Plain Folk

Plain Folk

Archival Collection




1. The Common People of the Old South, by Julia A. Flisch (xeroxed from Annual Report of the American Historical Association, Vol. 1, 1908, pp. 133-144)

2. Southern Common Folk After the Civil War, by Thomas D. Clark (xeroxed from The Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 44, April 1945, pp. 130-145)

3. Rough Riding Down South, by J. F. H. Claiborne (xeroxed from Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 25, June 1862, pp. 29-37)

4. A Trip Through the Piney Woods, by J. F. H. Claiborne (xeroxed from Publications
of the Mississippi Historical Society, Vol. 9, 1909, pp. 487-538)

5. Economic Democracy in the Salve South: An Appraisal of Some Recent View, by Fabian
Linden, Vol. 31, April 1946, pp. 10-189)

6. Cracker Culture: A Preliminary Definition, by Mozell C. Hill and Bevode C. McCall
(xeroxed from Phylon, Vol. 11, 3rd Quarter, 1950, pp. 223-231)

7. White Trash: Transit of an American Icon, by Laura Provosty and Douglas Donovan

8. The Irrepressible Conflict, by Frank Lawrence Owsley (xeroxed from I’ll Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition, pp. 61-91)

9. “Economic Democracy” and the Concentration of Agricultural Wealth in the Cotton
South, by Gavin Wright (xeroxed from Agricultural History, XLIV (1970), pp. 63-93)

10. The Yeomanry of the Nonplantation South: Upper Piedmont Georgia, 1850-1860, by
Steven Hahn (xeroxed from Class, Conflict, and Consensus: Antebellum Southern Community Studies, pp. 29-56)

11. Poor Whites in the Occupied South, 1861-1865, by Stephen V. Ash (xeroxed from
Journal of Southern History, Vol. LVII, No. 1, February 1991, pp. 39-62)

12. Planters and Plain Folk: Harrison County, TX, as a Test Case, 1850-1860, by Randolph
B. Campbell (xeroxed from Journal of Southern History, Vol. XL, No. 3, August 1974, pp. 369-398)

13. The Antebellum Southern Herdsman: A Reinterpretation, by Forrest McDonald and
Grady McWhiney (xeroxed from Journal of Southern History, Vol. XLI, No. 2, May 1975, pp. 147-166)

14. Economic Democracy in the Slave South: An Appraisal of Some Recent Views (xeroxed
from Journal of Negro History, Vol. 31, 1946, pp. 140-189)

15. Plain Folk Reconsidered: Historiographical Ambiguity in Search of Definition, by Samuel C. Hyde,
Jr. The Journal of Southern History, Vol. LXXI, No. 4, November 2005.