
36. Pictures of Fort Jackson in September 2004 (106)
Folder 3C: Newspaper Clippings About Fort Jackson
1. “Oyster Industry talk set March 6 in N.O.,” Gretna-Picayune, 25 February 1999
2. “The Orange Festival without Fort Jackson?” The Gazette, 27 November 2007
3. “Editorial,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 April 2009
4. “Orange Festival Returns to Fort Jackson,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 November 2010 (2 pages)
5. “2010 Orange Fest to return to South Plaq.”
6. “Orange Fest seeks artists,” 2008
7. “Rotary Club presents check to Orange Fest,” Plaquemines Gazette, ND
8. “New citrus disease not as bad as some believe” and “65th Annual Plaquemines
Parish Fair and Orange Festival,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 November 2011
9. “Take pride – and support annual Orange Festival,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 October 2007
10. Advertisement for 65th Annual Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival posters
11. “Fun Times at Fort Jackson for 55th Orange Festival,” Plaquemines Watchman, 4 December 2001
12. “Ft. Jackson canon fragments unveiled to public at Orange Fest,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 December 2013
13. “Forts Drone Photographer speaking at Historical Association meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 June 2014
14. “Construction underway for Fort Jackson Museum and Triumph Welcome Center,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 Jun 2014
15. “Fort Jackson Museum Opens,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 December 2014
16. “Plaquemines celebrates French heritage with Consul visit,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 April 2018
17. “All Hail the Crawfish,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 April 2008
18. “Ghosts reveal themselves at Fort Jackson,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 February 2014
19. “Visit the Fort Jackson Museum,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 November 2017
20. “Tourism heads downriver: Tourists visit Fort Jackson, take aerial tours,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 May 2007
21. Plaquemines Gazette, 3 September 1965
22. “History Comes to Life,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 March 2001
23. “Plaquemines Historical Association Steps Back in Time with ‘A Glimpse of Indians
Past,’” Plaquemines Gazette, 20 October 2000 (2 copies)
24. “Re-Enactment Coming to Fort Jackson,” Plaquemines Gazette, 25 February 2000 (2 copies)
25. “Fort Jackson Park Proposed,” Plaquemines Watchman, 13 October 1998
26. “Ft. Jackson Invaded by Vandals,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 January 1999
27. “Fund Set Up to Rescue Fort,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 August 2002
28. “Fort Jackson renewal efforts make headway,” The Picayune, 22 May 2003
29. “U.S.S. Arizona Civil War Gunboat Foundation,” ND
30. “Give Fort Jackson Away,” 3 November 2000
31. “Days of Old Come Back to Ft. Jackson This Month,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 November 2000
32. “Good Friday Community Service in Triumph Today,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 April 2000
33. Ft. Jackson…” Plaquemines Watchman, 6 October 1998
34. “Civil War Re-Enactment Slated at Fort Jackson,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 February 1999
35. “Plaq. Ft. Jackson Proposed to Become State Park,” Plaquemines Watchman, 6 October 1998
36. “Plaquemines doing master plan,” Times-Picayune, 15 January 2004
37. “Pictured here is the entrance to Historic Fort Jackson….” Plaquemines Watchman, 10 October 2000
38. “McCarty to go Before PPC for Grant Endorsement,” Plaquemines Watchman, 10 October 2000
39. “The Battle for Fort Jackson,” Times-Picayune, 8 February 2004 (2 copies)
40. “Plaquemines Celebrates 300th Year at Fort Jackson Observance Program,” Plaquemines Watchman, 21 April 1982
41. “Event marks Iberville landing: Crew fails to repeat 1699 journey,” Times-Picayune, 29 March 1999
42. “Orange Fest Ready for 54th Season,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 November 2000
43. “Glimpses of Indians Past…,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 November 2000
44. “Days of Old Come Back to Ft. Jackson This Month,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 November 2000
45. “Perret,” The Picayune, 25 February 1999
46. Food: Morning Advocate, 7 December 1989
47. “Face of Plaquemines Parish will take Tourists into the Past,” Plaquemines Watchman, 3 March 1999
48. “Making history,” Times-Picayune, 4 March 1999
49. “Historical Ship Suspected to be Buried in Plaq…,” Plaquemines Watchman, 6 June 2000
50. “Arizona Man Coming to Plaq. To Hunt for Historical Treasure,” Plaquemines Watchman, 6 June 2000
51. “Parish Council Minutes,” ND
52. “Parish History on Tour,” ND
53. “Old fort may become spill cleanup base,” Times-Picayune, 1 May 1993
54. “Parish Historical Society Meetings,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 November 1983
55. “Thoughts on Fort Jackson,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 September 1989
56. “Survey Says: Why is Fort Jackson important to you and Plaquemines Parish?” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 May 2012
57. “Battling Back,” Times-Picayune, 21 January 2008 (2 pages)
58. “Ft. Jackson not forgotten,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 November 2007
59. “Parish Council Minutes,” The Gazette, 29 July 2008 (2 pages)
60. “Remembering another war,” Times-Picayune, 22 April 2012
61. “What a very nice experience,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 April 2016
62. “Fort Jackson featured on first Stephen Ambrose New Orleans tour,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 March 2018 (2 pages)
63. “Public Notice,” 13 March 2012
64. “Army Corps says ‘unexploded munitions’ at Fort Jackson safe,” Plaquemines Gazette, 20 March 2012
65. Advertisement for the 150 Year Anniversary of Fort Jackson and “Battle of Fort
Jackson re-enactment this weekend,” Plaquemines Gazette, 17 April 2012
66. “Plaquemines gets front row seats for Nola Navy Week,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 April 2012
67. “Home Sweet Home,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 December 2010
68. “Spill,” ND
69. “Fort Jackson receives new sign donated,” Plaquemines Gazette, 11 May 2010
70. “Public Notice,” 2007
71. “Ft. Jackson closes,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 July 2007
72. “Saving Ft. Jackson,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 April 2008
73. “Philatelic Pride,” Times-Picayune, 25 April 2012
74. “It’s anchors aweigh as ships set sail after Navy Week,” Times-Picayune, 24 April 2012
75. “Crowds enjoy reenactments at Battle of Ft. Jackson anniversary,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 April 2012
76. “Wounded Fort Pike closed to public,” Times-Picayune, 21 March 2006
77. “Can Plaquemines Parish support a National Park?” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 February 2016
78. “Storm brewing over fate of sunken ships,” 9 October 1983
79. “Sunken Manasses Awaits Better Times,” Plaquemines Watchman, 6 April 1983
80. “More on Council,” ND
81. “Historical Society Hears Fort Jackson Talk,” Plaquemines Watchman, 9 March 1983
82. Historical Society Hears Report on Excavations,” ND.
83. “Archaeologist to Address Historical Society,” Plaquemines Watchman, 28 September 1983
84. “Potential Exists for Fort Jackson: Saltus,” Plaquemines Gazette, November 1983
85. “Raising ironclad considered,” Times-Picayune, 29 January 1983, and “Found at Fort Jackson: Civil War Boat,” Plaquemines Watchman, 2 February 1983
Folder 4:
1. “The History of Forts Jackson and St. Philip with Special Emphasis on the
Civil War,” LSU Masters Thesis by Ernest Adam Landry, 1938 (101 pages)
Folder 5:
1. “Fort Jackson 2006: FEMA Post-Hurricane Katrina Tree Evaluation” (95 pages)
Folder 6:
1. “Fort Jackson Master Plan, April 2004” (168 pages)
Folder 7:
1. “Heritage Study for Fort Jackson, Tourism Project” (214 pages)
Folder 8: “Fort Jackson, 1865-2005 (to Hurricane Katrina)
1. “Also See” note
2. Sketch of Fort Jackson defenses and buildings
3. Map from “Fort Jackson/Plaquemines Parish Master Plan”
4. “Fort Jackson Area Development” from “Fort Jackson/Plaquemines Parish Master
5. Picture of Fort Jackson
6. “Fort Jackson Pre-Katrina”
7. “Post Katrina”
8. “Fort Jackson in 2003-2004” (7 pages)
9. Two pictures of Fort Jackson (2 copies)
10. Picture of Fort Jackson, Plaquemines Watchman, 10 October 2000
11. Email chain between Rod Lincoln and Lee Hughart, 2005 (3 pages)
12. Front page of Plaquemines Times, 19 June 1937
13. Series of pictures of Plaquemines Parish and Fort Jackson (11 pages)
14. Map of Mississippi River at Forts Jackson and St. Philip
15. “Fort Jackson Historical Trail”
16. Copy of receipt for brick purchase
17. “The Night the War was Lost at the Mouth of the Mississippi River,” Down the Road, March 1990
18. “Civil War Re-Enactment” flyer, 2003
19. “Civil War Re-Enactment” flyer, 2012 (5 pages)
20. “Tricentennial Celebration: Faces of Plaquemines Past,” 1999.
21. “Making History,” The Picayune, 4 March 1999
22. “Visit Fort Jackson” flyer (2 copies)
23. “Living History Encampment at Historic Fort Jackson,” 1991 flyer
24. “History Will Repeat Itself at Fort Jackson, The 5th Company Washington Artillery,”
Down the Road, March 1998 (2 copies; 8 pages)
25. “Some Things Never Change,” Down the Road, June 1991 (3 pages)
26. “Fort Jackson: Her Story, Her History, Her Contributions,” Down the Road, January 1996 (2 copies; 13 pages)
27. “Sister Forts,” Down the Road, July 1991 (5 pages)
28. “History Grows at Fort Jackson with St. Joseph’s Altar,” Down the Road, March 1990 (2 pages)
29. “Fort Jackson,” The Bienville Rifle, March/April 1999 (3 pages)
30. “Location and Construction of Forts at Plaquemines Bend” (2 pages)
31. “Fort Jackson, Fort St. Philip, Louisiana, American Civil War, April 16-28, 1862,”, printed 3/22/2002 (2 pages)
32. “Parish Forts Featured in Magazine Article and Television Program,” ND
33. “LaSalle Monument Dedication – April 1982,” Down the Road, March 1991.
34. List of National Register Sites in Plaquemines including Fort Jackson
35. “Fort Jackson, Louisiana” (2 pages)
36. Emails to Rod Lincoln concerning graves at Fort Jackson, 1998-2003 (2 pages)
37. Email to Rod Lincoln from James Madere, Director of State Operations for Everyday
Paranormal of Louisiana, 23 May 2011
38. Letter from Benny Rousselle, Plaquemines Parish President, to Colonel Peter J.
Rowan, U.S. Corps of Engineers, 30 July 2002 (2 pages)
39. “Public Law 106-487-Nov. 9, 2000”
40. “The Battle for Fort Jackson,” Times-Picayune, 8 February 2004 (4 copies; 7 pages)
41. “The Governor Moore and the Varuna,” Down the Road, March 2000 (7 pages)
42. “Raising ironclad considered,” Times-Picayune, 29 January 1983, and “Found at Fort Jackson: Civil War Boat, Plaquemines Watchman, 2 February 1983 (2 copies)
43. “Storm brewing over fate of sunken ships,” 9 October 1983 (2 copies)
44. “Potential Exists for Fort Jackson: Saltus,” Plaquemines Gazette, November 1983 (2 copies)
45. “Fort St. Philip, Fort Jackson and Fort St. Leon” (13 pages)
46. “Fort Jackson”
47. “1871 Fort Jackson,” Tales of the Mississippi
48. “Fort Jackson Master Plan,” 1/28/04 (18 pages)
49. “Jewels of Plaquemines Parish,” 64parishes (2 pages)
50. “Yeoman in Farragut’s Fleet: The Civil War Diary of Josiah Parker Higgins” (2
51. “Sunken ‘Manasses’ Awaits Better Times,” Plaquemines Watchman, 6 April 1983
52. “1861 Surrender of Fort Jackson,” Tales of the Mississippi (2 copies)
53. “Fort Jackson” in “Louisiana -Mississippi Treasure Leads”
54. “Letters,” Down the Road, January 1997
55. “Somebody Knew,” Dixie, 23 June 1974
56. “Plaquemines Parish’s Civil War ‘Battle of the forts’ is topic of free discussion,”, 5 March 2012 (3 pages)
57. “LaSalle Monument, Fort Jackson,” Down the Road, August 1990
58. “History of Fort Jackson”
59. “The Battle for Fort Jackson,” Times-Picayune, 8 February 2004 (2 pages)
60. “Tunnel Visions: Historical Collections are Displayed in Tunnels of Fort Jackson,”
Down the Road, January 1995 (6 pages)
61. “American Seacoast Defense Database: Military Reservations and Concrete Gun Batteries,
62. “Life at Fort Jackson 136 Years Ago…Will Live Again,” Down the Road, March 1998 (3 pages)
63. “Fort Jackson,” Louisiana, A Guide to the State
64. “Dedication Ceremonies of the ‘de Le Salle Monument’” program (6 pages)
65. “Faces of Plaquemines Past,” Down the Road, April 1999 (6 pages)
66. “A graphic representation of the archaeological potential of areas surrounding
Fort Jackson”
67. “Discoverer of U.S.S. Arizona Hopes to Find Artifacts,” The Civil War News (4 pages)
68. “NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey” flyer
69. “Report of Upper Soil Layer Investigations,” 26 May 2005 (2 pages)
70. “Dedication Kelly Hingle Park at Fort Jackson, October 4, 1986” (2 pages)
71. “Inventory of documents (copies) at the Fort Jackson Museum prior to Hurricane
Katrina” (2 copies; 41 pages)
72. “The NGS Data Sheet – Jackson,” NOAA (3 pages)
73. “Visit Historic Old Fort Jackson” mail-out
74. Copy of “Fort Jackson First Annual Celebration,” 1963 poster
75. Letter to Luke Petrovich from E. M. Lisle, Acting Assistant Regional Director,
U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 27 April 1962, and envelope.
(2 copies; 7 pages)
76. “Plaquemines’ Past,” Down the Road, January 1996
77. “Plaquemines Parish Fort Jackson 4th of July Fair & Festival” flyer and centennial
commission, 1962 (6 pages)
78. “Fort Jackson Celebration is Tomorrow” and four pictures
79. “Plaquemines Parish Fort Jackson Centennial Commission,” 1962 (5 pages)
80. Flyer for Fort Jackson 4th of July Fair & Festival
81. Letter to Plaquemines Parish Commission Council from Gurtler, Hebert & Co., Inc.,
18 January 1867
82. “A Resolution to Recognize the Historical Importance of Bayou Mardi Gras…” and
letter from Maurice Ries to the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council, 25 June 1963
83. Letter to the Freeport Sulphur Company from the Plaquemines Parish Commission
Council, 9 March 1967
84. Letter to the Freeport Sulphur Company from the Plaquemines Parish Fort Jackson
Commission, 17 June 1965
85. Letter to the Freeport Sulphur Co. from the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council,
25 June 1963
86. Letter to the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council from Gurtler, Hebert and
Co., Inc., 24 October 1966, and invoice (2 pages)
87. Letter to John Chase from Leander H. Perez, 30 August 1968
88. Letter from the Getty Oil Company about the Fort Jackson Fourth of July Celebration,
26 June 1969, and a list of businesses (3 pages)
89. Letter to the Manager-Administration and Community Relations for the Freeport
Sulphur Company from Tom P. Brady, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Mississippi,
1 July 1968
90. “Plaquemines Parish Industrial committee Allocation of Costs” and two short letters,
1968 (3 pages)
91. Letter to the Freeport Sulphur Company from L. H. Yarrut, Associate Justice of
the Louisiana Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal, 5 July 1968.
92. Letter to the Freeport Sulphur Company from E. Howard McCaleb, Associate Justice
of the Louisiana Supreme Court, 27 June 1968
93. Letter to Mr. Jones in Port Sulphur, LA, from W. B. Hamlin, Associate Justice
of the Louisiana Supreme Court, 27 June 1968
94. Letter to the Freeport Sulphur Company from Judge Richard T. McBride, 27 June
95. Letter to the Freeport Sulphur Company from Joe W. Sanders, Associate Justice
of the Louisiana Supreme Court, 28 June 1968
96. Letter to the Freeport Sulphur Company from Congressman F. Edw. Hebert, 1 July
97. Handwritten menu
98. Letter from R. W. Jones of the Freeport Sulphur Co., 5 June 1969. Note abut telephone
call, 5 June 1969. Letter from Luke A. Petrovich, Fort Jackson Commission, to R. W.
Jones, 27 May 1969. “Plaquemines Parish Commission Council and Plaquemines Parish
Fort Jackson Commission 4th of July Celebration, 1969.” (7 pages)
Folder 8B – “Fort Jackson, 1865-2005 (to Hurricane Katrina) – 1968”
1. Documents concerning the 1968 Fort Jackson Fourth of July Celebration (114
Folder 9 – “Fort Jackson, 2006-Now”
1. “Plaquemines Parish: Fort Jackson” booklet
2. Email chain between Rod Lincoln and Nadina Gardner about a National Endowment
for the Humanities grant, 2005 (3 pages). “Appropriations Request” (5 pages). Pictures
of the Fort Jackson museum (2 pages).
3. “Report on Research Trip to NARA” by Lee Hughart, 2007 (2 pages)
4. Email chain between Rod Lincoln and Lee Hughart, 2005 (4 pages)
5. Application for metal detection survey of Fort Jackson, 2005 (3 pages)
6. “Report of Upper Soil Layer Investigation” (3 pages)
7. “Fort Jackson After Katrina” (2 copies; 10 pages)
8. “The Battle for Fort Jackson,” Times-Picayune, 8 February 2004
9. “Tunnel Visions: Historical Collections are Displayed in Tunnels of Fort Jackson,” Down the Road, January 1995 (6 pages)
10. Advertisement for tourism below New Orleans
11. “Civil War Preservation Trust Unveils Most Endangered Battlefields Report” (4
12. Advertisement for a Lower Mississippi River National Park
13. “What if there was a … Lower Mississippi River National Park” pamphlet
14. “Lower Mississippi River National Park, Executive Summary, May 2008” (3 pages)
15. “The Fort Jackson and Lower Mississippi River National Park Story” (11 pages)
16. “Lower Mississippi,” National Park Service Newsletter, May 2016 (2 copies)
17. “The Lower Mississippi River National Park” powerpoint (9 pages)
18. “Lower Mississippi River Area Special Resource Study, May 2019,” National Park
Box 13 – Community
Folder 1: “Fort Jackson – Katrina Repair, 2005-2012”
1. “Also see” note
2. “Louisiana Purchase Automated Benefit Card”
3. “Hurricane Katrina devastated Forts Jackson, St. Philip and Pike…”
4. “Fort Jackson After Katrina” (2 copies; 10 pages)
5. Email chain between Rod Lincoln and Lee Hughart, 2005 (8 pages)
6. Emails between Rod Lincoln and Joan M. Exnicios, 2006
7. Emails between Rod Lincoln and Nadina Gardner, 2005 (2 pages)
8. Email chain between Rod Lincoln and the Louisiana State Historic Preservation
Office, 2005 (2 pages)
9. Correspondence from James Madere and historians from Fort Pike & Fort McCorub
(8 pages)
10. Emails between Rod Lincoln and Janice Buras, 2005
11. Email chain between Rod Lincoln and Donna Duhe, 2006 (6 pages)
12. “Agreement Between Texas A&M University and Plaquemines Parish Government” (8
13. “Disaster Recovery Object Record Form” for Fort Jackson Museum (15 pages)
14. Email from Rod Lincoln to James Madere, 2015
15. Email from Donna Duhe to Rich Cooper, 7 August 2006 (8 pages)
16. Letter from FEMA, 16 March 2006 (2 copies; 4 pages)
17. Letter from John Callan at FEMA to David Livingstone and Mary Neustadter, 17
February 2006 (3 pages)
18. Letter from FEMA, 29 November 2005
19. “FEMA Project Worksheet – Photo Sheet” (2 pages)
20. Drawing of Fort Jackson architecture
21. “Fort Jackson: Hurricane Katrina Damage Assessment, December 2005” (84 pages)
22. “Meeting Summary, 2nd Section 106 2PA Consultation Meeting, 22 January 2013”
(9 pages)
23. “Summary, Fort Jackson 2PA Site Visit, 6 February 2013” (13 pages)
24. “Public Notice Regarding Section 106 and NEPA Review of Disaster-Related Repairs
to Fort Jackson” (16 pages)
25. Flyer for “Louisiana Trust’s 2007 Announcement of Louisiana’s Ten Most Endangered
Historic Sites List”
26. Flyer for “Sacred Soil: Endangered Battlefields of the Civil War” and emails
concerning interview (4 pages)
27. Letter from Rod Lincoln to the National Trust for Historic Preservation (3 copies;
12 pages)
28. Map of Fort Jackson
29. “Civil War Preservation Trust Unveils Most Endangered Battlefields Report,” 2006
(2 copies; 6 pages)
30. Cover for “History Will Repeat Itself at Fort Jackson,” Down the Road, March 1998 (3 copies)
31. “The Battle for Fort Jackson,” Times-Picayune, 8 February 2004 (2 copies)
32. “Federal money’s tight for long-term projects,” Times-Picayune, 8 February 2004 (2 copies)
33. “Some Things Never Change,” Down the Road, June 1991 (2 copies; 7 pages)
34. “Historical forts threatened,” The Advocate, 28 September 2009 (5 pages)
35. Emails between Rod Lincoln and Elaine Herrmann, 2006
36. “Nomination for Fort Jackson (Plaquemines Parish) to Louisiana’s Ten Most Endangered
Sites” (2 pages)
37. “Advertisement for Bids,” 2009
38. “CWPT Names 25 Most Endangered & At Risk Battlefields,” Civil War News, printed
12/27/2007 (4 pages)
39. “History Under Siege: A Guide to America’s Most Endangered Civil War Battlefields
2006,” Civil War Preservation Trust (2 pages)
40. Email from Sherry Wagener, 18 October 2005, and information about FEMA Special
Community Disaster Loans Program (14 pages)
41. “Louisiana Recovery Project Recovery Value” and “Restore Fort Jackson and Fort
St. Philip” (8 pages)
42. “Fort Jackson Technical Project Planning Site Inspection Results and Recommendations,
15 March 2012” (11 pages)
43. Flyer for Plaquemines Parish Grand Opening of Long Term Community Recovery, 7
January 2006
44. Sheet of four pictures of Fort Jackson after Katrina
45. “Plaquemines Parish – Local Recovery Vision” (2 pages)
46. “Parish Recovery Planning Tool” booklet
47. “Key Projects by Sector Plaquemines Economic Development Corporation” (2 copies;
18 pages)
48. “Restore Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip High Recovery Value Project” (2 copies;
6 pages)
49. “Project Summary Sheet – Long Term Recovery Plaquemines Parish” (6 pages)
50. “Katrina Response & AHRI” (2 pages)
51. “Vicksburg Campaign Trail” (3 pages)
52. “Suggested Scope of Work for Planning and Scoping the Recovery and Preservation
of the Historical Properties in Post-Katrina Plaquemines Parish” (2 pages)
53. “Fort Clean-Up, Stabilization and Preservation” (2 pages)
54. “Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office Historic Building Recovery Grant
Program” (11 pages)
55. Application to the Institute of Museum and Library Services for Plaquemines for
the Save America’s Treasure Grant (14 pages)
56. “McCarty To Go Before PPC For Grant Endorsement,” Plaquemines Watchman, 10 October 2000.
Folder 2A: “Fort Jackson National Park – Pre-Katrina”
1. “Also see” note
2. “Vicksburg Campaign Trail” (2 pages). “Guidance for Developing a Battlefield
National Park” (8 pages). “USDOI National Park Service Vicksburg Campaign Trail Feasibility
Study” (37 pages)
3. Advertisements for a Lower Mississippi River National Park (2 pages)
4. Letter from Nell Payne, Director of the Smithsonian Institution to U.S. Representative
Billy Tauzin, 26 September 2002
5. Letter from Louisiana Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Blanco to Sharon Weston,
Chairman of the House Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs Committee, 24 April
6. “4.0 Objectives” (29 pages)
7. Letter from Plaquemines Parish President Benny Rousselle to Garrett Graves,
28 January 2003 (2 copies; 4 pages)
8. Letter from Plaquemines Parish Government to U.S. Representative Billy Tauzin,
26 March 2003 (3 pages)
9. “Talking Points for a Lower Mississippi River National Park”
10. Letter to Rod Lincoln from U.S. Senator John Breaux, 19 July 2004 (2 copies).
First page of letter to John Breaux, 29 August 2002. “Mississippi Place, Mississippi
River, St. Paul, Minnesota” (2 pages). “Fact Sheet.” “City of Hastings Mississippi
River Interpretive Center, Hastings, MN” (5 pages)
11. Series of letters between U.S. Senator John Breaux, Patricia Hooks, U.S. Department
of the Interior Regional Director for the Southeast Region, and Rod Lincoln, 2004
(7 pages)
12. National Park Service, “Director’s Order #25: Land Protection” (7 pages)
13. “Criteria for Parklands” (7 pages)
14. Email chain, 2002 (3 pages)
15. “An alternative for Fort Jackson management” (2 pages)
16. Letter draft. Letter to U.S. Representative Billy Tauzin from the Plaquemines
Parish President Benny Rousselle, 20 March 2003 (3 pages)
17. “Fort Jackson renewal efforts make headway,” The Picayune, 22 May 2003
18. “Proposed Development around Fort Jackson, 2005 Master Plan, Plaquemines Parish”
(5 pages)
19. Partial letter
20. “Plaquemines Historic Association General Meeting Agenda,” 4 April 2006
21. “Landrieu Introduces Bill to Help Plaquemines Parish Historical Sites Join National
Park Service,” 5 July 2011 (2 pages)
22. “Federalizing Plaquemines Parish Forts,” H.R. 1041, S.626 (8 pages)
23. Email chain between Rod Lincoln and Jason Matthews, 2005 (5 pages)
24. “Guidance on Developing a Plan” (9 pages)
25. Letter to U.S. Senator John Breaux, 5 September 2002 (2 pages)
26. “Plaquemines Parish Master Plan – Minutes of Meeting – December 2, 2004” (3 pages)
27. “Restoring America’s National Parks – Louisiana”
28. “National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium” pamphlet
29. “Itasca State Park” Wikipedia (10 pages)
30. Paper addressing “visiting center opportunities in the Atchafalaya Basin” (8
Folder 2B: “Fort Jackson National Park – Post-Katrina, August 2005-2018”
1. Pamphlet, “What if there was a …Lower Mississippi River National Park” (2
2. FEMA letter, 29 November 2005 (2 copies)
3. Partial FEMA letter, 16 March 2006
4. “Fort Jackson after Katrina: Brief History of Fort Jackson” (5 pages)
5. “Project Summary Sheet – Long Term Recovery, Plaquemines Parish” (15 pages)
6. “Top Priorities established by FEMA to speed up Gulf Coast recovery after
Hurricane Katrina & Rita in 2005” (2 pages). “Fort Jackson/ Fort St. Phillip Park
Restoration” (12 pages)
7. “Civil War Preservation Trust Unveils Most Endangered Battlefields Report,”
28 February 2006 (4 pages)
8. Letter from Rod Lincoln about Fort Jackson, ND (2 pages)
9. “National Park Service, National Heritage Areas, Heritage Area Bills Introduced,
109th Congress,” 24 October 2005 (2 pages)
10. “Existing National Register Properties” (5 pages)
11. “Nomination for Fort Jackson (Plaquemines Parish) to National Park Status” (2
12. “The Registry of National Historic Landmarks” pamphlet
13. Email from Bess Gillelan, Director of Interagency Task Force on American Heritage
Rivers, 2007 (3 copies) and copy of S.278 from 110th Congress (24 pages)
14. “Appendix D: Delta Region Museum Survey Summary of Survey Findings” (2 pages)
15. Emails from Rod Lincoln to Billy Nungsser and Janice Costa, 20 March 2008 (2
copies; 5 pages)
16. Letter from Rod Lincoln, 24 February 2006 (4 pages)
17. “The Fort Jackson and Lower Mississippi River National Park Story” (11 pages)
18. Letter to U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu from Plaquemines Parish President Billy
Nungesser, 15 Janaury 2008 (3 pages)
19. “Plaquemines wants to put Fort Jackson back on the map,” WWLTV, 25 August 2009
(2 pages)
20. Email about Fort Jackson, 25 August 2009
21. “Plaquemines Parish Master Plan” partial, (8 pages)
22. Email recommending Rod Lincoln’s involvement in the master planning process,
21 April 2009
23. Letter to Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser and powerpoint for a Lower
Mississippi River National Park, 17 January 2008 (10 pages)
24. “Lower Mississippi River National Park, Executive Summary,” May 2008 (2 pages)
25. “Fort Jackson Park Master Plan, Executive Summary” (4 pages)
26. “The Lower Mississippi River National Park Headquartered at Historic Fort Jackson”
powerpoint (2 copies; 25 pages)
27. “Title IV – Mississippi River National Heritage Area” ND (3 pages)
28. National Park Service, Lower Mississippi Special Resource Study, Newsletter 1,”
May 2016 (3 copies)
29. “Level 1, Pre-Acquisition Environmental Site Assessment Guidance Manual,” March
1999 (36 pages)
30. Email from Rod Lincoln to the initial NPS investigators, ND (2 pages)
31. Letter to Rod Lincoln from NPS investigator, ND
32. “Lower Mississippi River National Park Chronology” (4 pages)
33. Letter to President Barack Obama from Plaquemines Parish President Amos J. Cormier,
Jr., 14 April 2016 (2 pages)
Folder 2C: Newspaper clippings about Fort Jackson National Park
1. “’Fragile Treasure’: Students give top marks to Nature Center,” Times-Picayune, 25 April 1982 (2 pages)
2. “Editorial: Saving Fort Jackson,” The Gazette, 29 April 2008
3. “Saving Ft. Jackson,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 April 2008
4. “Landrieu introduces Lower Miss. River National Historic Site Study Act,”
5 March 2013 and note
5. “Historical Forts threatened,” The Advocate, 28 September 2009 (2 copies)
6. “Forts Fighting Uphill Battles,” Times-Picayune, 14 March 2007
7. “Forts near river’s end floated for national park,” Times-Picayune, 17 July 2011
8. “Plaquemines vies for tourist dollars,” Times-Picayune, 17 July 2011
9. “Feds May Recognized Forts’ Significance,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 July 2011
10. “Federalizing the Forts of Plaquemines,” Plaquemines Gazette, 22 September 2009
11. “Defending Two Forts,” Times-Picayune, 22 March 2009 (2 pages)
12. “PPC okays Ft. Jackson study,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 May 2008
13. “Sealed Bids,” 27 January 2006
14. National Park Project meeting tonight,” Plaquemines Gazette, 20 May 2008
15. “Fort Jackson Museum celebrates grand opening,” Plaquemines Gazette, 22 December 2015
16. “Lower Mississippi Area Special Resource Study,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 May 2016
17. “Can Plaquemines Parish support a National Park?” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 February 2016
Folder 3: Boothville
1. “Also see” note
2. “A Former Boothville School Student Reminisces,” Down the Road, May 2000 (3 pages)
3. “Traveling Down Memory Lane: Boothville,” Down the Road, January 1998 (6 pages)
4. Assorted pictures of Boothville, Down the Road (3 pages)
5. “Remembering…95 years,” Down the Road, November 1991 (3 pages)
6. “The Man Behind the Wheel,” Down the Road, November 1996 (4 pages)
7. “May Festival Boothville School,” Down the Road, May 1992
8. “Barney Schoenberger: The Orange Man, Gum Shoe Poolitician, Mr. Plaquemines
Parish,” Down the Road, June 1998 (6 pages)
9. “A Great Depression: A Lesson of Survival,” Down the Road, July 1995 (3 pages)
Folder 4A: Venice
1. “Also see” note
2. Picture of “Tidewater” welcome sign (3 copies)
3. Picture of sign in Venice marking where La Salle claimed Louisiana
4. “A Gulf Coast Community,” Chevron advertisement
5. “Pride in your Surroundings,” Down the Road, September 1991
6. Picture of waterway
7. Picture of historical markers in Plaquemines Parish (2 copies)
8. Letter from Rod Lincoln to Leonid Shmookler concerning historical sites, 6
May 1990. Map of Mississippi River delta. Map of Grand Pass.
9. Map of the Mississippi River delta and the Tante Phine Project
10. “Riverside Tours” pamphlet
11. “Cypress Cove Marina” pamphlet (2 copies)
12. “Venice Inn Motel” pamphlet
13. “Lighthouse Lodge” pamphlet (2 copies)
14. “Plaquemines Parish: The Finest Fishing Destination on Earth” pamphlet
15. “The Venice Marina Charterboat Association” booklet
16. “Venice Lions Club: Charter Presentation and Installation of Officers,” 4 December
1968, program
17. Picture labeled “Boothville-Venice HS, Class of 1952-1954,” The Gazette
18. “Venice, The End of the Road” powerpoint (5 pages)
19. “Dedication of French Market”
20. “Let’s Go to the Movies,” Down the Road, August 1995 (5 pages)
21. “Mama’s Cooking was Oh So Sweet,” Down the Road, September 1994 (3 pages)
22. “’The Jump’ Today’s Town Called Venice,” Down the Road, April 1991 (2 copies; 11 pages)
23. “Venice and the Settlement of Striker,” Down the Road, May 1991 (5 pages)
24. Letter to the Ft. Jackson Museum & Welcome Center from Susanne Thiede-Barnet,
Managing Director of the National Mississippi River Parkway Commission, August 2015
25. “The Jump” and “Lower Coast Jottings,” Crosses on the Delta
26. “Past Moments,” Down the Road, October 1998
27. “Historical & Fun Facts and Notes: Memories by L. A. Jeaufreau,” Down the Road, December 1991 (2 pages)
28. “Manning the Waters,” Down the Road, April 1992 (2 copies; 5 pages)
29. “Parish offers Navy site to drop anchor,” Times-Picayune, 22 September 1984
30. Beyond road’s end: A journey to the end of the state,” 8/12/90
31. DVD Cover “Venice and Pilottown,” 2003
32. “Katrina can’t stop mission,” Times-Picayune, 25 March 2007 (2 pages)
33. “Where is it? Contest,” Down the Road, April 1995
34. “Extracts from ‘The Sugar Journal’” (2 pages)
35. “In Grand Pass, progress keeps a safe distance,” Times-Picayune, 11 August 1988
36. “Closing a Chapter,” Down the Road, April 1990 (5 pages)
37. “The ‘Jump’ into Prosperity…that’s Venice” (2 copies)
38. Invitation to the rededication of LaSalle’s claiming of Louisiana, 1982
39. “Dedication of French Marker”
40. “The Jump” (2 pages)
41. Three calendar photographs
42. “Cypress Cove Lodge” advertisement
43. “New Post Office Near Complete,” Plaquemines Watchman, 25 February 1986
44. “Homegrown Eggplants” advertisement
Folder 4B: Newspaper Clippings about Venice
1. “Third Annual St. Anthony Blessing of Boats Nets $2,000 in Funds,” Plaquemines Watchman, 18 August 1982 and “St. Ann Blessing of Fleet Winners Named,” Plaquemines Watchman, 18 August 1982
2. “Coast Guard,” Plaquemines Watchman, 16 June 1982
3. “Public Notice,” 6, 13 October 2020
4. “Federal officials halt Chandeleur Island dredging,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 June 2010
5. “Venice Port Complex,” 9 May 2017
6. “Great Beginnings,” Times-Picayune, 8 July 1998 (2 pages)
7. “Boothville-Venice H.S., Class of 1952-1954,” The Gazette, 11 November 1988
8. “Lighthouse Lodge” advertisement
9. “Targa Venice Complex”
10. “Venice is doorway to fishing paradise for the avid angler,” Times-Picayune, 1 June 1988
11. “Station’s New Hope Spreads to Community,” The Gazette, 28 June 2006
12. “PHI Launches New Heliport at Ground Breaking Ceremony,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 January 1999
13. “Venice Jump Project to protect Venice Port Complex,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 June 2012
14. “Millennium Port Meeting Informs Public, Officials Have Mixed Feelings,” Plaquemines Gazette
15. “’School Boat’ Poses Cash Problem,” States-Item, 5 September 1964
16. “USS New York Connects September 11 with Katrina,” Plaquemines Gazette, 20 October 2009
17. “From the city to an undeveloped country,” The Gazette, 1 July 2008
18. “Boothville Native to Star in ‘Food Network’ Competition,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 January 2015
19. “Chevron donates $1 million for Boothville-Venice facility,” Plaquemines Gazette, 22 April 2008
20. “Church to Observe 50 Years,” Plaquemines Watchman, 5 December 1989
21. “Gulf Oil Plant Safe,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 February 1984
22. “Roads updated to prevent flooding” ND
23. “Ship/School Collision?” ND
24. “Land Purchase,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 Febrary 1990
25. “Venice Marina, Inc.” ND
26. “Venice: It offers a variety to the avid angler,” Times-Picayune, 1 June 1988
27. “Coast Guard Open House is Slated at Venice,” Plaquemines Watchman, 27 July 1983
28. “Santa Claus Comes to Town in a Helicopter,” Plaquemines Watchman, 22 December 1982
29. “Sea Point Terminal Could Be Temporary Container Ship Hub,” Plaquemines Watchman, 29 August 2000
30. “In Grand Pass, progress keeps a safe distance,” Times-Picayune, 11 August 1988
31. “Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church celebrates 79 years,” ND
Folder 5A: “Cubit’s Gap/Delta Wildlife/Quarantine”
1. “Also see” note
2. “Welcome Guide…Terrebonne & Lafourche Parishes” booklet
3. “Iberia Parish, Louisiana” pamphlet
4. “Aunt Miller’s Terrebonne Swamp & Marsh Tours” pamphlet
5. Map, “The LA. Historical Society LaSalle Memorial”
6. “Pilottown, Louisiana” (2 pages)
7. “Allan Lobirno”
8. “Government Buys 2 Tracts at Mouth of Mississippi to Create Wildfowl Refuge,”
ND (3 pages)
9. Map of Delta National Wildlife Refuge
10. “Historically Speaking: Cubit’s Gap, It Was Just a Ditch,” Down the Road, August 1990 (5 pages)
11. Map, “Channel Armor Gap Crevasse,” 1998
12. U.S. Department of Agriculture press release, “WPA Workers Improve Waterfowl
Refuge in Delta of Mississippi,” 13 May 1937 (3 pages)
13. “Government Buys 40,000 Acres of Louisiana Hunting Grounds to Establish Wildfowl
Refuge,” 17 September 1935 (2 copies; 4 pages)
14. “The Delta Breton National Wildlife Refuge,” Down the Road, October 1990 (6 pages)
15. “The Quarantine Station, Delta Wildlife Refuge,” Down the Road, September 1990 (7 pages)
16. “Historically Speaking,” Down the Road, January 1991 (4 pages)
17. “Historically Speaking: The Delta Breton Wildlife Refuge, part 2,” Down the Road, November 1990 (7 pages)
18. “Employees of the Quarantine Station – 1892”
19. “There is a certain fascination…”
20. “West Bay Sediment Diversion (MR-3), Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, Mississippi
River Delta” (3 copies)
21. Pages from various Down the Road articles about the Delta Wildlife Refuge, 1990-1991 (20 pages)
22. “United States Quarantine Station – 4 May 1910”
23. Letter to U.S. Dept. of the Interior from the Plaquemines Parish Historical Society,
27 August 1982
24. Letter from the U.S. Department of the Interior to the Plaquemines Parish Historical
Society, 2 September 1982
25. Copy of photograph, “One of the last remining buildings from the Quarantine Station
just north of Cupid’s Gap” (2 copies)
26. “End of an era: Sam, Ev leaving delta,” Times-Picayune, 7 December 1983
27. “The Delta Breton Wildlife Refuge (Part 2)” (6 pages)
28. “Nature’s Winged Haven,” Down the Road, March 1994 (5 pages)
29. “Land of the Ducks and the Men Who Captured the Spirit,” Down the Road, November 2000 (4 pages)
30. Survey of “Delta Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, 5 June 1938
31. Map, “Compiled in the Division of Land Acquisition, Washington, D.C., June 1937”
(4 pages)
32. Map, “Refuge Leaflet 409, July 1966”
33. Map of Mississippi River Delta
34. Survey, Delta National Wildlife Refuge, 1966
35. “Delta National Wildlife Refuge Educational CD-ROM Release May 15,” news release,
U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
36. “U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Refuge System” pamphlet
37. Map, Down the Road, January 1991
38. “Birds of the Delta National Wildlife Refuge” pamphlet (2 copies)
39. “Delta-Breton National Wildlife Refuges” booklet (3 copies)
40. “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Delta: National Wildlife Refuge General Fishing
and Hunting Regulations, 2015-2016”
41. “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Delta: National Wildlife Refuge General Fishing
and Hunting Regulations, 2007-2008” (2 copies)
42. “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Louisiana: National Wildlife Refuges and National
Fish Hatchery” (3 copies)
43. “Delta National Wildlife Refuge” pamphlet
44. “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Refuge System: A Visitor’s Guide”
45. “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Conserving the Nature of America” booklet (2 copies)
46. Bookmark, “Celebrating a Century of Conservation
47. “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Breton: National Wildlife Refuge” booklet (2 copies)
48. “Discovering the Delta: An Interactive Exploration of Delta National Wildlife
49. “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Southeast Louisiana: National Wildlife Refuges”
booklet (4 copies)
50. “The steamboat Felican…” drawing and description
51. Information about the Delta-Breton National Wildlife Refuges (3 pages)
Folder 5B: Newspaper clippings, “Cubit’s Gap/Delta Wildlife Refuge”
1. “Outdoors: Breton Island by Air,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 May 2016
2. “Chandeleur Island: where man is truly only a visitor,” Times-Picayune/States-Item, 16 December 1981
3. “Saving Cat Island,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 May 2012
4. “Pass,” ND
5. “Parish leader presents plan to rebuild barrier island chain,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 May 2010
6. “Royalties Check for $365,566 is Presented to Plaquemines,” The Gazette, 7 July 1989
7. “Delta Wildlife Refuge,” Plaquemines Watchman, 19 January 1988
8. “Delta Wildlife Refuge Advisor,” Plaquemines Watchman, 25 October 1988 (2 copies)
9. “Wildlife Refuge subject of Sept. 6 Historical Association Meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 August 2016
10. “On managing a refuge,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 September 2016 (2 pages)
11. “Sam Henson: Ends 15 Years with Birds at Delta Wildlife Refuge,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 January 1984 (2 pages)
12. “National Park Service solicits public input,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 June 2016
13. “End of an era: Sam, Ev leaving delta,” Times-Picayune, 7 December 1983
14. “Wildlife Refuge,” ND
15. “La. Wetlands loss reported slowing,” Times-Picayune, 5 December 1990
16. “Public Comment Sought on Wildlife Refuge Plans,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 June 2006
17. “A Clean Bill of Health,” Times-Picayune, 6 August 2005
Folder 6: “Breton-Chandeleur Isles”
1. “Also see” note
2. U.S. Department of the Interior, General Land Office Decision, “Breton and
Chandeleur Islands Held to be Public Lands of the United States; Title to the Remaining
Areas Not in the Government: Swamp Land Selections Rejected,” 3 February 1943 (9 pages)
3. Mapquest, Latitude: 29.0152, Longitude: -89.167
4. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Services, “Breton National
Wildlife Refuge Public Use Regulations” (2 copies)
5. Mapquest, Chandeleur Islands, LA (2 pages)
6. “General locations of the designated critic[al] habitat for the Wintering
Piping Plover…” 8/11/2002
7. “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Refuge System” pamphlet
8. “Refuge System Celebrates Anniversary, 75 Years and Going Strong,” Fish and
Wildlife News, December 1978-January 1979 (4 pages)
9. “Birds of the Delta National Wildlife Refuge,” June 1977 (3 pages)
10. “Historically Speaking: Breton and Chandeleur Islands,” Down the Road, February 1991 (5 pages)
11. A Book-Lover’s Holidays in the Open, “Chapter X: Bird Reserves at the Mouth of the Mississippi,” 1919 (23 pages)
12. “Historically Speaking,” Down the Road, January 1991 (3 pages)
13. “Historically Speaking,” Down the Road, December 1990 (4 pages)
14. “Where Land and Sea Converge” booklet
15. “Association of National Estuary Programs, ANEP Update, September 2003” (3 pages)
16. “Breton National Wildlife Refuge” (3 pages)
17. “Breton National Wildlife Refuge” (2 copies; 10 pages)
Folder 7A: Pilottown
1. “Also see” note
2. Painting, “1884 – American Pilot Association Centennial – 1984”
3. Delta Bank calendar sketch, heron, 1990
4. Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association 2005 calendar pages (14 pages)
5. Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association December 2004 calendar picture, “Captain
Frank J. Jusrisch”
6. Aerial photograph of Pilottown
7. Copy of photograph, “River Pilot Station @ Pilottown, LA”
8. Copy of photograph, “Pilot Station/Pilottown” 3/30/2005
9. Copy of photograph, “Wharf at Pilottown in Miss. River” 3/30/2005
10. Copy of photograph, “Pilottown w/ both river and bar pilot stations on left,
Miss. River to right” 3/30/2005
11. Copied photographs, “Pilottown Disk A” 2002 (23 pages)
12. Copied photographs, “B, Pilottown” 2002 (15 pages)
13. “River Pilot Home Dedicated,” 4/16/71
14. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Mary Ehrensing Laguttuta
15. “Pilot Town”
16. “Pilottown, Louisiana,” Wikipedia (2 pages)
17. Page of four copied black and white photographs
18. Pilottown map, “compiled in the Div. of Land Acquisition, Washington, D.C., June
1937, revised June 1940” (2 copies)
19. Map of river, “British Lib., London” (2 copies)
20. “Map of Lower Delta of Mississippi River Showing Growth of Plaquemines Parish,”
7 November 1937 (5 copies)
21. “Plan of the Mouth of the Mississippi,” 1813
22. Map of Mississippi Delta showing Quarantine Station and Pilottown
23. Map of Mississippi River at Pilottown
24. “Historical Pilottown Rebuilds Over Marsh,” 5 October 1970
25. Crescent River Port Pilot’s Association 2005 calendar (2 copies)
26. “Pilottown, Louisiana” (2 pages)
27. Delta Bank calendar photographs of Pilottown (7 pages)
28. Delta Bank calendar sketch, boats in a marsh
29. Drawn, “Map of the Lower Mississippi River 1700-19020”
30. Four aerial photographs, “Pilot Town – east bank of Missisippi below Venice,
After Camille”
Folder 7B: Newspaper clippings about Pilottown
1. Picture of a house, Dixie, 13 December 1981
Folder 8: “Pilottown 2011, FEMA Demolition of Bar Pilot Station (12 buildings)
1. “Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act for The Demolition
of 12 Associated Branch Pilot Buildings, Pilot Town, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana,
26 September 2011” (127 pages)
Folder 9A: Bar and River Pilots
1. “Also see” note
2. Copied page with five pictures (2 copies)
3. Copied picture with article, “The Delta of the Mississippi River, Louisiana”
(2 pages)
4. “Gibson’s Directory – 1838, New Orleans, Louisiana”
5. “River Mile Log” (2 pages)
6. Copied picture, “The House of Representatives, 1932-1934” (2 pages)
7. “Built 1878 – Oldest Steam Pilot Boat” (2 pages)
8. 1881 Pilot Boat (2 pages)
9. Pilot Boat (2 pages)
10. “’Stop Acting Like a Pilot!,’” Deep Delta Country (7 pages)
11. “The Monopolistic Systems,” An Occupational Study of Bar Pilots: A Sociological Analysis, 1961 (16 pages)
12. “Capt. Richard Francis,” 1904
13. State Pilotage in America: Historical Outline with European Background, 1960
14. “The Responsibilities and Economic Impacts of the Associated Branch Pilots,”
2010 (10 pages)
15. “The Alaska Way,” “Reform’s foes,” Times-Picayune, 7 November 2001, (11 pages)
16. “Steering the System,” “Pilot’s hideaway,” “Navigating the bottom line,” Times-Picayune, 6 November 2001, (16 pages)
17. “All in the family,” “Token efforts,” Times-Picayune, 5 November 2001, (11 pages)
18. “Masters of the River,” “Disciplinary inaction,” “River’s helmsmen,” “Family
Circle,” “Pilot primer,” “Dangers on the River,” “River Pilot Basics,” Times-Picayune, 4 November 2001, (41 pages)
19. Advertisement for boat
20. Copy of river pilot article, ND
21. “Skipper Croaks His Fears for Vessel’s Safety After Frogs Guide Pilot in Fog,”
22. Two envelopes addressed to the Crescent River Port Pilots Association
23. Postcard with painting of New Orleans and Mississippi River (2 copies)
24. Postcard of USS Somerset
25. Two Delta Bank calendar pictures
26. Printed map of Mississippi Delta
27. Christmas cards from the Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association, 1976, 1980,
1981, 1982, 1985, 1987 (9 cards)
28. “In Ship Pilot’s Town, Weather is a Worry,” ND
29. “Louisiana Places – Strange Sounding Names, Pilottown,” 15 September 1963
30. Back cover of the Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association
Folder 9B: Newspaper clippings about Bar and River Pilots
1. “Branch Pilots Elect Officers,” Gazette, 20 May 1983
2. “River Pilots?” ND
3. “Branch Pilots Elect Officers,” 5/1982
4. “Bar Pilots Move Pilottown Base to Venice,” Plaquemines Gazette, 11 May 2006
5. “Historical Society to Hear Vogt at Nov. 19 Meeting,” Plaquemines Watchman, 5 November 1985
6. “Forrestal,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 February 1988
7. “River pilots bill gets committee OK,” ND; Compromise is reached on pilot
bill,” Times-Picayune, 10 June 1987 (2 pages)
8. “Photo exhibit shows fading La. Coast,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 December 2009
9. “Crescent River Port Pilot’s Asoc. Elects Cramond as new President,” 2 October
10. “Capt. Mark Delesdernier Jr. to speak at Plaquemines Historical Association meeting
on February 6,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 January 2018
11. “Corps repairs Miss. River revetment mats,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 December 2009 (2 pages)
12. “Ship lines agree to raises for river pilots,” Times-Picayune, 8 December 1988
13. “Pilot regulation bill is OK’d,” Times-Picayune, 1 July 1988
14. “River pilot historian conquers bumpy tracks,” Westbank Guide, 12 August 1987
15. “Contract Awarded for Work in River,” Plaquemines Watchman, 10 January 1989
16. “Photos,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 December 2009
17. “Pilot Town Focus on TV Salute,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 November 1999 (2 copies)
18. “Pilottown oral history project needs you!” ND
19. “Boardwalk at Pilottown Becomes a Great White Way,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 January 1964
20. “’Heart, Soul, River’ One River Mississippi Celebration,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 June 2006
21. “Selling Pilottown’s schoolhouse,” Times-Picayune, 14 January 1995
22. “Regulations and rates make waves on river,” Times-Picayune, 14 August 1988
23. “Disparity in pay hike for river pilots, military,” Times-Picayune, 4 March 1999
24. “Panel: River pilots need regulation,” Times-Picayune, 7 January 1988 (2 pages); “River pilots seeking 40% rate increase,” Times-Picayune, 15 April 1988 (2 pages); “Pilots,” ND
25. “Reform’s Foes,” Times-Picayune, 7 November 2001
26. “A river of riches,” Times-Picayune, 7 November 2001
27. “River pilots group files for raise,” Times-Picayune, 8 November 2001
28. Crescent River Port Pilot’s Association newspaper advertisement
Folder 10A: Passe a L’Outre
1. “Also see” note
2. “Louisiana Lighthouses in Gulf and Inland Waters,” Louisiana Life Magazine, March/April 1981 (2 pages)
3. “The Balize” and “Frank’s Island,” Lighthouses & Lightships of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (2 pages)
4. “Frank’s Island Lighthouse” (10 pages)
5. Information on models of Frank’s Island Lighthouse (11 pages)
6. Copy of plans for the lighthouse (2 pages)
7. Page of copied pictures of lighthouse and location
8. “Old Style Brick Lighthouses, 1820-1849” (12 pages)
9. Page of two copied photographs of Frank’s Island Lighthouse from 1917 and
10. Copied photographs of Frank’s Island Lighthouse (7 pages)
11. “Communities and Landmarks South: Beyond the End of the Road,” Down the Road, June 1989 (2 copies; 12 pages)
12. “Passe a L’outre Lighthouse 1855” (5 pages)
13. “Lighthouse in the Delta,” Down the Road, April 1990 (6 pages)
14. Paragraph about Frank’s Island Lighthouse in 1995
15. “Passe A’ L’Outre (1855)”
16. “Passe a L’outre Wildlife Refuge” (4 pages)
17. “Frank’s Island Lighthouse,” Historic American Buildings Survey
18. Miscellaneous clippings about lighthouse (6 pages)
19. “Mississippi River Flow” diagram (2 pages)
20. Two Mississippi Delta maps
Folder 10B: Newspaper Clippings about Passe a L’Outre
1. “Parish Lighthouse topic of January 6 Historical Association Meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 December 2014 (2 pages)
2. “Pass-a-Loutre WMA users should be aware of Sawdust Bend Dredge Project this
fall and winter,” 26 September 2017
3. “300th Anniversary of the Founding of the ‘Sunken Cities of La Balise/Balize,’”
Plaquemines Gazette, 3 August 2021 (2 pages)
4. “’300th Anniversary of the Founding of the Sunken Cities of La Balise’ subject
of August 3 Historical Assocation Meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 July 2021 (2 pages)
5. “Researcher Sheds New Light on Frank’s Island Fiasco,” Plaquemines Gazette, December 2014
6. “Pass-a-Loutre Recreational Use Projects Open to the Public in Mississippi
River Delta,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 August 2020
Box 14: Community
Folder 1A: Balize
1. “Also see” note
2. “The Sunken Cities of Balise” powerpoint, 7/26/2021 (5 pages)
3. “The Sunken Cities of Balise” powerpoint, 4/4/2011 (11 pages)
4. “The Real but Confusing History of George Bradish in Plaquemines Parish, La.”
(13 pages)
5. “The Balize, 1722-18” (24 pages)
6. “The Balize,” Down the Road, July 1992 (9 pages)
7. “Plans for two barrack wings slated for construction at Balise, ca. 1726,”
Center for Louisiana Studies Digital Archives
8. “Communities South: Beyond the End of the Road,” Down the Road, March 1989;
“Historically Speaking: The Balize – Part II,” Down the Road, April 1989; “Historically Speaking – The Balize, Part III,” Down the Road, May 1989; “Lighthouse Near Pass a Loutre,” Down the Road, June 1989 (10 pages)
9. “’Louisiana’s Most Wicked City,’” Dixie, ND
10. “Southern Travels: Journal of John H. B. Latrobe, 1834” (3 pages)
11. “Census of Balize – 1860” (14 pages)
12. Maps and diagrams from the Louisiana State Museum Historical Map Collection and
the Center for Louisiana Studies Digital Archives (40 pages)
13. “The Post of the Balize” (15 pages)
14. “Balize and Barataria” (14 pages)
15. “A Louisiana Painting Returns Home,” The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly, Summer 2000 (6 pages)
16. Map, “Carte Des Emboucheures Du Mississipi,” 1744
17. Map, “Balize Bayou and Environs about 1790”
18. Map, “Fort Real Catolica on San Carlos Island 1766-1768”
19. Map, “Spanish Fort Baliza”
20. Map, “Plan of the Balise”
21. Map, “Plan of the Mouth of the Mississipi” 1813
22. Map, “Fort Balise/Fort Wilkinson”
23. Map, “Mouth of the Mississippi, 1731” (2 copies; three pages)
24. “Plan and Section of a Cistern Proposed to be Built at the Post of La Balise,”
25. “Plan of a Powder Magazine Proposed to be Built at the Post of La Balise,” 1734
26. Diagram of prison, guardhouse, and powder magazine, 1730s
27. Copies of documents relating to the Mississippi Valley (13 pages)
28. Maps/diagrams of Fort La Balise (20 pages)
29. “Reference Service Report,” National Archives and Records Service, 25 June 1963
30. “La Balize . . . The Beacon,” Crosses on the Delta (3 pages)
31. “Mississippi River Flow” (2 copies)
32. “Pintado Papers – Book III, Plan No. 1561, translated” (2 pages)
33. “Pintado Papers – Book III, Plan No. 1561, 1802” (2 pages)
34. “Lone Tomb Marks Grave of Sunken City” (7 pages)
35. “The Unknown Travels and Dubious Pursuits of William Clark” (2 pages)
36. “Pierre de Laussat Memoirs…” Times-Picayune, 2 November 1953
37. “The Mouths of the Mississippi,” Times-Picayune, 15 November 1875 (2 pages)
38. “Louisiana Places – Strange Sounding Names: Balise,” 4 September 1960
39. “Balise,” Crosses on the Delta (2 pages)
40. “Balize Lighthouse”
41. “Balize,” Tales of the Mississippi
42. “Did You Know?” (3 pages)
43. “DeVerges,” Old Families of Louisiana (6 pages)
44. Copy of letter (2 copies; 4 pages)
45. “The Balize 1736” (2 copies)
46. Picture of the Charles W. Morgan
47. Sketches of Balise (3 pages)
48. “New Governor CC Claiborne’s Ordinances relating to lower Plaquemines,” 1804
49. “Privateersmen of the Gulf and Their Prizes,” The Louisiana Historical Quarterly (1 page)
50. “Balize, at Mouth of Mississippi, Remembered Now in Grave Stones,” Times-Picayune, 1921
51. “Antiquities of Louisiana” (5 pages)
52. “Letter Thirty-Second” (2 copies; 14 pages)
53. “Louisiana Barrier Island Erosion Study” (11 pages)
54. “Memoirs of My Life,” 1803 (3 pages)
55. “Public Lands,” 1812
56. “Planning a Delta Town,” New Orleans, 1718-1812, An Economic History, 1970 (30 pages)
57. “The Mississippi – Its Sources – Mouth and Valley” (8 pages)
58. “Analytical Topography” (2 pages)
59. “Spain’s Defenses in Louisiana” (7 pages)
60. “Of the Post and Settlements on the Mississippi”
61. “Colonial Forts of Louisiana,” The Louisiana Historical Quarterly (5 pages)
62. Two handwritten pages
63. “Balize” (4 pages)
64. “Balize”
65. Description of Balize stamps (2 pages)
66. “The Balize Cemetary” (2 pages)
67. “As we grazed the fort….” (4 pages)
68. Letter from a priest to the Spanish king (5 pages)
69. “Juan Ronquillo” powerpoint (2 pages)
Folder 1B: Newspaper clippings about Balize
1. “Baltazar Ricard Devillier,” from “Ancestors,” Times-Picayune, August 1981
Folder 2A: South Pass
1. “Also see” note
2. “Communities and Landmarks Below the End of the Road,” Down the Road, August 1989 (2 copies; 10 pages)
3. “Historically Speaking: Port Eads Continued,” Down the Road, September 1989 (2 copies; 12 pages)
4. “Remembering Port Eads with Purgley Family,” Down the Road, December 1989 (2 copies; 6 pages)
5. Maps of Port Eads (2 pages)
6. South Pass Lighthouse information and copied pictures (7 pages)
7. “South Pass,” Down the Road, July 1989 (5 pages)
8. “Historically Speaking: Oysterville,” Down the Road, October 1989 (5 pages)
9. Copy of letter, 5 April 1883
10. “River Diversions”
11. “Historical Sketch” (2 pages)
12. “Jetties Maintain Deep Channel to Keep River Open to World Trade,” Times-Picayune (2 copies; 4 pages)
13. “The Jetties Today” (2 pages)
14. “Death of Captain Eads,” 12 March 1887 (2 copies)
15. “Flagship Stands By for Golden Jubilee at Jetties,” ND
16. “The Man Who Opened the Mississippi’s Mouth” (4 pages)
17. A History of the Jetties at the Mouth of the Mississippi River, 1881, title page
18. Copy of picture, “Port Eads at the Mouth of the Mississippi River”
19. Copy of picture, “Lighthouse Entrance to Mississippi River”
20. Picture, “Eads’ Jetties” plaque
21. Copied pictures, “Early Pilot Boat Off the Mississippi’s Mouth” and “Towboat
Towing Cotton Ships Up to New Orleans”
22. “Port Eads”
23. “Morgan Island”
24. “South Pass”
25. “Special Report: A legal brief from Scarabin’s attorny,” Kansas City Star, 10 December 1998 (4 pages)
26. “South Pass, LA” (5 pages)
27. “Eads: The Man and the Community,” Down the Road, July 1992 (8 pages)
28. “Let’s Play When I Say,” Down the Road, July 1992
29. “Titanic Labor Under War”
30. “Below Head of Passes”
31. “The Mississippi River”
32. “Chart of the Mouth of South Pass,” 1879
33. Copy of drawing, “Port Eads, South Pass of the Mississippi” (2 copies)
34. Map of Mississippi Delta
35. Copy of drawing, “Entrance into Eads Jetties. Mouth of the Mississippi River.”
36. “The Mississippi Jetties” (27 pages)
37. “James Eads Timeline” (6 pages)
38. Copies of Port Eads photographs, 2002 (87 pages)
39. “Port Eads Marina” pamphlet
40. Crescent River Port Pilot’s Association 1986 Christmas card
41. Copy of drawing of South Pass
42. “The River: Managing the Might of the Mississippi,” US Army Corps of Engineers
43. “South Pass Light, 1831” copy of picture
44. Drawn map of Mississippi Delta
45. “Our River Fleet,” The Weekly Observer, 24 July 1875
46. Copy of picture, “Port Eats at the Mouth of the Mississippi”
Folder 2B: Newspaper clippings about South Pass/Port Eads/Oysterville
1. “Management group makes bid for Port Eads contract,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 April 2019
2. “All options on the table for Port Eads,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 March 2019 (2 pages)
3. “Sept. 11, 1882,” Times-Picayune
4. “High Adventure at Port Eads” advertisement, Plaquemines Gazette, 10 June 2014
5. “Port Eads sells 25 percent of slips in two days,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 January 2014
6. “Port Eads non-profit moves forward,” Plaquemines Gazette, 26 November 2013
7. “High Adventure plans exit from Port Eads,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 January 2019 (2 copies)
8. “Council vexed by Port Eads vacancy,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 January 2019 (2 pages)
9. “Back to the Pass,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 June 2014
10. “Port Eads debate renewed after liquor license denied, then later approved,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 5 July 2016 (2 pages)
11. “Parish takes control of Port Eads: From rebuilding to non-profit management,
controversy and criticism voiced,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 November 2013
12. “Port Eads,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 September 2011
13. “Construction underway at Port Eads,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 September 2011
14. “Work to begin on Port Eads Marina,” 2010
15. “Outdoors: Port Eads named 2018 Fishing Destination of the Year,” 27 February
16. “Port Eads renovation set for completion in January 2013,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 November 2012
17. “Coal,” ND
18. “Deep-water floating port studied by Plaquemines,” Times-Picayune, 9 June 1983
19. “World’s Fair,” ND
20. “Terminal,” ND
21. “Shell Beach revisited by WWII officer,” Times-Picayune, 5 September 1982
22. “Agency forced to reduce patrol,” Times-Picayune, 1 January 1989 (2 pages)
23. “Deep Draft Terminal Draws No Environmental Concern,” Plaquemines Gazette, 26 October 1984
24. “Plaquemines seeks deep-water port at mouth of river,” ND
25. “South Pass Bulk Terminal Economic Study Begun by State,” Plaquemines Watchman, 11 February 1986
26. “Tug Donovan” ND
27. “Council puts Port Eads Fishing Refuge on the clock,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 June 2020 (2 pages)
28. “Council dedicates money for Point a la Hache Ferry, nizes Port Eads Fishing
Refuge,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 July 2020
Folder 3: Garden Island Bay/Dennis Pass
1. “Also see” note
2. “Garden Island Bay,” Down the Road, March 1991
3. Gator Gazette, 22 February 1983
4. Gator Gazette, 5 April 1983 (2 copies)
5. Gator Gazette, 19 April 1983 (2 copies)
6. Gator Gazette, 17 May 1983
7. Gator Gazette, 31 May 1983
8. Gator Gazette, 12 July 1983
9. The Freeporter, July 1962 (2 copies)
10. “Get Your Limit on Ducks!” Louisiana Conservation Review
11. “Let Me Show You the Way,” Down the Road, February 1991 (4 pages)
12. “Let Me Show You the Way,” Down the Road, July 1998 (5 pages)
Folder 4: Oysterville
1. “Also see” note
2. “Oysterville” (2 pages)
3. “The Purgleys of Oysterville,” Down the Road, June 1991 (4 pages)
4. “Historically Speaking: Oysterville,” Down the Road, November 1989 (2 copies; 9 pages)
5. “Historically Speaking: Oysterville,” Down the Road, October 1989 (5 pages)
6. “Oysterville: Memories Are All That’s Left,” Down the Road, June 1991 (5 pages)
7. “Oysterville: A Recollectio by the Late Allen Lobrano, Plaquemines Parish
Clerk of Court,” Down the Road, October 2000 (4 pages)
8. “An old map describes the destruction of a hurricane that passed over Oysterville,”
Down the Road, June 1991
Folder 5: Port Eads
1. South Pass map
2. “Government Light and Revenue Station at Port Eads” 1884, November 1982 calendar
3. Calendar picture of lighthouse, “Port Eads, Louisiana” (2 copies)
4. Copies of drawings of Port Eads (5 pages)
5. “South Pass,” Down the Road, July 1989 (4 pages)
6. Copied pictures of South Pass (5 pages)
7. Copied page of pictures of Southwest Pass
8. Copied pictures of Port Eads (5 pages)
9. “Port Eads,” Down the Road, July 1992
10. Copy of letter between Jas B. Eads and J. Ben Meyer (4 copies)
11. “Memories of Port Eads: 1924 to 1938” (2 copies; 8 pages)
12. “Port Eads – 1887,” Down the Road, April 1992
13. “Port Eads” (2 copies; 5 pages)
14. “Louisiana Places – Strange Sounding Places, Port Eads”
15. “Letters,” Down the Road, May 1990
16. “Ralph Tabor Williams,” Down the Road, April 1991 (4 pages)
17. Copy of 1881 menu
18. Catalogue information for photographs of South Pass/Port Eads (2 copies)
19. “Communities and Landmarks Below the End of the Road,” Down the Road, August 1989 (5 pages)
20. “Historically Speaking: Port Eads Continued,” Down the Road, September 1989 (2 copies; 9 pages)
21. “South Pass,” Down the Road, July 1989 and “Communities and Landmarks Below the End of the Road,” Down the Road, August 1989 (5 pages)
Folder 6: Port Eads 2010, FEMA Demolition of the Boat Harbor
1. Port Eads 2010, FEMA Demolition of the Boat Harbor (142 pages)
Folder 7A: Southwest Pass
1. “Also see” note
2. Sketch, “On the Mississippi – The Essayons at Work Removing the Bar at the
Mouth of the Southwest Pass” (2 copies)
3. Sketch, “The Battle at the Southwest Pass – the Ram ‘Manassas’ Attacking the
‘Richmond’” and “The Battle at the Southwest Pass – Retreat of the Rebel Flotilla”
4. Copied painting, “Commodore Farragut’s Squadron and Captain Porter’s Mortar
5. “The Mississippi River” information and sketches
6. Sketch, “Southwest Pass Lighthouse,” dated 1871
7. Map of South West Pass, ND
8. Sketch, “Southwest Pass” (2 copies)
9. Sketch, “Mouth of the Mississippi,” dated 1871
10. Copied picture, “Southwest Pass Lighthouse, 1937”
11. Maps of Southwest Pass and Stake Island (3 pages)
12. Sketch, “Views of the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River”
13. Sketch, “Süd-Westliche Mündung des Mississippi”
14. “Louisiana Lights,” Imagine, Fall 2006 (3 pages)
15. Copied picture, “Southwest Pass”
16. “Southwest Pass”
17. “East Bay” (2 pages)
18. “The Town of Burrwood on Southwest Pass” powerpoint (6 pages)
19. “Arrival of Sicilians on the Britannia, New Orleans, 1898,” The Ship’s List (2 pages)
20. “State of Louisiana Site Record Form – Southwest Pass Light Site” (2 pages)
21. “Louisiana’s Last Manned Lighthouse,” Louisiana Life, March/April 1981 (3 copies; 32 pages)
22. Louisiana Life, March/April 1981
23. “Lighthouse in the Delta,” Down the Road, April 1990
24. “Station BURL1 – Southwest Pass, LA,” National Data Buoy Center, 2005 (2 pages)
25. “Southwest Pass Light 1839” (2 copies; 5 pages)
26. “Inventory of Historic Light Stations, Louisiana Lighthouses – Southwest Pass
Entrance Light,” Maritime Heritage Program (2 pages)
27. Various maps/sketches/copied pictures of Southwest Pass (15 pages)
28. Program, “Fourth Annual Exhibition of the Pilot Town Academy,” 1885
Folder 7B: Newspaper clippings about Southwest Pass/Pilot Town Bayou/Burrwood
1. “Gnots Reserve Owner Memorializes Former Plaquemines Community,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 February 2021 (2 pages)
2. “Light Station: The Unmanning of Southwest Pass Lighthouse,” Plaquemines Watchman, 26 December 1984
3. “Aid to Navigation Project on Schedule for River,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 October 1986
4. “New Beam at Southwest Pass,” Dixie, 2 May 1965 (2 pages)
5. “Out on the Edge of Nowhere,” Dixie, 30 January 1983 (5 pages)
6. “Coal Terminal Plans Announced,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 April 1983
7. “Southwest Pass Dredging Begins,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 April 1989
8. “Corps Awards Alabama Company Bid for Work on Dredge ‘Wheeler,’” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 December 1988
9. “Corps Awards Contracts for Southwest Pass,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 March 1989
10. “Corps Lets River Contract,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 July 1989
11. “Feds pledge $500k to save roseau cane,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 April 2018 (2 pages)
12. “Sea Point to Discuss Project at Chamber Meeting, Public Invited,” ND
13. “The way it was…” ND
Folder 8: Pilot Town Bayou
1. “Also see” note
2. “Scott’s Bayou” handwritten page and map
3. “Pilottown Bayou Visited” (2 copies)
4. Sketches of Pilot-Town (3 pages)
5. Program, “Fourth Annual Exhibition of the Pilot Town Academy,” 1885
6. “Historically Speaking … Southwest Pass (Pilot Town Bayou),” Down the Road,
May 1990 (5 pages)
7. “Pilot Town – 1879” (2 copies; 5 pages)
8. “From Pilot Town,” The Weekly Observer, 27 September 1879 (2 copies)
9. “1871 Visit to Pilottown” (2 pages)
10. List, “Bar Pilots at Pilottown Payou Southwest Pass”
Folder 9: Burrwood
1. “Also see” note
2. Copied pictures of construction of jetties at Southwest Pass, 1905 (13 pages)
3. Two copied pictures, “Tulane Special Collection – 1898 Flood” (3 copies)
4. “Louisiana Quarantine Station at Mouth of Mississippi River” (3 copies)
5. Copied pictures of Burrwood (7 pages)
6. Copied pictures, “Southwest Pass” (3 pages)
7. “Letters,” Down the Road, June 1997
8. “Plaquemines Past: Notes & Fun Facts from the Past,” Down the Road, March 1994
9. “Historically Speaking: Communities South…Burrwood,” Down the Road, February 1990 (2 copies; 9 pages)
10. “Flowers, Beaches and Blue Waters: Burrwood,” Down the Road, July 1996
11. “My Memories of Burrwood,” Down the Road, February 1990 (7 pages)
12. “Burrwood: A Peaceful Community Witnesses World War II Action in the Gulf,” Down the Road, March 1990 (7 pages)
13. “Lighthouse in the Delta,” Down the Road, April 1990 (5 pages)
14. “Historically Speaking…Southwest Pass (Pilot Town Bayou),” Down the Road, May 1990 (5 pages)
15. Drawn map of Burrwood
16. Transcription of “Times Picayune Sept. 21, 1954 – Burrwood Closure”
17. “Inside: Burrwood Days Gone By,” Down the Road, February 2000 (16 pages)
18. Pages from Down the Road, July 1996 (9 pages)
19. “The History Book of Louisiana’s First People,” Aquanotes, 4 December 1975 (4 pages)
20. Copied picture of a boat on the river, ND
Folder 10: Battle of S/W Pass
1. Copied painting, “Commodore Farragut’s Squadron and Captain Porter’s Mortar
Fleet Entering the Mississippi River” (2 copies)
2. Sketches of the Battle at the Southwest Pass (2 copies)
3. “Battle of the Head of Passes” (5 pages)
4. “Hollin’s Attack on Northern Fleet at Southwest Pass”
5. “Report of the Secretary of the Navy (3 pages)
Folder 11A: Olga
1. “Also see” note
2. Two handwritten notes about Olga
3. “Plaquemines Past: Historical & Fun Facts and Notes,” Down the Road, ND
4. Page of copied pictures labeled “Olga”
5. “Field Survey Map of Ostrica”
6. “Field Survey Map of Olga” (2 copies)
7. “Oysters & Olga,” Down the Road, July 1993 (6 pages)
8. “Olga (Independenceville),” from Plaquemines, The Empire Parish (2 pages)
9. Copy of letter
10. “Cover Picture,” Down the Road, July 1993 (2 pages)
11. “Her Heart Never Left Olga,” Down the Road, October 1990 (4 pages)
12. “Politics is Serious Business,” Down the Road, October 1990 (2 pages)
13. Copied pictures, “Olga, 1939” (11 pages)
Folder 11B: Newspaper clippings about Olga
1. “Buyout and BFE lowering plan” ND
2. Announcement of ownership of the estate of Pierre Jean Burat in Plaquemines
Parish, 15 September 2009
Folder 12A: Fort St. Philip, 1875-Now
1. “Also see” note
2. Aerial picture of fort
3. “Hurricane Katrina devastated Forts Jackson, St. Philip and Pike…but with
the Civil War Preservation Trust recently adding them to its list of endangered battle
sites, restoration may be in their future,” Times-Picayune, 21 March 2006
4. “Old Fort Saint Philip, and … Ol’ Man River”
5. “Fort Pike”
6. “Fort St. Philip After 175 Years,” Dixie, 30 July 1961 (2 pages)
7. “Oil landman Frank A. Ashby Jr.,” Dixie, 26 February 1984
8. Aerial picture of structure, 2002
9. “Push in Plaquemines: CORE Set to Invade ‘Judge’ Perez Redoubt,” Wall Street Journal, 6/3/62
10. “Push in Plaquemines: CORE Set to Invade ‘Judge’ Perez Redoubt,” 6/3/65
11. Copied photographs of Fort St. Philip (9 pages)
12. Calendar picture, “Fort St. Philip”
13. Website picture, “Reliving Legacies: Remembering Fort St. Philip” pin
14. Copied maps of Fort St. Philip (2 pages)
15. “Fading fort: Civil rights prison recalls the era of Perez,” Times-Picayune, 11 July 1982 (2 pages)
16. “Jail for Integrationists: Plaquemines Preparing Dungeons,” ND (2 pages)
17. “Report of Completed Batteries, Etc.: Defenses of New Orleans, LA, For the Month
of December, 1903” (24 pages)
18. The Coast Defense Study Group, Inc., The CDSG Newsletter, May 2002 (11 pages)
19. The Coast Defense Study Group, Inc., The CDSG Newsletter, August 2002 (9 pages)
20. Letter from J. Ben Meyer, Sr., to Dr. Gagliano, 15 September 1983
21. Letter from William L. Catalina to Rod Lincoln, 19 January 1992 (2 pages)
22. National Register of Historic Places Inventory – Nomination Form for Fort St.
Philip (6 copies; 31 pages)
23. National Park Service list of Martime Landmarks including Fort Jackson and Fort
St. Philip, 12 December 2001 (2 pages)
24. “A spiritual feast ends at commune in Plaquemines,” Times-Picayune, 3 December 1989 (2 copies; 6 pages)
25. “The Christos Experiment,” Dixie, 26 February 1984 (2 copies; 16 pages)
26. “Fort St. Philip, Fort Jackson and Fort St. Leon” (2 copies; 27 pages)
27. “Fort St. Philip” (2 copies)
28. “Fort St. Philip,” Historic Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi (2 copies)
29. “Bayou Mardi Gras” (2 copies)
30. “Mardi Gras and the Indefinables” ND
31. Letter from the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council to the Honorable John Chase,
2 February 1971
32. “A Marker for Bayou Mardi Gras” ND
33. “Forts in Plaquemines Bend,” Crosses on the Delta (4 pages)
34. “Restore Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip” (2 copies; 6 pages)
35. “Project Schedule and Delivery Requirements”
36. “Fort St. Philip: ‘It must be preserved,’” Times-Picayune, 10 February 1985 (2 copies; 3 pages)
37. “Gun ends his quest for peace,” Times-Picayune, 17 September 1985 (2 pages)
38. “Making the Grade…While Making his Way,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 June 1987 (2 pages)
39. “Plaquemines Historic Association August 13, 2002 Meeting Agenda.” National Park
Service, Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives, Façade Easement Contributions
(4 pages). American Farmland Trust – Farmland Information Center (2 pages)
40. Fax cover sheet to Rod Lincoln, 12/16/03
41. Blank “Hold Harmless Agreement”
42. “Plaquemines Historic Association General Meeting Agenda, March 7, 2006”
43. Letter to Benny Rouselle, Plaquemines Parish president, from Jon Smith, United
States Department of the Interior, Assistant Associate Director of the Heritage Preservation
Assistance, 28 June 2006
44. “Louisiana – Plaquemines County”
45. Map of river
46. “American Seacoast Defenses Database: Military Reservations and Concrete Gun
Batteries, 1890-1945” (2 pages)
47. Copied pictures of boats on the river
Folder 12B: Newspaper clippings about Fort St. Philip
1. “Council approves funding for Mardi Gras Pass closure permit,” Plaquemines Gazette, 20 December 2016
2. “Bicentennial to be celebrated at Chalmette Battlefield, January 7-10,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 January 2015
3. Times-Picayune, 22 March 2009
4. Dixie, 26 February 1984
5. “Timerlane,” ND
6. “Making the Grade… While Making His Way,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 June 1987 (2 pages)
7. “Commune,” ND
8. “Gun ends his quest for peace,” Times-Picayune, 17 September 1985
9. “Commune-ity History,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 June 2015
10. “A spiritual feast ends at commune in Plaquemines,” Times-Picayune, 3 December 1989
11. “River threatening to steal a forgotten historical jewel,” Times-Picayune, 10 February 1985
12. Dixie, 18 December 1983
13. “Fading fort: Civil rights prison recalls the era of Perez,” Times-Picayune, 11 July 1982
Folder 13A: Fort St. Philip, 1747-1860
1. The Battle of New Orleans: Sea Power and the Battle of New Orleans. By Admiral E. M. Eller, Dr. W. J. Morgan and Lieut. R. M. Basoco. The Battle of
New Orleans, 150th Anniversary Committee of Louisiana, 1965.
2. “November 3, 1804”
3. “Battle scene depicting the defeat of the British army on the planes of Chalmette,
January 8, 1815.
4. Picture of Bayou Mardi Gras Plaque
5. “Plan of an Attack made by the British Forces on the American Lines in Advance
of Orleans, 1815”
6. 1796 Map of “Plaquemine Fort”
7. “1814 Maps of Plaquemines Turn and Fort St. Philip”
8. “Sketch of Plaquemine Fort”
9. “The Battle of New Orleans,” 15 September 1975 (15 pages)
10. “Historical Sketch” (3 copies)
11. “Plaquemines’ Role in the Battle of New Orleans: British Were Turned Back at
Fort St. Philip,” Down the Road, January 1990 (3 copies; 12 pages)
12. Email with questions concerning Fort St. Philip, 19 August 2000
13. Maps of the Battle of New Orleans and the War of 1812
14. “Letter 100 Years Old Describes The Battle of New Orleans,” Times-Picayune, 7 January 1917 (2 copies)
15. “The Battle of New Orleans,” Plaquemines: The Empire Parish (6 pages)
16. “Battle of New Orleans,” Cajuns on the Bayou
17. “The Continuing Battle of New Orleans,” The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly, Winter 2002 (5 pages)
18. “’A Very Disagreeable Occupation’: A Tennessee Soldier at the Battle of New Orleans,”
The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly, Fall 1999
19. “Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and La.,” The Louisiana Historical Quarterly (4 copies; 14 pages)
20. “Early History of Fort St. Philip to 1815” (3 pages)
21. “Fort St. Philip” (3 copies)
22. “Abstract – Admiral Cochrane and the Siege of Fort St. Philip – the British Hedge
their Bets” and “References” (13 pages)
23. “Don Pedro Favrot, A Creole Pepys,” The Louisiana Historical Quarterly (2 copies; 17 pages)
24. “Plaquemines Defense of New Orleans” (2 pages)
25. “Battle at Forts Jackson and St. Philip,” 2/11/2006 (3 pages)
26. “Jacques DeVillier” (3 pages)
27. “View of the proposed French fortification for Plaquemines Bend, ca. 1747” (2
28. National Society of the United States Daughters of 1812, Andrew Jackson Birthday
Celebration Address, 15 March 1971 (2 copies; 10 pages)
29. “Andrew Jackson” (6 pages)
Folder 13B: Newspaper clippings of Fort St. Philip, 1747-1860
1. “Battle of New Orleans Biography,” ND
Folder 14A: Fort St. Philip – Civil War
1. “The Civil War in Louisiana” brochure
2. “Lower Coast,” Empire Parish, 25 November 1865 (2 copies)
3. “Civil War Soldier’s Reflections of Fort Jackson,” Plaquemines Watchman, 19 September 1984 (2 copies)
4. “The Expedition Against New Orleans”
5. “The Federal Mortar Schooners” (2 copies)
6. “Flag-Officer Farragut’s Gulf Squadron, and Commodore Porter’s Mortar Fleet”
and “Reconnoissance [sic] of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, one the Mississippi, by
Gun-Boats from Flag-Officer Farragut’s Squadron” sketches from Harper’s Weekly, 10 May 1862 (3 copies)
7. Map of Fort St. Philip
8. “Mortar-Steamers Attacking the Water-Battery of Fort Jackson” (2 copies)
9. “U.S. Coast Survey Plan of Fort Jackson,” 1862
10. “The Battle of New Orleans”
11. “River-Side Interior of Fort St. Philip,” 1933 (3 copies)
12. “The Wreck of the Morgan”
13. “Mortar boats sink near Fort Jackson”
14. “Bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Phillip by the Federal Mortar Schooners”
(2 pages)
15. Untitled sketch
16. Maps of the river (5 pages)
17. “Civil War Era Map of Forts at Plaquemines Turn by Gerdes”
18. “Civil War Claims”
19. “Soldiers at Fort St. Philip in 1870” (4 pages)
20. “NPS Gets Vicksburg Campaign Site Tied to Grant’s Strategy,” The Civil War News, Feb/March 2003 (2 pages)
21. “How Ironclad Manassas Came to be Constructed,” New Orleans Picayune, 1903
22. Four pages of notes about battle
23. “Jail for Integrationists: Plaquemines Preparing Dungeons,” ND (4 copies)
24. “Search Efforts to locate the Wrecks of the CSS Governor Moore and USS Varuna”
presentation (19 pages)
25. “Looking at Fort Jackson from Fort St. Philip – 1871,” Down the Road, September 2000 (5 pages)
26. “1871 Fort Jackson,” Tales of the Mississippi
27. “A Yankee’s Visit to Fort Jackson,” Plaquemines Watchman, 19 October 1983 (2 copies; 4 pages)
28. Maps of Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip (4 pages)
29. “Forts Jackson, Saint Philip Kept Federal Navy from New Orleans,” The Artilleryman, Summer 2002 (12 pages)
30. “List of American Military Reservations and Concrete Gun Batteries – U.S. Gulf
Coast” (4 pages)
31. “Report on Research Trip to NARA” to Bill Serpas from Lee Hughart, 2006 (2 pages)
Folder 14B: Newspaper clippings about Fort St. Philip – Civil War
1. “Parish History: One Soldier’s Reflections of Fort,” Plaquemines Watchman, 9 March 1983 (2 pages)
2. “Soldier’s Reflections of Fort,” Plaquemines Watchman, 23 March 1983
3. “A Yankee’s Visit to Fort Jackson,” Plaquemines Watchman, 19 October 1983 (2 pages)
4. Picture of Fort St. Philip and picture of Leander Perez at Fort St. Philip
5. “One Civil War Soldier’s Reflections of Fort Jackson, Fort St. Philip,” Plaquemines Watchman, 12 September 1984
6. “One Civil War Soldier’s Reflections of Fort Jackson, Fort St. Philip,” Plaquemines Watchman, 19 September 1984
7. “One Civil War Soldier’s Reflections of Fort Jackson, Fort St. Philip,” Plaquemines Watchman, 26 September 1984
8. “After World War I, Peter Cvitanovich….” ND
9. The Belle Ringer Chasseing Truth, April 2003 Edition
10. “Lincoln Proclamation Issued on New Year’s” ND
Folder 15: Neptune
1. “Also see” note
2. “Great Reduction,” The Observer, 24 July 1875
3. “Neptune,” Louisiana
4. Map of Neptune, 1925
5. “Point Bolivar” (6 pages)
Folder 15A: Ostrica
1. “Also see” note
2. Pictures of Ostrica from Down the Road, October 1991 (2 copies)
3. “Great Reduction,” The Observer, 24 July 1875
4. “Nostalgia may lose vote in Plaquemines,” Times-Picayune, 11 October 1993 (2 copies; 3 pages)
5. Copied photographs (3 pages)
6. Copied sketches (5 pages)
7. “Plaquemines Past: Here’s To The Photographer,” Down the Road, October 1995
8. “Mr. Earl Deserves Due Respect,” Down the Road, October 1991 (3 copies; 9 pages)
9. “Ostrica Quarantine Station (4 copies; 20 pages)
10. “Ostrica @ The Locks”
11. “Ostrica Area”
12. “Grand Prairie Area, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana” (2 copies)
13. Email from Chelsea Klein to Rod Lincoln, 24 July 2007
14. Email chain between Chelsea Klein and Rod Lincoln, 2006 (3 pages)
15. River map
16. “Ostrica Lock,” Historical Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi, and “Ostrica,” Crosses on the Delta
17. “Monumental Mysteries,” Times-Picayune, 13 September 1987 (2 copies; four pages)
18. “Politics is Serious Business” (3 pages)
19. “Ostrica as a Social System” (11 pages)
20. Pictures of Ostrica from Down the Road, January 1999 (2 pages)
21. “1860 Census – Plaquemines Parish”
22. “Students on Roll of Honor at Burton School for the Month of April 1894”
23. “Plaquemines Parish’s Andrew Jackson, ‘Captain Andy,’” Down the Road, November 1990 (2 pages)
24. “Crosses on the Delta,” Down the Road, August 1996
25. “Students at Ostrica School,” Down the Road, September 1989 (3 copies; 12 pages)
26. “Historically Speaking: Ostrica – A Down the Road Community,” Down the Road, October 1991 (11 pages)
27. “Kate Sercovich: An Ostrica Belle,” Down the Road, October 2000 (2 copies; 4 pages)
28. “Appendix B – Report on Ostrica Locks”
29. “Field Survey Map of Olga”
30. “Quarantine”
31. “Ostrica” from Cajuns on the Bayou and Louisiana, A Guide to the State
32. “Dedications,” Down the Road, April 1994
33. “Ostrica: A Down the Road Community,” Down the Road, January 1999 (Reprint from October 1991) (11 pages)
34. Email containing questions about Ostrica from Rod Lincoln, 2005 (4 pages)
Folder 15B: Newspaper clippings about Ostrica
1. “Nostalgia may lose vote in Plaquemines,” Times-Picayune, 11 October 1993
2. “Monumental Mysteries,” Times-Picayune, 13 September 1987 (2 pages)
3. “Sept. 30, 1912”
4. “Ostrica Ya-Ya Sisterhood visits Dooky Chase Restaurant” ND
5. “Ostrica Locks,” 19 May 2009
6. “FEMA to grant more than $7.3 million for harbor, locks and ports repairs
in SE Louisiana,” Plaquemines Gazette, 22 December 2009
7. “Canning Factories (Plaquemines and St. Bernard) – Ostrica”
Folder 16A: Point Pleasant/Daisy (Nichols & Dime)
1. “Also see” note
2. “Remains of Buildings and Structures” (2 pages)
3. “Point Pleasant, Louisiana” (4 pages)
4. “Grand Prairie Area, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana” (3 pages)
5. “Point Pleasant School” DeltaBank calendar picture, February 1983 (2 copies)
6. Ballowe family pictures, DeltaBank calendar picture, January 1983
7. “Letters,” Down the Road, September 1996
8. “All About Ancestors,” Down the Road, June 1996
9. Johnson family, Down the Road, September 1993 (3 pages)
10. “Point Pleasant,” Down the Road, July 1997 (12 pages)
11. “Plaquemines Past: Fun Facts & Information,” Down the Road, January 2000
12. “Life in Point Pleasant: Family Living,” Down the Road, September 1993 (8 pages)
13. “Daisy-Nichols/Point Pleasant Post Office Application,” 1884 (2 copies)
14. “Memories of a Time Gone By,” Down the Road, March 1996 (3 pages)
15. “Historical Notes,” Down the Road, March 2000 (2 pages)
16. “Point Pleasant Society”
17. “Burials in Point Pleasant Cemetery” (2 pages)
18. Four copied pictures of cemetery
19. “The Bohemia Spillway” (3 pages)
20. “The Life of a Little Confederate Girl” (15 pages)
21. “9th Ward – Nicholls (For Governor) Club”
Folder 16B: Newspaper clippings about Point Pleasant/Daisy (Nichols & Dime)
1. The Plaquemines Gazette, 10 September 1965
Folder 17: Dime/Cox Bay
1. “Also see” note
2. “Bayou Lamoque,” Cultural Resources Survey of 14 Mississippi River Levee + Revetment Items, 1862
3. “Archeological Survey of the Proposed Bayou Lamoque Revetment,” 1983 (2 pages)
4. “Perry R. Bass: Oilman prefers to work behind the scenes,” Sunday Star-Telegram, 2 April 1978 (3 pages)
5. “Drill World’s Deepest Well in Louisiana,” New Orleans Item, 11 November 1955
6. “…Oilman’s Deep Plaquemines Try,” Times-Picayune, ND
7. “Record Drilling Depth Reached,” ND
8. “Exxon Comp.”
9. Copied photographs (14 pages)
10. “Bayou Lamoque Revetment” and “Tropical Bend Revetment” (2 pages)
Box 15 – Community
Folder 1A: Nestor
1. “Also see” note
2. “Grand Prairie”
3. “Nestor,” Louisiana
4. Copied deposit forms, 1915 (3 pages)
5. Dissolution of partnership of Nestor Store, 1915 (2 pages)
6. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Bill and Gayle White, 26 July 1984 (2 pages)
7. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Gayle and Bill White, 24 September 1984 (2 pages)
8. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Gayle and Bill White, 5 October 1984
9. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Gayle White, 11 October 1984 (2 pages)
10. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Gayle and Bill White, 3 March 1985 (2 pages)
11. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Gayle and Bill White, 4 October 1984 (2 pages)
12. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Gayle and Bill White, 3 March 1985 (2 pages)
13. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Gayle and Bill White, 4 October 1984 (2 pages)
14. “Fucich, Samuel Oysters” (2 copies)
15. “Beginning talking about a Family Reunion to be held on Mississippi Gulf Coast
I June 2005,” 3 October 2004 (4 pages)
16. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Don Fucich, 11 February 1998
17. “Biography of Fucich, Sr., Simeone M., New Orleans Parish, Louisiana” (2 copies;
30 pages)
18. Letter to Mrs. Gayle Wichers White from Milko Predovic, 20 August 1984 (2 pages)
19. “Heirs question levee board’s efforts – History of the Bohemia Spillway” (3 pages)
20. Email from Rod Lincoln to Tammy Fucich, 17 February 2017
21. Map of Nestor’s location on the river
Folder 1B: Newspaper clippings about Nestor
1. “Mack Family Reunion Proclamation,” 2000
Folder 2A: Union
1. “Also see” note
2. “Life in Point Pleasant: Family Living,” Down the Road, September 1993
3. “Bohemia – Union Settlement,” Down the Road, October 1989 (8 pages)
4. “Times Gone By: A Family Portrait,” Down the Road, July 1991 (4 pages)
5. “Chris Cook: Exxon Corp 561-4457” (2 copies; 4 pages)
Folder 2B: Newspaper clippings about Union
1. “Company moving forward with LNG storage facility,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 June 2016 (2 pages)
Folder 3A: Bohemia Spillway
1. “Also see” note
2. “Legal Notice – Resolution No. 84-1128,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 September 1984.
3. “Judicial Notices,” New Orleans Times-Picayune, 28 September 1984
4. “Parish Wins Legislative War Impacting On Delta Lawsuit,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 September 1984.
5. “New Legislation on Bohemia Spillway,” ND
6. “Debunking the Bohemia Spillway myth,” Times-Picayune, 1 May 2011 (2 pages)
7. “Times Gone By: A Family Portrait,” Down the Road, July 1991 (2 pages)
8. Interview notes, ND
9. “Union Settlement map, April 1925” (2 pages)
10. “The Bohemian Spillway” (4 pages)
Folder 3B: Newspaper clippings about Bohemia Spillway
1. “Documents Show Perez Family Wealth From Secret Arrangements,” 10 October
1984 (2 pages)
2. “Land claim attorneys sue WWL,” Times-Picayune, 7 November 1986
3. “Spillway lands’ return to owners approved by Senate committee,” Times-Picayune, 5 June 1982
4. “Perez made millions from public land,” Times-Picayune, 1 June 1986
5. “Orleans Never Had a Ligitimate [sic] Claim To Bohemia Property,” ND.
6. Times-Picayune/States-Item, 3 June 1986
7. Times-Picayune/States-Item, 2 June 1986
8. “On The Bohemia,” Gazette, 1984
9. “Bohemia Return Bill Clears House Committee,” Plaquemines Watchman, 30 May 1984
10. “Plaintiffs Lose in Buras Lawsuit,” 8 July 1983
11. “Bill giving spillway back OK’d,” Times-Picayune/States-Item, 26 June 1984
12. “Bohemia Bill Passes State Senate, 36-2,” ND
13. “Offices to be Opened in Parish to Handle Bohemia Land Claims,” Plaquemines Watchman, 21 November 1984
14. “Levee Board to fight for Bohemia Spillway,” Times-Picayune/States-Item, 3 August 1984 (2 pages)
15. “House Passes Bohemia Measure By 76-21 Vote,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 June 1984
16. Orleans Levee Board advertisement for Bohemia Spillway
17. “Another Family Says Is Involved in Bohemia Fray,” Plaquemines Gazette, 20 June 1984
18. “Court Throws Out the Bohemia Spillway Law,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 April 1985
19. “Heirs” ND
20. “Bohemia Bill Reported to House,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 May 1983
21. “On the Eastbank,” ND
22. “Notice of Return of Bohemia Spillway Lands, Plaquemines Parish,” Times-Picayune, 21 February 1987
23. “More on Land” ND
24. “Buras Heirs Voice Support for Bohemia Spillway Measure,” ND
25. “Parish run as private fiefdom for six decades,” Times-Picayune, 1 June 1986 (2 pages)
26. “Debunking the Bohemia Spillway myth,” Times-Picayune, 1 May 2011
27. “Bohemia Heirs Win $21 Million in Settlement,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 December 2000
28. “Levee Board Tackles Bill” ND
29. “Public Notice,” The Gazette, 4 March 2008
30. “Bohemia Spillway,” The Gazette, 17 August 2001
31. “Spillway claimants launch new fight over $175 fee,” Times-Picayune, 8 October 1988 (2 pages)
32. “Lawsuit May Be Needed to Get Bohemia Land,” Plaquemines Watchman, 8 August 1989
33. “Board keeps grip on spillway land despite ’84 law,” Times-Picayune, 17 April 1989
34. “Kimble Says Land Taken Illegally,” The Gazette, 28 August 1998
35. “Are the Rumors True?” August 2000
36. “Board offers to settle Bohemia case,” Times-Picayune, 22 November 2006
37. “Ronquillo/Solia Land Claim Filed,” Plaquemines Gazette, 11 January 1985
38. “Bohemia Spillway: Land Ownership Inquiries,” 28 July 2008
39. “Ronquillo Heirs Rally at Capitol,” Plaquemines Watchman, 9 July 1985
40. “Spillway Land Will Be Returned to Heirs,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 October 1986
41. “Bohemia Spillway transfer being worked out by state,” 11 November 1986
42. “Bohemia ‘Bailout’ of Planters, Says Meyer about Spillway,” ND
43. “Bohemia Claimants Receive Some Answers at Meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 February 1985
44. “Claimants Will File Claim Involving Buras Levee Land,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 November 1984
45. “Bohemia,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 February 1985
46. “Parish May Seek Return of Land in Bohemia Area,” Plaquemines Watchman, 26 March 1985
47. “Victory! Bohemia Bill Passes 36-2,” Plaquemines Gazette, 22 June 1984
48. “Bohemia heirs prepare again to make claims,” Times-Picayune, 18 February 1987
49. “Fight” ND
50. “Edwards Signs Bohemia Bill into Lawbooks,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 July 1984
51. “Bohemia Spillway,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 March 2008
52. “Judge Swift Will Weigh Evidence in Delta Hearing,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 October 1984
53. “Braithwaite Land Titles in Doubt?” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 March 1984
54. “Meyer on Bohemia,” Plaquemines Watchman, 26 May 1982
55. “Land, Land, and More Land: More Controversy Over the Bohemia Spillway Area,”
1 January 1982 (2 pages)
56. “Spillway land return plea cheered,” Times-Picayune, 9 June 1982
57. “Bohemia Spillway Fight,” Westbank Guide, 24 June 1981 (2 pages)
58. “Senators battle over Levee Board lands bill,” Times-Picayune/States-Item, 24 June 1982
59. “Scorecard on the Bohemia Vote” ND
60. “Bohemia Spillway Attitude a Poor Cover,” Watchman Commentary, 14 April 1982
61. “Bohemia land claims ridiculed” ND
62. “Parish Lost Land in Spillway, Too,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 March 1982
63. “’Spillway of No-Use’ -Engineer,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 March 1982
64. “Special Letter to the Editor,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 October 1983
65. “Levee Board Missed Land,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 January 1982
66. “Spillway Questioned,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 December 1981
67. “Class Action Notice,” 6, 13 November 1981
68. “Bohemia Spillway Heirs Present Case to State Legislative Hearings,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 December 1981
Lower East Bank
Folder 4: Bohemia Plantation
1. “Also see” note
2. Map, “Bohemia Plantation 1945”
3. “Bohemia Land Survey Scandal” (2 pages)
4. “Interview with Lawrence Tabony” 12 June 1986 (3 pages)
5. Map of Plaquemines Parish
6. “Pointe-a-la-Hache” copied newspaper article
7. “’Aunt Louisa,’ Former Slave, Dies Here at Age of 110,” Morning Tribune, 6 May 1930 (2 copies)
8. Email chain between Rod Lincoln and Orin Hargraves, 2021 (4 pages)
9. “Caving Bank Survey, Lake Borgne Levee District, 1945” (2 copies)
Folder 5A: Pointe a la Hache
1. “Also see” note
2. Copied newspaper clipping, 1867
3. “Point-a-la-Hache” handwritten note
4. “Pointe a la Hache,” Plaquemines Protector, 15 November 1913
5. “Plaquemines Court House” handwritten note
6. “A liberal…” 30 October 1865 (2 copies)
7. “The Lower Coast Gazette, Feb. 22, 1912,” Down the Road, February 1991
8. Note for Rod Lincoln about call from David Wells
9. Copied pictures of Pointe-a-la-Hache (5 pages)
10. Calendar sketch, “Highway 39 , Pointe A’ La Hache” (2 copied)
11. Calendar drawing, “Point-a-la-Hache Free Ferry”
12. Copied 1866 newspaper
13. Picture, “School near Pointe a la Hache”
14. Picture, “Adema House” (2 pages)
15. Picture, “Robert Hingle-Capone House” (2 copies)
16. “Angelo Socola” (2 pages)
17. Map, “Plaquemines Parish Louisiana 1895” (2 pages)
18. “Louisiana Places: Pointe a la Hache,” 5 May 1975, and “Pointe a la Hache, Louisiana”
(2 copies)
19. “Point a la Hache: How It Was,” Down the Road, December 1988 (3 copies; 19 pages)
20. “Days Gone By…Pointe a la Hache,” Down the Road, January 1989 (4 copies; 24 pages)
21. “Pointe a la Hache: Its Name and History,” Down the Road, March 2002 (11 pages)
22. “A Capital Place: Pointe a la Hache”
23. “Pointe-a-la-Hache”
24. “Plaquemines Accepts Guards with Friendly Hospitality,” 1943 (2 copies)
25. “General Pipsqueak Hot-Foots It,” N.O. States, 11 October 1943 (2 copies)
26. “The Truth About the Plaquemines Situation,” Congressional Record, 78th Congress (3 pages)
27. “Battle of Pointe-a-la-Hache,” Sunday Times, 1/28/82 and 1/22/82
28. “City Guide Lists Parish Facts,” 28 February 1986
29. “Plaquemines ferry construction begins,” 4 October 2003
30. The Civil War Tax in Louisiana, 1865 (2 pages)
31. Picture of Dominque School, Down the Road, March 1994
32. “Reference Service Report,” 25 June 1963 (2 copies)
33. Reprints of old newspaper articles, Down the Road, November 1991
34. “Historical Facts and Notes,” Down the Road, January 1991
35. “Excerpts from The Deep Delta Quarterly,” Down the Road, August 1990
36. Copied page of Plaquemines Observer, May 1867
37. “Death Published in ‘The Plaquemines Protector,’” Deep Delta Quarterly
38. “1887 Paper Describes Plaquemines As Farm Parish”
39. “Historical Sketch” (2 pages)
40. “Ferry Service” and “Historical Homes”
41. Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Counties, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons,
Arranged in Cyclopedic Form, 1909 (3 pages)
42. “Point-a-la-Hache” and “Detailed Portion of Louisiana Map, 1940”
43. Essay on Plaquemines Protector (4 pages)
44. “Pointe-a-la-Hache — How It Got Its Name”
45. “The Day People Walked From Westbank to Eastbank,” Plaquemines Watchman, 5 May 1982 (2 copies)
46. “Pointe a la Hache, Louisiana, Home Page”
47. “Furniture Business Has Been A Family Tradition,” Down the Road, November 1989 (3 pages)
48. “Furniture Factory A Going Concern For Beshel,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 March 1984 and handwritten notes (4 pages)
49. “Pointe a la Hache,” Down the Road, August 1992
50. “Louisiana, 175 Years, 1812-1987 – Indian Names,” Plaquemines Watchman, 28 April 1987
51. Advertisement for support, Down the Road, March 1991 (2 copies)
52. “Chart of Twelve Hurricans in Louisiana, 1837-1934”
53. “1997 Oblique Photos for Pointe a la Hache, LA”
54. “Looking Back,” Deep Delta Quarterly (2 pages)
55. “Pointe-a-la-Hache,” Louisiana: A Guide to the State (2 copies)
56. “La Pohtique…She Stink, She Stink!,” Deep Delta Country (2 pages)
57. “Commemorating Andre’ Cailloux’s Death at Port Hudson,” Times-Picayune, 31 October 1998 (4 pages)
58. Two handwritten pages
59. Notes on Pointe-a-la-Hache (12 pages)
60. “Fontenelle Family,” Observer, 1879
61. Advertisement for Gilbert Antione de St. Maxent: The Spanish-Frenchman of New Orleans (2 copies)
62. Emails between Rod Lincoln and Sybil Bailey, 2010 (2 pages)
63. Excerpts, Down the Road, August 1990
64. Excerpts, Down the Road, March 1991
65. “Oscar Arroydo”
66. “Francis Martin” handwritten page
67. Transcriptions of newspaper articles (2 pages)
68. “$50 Reward,” Deep Delta Quarterly, Vol. III and handwritten pages (8 pages)
69. “Allan Lobrane” handwritten pages (2 pages)
70. “Angelo Socola, 1831-1900” (7 pages)
71. Copied pictures of A. Socola
72. “History of Capone Home Told,” 31 March 1972
73. “The Capone Home”
74. “Mrs. Elizabeth Hingle”
75. “Jean Francois Gravolet: A Circus Daredevil,” Down the Road, October 1993 (2 copies)
76. “Head Coach – Rod Spears” (2 pages)
77. “Cosse”
78. “Beshel”
79. Advertisement for J. Monque’D’s Blues Band (2 copies; 4 pages)
80. Picture of building
81. Letter from J. Ben Meyer about the history of Plaquemines Parish (7 pages)
82. Information about St. Thomas Church (3 pages)
83. “The Plaquemines Parish Court House”
84. “Historically Speaking: Plaquemines Parish Courthouse, A Lady of Strength & Beauty,”
Down the Road, November 1991 (10 pages)
85. “What-So-Ever/What Is a Courthouse?”
86. “Riverbound Courthouse,” 1 April 2005
87. “Plaquemines Parish Master Plan” (21 pages)
88. “Pointe a la Hache serves as Plaquemines seat of justice”
89. “Historical Facts & Fun Notes,” Down the Road, December 1990, February 1991, August 1990, April 1992 (4 pages)
90. “Old Parish Jail May Be History!,” Plaquemines Watchman, 15 November 1988
91. Essay on Plaquemines newspapers
92. “Pointe-a-la-Hache: Plaquemines Parish’s Government Seat & One of the Oldest
Towns in Louisiana,” Down the Road, July 1991 (12 pages)
93. “Pointe a la Hache Cemetery Moved as River Wins Fight,” Times-Picayune N.O. States, 20 October 1946
94. Transcription, “New Orleans Elections, Daily Picayune, 2 April 1896 (2 pages)
95. “The Plaquemines Region”
96. “Mississippi Delta Called Victory Gardner’s Dream,” Chicago Daily News, 21 April 1944
Folder 5B: Newspaper Clippings about Pointe a la Hache
1. “Remember When: The Junction and Beyond,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 December 1989
2. “East Bank” ND
3. “Oil Spill Hits Point-a-la-Hache,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 March 1999
4. “The way it was…. 11 October 1855”
5. “Louisiana, 175 Years, 1812-1987 – Indian Names,” Plaquemines Watchman, 28 April 1987
6. “Pedestrian ferry now operating in Pointe a la Hache,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 June 2018
7. “Going up,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 May 2018
8. “First Floor,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 February 2018
9. “Furniture Factory a Going Concern for Beshel,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 March 1984
10. “Old Parish Jail May Be History!,” Plaquemines Watchman, 15 November 1988
11. “Mississippi Delta Called Victory Gardner’s Dream,” Chicago Daily News, 21 April 1944
12. “Life On the East Bank: Sugar and Rice, But Not Everything Calm,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 May 1982
13. “More demolition than originally thought may be required on the old courthouse,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 5 April 2016
14. “Pointe a la Hache Ferry closed indefinitely as debate rages on,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 August 2020
15. “1887 Paper Describes Plaquemines as Farm Parish”
Folder 6A: Courthouse Complex, Pointe a la Hache, LA
1. “Also see” note
2. Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association and the Great Port of New Orleans
1983 Christmas card
3. “Merry Christmas from the Plaquemines Parish Government Council,” Down the
Road, December 1998
4. “The History of the Plaquemines Parish Courthouse”
5. “Courthouse marker to be placed soon,” The Picayune, 9 January 2003
6. Handwritten notes (5 pages)
7. Pictures of courthouse and old jail (20 pages)
8. “Plaquemines Parish Courthouse, Pointe A’La Hache,” June 1995 DeltaBank Calendar
9. “Editorial/Is Courthouse Move Wise At This Time?” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 May 1986
10. “Plaquemines Parish Courthouse,” Plaquemines Parish Economic Development (2 copies;
13 pages)
11. “General Pipsqueak Hot-Foots It,” N. O. States, 1943
12. “Plaquemines Accepts Guards With Friendly Hospitality,” 1943
13. “The Truth About the Plaquemines Situation,” Congressional Record, 25 October 1943 (3 pages)
14. Section on “Battle of Pointe-a-la-Hache” in Deep Delta Country (2 pages)
15. “Plaquemines Parish Courthouses” (4 pages)
16. “Historically Speaking: Plaquemines Parish Courthouse, A Lady of Strength & Beauty,”
Down the Road, November 1991 (10 pages)
17. “Court Orders,” Down the Road, July 1995 (11 pages)
18. “Plaquemines Courthouse,” The Courthouses of Louisiana
19. “Plaquemines Courthouse, 1846-2002” (2 copies)
20. Narrative history of the Plaquemines courthouse (7 pages)
21. “DeArmas” (3 pags)
22. “Plaquemines Parish Courthouse Fire Was Intentionally Set,” 19 January 2002 (2
copies; 4 pages)
23. “Workers sift through fire remnants,” Times-Picayune, 19 January 2002 (2 copies; 5 pages)
24. Email chain between Jean Perret and Rod Lincoln, 2002 (3 pages)
25. “What-So-Ever/ What Is a Courthouse?” ND
26. News article about courthouse fire, 12 January 2002 (3 pages)
27. “Plaquemines Leaders Decide Future After Courthouse Fire,” 14 January 2002 (2
28. “Officials scramble for home after fire,” Times-Picayune, 15 January 2002 (2 pages)
29. “Accelerant possibly found at courthouse,” Times-Picayune, 18 January 2002 (2 pages)
30. “Federal agency assists in fire inquiry,” Times-Picayune, 16 January 2002 (2 pages)
31. “Best seat for parish debated,” 27 September 2003 (2 pages)
32. Letter to Residents from Wanda Chanove Bartholomew
33. “Riverbound Courthouse Better Compromise Than Windmill Rd.,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 April 2005 (2 copies)
34. Email with wording for Plaquemines courthouse marker, 11 December 2002
35. “Old Parish Jail May Be History!” Plaquemines Watchman, 15 November 1988 (2 copies; 3 pages)
36. Pictures of old Parish Jail (4 pages)
37. “Old Parish Jail” diagram
38. “Will the Old Parish Jail be History?” (2 pages)
39. “Prisons,” 1867
40. Correspondence between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Environmental
Liaison Officer and the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Officer , February 2008
(5 pages)
41. “National Register Eligibility Evaluation” (12 pages)
42. “SS 68: The Plaquemines Parish Courthouse” (5 pages)
43. “Nicholas Martin ‘Happy Nic’s Shop’ Butcher!” Down the Road, November 1991
44. “November 1, 1913,” Down the Road, August 1992
45. Pictures of old house (2 pages)
Folder 6B: Newspaper clippings about the Courthouse Complex, Pointe a la Hache, LA
1. “Officials scramble for home after fire,” Times-Picayune, 15 January 2002
2. “Old Jail,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 April 2016
3. “Special Election Set to Change Parish Seat,” Plaquemines Watchman, 19 December 2000
4. “Demolition phase of the Courthouse nears completion,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 July 2016
5. “Courthouse groundbreaking ceremony set for January 26,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 January 2017 (2 copies)
6. “What-So-Ever/What Is A Courthouse?” ND
7. “Gretna to use Plaquemines jail,” Times-Picayune, 11 August 2004
8. “Courthouse expected to open by March,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 January 2019 (2 pages)
9. “PPG breaks ground on new courthouse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 December 2015 (2 pages)
10. “Courthouse arson trial postponed,” Times-Picayune, 6 August 2005
11. “Ground breaks on new courthouse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 December 2015 (2 pages)
12. “Council votes to put new courthouse out to bid,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 February 2016 (2 pages)
13. “Construction to begin on new courthouse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 October 2016
14. “Work continues on Courthouse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 November 2016
15. “Council hears updates on Eastbank levees, courthouse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 August 2016 (2 pages)
16. “Courthouse bond accruing $130K per month in interest,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 April 2013
17. “Scope of courthouse demolition extended,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 May 2016 (2 pages)
18. “Clerk of Court announces new Web site,” ND
19. “More demolition than originally thought may be required on old courthouse,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 5 April 2016 (2 pages)
20. “Special Election to Build New Courthouse Coming in April,” Plaquemines Watchman, 20 March 2001
21. “Dig In!,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 January 2017
22. “Plaquemines Council to bond out $25 million for Pointe-a-la-Hache Courthouse
construction,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 December 2012
23. “Council Earmarks $1 million For Eastbank Levee,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 April 2005
24. “Parish considers rebuilding courthouse,” Times-Picayune, 4 November 2004
25. “Parish seat should be moved, Survey Says,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 October 2014
26. “The Sham Game,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 November 2013
27. “Letters to the Editor: The people have spoken” and “Courthouse Commentary” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 October 2014
28. “Construction of new Eastbank Courthouse to begin this fall,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 September 2014
29. “Moving parish seat forums happening in Sept.,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 August 2011 (2 pages)
30. “Government offices scattered around parish after fire,” Times-Picayune, 15 January 2002
31. “Court did justice to area’s history,” Gretna-Picayune, 24 January 2002 (2 pages)
32. “Parish ponders future after courthouse fire,” Times-Picayune, 14 January 2002 (2 pages)
33. Times-Picayune, 13 January 2002
34. “Courthouse fire reward increases to $15,000,” Times-Picayune, 25 January 2002
35. “Courthouse Proposition” advertisement
36. “Arson caused court blaze, ATF says,” Times-Picayune, 20 January 2002
37. “Court arson probe expands,” Times-Picayune, 23 January 2002 (2 pages)
38. “Workers sift through rubble of Plaquemines courthouse,” Times-Picayune, 19 January 2002
39. “Courthouse arson pleads guilty,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 June 2007
40. “Rebuilding of the courthouse overdue,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 August 2008
41. “Temporary Courthouse Opens,” Plaquemines Gazette, 20 October 2006
42. “Accelerant possibly found at courthouse,” Times-Picayune, 18 January 2002
43. “ATF combs through burnt courthouse,” Times-Picayune, 17 January 2002 (2 pages)
44. “Federal agency assists in fire inquiry,” Times-Picayune, 16 January 2002 (2 pages)
45. “PPC has mixed views on Courthouse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 October 2009
46. Plaquemines Watchman, 15 January 2002
47. “Courthouse arsonist gets 8 years,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 October 2007
48. “Parish ponders future after courthouse fire,” Times-Picayune, 14 January 2002 (2 pages)
49. “Theft attempt tied to torching of courthouse,” Times-Picayune, 25 August 2004 (2 pages)
50. “Contract awarded for new courthouse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 26 April 2016
51. “Officials cut the ribbon on new Courthouse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 August 2019
52. “Courthouse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 April 2016
53. “Grand opening of new courthouse set for August 8,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 July 2019
54. “Lawyer identified in alleged files deal,” Times-Picayune, 20 July 2004 (2 pages)
55. “Governor Foster Makes $500,000 Commitment for Courthouse,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 March 1999 (2 pages)
56. Advertisement to vote on rebuilding of courthouse, The Gazette, 6 April 2001
57. Advertisement to vote on rebuilding of courthouse, The Gazette, 30 March 2001
58. “Commission to Move Forward with Planning,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 February 2000 (2 pages)
59. “New Courthouse on Ballot Tomorrow,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 April 2001
60. “Businesses Favor New Courthouse, Port Study,” Plaquemines Watchman, 1 September 1998
61. “No! Parish Voters Nix Courthouse Move, Funds,” Plaquemines Watchman, 6 May 1986
62. “Plea ends case linked to arson at courthouse,” Times-Picayune, 30 September 2004
63. “Is New Courthouse Wise Investment?” Plaquemines Watchman, 11 March 1986
64. “Heating & Cooling Repairs Vs. Building Court House Sparks Heated Discussion,”
Plaquemines Watchman, 4 April 1989
65. “For Courthouse,” Plaquemines Watchman, 25 March 1986
66. Advertisement to vote on proposition to move courthouse, Plaquemines Watchman, 29 April 1986
67. “Editorial/ Is Courthouse Move Wise At This Time?” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 May 1986
68. “How We Voted…” Plaquemines Watchman, 13 May 1986
69. “Parish Seat Move On April 5 Ballot,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 November 1985
70. “Battle of Pointe-a-la-Hache (1941),” Baton Rouge Morning Advocate, 22 January 1982 and 28 January 1982
71. “One of parish’s oldest government buildings ain’t dere no more,” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 April 2016 (2 pages)
Folder 7A: St. Thomas Catholic – Pointe a la Hache
1. “Also see” note
2. Pictures of the church and grounds (5 pages)
3. Pictures of St. Thomas Cemetery (4 pages)
4. “Pointe a la Hache Cemetery Moved as River Wins Fight,” Times-Picayune/N.O. States, 20 October 1946
5. “Historical Facts and Notes,” Down the Road, January 1991
6. “Father Savelli’s Death,” The Catholic Church in Louisiana
7. Picture of Father Girault; Father Girault obituary (2 pages); “Historical
Facts and Fun Notes,” Down the Road, December 1990
8. “Monsignor Jean M. Eyraud Canonization” (2 pages)
9. “Father Langlois”
10. “St. Thomas Catholic Church, Point a la Hache: The Musical Congregation of Plaquemines
Parish and its Musical Director” contained in an email to Rod Lincoln from James Madere,
23 November 2010 (16 pages)
11. Program, “Installation of Fr. Michael M. Labre as Pastor of St. Thomas/Assumption
Mission” and picture (2 pages)
Folder 7B: Newspaper clippings about St. Thomas Catholic – Pointe a la Hache
1. “Mother Superior,” The Gazette, 28 August 2007
2. “The mother church of Plaquemines Parish…” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 August 2009
3. “St. Thomas to reopen,” The Gazette, 15 April 2008
Folder 8A: Davant/Harlem
1. “Also see” note
2. “Pearl and Belleview Plantations – East Bank” map
3. “Domingue School” (5 pages)
4. “Notes”
5. “River Plantations Above Pointe a la Hache,” Historic Names & Places on the Lower Miss.
6. “Pearl Plantation”
7. “Adam Frederic Plantation”
8. “Pearl Plantation: Laurent and Perrauld”
9. “Davant Coal Terminal” picture
10. “Harlem Plantation: The Historic Settings” (15 pages)
11. “Excerpt of the 1945 Lake Borgne Levee District Map showing the project area”
12. “Workers cabin next to Harlem Plantation” picture
13. “Ghost Town,” Washington Post, 21 September 2005 (3 pages)
14. “Harlem Plantation from the back up-river side” picture
15. “Historic Standing Structure Survey” for the Harlem Plantation House (3 pages)
16. “Harlem Plantation,” 1985 DeltaBank calendar picture
17. “State of Louisiana: Site Record Form” (2 pages)
18. “Belleview Levee Setback” map
19. “Old shotgun house several miles north of Davant” picture
Folder 8B: Newspaper clippings about Davant/Harlem
1. “Community: Austin, Texas gym named after Davant native,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 August 2019
2. “Davant Community Center,” Plaquemines Gazette, 17 December 1982
3. “Plaquemines Parish Terminal Loads Largest Amount of Cargo Ever Recorded on
the MS River,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 August 2022
4. “Wederstrandt”
5. “N.O. woman feels at home on the range as rancher,” Times-Picayune, 11 March 1990 (2 pages)
6. “Plaquemines foresees coal port as gold mine,” Times-Picayune, 12 August 1984 (2 pages)
7. “A Day at Electro-Coal,” 1984 (2 pages)
8. “Electro-Coal Dedicates Expanded Yard, Plant,” Plaquemines Gazette, 25 May 1984
9. “This pile stacker/reclaimer…”
10. “Electro-Coal Has Increased Activity,” Plaquemines Watchman, 8 December 1987
11. “Associated Terminals Expands its Floating Crane Fleet”
12. “What’s happening: Harlem Plantation enters national register,” West Bank Guide, 19 December 1982
Folder 9A: Phoenix/St. Sophie
1. “Also see” note
2. “Phoenix” (2 pages)
3. French map
4. “Living with antiques” (6 pages)
5. MapQuest from Carlisle to Davant
6. Map of Phoenix
7. Letter from Edward Livingston Historical Association, Inc., 27 December 1979
8. Letter from Clark Forrest, Jr., to Plaquemines Parish Historical Society,
18 March 1981
9. Edward Livingston Historical Association, Inc., Membership Application (2
10. “Publications Order Form”
11. Letter from Edward Livingston Historical Association, Inc., to J. Ben Meyer,
Sr., 6 July 1979
12. Letter from Edward Livingston Historical Association, Inc., 5 February 1981
13. “Reference Service Report” from National Archives and Records Service, 24 January
1968 (2 pages)
14. Handdrawn map, “Plantation Belt – Plaquemines Parish”
15. Picture of “Welcome to Phoenix” sign
16. Pictures of Simon Leopold house, Phoenix, 2003 (7 pages)
17. Pictures of Simon Leopold Store, Phoenix, 2003 (1 page)
18. “In the Trail of the Storm: Little is Left but Stillness,” 15 June 2006 (4 pages)
19. “Edward Livingston,” 15 September 1975 (4 pages)
20. “Schematic representation of chain of title of the Phoenix Cemetery tract, 1785-present”
21. Record of sale, 21 March 1821 (4 pages)
Folder 9B: Newspaper clippings about Phoenix/St. Sophie
1. “Edwards’ book chronicles history, contributions of black people in Plaquemines
Parish,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 November 2017 (2 copies)
2. “Rev. Edwards to be guest speaker at next Plaq. Historical Association meeting
on January 2,” Plaquemines Gazette, 26 December 2017
3. “First Settlement Painting Presented at Plaquemines,” The States-Item, ND
4. “Phoenix Pre-K through High School” advertisement, Plaquemines Gazette, 9 November 2010
5. “Livingston Played Big Election Role,” New Orleans States-Item, 23 October 1968
6. “Church members oppose takeover of baptism site,” Times-Picayune, 10 December 1988
Folder 10A: Fort Mississippi (Fort de la Boulaye/Phoenix, LA)
1. “Also see” note
2. “Site of Fort Iberville”
3. “In search of Fort de la Boulaye (i.e. Fort Mississippi)”
4. “Page of History Found in Rotting Log,” States-Item, 9 November 1972
5. “Cypress Log Pinpoints Former Fort Location,” ND
6. Copy of cover of Hearth and Home: The tumultuous life of Mathieu Rouillard and Jeanne Guillet
7. Letter to Rod Lincoln from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 13 February 1987
8. Letter from Rod Lincoln to Luke Petrovich, 25 February 1987
9. “Display Cypress Log from Fort Foundation”; “Society Backs Meyer,” 25 November
10. “Fort de la Boulaye: First settlement on the lower Mississippi,” Down the Road, July 2000 (5 pages)
11. “Resolution” (2 copies)
12. Letter to J. Ben Meyer from Marcel Giraud, 9 September 1963 (2 pages)
13. “First European Settlement in the Lower Mississippi Valley” (8 pages)
14. “How Fort de Laboulaye Got Its Name” (4 pages)
15. “Report on Fort de la Boulaye” (3 pages)
16. Letter from Sidney L. Villere to Francois de Laboulaye, 13 October 1978 (2 copies)
17. Letter to J. Ben Meyer, Sr., from the Louisiana Forestry Commission, 30 October
1963 (2 pages)
18. Copied page about Robert Cavelier de La Salle
19. “Fort de la Boulaye,” Plaquemines: The Empire Parish (2 pages)
20. “Mississippi Fort,” Plaquemines: The Empire Parish (5 pages)
21. “Father Paul DuRu,” St. Thomas Catholic Church
22. Article pages about newspaper article, Murder New Orleans (5 pages)
23. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings,
Fort de la Boulaye (14 pages)
24. “Memo to the Files: Trip to Fort de la Boulaye,” 6 March 1985
25. Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, “National Historic Landmark Status
Report: 1979” (5 pages)
26. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Register of Historic Places Inventory
– Nomination Form, “Fort de la Boulaye Site” (13 pages)
27. Report by archeologist Yvonne Stewart
28. “End of Vaudreuil’s Governorship,” Louisiana: The Pelican State
29. “Fort Mississippi – English Turn – Plaquemines Parish,” Crosses on the Delta
30. “Fort de la Boulaye” (5 pages)
31. “Alfred B. Thomas…”
32. “The Bienville Monument,” 22 September 1977 (2 pages)
33. “Fort de la Boulaye,” May 3 (5 pages)
34. “Letter to Marcel Giraud from J. Ben Meyer, Sr., 22 August 1978
35. “Phoenix,” Louisiana-Mississippi Treasure Leads (3 pages)
36. “Mystery Fort on the Mississippi,” Tales of Louisiana Treasure (2 copies; 11 pages)
37. Four Record of Communication Forms from March 1968; transcript of interview with
George Kimble (8 pages)
38. “Fort Boulaye and Phoenix”
39. Letter to Gayle Gravolet Darden from Ann Reiley Jones, 13 May 1982
40. “Report to Plaquemines Parish Commission Council for Proposed Restoration and
Archaeological Investigation of Fort de la Boulaye or Fort du Mississippi”
41. “The Mississippi Fort, Called Fort de la Boulaye,” Louisiana Historical Quarterly, October 1936 (44 pages)
42. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, “Final Report of Cultural Resource Investigations
within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New Orleans to Venice Hurricane Protection
Project,” December 1988 (8 pages)
43. “Scope of Services” (27 pages)
44. “Comte D’Orleans,” French map and explanation (3 pages)
45. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, “Archeological Research to Locate and Identify
the French “Fort on the Mississippi,” 19 December 1986
Folder 10B: Newspaper clippings about Fort Mississippi (Fort de la Boulaye/Phoenix,
1. “Little-known Plaquemines Parish fort was of great historical significance,”
2. “First French Settlement On River is Located On Eastbank of Parish,” Plaquemines Watchman, 10 October 1989
3. “Display Cypress Log from Fort Foundation,” ND
4. “Log from 1699 Bienville fort is moved to Cabildo,” States-Item, 1 May 1974
5. “Canadian Author to speak at October 2 Historical Meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 25 September 2012
6. “Hearth and Home: The tumultuous life of Mathieu Rouillard and Jeanne Guillet,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 28 February 2012
7. “Parish Historical Society Will Meet This Tuesday,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 March 1986
8. “Parish Historian Seeks Council Aid to Build Replica of Fort,” Plaquemines Watchman, 24 March 1982
9. “Ben Meyer on Fort De La Boulaye,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 July 1983 (2 pages)
Folder 11: Monsecour – Carlyle
1. “Also see” note
2. Handdrawn map and note
3. Copies of French ledger (8 pages)
4. Copied picture, “Burbridge Planation building north of Phoenix, LA”
5. Map, “1764 Gould”
6. “River Plantations Below New Orleans” map; “Point a la Hache, Louisiana”;
“Poverty Point, Louisiana,” Historic Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi (4 pages)
7. “Gordon”
8. “Delta Area Plantation Homes”
9. “Mill and on to Alexander Lesseps” notes (2 pages)
10. “Plantations in area just above Phoenix” note
11. Information about Carlisle/Carlyle (10 pages)
12. Two copied pictures of Carlyle Plantation (2 pages)
13. “Carlysle Plantation” notes and handdrawn map
14. “Highway 39, Carlisle” DeltaBank Calendar sketch
Folder 12A: Belaire/Woodlawn
1. “Also see” note
2. “Belaire Plantation” handwritten notes (2 pages)
3. “A Special School Time Memory,” Down the Road, September 1997
4. “Woodlawn High School Carnival Ball, 1956,” Down the Road, February 1998
5. Copied picture of Woodlawn High School around 2007
6. Map of Belaire
7. “South Eastern District Louisiana” map (2 copies)
8. Copied picture from book of the sugar house on the Belair Plantation around
9. Copied picture from book of the Belair Plantation quarters around 1890
10. Copied picture, “The Belair Sugar Refinery of John Dymond”
11. Page of copied pictures of Belair
12. Calendar sketch, “Bellair John Dymond House”
13. “Belair Plantation,” DeltaBank calendar picture
14. Copied pictures of Belair Plantation (2 pages)
15. “John Dymond,” Plaquemines, The Empire Parish
16. “MSS 170. The Dymond Family Papers” (5 pages)
17. Page of handwritten notes from the Dymond Family Papers
18. “Scope and Content Note” for the Dymond Family Papers (2 pages)
19. “Belle Aire” from the Dymond Family Papers (3 pages)
20. “The ‘Big House’” (11 pages)
21. Picture of the “House of 4 seasons” on “Fanny Plantation”
22. “Belair Plantation,” Down the Road, May 1992 (4 pages)
23. “The Graveyard” from Dymond Family Papers (6 pages)
24. Handwritten note
25. Information on Belair Plantation from Plaquemines, The Empire Parish
26. “Louisiana Places – Strange Sounding Names: Belair,” Louisiana, A Guide to the State
27. “Belair,” Louisiana
28. Mapquest of Concession to Triumph
Folder 12B: Newspaper clippings about Belaire/Woodlawn
1. “Vote ‘NO’ to Added Taxes for Federal Operation of Schools, Sat. Dec. 10,”
2 December 1965
2. “Mystery solved: Photo is at Belair farm” ND
3. “Historic Photos,” ND
Folder 13A: Bertrandville
1. “Also see” note
2. “Golden Jubilee: Father Peter A. Smits, S.V.D.,” Down the Road, September 1991 (3 pages)
3. “Good-by Doesn’t Mean Forever,” Down the Road, June 1996 (3 pages)
4. Copy of bill of sale, 1909 (3 pages)
5. Correspondence between Luke Petrovich and Elie Dalcourt, 1992 (3 pages)
6. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Elie Dalcourt, 14 December 1992
Folder 13B: Newspaper clippings about Bertrandville
1. “A Church, a Priest, and His Flock,” Plaquemines Gazette, November 7, 1989
2. “New Church to Replace Old on Eastbank,” Plaquemines Watchman, 7 May 1985
Folder 14: Greenwood/Lynwood
1. “Also see” note
2. Copied picture, “Smoke of Destruction” of Linwood Plantation
3. Sketch of Linwood Plantation, 1974
4. Picture of Linwood Plantation, 1927
5. Picture of Linwood Plantation, 1922
6. “Some Plaquemines Parish Planters, Notes from the library of Sidney L. Villere”
7. “A Plaquemines Parish Land Mark Gone,” Lower Coast Gazette, 29 February 1909
8. “The Old Courthouse,” Plaquemines, The Empire Parish
9. “Collura Family History” (3 pages)
10. Two handwritten pages of notes
11. “The Source of Reference Used in Writing the Mario Collura Story,” 16 September
12. Handwritten page, “Linwood House”
13. Handwritten page, “Greenwood House”
14. “Of Hopscotch Sidewalks and Linwood Dreams,” Down the Road, September 1997 (4 pages)
Folder 15A: Promise Land
1. “See also” note
2. “Promised Land”
3. Handwritten note, “Terre Promise”
4. “Louisiana Plantation Homes”
5. “Promised Land”
6. “Life on the East Bank: Sugar and Rice, But not Everything Calm,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 May 1982
7. “Life on the East Bank Recalled by Meyer in Historical Setting,” 21 May 1982
8. Pictures of plantation house in Promise Land (2 pages)
9. “Promised Land, Lower Coast” and “Mr. Studniezka on the Work Doing at Concession,”
The Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer, 1888
10. “Plaquemines Building Older than Ursuline Convent?” New Orleans States-Item, 4 August 1962 (2 pages)
11. “Promised Land” clipping
12. Pictures of Promised Land plantation houses, N.O. States-Item, 4 August 1962
13. “La Terre Promise House” (6 pages)
14. John Meyer Obituary
15. Pictures and article on Fort St. Mary
16. Copied portraits of “Promise Land Property Owners”
Folder 15B: Newspaper clippings about Promise Land
1. “Life on the East Bank Recalled by Meyer in Historical Setting,” 21 May 1982
2. “Life on the East Bank: Sugar and Rice, but not Everything Calm,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 May 1982
3. Obituary, Plaquemines Watchman, 28 January 1983
4. “The Amazing Case of Myra Clark Gaines,” Parade Magazine, 7 November 1982
Folder 16A: Mary Plantation
1. Mary Plantation pamphlet
2. “Mary House” sketch
3. “Where the Oaks Outlive the Wheel,” DeltaBank calendar picture
4. Copied pictures of exterior and interior of house (8 pages)
5. “The Mary House Plantation” (2 copies; 5 pages)
6. Map, “1764 Gould”
7. “Historic American Building Survey/Historic American Engineering Record” (2
8. Handwritten page, “Mary”
9. “National Register of Historic Places Inventory – Nomination Form, Mary Plantation
House” (5 pages)
10. Hand-drawn map, “Mary Plantation House”
11. “Serenity Surrounds Ageless Home at Dalcour,” 2 July 1971
12. “Historically Speaking – Mary Plantation,” Down the Road, September 1992 (7 pages)
13. Map of area surrounding Mary Plantation
14. “Historical Tour,” Plaquemines Watchman, 16 May 1984
15. “Mary Plantation in Plaquemines sold to New Orleans hotelier for $770,000,” Times-Picayune, 10 March 2012 (2 pages)
16. Pictures of cabin and artifacts
17. “Stone Keeps Alive Memory of Deutsch’s Orleans,” New Orleans States-Item, 20 July 1970 (2 pages)
18. “Mary House Plantation Living History on Plaquemines Parish’s East Bank,” Plaquemines Watchman, 28 November 1984 (2 copies)
19. “Mary Plantation” information sheet
20. “Historic Mary Plantation House in Plaquemines Parish will be sold at auction,”
Times-Picayune, 4 March 2012 (3 pages)
21. “Historic Plaquemines Parish plantation to be auctioned,” Associated Press, 2 March 2012
22. “Historic Louisiana plantation to be auctioned,” Associated Press, 2 March 2012 (3 pages)
23. “Plaquemines Parish plantation sold for $770,000,” Fox 8, 10 March 2012
24. “Mary Plantation – Historic & Architectural Narrative” (27 pages)
Folder 16B: Newspaper clippings about Mary Plantation
1. “Mary Plantation, oldest building in parish, subject of Nov. Historical Meeting,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 4 November 2014
2. “NYC grad students tour Eastbank Plaquemines and St. Bernard,” Plaquemines Gazette, 1 April 2014
3. “Mary Plantation now open,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 May 2014
4. “Madame’s resting place” ND
5. “Mary Plantation up for auction,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 March 2012 (2 copies)
6. “Mary House Plantation Living History on Plaquemines Parish’s East Bank,”
Plaquemines Watchman, 28 November 1984
7. Picture of house with caption, Times-Picayune, 28 March 1982
8. Pictures of Mary Plantation, Times-Picayune, 28 March 1982
9. “Doors of Mary House at English Turn open to past,” Times-Picayune, 28 March 1982
10. “Parish House National Site,” Times-Picayune, 1983
Folder 17A: Stella
1. “Also see” note
2. Copied picture, “Country Store, Stella, La., ca. 1900”
3. “Stella Plantation,” Cultural Resources Survey of 14 Miss. River Levee & Revet. Items
4. “Stella” and “The Stella Plantation House,” L.A., A Guide to the State
5. “Stella House – Architectural/Historical Significance” handwritten page
6. “A small ramshackle building…” L.A., A Guide to the State
7. Survey of historical significance of Stella (2 copies; 6 pages)
8. Copied picture, “Stella Store”
9. Copied picture, “Stella Plantation 1900”
10. Copied picture, “Stella after modifications taken @ 1985”
11. Copied picture of Stella house
Folder 17B: Newspaper clippings about Stella
1. “Perez court fight takes a page from Hollywood,” Times-Picayune, 3 August 1987 (2 pages)
2. “Parish Moves to Hold Earnings of Delta Development with Suit,” Plaquemines Watchman, 16 June 1987 (2 pages)
3. “Parish wins point as Perez trial opens,” Times-Picayune, 23 July 1987 (2 pages)
Folder 18A: Scarsdale
1. “Also see” note
2. “Historical Tour,” Plaquemines Watchman, 16 May 1984
3. Copied picture, “Sugar House, Scarsdale, La., ca. 1895”
4. Advertisement page, Down the Road, June 1993
5. “Scarsdale Revetment”
6. Copied pictures of Scarsdale (2 pages)
7. “English Turn Midden”
8. “Sketches of the Police Jury & Other Officers of Plaquemines Parish,” Down the Road, June 1992
9. Map, “Scarsdale Levee Setback: Right of Way”
10. “Scarsdale-Belle Chasse Ferry Welcomed by PN Freeporters,” The Freeporter, September 1959
11. “AMAX Metals Recovery, Inc.: A Major Recycler,” Down the Road, December 1991 (3 pages)
12. “Important Notice,” States, 18 April 1898
Folder 18B: Newspaper clippings about Scarsdale
1. “Fire ravages Scarsdale home,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 December 2019
2. “AMAX Closes Port Nickel Facility on Plaquemines Eastbank,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 November 1985
3. “AMAX Plant Reopening Set,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 March 1986
4. “Amax Metals Recovery, Inc. completes cleanup,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 December 2007
5. “AMAX accepts $10.45 million offer from PPC,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 March 2010
6. “AMAX-ed Out: PPC Oks maximum bid for Braithwaite Amax land,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 June 2008
7. “Cleanup at Plaquemines Parish facility key to recovery,” The Gazette, 10 June 2008
Folder 19A: English Turn
1. “Also see” note
2. “Historical Marker Dedication Program Marking ‘English Turn,’” 19 May 1963
3. Map, “Carriere brothers’ farms, 1723”
4. Map, “Braithwaite-Scarsdale Highway”
5. Map, “Mississippi River Levee”
6. DeltaBank calendar sketch, 1990
7. “English Turn Benevolent Society Hall,” DeltaBank calendar picture, 1985
8. “Parish Called Most Historic,” Times-Picayune, 20 May 1963
9. “Woodville Quarantine Station” handwritten note (2 pages)
10. “Reference Service Report,” 25 June 1963
11. “English Turn”
12. “English Turn,” Down the Road, February 1990
13. Letter from College de France (2 pages)
14. “’Producing’ A Happy Life,” Down the Road, June 1994 (3 pages)
15. “Ferries”
16. Picture with caption, “Tree with pre-Civil War carving…”
17. History of English Turn, map, and copied handwritten pages (9 pages)
18. Information about Woodlands Trail and Park (4 pages)
19. Short account of LaSalle and Iberville in Louisiana
20. Copy of photograph, American Memory
21. “English Turn Marker Places in Ceremonies,” New Orleans States-Item, 20 May 1963 (2 copies)
22. “Early Indians”
23. “English Turn” from Plaquemines, The Empire Parish and LA, A Guide to the State (3 pages)
24. “English Turn”
25. “English Turn Bend,” Historic Names & Places on the Lower Miss. (2 copies)
26. Informational slides about English Turn (6 pages)
27. “The Great Cleanup,” Down the Road, September 1996 (2 pages)
28. “English Turn Plantations”
29. “Fort St. Marie: Historical Summary,” New Orleans District Corp of Engineers
Folder 19B: Newspaper clippings about English Turn
1. “Plaq. Residents voice concern over St. Bernard levee work,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 December 2009
2. “Juror doubles as tree planter in saltwater fight,” Times-Picayune, 27 August 1988
3. “Life on the East Bank Recalled by Meyer in Historical Setting,” 21 May 1982
4. Biography of Reverend Anderson W. Smith (4 pages)
5. Newspaper pictures of English Turn
6. “Significant Historical Facts about English Turn,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 May 1981
Folder 20A: Orange Grove
1. “Also see” note
2. “Captain Gardiner”
3. “Sale of a Valuable Sugar Plantation” (2 copies)
4. “Orange Grove” (2 pages)
5. “Orange Grove Plantation, 1847-1850” copied photographs (13 pages)
6. “Braithwaite Sugar Mill,” DeltaBank calendar picture 1985
7. Picture of train engine
8. Copies of pictures (24 pages)
9. “English Turn Bend,” Historic Names & Places on the Lower Miss. River
10. “Reference Service Report,” 25 June 1963
11. “Orange Grove Plantation,” Plaquemines, The Empire Parish
12. “English Turn Sites”
13. “Plantations: Orange Grove, Item – 11-6-70”
14. “Orange Grove,” The Historic New Orleans Exhibit “Walls of Air,” 1975
15. “Louisiana Mansion Suggested for Use as Parish Library,” Preservation News, 1971
16. “Showplace of Another Era,” Times-Picayune (2 pages)
17. “Vandals, disinterest take toll on Gothic revival 1850 home,” Sunday Advocate, 24 May 1981
18. “Historically Speaking: Orange Grove Plantation Grandeur of Yesterday,” Down the Road, April 1982 (4 pages)
19. “Plaquemines Acts to Save Home from Demolition,” Times-Picayune, 5 May 1978
20. “T. P. Denley…”
21. “Sugar king Morgan built plantation home”
22. “Orange Grove Plantation” (2 pages)
23. “Fasnachts,” 1936 (19 pages0
24. “Orange Grove lies neglected,” Baton Rouge Sunday Advocate, 24 May 1981
25. Correspondence between Rod Lincoln and Victor Anderson, 1984-1986 (7 pages)
26. Correspondence between Rod Lincoln and the Southern Railway System, 1982 (4 pages)
27. “Reasons for Preserving Orange Grove – Even as a Historical Ruin”
28. “For Sale,” Louisiana Courier, 16 November 1807
Folder 20B: Newspaper clippings about Orange Grove
1. “Port looks towards the Post-Isaac Horizon,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 October 2012
2. “Sept. 2, 1873”
3. “Liquids Transporting Company Plans to Locate in Braithwaite,” Plaquemines Watchman, 18 January 2000
4. “Stolt-Nielsen Plans Terminal in Plaq…” 18 January 2000
5. “Stolt-Nielsen Begins Bulk Liquid Terminal Development,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 October 2000 (3 pages)
6. “Fire destroys plantation, ends restoration dreams,” Times-Picayune, 20 January 1982
7. “Tosco Closes Sale with BP,” Plaquemines Watchman, 12 September 2000
8. “Tosco Closes Sale with BP Amoco,” Plaquemines Watchman, 12 September 2000
9. Pictures of burned Orange Grove Plantation, Times-Picayune, 20 January 1982 (2 pages)
10. “Historic mansion tumbles,” Times-Picayune, 29 September 1982; “Demolition by neglect,” Times-Picayune
11. “Fire destroys plantation, ends restoration dreams,” Times-Picayune, 20 January 1982
Folder 21A: Braithwaite
1. “Also see” note
2. “Later the French officials…”
3. “English Turn Bend,” Historic Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi River
4. Clippings about Braithwaite from Louisiana Places, Historic Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi River, and LA, A Guide to the State
5. “Braithwaite,” The Empire Parish (2 copies)
Folder 21B: Newspaper clippings about Braithwaite
1. “More finder pointing on Giordano properties’ burning,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 April 2013
2. “Braithwaite to swap nostalgia for space of new post office,” Times-Picayune, 23 July 1985 (2 pages)
3. “Braithwaite High School’s Class of 1934 Hold Reunion,” Plaquemines Watchman, 11 July 1984
4. “La vie en rose,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 November 2007
5. “Bare necessities are way of life,” Times-Picayune, 27 May 1991
6. “Plaquemines residents seeing the wrong side of St. Bernard flood wall,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 August 2011
7. “Our Times: The Blasting of the Mississippi River Levee at Caernarvon in 1927,”
Times-Picayune, 8 April 2012
8. “Braithwaite: Isaac and its aftermath cause residents to question the government
and themselves,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 September 2013
9. Plaquemines Gazette, 4 September 2012
Folder 22A: Caernarvon
1. “Also see” note
2. “Louisiana Places – Strange Sounding Names, Caernarvon,” 30 September 1962
(2 copies), and “Caernarvon,” Louisiana, A Guide to the State (2 pages)
3. “The 40 Arpent Canal: Ditch or Paradise?” Down the Road, November 1997 (2 pages)
4. “Caernarvon Crevasse,” Historic Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi (3 copies, 5 pages)
5. “Caernarvon: A Case Study” (2 pages)
6. “Louisiana Places – Strange Sounding Names, Terra Aux Boeuf,” 24 February
7. “’Terre aux Boeuf’ Old St. Bernard” (7 pages)
8. “Caernarvon: Freshwater Diversion,” 14 April 1986 (8 pages)
9. “Beau Sejour,” handwritten page
10. “Plantation Gothic: The First Published Short Story by an African American Author
and its Louisiana Roots,” 64 Parishes, Summer 2021 (3 pages)
Folder 22B: Newspaper clippings about Caernarvon
1. “Major move to rebuild marsh,” 1987
2. “Corps Okays Caenarvon [sic], River Projects,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 June 1987 (2 pages)
3. “Caernarvon Diversion Structure Work is Ahead of Schedule,” Plaquemines Watchman, 6 February 1990
4. “The Great Castle Tours of Wales,” Times-Picayune, 1 March 1987
5. “Medium Diversion at White Ditch Feasibility Study Public Meeting,” 22 June
6. “Diversionary Tactic,” Times-Picayune, 20 November 1997
7. “Wetlands project to fend off erosion ahead of schedule,” 1989
Box 16: Vertical Files
Folder 1A: Agriculture
1. “Live Pleasantly and Farm Profitably in Plaquemines Parish: A Handbook”
2. “Mississippi Delta Called Victory Gardner’s Dream,” Chicago Daily News, 21 April 1944
3. “Excerpt from The Sugar Journal, 1899,” Down the Road, March 1992
4. “The Creole Easter Lily”
5. “Nineteenth Century Agricultural Overview of Plaquemines Parish” (6 pages)
6. List of Louisiana cane plantations (3 pages)
7. Copied pages from Southern Agriculturist, March 1830 (13 pages)
8. “Louisiana Winter Garden Edition,” Missouri Pacific Lines Agricultural Development Bulletin (24 pages)
9. “Persimmons: The Very Essence of Plaquemines,” Down the Road, November 1995 (3 pages)
10. “Parish Produced Much Sugar”
11. “Where Have the Creoles Gone?” (2 pages)
12. “Eat your beans, dear – they’re from Plaquemines”
13. “Sugar at LSU” (26 pages)
14. “Death of an Era,” Deep Delta Country (7 pages)
15. Partial article about Plaquemines agriculture (2 pages)
16. Copied page of The Moniteur, 11 July 1807
17. “That Novelty, Sugar,” Deep Delta Country (5 pages)
18. “Program for the Dedication of Farmers’ Auction Building,” 14 July 1962 (2 copies);
“Plaquemines Parish Vegetable Growers Association, Inc., Income Statement from May
30 to June 27, 1962”
19. “U.S. Settlement,” Plaquemines, The Empire Parish
20. “20 Dollars Reward”
21. “Plaquemines Plantations Life (Before 1860),” Historic Jefferson Parish
22. “Sugar,” Plaquemines, The Empire Parish
23. “Sugar,” Sugar Country (22 pages)
24. Sugar to Oil”
25. “Negroes Along the River,” Tales of the Mississippi
26. “Notes to Pages 47-48”
27. “Notes to Pages 136-141”
28. “Louisiana Vegetable Planting Guide”
29. List of Names
Folder 1B: Newspaper clippings about Agriculture
1. “Agricultural Experts Tour Plaquemines Citrus Nurseries,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 February 2010
2. “Eat your beans, dear – they’re from Plaquemines”
3. “Business of the Nation,” Chicago Sun, 28 December 1943
4. “Construction of Marketing Shed Gets Underway,” 11 May 1962
5. “Three Farmers,” 18 January 1963
6. “Plaquemines Farmers Told They are the Most Privileged,” 20 July 1962 (3 pages)
7. “Luscious Creole Parish Tomatoes on Market thru About Mid-July”
8. “Farmers’ Shed Scene of Sales,” Times-Picayune, 1 June 1952
9. “Auction Shed for Tomatoes Opened at Belle Chasse,” 8 June 1962
10. “To Dedicate Tomato Shed this Saturday,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 July 1962
11. “Tomato Growers to Centralize Produce Marketing at Belle Chasse Buyers’ Shed,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 26 January 1962
12. “Locally Grown,” American Profile (2 pages)
13. “Orange Festival” advertisement
14. “Orange Festival this weekend at Fort Jackson,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 November 2016
15. “Blueberries and peanuts invade Orange Country,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 February 2009
16. “Plentiful Plaquemines,” Times-Picayune, 3 December 1995
Folder 2A: Architecture
1. “Plaquemines Housing Fair” advertisement
2. Letter to Rod Lincoln from R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc., 9 July
1986 (4 pages)
3. Email from Rod Lincoln to Sara Shreve, 29 December 2005 (3 pages)
4. “National Register of Historic Sites in Plaquemines” (6 pages)
5. “Historically Speaking: The Imperial Highway,” Down the Road, January 1992 (12 pages)
6. “Making Groceries: Plaquemines Style,” Down the Road, January 1994 (10 pages)
7. “Historic Paint Policy, 1820-1920” (3 pages)
8. “Five Traditional House Types of New Orleans” (2 copies)
9. “Louisiana House Types: A Field Guide,” Melanges, 27 September 1941 (19 pages)
10. “Country and Small-Town Stores of Louisiana: Legacy of the Greek Revival and
the Frontier,” Melanges, 23 April 1973 (12 pages)
11. “Living in the Bayou,” Down the Road, June 1994 (4 pages)
12. “State of Louisiana, Site Record Form”
13. Diagrams from Plain Folk of the South Revisited and A Field Guide to American Houses (2 pages)
Folder 2B: Newspaper clippings about Architecture
1. “History shows how far we’ve come”
Folder 3: Archeology
1. “Louisiana in North American Prehistory,” Melanges, 25 May 1971
2. Note from Rod Lincoln
3. “Prehistoric Chronology of the Lower Mississippi Valley”
4. Louisiana Archaeology Week, September 28 – October 4, 2003
5. Louisiana Archaeology Week, October 2 -8, 2005
6. “Regional & State Archaeologists”
7. “Cartographic Services: Multicolor Special Purpose Precision Mapping for Government
and Industry”
8. “Illustration: Litigation Graphics, Charts and Graphs, Medical Illustration,
Exhibits and Display Graphics, Advertising and Commercial Art”
9. Louisiana Archaeology Week, Oct. 1 – 7, 2000”
10. Louisiana Division of Archaeology Office of Cultural Development pamphlet
11. “Louisiana Prehistory,” Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Louisiana
Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission, Anthropological Study No. 6
12. “Glimpses of Indians Past” (4 pages)
13. “Louisiana’s Comprehensive Archaeological Plan,” 1983
Folder 4A: Banking
1. Delta Bank and Trust Company report to stockholders, 1990
2. Delta Bank and Trust Company Shareholder letter, 18 October 1979 (2 pages)
3. Letter to Frank Lassiter from Ben C. Toledano, 6 July 1979 (3 pages)
4. Letter to Hays M. Lincoln from the National American Bank of New Orleans,
25 October 1955
5. Delta Bank and Trust Company Stockholder letter, 13 April 1979
6. Letter to Roderick Lincoln from the Delta Bank and Trust Company, 20 March
7. Sketch of Mississippi River Bank
8. Delta Bank and Trust Company 1996 calendar
9. Delta Bank and Trust Company Annual Report 1979
10. Delta Bank and Trust Company 1984 Annual Report
11. Delta Bank and Trust Company Annual Report 1987
12. Delta Bank and Trust Company Annual Report 1988
13. Delta Bank and Trust Company Annual Report 1989 (2 copies)
14. Delta Bank and Trust Company Annual Report 1990
15. Delta Bank and Trust Company ballet and envelope
16. Delta Bank and Trust Company report to stockholders, 1991
17. Delta Bank and Trust Company Annual Report 1991
18. Delta Bank and Trust Company report to stockholders, 1992
19. Delta Bank and Trust Company Annual Report 1993
20. “Delta Bank Medals & Key Chains”
21. Blank checkbook for Delta Bank and Trust Company
22. “History of Delta Bank”
Folder 4B: Newspaper clippings about Banking
1. “Mississippi River Bank Celebrates 40 Years of Service to Plaquemines,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 October 2020 (2 copies)
2. “Plans underway for MRB to be sold to investment group,” Plaquemines Gazette, 15 January 2019
3. Mississippi River Bank 40th Anniversary advertisement, 13 October 2020
4. “MRB Celebrates 20th with a Gift to its Investors,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 October 2000
5. “Delta Bank Celebrating 30 Years in Parish,” Plaquemines Gazette, 3 January 1986
6. “Mississippi River Bank celebrates 35th anniversary,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 May 2016
7. “Parish Invited to Attend Bank Opening in Port Sulphur Wednesday,” ND
8. “Coronavirus scuttles Miss. River Bank merger,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 July 2020 (2 pages)
9. Advertisement, “An Invitation, The Officers and Directors of the Delta Bank
& Trust Co.,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 December 1955 (2 copies)
10. “Delta Bank has Record Year,” 21 January 1972
11. “Delta Bank & Trust Co. Opens and Sets a Record,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 January 1956 (2 copies)
12. “New Delta Bank Facilities at Belle Chasse Including Drive-Up Windows Open,”
2 June 1972
13. “Officers of the Delta Bank & Trust Company,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 December 1955 (2 copies)
14. “Delta Bank Enlarges Belle Chasse Office”
15. “Delta Bank Officers, Board, Personnel and Guests Enjoy Christmas Party,” Plaquemines Gazette
16. Delta Bank & Trust Company Christmas Club advertisement, 24 November 1956
17. Delta Bank & Trust Company advertisement
18. Delta Bank & Trust Company Christmas Club advertisement, 1 December 1956
19. “Delta Bank,” Plaquemines Gazette
20. “Legal Notice”
21. “Delta Bank Annual Xmas Party is Held,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 December 1967
22. “Growth of Delta Bank Cited at 18th Stockholders Meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 January 1974
Folder 5A: Business
1. Collage of Plaquemines industries
2. List of Plaquemines businesses (2 pages)
3. Advertisement for “Paragon Dental Laboratory” (2 copies)
4. “Industrial Sites Along the Missouri Pacific Railroad and the Mississippi
River Below New Orleans”
5. “Sites Available for Industrial Locations on the West Bank of the Mississippi
River Below New Orleans, Louisiana” (2 pages)
6. “Plaquemines Parish Zones”
7. “Major Industries in Plaquemines Parish, 1967” (8 pages)
8. Copies of nineteenth century advertisements (4 pages)
Folder 5B: Business, cont.
1. “A Resource Directory for Plaquemines Parish” (51 pages)
Folder 5C: Business, cont.
1. “Plaquemines Parish: Challenges and Opportunities, An Economic Development
Assessment,” 1996 (89 pages)
Folder 5D: Businesses in the Buras-Port Sulphur area during the 1950s – 1960s
1. Handwritten note
2. Business advertisements (57 pages)
Folder 5E: Newspaper clippings about Business
1. Gazette Christmas Edition, December 2006
2. Gazette Christmas Edition, December 2007
3. Plaquemines Gazette, 11 December 2008
4. Plaquemines Gazette, “Happy New Year,” ND
5. Plaquemines Parish Business Review, 29 September 2000
6. Plaquemines Bargains Plus, October 3-16, 2013
7. Plaquemines & West Bank Plus, April 28-May 11, 2016
8. “Plaquemines Chamber News,” Plaquemines Gazette, 16 April 1982, and “Chamber Council Names Officers,” Plaquemines Watchman, 7 April 1982
9. Plaquemines Gazette Christmas Special Section, 2017
10. Plaquemines Gazette Christmas Tabloid, 22 December 2020
11. Plaquemines Gazette Christmas Tabloid, 25 December 2018
12. “Venture Global, Governor Edwards announce details of LNG facility,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 December 2016 (2 pages)
13. “Economic Development Director urges landowners to register with Entergy,” ND
14. Advertisement, Plaquemines Gazette, 18 December 2018
15. “Venture Global begins new slate of public meetings,” Plaquemines Gazette, 11 June 2019
16. “Tallgrass deal sails through,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 October 2018
17. “Venture Global LNG Raises $675 Million of Additional Capital,” Plaquemines Gazette, 9 July 2019
18. “Plaquemines Liquids Terminal, river deepening both wins for Port,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 August 2018 (2 pages)
19. “PABI 2019 Board,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 February 2019
20. Advertisement for Plaquemines to retain control of ports
21. “Mysterious health scare grips north Plaquemines,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 August 2017
22. “Zoning change for IGP gets Planning Board approval,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 October 2017 (2 pages)
23. “Leadership Plaquemines launches Oct. 1,” Plaquemines Gazette, 27 September 2016 (2 pages)
24. “Small Business Survival Threatened By Unaffordable Flood Insurance Rate Increases,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 5 July 2016
25. “ADM Assessing Alcohol Plant For Possible Re-Opening,” Plaquemines Gazette, 30 March 2001 (2 pages)
26. “Union Stealth,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 July 2000
27. “Note Even a ‘Dear John,’” Plaquemines Gazette, 5 March 1999
28. “Associated Terminals Expands its Floating Crane Fleet”
29. “Plaquemines Port finalizes land purchases,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 December 2013
30. “Businesses Honored For Safety Records,” Plaquemines Watchman, 25 July 1989
31. “More Severance,” Plaquemines Gazette, 19 February 1988
32. “Residents Earn $88.9 Million,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 November 1988
33. “’Plaquemines Open for Business,’” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 November 1988
34. “Guilbeau’s,” Plaquemines Watchman, 19 July 1988
35. “Stipelcovich Oil Co.”
36. “Letter from Home/Closed Stores,” Plaquemines Watchman, 8 March 1988
37. “Down, Again: Parish Drops From No. 1 in Severance Collections,” Plaquemines Watchman, 26 April 1988
38. “Parish Unemployment Remains High,” Plaquemines Gazette, 6 May 1988
39. “New Report Suggests Merchants Hit Hard,” Plaquemines Watchman, 26 January 1988
40. “Elevated Building Requirement May End in Some Parts of Parish,” Plaquemines Watchman, 28 February 1989
41. “Economic Advisory Board Holds Meeting” and “Parish Projects in Outlay Bill,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 26 August 1988
42. “Corporations Increase in Parish in 1987,” Plaquemines Watchman, 5 April 1988
43. “New year to bring bridge tolls,” Times-Picayune, 1 January 1989
44. “N.O. Bridge Tolls Discriminate,” Plaquemines Watchman, 26 April 1988
45. “Notice: Plaquemines LNG and Gator Express Pipeline File Application for Project,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 7 March 2017
46. “Notes…From the Assessor,” Plaquemines Watchman, 9 August 1988
47. “There’s a Brain Drain Underway in La.,” Plaquemines Watchman, 17 January 1989
48. “Assessor Briefs Parish Officials on Anticipated Revenue Income,” Plaquemines Watchman, 4 April 1989
49. “Coal Trains are Heading to Jefferson and Plaquemines Parishes,” 27 May 2014
50. “Tourism Commission delays occupancy tax,” Plaquemines Gazette
51. “Oyster Leases for Sale,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 September 2013
52. “Governor Jindal visits parish to announce Eastbank methanol plant,” (2 pages)
53. “City Guide Lists Parish Facts,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 February 1986
54. “Venture Global Secures Approval for Early Construction, SPAs for Plaq. LNG Export
Terminal,” Plaquemines Gazette, 9 November 2021 (2 pages)
55. “Garcia’s Pharmacy Celebrates 25th Year,” Plaquemines Watchman, 1 December 1987
56. “Popich Printing, Inc.” advertisement
57. Advertisement for “Plaquemines Community Resource Guide”
58. “Health,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 August 2017
Folder 6: “Faces of Plaquemines Past – Millenium Cemetery Re-Enactments, 1999-2000”
1. “Faces of Plaquemines Past – Millenium Cemetery Re-Enactments, 1999-2000”
(159 pages)
2. Pamplets promoting “Face of Plaquemines Past” (31 items)
3. “Faces of Plaquemines Past: A Unique Living History,” Down the Road, April 1999 (12 pages)
Folder 7A: Cemetery Traditions
1. List of Plaquemines cemeteries (2 pages)
2. Materials for Tricentennial Celebration of “Faces of Plaquemines Past (13
3. “Easter Remembrances,” Down the Road, March 1989 (3 pages)
4. “Faces of Plaquemines Past: A Unique Living History,” Down the Road, April 1999 (10 pages)
5. “Tricentennial in Celebration of the People of Plaquemines,” Down the Road, October 1999 (5 pages)
6. USGS, “Plaquemines County, Louisiana – Cemetery” (2 pages)
7. “The USGenWeb Project: Louisiana Archives Index, Plaquemines Parish” (5 pages)
8. “Cemeteries” (4 pages)
9. “Matters of Life and Death” (7 pages)
10. “The Cabildo, Antebellum Louisiana: Disease, Death, and Mourning” (5 pages)
11. Email correspondence, 2002 (2 pages)
12. “Plaquemines Parish,” Encyclopedia Louisiana (10 pages)
13. “Buras County tombs/gravesites” (5 pages)
Folder 7B: Newspaper clippings about Cemetery Traditions
1. “Louisiana 175 Years, 1812-1987: Cemeteries, Graveyards”
2. “History Enthusiasts Keep Memories Alive in Tour,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 November 1999 (2 pages)
Folder 8: Chronology
1. “Chronological History of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana” (19 pages)
Box 17: Vertical Files
Folder 1A: Citrus
1. “Louisiana Citrus,” LSU Cooperative Extension Service
2. “Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival,” December 4 & 5, 1971 booklet
3. “Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival,” December 7 & 8, 1974 booklet
4. “Choose Louisiana Citrus” advertisement
5. Invitation to celebration of Plaquemine Parish’s oldest bottle of orange wine
6. Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival business card
7. “Preserving Citrus” brochure
8. “Citrus” brochure
9. Advertisement for the 1994 Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival
10. 1986 Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival sticker
11. 2001 Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival advertisement
12. “Plaq. Parish is Largest Orange Producer in Louisiana,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 December 1981
13. “Orange Grower on East Bank in Plaquemines Parish 1888” (2 copies)
14. “Plaquemines Parish Citrus,” 2000 (2 copies)
15. “Plaquemines Parish Citrus,” 1997
16. “Plaquemines Parish Far & Orange Festival,” Down the Road, 1996 (20 pages)
17. “Blood Orange,” Cajuns on the Bayou, and “Orange Wine” (2 copies; 3 pages)
18. “Plaquemines Citrus 1981,” LSU Cooperative Extension Service Letter
19. “Citrus Industry Saluted by Plaquemines Festival,” Bell Notes, December 1973
20. Informational letter concerning the Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival,
21. “1996 Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival” brochure
22. “Oranges are Scare But Comeback is Evident,” Down the Road, November 1991 (2
23. “Total Number of Trees Wanted” (11 pages)
24. “1982 Facts About the Louisiana Citrus Industry”
25. “Orange Festival Media Tour Planning Meeting, 2010” (3 pages)
26. “Historic Cannon Fragments on Display for the First Time at Orange Fest,” 9 November
2010 (2 pages)
27. “Local Vintage: Louisiana’s Sweet Citrus Wine,” Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, Summer 2021 (3 pages)
28. “Orange You Glad You Asked…,” Down the Road, November 1991
29. “Healthy Eating” (3 copies)
30. “Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival: Today and Yesterday,” Down the Road, November 1990 (5 pages)
31. “Local Vintage,” 64Parishes (3 pages)
32. “Buras Family Information”
33. “First Louisiana Orange Grove (3 copies)
34. “A Day’s Journey: Plaquemines Seen on the Orange Fair Tour,” 20 November 1981
(2 copies; 4 pages)
35. “Orange Tree 100 Years,” Plaquemines Times, 19 June 1937 (4 copies)
36. “Plaquemines ready for fest,” West Bank Guide, 11 November 1981
37. “History of the Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival,” The “Yellow Pages” of Plaquemines Parish (6 copies)
38. “Orange growers seek aid,” 11 October 1982
39. “They remember…The Days of Wine and Orange,” 23 September 1983 (3 copies)
40. “Plaquemines Oks citrus assistance,” Times-Picayune, 4 May 1984
41. “Citrus Industry Saluted by Plaquemines Festival,” Bell Notes, December 1973
42. “Navel Orange”
43. “Queen Quotes,” Down the Road, December 1988 (3 pages)
44. “Cover Photo”
45. Letter from Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, 7 March 1991, and shortened
version of Louisiana Commercial Citrus Production Manual (6 pages)
46. “Come Home: It’s Orange Festival Time,” Down the Road, November 1998 (16 pages)
47. “Industry Spreading over Large Section and Well Planned,” Times-Picayune, 10 January 1932 (2 copies; 4 pages)
48. “Plaquemines Past: Notes, Pictures & Fun Facts from Our Past,” Down the Road, November 1995 (3 pages)
49. “Plaquemines Parish Beauties,” Down the Road, November 1994 (4 pages)
50. “Royalty Enjoys Promotional Trip Down Memory Road,” Down the Road, December 1992 (4 pages)
51. “For Immediate Release” for 44th Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival
52. “A Reprint from the New Orleans Roosevelt Review, February, 1947,” Down the Road, November 1998 (4 pages)
53. Article about Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival (4 pages)
54. “Treasures of the Soil, Almost,” Down the Road, April 1991 (2 pages)
55. Cover page of Down the Road, November 1998
56. “Even the Orange Festival is ‘On the Road Home,’” 2008 (2 pages)
57. “For Immediate Release” for 1994
58. Advertisement for 1994 Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival
59. “It’s fair time in Plaquemines,” Down the Road, November 1994
60. “Plaquemines Parish Citrus Facts,” Plaquemines Watchman, 26 November 1991
61. Article, Down the Road, November 1990 (3 pages)
62. “Tricentennial Celebration: Faces of Plaquemines Past,” Down the Road, December 1998
63. “Katrina strangles Louisiana’s cherished citrus industry,” 10 December 2005 (3
64. October 1994 Letter from Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Louisiana
Cooperative Extension Service with included general information about citrus (29 pages)
65. “Soil pH and Fertilizers”
66. “Transplanting Trees & Shrubs in the Landscape”
67. “Amending the Planting Site for Landscape Plants”
68. “Propagating Plants for the Home Landscape”
69. “Citrus Rootstock Characteristics” grid
70. “Optimizing Pesticide Performance” (3 pages)
71. “Media – Choices and Management in Nursery Crop Production” presentation (2 pages)
72. “The Louisiana Orange: A Short History of the Citrus Industry in Plaquemines
Parish” brochure (4 copies)
73. “Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival: Held at Fort Jackson” brochure
(4 copies)
74. “Explore…the Mysteries of Louisiana’s Deep Delta, Plaquemines Parish” brochure
75. “Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival” brochure (2 copies)
76. “Join the fun at the…Orange Festival” brochure (4 copies)
77. “Choose Louisiana Citrus” (2 copies)
Folder 1B: Orange Festival Guide
1. Plaquemines Gazette, “Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival,” 2006
2. Plaquemines Gazette, “2007 Plaquemines Parish Orange Fair and Festival,” 30 November – 2 December
3. Plaquemines Gazette, 2008 “Fair & Orange Festival
4. Plaquemines Gazette, “2010 Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival,” 30 November 2010
5. Plaquemines Gazette, “2011 Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival Guide,” 29 November 2011
6. Plaquemines Gazette, “Orange Festival Guide 2012,” 27 November 2012
7. Plaquemines Gazette, “Orange Festival Guide,” 3 December 2013
8. Plaquemines Gazette, “Orange Fest Guide,” 2 December 2014 (2 copies)
9. Plaquemines Gazette, “Orange Fest Guide,” 1 December 2015
10. Plaquemines Gazette, “Orange Fest Guide,” 29 November 2016
11. Plaquemines Gazette, “2017 Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival Guide,” 28 November 2017
12. Plaquemines Gazette, “2018 Orange Festival Guide,” 27 November 2018 (2 copies)
13. Plaquemines Gazette, “2019 Orange Festival Guide,” 3 December 2019
14. Plaquemines Gazette, “2021 Orange Festival Guide,” 30 November 2021
15. Plaquemines Gazette, “2022 Orange Festival Guide,” 29 November 2022
Folder 1C: Newspaper clippings about Citrus
1. Newspaper advertisements for the 2021 Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival
2. “Plaquemines Parish celebrates 75th Orange Festival,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 December 2021
3. “PPFOF’s Submission for the LAFF Classic Award and Festival of the Year,”
Plaquemines Gazette, February 2022
4. Advertisement, “1998 Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival” (2 copies)
5. “Louisiana Faces and Places: At Land’s End,” Sunday Advocate Magazine, 5 March 1989
6. “2015 Orange Festival”
7. “Turlich named 2018 Orange King,” Plaquemines Gazette, 21 August 2018
8. “Arctic blast threatened parish citrus crops,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 January 2010
9. “72nd Annual Orange Queen and 9th Annual Teen Orange Queen Selections to be
held September 8,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 August 2018
10. “Judging of Orange Blossom Club Christmas Decoration Contest Begins Next Week,”
Plaquemines Gazette, 17 December 1965
11. “Orange Fest puts events on hold,” Plaquemines Gazette, 9 June 2020
12. “Freeze Protection Saves Citrus Trees; Requires a Lot of Water,” Plaquemines Watchman, 6 March 1990
13. “Among Aspirants for Title for 1956 Orange Queen,” Times-Picayune, 8 November 1956
14. “The Pick of this Crop,” New Orleans Item, 9 November 1956
15. “Orange Festival this weekend at Fort Jackson,” 28 November 2017
16. “Nadia Mateja Cognevich” newspaper picture
17. “These Parish Beauties Will Compete for Queen’s Crown,” 1956
18. “Last Year’s Freeze Ruined Orange Crop,” West Bank Guide, 19 December 1982
19. “Plaquemines Parish Citrus Facts,” Plaquemines Watchman, 26 November 1991
20. “Orange Festival,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 December 1989
21. “No Orange Wine in 1988,” Plaquemines Watchman, 1 March 1988
22. “Winemaker bottled up waiting for Legislature,” Times-Picayune, 28 June 1988
23. Picture of 1983 Orange Fair and Festival poster
24. “Orange Fest Ready for 57th Season,” 2003
25. “Parish hosts Citrus Media Day,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 May 2014
26. “Orange growers happily revive frozen competition,” Times-Picayune, 25 November 1988
27. “Whensoever, Whatsoever/More,” Plaquemines Watchman, 5 April 1988
28. “Protecting Citrus from Winter’s Cold,” Plaquemines Watchman, 3 January 1989
29. “Ruling Worries Citrus Farmers,” Plaquemines Gazette, 26 February 1988
30. “No Harm Done,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 February 1988
31. “State, Federal Assistance Sought in Freeze Aftermath,” Plaquemines Gazette and Plaquemines Watchman, 3 January 1990
32. “More on Survey,” Plaquemines Watchman, 16 January 1990
33. “Citrus for Landscape in La.,” ND
34. “Fair,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 November 1982
35. “Cooling Trend Bad for Citrus Growers,” West Bank Guide, 30 October 1985
36. “Citrus Farmers Have High Expectations for 2001 Crop,” Plaquemines Watchman, 25 September 2001
37. “52nd Annual Orange Fest Packs’em In,” Plaquemines Gazette, 8 December 1998
38. “Parish Council Leaves Citrus Industry Waiting,” Plaquemines Gazette, 31 March 2015
39. “La. Citrus Growers Sore over Canker,” Times-Picayune, 27 February 1988
40. “Plaquemines Oks Citrus Assistance,” Times-Picayune, 4 May 1984
41. “La. Wine Bill Wins Its Last OK,” Times-Picayune, 7 July 1988
42. “Plaquemines Fair and Orange Festival Coming,” West Bank Guide, 28 November 1982
43. Advertisement for art contest
44. “41st Orange Festival Slated This Weekend,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2 December 1988
45. “Whensoever, Whatsoever/ First Orange Festival,” Plaquemines Watchman, 5 April 1988
46. “Freeze Devastates Plaquemines Citrus, Seafood Industries,” Plaquemines Gazette and Plaquemines Watchman, 27 December 1989
47. “Officials Air Freeze Programs,” Plaquemines Gazette, 12 January 1990
48. “New Year of Service for Gazette, Sendkers,” Plaquemines Watchman
49. “Gazette Editor Named Orange Festival King” and congratulations card
50. “Agents of Orange,” Plaquemines Gazette, 9 December 2008
51. “Citrus,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 March 2015
52. “Sendker is ’77 King of Plaquemines Fest,” Times-Picayune, 23 October 1977
53. “Citrus Farms Expecting Best Crops since Freeze of 1989,” Plaquemines Watchman, 16 November 1999 (2 pages)
54. “Citrus Industry Pleads Case Before Council,” Plaquemines Gazette, 24 March 2015
55. “Earl Armstrong named 2015 Orange King,” Plaquemines Gazette, 18 August 2015 (2 pages)
56. “Orange Fest Ready for 54th Season,” Plaquemines Gazette, 10 November 2000
57. “Salty winds, saltwater don’t mix with citrus,” Times-Picayune, 16 October 1998
58. “Plaquemines’ citrus industry squeezed by weather,” Times-Picayune, 27 June 1982
59. “They remember…The Days of Wine and Oranges,” 23 September 1983
60. “A Day’s Journey: Plaquemines Seen on the Orange Fair Tour,” 20 November 1981
(2 pages)
61. “Orange growers seek aid,” 11 October 1982
62. “Plaq. Parish is Largest Orange Producer in Louisiana,” Plaquemines Gazette, 4 December 1981
63. “Organizers call off 2020 Orange Fest,” Plaquemines Gazette, 14 July 2020
64. “Plaquemines Parish Holds Yet Another Successful Orange Festival,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 December 2022 (2 pages)
65. “Plaquemines ready for fest,” West Bank Guide, 11 November 1981
66. “A New Journey for a Queen,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 October 2014
67. “2013 Seafood Queen,” Plaquemines Gazette, 13 May 2014
Folder 1D: Citrus, cont.
1. “1961 Review and Pictorial of Plaquemines Parish and Plaquemines Parish Fair
and Orange Festival (49 pages)
2. 2003 The Good Life: Retirement in Louisiana
3. “Louisiana Commercial Citrus Production,” Louisiana Cooperative Extension
Service, 1982 (30 pages)
4. “Commercial Citrus Production Guide,” LSU AgCenter Research & Extension (9
Folder 2A: Diversity
1. “The Mixture Thickens,” Deep Delta Country (7 pages)
2. “The French All Around,” Deep Delta Country (8 pages)
3. “Shadings,” Deep Delta Country (7 pages)
4. “The Ties that Bind,” Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, Summer 2021 (2 pages)
5. Page from Down the Road, July 1991
6. “Taco Settlement,” Cajuns on the Bayou
7. “Taco Oyster Fishing,” Cajuns on the Bayou (2 pages)
8. “Croatian American Society” (4 pages)
9. “Places of Origin (Birth) of the Louisiana Yugoslavs” (2 copies; 3 pages)
10. “Dalmatia on the Mississippi,” Deep Delta Country (7 pages)
11. “The Louisiana Oyster Story,” Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission
12. “Paradise Incomplete” and “Corridor to a Treasure House,” Deep Delta Country (16 pages)
13. “Everchanging, Everlasting,” Deep Delta Country (8 pages)
Folder 2B: Newspaper articles about Diversity (33 items)
Folder 3A: Education
1. “Picture out of the Past,” Plaquemines Gazette, 28 October 1983
2. “School Status of Children of Port Sulphur & Grand Ecaille Employees”
3. “First Louisiana Orange Grove”
4. “Six-Man Football,” Down the Road, January 1998 (7 pages)
5. Pictures of Buras School (5 pages)
6. “School Dayz [sic] of the Past,” Down the Road, June 1996 (4 pages)
7. Copy of box label of microfilm
8. “Teachers and Schools, Plaquemines Parish, 1893,” Down the Road, July 1998
9. “Teachers in Plaquemines Parish – 1893” (2 copies; 3 pages)
10. “Remembering School Days,” Down the Road, August 2000 (5 pages)
11. “School Days, School Days,” Down the Road, October 1995 (4 pages)
12. Picture, Down the Road, August 1996
13. “Braithwaite and Belle Chasse High Schools Conduct Joint Exercises,” Down the Road, May 1994
14. “Plaquemines Parish School Enrollment” (2 pages)
15. “Traditions: Jack Cacibauda Strives to Keep Them Alive,” Down the Road, May 1991 (3 pages)
16. “Plaquemines Football Trivia,” Down the Road, January 1991
17. “Plaquemines Past; Notes & Fun Facts from the Past,” Down the Road, May 1994
18. “It’s Back: Remembering Football Season,” Down the Road, September 1996 (9 pages)
19. “Buras School,” Crosses on the Delta
20. Copied articles from Down the Road and Plaquemines Gazette
21. “Buras High School 1960 Girls’ Softball Team,” Down the Road, November 1993
22. “Football Fever: Teams from Years Gone By,” Down the Road, September 1994 (7 pages)
23. “Address by Judge L. H. Perez to Young Men’s Business Club, 29 December 1954,
‘Racial Integration by Court Decree’” (2 copies)
24. Documents concerning public schools (47 pages)
25. “Private School,” Plaquemines Observer, 1878
Folder 3B: Newspaper articles about Education (41 items)
Folder 4: Plaquemines Gazette Special Editions 2007-2022 (19 items)
Folder 5A: Environmental
1. “Lower delta teems with wildlife”
2. “Hunting and Trapping in Plaquemines Parish” and “The Cattle Industry in Plaquemines
3. “America’s Greatest Earthquake”
4. USGS, “100+ Years of Land Change for Southeast Coastal Louisiana”
5. “Those Silly Little Fiddlers,” Down the Road, June 1994 (2 pages)
6. “The Alligator Gar – The Beast that Can Be Turned to Beauty,” Down the Road, October 1993 (3 pages)
7. “Baitin’ The Gator,” Down the Road, October 1993 (3 pages)
8. “Species Survival Safari,” Down the Road, November 1993 (2 pages)
9. “Salt Domes of Plaquemines and St. Bernard Parishes” (7 pages)
10. Map of Gulf of Mexico
11. “Press Release,” 19 March 2010 (3 pages)
12. “The River” and “Ripples” from the National Center for the Mississippi River
(2 pages)
13. “Educational Facts about the Mississippi River” and “Fun Facts about Mississippi
River History, People and Places,” Mississippi River Parkway Commission, 2002 (10
14. “Louisiana’s Birdfoot Delta,” 2002 (3 pages)
15. “Environmental Atlas of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin,” USGS (2 copies; 10 pages)
16. “Coastal Morphodynamics,” 30 April 2002 (16 pages)
17. “The Natural Environment: The Delta and its Resources” (15 pages)
18. “Whittled wetlands on ballet,” Times-Picayune, 22 September 2003 (3 pages)
19. “Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act: Summary of Organizational
Structure and Responsibilities,” September 2003 (2 copies; 25 pages)
20. “U.S. Geological Survey: Programs in Louisiana,” USGS (7 pages)
21. “Resources for Waterways Transportation” (6 pages)
22. “Wetlands on the Gulf Coast,’ Visible Earth
23. Blank page titles “Comprehensive Concept Map”
24. “Ecology of the Mississippi River Delta Region” (6 pages)
25. “General locations of the designated critic habitat for the Wintering Piping
26. “Channel Armor Gap, Crevasse (MR-06),” Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation
and Restoration Task Force (3 pages)
27. Louisiana Conservationist, May/June 1985
28. “Recent Oil Spill Sightings in Plaquemines Parish, August 5th-7th, 2010” with
included CD
29. “Mosquitoes can kill. Fight the Bite!” pamphlet
30. Watermarks, No. 25, April 2004
31. “Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA): A Response
to Louisiana’s Land Loss,” 17 April 2006 (2 copies)
32. “America’s Wetland Birding Trail” brochure
33. “Amphibians and Reptiles of Louisiana” booklet
34. “Coastal Ecotourism Workshop,” 2013 pamphlet
Folder 5B: Newspaper articles about Environment (59 items)
Box 18: Vertical Files
Folder 1: Environmental Magazines
1. “No Time to Lose: Facing the Future of Louisiana and the Crisis of Coastal
Land Loss,” The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana
2. “USGS – National Wetlands Research Center,” September 2001 (3 copies)
3. “Coastal Louisiana and South Florida: A Comparative Wetland Inventory” (3
4. “Coast 2050: Toward a Sustainable Coastal Louisiana, an Executive Summary”
(3 copies)
5. “Conservation Update,” Woodlands Conservancy, Vol. 15, Iss. 2, Fall 2015
6. WaterMarks, assorted issues 1999-2020 (44 items)
Folder 2A: Film, Books, and Other Media
1. “The Ends of the Earth” (3 pages)
2. Handwritten note to Rod Lincoln from Bridget Coveney, 10-30-85
3. Handwritten note to Rod Lincoln from Mary Knill, 9/24/87
4. “Notes for Publicity on WWL TV – December 9, 1998”
5. “Family Feud,” Gambit Weekly, 06/18/02 (2 pages)
6. “New Orleans Louisiana Deep Delta Kane Signed”
7. “History – Louisiana & Southern,” Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities (5 pages)
8. “Looking for an Old Aerial Photograph,” U.S. Department of the Interior
9. “Defying Injustice in the Deep South,” Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, Summer 2021 (2 pages)
Folder 2B: Newspaper articles about Film, Books, and Other Media (29 items)
Folder 3A: Genealogy
1. “Genealogy Research in the Centroplex Library” brochure
2. “Plaquemines Parish Genealogy Society: The Deep Delta Newsletter,” Vol. 1,
No. 1, 1 September 1982 (4 pages)
3. “Plaquemines Parish Genealogy Society: The Deep Delta Newsletter,” Vol. 1
No. 2, 1 October 1982 (4 pages)
4. “Plaquemines Parish Genealogy Society: The Deep Delta Newsletter,” Vol. 1,
No. 3, 1 November 1982 (4 pages)
5. “Plaquemines Parish Genealogy Society: The Deep Delta Newsletter,” Vol. 1,
No. 4, 1 December 1982 (5 pages)
6. “Plaquemines Parish Genealogy Society: The Deep Delta Newsletter,” Vol. 1,
No. 5, 1 January 1982 (4 pages)
7. “Plaquemines Parish Genealogical Society Publication Guidelines” (7 pages)
8. “Suggestions and Items to Consider in Writing your Personal History” (3 copies)
9. “Some Plaquemines Parish Planters”
10. Envelope from Fucich Family Tree to Rod Lincoln
11. “Loga” handwritten page
12. “Joseph Menge” handwritten (2 pages)
13. Email correspondence, 1 May 2001 (4 pages)
14. Copied picture of Theodore Wilkinson
15. Copied picture of Hays Lincoln
16. Letter to members of the Deep Delta Genealogical Society, 4 December 1984 (3
17. “Plaquemines Genealogical Society” (3 pages)
18. “Bylaws of the Plaquemines Parish Genealogical Society” (2 copies; 11 pages)
19. Table of Contents for The Deep Delta, November 1986
20. List of Genealogical publications
21. “Policies in Pertaining to Requests for Information Contained in Sacramental,
Cemetery and Parochial Registers,” Archdiocese of New Orleans
22. Letter from Jefferson Genealogical Society, Inc., 25 April 1986
23. “Ancestor Index”
24. “Parish Genealogy Society’s Seminar Has Capacity Crowd,” Plaquemines Watchman, 18 July 1984
25. Letter from Plaquemines Deep Delta Genealogical Society
26. Letter from Plaquemines Deep Delta Genealogical Society, 22 December 1986
27. “Early Settlers of Plaquemines Parish” (2 copies)
28. “Foreward” (7 pages)
29. Copied picture of Dr. V. O. Schayot
30. “Civil War Claims” handwritten page
31. “De La Vergnes”
32. “Barthelemy Fontelle Habituary” (2 handwritten pages)
33. “1810 Census of Plaquemines Parish” (2 pages)
34. “Additions to Le Pays des Fleurs Oranges”
35. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Louis R. McWilliam, Jr., 27 August 1984
36. “De Reggio Family” (2 copies)
37. Letter to Plaquemines Parish Louisiana Genealogical Society from Silas J. Smucker,
9 December 1982
38. Translation from St. Louis Cathedral Baptismal Book
39. “Le Pays des Fleurs Oranges Gives Us a Look into Our Past,” Down the Road, October 1989 (2 pages)
40. “Buras,” An Atlas of Louisiana Surnames of French and Spanish Origin (2 pages)
41. “Plaquemines Parish Genealogical Workshop,” 14 July 1984 agenda
42. “Jefferson Genealogical Society, Surname Index, February 1985” (24 pages)
43. Papers of Computer Programs for Genealogical Research (11 pages)
44. Address Lists (10 pages)
45. “Plaquemines Parish Historical Society” records (16 pages)
46. “Dimitry,” Old Families in Louisiana (4 pages)
47. Directory of Archival Materials (5 pages)
48. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Mrs. Henry Allen Carter, 8 April 1985
49. Copied picture of Hon. Albert Estopinal
50. “George Lincoln: Six Generations, 1796-1976” booklet
51. “Dreux” (3 pages)
52. “D’Auberville-Bouligny Family Papers,” Historic New Orleans Collection
53. “McCarty Family” (4 pages)
54. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Sally E. Viada, 6-21-83 (2 pages)
55. List of family names for Laura Theresa Perez Pierce
56. List of Plaquemines Parish Direct Tax, The Civil War Tax in Louisiana, 1865 (2 copies; 4 pages)
57. Copied pages from newspapers (2 pages)
58. Description of book Gilbert Antione de St. Maxent
59. “Remembering Bravery” (2 pages)
60. “See also” note
61. “Congratulations St. Ann’s for your first 100 Years…from the Lincoln family of
62. “Soldiers, Statesmen, Patriots, Rebels” Tour map of Lake Lawn Metairie cemetery
63. “Great Families and Captains of Commerce” Tour map of Lake Lawn Metairie cemetery
64. Map of Lake Lawn Metairie cemetery
65. Missed call note
Folder 3B: Newspaper articles about Genealogy (28 items)
Folder 4: Geography
1. “Gulf of Mexico: Its Origin, Waters, and Marine Life,” Fishery Bulletin of
the Fish & Wildlife Service, Vol. 55, 1954 (79 pages)
2. A Book of Old Maps, 1969 (15 pages)
3. Series of letters between Rod Lincoln and Luke Petrovich, 1987 (4 pages)
4. Letters and grant proposal papers, 1987 (15 pages)
5. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Mike Varnado, 1 October 2002
Folder 5A: Health
1. “Emergency Services, 1953,” Down the Road, April 1997 (3 pages)
2. “Health in Plaquemines Parish” (3 pages)
3. “Report to the Plaquemines Prevention Partnership,” 17 June 2004
Folder 5B: Newspaper articles about Health (3 items)
Folder 6A: Historical Markers
1. “Welcome to the Judge L. H. Perez Memorial Park”
2. “Judge L. H. Perez Memorial Park: A Guide”
3. “Plaquemines Parish Historical Markers Project,” 2009 (4 pages); Letter from
the Plaquemines Parish Historical Society concerning the historical markers project,
9 November 1982; Pictures of Plaquemines Historical Markers
4. Picture of Plaquemines Parish marker; Maps of marker locations (5 pages);
Proposal from the Plaquemines Parish Historical Society to make a Plaquemines Parish
Historical Marker (3 pages)
5. “Documentation for the Plaquemines Parish Historical Markers”
6. Email to Rod Lincoln from James Madere concerning the installation of historical
markers, 1 March 2011
7. “Marker Installation Instructions”
8. Page of pictures of historical markers (2 copies)
9. Picture of English Turn marker (2 pages)
10. Picture of Fort St. Leon marker (2 pages)
11. Text of Fort de la Boulaye marker
12. Text of Fort Jackson marker
13. Text of Venice marker
14. “Old Fort Saint Philip, and Ol’ Man River”
15. “A Marker for Bayou Mardi Gras,” Times-Picayune; Letter from Plaquemines Parish Commission Council, 2 February 1971
16. “Plaquemines Courthouse, 1846-2002”
17. Letter from the Division of Historic Preservation to the Applicants for Historic
Highway Markers
18. Letter from Mike Varnado to Percy J. Johnson, 13 September 2001
19. Letter from the Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation, 27 January 2009
with included grant application (10 pages)
20. Letters and paperwork for marker orders, 2000-2002 (31 pages)
21. “Woodlawn Plantation” handwritten page
22. List of historical markers in Plaquemines Parish (3 pages)
Folder 6B: Newspaper articles about Historical Markers (5 items)
Folder 7: Historical Sites
1. “National Register of Historic Places listings in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana”
(4 pages)
2. “Louisiana National Register of Historic Places” (19 pages)
3. “National Register of Historic Places Inventory – Nomination Form for Fort
St. Philip” (7 pages)
4. “The George J. Lincoln Farmhouse, National Register Site” (7 pages)
5. List of structures with potential for submission (2 copies; 5 pages)
Folder 8A: Historical Associations
1. The Piakemine Post, Plaquemines Historical Association, Inc., Vol. 3, Iss. 1, December 2004 (4 pages)
2. The Piakemine Post, Plaquemines Historical Association, Inc., Vol. 4, Iss. 1, March/April 2005 (4 pages)
3. The Piakemine Post, Plaquemines Historical Association, Inc., Vol. 4, Iss. 2, July 2005 (4 pages)
4. “Items to Consider in Writing your Personal History”
5. The Piakemine Post, Plaquemines Historical Association, Inc., Vol. 9, Iss. 1 Membership Edition, January
2009 (2 copies; 20 pages)
6. “River Road: A Historic Tour Guide: A Saturday River Road Excursion,” Oct.
1976 (5 pages)
7. “’Plaquemines Remembers’ Program to Entertain & Preserve Community History”
8. Copied cover of Lighthouses of Louisiana
9. “Plaquemines Historic Association, Inc., General Meeting Agenda, 6 January
2004” (2 copies)
10. “Plaquemines Parish Historic Association, Meeting Minutes 05-06-03” (3 pages)
11. “Plaquemines Historic Association, Inc., General Meeting Agenda, 7 February 2006”
12. Email from the Plaquemines Parish Historic Association to Rod Lincoln, 6 January
13. Email from Rod Lincoln to Steve Schulkens, 24 December 2003
14. “Plaquemines Historic Association, Inc., General Meeting Agenda, 4 November 2003”
(2 pages)
15. Email from Steve Schulkens to Rod Lincoln, 11 December 2003
16. Information about Steve Schulkens
17. Email from Janice Buras to Rod Lincoln, 29 May 2003
18. Email from Shannon Glasheen to Rod Lincoln, 8 December 2003
19. Email from Rod Lincoln, 24 December 2003
20. “Plaquemines Parish Family Reunion, 3 April 2001” sign-up sheet (2 copies; 6
21. Emails between Rod Lincoln and Andrea White 2010
22. “Plaquemines Parish Historical Society” (2 pages)
23. “Genealogical Society Begins Indexing,” Plaquemines Watchman, 20 April 1983; “Genealogy Group to Meet,” Plaquemines Watchman, 13 April 1983
24. “Spanish Gentlemen Topic of History Ya-Ya Talk on August 13,” 10 August 2009
25. “Civil War Round Table of Central Louisiana” (8 pages)
26. “Plaquemines Parish Historical Society Presentation, 5 July 2011” (14 pages)
27. Emails between Rod Lincoln and Mark Cognevich, 4 August 2011 (2 pages)
28. Email from Monica Daigle to Rod Lincoln, 13 March 2008
29. “Faces of Plaquemines Past: A Tricentennial Celebration of People” (6 pages)
30. Letter from Plaquemines Parish Historical Society, 12 October 1981
31. “The Mint at New Orleans,” Numismatist, March 2003 (10 pages)
32. “Louisiana State Museum Historical Center” (5 pages)
33. “Louisiana Regional Folklife Program” (3 pages)
34. “Plaquemines Historic Association attended reopening of Fort Pike,” Plaquemines Gazette, 23 June 2009
35. “1810 Census of Plaquemines Parish”
36. The Historic New Orleans Collection Fact Sheet
37. Louisiana Preservation Conference Program, 2007 (6 pages)
38. Emails between Robert Evans and Rod Lincoln, 2009
39. “WWII: London on the Homefront” copy of cover
40. “Historical Activities of the Plaquemines Historical Association from 2000-2005”
41. “Plaquemines Parish Historical Society” booklet (10 pages)
42. “Preserving the Past for our Future,” Plaquemines Historic Association, Inc.
newsletter, 2001 (4 pages)
43. List of names (2 pages)
44. Plaquemines Historic Association General Meeting Minutes, 7 March 2006
45. Plaquemines Historic Association General Meeting Minutes, 12 February 2008
46. Plaquemines Historic Association General Meeting Minutes, 7 July 2009
47. Plaquemines Historic Association General Meeting Minutes, 5 March 2013
48. “Icebreaker” (6 pages)
49. Plaquemines Historic Association General Meeting Minutes, 4 August 2015
50. The Star, Vol. 64-25, January-June 2019
51. “Lighthouse Tour Enlightens Association of the Past,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 April 2000
52. “Dedication of French Marker” (2 pages)
53. “Cemetery and Ghost Tours” pamphlet
54. “Historical Society to Host State Museum Director,” Plaquemines Gazette, 2004
55. Maps (2 pages)
56. “Early Sttlers [sic] of Plaquemines Parish”
57. “Plaquemines Historical Association Speakers, 2014-2023 (3 pages)
58. “Find it in the Archives” brochure (4 pages)
59. “Guest Speaker,” 30 May 1984
60. Title page from Damon Press
61. Plaquemines Parish Historic Association pamphlets (5 copies)
62. Schooner postcard
63. “Faces of Plaquemines Past” pamphlet
64. “Plaquemines Parish Historical Society Parish Tour 1989” pamphlet
65. “Welcome to Historic Jefferson Parish” pamphlet
66. Business card for Chelsey Richard Napoleon
67. “National Hansen’s Disease Museum” pamphlet
68. “Leavitt Will Address Parish Historical Society,” Plaquemines Watchman, 25 April 1984
69. “Monumental Task Committee, Inc.” pamphlet
70. Plaquemines Parish Historical Society invitation (2 copies)
71. Page from Deep Delta Country
72. Copied newspaper articles about Plaquemines Historical Society
73. Letter to Rod Lincoln from the Woodlands Trail and Park, Inc., 6 June 2007
74. “Mississippi Riverboat History Cruise”
75. Woodlands Trail and Park newsletter, vol. 5, no. 1
76. “Fort Jackson renewal efforts make headway,” Picayune, 22 May 2003
77. “Genealogy Workshop Attracts 59 from Louisiana, Mississippi,” Plaquemines Watchman, 27 July 1983
78. “Genealogical Workshop,” Plaquemines Gazette, 29 July 1983
Folder 8B: Historical Association
1. Information for trips taken by Plaquemines Historical Association (68 pages)
Folder 8C: Historical Associations
1. “Faces of Plaquemines Past: A Unique Living History, 1699-1999” booklet
2. “Faces of Plaquemines Past” information (69 pages)
Folder 8B: Newspaper articles about Historical Associations (142 items)
Folder 9A: Hurricanes
1. “Katrina wounds Buras community, but can’t kill it,” Times-Picayune, 26 August 2009 (4 pages)
2. “Ghouls at Work at the Cheniere” (2 pages)
3. “Louisiana community still ‘a ghost town’ a year after Isaac,” Daily World, 26 August 2013 (2 pages)
4. “Hurricane in Louisiana and the Mississippi coast from 1906” (4 pages)
5. “The Evil Wind: Hurricanes in South Louisiana” (8 pages)
6. “Historically Speaking: Stormy Changes,” Down the Road, April 1993 (5 pages)
7. “The Great 1893 Hurricane,” Deep Delta Genealogical Society Quarterly, vol. 1, iss. 3 (12 pages)
8. Articles about Hurricane Camille, Down the Road, July 1994 (33 pages)
9. “Stormy Changes: Altering Life and Land,” Down the Road, July 1998 (5 pages)
10. “Tropical Hurricane in the Gulf Breaks on the Coast,” Daily Picayune, 27 September 1906 (2 copies; 20 pages)
11. “West Indian and Gulf Hurricanes and Their Effect on our Operating Properties,”
Louisiana Studies, vol. 2, 1963 (2 copies; 56 pages)
12. “West Indian Hurricanes that have Struck the Louisiana Coast” (6 pages)
13. “West Indian Hurricanes of a More Severe Nature that are Recorded as having Struck
the Coast of the Gulf of Mexico” (3 copies; 15 pages)
14. “A Report of ‘Betsy’” (17 pages)
15. “Chart of Twelve Hurricanes in Louisiana, 1837-1934”
16. “Rage in the Skies,” Deep Delta Country (6 pages)
17. “Tropical Depression Bill Poses Rain and Flooding Threat Along its Track Across
the Southeastern States,” NOAA, 1 July 2003 (3 pages)
18. “Thunderstorm, storms, gales, Tropical eddy towers: Hurricane taifune, cyclone,
Tornado” (4 pages)
19. “Stormy Weather,” Down the Road, September 1991 (2 pages)
20. “Damage from Hurricane Tides and Record of Major West Indian Hurricanes From
– 1711 to 1947” (24 pages)
21. “One Time Court Ordered Tax for Hurricane Protection Land,” flyer from the Plaquemines
Parish Government
22. “Louisiana Citizen Awareness & Disaster Evacuation Guide, Southeast 2008
23. “Hurricane Guide 2019”
24. Track Map: How to Track a Hurricane”
25. “WVUE Hurricane Tracking Map, 1983”
26. “Plaquemines Parish 2015 Evacuation Map”
27. “American Red Cross Disaster Action: Hurricane Betsy, September 1965”
28. “2021 Hurricane Evacuation Guide”
29. “Plaquemines Parish: Mapping our Recovery” pamphlet
30. “Hurricanes!” pamphlet (2 copies)
31. “Hurricane Tracking Chart”
32. Official Pass for Plaquemines Parish Commission Council (3 copies)
33. “Plaquemines Parish Pass Residence Only”
34. Negatives of Camille (13 strips)
Folder 9B: Newspaper articles about Hurricanes (50 items)
Box 19: Vertical Files
Folder 1: Hurricane Camille
1. “Report on Hurricane Camille: 14-22 August 1969,” U. S. Army Corps of Engineers,
May 1970
2. “The Story of Extreme Hurricane Camille…August 14th Through 22nd, 1969,” Nash
C. Roberts, Jr., 1969
Folder 2A: Hurricane Katrina
1. Hurricane Plotting Map
2. “Death toll may rise with boats in Plaquemines,” Times-Picayune, 20 September 2005 (2 pages)
3. Katrina photos, 8/29/2005 (14 pages)
4. “Agenda for Flight of November 2, 2005” (2 pages)
5. “Plaquemines Parish Historical Sites (Post-Katrina)” (22 pages)
6. “Story details” (2 pages)
7. “Right of Access and Assignment of Insurance Proceeds”
8. “Welcome Home: Plaquemines Parish Family Affair, 29 October 2005” flyer
9. The Guardian, US Army Corps of Engineers, Vol. 1, Iss. 2, 21 April 2006
10. “Plaquemines Parish Recovery Report, August 2008”
11. “Plaquemines seeks to rebuild” (2 pages)
12. “Project Summary Sheet – Long Term Recovery, Plaquemines Parish” (12 pages)
13. “Plaquemines Parish – Local Recovery Vision” (2 copies; 14 pages)
14. “Louisiana Speaks: Long-Term Community Recovery Planning – Plaquemines Parish”
(32 pages)
15. Worksheets for hurricane recovery (14 pages)
16. “Scoring Point of View: Louisiana Residents” (18 pages)
Folder 2B: Newspaper articles about Hurricane Katrina (2 items)
Folder 3A: Indians
1. “Recent Investigations at the Bayou Grande Cheniere Site (16PL159)” (27 pages)
2. “Houmas Indians guest speakers at historical society,” The Picayune, 24 January 1988
3. “The Houma People of Louisiana: A Story of Indian Survival” (33 pages)
4. “Copy of early map of Pass a L’Outre showing Indian Village near Head of Passes”
5. Email series, 1999-2003 (4 pages)
6. “Louisiana Indian Tales,” Down the Road, April 1992
7. Email and “Excavations at the Bayou Grande Cheniere Mounds” (2 pages)
8. “Louisiana Division of Archaeology” advertisement (2 pages)
9. “Faces of Plaquemines Past and a Glimpse of Indians Past, November 6, 1999”
advertisement (2 pages)
10. “A Glimpse of Indians Past,” 2000, advertisement
11. “A Glimpse of Indians Past, November 6, 1999” and “Mini Pow Wow, November 7,
1999” (19 pages)
12. “Southwest Louisiana Indians, Lower Mississippi River Delta, 1698-1700” (4 pages)
13. Copies sketch, “A Choctaw Ball Player”
14. Copied pictures from “Louisiana’s Ancients of Man”
15. “Possible Prop List” (2 copies; 30 pages)
16. “Indian Village Re-enactment Organization” (3 pages)
17. Copied sketches and pictures; handwritten pages (13 pages)
18. Letter and card from Rob Mann (2 pages)
19. Email to Rod Lincoln, 2002
20. “Plaquemines Parish Economic Development, Volunteer Registration Form”
21. “A Glimpse of Indians Past, November 6, 1999” pamphlet
22. Schedule for “A Glimpse of Indians Past, November 6, 1999” (13 pages)
23. “A Glimpse of Indians Past: A Unique Living History Presentation, November 6,
1999” advertisement
24. “Historical Character”
25. “Faces of Plaquemines Past: A Glimpse of Indians Past,” November 6, 1999 pamphlet
(9 copies)
26. “An Indian Village Outline,” 2 July 1999 (15 pages)
27. “Louisiana Indian Heritage Association’s 3rd Annual Spring Pow Wow, May 7-9,
1999” (25 pages)
28. “Grand Bois Inter-Tribal Pow Wow,” 1997 (30 pages)
29. “The Indians of Louisiana”
30. “Tangipahoa: Its Indian Heritage” pamphlet
31. “Guide to Resources for the Study of the North American Indian in the Library
of Congress” pamphlet
32. “Faces of Plaquemines Past: A Unique Living History: Tri-Centennial Celebration
of the Colonization of Louisiana, 1699-1999” booklet
33. “The Role of Salt in Eastern North American Prehistory” booklet
34. “The LSU Campus Mounds: A National Treasure” pamphlet
35. “Poverty Point” booklet
36. “A Glimpse of Indians Past: A Unique Living Presentation of a 1699 Southeastern
Native American Village,” 1999 pamphlet
37. “Glimpses of Indians Past: A rare opportunity to travel back to 1699” pamphlet
Folder 3B: Newspaper articles about Indians (7 items)
Folder 4A: Land Loss
1. USGS map, “100+ Years of Land Change for Coastal Louisiana”
2. Picture of Louisiana coast
3. Map of Louisiana coast
4. “Comprehensive Coastal Protection Master Plan for Louisiana, Preliminary Draft,”
November 2006
5. “Subsidence,” Aquanotes, Vol. 1, no. 4, November 1972 (2 pages)
6. “Freshwater Diversion,” Louisiana Conservationist, May/June 1985 (5 pages)
7. “The Silent War,” Gambit, 1982 (10 pages)
8. “Schematic Diagrams of Gulf Coast Geosyncline”
9. “Project Summary Sheet – Long Term Recovery, Plaquemines Parish” (6 pages)
10. “Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA), Louisiana – Ecosystem Restoration Plan” (2 pages)
11. “Our Current Relationship with Water” (8 pages)
12. “Mississippi River Deltaic Plan” (3 pages)
13. “Plaquemines Parish Ridge Restoration Plan”
14. “Focus on Coastal Restoration,” September 2010
15. “Pass Chaland to Grand Bayou Pass Barrier Shoreline Restoration,” 2002
16. “Barrier Island Reconstruction,” 14 August 2009 (2 pages)
17. “Criteria for Parkland,” National Park Service, 2008 (6 pages)
18. “Waldseemüller map about 1507 showing the discoveries of Vespucci, from the Ptolemy
geography printed in Strassburg in 1513, known also as the Admiral’s map” (2 copies)
19. “Plaquemines protection plan,” The Advocate, 22 June 2008 (2 pages)
20. “Tourism in the Lower Mississippi River Corridor” (19 pages)
21. “Louisiana Speaks Regional Plan, Appendix D, Regional Maps, May 2007” (9 pages)
22. “Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA): A Response
to Louisiana’s Land Loss,” 17 April 2006
23. “Coastal Louisiana Here Today and Gone Tomorrow: A Citizens’ Program for Saving
the Mississippi River Delta Region to Protect its Heritage, Economy, and Environment:
Draft for Public Review,” April 1987 (45 pages)
24. “Plaquemines Soil and Water Conservation District Long Range Plan” (15 pages)
25. “Conceptual Plan Fresh Water Division and Wetland Reclamation for West Bank Area
of Plaquemines Parish Louisiana,” 9 May 1988
26. “Customer Guide to Corps Participation in Water Resources,” US Army Corps of
27. “Pontchartrain Coastal Lines of Defense Program: Defending Against the Next Storm”
28. “Attracting Wildlife with native plants: Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary
Program: Resident’s Guide”
29. “Turning the Tide: The fight to keep coastal Louisiana on the map” pamphlet
30. Plastic bag from Plaquemines Parish Economic Development District
31. “Old River Control,” US Army Corps of Engineers
Folder 4B: Newspaper articles about Land Loss (133 items)
Folder 5A: Law Enforcement
1. Advertisement booklet for Jerry Turlich for Sheriff
2. “Plaquemines Parish Law Enforcement is Unusual and Complex Operation,” Louisiana Police Officer Magazine, December 1956 (4 pages)
3. “2014-2015 Annual Report,” Plaquemines Parish Sheriff’s Office
4. Louisiana Sheriff, October 2007
5. “2005-2006 Annual Report,” Plaquemines Parish Sheriff’s Office
6. “2012-2014 Progress Report,” Plaquemines Parish Sheriff’s Office
Folder 5B: Newspaper articles about Law Enforcement (8 items)
Folder 6: Lighthouses
1. DVD Cover, “Plaquemines Archives #1: Photos, History & Genealogy” (2 copies)
2. “Lighthouses & Lightships of the Northern Gulf of Mexico,” Louisiana Life, March/April 1981(3 copies; 16 pages)
3. Email chain, “Loar Family Lighthouses, Burrwood & Port Eads” (11 pages)
4. “Louisiana Lighthouses,” 2010
5. “Louisiana Lighthouses” (6 pages)
6. Maps and articles for tour of Louisiana lighthouses (43 pages)
7. Draft of lighthouse from 1871
8. “Louisiana’s Last Manned Lighthouse,” Louisiana Life, March/April 1981 (9 pages)
9. “Lighthouses: Beacons of the Delta,” Down the Road, July 1992 (10 pages)
10. “Four Generations of Lighthouse Keepers,” 1995 (6 pages)
11. Advertisement for Lighthouses, Lightships, and the Gulf of Mexico
12. Map and ship sketch
13. Map of the Louisiana Delta (2 copies)
14. Advertisement for Lighthouses of Louisiana (6 pages); 4 business cards
15. Mapquest of Louisiana lighthouse locations and descriptions (31 pages)
Folder 7A: Rod Lincoln
1. Rod Lincoln vita
2. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Empire Who’s Who, 6 July 2005
3. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Robert Livingston, 28 June 1982
4. Letter to Allan Lobrano from Rod Lincoln, 27 August 1982
5. Letter to U.S. Dept. of the Interior from Rod Lincoln, 27 August 1982
6. Biography of J. Ben Meyer, 1982
7. Letter from the Historic New Orleans Collection to J. P. Colligan, 27 December
1982 (2 copies; 3 pages)
8. Letter to Rod Lincoln from Delta Bank and Trust Company, 12 January 1983
9. Letter to Delta Bank and Trust Company from Tulane University Libraries, 10
January 1983
10. “Hays Marc Lincoln,” From Celts to Cajuns (13 pages)
Folder 7B: Newspaper articles about Rod Lincoln (42 items)
Folder 8A: Maps (37 items)
Folder 8B: Newspaper articles about Maps (1 item)
Folder 9A: J. Ben Meyer
1. “The Land of Promise” (13 pages)
2. Copied pictures of J. Ben Meyer (6 pages)
3. Copied newspaper article “John Meyer”
4. “Newly Elected Assessor Takes Office,” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 January 1933
5. “Meyer for Congress” envelope
6. “Meyer’s Opposition Fails in Poll Deal”
7. Manuscript (11 pages)
8. Transcript of newspaper article by J. Ben Meyer
9. Letters from J. Ben Meyer (2 pages)
10. “Agenda for the March 17, 1982, Meeting of the Plaquemines Parish Commission
Council” (6 pages)
11. “Resume of History” (3 pages)
12. Transcripts of editorials (4 pages)
13. “Stonewall Fackson [sic]” (3 pages)
14. Letter about meeting at The Chateau De Notre Dame, ND
15. Bio about J. Ben Meyer
16. Letter to Luke Petrovich from J. Ben Meyer, ND
17. Letters between Congressman F. Edward Hebert and J. Ben Meyer, 1944 (7 pages)
18. Handwritten manuscript pages (15 pages)
19. “Tax Payers Association” (23 pages)
20. “Ward I” (7 pages)
21. “Messrs Furlow and Blass”
22. “John Laws’ Bubble Busts”
23. “Reminisence”
24. “July 25th and August 26th” (2 pages)
25. Record of settlement between J. Ben Meyer and Freeport Sulphur Company, 10 February
1938 (2 pages)
26. “Sharp Politics – The Point of the Ax, Pointe-a-la-Hache” (2 pages)
27. “Plantation Story,” manuscript (7 pages)
28. Handwritten notes (19 pages)
29. “Life & Politics to 1940” (9 pages)
30. “Establishment of the J. Ben Meyer Historical Collection” (2 pages)
31. List of “Mr. Meyer’s Files” (2 pages)
32. Letter to Rod Lincoln from J. Ben Meyer
Folder 9B: Newspaper articles about J. Ben Meyer (14 items)
Box 20: Vertical Files
Folder 1A: Master Plans/Government
1. “Plaquemines Parish Master Plan” (3 pages)
2. “Plaquemines Parish Comprehensive Master Plan” (2 pages)
3. “Master Plan Assignment” (17 pages)
4. Email from Rod Lincoln about Master Plan Meeting, 2005 (2 pages)
5. “Plaquemines Parish Meeting Summary of August 6, 2003 (Preliminary Meeting)”
(2 copies; 6 pages)
6. “Plaquemines Parish Master Plan Public Meeting Responses January 15, 2004”
(4 pages)
7. Letter to Rod Lincoln from CWPPRA, 20 January 2004
8. “Plaquemines Parish Meeting Summary of October 16, 2003 #2” (8 pages)
9. “Plaquemines Parish Master Plan – Minutes of Meeting – December 2, 2004” (3
10. “Memorandum,” 2/7/03
11. “Agenda for Master Plan Public Meeting”
12. “Master Plan/Fort Jackson” (2 copies; 4 pages)
13. Letter to Colonel Peter J. Rowan from Benny Rousselle, 29 July 2002 (3 pages)
14. “Planning Assistance to States Agreement Between the Department of the Army and
Plaquemines Parish Government for the Plaquemines Parish Master Plan” (9 pages)
15. “Plaquemines Parish Master Plan: Goals, Objectives and Needs” (20 pages)
16. “Marketing the Parish” (13 pages)
17. “The Plaquemines Parish Master Plan” powerpoint (3 pages)
18. “Louisiana Works – Area Profile”
19. “U.S. Census Bureau, Profile of General Demographic Characteristics, Plaquemines
Parish, 2000” (3 pages)
20. “U.S. Census Bureau, General Population and Housing Characteristics, Plaquemines
Parish, 1990” (2 pages)
21. “U.S. Census Bureau, Labor Force Status and Employment Characteristics, Plaquemines
Parish, 1990” (2 pages)
22. “U.S. Census Bureau, Profile of Selected Social Characteristics, Plaquemines
Parish, 2000” (3 pages)
23. “U.S. Census Bureau, Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics, Plaquemines
Parish, 2000” (3 pages)
24. U.S. Census Bureau, Plaquemines, 2001 Population Estimate” (3 pages)
25. “Plaquemines 1993 County Business Patterns” (6 pages)
26. “Plaquemines 2001 County Business Pattersn” (12 pages)
27. Plaquemines Parish Economic Development, “Commerce & Industry” (3 pages)
28. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, “Refuge Managers’ Address List”
29. “2002 Yearly Production by Parish – Oil and Gas” (2 pages)
30. “2001 Yearly Production by Parish – Oil and Gas” (2 pages)
31. “Plaquemines Parish Planning Baseline” (2 pages)
32. “Louisiana Oil and Gas Parish Activity Profile – 2001” (2 pages)
33. “Louisiana Oil and Gas Parish Activity Profile – 1999” (2 pages)
34. “Land Sinks, Waters Rise, Coastal Wetlands Disappear,” WaterMarks, August 2005
(2 pages)
35. “Plaquemines Parish Population (estimated) – 1980/1985”
36. “Plaquemines’ Population Gains 24% During 1970s,” Times-Picayune, 23 July 1980
37. Information on Plaquemines Census from 1900-1990 (6 pages)
38. “Population – Brief Definition of the New Orleans Area, 1960 and 1970”
39. “Statistical Data & Trends in the Agriculture of Plaquemines Parish,” 1962 (10
40. “Pulse 1977,” April issue (2 pages)
41. Louisiana Department of Economic Development, “Plaquemines Parish Profile, 1998”
(2 copies; 10 pages)
42. “Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana,” The Political Graveyard (2 pages)
43. Louisiana Department of Education, “Louisiana World Exposition, May 12-November
11, 1984” (2 copies; 8 pages)
44. Letter to Rod Lincoln from the LSU AgCenter, 7 June 2004
45. “Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism” (2 pages)
46. “Master Plan Suggestions,” Plaquemines Parish Government (2 pages)
47. “Environmental Atlas of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin,” USGS (2 pages)
48. “History: Natural History” (6 pages)
49. Letter to the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council from the Plaquemines Parish
Historic Association, 10 May 2002
50. “LCES 2004 Report to Stakeholders” powerpoint (22 pages)
51. “Certificate of Appreciation for valuable contributions to the Fort Jackson Master
52. “Quick Facts about Louisiana”
53. “Fort Jackson/Plaquemines Parish Master Plan,” US Army Corps of Engineers, April
2004” (84 pages)
54. “Plaquemines Parish Preliminary Master Plan Draft,” August 2005 (68 pages)
55. “Fort Jackson and the Lower Mississippi River National Park” powerpoint (5 pages)
56. “Draft: Project Status Presentation” (15 pages)
57. “Plaquemines Parish Master Plan,” May 2010 (2 copies; 6 pages)
58. “Residents Get First Look at Master Plan,” Plaquemines Watchman, 22 February 2005 (2 pages)
59. “Plaquemines doing master plan,” Times-Picayune, 15 January 2004
60. “Public Opinion Sought in Master Plan Meeting,” Plaquemines Gazette, January 2004
Folder 1B: Newspaper articles about Master Plans/Government (22 items)
Folder 1C: Master Plans/Government Publications
1. “Plaquemines Parish: Challenges and Opportunities, An Economic Development
Assessment” (82 pages)
2. “The Parish of Plaquemines, Offers for Sale on Sealed Bids: Official Prospectus,”
3. “Plaquemines Parish Comprehensive Master Plan: Visioning Workshop Summary,
August 2010”
4. “Plaquemines Parish Comprehensive Master Plan: Community Assessment, August
Folder 2A: Mississippi River
1. Copy of picture, “The Mighty Mississippi” (3 pages)
2. Letter from the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council, 13 November 1984
3. “New Orleans to Venice, Louisiana Reach Alternative Plans”
4. “Louisiana Places – Strange Sounding Names, Colbert River,” 25 October 1964
5. “More Than 100 Square Miles of Land Added Along Passes,” Item-Tribune, 7 November 1937 (3 pages)
6. “Deltas in their geologic framework” (2 pages)
7. List of Locations (2 pages)
8. Copied picture, “The Mississippi River as it flows by our town, Buras”
9. “Plaquemines’ Summertime Delights,” Down the River, August 1992 (7 pages)
10. “The Cowan Story” (8 pages)
11. “An Easy Communication Betwixt the River Meschacebe and the South Sea,” 1683
(6 pages)
12. Email from the Mississippi River Trail, Inc., 2005 (3 pages)
13. “Mississippi River Deltaic Plain” (7 pages)
14. Descriptions of sections of the Mississippi River (7 pages)
15. “Compare Cargo Capacity,” Iowa Department of Transportation (2 pages)
16. Pamphlet of Wetland Loss
17. “Ol’ Man river Alive and Well?” The Vieux Carre Times (2 pages)
18. “Mississippi River Facts”
19. Copied pictures, “Ferry House, Lower Mississippi, ca. 1895” and “Boatyard under
the Oaks, ca. 1890”
20. Delta Bank calendar pictures (10 pages)
21. “Interpreting the Cultural and Natural Resources of the Mississippi River Valley”
22. “Exploring Itasca” pamphlet (3 pages)
23. “Land’s End”
24. “Down by the River: A History of the Baton Rouge Riverfront,” Preserving Louisiana’s Heritage 1, US Army Corps of Engineers, 1998
25. “Bayou Chene: The Life Story of an Atchafalaya Basin Community,” Preserving Louisiana’s Heritage 2, US Army Corps of Engineers, 1999
26. “The Actchafalya Basin Project” pamphlet
27. “America’s Wetland” pamphlet
28. “Official Highway Map – U.S. 190 Atchafalaya River”
29. “Bonnet Carré Spillway,” US Army Corps of Engineers
30. Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association 2005 calendar
31. Letter from Rod Lincoln to Leonid Shmookler, 6 May 1990 (2 copies)
32. Map, “The Lower Mississippi 1850-1950”
33. Copied of painting, “’Wooding Up’ On the Mississippi”
34. “Mud Lump Blockade at Mouths of the Passes,” Mississippi Jetties, 1874
Folder 2B: Newspaper articles about Mississippi River (15 items)
Folder 3A: Mud Lumps
1. “Mud Lump Blockade at the Mouths of the Passes,” The Mississippi Jetties, 1874
2. “Historically Speaking: They’re a Part of Plaquemines Parish…But What are
They? They’re Called Mudlumps,” Down the Road, December 1989 (3 pages)
3. “Significance of Mississippi River Delta ‘Mud Lumps’ to ‘Mud Volcanoes’” and
email chain from 2011 (4 pages)
4. “Mississippi River Delta Mud lumps: A Localized & Rare Phenomena” (23 pages)
5. “Breton and Chandeleur Islands Held to be Public Lands of the United States;
Title to the Remaining Areas not in the Government; Swamp Land Selections Rejected,”
US Department of the Interior, 3 February 1943 (5 pages)
Folder 3B: Newspaper articles about Mud Lumps (1 item)
Folder 4A: Music
1. Calendar sheets (4 pages)
2. “Magnolia Plantation – History and Music,” The Second Line, Spring 1982 (6 pages)
3. “The Plantation Bands: Part IV – Harrison Barnes, Sunny Henry and the Eclipse
Marching Band of Magnolia Plantation,” The Second Line, Summer 1982 (5 pages)
4. “Deer Range Planation and the Band,” The Second Line, Fall 1982 (3 pages)
5. Band lists (14 pages)
6. “Sulfur in 1982” (2 pages)
Folder 4B: Newspaper articles about Music (2 items)
Folder 5A: Natural Resources
1. Plaquemines Parish Development Advisory Board, Report of Minerals Committee
(5 pages)
2. “Sugar to Oil” (2 pages)
3. “The Oil and Gas Industry in Plaquemines Parish” (2 copies)
4. “Sulphur Soil”
5. Freeport-McMoRan annual report
6. “Orleans saved from fuel crisis?”
7. “Salt Map, Stella Field, 1959” (2 copies)
8. “Old discovery of gas may ease N.O. crisis”
9. Freeport-McMoRan, Main Pass Update 2, July 1991
10. “Ducks Unlimited, 2008-2009 Calendar”
Folder 5B: Newspaper articles about Natural Resources (7 items)
Folder 6A: Newspapers
1. Copies of 1860s newspapers (6 pages)
2. “Orange Tree 100 Years Old,” Plaquemines Times (19 June 1937)
3. History of Plaquemines newspapers (3 copies; 14 pages)
4. Copy of loan agreement between Rod Lincoln and the Department of Archives
and Manuscripts at Louisiana State University
5. Copied obituaries from The Protector, 1888 (2 pages)
6. Copied newspaper
7. “Memories,” Down the Road, July 1991
8. “Way Down Yonder,” Down the Road, September 1993 (2 pages)
9. “It’s about Plaquemines,” Down the Road, July 1990
10. “80 years with the Plaquemines Gazette” Calendar, 2008
11. 2011 Plaquemines Gazette Calendar
12. 2010 Plaquemines Gazette Calendar
13. Handwritten note
Folder 6B: Newspaper articles about Newspapers (15 items)
Folder 7A: Officials
1. “Plaquemines Government”
2. Christmas Greetings, Down the Road, December 1990 (3 pages)
3. Pictures of previous politicians, DeltaBank calendar, 1983
4. “Newly Elected Assessor Takes […],” Plaquemines Gazette, 7 January 1933
5. “’Thank You America’ Certificates”
6. “Mr. Oliver Kirby,” Down the Road, October 1992 (3 pages)
7. Lists of historical Plaquemines politicians and judges (5 pages)
8. Letter to Hon. Allen Lobrano from the State of Louisiana Secretary of State
Office, 12 March 1970, and list of Louisiana governors (3 pages)
9. Election flyers (6 pages)
10. “Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana’s Parish of Progress: Its Officials, Its Government,
Its Growth”
11. Louisiana Parish Government 1989 Directory
12. “1988 Supplement to the Louisiana Roster of Officials”
13. “Judge L. H. Perez Memorial Park: A Guide” (2 copies)
Folder 7B: Newspaper articles about Officials (30 items)
Folder 8A: Overview of Parish
1. “Progressive, Prosperous, Plaquemines Parish”
2. “The Story of Plaquemines Parish: The Empire Parish”
3. “Plaquemines Trivia” (2 copies)
4. “Plaquemines Parish History” (7 pages)
5. “Plaquemines Parish: A Geological, Cultural, and Historical Orientation” presentation
(6 pages)
6. “Plaquemines Trivia” presentation (12 pages)
7. “Plaquemines: A Brief History” (2 pages)
8. “Plaquemines Parish,” Louisiana Products, Resources, and Att. (4 pages)
9. “Scenes of Beauty Lead to Fort on Lower Coast Road” (2 copies; 4 pages)
10. “The Story of Plaquemines Parish” (2 pages)
11. “History of Plaquemines Parish, A Brief History” (2 pages)
12. “Plaquemines Parish Trivia” slide
13. “Plaquemines Parish History Worksheet”
14. “Historical Sketch” (9 pages)
15. “Plaquemines Parish in the Winter Time Place for Quiet Drives in the Country,”
Times-Picayune, 30 November 1975
16. “The Official Plaquemines Parish Tour Guide”
17. “Past Plaquemines,” Down the Road, September 1990
18. “The Civil Law,” Debow’s Review, April 1847 (2 copies)
19. “Plaquemines Parish is Historical Mecca” (2 copies)
20. “Remembering a Novel Place Called Plaquemines,” Down the Road, March 1998 (5 pages)
21. “The River Runs Through It: New Orleans and the Mississippi” (4 pages)
22. “At the Mouth of the River Louisiana’s Gateway: Plaquemines Parish” (5 pages)
23. “Plaquemines Parish,” Plaquemines: The Empire Parish
24. “Salute to Plaquemines Parish,” South Louisiana Salute (2 copies)
25. “Old and New Louisiana”
26. “The Parish at the Mouth of the Mississippi”
27. “The Plaquemines Region”
28. “Plaquemines Played Major Role in Early La. History” (2 copies; 4 pages)
29. “Plaquemines Parish: The Empire Parish”
30. Copied pages (9 pages)
31. “From Cane to Cobalt,” Jefferson Parish Yearly Review, 1959 (9 pages)
32. Article on Plaquemines Parish (8 pages)
33. “The Biggest Parish Project of 1959”
34. “Plaquemines Parish” website copies (9 pages)
35. “Plaquemines Parish Strides Forward” (4 pages)
36. Louisiana Historical Chronicle (9 pages)
37. “Plaquemines: Where Nature meets Progress” (17 pages)
38. “Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana,” The Political Graveyard (2 copies; 5 pages)
39. “Way Down Yonder”
40. “Poydras Crevass” and “Caernarvon Crevasse,” Historic Names & Places on the Lower Mississippi River
41. “Hunting and Trapping in Plaquemines Parish” and “The Cattle Industry of Plaquemines
Parish,” 1913
42. “Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana,” U.S. Census Bureau
43. “Lower Coast,” Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer vol. 3, no. 19
44. “Pre-History”
45. “Aquarium of Americas Shows Off the Delta,” Down the Road, October 1990 (3 pages)
46. “Plaquemines marking bicentennial all year,” 2007 (2 pages)
47. “Parish Beneath the Sea”
48. “A River Runs Through Me”
49. “Fatal Flood,” PBS (2 pages)
50. “Plaquemines Parish: Gateway to America,” Plaquemines Parish Government
51. “Place Names”
52. “Plaquemines Parish: Government and Services” (11 pages)
Folder 8B: Newspaper articles about Parish (3 items)
Folder 9A: People (Famous)
1. List of representatives from Plaquemines Parish (10 pages)
2. “Historically Speaking: Leaders in Plaquemines History,” Down the Road, February 1993 (6 pages)
3. Lists of Plaquemines officials (10 pages)
4. “District Attorney Charles J. Ballay Presents the 7th Annual Plaquemines Parish
Senior Citizens Day, 2016” pamphlet
5. “Judge L. H. Perez Memorial Park: A Guide” booklet
6. “Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana’s Parish of Progress: Its Officials, Its Government,
Its Growth”
Folder 9B: Newspaper Articles about People (Famous) (5 items)
Folder 10: Pirates & Smuggling
1. “The Real but Confusing History of George Bradish in Plaquemines Parish, La.”
(13 pages)
2. “The Gay Picaroons,” Deep Delta Country (5 pages)
3. Map, “Buried Treasures on the Shelf”
4. “Pirates & Smuggling” and copied newspaper articles (8 pages)
Folder 11A: Place Names
1. “Plaquemines Parish: The Empire Parish” booklet
2. “Plaquemines Parish: What’s in a Name?” presentation (4 pages)
3. “Population of Some Plaquemines Parish Settlements – 1880,” Down the Road, October 1991
4. “Place Names in Plaquemines Parish” (2 copies; 4 pages)
5. “Community names tell tales of Plaquemines’ past”
6. Maps of Plaquemines Parish (14 pages)
7. “No ‘Wanted-to-Buy’ ads currently posted for this county”
8. “Plaquemines Parish Places & Other Trivia,” Down the Road, July 1992
9. Copied pages from Historic Names & Places on the Lower Mississippi River (18 pages)
10. “East Bank Site” (2 pages)
11. “Plaquemines”
12. Brief histories of areas in Plaquemines Parish by Maurice Ries (27 pages)
13. “National Register of Historic Places in Plaquemines Parish” (2 pages)
14. “Notes on Plaquemines Parish” (6 pages)
15. “Louisiana Place Names – Plaquemines” (4 pages)
16. “Oh Plaquemines” song (4 pages)
17. Brief history of industries in Plaquemines Parish (5 pages)
18. “Historically Speaking: Plaquemines Parish’s Towns & Communities, Past and Present,”
Down the Road, August 1991 (3 pages)
Folder 11B: Newspaper articles about Place Names (5 items)
Folder 12A: Regional
1. “Historic Monuments and Sites Introduction” (2 pages)
2. “Evans Jones-Joseph Casso”
3. Picture of Jackson Square
4. “1999 Hancock Bank Centennial Calendar”
5. “Selected Facts about Louisiana”
6. “Quick Facts about Louisiana”
7. Folder with information about Cyanamid (16 pages)
8. Pictures of Superdome (2 pages)
9. “The Atchafalaya Trace: Heritage Area Management Plan” (2 copies)
10. “Self-Guided Walking Tour”
11. Invitation to join St. Bernard Historical Society
12. City map
13. “2010 Hancock Bank Scenic Calendar” (2 copies)
14. Picture of streetcar in New Orleans, 1925
15. “The Hermitage” sketch
16. “Pearl of the Estuary, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, 2019 Tidal
Graph Calendar”
Folder 12B: Newspaper articles about Regional (9 items)
Folder 12C: Regional – Pamphlets (34 items)
Box 21 – Vertical Files
Folder 1: Crosses on the Delta – 1939, Our Lady of Good Harbor Catholic Church, Buras,
LA (64 pages)
Folder 2A: Religion
1. List of churches and denominations
2. “Easter Houses of Worship: The Meaning of Church,” Down the Road, April 1992 (3 copies; 18 pages)
3. “Easter Remembrances,” Down the Road, March 1989 (2 copies; 6 pages)
4. “Delta Bogeys,” Down the Road, November 1992 (2 pages)
5. “Early Catholic Church Before St. Thomas” (2 pages)
6. “Early Catholic Churches”
7. “Franciscans – Jesuit Priests”
8. “Early Priests of St. Thomas Catholic Church”
9. “Crosses on the Delta: Spanish Conquistadores” (10 pages)
10. “Monsignor Jean M. Eyraud Canonization” (2 pages)
11. “St. Ann’s Church: The Little Church that Refused to Die” (7 pages)
12. “One Hundred Years, 1844-1944: St. Thomas Catholic Church, Point a la Hache,
LA.” (55 pages)
13. “Our History: Church History” (4 pages)
14. “St. Ann Church Centennial Celebration, 2022”
Folder 2B: Newspaper articles about Religion (18 pages)
Folder 3A: Seafood
1. “The Louisiana Shrimp Story,” Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
2. “The Facts in an Oyster Shell”
3. “Crawfish,” Down the Road, April 1990 (4 pages)
4. “Plaquemines Parish Restaurant Guide,” Down the Road, April 1994
5. “Plaquemines Parish Fisheries”
6. “Grand Isle,” 9 April 1971
7. “Don’t eat oysters in months without an ‘R,’ ‘Not So,’” Down the Road, October 1994
Folder 3B: Newspaper articles about Seafood (44 items)
Folder 4A: Tours
1. Information for the Orange Festival Press Tour, 1987
2. “The Lower Coast” (2 pages)
3. “Icebreaker” (6 pages)
4. “Plaquemines Parish, the Parish at the End of Our World, A Geological, Cultural,
and Historical Tour” presentation (4 copies; 66 pages)
5. “Forts Jackson & St. Philip” presentation (11 pages)
6. “Plaquemines Parish” presentation (2 copies; 10 pages)
7. Pages from presentations (6 pages)
8. “The Official Plaquemines Parish Tour Guide”
9. Introductory material for Plaquemines Parish (15 pages)
10. “Media Bus Tour – Nov. 12, 2010” (2 copies; 11 pages)
11. “Bellechasse Plantation” and “Plaquemines Parish”
12. “Plaquemines”
13. “Agenda for Flight of November 2, 2005” (4 pages)
14. “Plaquemines Parish History” (2 pages)
15. “Notes on Plaquemines Parish” (2 pages)
16. Delivery instructions (5 pages)
17. “Plaquemines Tour”
18. “River Mile Log” (2 pages)
19. “Louisiana”
20. “Louisiana – Plaquemines County”
21. “Plaquemines: Where Nature Means Progress” booklet
22. Email chain about historical sites in Plaquemines, 2007 (4 pages)
23. “Barging through America” promotional material
24. “Best General Publications on Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana” (3 pages)
25. “Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana” magazine
26. Email of powerpoint outline, 2010 (2 pages)
27. “Orange Festival Membership Application”
28. Information about Orange Festival Media Tour, 2010 (18 pages)
Folder 4B: Tours – Pictures
1. “A flight from Belle Chasse to South Pass at the mouth of the river and back”
(160 pages)
Folder 5A: Tourism – Plaquemines
1. “Plaquemines Parish Tourism, 2000”
2. “Plaquemines Parish Business Review,” 10 April 2001
3. “Plaquemines Parish – Where Louisiana Begins”
4. “Plaquemines Parish Commission Council Office of Tourism” announcement (3
5. “Plaquemines Parish” (2 copies)
6. “Plaquemines Parish: Historic, Cultural, and Tourist Features” (3 pages)
7. “The Plaquemines Council of the Chamber/ New Orleans and the River Region
1986 Accomplishments” (2 pages)
8. “Plaquemines Bus Tour,” 1987
9. “Deep Delta River Excursion”
10. Letter from Dr. Stuart J. Guey, Jr., Plaquemines Commissioner of Health, to Harold
Gautreaux, Commissioner of Culture, Recreation & Tourism, May 15, 1984 and handwritten
pages (10 pages)
11. Handwritten pages (11 pages)
Folder 5B: Tourism-Plaquemines Brochures (119 items)
Folder 5C: Newspaper articles about Tourism-Plaquemines (5 items)
Folder 6A: Tradition
1. New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum brochure
2. “The River Banks” (11 pages)
3. “Early Canals along the River” (2 pages)
4. “Ghosts and Legends” (8 pages)
5. “Pushy Pest Moves in on Plaquemines and Across the US” (3 pages)
Folder 6B: Newspaper articles about Tradition (4 items)
Folder 7A: Transportation
1. Great River Road map
2. “Past Plaquemines,” Down the Road, September 1991
3. Handwritten note about the St. Bernard RR Co.
4. “Railroads,” Plaquemines: The Empire Parish (2 pages)
5. Copied picture of railroad plaques
6. “Railroads of the Delta” (2 copies; 26 pages)
7. Copied pictures of railroads
8. Copied pages from ledger (7 pages)
9. “Point a la Hache: How It Was,” Down the Road, 1988 December (12 pages)
10. “Point-a-la-Hache” (2 pages)
11. “$50 Reward” (2 pages)
12. “Parish Ferries”
13. “Still Waiting: Where is the Four-Lane Highway System?” Down the Road, August 1990 (4 pages)
14. “Steamboats to Plaq.”
15. “Empire Parish: Steamboat”
16. “Shipwreck in Miss.” (3 pages)
17. “The Packet Boats: Plaquemine’s Unique River Travelers,” Down the Road, April 1996 (7 pages)
18. “River Travelers: The Dependent and New Majestic,” Down the Road, May 1996 (4 pages)
19. “The Stevedores,” Down the Road, April 1996 (3 pages)
20. U.S. Department of Transportation, United States Coast Guard, COMDTINST M5750.3
21. “Barging Through America” brochure
22. “Plaquemines Parish: Land Along the River” 1996 calendar
23. “Plaquemines Port: Progress, Summer 2017” (2 copies)
24. “Plaquemines Port: 2019 Annual Report”
25. Copied newspaper articles (4 pages)
26. Copied pictures of boats (3 pages)
27. Four postcards
Folder 7B: Newspaper articles about Transportation (30 items)
Box 22 – Era Files
Folder 1A: Pre-History
1. “Regional Effects” (5 pages)
2. Chart of developments
3. “Ecology of the Mississippi River Delta Region” (5 pages)
4. “Natural History” (13 pages)
5. Relief, Lowlands: Delta and Coast”
6. “Recent Investigations at the Bayou Grande Cheniere Site” (10 pages)
Folder 1B: Newspaper articles about Pre-History (1 item)
Folder 2A: Discovery
1. “From Massacre Island…”
2. Copy of painting, “De La Salle claiming the Louisiana territory…”
3. Copy of map, “Map depicting the route of La Salle Expedition II and logo”
4. Map, “The La. Historical Society La Salle Memorial” (2 copies)
5. Map, “Carte de L’Amerique Septentrionale” (2 copies)
6. “Degrees of Discovery,” The Historic New Orleans Collection
7. Copy, “Cox: A Map of Carolana and the River Meschacebe”
8. Map, “107 108” (2 copies; 4 pages)
9. “A General Map of the seat of War in Louisiana & West Florida”
10. “Panfilo de Narvaez: Explorer” (2 pages)
11. “Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca: Explorer” (4 pages)
12. “European Exploration and Settlement”
13. List of Spanish explorers (7 pages)
14. “The first white man…”
15. “Plaquemines Parish,” Bicentennial Louisiana (2 copies; 8 pages)
16. “La Salle Put State on Map April 9, 1682” (2 pages)
17. “LaSalle,” The Catholic Church in Louisiana (2 pages)
18. “Lemoyne d’Iberville and the Discovery of the Lower Mississippi Valley” (7 pages)
19. “LaSalle Braved the Wilderness; Claimed Vast Empire for French Crown”
20. “the First Voyage Back on the Renomee” (6 pages)
21. “History of Cartography” (3 pages)
22. Translation from Iberville correspondence and accompanying note (2 pages)
23. “The Iberville Prospectus,” Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly XVIII, no. 2, Spring 2000 (4 pages)
24. “What Iberville Saw” (3 pages)
25. “Pierre LeMoyne Sieur d’Iberville and the Establishment of Biloxi” (2 copies;
22 pages)
26. “Iberville”
27. “Iberville (1661-1706)” (3 pages)
28. “LA, Its Land & People”
29. Copied painting, “Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville” (2 pages)
30. “Father Davion”
31. Sketch
32. “The Journal of Sauvole” (13 pages)
33. “History of New France” (2 copies; 29 pages)
34. “Chapter IV,” Louisiana and Florida (2 pages)
35. “Chart of Lower Coast”
36. “Iberville & Bienville,” Catholic Church in Louisiana (3 pages)
37. Pelican Post vol. 13, Summer 1982
38. Letter to the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council Members from Rod Lincoln,
11 March 1982; note “Tri-Centennial Events”
39. “Louisiana Celebrates 300th Anniversary Commemoration of La Salle’s Journey…”
Plaquemines Gazette, 16 April 1982
40. “Discovering the Mouth of the Great Mississippi,” Down the Road, July 1995 (7 pages)
41. “Dedication of French Marker”
42. “Historically Speaking,” Down the Road, March 1991 (2 copies; 12 pages)
43. “FrancoFete moves west,” Gretna-Picayune, 4 April 1999
44. “N.O. lags behind on FrancoFete” (2 pages)
45. “Honors to LaSalle,” Times-Picayune
46. “Plaque Designates Inlet as ‘Bayou Mardi Gras,’” Times-Picayune, 5 March 1972
47. “FrancoFete Events (Jan. 1, 1999 – Dec. 31, 1999)” (46 pages)
48. “Bicentennial Commemoration of the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery, 2003-2006”
49. Commemoration post card of LaSalle claiming Louisiana in 1682
Folder 2B: Newspaper articles about Discovery (8 items)
Folder 3A: French Era, 1699-1769
1. 1764 Map of the Mississippi River
2. “Settlement of Louisiana, 1715-1750: Mobile, New Orleans, German Coast and
Lower Coast,” Down the Road, February 1990 (4 pages)
3. Map, “Principle Forts and Trading Posts of Louisiana, 18th Century”
4. “The Mississippi Bubble in Words and Pictures”
5. “The German Coast: ‘How We Fit In,’” Down the Road, March 1990 (3 pages)
6. “The Cabildo: Colonial Louisiana” (6 pages)
7. “The Monopolies in Action, 1712-1731” (4 pages)
8. “Chapter IV,” Louisiana and Florida (3 pages)
Folder 3B: Newspaper articles about French Era, 1699-1769 (1 item)
Folder 4: Spanish Era, 1769-1802
1. “Spain in the Mississippi Valley, 1766-94” (2 pages)
2. “Observations on Louisiana and the Western Countries” (21 pages)
3. “Realms of the Coin,” Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, Summer 2021
Folder 5A: Louisiana Purchase, 1803-1805
1. “November 3, 1804”
2. “Early Sttlers [sic] of Plaquemines Parish”
3. “Changing Louisiana” map
4. “Historical Notes” (2 pages)
5. “Louisiana Becomes American, 1785-1825” (3 pages)
6. “1805 Orleans Territory Map”
7. Copy of old newspaper advertisement
8. “The Cabildo: The Louisiana Purchase” (12 pages)
9. “Jefferson’s Louisiana: Land, People, Law” (45 pages)
10. “Louisiana Purchase Quick Facts” (6 pages)
11. “Notes to Pages 43-47”
12. Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial sticker
13. Folder with information for the celebration of the Louisiana Purchase bicentennial
(25 pages)
14. “Louisiana Purchase Historic State Park” brochure
15. “Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Official Louisiana Tour Guide” (2 copies)
16. “Louisiana Marketing Report, 2002-2003” (2 copies)
17. “Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial – Signature Events” (2 copies; 23 pages)
18. “Grant Program for Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial” (9 pages)
Folder 5B: Newspaper articles about Louisiana Purchase, 1803-1805 (1 item)
Folder 6A: Antebellum, 1805-1860
1. “The Plaquemines Region” (2 copies)
2. “Southern Travels: Journal of John H. B. Latrobe, 1834” flyer
3. “Exhibitions and Events Guide: The Battle of New Orleans Bicentennial” booklet
(2 copies)
4. “The New Madrid Earthquake”
5. “Early Sttlers [sic] of Plaquemines Parish”
6. “Plaquemines Parish Newspaper Articles” handwritten sheet
7. “Plaquemines Parish Post Offices – 1880s” handwritten sheet
8. “U.S. Settlement” (2 pages)
9. Copied pages from the Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly, Fall 1999 (4 pages)
10. “If Robert Fulton hadn’t gone to France to build submarines…”
11. “Antebellum Louisiana: Disease, Death, and Mourning” (6 pages)
12. “Signing the Ordinance of Secession of Louisiana”
13. “The Battle of New Orleans” (2 pages)
14. “Father Martin” (4 pages)
15. List of plantation owners, 1850-1859 (3 pages)
16. “Plantations and Landmarks in Plaquemines about 1880” (2 pages)
17. “Plantation Story” (6 pages)
18. “The Free Negro in Ante-Bellum Louisiana” (5 pages)
19. “Through a Bayou by Torchlight”
20. “Cannons Among the Chateaux,” Deep Delta Country (7 pages)
21. “Earliest Settlers,” St. Thomas, First 100 Years (3 pages)
Folder 6B: Newspaper articles about Antebellum, 1805-1860 (1 item)
Folder 7A: Civil War, 1861-1865
1. Copy of newspaper article about Abraham Lincoln, 1856 (2 pages)
2. Map of the Mississippi Delta (2 copies)
3. “J. Ben Meyers notes”
4. “Past Plaquemines,” Down the Road, April 1992
5. “The Great Emancipator?” (2 pages)
6. “Below Head of Passes”
7. “LaFourche Crossing” (2 pages)
8. The Volley, March 2003
9. Handwritten page
10. “Federals Come Up the Mississippi”
11. “In Summer Quarters” (5 pages)
12. “January 1863: The Emancipation Proclamation” (2 pages)
13. “Principal Mississippi Delta Area Defenses, 1700-19”
14. “Chart of Lower Coast”
15. “Civil War Claims”
16. “The 19th Army Corp” (22 pages)
17. “A Path Divided: Tennessee’s Civil War” booklet
Folder 7B: Newspaper articles about Civil War, 1861-1865 (7 items)
Folder 8A: Reconstruction, 1866-1879
1. “Plaquemines Parish,” Louisiana Products, Resources and Attractions (5 pages)
2. Handwritten note
3. Map copies (2 pages)
4. “The Negro in Antebellum New Orleans: Background for Reconstruction,” Black New Orleans, 1860-1880 (34 pages)
5. “Louisiana Reconstructed, 1863-1877” (16 pages)
6. Copy of New Orleans Republican, 12 January 1868 (2 pages)
7. “Loss and Survival,” Deep Delta Country (7 pages)
8. “1871”
9. “Sick as a Horse: The Great Epizootic Devastated New Orleans’s Equine Population,”
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, Summer 2021 (3 pages)
Folder 8B: Newspaper articles about Reconstruction, 1866-1879 (1 item)
Folder 9A: 1880-1941
1. German submarines (2 pages)
2. “Attorneys for Mineral recovery from Delta”
3. “Perez Story written by J. Ben Meyer” (18 pages)
4. “This man’s ascendancy…” (3 pages)
5. “Merchant at Braithwaite Assumes His New Duties,” 6 September 1931
6. “1920s Plaquemines People” (4 pages)
7. Copied newspaper articles
8. “Memo Re Challenger File”
9. Plaquemines Parish Newspapers (5 pages)
10. “Editor’s Thoughts,” Down the Road, October 1993
11. Clear sheet with map
12. “Living on the River,” Down the Road, March 1995 (2 pages)
13. “Capturing Life on the River,” Down the Road, March 1996 (5 pages)
14. “Banana Bounty,” Down the Road, April 1993 (2 pages)
15. “Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Louisiana” (2 pages)
16. “Judge L. H. Perez” (5 pages)
17. “’La Politique…She Stink, She Stink!’” Deep Delta Country (8 pages)
18. “Advertisements: The Plaquemines Protector,” Down the Road, March 1993 (8 pages)
19. “The Barataria Region” (6 pages)
20. “Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana 1895” map (2 pages)
21. Copy of newspaper page
22. Family document written by Irving Fritz Hingle of Empire, Louisiana
23. “A Senator’s Visit,” Down the Road, March 1995
24. “Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana” cover page
25. “Historically Speaking: Plaquemines Parish World Wars and Prohibition, 1900-1950,”
Down the Road, June 1991 (7 pages)
26. “WWII German U-Boat Found in Gulf”
27. Copied pictures (5 pages)
Folder 9B: Newspaper articles about 1880-1941 (3 items)
Folder 10A: World War II, 1942-1945
1. Plaquemines Accepts Guards with Friendly Hospitality,” 1942
2. “German WWII Sub Found in Gulf” (2 pages)
3. “Ships Sunk by German Submarines in WWII”
4. “World War II in Plaquemines Parish” (5 pages)
5. “Found in the archives: Family survives U-boat attack in the Gulf of Mexico,”
Times-Picayune, 13 July 2016 (5 pages)
6. “Memorandum for File,” 22 July 1942, Navy Department: Office of the Chief
of Naval Operations (6 pages)
7. “War in the Gulf: WWII German prisoners were housed in area POW camps” (3
8. “Enemy in the Gulf” (3 pages)
9. “Historically Speaking: Plaquemines Parish World Wars and Prohibition, 1900-1950,”
Down the Road, June 1991 (7 pages)
10. “Houma Historian Solves U-boat Mystery” (2 pages)
11. “The Pelican State Goes to War” exhibit flyer
Folder 10B: Newspaper articles about World War II, 1942-1945 (8 items)
Folder 11A: 1945-1966
1. 1956 political rally posters (3 pages)
2. Letter to FBI concerning the elections in Plaquemines Parish (3 pages)
3. Letter concerning Freeport Sulphur Company
4. “The Price of Retribution”
5. Copied picture of Leander Perez
6. “Jail for Integrationists: Plaquemines Preparing Dungeons” (2 copies)
7. Typed document about Perez (10 pages)
8. “Judge Leander H. Perez,” Plaquemines, The Empire Parish (4 pages)
9. “The Judge vs. Uncle Sam”
10. “Always the River”
11. “Togetherness”
12. Letter to the Times-Picayune (3 pages)
13. Copies of newspaper articles (17 pages)
14. “Minutes of Plaquemines Parish Advisory Committee, 19 September 1934” (2 pages)
15. Order from Plaquemines Gazette to Western Newspaper Co., 18 October 1932
16. Letter from J. Ben Meyer
17. Copy of cartoon
18. “Plaquemines Times,” 19 June 1937 (2 pages)
19. “Address by Judge L. H. Perez” (3 copies)
20. “The Parish Flag…Its Historical Significance” (3 pages)
21. Letter to Judge Perez, 15 April 1964
22. Letter from Judge Perez, 12 August 1965
23. Letter to R. W. Jones, 15 September 1964
24. “New Orleans in the Fifties,” Down the Road, November 1991 (2 pages)
25. Letter about Law Library, 22 June 1964
26. Letter about Law Library, 9 July 1964
27. Letter about Law Library, 1 July 1964
28. “Historical Sketch” (16 pages)
29. Letters about meetings in Plaquemines Parish, 1961 (3 pages)
30. Information about Leander H. Perez from 64Parishes (4 pages)
31. “World War II German Sympathizers Internment Camp in Algiers” (10 pages)
32. “Our Next Senator Louis H. ‘Jack’ Folse” advertisement
33. “Cities Long Election Factors”
34. “Program Fort Jackson Sixth Annual July 4th Celebration Honoring Judge Leander
H. Perez” (2 copies)
35. Announcement from L. H. Perez & Sons
36. Copy of political cartoon in support of L. H. Perez
Folder 11B: Newspaper articles about 1945-1966 (31)
Folder 12A: 1965-2005
1. “Oil, Brimstone, and ‘Judge’ Perez,” Fortune, March 1958 (6 pages)
2. “Charter for Local Self-Government, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana” (2 copies)
3. “For the Property Owner of Plaquemines Parish”
4. “List of Oil, Gas and Service Companies Doing Business in Plaquemines Parish”
(11 pages)
5. Letter to the Freeport Sulphur Company from the Plaquemines Parish Commission
Council, 23 May 1967
6. “CIA [Community Improvement Association] Files Suit” (5 pages)
7. Letter from the Plaquemines Parish Administration Advisory Council, 11 December
8. “It’s ‘People Yes, Skeeters No!’ in Plaquemines”
9. Brief personal history of “Luke Petrovich, Former Plaquemines Parish President”
(4 pages)
10. Letter to R. W. Jones from Geo. A. Hero, Jr., 29 September 1960
11. “How Plaquemines Fits In”
12. List of members of community boards (2 pages)
13. “Our Past Moments,” Down the Road (7 pages)
14. “World of the Fifties in Plaquemines,” Down the Road, November 1991 (6 pages)
15. “Was it par for the course?” New Orleans States-Item, 21 August 1978 (2 pages)
16. “Itinerant Laborers,” Times-Picayune, 26 September 1976
17. “Trial may strip Perezes of wealth from parish land,” Times-Picayune, 5 July 1987
18. “Chalin Fights for Plaquemines Parish,” 10 September 1981
19. “Plaquemines Parish: A Great Place to Live and Work” advertisement
20. “Plaquemines Notorial Acts”
21. Wedding invitation
Folder 12B: Newspaper articles about 1965-2005 (137 items)
Box 23 – Era Files
Folder 1A: Post-Katrina, 2005-2014
1. “Plaquemines Parish: Mapping Our Recovery” pamphlet
2. “Saving Paradise: Honoring our Past, Protecting our Future”
3. “Oil Spill Impact on Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana,” 10 June 2010 (7 pages)
4. “Plaquemines Parish Update Report 2013” (2 copies)
5. “Plaquemines seeks to rebuild,” 2006 June 15 (2 pages)
6. “Using a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM),” FEMA (2 pages)
7. “Plaquemines Parish Oil Spill Report”
8. “The 2012 Plaquemines Parish ‘Stronger than Ever’ Cartoon Map”
9. “Oil and Gas Jobs Make Plaquemines Competitive” flyer
10. Southern Traveler, July-August 2015
11. Christmas 2009 booklet to Plaquemines Parish Government Employees
12. “Delta Deep Suds” advertisement
Folder 1B: Newspaper articles about Post-Katrina, 2005-2014 (171)
Folder 2A: 2014-Present
1. “It is time for change…” flyer
Folder 2B: Newspaper articles about 2014-Present (36 items)
Box 24:
Folder 1: Publications
1. “Southeastern Louisiana College Bulletin, January 1968”
2. “Pearl River Community College, 2004-2006”
3. Pearl River Directory 2004
4. State of Louisiana Supreme Court folder containing “Bicentennial Celebration
1813-2013, Louisiana Supreme Court” booklet, “Bicentennial Celebration 1813-2013,
Louisiana Supreme Court” pamphlet, “The Pocket Guide to the United States Constitution,
“Supreme Court of Louisiana: 2021 Annual Report of the Judicial Council of the Supreme
Court,” and a business card
Folder 2A: Pearl River County
1. “’Poplar Jim’ or Popular Jim,’” The Picayune, 16 October 1983 (2 pages)
2. “Important Events in Pearl River County History” (2 copies; 4 pages)
3. Copies of Mississippi maps (9 pages)
4. “The Story of Eliza Jane Poitevent Holbrook Nicholson” (2 pages)
5. “Byrd’s Chapel Church,” The Pearl River County Historical Society Newsletter, 2003 (2 pages)
6. Biographical information for Lt. Col. John Hawkins Napier III
7. “In world of takers’ Grandpa was giver”
8. “Grandpa Thigpen,” 1982
9. “Thigpen: A Writer’s Writer” (2 copies; 4 pages)
10. “A Little Bunch of Roses”
11. “Leah” (2 pages)
12. “Pearl River County Writers” (4 pages)
13. “Mississippi & Local History Reading List”
14. “How Poplarville was Named” and “The Legend of ‘Poplar Jim” Smith (2 pages)
15. “Agenda: Partners in Leadership”
16. “History of Biloxi” (4 pages)
17. “Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge”
18. Pearl River County, October 2008
19. Pearl River Trails, Summer 2010
20. “NASA and Stennis Space Center”
21. The Historical Reporter, Summer 2020
22. The Historical Reporter, Fall 2021
23. Pearl River County Historical Review, April 2021
24. The Historical Reporter, Summer 2021
25. Pearl River County Historical Review, March 2021
26. Pearl River County Historical Review, January 2023
27. The Historical Reporter, Winter 2022
28. The Historical Reporter, Fall 2022
29. The Historical Reporter, Summer 2022
30. “Souvenir Album: Historic Twentieth Century Photos of Picayune Mississippi” (14
31. The Historical Reporter, Winter 2021-2022
32. Picayune Living, Fall 2017
33. Picayune Living, Fall 2016
34. Picayune Living, Summer 2017
Folder 2B: Newspaper articles about Pearl River County (4 items)
Folder 2C: Pamphlets, Maps, and Promotional Material about Mississippi (47 items)
Folder 3: Newspapers
1. “Suspenseful Blastoff is Awaited,” New Orleans States-Item, 21 July 1969
2. New Orleans States Item, 16 April 1968
Folder 4: Journals
1. Page from Newsweek, 29 August 1994
2. U.S. News, 31 July 1995
3. Newsweek, 23 October 1967
4. Newsweek, 23 May 1994
Box 25:
1. Leavitt, Mel. Great Characters of New Orleans. 1984.
2. Armstrong, Gladys Stovall. Plaquemines Parish Obituary Notices, 1865-1898. 1983.
3. Menge, Margaret A. Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana: Census 1850.
4. Ambrose, Stephen. Leadership in American History Symposium: 300th Anniversary of New Orleans Tour.
5. Bryan County Heritage Association, Inc. The History of Bryan County, Oklahoma. Vol. I.
6. Herrmann, E. C. Yoeman in Farragut’s Fleet: The Civil War Diary of Josiah Parker Higgens. 1999.
7. Swanson, Betsy. Historic Jefferson Parish: From Shore to Shore. 1975.
8. Chase, John. Louisiana Purchase: An American Story Told in that Most American Form of Expression…the
Comic Strip. 1954 (2 copies).
9. Dixon, Richard R. Algiers: The Centennial Year, 1970-1971.
10. Dixon, Richard. Old Algiers. 1980.
11. Burrows, Terry. Visual History of the Twentieth Century. 1999.
12. Churchill, Winston. The Second World War. 1959.
13. Vujnovich, Milos M. Yugoslavs in Louisiana. 1974.
14. Harriel, Shelby. Behind the Rifle: Women Soldiers in Civil War Mississippi. 2019.
15. Chamberlain, Katharine Meyer. Inscriptions from Three Cemeteries in Lower Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. 2009.
16. Laughlin, Clarence John. Ghosts Along the Mississippi: The Magic of the Old Houses of Louisiana. 1948.
Box 26
Folder 1: Phonebooks (7 items)
Folder 2
1. Holmes, Jack D. L. Marcha de Galvez.
2. Here’s Pearl River County!
Folder 3
1. Fortier, Eugene L. and Lucien A. Fortier. Three Boys on a Plantation. (138 pages; 2 copies).
Folder 4
1. Archival Resources in Louisiana. “Archival Research Program: Annual Report.” (132 pages)
Folder 5: Newspaper articles
1. “The characters in Leavitt’s book make history fun,” 17 February 1984.
Folder 6
1. “Louisiana Society of Mayflower Descendants Constitution and Bylaws,” 1985
2. Louisiana State Museum pamphlet
3. Louisiana Oranges postcard
4. Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Official Tour Guide
Folder 7: The Mayflower Quarterly
1. Vol. 50, no. 4, November 1984
2. Vol. 51, no. 1, February 1985
3. Vol. 51, no. 2, May 1985
4. Vol. 51, no. 3, August 1985
5. Vol. 51, no. 4, November 1985
6. Vol. 52, no. 1, February 1986
7. Vol. 51, no. 2, May 1986
8. Vol. 52, no. 3, August 1986
9. Vol. 52, no. 4, November 1986
10. Vol. 53, no. 1, February 1987
11. Vol. 53, no. 2, May 1987
12. Vol. 53, no. 3, August 1987
13. Vol. 54, no. 4, November 1988
14. Vol. 55, no. 1, February 1989
Folder 8: World Maps (4 items)
Loose in Box:
The National Geographic Magazine, 1952 (12 issues)
Box 27: The National Geographic Magazine
1. 1953 (12 issues)
2. January 1954
3. February 1954
4. October 1955
5. February 2005
6. April 2006
7. June 2006
8. September 2006
Box 28
1. Pearl River County Today, 2011
2. Pearl River County Today, 2013
3. Progress: History of Pearl River County, 2020 (2 copies)
4. Pearl River County Today Profile, 2017
5. Pear River County Today Profile, 2018
6. Pearl River County Today, 2014
7. Pearl River County Today Profile, 2016
8. Mississippi Renewal Forum Summary Report (2 copies)
9. “This is the first of the big shots,” Times-Picayune
10. This Week Magazine, 16 October 1960
11. Dixie, 8 October 1967
12. Dixie, 14 January 1968
13. Dixie, 22 October 1967
14. Dixie, 19 November 1967
15. Dixie, 19 May 1974
16. Life, 8 August 1960
17. Life, 28 June 1963
18. Life, 5 June 1963
19. Life, 2 August 1963
20. Life, 9 August 1963
21. Life, 29 November 1963
22. Life, 3 January 1963
23. Life, 10 January 1964
24. Life, 17 January 1964
25. Life, 21 February 1964
26. Life, 28 February 1964
27. Life, 13 March 1964
28. Life, 4 September 1964
29. Life, 25 September 1964
30. Life, 2 October 1964
31. Life, 23 October 1964
Box 29
1. Life, 27 November 1964
2. Life, 12 January 1965
3. Life, 29 January 1965
4. Life, 5 February 1965
5. Life, 19 February 1965
6. Life, 12 February 1965
7. Life, 2 April 1965
8. Life, 9 April 1965
9. Life, 16 April 1965
10. Life, 30 April 1965
11. Life, 11 June 1965
12. Life, 23 July 1965
13. Life, 30 July 1965
14. Life, 6 August 1965
15. Life, 20 August 1965
16. Life, 3 September 1965
17. Life, n.d.
18. Life, 24 September 1965
19. Life, 8 October 1965
20. Life, 29 October 1965
21. Life, 25 March 1966
22. Life, 2 August 1968
Box 30
Folder 1
1. “List of Manuscript Maps in the Edward E. Ayer Collection,” Newberry Library
(54 pages)
Folder 2: 1982-86 Anti-Perez Politics
1. “Discovering the Delta: An Interactive Exploration of Delta National Wildlife”
2. “This Space Subscribed for by Friends of Governor Long,” Louisiana Progress, 28 August 1930
3. “Notes on Perez” (3 pages)
4. “Rites Held for Leander Perez,” Times-Picayune, 22 March 1969 (3 pages)
5. “’Democracy’ in the Deep Delta” (4 pages)
6. “’Judge’ Perez,” Fortune, March 1958 (2 pages)
7. “King of the River People?”
8. “Politics is Serious Business” (5 pages)
9. “The Perils of Plaquemines: Leander H. Perez,” 21 September 1963
10. Copies of various newspaper articles (17 pages)
11. “Minutes of Plaquemines Parish Advisory Committee,” 19 September 1934 (2 pages)
12. Affidavit, 23 October 1940 (2 copies)
13. Letter from Sheriff & Tax Collector in Point-a-la-Hache (2 copies)
14. Letter from the Plaquemines Gazette, 18 October 1932
15. “Judge Perez” (7 pages)
16. “Perez Politics” (10 pages)
17. “Judge Perez,” 17 December 1949 (2 pages)
Folder 3: “Freeport Sulphur Story” by J. Ben Meyer
1. Letter to J. Ben Meyer, 14 January 1942 (2 pages)
2. Typed manuscript (23 pages)
3. 1937 receipt from Louisiana Secretary of State
4. Letter from Geo. M. Leppert to Pearson K. Neaman, 9 December 1937
5. Letter from the Freeport Sulphur Company to J. Ben Meyer, 23 January 1973
(7 pages)
6. Letter to from Langbourne M Williams, Jr., to J. Ben Meyer, 14 November 1938
7. “J. Ben Meyer Final Operating Statement, October 1937”
8. Permit from United States Postal Office, 1937
9. “The Sulphur Story” (6 pages)
10. Loose typed pages (3 pages)
11. “Agreement of Compromise,” 17 November 1937 (3 pages)
Folder 4: Port Sulphur
1. “Poll List,” 1959 (17 pages)
2. “Freeport Minerals Company Land – Plaquemines Parish, 1 January 1972” (2
3. “Abstract of the Title Covering River Property, Volume I” (161 pages)
Folder 5: T17S, R26E Woodland Plantation
1. “Acquisitions by the Plaquemines Parish Police Jury and the Plaquemines Parish
Commission Council”
2. “Township 17 South, Range 26 East”
3. Property description (9 items)
4. “Pieces of Woodland Plantation (Properties)”
5. Certificate of Land Inheritance (14 pages)
6. Copy of Plaquemines Parish Clerk of Court record of Dufouchard
7. Property records, 1919 (5 pages)
8. Property records, 1922 (2 copies; 4 pages)
9. 1948 Property sale (9 pages)
10. Contract and act of sale, 1959 (2 copies; 12 pages)
11. Contract and act of sale, 1962 (7 pages)
12. Records of nineteenth century Plaquemines Clerk of Court (4 pages)
13. 1947 Judgement on Succession of Horace Wilkinson (5 pages)
14. 1950 Judgement of Succession of Julia Merwin Wilkinson (5 pages)
15. 1961 Oil, Gas, and Mineral Lease (5 pages)
16. 1962 Record of Cash Sale (6 pages)
17. Property records 1980-1998 (14 pages)
18. “Restrictive Covenants of Woodland Plantation Parcel 11-B,” 1997 (2 pages)
19. “Act of Donation,” 1997 (2 copies; 27 pages)
20. Cash sale, 1997 (6 pages)
21. “Act of Correction,” 1997 (5 pages)
22. “Sheriff’s Sale,” 1997 (2 copies; 33 pages)
23. Plaquemines Clerk of Court index 1997-2014 (2 pages); “Act of Corrections,” 1997
(9 pages)
24. Plaquemines Clerk of Court, 1999
25. “Plaquemines Parish Assessor Current Assessment Listing,” 2011 (3 pages)
26. “Memorandum of Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease,” 2000 (2 pages)
27. “Right-of-Way Instrument Entergy Louisiana, LLC,” 2011 (5 pages)
28. “Woodland Commons, LLC Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Servitudes,”
2011 (14 pages)
29. “Credit Sale,” 2011 (9 pages)
30. “Ordinance No. 11-52,” 2011 (12 pages)
31. “Resubdivision,” 2013 (5 pages)
32. Cash Sale, 2014 (5 pages)
33. Plaquemines Clerk of Court index, 1997-2015 (2 pages)
Folder 6: Woodland Property Records
1. “Nola Coal Loading Facility, Bohemia, LA 1981” blueprints (2 pages)
2. Letter from the Plaquemines Parish Government to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
1 October 1987 (2 copies); “Resolution No. 87-346 (3 copies)
3. Letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Plaquemines Parish Water
District, 17 August 1987 (2 pages)
4. Letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Plaquemines Parish Commission
Council, 23 May 1986 (3 pages)
5. Letter from Paul J. Griffin, III, to Luke A. Petrovich, 27 March 1987
6. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers memo, 18 March 1987 (2 pages)
7. Memorandum from Paul J. Griffin, III, to Luke A. Petrovich, 17 March 1987
(2 pages)
8. Letter from Paul J. Griffin, III, to Carroll J. Martin, 10 December 1986
9. Letter from U.S. Corps of Engineers to Luke A. Petrovich, 22 June 1987 (3
10. “Resolution” (2 pages)
11. Letter from U.S. Corps of Engineers to Albert J. Beshel, 7 July 1986 (3 copies;10
pages); Memorandum from Plaquemines Parish Commission Council, 16 July 1986
12. Letter from U.S. Corps of Engineers to Albert J. Beshel, 8 August 1986
13. Letter from Plaquemines Parish Commission Council to Thad J. Brown, 19 June 1986
(2 copies; 3 pages); “Resolution No. 86-565” (2 copies)
14. Letter from the Department of Transportation and Development to Albert J. Beshel,
17 June 1986 (3 pages)
15. Memorandum from Plaquemines Parish Commission Council, 29 May 1986 (2 copies);
Letter from U.S. Corps of Engineers to Albert J. Beshel, 23 May 1986 (3 copies; 9
16. Memorandum from Plaquemines Parish Commission Council, 20 May 1986
17. Memorandum from Plaquemines Parish Commission Council, 15 February 1985
18. Memorandum from Plaquemines Parish Commission Council, 13 February 1985 (2 pages)
19. Letter from Plaquemines Parish Commission Council to Thad J. Brown, 23 January
Folder 7: Woodland Levee Setback
1. Correspondence: Woodland Levee Setback (72 pages)
Folder 8: Woodland Property Records – Tract 3
1. Tract 3 description
2. Cash Sale, 1952 (5 pages)
3. “Succession of Isaac Sylve, 1942” (6 pages)
4. “Right of Way Deed” (3 pages)
Folder 9: Woodland Property Records – Tract 4
1. “Right of Way Deed” (3 pages)
Folder 10: Woodland Property Records – Tract 5
1. “Right of Way Deed” (3 pages)
Folder 11: Woodland Property Records – Tract 11
1. Tract 11 description
2. Act of Sale, 1973 (6 pages)
3. “Right of Way Deed” (3 pages)
4. Act of Sale, 5 September 1978 (3 copies; 12 pages)
5. Act of Sale, 15 June 1978 (4 pages)
Folder 12: Woodland Property Records – Tract 12
1. Tract 12 description
2. Cash sale, 1960 (8 pages)
3. “Right of Way Deed” (3 pages)
Folder 13: Woodland Property Records – Tract 13
1. Tract 13 description
2. “Sale of Real Estate, 11 April 1945 (6 pages)
3. Statement, 16 August 1962 (4 pages)
4. “Right of Way Deed” (3 pages)
Folder 14: Woodland Property Records – Tract 14
1. Tract 14 description
2. “Right of Way Deed” (3 pages)
Folder 15: Mineral Rights Documents (66 pages)
Folder 16: Selection Lease 195 – Gulf Oil Corp, Grand Bay Field
1. Copied maps (6 pages)
2. “Proposed Seismograph Project in Breton Sound, Black Bay, and California Bay”
3. Breton Sound Map
4. Map of Mississippi River from Fort St. Philip to Grand Pass
5. “Map to accompany Declaration of Dec. 28, 1937 by Gulf Refg. Co.” (5 maps)
6. Map of Mississippi River Delta Head of Pass A Loutre
7. Map of Mississippi River to Breton Sound
8. Map of Mississippi River, Lake Washington to California Bay
9. Map of Lake Lery
10. Map of area around Grand Lake and Lake Petit
Folder 17: Hero & Hodge Land Agreement
1. “Tract 10” map
2. “Succession of John Edward Simms,” 1971 (3 pages)
3. Copy of map of section of Mississippi River
4. Cash Sale, 1959 (6 pages)
5. Sale of Property, 1923 (4 pages)
6. Recording Act of Correction, 1926 (2 pages)
7. “Succession of Helen DuBarry, Judgment of Possession,” 1963 (2 pages)
8. Certificate of Servitude for Hodge Hunt Realty, 31 August 1943
9. Statement of Servitude, 31 August 1943
10. Letter to O. E. Hodge from the Jefferson and Plaquemines Drainage District, 14
January 1941
11. Letter to the Jefferson and Plaquemines Drainage District from O. E. Hodge, 30
December 1940
12. Letter to Mrs. F. K. Cummins from O. E. Hodge, 12 December 1939
13. Letter to Hodge-Hunt Realty Co. from the Jefferson and Plaquemines Drainage District,
8 December 1939
14. Letter to Mrs. F. K. Cummins from O. E. Hodge, 22 November 1939
15. Letter to Hodge-Hunt Realty Co. from the Jefferson and Plaquemines Drainage District,
20 November 1939
16. Letter to O. E. Hodge from the Jefferson and Plaquemines Drainage District, 13
November 1939
17. Letter to the Jefferson and Plaquemines Drainage District from O. E. Hodge, 19
October 1939
18. Letter to Mrs. F. K. Cummins from O. E. Hodge, 4 May 1939
19. Servitude Agreement, 31 March 1939 (4 copies)
20. Letter to Mrs. F. K. Cummins from O. E. Hodge, 27 March 1939
21. Letter to the Jefferson and Plaquemines Drainage District from Hero Land, Inc.,
17 March 1939
22. Letter to Mrs. F. K. Cummins from O. E. Hodge, 14 March 1939
23. Letter to Hodge-Hunt Realty Co. from the Jefferson and Plaquemines Drainage District,
13 March 1939; two handwritten pages
24. “Resolution,” 30 September 1938
25. Letter to Mrs. Frank Cummins, 13 December 1937
26. Letter to the Board of Commissioners from O. E. Hodge, 3 December 1937
27. Servitude Agreement, 2 November 1933
28. Lease agreement
29. Jefferson and Plaquemines Drainage District estimated expenses
Folder 18: “G. P. L. D.”
1. Map of Mississippi River and Grand Bay area
2. Map of “Baptiste Collette Area”
3. “Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Grand Prairie Levee
District Held at its Domicile at Buras, La, on September 16, 1941 (2 copies; 7 pages)
4. “Resolution” (3 pages)
5. “Suppliment” (3 copies; 6 pages)
6. “Gulf Oil Corporation Pipe Line Right-of-Way” map
Folder 19:
1. Sample Ballot
2. Minutes from meetings of the Board of Commissioners for the Buras Levee District
(36 pages)
3. “Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Buras Levee District
held at its office at Buras, La., on September 12, 1941” (3 copies; 9 pages)
4. Motion accepted by the board (3 copies)
5. “BLD resolution” (18 pages)
6. “Minutes of a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Buras Levee
District called by the President for the Purpose of Securing Funds for Current Expenses,”
3 September 1941 (2 pages)
7. “Resolution,” 16 September 1941 (2 pages)
8. “Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Buras Levee District
held at its domicile at Buras Louisiana on September 20, 1941”
9. “Minutes of the Board of Commissioners of the Buras Levee District called
for the purpose of securing funds for operating expenses,” 14 October 941 (4 pages)
10. “October 16, 1941 Resolution Buras Levee District” (2 copies; 8 pages)
11. “October 23, 1941 Resolution Grand Prairie Levee District” (4 pages)
12. “October 22, 1941 Resolution Lake Borgne Basin Levee District” (4 pages)
13. “December 17, 1941 Resolution Buras Levee District” (5 pages)
14. “Meeting of Board of Commissioners of the Buras Levee District held at its domicile
at Buras La. on Wednesday December 17th, 1941” (7 pages)
Full-Sized Maps:
1. Mississippi River Delta Raccoon Pass to Taylor Pass, 1933 (T-5328) (2 copies)
2. Mississippi River Delta, 1959 (T-10944) (2 copies)
3. Breton Island, Breton Sound, 1952 (T-9393) (2 copies)
4. Mississippi River Delta, 1959 (T-10945)
5. Mississippi River Lake Washington to California Bay (T-5318)
6. Mississippi River to Breton Sound (T-5317)
7. Mississippi River Round Bay to Socola (T-5309)