Slide Collection
Slide #Date of PixSize/SlideNo. of PixKind of imageNegative
1 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Scene of motorcade car when President Kennedy was shot. Zapruder Film Frame #Z312.
JFK Exhibit F-47
2 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Mannlichen-Carcano 6.5mm Italian made rifle found by police on 6th floor southwest
corner of Texas School Book Depository Building in Dealy Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Rifle
is alleged to have belonged and to have been used by Lee Harvey Oswald to kill President
John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963
3 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Scene of Dallas Police pointing their rifles up to the School Book Depository Building
after the shooting of President John F. Kennedy
4 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Arrow on picture pointing to window of Texas School Book Depository from which Oswald
shot President John F. Kennedy
5 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
New Orleans Police mug shot of Lee Harvey Oswald taken August 9, 1963
6 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Lee Harvey Oswald in custody of Dallas Police during a press interview following Oswald’s
7 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Lee Harvey Oswald in custody of Dallas Police during a press interview following Oswald’s
8 11/24/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Scene of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas Police Station
9 11/24/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Another view of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas Police Station
10 3/67 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
New Orleans Judge Edward Haggerty, who presided over the Clay Shaw trial in 1969,
being interviewed by reporters
11 2/69 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
New Orleans attorney Dean Andrews (dark glasses)
12 2/69 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
New Orleans Judge Edward Haggerty who presided over Clay Shaw trial. Close-up view
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Another close-up view of New Orleans Judge Edward Haggerty who presided over Clay
Shaw trial
Slide # Date of Pix Size/Slide No. of Pix Kind of image Negative
14 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Autopsy drawing of rear JFK’s head. JFK Exhibit F-48
15 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
JFK skull X-ray. JFK Exhibit F-56
16 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
JFK Skull X-Ray. JFK Exhibit F-53
17 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
JFK Skull X-Ray. JFK Exhibit F-52
18 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
JFK Skull X-Ray. JFK Exhibit F-297
19 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
JFK Skull X-Ray. JFK Exhibit F-55
20 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
JFK Head Diagram. JFK Exhibit F-66
21 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
X-Ray of JFK’s head and back. JFK Exhibit F-307
22 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
X-Ray of JFK’s head and back. JFK Exhibit F-307. Same as #21
23 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
X-Ray of side of JFK’s head. JFK Exhibit F-58
24 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Another X-Ray of side of JFK’s head. JFK Exhibit F-65
25 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Side view of JFK’s head and drawing of how head went forward when shot. JFK Exhibit
26 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
View of JFK’s back showing bullet hole
27 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
X-Ray of JFK’s chest. JFK Exhibit F-31
28 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Another X-Ray of JFK’s chest. JFK Exhibit F-30
Slide # Date of PixSize/SlideNo. of PixKind of imageNegative
29 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Ballistics chart of Oswald ammunition. JFK Exhibit F-104
30 11/23/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Bullet fragments taken from Governor Connally’s wrist
31 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Fragments from rear of JFK limousine
32 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Fragments from front of JFK limousine
33 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Close-up of bullet hole in JFK’s back. JFK Exhibit F-20
34 11/24/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
Autopsy photo of Lee Harvey Oswald
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David William Ferrie, a suspect in the Garrison case
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William Vernon Bundy, a witness in Garrison case
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New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison with two other men in background
38 11/22/63 2 x 2 1 Color Slide none
A scene of Dealey Plaza where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated