Civility & Respect

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Southeastern Louisiana University’s students, faculty, and staff form our campus community.
Within the community are individuals from various backgrounds and cultures with differing
values and beliefs. All members of Southeastern’s campus community must work to develop
and maintain a high degree of respect and civility toward each other. When those differences
are respected and interactions are led with courtesy and dignity toward all, it creates
a culture of care for everyone, regardless of sex, ethnic or religious background,
sexual orientation, or disability.

Free SpeechPolicy

Because of our differences, it is expected that as we engage with each other, we may
have differences in ideals that we are willing to discuss. Understanding the distinctions
among discussion, debate, and dialogue can be helpful in our discourse.

Tips for Civil Discourse

  • Think about the difference between your intentions and the how they are perceived

  • Keep an open mind

  • Listen for understanding

  • If you disagree, think about ways to show respect nonverbally

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