Daily Star Newspaper Collection

Daily Star Newspaper Collection

Box 1Folder 1 Agriculture    1. 1990 Outlook Louisiana’s Agriculture     2. 1992 Outlook Louisiana’s Agriculture    3. The 1992 Louisiana Aquaculture Directory    4. Typed letter- Fruit and Vegetable Market Price Quotations Available; Louisiana
Cooperative Extension Service; David Ruppenicker, James Boudreaux; March 15, 1990    5. Meat and Poultry Inspection in the Southwest, Dr. A.D. Nelson, Regional Director    6. Agriculture and Forestry Today with commissioner Bob Odom, April 6, 1990    7. Agricultural Statistics and Prices for Louisiana, 1983-1989; Hector O Zapata,
David Frank    8. Louisiana Farm Reporter-June 5, 1991; Louisiana Agriculture Statistics Service    9.  Louisiana Farm Reporter- September 5, 1991; Louisiana Agriculture Statistics

Box 1    Folder 2 AFLCIO    1. Typed letter- LA AFL CIO Delegates call for reform of corporate tax breaks
school and local government lose $260 million to exemption; Oil Chemical and Atomic
Workers; Resolutions on back; March 21, 1990

Box 1Folder 3 AIDs Prevention Guide    1. Folder containing information about AID’s Prevention

Box 1Folder 4 Albany    1. Village of Albany Budget 1991-1992    2. “The Free State: A History and Place-Name Study of Livingston Parish;” by members
of the Livingston Parish American Revolution Bicentennial Committee 1976    3. Newspaper article-Hungarians Reminisce as Cameras Record Tales-by Lil Mirando    4. Map-Village of Albany-proposed Town Hall    5. Drawing-Village of Albany-proposed Town Hall

Box 1Folder 5 Ambulance    1. Typed letter-to Ms. Debbie Saik from Daniel J. Domingue; Acadian Ambulance
Service, Inc. Air Med Services; February 2, 1989    2. State of Louisiana No. 8900487 Division Kenneth L Dunkin, Jr. Versus Tangi
Ambulance Service; Petition for Damages and Trial by Jury; Law Offices of Philip J.
Boudousque; March 2, 1989    3. Ordinance No. 82-5; Cade Williams and Agnes Prevost; May 27, 1982-2 sets, and
one large set included; another set-Ordinance No. (Blank); Regulations and Licensing,
includes definitions    4. Acadian Ambulance Service, Inc. Air Med Service; “For Immediate Release;” Keith
    Simon; April 2, 1990    5. Proposed Ambulance Ordinance; Debbie Pope written on the back    6. Typed letter-to Ms. Gail K. Sheffield from Robert A. Barnett; revised statute
40:2017 10; April 6, 1982-2 sets    7. Typed letter- from Gail K. Sheffiled; Emergency Ambulance Services; May 5,
1982-2 set

   8. Typed letter-to Dennis P. Herbert from Ben R. Miller; Pertinent Statutory Revisions;
June 15, 1982-2 sets    9. Typed document entitled: Regular Meeting; Information on meeting and topics
covered at meeting; May 11, 1982    10. 2 page typed document-Louisiana Legislation in Regard to Emergency Medical
Services    11. Envelope- to Ms Lil Mirando; enclosed-typed letter regarding the Rapides Parish
Code of Ordinance on Ambulance Services; from Angie Murray; July 28, 1983; stapled
together-copy of Chapter 4 ½ entitled Ambulances    12. Checklists-Ambulance Equipment; Joseph L. Garafola    13. Typed letter- to Mr. Joseph Garafola from Dana Sanders; June 18, 1982; Criteria
for     Implementing an EMT-Intermediate Training Program    14. Black and white photograph-Acadian Ambulance Air Med Services hot air balloon    15. 4 page typed letter-to Mr. Gordon Burgess from Daniel J. Domingue-Tangi Ambulance
Service; February 2, 1989    16. 1 page typed document- “For Immediate Release”-about the recent death of Alfred    Allen who was carried in an ambulance that broke down; Jack Paul Showers and Linda    Moncla     17. 2 page typed letter-to Mr. Ralph Sibley from Jack Paul Showers and Michael
F.     Thompson, Attorneys at Law; about Mr. Alfred Allen; July 2, 1990    Box 1Folder 6 Ambulance Services    1. Newspaper article- “Tangi Owner Denies Official’s Authority; by Lil Mirando;
    August 26, 1982-2 sets    2. Newspaper article-“Acadian Received Big Grant”; July 29, 1982    3. Newspaper article- “Acadian Eyes Mail”; September 7, 1982    4 Newspaper article- “Acadian Subscriptions Top 1,600″; August 27, 1982; by Lil
    Mirando    5. Newspaper article- “Tangi Owner Questions Acts of Hospital Head, Ordinance
Needs     Charge”; by Lil Mirando    6. Newspaper article- “Acadian Drive Gets Slow Start”; August 23, 1982; by Lil
Mirando    7. Newspaper article- “Ambulance Board Head Defends New Ordinance”; August 27,
    1982; by Lil Mirando    8. Newspaper article- “Mayor Checks Out Acadian”; August 26, 1982    9. Newspaper article- “Jury Oks License for Tangi Ambulance, Acadian Complains
about more”; August 31, 1982; by Lee Young    10. Newspaper article- “Maxwell Given Ambulance Authority”; by Lee Young; August
    31, 1982    11. Newspaper article- “Acadian Sees Tremendous Growth”; Paul Gates; graph of
growth    included    12. Newspaper article- “Acadian to Stay Despite Drive Shortage”; by Lil Mirando;
    September 17, 1982    13. Newspaper article- “Acadian Award;” September 2, 1982    14. Newspaper article- “Acadian Member Drive Heads into Final Day”; “Service Answers
255 Calls;” September 2, 1982    15. copy of newspaper article- “Ambulance Plea Ignored”; “Owners Say Jury Wouldn’t
    Hear”; June 9, 1982    16. copy of newspaper article- “Tangi Prepares to Compete with Acadian”; “Acadian
    Has Never Withdrawn”; June 1, 1982    17. 1982 Membership Facts and Statistics-Acadian American Services, Inc.    18. Acadian Ambulance Service, Inc. 1982 Annual Report    19. Membership Campaign September 16, 1982    20. 1 paged typed document-to Citizens of City of Hammond from Mayor Debbie Saik    Pope; about-crisis of unavailable ambulance services; September 1, 1982    21. Newspaper article- “City Studies Ambulance Ordinance”; by Sue Scott; September,
1983     22. Newspaper article- “Acadian Within 600 of Goal”; by Bill Robertson; September
9, 1984    23. Newspaper article- “Jury Delays Ambulance Renewal”; by Lee Young; November
14,     1984    24. Newspaper article- “Ambulance Firm Must Wait for Renewal”; by Lee Young;     October 10, 1984    25. Newspaper article- “Acadian Ambulance September Calls Jump”; October 29, 1984    26. Newspaper article- “Acadian Sees Drop in Calls”; October 3, 1984    27. Newspaper article- “Acadian Signups Lag in Parish”; September 7, 1984    28. Newspaper article- “EMT Promotes Acadian Membership at Meeting”; by Joan Davis    September 7, 1984    29. Newspaper article- “Acadian Gears Up for Rush”; September 6, 1984    30. Newspaper article- “Acadian Calls Increase”; July 20, 1984    31. Newspaper article- “Acadian Ambulance to Seek More Members”; by Dorothy Pugh;    July 3, 1984    32. Newspaper article- “Acadian Nets 30,000 Renewals so far in Third Parish Campaign”    August 6, 1984    33. Newspaper article- “Acadian To Mail Out Renewal Notices”; July 15, 1982    34. Newspaper article- “Acadian Ambulance Calls Drop in April”; May 17, 1984    35. Newspaper article- “Acadian Statistics Up” August 23, 1984    36. Newspaper article- “Acadian Likes Response to Parish Drive So Far”; by Lil
Mirando; diagram of Ambulance Service costs; August 5, 1983    37. Newspaper article- “Ambulance Company Denies Fault in Death”; by Lee Young;
    June 13, 1984    38. Newspaper article- “Ambulance Firm to Seek Permit”; April 24, 1984    39. Newspaper article- “Browning Ambulance Plans Head Start on Acadian”; by Lee
    Young; May 9, 1984    40. Newspaper article- “Acadian Reports Increase in Calls”; March 23, 1984    41. Newspaper article- “Acadian Oks Second Year”; “Acadian Oaks”; by Sue Scott;
    June 3, 1983    42. Newspaper article- “City Studies Ambulance Ordinance”; by Sue Scott; June
9, 1983    43. Newspaper article- “Acadian Answers More Calls”; April 11, 1984    44. Newspaper article- “2 Ambulance Companies Plan to Meet Ordinance”; by Lee
Young; March 21, 1984    45. Newspaper article- “1 Ambulance Faces Suit”; “2 Approved”; April 11, 1984    46. Newspaper article- “Tangi to Apply for Franchise”; March 23, 1984    47. Newspaper article- “Livingston Ambulance Companies May Face Lawsuit”; by Lee
    Young; March 14, 1984    48. Newspaper article- “Acadian Hopes to Expand to St. Helena”;by Lee Young; April
    11, 1984    49. Newspaper article- “Acadian Considers Expansion”; “Acadian considers”; by
Lee     Young; March 28, 1984    50. Newspaper article- “Ambulance Firms Assure Service”; March 9, 1984    51. Newspaper article- “Acadian Answers 400 Calls”; February 9, 1984    52. Newspaper article- “Acadian’s Local Business Thrives”; by Lil Mirando; December
    1, 1983    53. Newspaper article- “Acadian Gets, Dedicates Helicopter”; “Ambulance”; January
    31, 1984    54. Newspaper article- “Acadian Calls Jump Slightly Last Month”; chart/table attached;    November 23, 1983    55. Newspaper article- “Acadian Satisfied With 1983 Drive Results”; September
18, 1983    56. Newspaper article- “Acadian Exceeds Drive Goal”; by Lil Mirando; September
13,     1983    57. Newspaper article- “Acadian Members Nearly Reach 1983 Goal”; by Sue Scott;
    September 8, 1983    58. Newspaper article- “Acadian Answers 14 Calls”; December 9, 1983    59. Newspaper article- “Acadian Now Hopes for Area Expansion”; August 31, 1983    60. Newspaper article- “Acadian Drive Nears Final Day”; September 1, 1983    61. Newspaper article- “Acadian Reports 288 Runs”    62. Newspaper article- “Acadian Falls Behind in Drive”; August 30, 1983    63. Newspaper article- “Acadian Looks for South End Support”; August 30, 1983    64. Newspaper article- “Acadian Drive Out Paces 1982″; August 29, 1983    65. Newspaper article- “Acadian Drive Nears Half of 1983 Goal”; by Lil Mirando;
    August 23, 1983    66. Newspaper article- “Acadian Drive Reaches 1800″; August 14, 1983    67. Newspaper article- “Acadian Ambulance Sets 2nd Subscription Drive”; “Acadian
    Ambulance Sets”; July 11, 1983    68. Newspaper article- “Non-Members Use Acadian”; July 22, 1983    69. Newspaper article- “Acadian Calls Rise”; December 19, 1984    70. Newspaper article- “Livingston Jury Halts Permits for Ambulance”; by Lee Young;    October 24, 1984    71. Copy of article- “Livingston Parish May Toughen Ambulance Certification Rule”
by     Lee Young; October 10, 1984    72. Newspaper article- “Acadian Gains 77% of Goal”; “Tangi Comes in 2nd”; “Acadian
    Gains”; by Jill Schwartz; July 26, 1986    73. Newspaper article-“Acadian Signs Up 80% of Goal”; by Jill Schwartz; August
31,     1986    74. Copy of article- “Acadian lists 514 Calls”; January 17, 1985    75. Newspaper article- “Acadian’s Subscription Drive Ends”; by Dorothy Pugh;     September 7, 1986    76. Newspaper article- “Acadian Has Half Goal”; “Acadian Has”; July 17, 1986Box 1Folder 7 History of the American Legion Post #156 & American Legion Auxiliary 156    1. The American Legion-Number of Delegates to the Sixth District Fall Conference
    Based on Membership in Department Headquaters as of May 23, 1990    2. Newspaper article- “History of Hammond Post No. 156; American Legion; Its Auxiliary;
Begins Today With Chapter On”-The Hammond Vindicator, Hammond LA Thursday June 25,
1959    3. Newspaper article- “Brief Historical Notes on Legion Auxiliary, Early Days
to Present”    The Hammond Vindicator, Thursday, December 17, 1964    4. Handwritten document- “Hammond American Legion Auxiliary Unit #156″ about the
    charter    5. Handwritten document- Charter Membership Roll Hammond Unit #156    6. Handwritten document-Past Presidents American Legion Auxiliary Hammond Unit
    #156    7. Handwritten document- Past Commanders of Hammond American Legion Post #156    8. Typed letter- to American Legion Auxiliary Post 156 from Lil Mirando-asking
for     information about organizationBox 1Folder 8 Amite    1. Typed letter to Daily Star from Conner Sanders Davis- about various articles;
August     30, 1988    2. Copy of newspaper article- “Progress Disciple of Amite is Dead”; about Daniel
Hardy     Sanders; written on bottom-He died at “Blythewood” 6/14/1924 written on bottom
of     paper    3. Copy of Mollie Edwards Sanders obituary and funeral notice; Conner Sanders
Davis    written on top and bottom of page    4. Copy of newspaper article-“Sanders-Davis Marriage Announcement”; written on
side-    married at Blythewood 12/29/1912    Box 1 Folder 9 Animals    1. Typed letter-letters to the editor from Nita Hemeter; Coalition of Louisiana
Animal     Activists; April 3, 1990    2. The Media Guide-1990-American Veterinary Medical Association: Vet sources and    informationBox 1 Folder 10 Anthonys    1. Typed 2 page document- Anthonys to Open New Store in Hammond, Louisiana     Expansion marks strategy for future growthBox 1 Folder 11 Attorney General Race Candidates    1.John Kennedy-information includes: Employment, Education, Publications, and
Personl    2. Synopsis of Resume of Kai David Midboe    3. Campaign brochure; Harry Connick-Attorney General    4. Typed letter- to Dave Frazer from Manny Fernandez; Manny Fernandez Attorney
    General ‘87; September 24, 1987    5. 3 page typed document- The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87; August 11, 1987    6. Typed announcement- The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87; March 12, 1987    7. Typed announcement- The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87; Fernandez Responds to Guste Announcement; March 16, 1987    8. Typed announcement-The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87; Alliance Endorses Fernandez for Attorney General; August 21, 1987    9. Typed letter-from Dorothy Harrington; February 9, 1987; enclosed is copy of
speech     given by Representative Manny Fernandez for Formal Announcement for Louisiana
    Attorney General    10. 2 page typed document- Chalmette- about Representative Manny Fernandez speaking
    about dispute over royalty payments owed by Texaco to Louisiana     11. 2 page typed document-The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87; Billy Guste; May 14, 1987    12. Typed announcement-The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87; Fernandez on Texaco Bankruptcy; April 14, 1987    13. typed announcement- The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87; Fernandez pushes for waste minimization; April 10, 1987    14. Typed announcement-second miscellaneous page- “As this campaign continues..”    15. Typed announcement-The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87; “Louisiana Needs an Attorney General..”    16. Typed announcement-The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87 about Billy Guste; March 26, 1987    17. Typed announcement-The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87; Fernandez volunteers Legal Aid to Fight Teds; March 19, 1987    18. Typed announcement-The Lawyer for Louisiana-Manny Fernandez Attorney     General ‘87; about Attorney General Billy Guste; June 17, 1987    19. Connick Attorney General; Connick Issues “Mandate for Performance” August
17,     1987    20. Hunt Marmillion Associates; News; about Attorney Harry Connick and Texaco’s
    lawsuit; March 26, 1987    21. Connick Attorney General; Connick’s narcotics strike force; July 22, 1987    22. Guste Re-Election; March 16, 1987    23. Re-elect William Guste Attorney General; packet of facts, views, opinions,
and     letters about the election and his political views    24. Action Agenda Building on Experience The Goals of William J. Guste, Jr. Attorney
    General for the Louisiana Department of JusticeBox 1Folder 12 Legislative Auditor    1. Legislative Auditor; Daniel G Kyle Ph. D. CPA; March 16, 1990Box 1 Folder 13 Aviation    1. Junkers Ju52 USA Tour July 1990-January 1991; “Berlin-Tempelhof” Inaugural
Flight    April 6, 1936-inside folder: various typed documents, pictures, and a small booklet    2. Louisiana Aviation Report, Volume 1 Number 2 Fall 1991    3. 2 page typed document-Governor Edwards names commissioners of Louisiana Airport    Authority; August 20, 1992Box 1Folder 14 Baker, Larry    1. Typed letter- to Dave from Bruce; about the Larry Baker suit; 6-28    2. Confidential memo- to Bruce Henderson from Lee Young; about the Larry Baker,
Joe     V. Foster cases; June 27, 1984    3. Memo on Larry Baker case; from Lil; June 20, 1984    4. Confidential memo to Lil from Lee; information on Baker case; June 12, 1984    5. Typed letter- “bruce..”-more information about Larry Baker    6. Memo on Larry Baker case from Lil; June 20, 1984    7. Typed letter- to Lil from Lee about Deputy Baker; June 11, 1984    8. Typed letter-Confidential Memo to Lil from Lee; about Baker case; June 13,
1984    Box 1 Folder 15 Bauer, Gary    1. Packet of various documents: 2 page typed document about questions/answers/themes
    regarding foreign policy towards China and taxes, October 7, 1999; Gary Bauer
Biography; Gary Bauer on the Role of Moral and Religious values in Public life, Gary
Bauer on Rebuilding National Defense; Gary Bauer on Education, Gary Bauer on the Flat    Tax; Gary Bauer on American Agriculture (Bauer for President 2000 on all Gary
Bauer announcements); Gary Bauer: A Candidate for Working Families, A Lifetime of
Service Defending American Families, article about Two Conservative GOP Candidates
in LA October 7, 1999 (handwritten notes on the back)    2. Bauer for President 2000-Media Advisory; Bauer Continues to Sharpen the Distinction
    Between Himself and his Republican Rivals in Major Speech to San Francisco Common
    Wealth Club; September 21, 1999 (notes on back)    3. Typed document- “Fundraising Shocker: Bauer Third in Dollars Raised, Second
only to Bush in Number of Contribution”    4. Bauer for President 2000-Media Advisory; “We need a new foreign policy..”    5. Bauer for President 2000-Press Release; 4 pages; Bauer Unveils Major Economic
Plan    at National Press Club today, offering a Family Friendly Flat tax and Social Security
    Reform; September 23, 1999    6. Gary Bauer’s Plan for a Family-Friendly Flat Tax and Social Security Reform
Chart    7. Bauer for President 2000-9 page packet; Gary Bauer’s Plan for a Family-Friendly
Flat     Tax and Social Security Reform     8. Bauer for President 2000; campaign update, October 4, 1999, from Frank Cannon,
National Campaign Manager    9. Copy of newspaper article-Bauer Tries to Outdo Forbes on Flat Tax; Los Angeles
Times; September 24, 1999    10. “Bauer Unveils Tax-Cut Proposal”; Concord Monitor, Friday, September 24, 1999    11. “Bauer urges 16% flat tax end to most deductions; The Des Moines Register;
    September 24, 1999    12. Gary L. Bauer, Republican President Candidate Biography; Bauer for President
2000-    2 copies    13. Gary L. Bauer Fact Sheet Republican President Candidate, Bauer For President
2000-    2 copies    14. Gary Bauer: Advancing America’s Values    15. Copy of newspaper article- The Union Leader: The Editorial Page-After Iowa’s
Party    16. Subs Education Section to correct location of Georgetown College by Associated
    Press; October 6, 1999    17. For Bauer, a world with few moral gray areas, Subs 20th graf to correct location
of     Georgetown College AP photos; October 6, 1999    18. Press Office Fax; to Dori Claytor from Carrie Anne Price; Bauer for President
2000;     October 7, 1999    19. Press Release; Bauer Announces Louisiana State Steering Committee; Bauer for
    President 2000; October 5, 1999-2 pages    20. Press Release; Bauer Campaign Details Donations; Bauer for President 2000;
October    6, 1999    Box 1 Folder 16 Best Western    1. 3 page typed document- Joint Consent to Enter Permanent Injunction; Equal   
         Employment Opportunity Commission Plaintiff vs Hammond Ready Mix, Inc. d/b/a Best
    Western Inn of Hammond, Defendant; September 22, 1988; US District Court for East
    District of Louisiana    2. Application for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction; Equal
    Employment Opportunity Commission, Plaintiff vs Hammond Ready Mix Inc. d/b/a Best
Western Inn of Hammond, Defendant;   US District Court for East District of Louisiana    August 31    3. Pages 3-11 of an unknown document; about restraining order; submitted by Charles
    Shanar and Philip B. Sklover    4. Order Entering Permanent Injunction; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
Plaintiff vs Hammond Ready Mix Inc. d/b/a Best Western Inn of Hammond, Defendant;  
US District Court for East District of LouisianaBox 1Folder 17 Blue Law    1. Typed letter- to editor from the Coalition for Blue Law Repeal; subject-Louisiana’s
    Blue Law has got to go!    2. Typed 5 page document (front and back) Fact sheet: Louisiana’s Blue Law    3. 1 page typed document (front and back)-Study Shows Repealing Louisiana’s Blue
Law    Would Stimulate Economy    4. Page with Repeal the Blue Law printed on it    5. 1 page typed document- Your Blue Law at Work    6. 36 typed page document-Economic and Fiscal Impact of Repealing the LA Blue
Law     study prepared by Dr. James A. Richardson; April 1986    Box 1 Folder 18 Blue Star Marker    1. Typed letter-to “friends” from Buddy Roener; subject-extend greetings to Hammond
    Garden Club’s Veterans’ Day Program; November 11, 1990    2. Blue Star Memorial Highway/Marker-History of Blue Star Memorial Highways    3. Handwritten Note- “At the Close of World War II”    4. Handwritten note- Why at Blue Star Marker?    5. Hammond Garden Club-Veterans’ Day Schedule, November 11, 1990    6. Blue Star Memorial Highway Markers-information about the program    7. National Council of State Garden Clubs Inc., Blue Star Memorial Highway Markers-    1987-1989; information about program     8. The Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker-information about markers such a height,    plate, post, price, etc    9. Hammond Garden Club; subject-Club extending invitation to participate in LA’s
    Veteran’s Day; November 11, 1990; Blue Star Memorial Marker parade and ceremony;
    from Linda S. DePaula    10. The HGC 60th anniversary Reception; November 11, 1990Box 2Folder 1 Biz Release    1. The Daily Star-Joe t’s Bait and Tackle; Joe Tacerino Jr.; congratulations on
your new business newspaper form     2. 3 page typed document- UPS Now Offers Toll-Free Stamps by phone service, May
8    3. 2 page handwritten notes-subject: The Insurance Women of Tangipahoa Parish
will    meet May 10 and the IWTP will celebrate National Insurance Women’s Week May 20-    26, 1990    4. Tickfaw Industry Appreciation Week; May 11, 1990; Mayor Robert C. McInnis,
Buddy     Roener, and Arnold M. Lincore proclaim May 20-26, 1990 as LA Industry Appreciation    Week    5. News Release-Dillards, from James Freeman Vice President/Chief Financial Officer;
    Dillard Department Stores, Inc. Little Rock, Arkansas; announced sales/earning
for 1st     quarter ending May 5, 1990; May 15, 1990    6. News-Small Business Administration-Economic Injury Disaster Declaration    7. LP&L/NOPSI News release; subject- Louisiana Power and Light Company and New
    Orleans Parish Service, Inc. Now wearing new uniforms; May 15, 1990    8. News Release-Office of Motor Vehicles now administering written test to trucks
and     bus drivers    9. Daily Star; Time Hansch, Nick Murray, Bentley Purvis of Sports Cards Plus;
congratulations on your new business newspaper form     10. South Central Bell-Press Release; subject-South Central Bell Receives US Department
of Defense Award-2 pages    11. CuCos Restaurant-CuCos reports continued revenue and earnings growth; New
    Orleans, Louisiana; May 16, 1990 (NASDAQ-CUCO)    12. 1st Case of Level 1-Breaux and Daigle, Inc. Plaintiff-Appellant v. United
States of     America Defendent-Appellee; No. 89-3364-US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit
1990    US App Lexis 7030, May 4, 1990    13. News Release-Internal Revenue Service-Appeals Court Upholds Ruling on     Independent Contractors-2 pages    14. View the note-JC Penney Department Stores to offer Vanity Fair, Warners,     Maidenform, from Barbara Bierman    15. Gulfnet Members in LA    16. News Release-Sanderson Farms, Inc., Sanderson Farms, Inc. Reports Second     Quarter Results    17. A.G. Edwards, Inc. News; A.G. Edwards, Inc. Declares Quarterly Dividend; with
    attached note-A.G. Edwards and Sons, Inc. To Daily Star from Frank J. VanMullem;    subject regarding enclosed News Release, May 30, 1990    18. Typed note about Ronnie Chapman recently being promoted to Vice President-    Refining at LaGloria Oil and Gas Co.    19. Premier Bank News Release-Premier Trust Reorganizes-2 black and white     photographs of Alex R. Ivins and P. Geary Vance included    20. 3 page typed document-Louisiana Motor Transport Association, Inc.; subject-1990
LMTA Truck Driving Championships (June 9 and 10)    21. Daily Star; Midnight Rodeo County Dance Club and Rent, Inc. Dixie Tullier;
congratulations on your new business newspaper form    22. Department of Health and Hospitals office of Hospitals-Lallie Kemp Regional
    Medical Center; to social activities editor from Sherre Pack; subject-Employee’s
Day     Service Awards; June 5, 1990    23. Newspaper-Mosely’s Manufacturing Jewelers-Jewelry and gifts their only business    for over four decades-Business Showcase; Sunday May 6, 1990    24. Press release-Glosson Appointed Food and Beverage Director for Holiday Inn
of     Hammond    25. Daily Star- Supeior Vacuum Service, Inc.; Clarence and Brenda Betts; congratulations
on your new business newspaper form    26. Typed letter- to Lil Mirando from Michael F. Holly of Holly and Smith Architects;
    subject-Press release issued by Jury and list of the 1990 award recipients    27. Typed letter-Domino’s Farms Activities-to Michael F. Holly and Jeffrey K.
Smith     from Lisa A. Smith; subject-announcement that Holly and Smith architects won 1990
    Domino’s 30 award; June 20, 1990    28. 2 page typed document- 1990 Domino’s 30 Architects    29. 3 page typed document-Jury Selects 1990 Domino’s 30 Architects    30. Shelter of Shelter News-Sledge Honored by Shelter Insurance    31. 3 page typed document-The Educational Foundation-Educational Foundation’s
“Food     Cost Management” seminar    32. 2 page typed document-Delchamps; O.H. Delchamps, Jr. Retires from Delchamps,
    Inc. July 2, 1990    33. 2 pages of handwritten notes written on notepad paper; reading Smart lease
by GMAC    34. Brochure-Tips for Safe Boating-Alcohol and Water Safety     35. Seventh Ward General Hospital-National Volunteer Week celebrated April 22-18,
    1990-Volunteer of the Year-Alicia Davis; July 19, 1990; 2 pages; information about
club    members/volunteers             36. Personal announcement- Union Carbide Corporation Announces Appointment of    James L. Strouse to position of Director of Manufacturing for AMERCHOL Corporation    37. News Release-Benefit Trail ride- attached is flyer/invitation about Benefit
Trail ride;    August 10-12, 1990    38. Manilla envelope-various handwritten notes on it    39. 2 page typed document-Area Leaders Graduate from Economic Development     Institute- June 29, 1990    40. 2 page typed document- Nutri/System News-subject-Nutri/Systems celebrates
grand     opening of new location in Hammond    41. Sanderson Farms, Inc.; News Release-Sanderson Farms Inc. Announces Quarterly
    Dividend    42. Typed document (front and back)- Delchamps, Inc. Reports Annual Sales and
Earnings    43. Daily Star- Sharon C. Moran of Sleepy Lagoon Beauty Shop; Daily Star; subject-    congratulations on new business newspaper form    44. Daily Star- Denise Womack Farris; subject-congratulations on new business
newspaper form       45. 1 page typed letter-to Lil Mirando from John F. Watts, attorney
at law; subject-     Watts’ Personal Biography; July 30, 1990    46. Prudential Insurance Company of America; typed letter to Carolyn Brook from
    George E. Perkins; subject-Perkins being honored with a Prudential “Partners in
    Community Service” grant; July 30, 1990    47. Announcement of Geisler Funeral Homes (in Albany) Open House; handwritten
notes     written on it    48. Daily Star-business news announcement form; Hammond Square mall; Billy Andrews    announcement- changed key employees    49. Typed letter-to Nick Cashio from Ellen Orechwa; subject-about enclosed information    about Tangipahoa Environmental Project to the Hammond newspaper; Covington, LA;
    July 31, 1990    50. News Release-United Way for the Greater New Orleans Area; subject-Saints     Preseason opening game and United Way fund-raising season     51. Typed document-The Ozone Council sponsored an environment cleanup day;     handwritten notes on the front    52. 2 page typed document-Business Committees for the Arts, Inc.-Six Louisiana
    Companies nominated for the National Business in the Arts Awards    53. Davey Tree and Lawn Care Services; News Release; Tree Expert; August 6, 1990    54. Press Release; Dixie Motors, Hammond Boating Center, WFPR/WHMD “Great     Title Wave Giveaway”    55. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development-Press Release; Aviation    Advisory Committee Named; August 14, 1990    56. News Release-Company Changes its name to “CompMed”; comprehensive     management services help doctors cope with cost containment, rising expenses    57. Black and white photograph-Dennis A. Pry and Martin L. Brill; CompMed    58. Louisiana Realtors Association-News Release; Monroe-West Monroe to Host     Louisiana Realtors Association Annual Convention; August 24, 1990    59. News-Calendar Item; Edward D. Jones and Co.; handwritten notes on front    60. Daily Star-business news announcement; AAA Singer Sewing and Vacuum;     expanded and new sewing center; Barbara Berg; handwritten notes written on back    61. Washington-St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc. August 17, 1990    62. West Park Hospital article-When our Sports Team Goes on the Road, Everybody
Wins!    63. Seventh Ward General Hospital-subject-Jackie Williams named Director of     Laboratory/Blood Bank Services; August 30, 1990    64. Daily Star; Business News; announcement; Perrones Shoe Service; information
    about expansion    65. Daily Star-Perrones Shoe Service; Joe and Brenda Perrone; subject-    congratulations on new business newspaper form    66. World Book Recognizes Linda Hornsby at International Achievement Conference    67. Daily Star; Business news announcement; Lowe’s Home Center; changed key     employees    68. 3 page handwritten document; Daily Star Advertisement; business information
on     Hot Rod’s Men’s Retail Clothing; attached-Daily Star, Hot Rod’s; Rodney G. Richardson    69. City of Hammond; Retirement; Sidney C. Baham; retirement date-September 11,
1990    70. The American Academy of Family Physicians; Local Doctor Retains membership
in     AAFP; Dr. Michael A Dunn    71. For Immediate Release: Tangi Group Financial Women International, Inc. Executive    Night and Installation; August 13, 1990; Barbara Theriot    72. Daily Star; Counseling and Advice for the Retired and Elderly; Don Bankston;
    subject- congratulations on new business newspaper form    73. Daily Star-subject- congratulations on new business newspaper form; attached
letter     about Chubby Chicks Restaurant    74. Daily Star; Classy Kids; Andrea Williams; subject-congratulations on new business
newspaper form    75. News Release-LNHA-Louisiana Nursing Home Association; changes regulate nursing
    homes go into effect October 1, 1990; newly elected 1991 Board of Directors interpret    Congress’s Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987; October 14, 1990        76. Westpark Hospital; For Immediate Release; Westpark Hospital recently held
a     reception honoring those employee owners who have been employed by EPIC Healthcare    and its affiliates for 5 years or more    77. Winn Dixie; Winn Dixie/The Salvation Army Report on “Even it Up” program    78. South Central Bell; Press Release; SCB Proposes New Rate Plan; October 11,
1990    79. JC Penney News Release; JC Penney will provide free shipping for Christmas
parcels    for Operation Desert Shield Personnel    80. The BRYLSKI Company Public Relations; to the Eunice News from Kenin (or     Kevin) Williams; Frequently asked questions about the MRB program; October 16,
1990    81. The American Academy of Family Physicians; Local Doctor retains membership
in     AAFP; Dr. Edmund Spiller, Jr.    82. Louisiana Department of Employment and Training; Public Service Announcement;
    October 17, 1990    83. small handwritten note-Karen Kraft-reporter; May Maurer President; Mary Shelton
    instructor; Tina Ridgell Vice President; Patty Carroll secretary    84. 1 page typed document-St. Jude Children’s Hospital of Memphis, Tennessee will
    receive check of $1000.00 donated by Medical Assistants Association of Coastal
in     Hammond    85. PR News wire News Fax-Hundreds of Modest-Income Louisiana Families to get
    affordable home loans from Louisiana/Fannie Mae Effort; October 19, 1990    86. Lowe’s Companies, Inc. News Release, North Wilkesboro, N.C.; Lowe’s Announces    New Store Manager; October 23, 1990    87. Daily Star; USA Auto Stores, Promote; 3 copies    88. flyer-Louisiana Rides Commuter Van pool    89. Randolph M. Howes, M.D., Ph.D., Director, Institute of Surgery; News Release-    Howes delivered paper entitled, “Phenol Chemical Face Peels” at Dermabrasion and
    Chemical Peel Symposium; October 30, 1990; News release-Howes recently elected
to     Board of Trustees of American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery; October 30, 1990-2
pages    90. typed 2 page document-For immediate release; Pollsters to Predict Gubernatorial
    Race at LABI meeting; October 24, 1990    91. Sanderson Farms, Inc. News release; announcement that Bill Sanderson is promoted
    to Director of Prepared Foods with the company; his picture is attached; October
19, 1990    92. Lowe’s Companies, Inc. News release; North Wilkesboro, N.C.; Lowe’s announces    new store manager; October 31, 1990    93. LP&L-Louisiana Power and Light Company; News release; “LP&L announces     advanced customer billing system!” November 2, 1990    94. paper clipped together-Strother Communications,Inc- Ron Strother business
card,     DAB update Volume 1, Number 1 September 1990; Volume 1, Number 2 October 1990    95. 2 handwritten pages; to Lil Mirando from S&N Credit Center and Catalog Company;
    subject- Advertisement in Business Brief; November 11, 1990; S&N catalog information    attached    96. Daily Star; Patenotte Christmas Store; new business announcement    97. News-from American College of Radiology-Hammond Facility Accredited by the
    American College of Radiology; for release November 14, 1990    98. Daily Star-Northlake Cellular, Inc.; Dickie David and Johnny Peterson; subject-    congratulations on new business newspaper form    99. Beauticians take course in styling-newspaper article    100. Winn Dixie-Winn Dixie Manager weeks; November 20, 1990; Keith J. Lavigne    101. 1 page handwritten document-Touch of Gold information; Athletic shop     information    102. news-Zapata Haynie Corporation; Clyde R. Gilbert named Vice President and
    Controller of Zapata Hayne Corporation; For immediate release November 28, 1990    103. 3 paged typed document-News-Council for a better Louisiana; CABL Elects 1991    officers and board; release date-November 27, 1990    104. News release- Dr. John Clark to open clinic; for immediate release December
10,     1990    105. Dianne Harlan-For immediate release with photo; Gotcha Covered moves to Hammond
Square Mall; December 7, 1990    106. Local optional service-Tangipahoa Parish-Amite; Hammond; Independence;     Kentwood; Ponchatoula    107. Local optional service-Livingston parish-Albany and SpringfieldBox 2Folder 2 Bridges      1. newspaper article-Ponchatoula wants bridge funds, 16th area bridge to close
next week-    Daily Star, Thursday, August 17, 1989, copy of back attached    2. newspaper article-Baton Rouge gets soaked, Johnson expected to reveal industry
and     other various articles; Daily Star Wednesday, June 28, 1989 Volume 30 Number 159;
    attached is copy of the back page    3. newspaper article-Ruling favors parish, Council Oks $60,000 for bridges, and
other     various articles; Wednesday, August 16, 1989, Volume 30 Number 193; attached is
copy     of back pageBox 2Folder 3 Budget Plans    1. Budget preparation and Administration; Course outlineBox 2 Folder 4 Business    1. Louisiana Association of Business and Industry-Report Volume 15 Number 5, April
1990            2. The Personal Touch booklet-Sanderson Farms, Inc.    3. 1 page typed document-Points of Interest about the company-Sanderson Farms,
Inc.    4. Sanderson Farms News-Volume 2 Number 1 January 1986    5. Business Louisiana Volume 1 Number 1 Spring 1990    6. 1 page typed document-Probate, Transfers of Real Estate, Mortgages; December
4-7,    1990Box 2Folder 5 Census    1. United States Department of Commerce news; Louisiana’s Economic, Social, and
    Housing “Portrait” drawn from 1990 Census long form, May 21, 1992    2. packet of tables showing selected social, economic, and housing information-1990;
    CPH-L-80    3. population and per capita money income for Hammond City, LA    4. County profile from the US Bureau of the Census for Washington, LA; September
6,     1988    5. County profile from the US Bureau of the Census for Livingston, LA; September
6,     1988    6. County profile from the US Bureau of the Census for Tangipahoa, LA; September
6,     1988    7. Civilian Labor Force and Unemployment Rate, Livingston, Tangipahoa, and     Washington parishes, LA    8. Population, Households, and Per Capita money income for Livingston, Tangipahoa,
    and Washington Parishes, LA    9. US Department of Commerce-Bureau of the Census, telephone contacts bureau of
the     census- A data user services division publication Number 29; September 1988    10. US Census Bureau economic data sources; September 13, 1988    11. US Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census information folder; inside-    various information packets    12. Population Bulletin- Two Hundred Years and counting; the 1990 Census by Bryant    Robey; Volume 44 Number 1 April 1989    13. US Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census-For Immediate Release-Rural
    Delivery First in 1990 Census    14. Census’90-Your introduction to the 1990 Census    15. State of Louisiana-office of the governor-For immediate release; Governor
Roemer    urges citizens to be counted April 1, 1990-March 29, 1990    16.US Department of Commerce Bureau of Census-for immediate release; census    earnings won’t affect housing subsidy    17. US Department of Commerce Bureau of Census- Post-enumeration survey underway    18. Louisiana vital statistics report-Provisional Statistics January-December
1982; office    of Health Services and environmental qualityBox 2 Folder 6 Charter    1. typed note to Dennis from Dave; subject-Jan Carlock will take care of printing    2. “A Proposed Home Rule Charter for a Council”-President government for Tangipahoa    Parish-January 1985    3. newspaper article- about “A Proposed Home Rule Charter for a Council”     4. copy of: “A Proposed Home Rule Charter for a Council”     5. another copy of: “A Proposed Home Rule Charter for a Council”    Box 2 Folder 7 Chemical Industry    1. 4 page typed document-Louisiana Chemical Association; for immediate release-    January 5, 1990; subject-company reductions and other company information    2. Louisiana Chemical Industry Emissions Report 1987-1988: A Compilation and     Comparison of Toxic Release Inventory Data; November 1989Box 2 Folder 8 Chiropractic Resource File    1. 14 page typed document-Chiropractic information-The World Chiropractic AllianceBox 2Folder 9 Church of Scientology    1. Typed letter-to editor from Reverend Heber C. Jentzsch-subject-enclosed document
    “Repeating a Lie Doesn’t Make it True”; April 10, 1992; Church of Scientology    International-Office of the President    2. “Repeating a Lie Doesn’t Make it True-Facts and Documentation Concerning the
    October 1991 Reader’s Digest Article on the Church of Scientology”; published
by    Church of Scientology InternationalBox 2Folder 10 City    1. City of Hammond Fiscal Year 1988-1989 Adopted Budgets-Adopted: June 21, 1988    2. City of Hammond-Press release-April 4, 1988; Debora S. Pope; Office of Legislative
    Auditor- State of Louisiana; 26 page typed document-examination of Louisiana Revised
    Statues-M. Burris-Legislative Auditor-March 30, 1988    3. “Hammond, Louisiana ‘Crossroads of America’” book Box 2Folder 11 Civil Service    1. United States District Court-Eastern District of Louisiana; Plaintiffs- James
E. Booker,    Frederick C. Booker, Chris McGee, Joseph Young, Glenn Allbritton, Barry Gibson,
and     Foster Brown, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated versus
    Defendants- The City of Hammond, Louisiana, A Municipal Corporation, Debbie Saik-    Pope, In her Capacity as Mayor of Hammond; Leonce Albin, in his capacity as chief
of     the Hammond Fire Department; the Hammond Civil Service Commission; Paul Collura,
    Chairman; Joseph Jackson, Larry Dykes, Mayson Foster, and Don Harper, Commission
    Members, Firefighters union Local 2361 Paul Collura, President; Petition for Relief
    Against Racial Discrimination in Employment; April 1982    2. State of Louisiana- Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law (Section 15:1
of     Article XIV of the Louisiana Constitution Voted on at the General Election, November
    4, 1952); Compiled by Wade O. Martin, Jr. Secretary of State    Box 2 Folder 12 Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros Circus    1. Folder 1-includes-information about Circus shows; information about Circus
company;    news release-“Circus Aerilists”; black and white photographs-“That Darling Young
Man”    and “A Vast Sea of Blue and White Striped Canvas”    2. Folder 2-includes-“Al the Poop on Pachyderms”; information about Circus company;
    news release-“Josip Marcan-Saving the Tiger”, “Josip Marcan’s Wild Animals: He
    Trains them with love”; “John Pugh: From Acrobat to Impressario”; “World’s Largest
    Circus Under the Big Top: An American Tradition”; “If you think your office is
a three-    ring circus”; information about circus shows; black and white photographs- of
unidentified man by an elephant; “Mobile City of Entertainment Coming”; “Circus; The
way America remembers”; “Clownalley: Bigger than Ever Before”; “The Clyde Beatty-    Cole Bros Congress of Clowns”; “Exceptionally educated equines under the big top”;
    “The Amazing Marcan”; “The Amazing Josip Marcan”; “Precision-Trained tigers earn
    their stripes”; “Roaring to entertain children of all ages”; “The Mane Attraction”;
“A     Spectacular Circus Salute”Box 2Folder 13 Color    1. Color Research- Bob Bohle-School of Mass Communications Virginia     Commonwealth University    2. SNPA Foundation-Southern Newspaper Publisher Association; Seminar Report-How
    to use color-color research-Routing memo attached            Box 3Folder 1 Congressional Race    1. 9 page typed letter-Nick J. Accardo M.D. Orthopedics; to “Colleague” from Nick
J.     Accardo, M.D.; subject- solicit support for his candidacy for US Senate Seat-July
4, 1989    2. Ben Bagert-US Senate; For immediate release-Attention: News Editors; Bagert:
Limit     Senators to 2 terms, Again calls for debate with Johnston and Duke; September
11, 1990    3. Resource Packet-The Politics and Background of State Representative David Duke    4. Michael M. Wahlder-Attorney at Law; 2 page typed letter to Judy Heitman from
    Michael M. Wahlder; subject-coverage of the Republican State Committee meeting;
    March 14, 1990    5. Ben Bagert-US Senate; Senator Ben Bagert’s 11 Point Drug plan; Expansion of
    Senator 11 Point Drug Plan; Expansion of Senator Bagert’s Drug Platform-2 sets    6. Ben Bagert-US Senate; For immediate release- Bagert: Johnston Double-talks
on Drugs, What you see on TV isn’t what you get in D.C.; 3 page typed document; July
12, 1990- 2 sets    7. Ben Bagert-US Senate; Johnston Drug Ad Deceptive-Bagert Cites Congressional
    Record- Johnston voted against additional law enforcement-Also voted against death
    penalty for drug-related murders; More soft votes on drugs; Documentation of Johnston’s    votes; text of Johnston drug ad-2 sets    8. Copy of newspaper article- Bagert says Johnston talks tough about drugs on
TV,     wimps out in D.C.-2 copies    9. Louisiana Department of Employment and Training; topic-LDET promotes drug-free    workplace; July 9, 1990    10. Copy of newspaper article-Herr David Duke and his nationwide network of hate-    Journal-Shreveport, LA; Metropolitan; June 6, 1990    11. Copy of newspaper article-David Duke tries to bury Nazi past; Duke; Times
    Picayune; June 25, 1990    12. “A Biology of Intelligence”-David Duke’s Genetic Dreams-by Quin Hillyer; 2
copies    13. Ben Bagert-US Senate-Committee to put Louisiana first-For Immediate Release,
    March 6, 1990; US Chamber Ignores Johnston Re-Election-Senator Bagert will support    small business, contrasts Johnston’s Anti-business record; David Duke US Senate
    Campaign update August 14, 1990; Duke Targets Taxes    14. Louisiana Coalition-For immediate release- August 6, 1990; Duke calls Racist
tapes     “Funny” on Talkshow- Coalition Condemns Comments as bigoted (2 pages); copy of
    newspaper article-Critic cites racist songs in attack on David Duke-Metro News
August     9, 1990-Times Picayune; Transcript Excerpt of “Angela” show; August 2, 1990;
Lyrics    from David Duke’s “Comedy tapes”    15. Americana Tapes-NAACP News-copy    16. Media Advisory-to newspaper, television, radio editors from Denise Estopinal,
Media    Director Louisiana Coalition against racism and nazism; about doing research of
David     Duke    17. David Duke US Senate Campaign update August 28, 1990; The S&L Crisis    18. Brochure-Ben Bagert US Senate    19. Senate-Ben Bagert-typed letter to David K. Frazer from Ben Bagert-about fall
    election; “Senator Ben Bagert’s 11 Point Drug plan”; “Expansion of     Senator 11 Point Drug Plan”; “Expansion of Senator Bagert’s Drug Platform”; “Bagert:
        Johnston Double-talks on Drugs, What you see on TV isn’t what you get in D.C.”;
“Johnston Drug Ad Deceptive-Bagert Cites Congressional Record- Johnston voted against
additional law enforcement-Also voted against death penalty for drug-related murders”;
“More soft votes on drugs”; “Documentation of Johnston’s votes”; “text of Johnston
drug ad”;  “Bagert says Johnston talks tough about drugs on TV, wimps out in D.C.”    20. David Duke on the issues    21. For immediate release-April 18, 1990; Representative David Duke formally announce    his candidacy for US Senate on April 21, 1990Box 3Folder 2 Congress Releases    1. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Baker sponsors art competition; December
    5, 1989    2. News from Congressman Richard Baker-about headlines and various stories about
    communist countries that amazed American people; General Noriega; January 5, 1990    3. News from Congressman Richard Baker-about redevelopment of a health care plan
to     replace repealed Catastrophic Healthcare program; January 12, 1990    4. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Congressman Baker hold press conference    Friday, January 2 to discuss importance of developing a national energy strategy-Press     Advisory- January 18, 1990    5. News from Congressman Richard Baker-subject-fight drugs more effectively; January
    19, 1990    6. News from Congressman Richard Baker-subject-Baker working on national energy
    strategy- January 26, 1990-2 sets    7. News from Congressman Richard Baker- subject-on Friday January 26, met with
    representative of energy industry; January 26, 1990    8. News from Congressman Richard Baker-subject-President George Bush spoke to
joint    session of Congress to present his annual state of union address-February 2, 1990    9. News from Congressman Richard Baker-subject-office mailed important documents
to     many constituents in the Sixth Congressional District; information reports deadlines
as    well as highlights recent changes in tax code; February 9, 1990    10. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Clean Air Act; February 22, 1990    11. News from Congressman Richard Baker- Children and Use of Drugs; March 8, 1990    12. News from Congressman Richard Baker- Baker Announces Survey Results; March
15, 1990    13. News from Congressman Richard Baker- 1990 Census Form; march 23, 1990    14. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Congressman Baker Announces Winners of
    Congressional Arts Caucus; April 18, 1990    15. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Congressman Baker Discusses Significance
    of Earth Day; April 19, 1990    16. News from Congressman Richard Baker-House of Representatives completed     legislation regarding drug dealer profits; April 27, 1990    17. News from Congressman Richard Baker- Memorial Day; May 17, 1990    18. News from Congressman Richard Baker- Dire Emergency Supplemental Appropriations
Bill; May 25, 1990    19. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Judge Russell D. Clarke developed $500
    million capital improvement plan for local schools in Kansas; May 31, 1990    20. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Older Americans Freedom to Work Act-    June 8, 1990    21. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Congressman Baker Sponsors New Anti-    Crime and Drug Package; June 15, 1990    22. News from Congressman Richard Baker-History/Celebration of Fourth of July;
    June 20, 1990    23. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Controlling US Congress’ Spending is     Greatest Improvement of Bush Administration can accomplish; July 13, 1990    24. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Legislation to Require Congress to Adopt
    Balanced Federal Budget; June 29, 1990    25. News from Congressman Richard Baker-subject of campaign reform important issue
    on Capital Hill; August 3, 1990    26. News from Congressman Richard Baker-Strategic Petroleum Reserve; August 14,
    1990    27. News from Congressman Richard Baker-conditions of Middle East remain cause
of     concern; August 16, 1990    28. News from Congressman Richard Baker- Louisiana learns about exporting; August
    29, 1990        29. News from Congressman Richard Baker- National Endowment of the Arts; October
    12, 1990    30. News from Congressman Richard Baker- President Bush Awards Louisiana Woman
    for Environmental Work; October 22, 1990    31. Congressman Richard Baker invites you to a town meeting    32. In an envelope-addressed to Bruce Henderson from US House of Representatives-    News from Congressman Richard Baker- recent debate over protection of flag-June
15,     1990    33. Congressman Richard Baker Reports to You newsletter    34. Congressman Richard Baker-The Louisiana Productivity Center-Louisiana Small
    Business Development Center and the Southeastern Louisiana University Entrepreneurial    Resource Center Present Expand Your Business; Government Contracting Opportunities,    news from Congressman Richard Baker-Baker Announces Procurement Conference;     November 26, 1990    35. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- Milking Louisiana (and the rest of     America); February 9, 1990    36. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- Communism Takes it on the Chin;     February 27, 1990    37. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- 2001 Space Odysseys: What NASA Does
    for Us; March 12, 1990    38. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- Willow-Income Housing Reach the     Promised Land?; March 16, 1990    39. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- The Dem’s Four Stooges- March 23, 1990    40. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- Lithuania at the Crossroads-March 29,
1990    41. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- “Freedom to Work” Rally-April 24, 1990    42. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- “Save a Life-Buckle Up,” says Livingston;    May 1, 1990    43. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- A Taxing Verdict; May 25, 1990    44. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- We CAN Save the Wetlands; May 18, 1990    45. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- Rights? Whose rights?; May 25, 1990    46. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- B-2 or Not B-2; June 22, 1990    47. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- Tax and Consequence; June 29, 1990    48. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- The High cost of S&Leaze; July 19, 1990    49. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- 20 Bucks and a Balanced Budget; July
23,     1990    50. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- A Crime of Liberal Passion; August 3,
    1990    51. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- Why Saddam Has to Go; September 14,
    1990    52. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- Why Can’t Congress and Bush     Administration Reach an Agreement on the Budget?; October 1, 1990    53. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- The Jedi Returns; October 1, 1990    54. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- A Saddamized Energy Policy; October
9,     1990    55. News from Congressman Bob Livingston- Goodbye, Lindy-And Thanks; October 30,
    1990    56. In an envelope addressed to Mr. Bruce Henderson from US House of Representatives-    News from Congressman Bob Livingston- Courting Trouble; June 15, 1990    57. Congressman Billy Tauzin- Tauzin is Conferee for House Louisiana Has Big Stake
in     Outcome of Oil Spill Legislation; February 13, 1990    58. Congressman Billy Tauzin- Tauzin Amends Seafood Bill    59. Congressman Billy Tauzin- Tauzin Finds Holes in Senate Double Hull Proposal-    March 22, 1990    60. Congressman Billy Tauzin- Tauzin Introduces Satellite Broadcasting Bill; May
9,     1990    61. Congressman Billy Tauzin- Gulf Fire, Spills Prove Coast Guard Underfunded;
June     12, 1990    62. Congressman Billy Tauzin- Tauzin Supports Budget Amendment; July 23, 1990    63. Congressman Billy Tauzin- Tauzin Wins Regional Committee Post; December 4,
    1990    64. Senator John Breaux- Breaux offers alternative fuel vehicles amendment to
Clear Air    Act; February 7 ,1990    65. Senator John Breaux- Breaux: Peace Dividend Should be Spent on Domestic Needs;
    Highway and Airport Trust Funds are Being Wasted; March 8, 1990    66. Senator John Breaux- Breaux Proposes Comprehensive Study of the Mississippi
    River Area; May 11, 1990    67. Brochure- LA W.A.T.C.H.-Is your job killing you? Is it safe?    68. Newspaper-The Business Advocate, How they Voted 1989 First Session 101st     Congress; February 1990    69. News Release-Bread for the World; Breaux and Johnston rated on Hunger votes;
    April 19, 1990    70. Senate Subcommittee tackles cable issue; April 9, 1990    71. LABI Report Legislative Update-Volume 15, Number 9; March 18, 1990    72. Copy of newspaper article-Senator Dines on crow as panel bags his bill; Bill;
May     30, 1990    73. Congress of the US House of Representatives-to Kenneth Meyers from Robert
L.    Livingston; June 7, 1990; This Week in Louisiana-Kenneth D. Meyers from Robert
L. Livingston; June 4, 1990    74. Summary of Welfare Reform S.B. 512    75. Ben Bagert US Senate; to Dennis Gruse from Senator Ben Bagert-Welfare Reform-    Did It Really Happen?; July 26, 1990    76. US Senator Bennett Johnston-Johnston Blasts Foreign Aid Bill; October 24,
1990Box 3Folder 3 Con-Select    1. Newspaper article-Plant Addition may add 200 Jobs; March 23, 1984    2. Newspaper article-Can Select Names Engineer; August 12, 1984    3. Newspaper article-Business, Progress Boom in Hammond in 1983; Business Progress;
    Sunday Shopping Guide; February 26, 1984    4. City of Hammond-to Bill Robertson from Debbie Saik Pope; on behalf of Tangipahoa    Industrial Development Foundation and Hammond Industrial Development, Inc. You
are     Invited to Announcement Luncheon; March 19, 1984    5. Newspaper article-Closing Won’t Affect Park Grant; November 28, 1984    6. Newspaper article- (Con Select)l Continue; No Buyer; December 5, 1984    7. Newspaper article-Local Industry Plans Expansion, Local Industrial; February
1, 1984    8. 2 page typed document; from Consolidated Electrical Systems, Inc; subject-Officials
of     Consolidated Electrical Systems is Moving Headquarters and Major Manufacturing
    Operations from Harvey, LA to Hammond    9. The Energizer-Voice of the Energy Group, Hackney Industries, Inc. First Quarterly
    Edition; April 1984    10. Newspaper article-Con-Select Lays Off 13, Up for Sale; November 25, 1984    11. Newspaper article-Con-Select Nears Closing; January 2, 1985    12. 6 page typed document-Con-Select-Number 73639 21st dist., Division D    13. Newspaper article-Con-Select Founder Sues Overclosing    14. Handwritten notes written on some notebook paperBox 3Folder 4 College Notes    1. Brown News Bureau; News; Daily Star; Jason Emmanuel Neelis Receives Bachelor
of     Arts Degree During Brown University’s 22nd Commencement. May 28    2. National Award Winner; News Release; All-American Scholar; Dayna D. Lerch named
    All-American Scholar    3. Tulane; Tulane Universities Announces Spring Graduates; attached is list of
students    who graduated the spring and December of 1989    4. SLU News; Southeastern Louisiana University; cutline- SLU Employee Retire;
June 13, 1990    5. SLU News; Southeastern Louisiana University; cutline- B. Stern Scholarship
Winner;     July 12, 1990    6. SLU News; Southeastern Louisiana University; cutline- On the Tube; July 19,
1990    7. SLU News; Southeastern Louisiana University; cutline- New Endowment; August
    28, 1990    8. SLU News; Southeastern Louisiana University; cutline- SLU Employees Receive
    Service Awards; August 29, 1990    9. SLU News; Southeastern Louisiana University; cutline- Professor Honored-Lawrence
    L. Hewitt; November 15, 1990    10. Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants; Local Student Receives
Top     Accounting Awards; July 11, 1990    11. News-USM-Public Relations-University of Southern Mississippi; Hammond Coed
    Completes Med Tech Training    12. News-USM-Public Relations-University of Southern Mississippi; Hometown News;
    Graduation    13. Southern Methodist University; Division of Southern Affairs; PhD Degree Bestowed
    on the Reverend Pail F. Gray; June 1, 1990    14. News Release-News Service, University of Southwestern Louisiana; USL Announces    Spring 1990 Dean’s List; July 17, 1990    15. News Release-News Service, University of Southwestern Louisiana; 10 Writers
    Featured At Deep South Writers Conference; August 23, 1990    16. State of Louisiana Board of Regents; Regents Reopen Applications for Tuition
    Waiver; July 18, 1990    17. LSU News Service; Louisiana State University; Students Returning To LSU Find
    Expanding Services; August 3, 1990    18. LSU News Service; Louisiana State University; Pledges Announced by LSU     Sororities; August 27, 1990    19. LSU News Service; Louisiana State University; Pledges Announced by LSU     Fraternities; September 5, 1990    20. LSU News Service; Louisiana State University; Area Students receive LSU Top
100    Scholarships; September 19, 1990    21. LSU News Service; Louisiana State University; LSU students begin Hammond    beautification project; September 25, 1990    22. LSU News Service; Louisiana State University; Local girl wins academic honors;
    November 15, 1990    23. Federal Emergency Management Agency; News; 1990 Hurricane Season August-    November Critical Period    24. Handwritten article-about Vincent Joseph Pisciotta’s life and him receiving
his MD    Degree from LSU School of Medicine    25. Hammond Chamber of Commerce and SLU Alumni Association’s Second Annual     Convocation Picnic for All Faculty, Staff, and Chamber Members, August 24    26. Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity -Kappa Tau Chapter; “Shown in picture left to
right”;     members of Hammond Area Alumnae Chapter and Kappa Tau Chapter of Alpha     Omicron Pi at Southeastern Louisiana University awarded prestigious awards at
    International Convention    27. On a note card-information about Robin Renee Morgan     28. NLU News-Northeast Louisiana University; announcement of President’s list;
    August 23, 1990    29. News-USM; Public Relations-University of Southern Mississippi; Hometown News;    Dean’s and President’s list for summer 1990 semester is announced    30. Copy of newspaper article- Dr. Snyder is named VP of College Advancement    31. Press Release-Carmon Moore and Alison Sandage completed Louisiana’s Clerks
of     Court Institute Certification Program at LSU    32. Coastal College-Hammond Campus; List of Graduates; September 19, 1990    33. Commander’s Community- A Badge of Respect; January 1990    34. Cahokia Police-Crime Fighters Institute-Band of Respect Campaign; to all law    enforcement personnel; from Kevin M. Gordon; subject-Badge Bands    35. Phi Mu donates Black Badge Bands to Hammond and Southeastern Police     DepartmentBox 3Folder 5 Column Note 1990    1. Handwritten notes on Johnette Downing and Byron Johnson    2. Handwritten notes on Kim Morris receiving the Junior Champion Showmanship     trophy at Kentwood    3. Handwritten note beginning with “My reign is quickly coming to an end…” Laura
Bell    and (unknown first name) Woods    4. Paperback book- A Squirrel Jumped Out of the Tree; Written and Illustrated
by Johnette R. Downing; Colonial Press; 1990    5. Complaint form-Company-Chalet Rentals of the Smokies; consumer-Bill Chaucer;
    complaint about vacation rental; June 9, 1990    6. 7th Ward General Hospital-9 pages; Progress Record-New Perspective-Bill Black    7. Typed letter; to “Sir”; from Pat Comeaux; subject-please place enclosed information
in     community announcement section of newspaper to find “lost” classmates for a reunion;
    July 15, 1990    8. Typed document-1960 class of Baton Rouge School is hosting joint 30 year class
    reunion    9. Brochure-Tough Love-A Self Help Program for Parents Troubled by Teenager     Behavior    10. Typed document-information about Fall Festival    11. Handwritten note-Memo-John V. Baiamonte, Jr. To Lil Mirando; December 5, 1990    12. Handwritten document-information about John Dalton Martin-receiving MD degree    from LSU School of Medicine    13. Typed document-lm xx notes for 8/8; various notes and information about family    14. Handwritten note-Ashley Brooke Howes-Welcomed Home by sister Jan and brother
    Ryan    15. Typed article-Louisiana State University-Chris Daniels recently attended LSU’s
    Geology camp in Colorado Springs, Colorado    16. Handwritten note on note pad paper-Once a day Lopressor; “Worth noting Lil
    Mirando;” subject-Newly married Roselyn and Steve Gaudin have an apartment    17. 2 page typed document-about Old Blue Eyes (alligator in Ponchatoula) snapping
at     city workers cleaning pipes in his cage    18. Tangipahoa Parish Library-subject-Back to School; to: Area newspapers; from:
    Karen Plauche; August 20, 1990    19. Handwritten note-information about Robert L. Livingston    20. Handwritten note-Air force vs. Navy Recruiters basketball game for fun    21. Stamp News-USA; Philatelic Cancellation Announcement; July 10, 1990; Philatelic    release number 48    22. Requests for Cancellations must be received by the date listed (date follows)    23. Handwritten note-information about Airman Paul Brent Perricone;     24. Handwritten note-information about Ed Lipscomb    25. Champagne Beverage Company, Inc.; Alcohol Awareness information included in
    Southeastern Louisiana University’s class registration this fall    26. Handwritten note-information about Frank Tregre    27. Handwritten note-information about Michael Barrios    28. Museum of World Mechanical History; 5th annual Louisiana Antique Machinery
    Show “Labor Day” September 3rd; Greensburg, Louisiana    29. Handwritten note-information about seaman Keith Corbin    30. Handwritten note-information about Michael A. Barrios    31. “Last Love” by Alberta Vanacore; Louisiana Nursing Home Association;     Administrator- Belle Maison Nursing Home    32. Handwritten note-information about John Notriano     33. Notepad piece of paper- “Red Ribbon on Banner”, red attached to page; Nany
Kerne    345-5493; Beth Abel 542-9454    34. Louisiana Council on Child Abuse, Inc.; The Louisiana Council on Child Abuse
    Regional Training Session; July 27, 1990    35. 6 pages of handwritten notes on notepad paper    36. Commanding Officer USS Lasalle (A GF-3); ET1 James L. Sylve; J.O. Ellis    37. Copy of certificate; certify that ET1 James L. Sylve has completed the Navy
Campus    functional skills program on February 7, 1990; signed by J.O. Ellis, Captain,
USN    38. Copy of certificate; Department of the Navy; Certify that Secretary of the
Navy         Awarded the Navy Achievement Medal to ET1 James Louis Sylve, Jr. for
Professional     Achievement from January 8-10, 1990; signed by W. M. Fogarty    39. Copy of newspaper article- “Rollarcoaster fever has Woodie Lovers Shaking
in their     Seats”; August 5, 1990    40. 1 page typed document-Circus Superstitions    41. Handwritten letter-to “Ms. Davis” from Carol Vance; subject- locating Vance’s
sister,     information of Vance’s sister; September 30, 1990    42. Typed letter-to Dennis E. Gruse from Merrill Hess; subject-enclosed is press
release    for 8 annual deep south regional stargaze    43. Clyde-Beatty Cole Bros. Circus- Big Top Circus has its own language    44. Baton Rouge Astronomical Society, Inc.; Eight Annual Deep South Regional Stargaze    Thursday, October 18-Sunday, October 21; Percy Quin State Park Interstate 55 at    McComb, MS    45. Typed letter-to friends of Ponchatoula Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. From
the members of the Ponchatoula Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.; Fire Prevention Week
    October 7-13, 1990    46. Envelope addressed to Lil Mirando from The Ponchatoula Clinic, September 12,
    1990; inside-mark E Tilyou, M.D. APMC; to Lil from Mark E. Tilyou; subject-might
be     interested in enclosed items; enclosed items: copy of book article-National Health
    Insurance: A Prescription for Disaster by Henry Lerner, MD    47. Brochure-Joyce Wildlife Management Area Swamp Walk Boardwalk Nature Trail:
    Wildlife and Fisheries Louisiana; A Pittman-Robertson Project    48. Envelope addressed to The Daily Star from Johnny Zinna; September 28, 1990    49. Book page- John W Kidd-President’s Page; Teachers-Be alert to opportunities;
    Exceptional Children; February 1969    50. Handwritten note-to Daily Star from Johnny Zinna; subject-school system    51. Southeastern By-Lion; Southeastern Louisiana University; Faculty/Staff Newsletter
    from the office of the president; October 10, 1990; addressed to Dennis Gruse    52. Adoption Announcement-Anna Linnea Ramsey    53. Handwritten note-Carol Lashouto and Bill Vincent Caboto    54. 1 page typed document-Fanfare Banners Fly    55. Florida Parishes Industries, Inc. Celia Smith; subject-Rachel Coggins serving
as     minister/counselor for families deployed to Saudi Arabia    56. Thank you card-from Grace D. Black of Northshore Motorcycle Touring Club;
    subject-thank you for support    57. Pamphlet-The Rotary Club of Hammond Southeastern Louisiana University 7th
ward    General Hospital Presents The New Orleans Symphony Orchestra; Sunday, October
28,     1990    58. “Make a Sound Investment with Many Returns”; donation form to New Orleans
    Symphony Orchestra    59. Envelope addressed to Lil Mirando-enclosed-notecard with information about
DA     Schilling Frank P III    60. Smithsonian News Service; A Festival Feast: A Cookbook in the Making or There’s    No Substitute for Muskrat; by mary Combs; August 1990    61. Copy of newspaper article-Veteran Recalls flying time in Vietnam, Veteran
Recalls;    Daily Leader; Brookhaven, MS; Friday, November 10, 1987    62. Newspaper article-News-World-wide; Wall Street Journal; Monday July 23, 1990;
    “Here’s a big Thriller for every little girl and mother”; “New Kids rock group
draws an     audience so young parents have to go along”; newspaper article-The New Kids on
the     Block have  a lot of other kids spending big    63. 2 paged typed document-Handicapped in Hammond; about a man having multiple
    sclerosis    64. handwritten document addressed to Lil    65. handwritten document-about American Legion Post #255 of Loranger    thanking supporters; from Colleen Scott    66. November Newsletter; The Friends of the Ponchatoula Library: to Joe and Lil
    Mirando; from The Friends of the Ponchatoula Library; November 1990    67. New York postcard- to The Daily Star-Lilly Mirando; November 19, 1990    68. Small newspaper article about Labor Day    69. Music in my life-information about the book    70. Copy of article in magazine; Holiday Dinners; Longing for Louisiana flowers;
    Southern Living, November 16, 1990    71. Copy of article in magazine; Holiday Dinners; Taste a Sentimental Journey;
Southern    Living; November 16, 1990    72. 10 page list of book/article titles with author, location, and date    73. Copy of handwritten note-to Judy Seale from Corporal Christopher Dileo; November    21, 1990    74. 2 page typed letter-to Celia from Rachel S. Coggins; subject-thank you; November
    10, 1990    75. Dedicated to Morris Carrier by Helen Sharp    76. Tangipahoa Relief Center, Inc., Public Service Announcement; Nancy M. Jackson
Box 3Folder 6 Daily Star Awards    1. Black and white photograph- Optimist International Award recipients; Bittola,
    Giannobile; Frazer    2. Newspaper article- “Frazer heads LPA”-copy included     3. Article on Hammond Daily Star; list of awards    4. Newspaper article- “Daily Star wins 16 awards”; April 17, 1994    5. Newspaper article- “Schon joins Daily Star Staff”; March 22, 1994    6. Newspaper article- “Bergeron wins 2 AP awards”; April 18, 1993    7. Newspaper article- “Star fills sports circulation positions”; May 4, 1993    8. Newspaper article- “Coming of age: Daily Star marks 40 years of publishing”;
    November 15, 1999    9. Newspaper article- “Daily Star switches to Macintosh system” by Sherri Brown;
May     1, 1993    10. Newspaper article- “Star earns 10 awards”; March 15, 1993    11. Newspaper article- “Lending support”; January 25, 1993    12. Newspaper article- “Star reporter wins award”; October 31, 1993    13. Newspaper article- “Advertising staffers sweep LPA awards”; October 20, 1992    14. Newspaper article- “Colona joins DS Staff”; July 6, 1993    15. Newspaper article- “Star to publish history books”; July 3, 1994    16. Newspaper article- “Daily Star receives 5 state awards”; April 1, 1985    17. Newspaper article- “Dowty named writer of year”; May 7, 1987    18. Newspaper article- “Star wins 8 awards”; May 19, 1991    19. Newspaper article- “Star wins 2 awards”; May 3, 1992    20. Newspaper article- “Star invites public to join newspaper recycling efforts”;
May 3, 1992    21.Newspaper article- “Bass tourney kicks off for 15th year”; September 24, 1993    22. Newspaper article- “Daily Star wins awards”; October 17, 1993    23. Newspaper article- “Daily Star wins 2 awards”; May 22, 1994    24. Newspaper article- “Star hires new sports reporter”; December 20, 1994    25. Newspaper article- “Santa Bear gifts bring holiday joy to needy children”;
December     20, 1994    26. Newspaper article- “Star recycled 165 tons in 1994″; January 4, 1995    27. Newspaper article- “Reporter’s track down bills, find Capitol hectic place”;
June 21,     1992    28. Newspaper article- “Spence returns to Daily Star”; February 12, 1995    29. Newspaper article- “New reporter covers city beat”; February 7,. 1995Box 3Folder 7 Daily Star Tours    1. Typed document-Facts and figures about the Star-3 copies    2. 4 copies of Daily Star Newspaper Plant MapsBox 3Folder 8 DA Releases/Livingston Jail    1. Ducan S. Kemp, III, District Attorney print releases containing various names
and     court pleadings; court pleadings range from burglary, sex crimes, aggravated assault,
etc;     April 11, 1991-December 15, 1992    2. News from Odyssey House Family Center; Odyssey House Family Center to Hold
    Fundraiser Bake Sale: Saturday 9 AM; December 15, 1992    3.  Typed list of people booked into Livingston Parish Jail on various charges    4. Livingston Parish Jail Docket; August 23, 1991-September 6, 1991    5. Typed list- Records of the Livingston Parish Jail show the following people
were recently book on various charges; July 4-July 17    6. Typed list- Records of the Livingston Parish Jail show the following people
were recently book on various charges; July 21-August 4    7. Court of Appeal First Circuit-4 page typed document- Louisiana’s First Circuit
Court     of Appeal has affirmed a multi-million dollar judgment against Sterling Drug,
Inc.    April 28, 1992Box 3Folder 9 Drugs    1. Paperback book- Let’s All Work to Fight Drug Abuse; City of Hammond Police
    Department    2. Newspaper article taped to slip of paper labeled-Midwest Publishers Supply
Company;     “Police Make Crack Harder to Get” by Lil Mirando    3. Brochure-“Teach Your Children Well: A Parents Guide to Drug Abuse Prevention”    4. Typed letter-Hill and Knowlton; to editor from Louis V. Cafiero; subject-“Teach
Your    Children Well” drug prevention program; October 2, 1986    5. 2 page typed document-Teenage Drug Use Plan    6. News Release-Eckerd Drug Company; Eckerd Pharmacists Step Up Fight Against
    Drug Abuse; October 2    7. 11 page typed document-Eckerd Drug Company; Teenage Drug Use: The Crisis     continues    8. Small flyer-Pride-Drug Information tapes; National Parent’s Resource Institute
for     Drug Education, Inc.    9. Copy of newspaper article-“Hammond Official Arrested, Coke Seized by Steve”
Cannizaro            10. Newspaper-one headline article- “Crack Trickling into Local Drug Scene”; includes
    other various articles; Metro/State, Morning Advocate; Baton Rouge, LA, Saturday,
    November 29, 1986    11. Pride/Eckerd Drug Company Public Service Announcement    12. Informational brochure-Pride…National Parents’ Resource Institute for Drug
    Education; includes background information on Pride    13. Envelope addressed to Dennis Gruse; anonymous letter; September 12, 1989    14. Copy of newspaper article glued to another piece of paper-“Group aims for
hit in     ‘Drug War’” by Lil Mirando; photograph included of the “x-terminators”    15. 2 photographs of miscellaneous medical equipment    16. Copy of newspaper article glued to another piece of paper; “DEA Seizes 500
Plants of     Marijuana” by Bob Warren; October 29, 1989    17. Newspaper article-“Police Make Crack Harder to Get”, “Police Make” by Lil
    Mirando    18. Drug Information Guide    19. “Things to Do Today” notepad piece of paper with handwritten notes on it    20. Handwritten notes    21. Handwritten notes for Lil Mirando    22. Handwritten note to Edward McGee from unknown    23. Newspaper article-“Drugs”; “Concern, Rulings Give Police More Leeway in War
on     Drugs” by Jay Workman; Sunday Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA, February 4, 1990    24. Newspaper article- “Ecstasy Hits Tulane”, “Ecstasy” by Jennifer Barlow, The
Tulane Hullabaloo Volume LXXIX, Number 19, April 14, 1989    25. Operation Alert; Times; Champagne Beverage Company, Inc. Sponsors “Know When
    to Say When” program; Covington, LA; February 14, 1990    26. Capital District Law Enforcement Planning Council, Inc., list of events/dates/costs;
    Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc.; cost and equipment requirements    27. Typed letter to Daily Star from anonymous; subject-Ardeen Peterson and the
    condition of her property    28. Flyer: “Speaking Out”-Neighborhood Concern    29. Blood Alcohol Estimator    30. Brochure-Known When to Say When, A Guide For: Bartenders, Waiters, Waitresses;    Encouraging Your Customers to Drink Responsibly     31. Small chart on alcohol intake    32. Booklet-Louisiana-Takes a Stand-Edwin W. Edwards, Colonel Wiley D. McCormick    33. Sticker-Know When to Say When; Drink Responsibly; Anheuser-Busch, Inc.Box 4Folder 1 Fire Department    1. Statement of Revenues and Expenditure for New Jail Project Sinking Fund    2. Copy of newspaper article- “Trailer City Sprouts Temporarily in Boys Ranch
Ruins”,    “Delivery Man Helped Prevent Human Tragedy”; October 7, 1983    3. Summary for Proposed 1% Sales Tax on July 10, 1982    4. 10 Reasons to Vote Yes on July 10, 1982-Hammond City Sales Tax; Hammond     Firefighters Association Local 2361    5. Copy of newspaper article- “Tax Sought for New Services, Tax Sought, Recreation
    Plans Detailed” by Neil Ralston; July 8, 1982    6. Copy of newspaper article/announcement- “If the Proposed 1% Sales tax is Passed….    We Will Make Improvements Totaling $8,100,000 throughout the city over the next
five     years!”; June 28, 1982    7. Copy of newspaper article-“Hammond Voters Approved New Tax” by John Carter;
    July 12, 1982    8. Copy of newspaper article-“Hammond Voters Approve New Tax”, “Area Man     Electrocuted”, “Pope Credits Tax Supporters”; Daily Star, Volume 23, Number 198,
    Hammond, LA July 12, 1982    9. City of Hammond Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau; letter from Ronnie
    Schillace; 1987 Activities (list of activities/hours); statistics (list of statistics)    10. Bar graph including information about investigations, arson, and arrests from
1978-    1987    11. City of Hammond Fire Department; typed letter to Mayor Debbie S Pope from
Paul     Collura; subject-attached is annual fire report; January 7, 1988; included-Hammond
Fire     Department summary and Breakdown of 1987 Hammond Fire Department alarms    12. Typed document-lmxx gumbo story    13. Louisiana Law on Arson    14. Brochure-Loranger Volunteer Fire Department    15. Copy of hand drawn map of a portion of land located in S.F. 1/4 of the N.E.
1/4 of 5th     ward of Tangipahoa Parish, LA, J.D. Bailey        16. Copy of handwritten note with names written on it    17. State of Louisiana Department of Justice; typed letter to Cyd Sheree Page
from     William J. Guste, Jr.; subject-opinion number 86-709; attached-copy of book page
Ch. 16    Group Insurance     18. Copy of newspaper articles- “Fire Chief Collura, 60, dies from heart attack”,
“Fire    Chief” by David R. Williams    19. State of Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry-office of Forestry
5 year fire summary; 1982-1986 Calendar year    20. Louisiana Forest Fire Statistics-Ten-year fire occurrence chart-Percent of
Total by     cause by year; 1977-1986    21. Ndw XX Fire Report, Hammond Fire Report    22. Business card-Director of Fire Prevention Bureau Hammond Fire Department-Ronnie    Schillace    23. Typed letter-to all personnel from V.B. Collura; subject-call back; June 25,
1987    24. Typed letter-to Daily Star from “concerned fire fighter”; subject-in response
to an     article about Fire Chief V.B. Collura asking for volunteers in newspaper article
from June    19, 1987; 2 copies    25. Math worksheets    26. City of Hammond Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau; Have a Safe and Merry
    Christmas    27. Copy of newspaper article-New Chief has prevented city streets for 32 years;
    February 18, 1983    28. Hammond Fire Department Emergency Response Team Organized August 21, 1987;    October 13, 1987    29. Copy of newspaper article-Friday’s Focus-Silver hair replaces famed youth;
February     18, 1983    30. City of Hammond Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau; Halloween Fire Safety    31. Rules and Regulations Governing Hammond Auxiliary Fire Fighters; February
12,     1987    32. Ponchatoula Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.; Ponchatoula Volunteer Fire Department
Annual Report to the City of Ponchatoula; February 26, 1988    33. Property Insurance Association of Louisiana; information about organization    34. City of Hammond Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau; Winter Fire Safety
Tips     for the Home    35. Fire Facts and History    36. Copy of newspaper articles- “Many buildings burned in fire 88 years ago” by
Teri S.     Forza; “Firemen also battle house fire”; November 16, 1984    37. Newspaper-“Fire teams offer activities”; Daily Star/Fire Prevention Week;
October     6-12, 1985; Hammond, LA, 70401    38. Property Insurance Association of LA; Present Public Protection ClassificationBox 4 Folder 2 First Government      1. Law Offices of Pittman and Matheny; typed letter to Daily Star from Tom H.
Matheny;     subject-attached is Notice of a Special Meeting of the Shareholders of First Guaranty
    Bank (notice is attached)    2. News Release-First Guaranty Mails Proxies    3. Twenty-First Judicial District Court-Parish of Tangipahoa-State of Louisiana;
Request    for written notice of assignment and written notice of any order or judgment made
or     rendered; typed letter to Carmon Moore from Tom H. Matheny; January 2, 1981    4. Jonathan R. Schmidt; typed letter to Virginia Starkey from J.R. Schmidt; subject-    acknowledgment of request; November 6, 1990    5. Typed letter-to Dennis from Mike Dowty; subject-First Guaranty Suit    6. Interested Shareholders’ Committee of First Guaranty bank; typed letter to
Daily Star    from Tom H. Matheny; attached is Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders    7. Interested Shareholders’ Committee of First Guaranty bank; typed letter to
shareholders from Donald J. Nalty; January 2, 1981; Warren H. Wild and Tom H. Matheny
for the Committee; subject-enclosed is Proxy Statement; included-Proxy Statement Special
Meetings of Shareholders; January 16, 1981Box 4Folder 3 Food Pantry    1. Copy of newspaper article- “Food Pantry will open to area’s poor” by Robert
Warren;     September 19, 1988; 2 copies    2. The Pantry Picayune-“The Official Newsletter of the Tangipahoa Food Pantry”;
June     1998Box 4Folder 4 Food Stamp Fraud    1. News-United States Department of Agriculture-Food and Nutrition Services-    Hammond, LA Man Sentenced for Food Stamp Violations; January 18, 1982    2. News-United States Department of Agriculture-Food and Nutrition Services-    Hammond, LA Couple Sentenced for Food Stamp Trafficking; December 17, 1982    3. Copy of newspaper article-“Dangerfields plead not guilty to stamp fraud” by
John Carter; Daily Star Volume 23-Number 204; Hammond, LA 70401, July 20, 1982    4. Copy of newspaper article-“City Garbage Service Falls Behind”; “Intruder Ransacks    City House”Box 4Folder 5 Global Wildlife    1. 3 black and white photographs of various animals from Global Wildlife    2. Global Wildlife Center- The Center; information about Global Wildlife    3. Global Wildlife Center- Future Expansion Plans    4. Global Wildlife Center-Some of the animals found at Global Wildlife Center;
list of     animals; 2 pages    5. Global Wildlife Center-Visitor hours of Operation and Location Map    6. 2 maps of Global Wildlife Center    7. Tangipahoa Safari    8. Brochure-Come Safari with Us-Global Wildlife Center    9. Global Wildlife booklet-Mission statement, concepts, goals, diagrams, etcBox 4Folder 6 Governor’s Race 1991    1. Lambert-Governor-Louisiana; Public Service Commissioner Louis Lambert Announces
for Governor; December 6-7, 1990    Box 4Folder 7 Gumbo Index    1. GUM XX gumbo index 1988    2. List of dates with titles and authors listed; January 10, 1988-December 25,
1988    3. Newspaper article-“City Declines to take audit out of town” by Gary Perilloux;
Daily     Star, Friday, May 7, 1993    4. GUM 8K gumbo index 1987 and 1986        5. GUM 8K gumbo index 1986    6. GUM XX gumbo index 1987    7. GUM XX gumbo index 1989    8. GUM XX gumbo index 1991Box 4Folder 8 Hammond    1. Newspaper article-“Hammond Hall opens grandly” by Bob Warren; Daily Star Tuesday,
October 3, 1989    2. Newspaper article- “City to Bury time capsule in Cate Square” by Bob Warren
    3. Newspaper article- “Hammond celebrates 100 years-Ceremony today will honor
spirit,     efforts of pioneers”, “Ceremony” by Bob Warren; October 22, 1989    4. Newspaper article- “Hammond Celebrates 100 Years”; “Hammond Celebrates” by    Bob Warren; October 23, 1989Box 4 Folder 9 HAM Radio    1. The American Radio Relay League, Inc.; Louisiana Emergency coordinator; typed
    letter to Alex Langer from Gordon A. McCraw; subject-express appreciation for
the     public service provided; September 4, 1992    2. News release for Daily Star Newspaper; subject-West Park’s Hospital’s Housekeeping    Staff was honored in celebration of National Housekeeper’s Week, list of people
    attending    3. Typed letter to B.W. Murry from Ernest Bush; subject-communications report
    hurricane Andrew; August 29, 1992    4. August Meeting Minutes    5. Communications Personnel Physically Working at Ponchatoula; included hours
    worked, support to hardware and remote net control; Operations and Contact at
other     Centers and Traffic Passage    6. Typed document-list of Problems Noted, Positive Aspects, and Action to be taken
by     Communications Section    7. Southeast LA Amateur Radio Club, Official Monthly Newsletter; SELARC Meeting
    Minutes; Volume 19, Number 9, September 1992    8. SELARC, SELARC Newsletter    9. Typed document with information about various local eventsBox 4Folder 9B HAM Radio    1. List of names and contact information    2. SELARC Membership June 1987 (list of names and contact information); Southeast    LA Amateur Radio Club; “The SELARC Hamster”; June 15, 1987 Volume XIV, Number
    6; meeting and club information; addressed to Joe Magro    3. Important Differences Between Amateur Radio and CB, list of differences    4. Answers to your questions about Amateur Radio prepared by: The American Radio
    Relay League    5. About the American Radio Relay League    6. Magazine-QST-devoted entirely to Amateur Radio-July 1986    7. 1994 SELARC Membership Directory- names and contact information; Repeator     Control Codes (SELARC 1994)Box 4Folder 10 Haz Mat Guide    1. Book-Hazardous Materials-1980 Emergency Response GuidebookBox 4Folder 11 Hazardous Waste    1. Superfund: Hazardous Waste Cleanup updated August 24, 1984 by Mark E. Anthony    Reisch Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division    2. Howey-Editorial (June 21)-The Jackson Hysteria    3. Editorial-Howey (June 22)-Nuclear Problem: Too Many Cooks    4. Editorial-Howey- Congress is out of bounds    5. 2 page typed document-Bayou Editorial    6. Newspaper-The Times Picayune, Sunday August 5, 1984Box 4Folder 12 Highways    1. District 62-Ten Years; list of names and contact information    2. District 62-Twenty-Five Years; list of names and addresses    3. District 62-Fifteen Years; list of names and contact information    4. District 62-Twenty Years; list of names and contact information    5. District 62-Hammond-list of names and office positions, Parishes in Districts
(list of     parishes); personnel (list of personnel); District Construction Program; District
Budget;    November 1982    6. Typed document-information about District 62    7. District 62 Construction Awards    8. Long Range Highway Plan Fiscal Year 83-84; November 1, 1982 District Number
62    9. Typed letter to Public Hearing and Environmental Impact Engineer, Louisiana
    Department of Transportation and Development from Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Fandal;
in     reference to Mr. Henry G. Pylant’s letter; November 5, 1981    10. 2 page typed document-Highway Construction Summary-District 62    11. State of Louisiana Office of State Police; Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents
1984    12. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development; Press Release; Highway    Striping; July 5, 1990    13. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development; Press Release; Utility
    Relocation; October 26, 1990    14. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development; Full Work Order; State
    Project Number 853-36-18 J-12-US190 (Hammond) Route US 51 (Business) Tangipahoa    Parish; June 13, 1990    15. Newspaper article-“US 51 Widening to State Thursday” by Stacey DeSalvo; Daily
    Star, June 10, 1990    16. Various brochures, letters, and documents about the Louisiana Transportation
    Research Center (LTRC) Box 4Folder 13 Highway Department Investigation    1. Louisiana House of Representatives -typed letter to Bruce Henderson from Richard
    Baker; subject-can you provide information on subject addressed in attached document;
    April 17, 1986; attached document-to Representative Baker about advertisement
in local     paper; March 31, 1986    2. Typed letter to Sue from Lil; subject-an anonymous caller; copies included    3. Newspaper article-“State Probes local highway office” by Sue Scott; December
17,     1982    4. Newspaper article- “Highway probe may take weeks” by Sue Scott; December 12,
1982    5. Newspaper article- “Highway office probe continues” by Sue Scott; December
30,     1982    6. Newspaper article- “Investigators prepare highway probe report” by Sue Scott;
    January 11, 1983    7. Newspaper article- “Highway office abuses alleged” by Sue Scott; January 19,
1983;     copy included    8. Newspaper article- “6 suspended due to probe” by Sue Scott; January 30, 1983    9. 3 page typed document    10. Newspaper article- “State employee reinstated”, “Probe ordered” by Allan Purshell;
    October 17, 1983; copy included; page 2-“Theft”; copy included    11. Typed pages about various people    12. Typed document-Press Release; subject-Paul K. Hardy announced he suspended
6     Department of Transportation and Development employees    13. Newspaper article- “Star seeks copy of police probe”; December 2, 1982    14. Newspaper article- “Star sues for access to cop probe”; December 10, 1982    15. The Hammond Vindicator-Wednesday, December 15, 1982- 91st year, Number 29    16. Typed document-subject-Recent review of issuing tires and batteries in Department
    of Transportation and Development District 62 lead to study of existing polices;
MK     Johnston; December 15, 1982    17. 2 pages of handwritten notes        18. City of Hammond; typed letter to Jack Kravert from Debbie Saik Pope; subject-about
    construction next to residents of Marley Drive; December 13, 1982    19. Typed document-about sanitation crew removing debris from the Jerry Pitts
residence    20. Handwritten notes-2 pages    21. 2 page handwritten letter to Bruce Henderson; copy included    22. 13 black and white photographs of home/junk yard; includes: J.C. Wilkinson,
Morris     Road; Buster Morgan, Cooper Road; Bruce Hawkins; Nick Marcino, Buckyard Road    23. Typed letter to Paul Hardy from taxpayers; subject-current events in District
62;     Hammond, LA; April 22, 1983    24. Newspaper article- “Lawyers step up highway probe”; “Lawyers step up” by Sue
Scott; November 18, 1983    25. State of Louisiana Civil Service Commission; Notice of Decision; information
about    appeal of Ronald E. Jones    26. Newspaper article- “Highway worker wins back job”; October 17, 1983Box 4Folder 14 Historical District II    1. City of Hammond-typed letter to all Historical District members from Mary Zatarain;
    subject-monthly meeting (Thursday, April 5, 1984 at 5 PM); agenda; April 2, 1984;
    attached-3 applications for a certificate of appropriateness-Minor Alterations:
Ray     Parden; Major Alterations: Frank D. Morgan; Major Alterations: David M. Bickmier    2. Newspaper article- “Historic District panel questions bank sign” by Bill Robertson;
    March 15, 1984    3. Post card-East Thomas Street Hammond, LA    4. Brochure-Historic Downtown Hammond    5. Copy of newspaper article- “Architect’s renovation restores original design”
by Sue     Scott; October 11, 1982    6. Copy of newspaper article- “Historical District remap opposed” by Mike Dowty;
    August 13, 1980    7. Petition for Writ of Injunction and For Writ of Mandamus; James Nelson vs Vincent
    Stassi and the city of Hammond through the Hammond Historical District Commission;
    March 18, 1981    8. Central Business District list of buildings available for rent, revise; March
1981    9. State of Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism; Office of
Program    Development, Division of Archaeology and Historic Preservation; January 21 National
    Register Meeting; January 14, 1981    10. State of Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism; Office
of Program Development, Division of Archaeology and Historic Preservation; January
15,     1981    11. Newspaper article- “City lists 21 who violate downtown code” by Mike Dowty    12. Handwritten notes    13. Brown Door controversy; Historical District; April 4    14. Brochure-Historic Downtown Hammond    15. Magazine-Force 44; 22/Louisiana Municipal Review; November 1980    16. Hammond Historical District Commission Agenda; March 4, 1982    17. 3 page typed document-Rehabilitation Expenditures Tax Incentives Prior to
January     1, 1982    18. Newspaper article- “Historical panel debates details of bank buildings” by
Sue Scott;     December 3, 1982    19. State of Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism; Office
of Program Development, Division of Historic Preservation; subject-National Register
State    Review Committee meeting    20. City of Hammond; meeting of the Hammond Historical District to be held on
Thursday, October 1, 1983    21. City of Hammond; Hammond Historical District Commission will meet on Thursday,
    June 2, 1983; agenda; May 27, 1983    22. Copy of newspaper article- “Historic Buildings Reborn” by Edna Campbell; page
2-    “Historic”    23. Copy of newspaper article- “Let the Fur Fly”; “New Awnings”; “Complete Face-lift”    24. Article- Restored old general store/professional offices    25. Copy of newspaper article- “Investment opportunities grow with old properties”;
    “Realtor says housing slump over”    26. Newspaper article- “‘Main Street’ manager hired” by Bill Robertson; July 13,
1984    27. The National Main Street Center, Working with states; information about The
Trust’s    Main Street Center    28. Newspaper article- “Historic district panel allows bank sign” by Bill Robertson;
April, 6, 1984    29. State of Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism; Office
of Cultural Development; Louisiana Main Street Program begins; August 15, 1984    30. Newspaper article- “‘Main Street manager’ begins works” by Bill Robertson;
August,    2, 1984    31. Newspaper article- “Historical panel delays review” by Bill Robertson; August
3, 1984    32. City of Hammond; typed letter to all historical district commission members
from     Mary Zatarain; subject-monthly meeting, September 6, 1984 at 5PM; agenda; August
31,     1984    33. Newspaper article- “Panel reluctantly OK’s Kenwin shop change” by Bill Robertson;
    September 7, 1984    34. Newspaper article- “Downtown calendar will help groups plan”; September 23,
1984    35. Newspaper article- “Parking crackdown announced”; September 25, 1984    36. Newspaper article- “City will apply for $500,00 downtown grant” by Sue Scott;
    August 18, 1983    37. News release-Louisiana Department of Urban and Community Affairs; Governor
    Treen awards grant to city of Hammond; October 13, 1983    38. Newspaper article- “Council seeks spot in program”; March 21, 1984    39. Newspaper article- “City may join downtown revitalization program” by Bill
    Robertson; March 9, 1984    40. Newspaper article- “LP&L to estimate cost of burying power lines” by Bill
Robertson; February 10, 1984    41. Newspaper article- “CBDA wants money to remove utility poles” by Bill Robertson;
    June 15, 1984    42. Newspaper article- “New CBDA president eyes downtown plans” by Bill Robertson;
    43. Economic Development Jobs Bill Grant, Proposed Amendment to Grant Application    44. Hammond Historic District Commission Historic Buildings survey    45. Preservation Easement donation by Emma Jane Saxe; National Register Division
    National Park Service    46. Newspaper article- “City leaders want poles buried” by Bill Robertson; October
3,     1984    47. Newspaper article- “Historians may form city committee” by Tori S. Forza;
October    12, 1984    48. Newspaper article- “Louisiana’s Historical District Setting National Standard”
by     David Allen; October 12, 1984    49. Newspaper article- “Panel seeks out parking effort” by Bill Robertson; October
5,     1984    50. Newspaper article- “Historical group will act on violations” by Bill Robertson;
    November 9, 1984    51. Newspaper article- “City Negotiates to buy parking malls” by Bill Robertson;
November 9, 1984    52. Newspaper article- “Downtown talk turns to sidewalks” by Bill Robertson; November
    11, 1984    53. Newspaper article- “Local foundation made agency” by Bill Robertson; December
6,     1984    54. Newspaper article- “Historical society will organize” November 20, 1984    55. Newspaper article- “City Cracks down on bad sings” by Bill Robertson; December
7,    1984    56. Newspaper article- “Preservationists pick officers” by Bill Robertson; November
21,     1984    57. The Hammond Preservation Society-information about society    58. Newspaper article- “Preservationists host open house” by Bill Robertson; December
    14, 1984    59. Newspaper article- “Editorial-mark crosswalks” December 14, 1984    60. Newspaper article- “Grand jury to look at woman’s death” December 13, 1984;    “Police news-charges still pending in pedestrian’s death” November 12, 1984;     “Pedestrian dies from injuries” November 11, 1984; “Pedestrians struck” November
9,     1984; attached- 1 page typed document-Part H. Pedestrians’ rights and duties    61. Newspaper article- “Commission reappointed” December 19, 1984    62. Newspaper article- “Office condominium projects planned in Cate Square area”
by     Bill Robertson; April 26, 1984    63. Copy of Newspaper article- “Developer’s plan to convert former bank into office
    space” by Bill Robertson; August 15, 1984    64. Newspaper article- “Hammond selected for ‘Main Street’ funding” by Bill Robertson    65. Newspaper article- “Attorney sets renovation project” January 8, 1984    66. Newspaper article- “Meeting set on downtown funds” by Bill Robertson; June
22,     1984    67. Newspaper article- “Citizens bank book offers history of city” by Bill Robertson;
    December 21, 1984    68. Newspaper article- “5 stores violate sign rules” December 9, 1984    69. Newspaper article- “City Historic group will discuss signs” January 2, 1985    70. Newspaper article- “Historic panel will sue sign violators” by Bill Robertson;
January     4, 1985    71. Newspaper article- “Downtown renovation to begin” by Bill Robertson; January
11,     1985    72. Newspaper article- “Attorney gets award” February 1, 1985    73. Newspaper article- “Merchants learn to dress windows” February 14, 1985    74. Newspaper article- “City reviews, may rewrite parking law” by Jill Schwartz;
    February 15, 1985    75. Newspaper article- “Preservationists take steps to organize” March 3, 1985    76. Newspaper article- “Workshop will advise on customer relations” March 11,
1985    77. Newspaper article- “Students to provide restoration ideas” by Bill Robertson;
March     11, 1985    78. Newspaper article- “Historical district wants to save trees” by Bill Robertson;
April    5, 1985    79. Newspaper article- “Stall on erring signs irks district commissioners” by
Bill     Robertson; March 8, 1985    80. Newspaper article- “Historical panel says election stymies efforts” by Bill
Robertson;     April 5, 1985    81. The Hammond Digest, published by Bill Graziano; volume V; April 1985    82. Newspaper article- “Students can tour downtown” April 21, 1985    83. Newspaper article- “Promoter wants bands at Columbia; April 30, 1985    84. Newspaper article- “Historic panel Oks work on storefront” May 3, 1985    85. Newspaper article- “Bidding may near for walks” by Bill Robertson; April 28,
1985    86. Newspaper article- “Burned building to be sold, renovated” by Bill Robertson;
    November 30, 1984    87. Newspaper article- “Historical district developments continue” by Bill Robertson;
    December 20, 1984    88. Newspaper article- “Building cleanup” January 8, 1985    89. Newspaper article- “City may settle land lawsuit” by Sue Scott; September
8, 1982;     “City may deal would cost city $4000″ September 8, 1982; “Council meets privately
on     land lawsuit” by Sue Scott August 18, 1982 (2 copies)    90. Newspaper article- “Downtown helps city shed rail town image” May 19, 1985    91. Newspaper article- “National register adds building on Southeastern campus
to list”    May 24, 1985    92. Newspaper article- “Council to seek bids for sidewalk renovations” by Bill
Robertson; May 8, 1985    93. Typed letter- to William Bodin from John H. Gewalt and team associates; attached-    statements/information about contract    94. Newspaper article- “Downtown citizens wants poles relocated” by Bill Robertson;
    June 29, 1984    95. Layout City of Hammond Downtown revitalization    96. Newspaper article- “CBDA elects new officers amid downtown work reports” by
Bill     Robertson; June 14, 1985    97. Newspaper article- “Society to discuss 3 items” June 19, 1985    98. Newspaper article- “Society ponders museum for city” June 23, 1985    99. Newspaper article- “City to get street lights in project” June 24, 1985    100. Newspaper article- “Alley square delays sidewalk plan” by Bill Robertson;
July 5,     1985    101. Newspaper article- “Study says reward preservationists” July 3, 1985    102. Newspaper article- “Group to discuss buildings” July 11, 1985    103. State of Louisiana Department of Culture State of Louisiana Department of
Culture, Recreation, and Tourism; typed letter- to Debbie Saik Pope from Robert B.
DeBlieux;     subject-Hammond chosen as one of 4 towns in Louisiana’s new Main Street Program;
    April 19, 1984    104. State of Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism; Office
of     Cultural Development; announcement of 4 Louisiana towns being chosen to participate
in     Louisiana’s new Main Street Program; May 2, 1984Box 4Folder 15 Horses    1. Book-Tom McNair Internationale, Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi Present The Winter
Star Sale; January 13, 1989Box 5Folder 1 Hospitals    1. State of Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals-For immediate release;
topic-    OPH Hospitals excessive cancer rate among blacks during national minority cancer    awareness week; April 11, 1990; includes fact sheet and list of members of Louisiana
    cancer and lung fund board    2. State of Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals-For immediate release;
topic-    cancer control month; April 11, 1990; includes fact sheet and list of Louisiana
cancer     and lung trust fund board    3. State of Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals-For immediate release;
topic-    pediatric aids cases in Louisiana, Nation; April 17, 1990; includes acquired     immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDs) surveillance report for Louisiana; March 1, 1990    and report of AIDs cases in adolescents in January 1990, US     4. Department of Health and Human Resources-Lallie Kemp Charity Hospital-Evacuation    Plan Phase II    5. Department of Health and Human Resources-Lallie Kemp Charity Hospital-Resolution    August 31, 1982    6. E.S. Pike Memorial Hospital Inc.; typed document about hospital recognizing
need for    Emergency Medical Transportation; September 1, 1982    7. State of Louisiana-For immediate release; Governor Buddy Roemer announces local    charity hospital boards and remaining health care authority member; November 14,
1990    8. Booklet-The American Medical Association Found Guilty of Conspiracy- US Court
    of Appeals- February 7, 1990; US District Court- April 27, 1987; 2 books    Box 5Folder 1b Hospitals      1. Florida Parishes Medical Services, Inc.; Roland Degeyler and Ida Fattell vs
State of     Louisiana Department of Health and Human Resources office of hospitals, David
Treen,     George Fisher, Roger Guissinger and Jonathan Roberts; Petition for money due;
May 21,     1981; copy of newspaper article-attached- “Doctor’s file suit against state; handwritten
    note attached        2. The Blood Center for Southeast Louisiana-News release; April 16, 1981; informing
    community about agency; business card attached; handwritten notes attached    3. Handwritten notes    4. Envelope addressed to Chuck Reed from Hood Memorial Hospital; typed letter
    attached-subject-returning an answer to questions concerning the profile addition;
April     28, 1981    5. SWGH-Seventh Ward General Hospital-News update; Progress by C.C. Losberg     Volume 1 Number 8 February 1981    6. SWGH-Seventh Ward General Hospital-News update; The History of Seventh Ward
    General Hospital; Volume 1 Number 9 April 1981    7. Copy of newspaper article- “Seventh Ward Hospital”; Daily Star; Tuesday, 20th
year;     Number 59; Hammond, LA; 70401; February 5, 1980    8. Envelope addressed to Chuck Reed from Tangi Ambulance Service; April 30, 1981;
    typed letter attached-letter requesting information from organization/company
to Tangi    Ambulance Service from Chuck Reed    9. Envelope addressed to Chuck Reed from Amite Ambulance Service; April 29, 1981    10. Handwritten notes about Pike Hospital    11. 1 page typed article-Pharmacy    12. Hammond Daily Star Profile 1981 (questions guide)    13. Department of Health and Human Resources; Lallie Kemp Charity Hospital; typed
    letter to Chuck Reed from Thomas W. Landry; subject-Profile 1981; May 19, 1981    14. Lallie Kemp Medical Center Governing Board-list of names and addressesBox 5Folder 2 HS School    1. Envelope addressed to The Daily Star-Lil Mirando; September 9, 1986; handwritten
    note inside; attached-Cheneyville Police Department police report; complainant-Patricia    Cross    2. 2 black and white photographs of a man with a black eye    3. Title XIX Medical/Social information form    4. Department of Health and Human Resources-Patient/Client Form    5. Westside Habilitation Center interdisciplinary team; May 13, 1986    6. Weekend-Holiday schedule    7. Westside Habilitation Center resident 24 our schedule-April 25, 1986    8. Westside Habilitation Center interdisciplinary team review; May 13, 1986; Bruce    Munsch; 9 pages    9. Westside Habilitation Center; residential training plan; training objectives;
Bruce     Muncsch    10. Progress notes-Bruce Munsch    11. Bruce Munsch social history #0368-current situation    12. Westside Habilitation Center-social history-Bruce Munsch; Historical Data
and     background information     13. Psychological Associates-Psychological Evaluation-Bruce MunschBox 5 Folder 3 Mall x-mas section    1. Tommy Hilfiger-TH Sportsware, Inc,: A New Company Thinks big for the future;
July    30, 1990    2. Tommy Hilfiger-TH Fall/Winter 1990    3. Daily Star; business announcement form; business “Gotcha Covered” relocates    4. News from Foot Locker-Foot Locker opens new store in; handwritten note attached    5. Business card-Daily Star; Cindy Henderson    6. News release-St. Thomas Aquinas High School gift wrapping service    7. Handwritten note about Jarold Portier    8. Daily Star-business announcement form; business “Gordon’s” is named #1 in region    9.  Daily Star-business announcement form; business “Footworks” opened new store    10. Announcement-Santa is at mall for pictures    11.  Daily Star-business announcement form; business “Clubhouse Dresses” and their
    customer service    12. Handwritten note regarding statements by Kelso Mars, Dillard’s manager    13.  Daily Star-business announcement form; business “Stuarts/Stuarts Plus” attached-    information about business    14. 5 black and white fashion retail photographs of male model-photographs includes
    fashion lines of company-Leaning Seaward, Stripe it on; Head of the class; Knit
picking,    The fine print    15. Copy of handwritten notes    16.  Daily Star-business announcement form; business “JC Penney” announces change
of     key employees and new merchandise; 2 pages    Box 5Folder 4 Porter Horgan    1. Douglas Wayne Glascock and Judy Granger Glascock vs Porter S. Horgan and Don
    George aka Donald George; Petition     2. First National Bank vs Porter S. Horgan; Suit on a promissory note; September
20,     1988    3. United States of America; State of Louisiana; Hammond East Development-Articles    of Partnership    4. Pontchartrain State Bank vs Porter S. Horgan; suit on promissory note-with
    recognition of pledge; February 24, 1989    5. Twenty First Judicial District Court for the Parish of Tangipahoa; State of
Louisiana;     Delta Savings and Loan Association, Inc. vs Porter S. Horgan; petition on a note;
    February 22, 1989    6.  Twenty First Judicial District Court for the Parish of Tangipahoa; State of
Louisiana;     Delta Savings and Loan Association, Inc. vs Porter S. Horgan; Petition; June 5,
1989    7. Twenty First Judicial District Court for the Parish of Tangipahoa; State of
Louisiana;     Milton Hunt, Shirley Anne Moore Hunt, Jimmy Boshears and Brenda Martinez Boshears    vs Porter S. Horgan; Petition for specific performance and in the alternative
for damages;     June 8, 1989    Box 5Folder 5 Sunday Papers    1. Brochure-The Superconducting Super Collider    2. U.S. Senator Bennett Johnston-Louisiana-Johnston: General Dynamics selects
    Hammond for Production Site; for release June 28, 1989    3. Newsweek-society-science- “Hark! A Prize for Quark!”; October 29, 1990    4. General Dynamics-Hammond Facility-job opportunities newsletter Hammond, LA
    issue #1, October 1990; handwritten note attached    5. Copy of newspaper- “2 firms share 1st contract for magnets” by Stacey De Salvo;
    Daily Star; Volume 31 Number 239; October 23, 1990    6. Copy of newspaper- “Magnets will be made here” by Stacey De Salvo; 2 copies    7. Copy of newspaper- “Company hiring 25 from area” by Stacey De Salvo; October
5,     1990    8. Copy of newspaper- “Firm expects magnet work” by Stacey De Salvo    9. Copy of newspaper- “Hammond in whirl overplant” by Terrell Tumlinson    10. Copy of newspaper- “Senator sees magnets coming here” by Stacey De Salvo;
Daily     Star, Volume 31, Number 189; August 13, 1990    11. Copy of newspaper- “House OK keeps collider project alive” by Stacey De Salvo    12. SLU News-Assignment Editors; October 23, 1990    13. Committee Print-Energy and Water Development Appropriation Bill, 1991    14. Louisiana-Grumman Plant-handwritten note attached    15. PR Newshire Newsfax-Grumman to unveil Shreveport site    16. The Maurin-Ogden Companies; Telecopy Transmittal; copy of newspaper article
    attached: “Big Bucks”-Newsweek July 2, 1990    17. News-The Super Collider    18. News-Grumman selects Westwide site for Shreveport Magnet Project; August 24,
1990    19. Doe News-August 16, 1990; attached: The Deputy Secretary of Energy, typed
letter to    Robert A. Roe from W. Henson Moore; subject-advise on status of Department of
    Energy’s costing review of Superconducting Super Collider; August 16, 1990    20. Handwritten notes on The Superconducting Super Collider    21. Nlm XX budget    22. Booklet-“The Superconducting Super Collider…A Step into the Future; Westing
    House…A Step Ahead”    23. Book-“To the Heart of Matter-The Superconducting Super Collider” SSC1989    24. Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) description    25. Photograph of the Superconducting Super Collider    26. U.S. Department of Energy-Super Collider-Opening new frontiers into Inner
Space-     “Why build the super collider? To answer some of the basic questions of science”;
    February 1989    27. U.S. Department of Energy-Super Collider-Opening new frontiers into Inner
Space-    “Spin-offs of high energy physics”; February 1989    28. U.S. Department of Energy-Super Collider-Opening new frontiers into Inner
Space-    “Superconducting magnets”; February 1989    29. Daily Star-Fax coversheet-from Nicole LaRogue to Lil Mirando; 2 copies    30. Copy of newspaper article- “Magnet site gets state aid” November 8, 1990;
2 copiesBox 5Folder 6 State of Louisiana Legislative Auditor    1. State of Louisiana Legislative Auditor; Tangipahoa Parish Coroner, Hammond,
LA,    May 30, 1995

Box 5Folder 7 Exposing Hatred    1. Book- Exposing Hatred; A report of the victimization of lesbian and gay people
in New Orleans, LA; 1991    2. LAGPAC- Louisiana Lesbian and Gay Political Action Caucus-Typed letter-to Lil
Mirando from J.R. Wiltberger; regarding Exposing Hatred; July 26, 1991    3. LAGPAC- Louisiana Lesbian and Gay Political Action Caucus-ResolutionBox 5Folder 8 Arden vs D.S. Lil        1. Rolling, Perrilloux, and Sledge; typed letter-to Lil Mirando from J. Mark Rolling;
    subject-Arden Wells; A Motion to Withdraw as Counsel; November 7, 2002    2. 1 page typed document- “Contents”-list of contents    3. Citation-Arden vs. Lil Mirando; service information; 21st Judicial District
Court Parish    of Tangipahoa; State of Louisiana; Arden Wells v. Lil Mirando and Paxto Media
Group;     Petition for Damages; August 20, 1990    4. Typed letter-to David K. Frazer from Lil Mirando; subject- Wells, Arden v.
Lil Mirando    5. Daily Star-online-Local News-various articles about Arden Wells    6. Copy of newspaper article- “Bonnie eyes Southeast” by Tracey Fields; Daily
Star     Volume 40, Number 201; August 24, 1998    7. Newspaper article- Daily Star-Volume 40 Number 65; February 13, 1998    8. Newspaper article-Daily Star-Volume 40 Number 70; February 20, 1998    9. Newspaper article-Daily Star-Volume 40 Number 200; August 21, 1998    10. Newspaper article-Daily Star; February 24, 1998    11. Newspaper article-Daily Star; Volume 40 Number 74; February 26, 1998    12. Newspaper article-Sunday Star; “Opinions”; August 30, 1998    13. Newspaper article-“Opinions”-Sunday Star; August 23, 1998     14. Newspaper article-Sunday Star Volume 13 Number 26; August 23, 1998    15. Copy of newspaper article- “Representatives support bombing action”; August
21,     1998    16. Copy of newspaper article- “Wells withdraws from Hammond Mayor’s race” by
    Adam Daigle; February 26, 1998    17. Copy of newspaper article- “At a Glance-Around the Area-Qualifiers’ total
holds at 7″     Daily Star Volume 40-Number 65; February 13, 1998    18. Copy of newspaper article-“Wells hearing moves to Wednesday”; February 24,
1998    19. Copy of newspaper article- “City Council challenges Wells” and other various
articles    February 20, 1998Box 5Folder 9 The Cefalu Case    1. Flyer-“With Freedom Comes Responsibility-Its time to set the record straight”    2. Newspaper article- “Charges against Cefalu dismissed” by Sylvia Schon; Sunday
Star    Volume 11 Number 48; January 26, 1997    3. Newspaper article- “Opinions differ on Cefalu charges” by Sylvia Schon; Daily
Star    Volume 39 Number 55; January 30, 1997    4. Copy of 1 page document-to Lil Mirando from John J. Dahmer; subject-Sylvia
Schon’s    letter; March 14, 1997    5. Copy of typed letter-to John Dahmer from Sylvia Schon; subject-requesting information
and documents to examine; March 14, 1997    6. 3 page typed document- for Lil-Questions for Dahmer; February 25, 1997    7. Daily Star fax cover sheet-to John Dahmer from Lil Mirando; March 14, 1997    8. Copy of flyer-“Lets get the record straight” in reference to the state of Louisiana
vs    Dr. Cefalu Box 5Folder 10 The Cefalu Story    1. Louisiana Political Fax Weekly; page 4; March 7, 1997; Louisiana Political
Review    2. Newspaper article-“Let’s Get the Record Straight” in reference to the state
of     Louisiana vs Dr. Cefalu-The Enterprise, Ponchatoula, LA; February 26, 1997    3. Copy of newspaper article- “Local radio station airs rejected ad”; February
4, 1997;     original copy included; Daily Star    4. Typed letter-to Sylvia from Dave Frazer    5. 4 page typed letter- to David Frazer from Sylvia Schon; confidential; February
7, 1997    6. Newspaper article- “Cefalu faces felony charges” by Sylvia Schon; Daily Star,
Volume    39, Number 60; February 6, 1997    7. Information flyer-“With Freedom comes responsibility-its time to set the record
    straight”- 2 copies    8. 1 page typed document-subject-Ron Macaluso and his advertisements    9. Newspaper article- “Charges against Cefalu dismissed” by Sylvia Schon; Daily
Star;     Volume 11, Number 48; January 26, 1997    10. Newspaper article- “Opinions differ on Cefalu charges” by Sylvia Schon; Volume
39, Number 55 January 30, 1997    11. Handwritten notes    12. Copy- 21 Judicial District Court Parish of Tangipahoa State of Louisiana;
State of     Louisiana vs Vincent Cefalu; motions; January 22, 1997    13. Handwritten notes    14. “While you were out” noteBox 5Folder 11 City of Hammond-DePaula    1. 6 page typed document-Media Relations; includes-The Protection Given to Public
    Representatives, The “Confirmation Questionnaire’, Financial Disclosure, Summary-    March 7, 1995    2. 2 page typed letter-to Kenneth “Matt” Matherne; from William J. Guste; December
11,     1980; 2 copies    3. 1 page copy of document-Your rights under the Public Records law    4. Roedel, Parsons, Hill and Koch-telecopies/fax cover letter; to Lil Mirando
from Dave     Woolridge    5. Typed letter-to Joan Becnel; subject-Confirmation questionnaire; August 16,
1982    6. Handwritten note dated February 11    7. 3 page typed document-under section 4-04 Proposed Administrative Reorganization,
    Police Department, Public Safety Department    8. State of Louisiana Department of State Civil Service-Commission on Ethics for
    Public Employees board of ethics for elected officials; typed letter-to Lillian
K. Mirando    from R. Gray Sexton; subject-Commission on  Ethics for Public Employees board
of ethics for elected officials Docket Number 95-054-request for an advisory opinion
    received February 21, 1995; March 2, 1995    9. Envelope addressed to Lil Mirando from Commission on Ethics for Public Employees
board of ethics for elected officials; attached-Board of Ethics for Elected Officials
list and    public employees list    10. 8. State of Louisiana Department of State Civil Service-Commission on Ethics
for     Public Employees board of ethics for elected officials; typed letter to Lil Mirando
from     Maris LeBlanc McCrory; subject-Ethics Commission Docket Number 95-054; April 18,
    1995    11. Receipt and acknowledgment of the city of Hammond’s Personnel Policies Manual;
    certification    12. City of Hammond Accounting Office Budget Report-Proposed expenditures fiscal
    year 1995/96; May 16, 1995    13. Copy of newspaper article- “Baton Rouge prosecutor indicted for extortion”
Daily     Star; February 8, 1984    14. Copy of business card-City of Hammond, Russell T. Ribando, MD    15. City of Hammond- Russell “Tippy” DePaula, Mayor; Accomplishments of Hammond
    City Government; January 1-December 31, 1995    16. 3 page typed document- 6/30 notes on bobb semple-by Rebecca Fitch; June 28,
1996;     policy edit    Box 5Folder 12 City of Hammond Tallo/Macaluso    1. 2 page typed letter- to Doug Brown from David K. Frazer; subject-information
about     Daily Star and guidelines/requirements it follows; June 20, 2000Box 5Folder 13 Daily Phoenix    1. Copy of newspaper article-“Edmonson’s parents struggle with pain of daughter’s
arrest” by Dori Colona; July 27, 1995    2. Handwritten note with contact information-Tulsa Ward and Wayne Green    3. Daily Star-Fax cover sheet to Kristi from Lil; July 27, 1995; subject-Edmondson
story    4. Copy of newspaper article-from page one “Boy…”    5. Daily Star fax cover sheet-to Kristi from Lil Mirando; June 7, 1995    6. Copy of newspaper article- “Kemp…” (Continued)    7. Muskogee Daily Phoenix Advertising Department- to Advocate from Kristi; June
7,     1995    8. Copy of newspaper article- “Ponchatoula”    9. Copy of newspaper article- “Ponchatoula Christen: by Gary Perilloux    10. Copy of newspaper article- “Throngs descend on fest” Strawberry Festival 1992;
    April 13, 1992    11. Copy of newspaper article-“Gator’s will race again Saturday” by Jill Schwartz;
June     5, 1986; “Funeral attracts publicity” January 20, 1985    12. 1 page typed document-6/11 P1 Byers sides by Dori Colona; June 10, 1995; Houston    13. 3 page typed document-6/11 P1 Byers by Dori Colona; June 10, 1995; Houston    14. Daily Star fax cover sheet to Lil from Kristi Fry; July 8, 1995    15. 6/10 Patsy Byers cutlines; photos by Randy Bergeron; June 10, 1995-2 copies    16. Copy of newspaper article-“Tangipahoa Parish -about your community”     17. Copy of newspaper article- “Daughter of privilege arrested in Oklahoma for
Timesaver shooting”    18. Copy of newspaper article- “Gun moll captured” (from page 1)    19. Copy of newspaper article- “Subdivisions draw mixed reactions” by Dori Colona;
    April 10, 1994    20. Copy of newspaper article- “Ethics on issue in bond deal” by Donna Hales;
June 9,     1995; handwritten notes on back    21. ULAR PM-Louisiana Digest-Louisiana News Digest for June 9, 1995; handwritten
    notes on back    22. Muskogee Daily Phoenix to Lil Mirando from Kristi Fry     23. Copy of newspaper article- “Edmondson case off to ‘special start’; Muskogee
Daily     Phoenix; June 7, 1995    24. Copy of newspaper article- “Bail bond writers finance her freedom from jail”
by     Donna Hales; June 7, 1995    25. Copy of newspaper article- “Mother shot while trying to earn extra money”
by Betty     Smith; Muskogee Daily Phoenix; June 7, 1995    26. Copy of newspaper article- “Daughter’s drama plays in father’ s courtroom”
by Betty     Smith; June 7, 1995    27. Copy of newspaper article- “Suspect’s treatments sparks outrage” by Dori Colona;
    Daily Star Volume 37 Number 145; June 8, 1995    28. Copy of newspaper article- “Family influence stirs speculation in shooting
case    29. Copy of a page from US News and World Report; “Thwarted takeovers” and other
    various articles; June 12, 1995    30. 5/23 Local Digest; June 9, 1995; handwritten notes on back    31. Copy of newspaper article- “Kemp wants suspect brought to Louisiana” by Dori
    Colona; Daily Star; June 7, 1995    32. Copy of newspaper- from page one-“suspects”    33. Copy of newspaper- “Oklahoma DA fights court order”     34. Daily Star-document giving permission to Muskogee Daily Phoenix for usage
of     photos; June 10, 1995Box 5Folder 14 Daily Star 50th Anniversary    1. 13 4×6 photographs- parade, includes negatives    2. 13 4×6 photographs-miscellaneous photographs of a banquet/celebration    3. Newspaper-“Daily Star celebrates new plant”-Daily Star Opening Celebration;
    September 6, 1985    4. Black and white photograph-Construction site with worker; November 1, 1982    5. Black and white photograph-Construction site; Coke Building    6. Black and white photograph-International Transport truck; Coke Building    7. Black and white photograph-truck; Coke Building    8. Copy of drawing-Daily Star Employee’s Crawfish Boil    9. Copy of newspaper article- “Paper growing with area”    10. Copy of drawing-Happy Fourth of July from Daily Star    11. Copy of newspaper article- “Star announces new Sunday newspaper    12. Copy of newspaper article- “Be sure to look for your Sunday Star”; June 24,
1977    13. Copy of newspaper article- “New Coco-Cola Bottling Plant taking shape”; June
24,     1977    14. Copy of newspaper article- “Publisher reviews star in 1986″; February 1, 1987    15. Copy of photograph-“Daily Star celebrates new plant”- 2 copies    16. Copy of photograph- man and woman cutting a birthday cake    17. Copy of 2 photographs-Daily Star staff

Box 5Folder 15 Edwards, Peck/Populis      1. Copy of book pages- Public Utilities and Carriers    2. Criminal Subpoena Duces Tecum and/or subpoena for a deposition; State of Louisiana
    vs. Evelyn McKnight, to Lil Mirando; March 2, 1995    3. Criminal Subpoena Duces Tecum and/or subpoena for a deposition, State of Louisiana vs Evelyn McKnight; to Linda Lightfoot; February 1995    4. Copy of map-Circulation of zip code of the Daily Star and shopping guide    5. Criminal Summons- State of Louisiana vs. Evelyn McKnight; March 2, 1995    6. Various copies of newspaper article about the missing/murdered Holden toddler,
Matt    Populis, 1994    7. Test your T.I.Q. Tangipahoa Intelligence Quotient; Hammond Education Coalition-The
    Facts    8. “Give ‘em” HEC Newsletter-April 1995Box 6Folder 1 Frazer, David K.    1. 4 envelopes of negatives         1. September 9, 1985-Gideon making check presentation, Daily Star open house,
        Lu Ann (play), kid with boomerang        2. September 1, 1985-Professor Higginbothem, Bud Cason mug, mud road,         Strawberry crop disease, Fire Department Jaws of Life accessories; old Daily
        Star building; Hammond motors mug shots; speaker; people reading Daily Star;
        Daily Star carrier; new Daily Star building; football        3. September 8, 1985- high school football; Daily Star open house; couch fire
on         Cate Street        4. August 26, 1985-Nutra; alligator; dynamite finding; Instant Rent to Own;
little        king; Bishop Ott; Daily Star employees    2. Black and white photograph- African American Man holding balloons    3. Black and white photograph- 2 African American men and one woman in an office    4. Black and white photograph- Dave Frazer is Rotarian of the Year; Bob Whittacher
    makes presentation    5. Hammond locations/organizations    6. Southeastern typed letter-to Lil Mirando from Nadia Barthelemy; subject-thank
you for    attending the Mock Fatality of Drinking and Driving, 2008    7. 8 4×6 miscellaneous photographs, including Dave Frazer Rotarian of the Year    8. Black and white photograph-building with Christmas lights spelling “Noel”    9. Black and white photograph- “$5000 donation to Bob and Club”    10. “Enjoy Rotary!”; Wednesday June 20, 1990′ David K. Frazer    11. Black and white photograph- flood in front of Daily Star    12. Frazer Resume-Frazer Biography; April 6, 1995    13. Frazer biography-April 6, 1995    14. Frazer biography part 2-April 6, 1995    15. Pamphlet-Enjoy Rotary-Rotary Club of Hammond    16. Daily Star-typed letter to Hugh W. Thistlewaite from David K. Frazer, January
24,     2000; typed letter to Armand Brinkhaus from Hugh W. Thistlewaite; copy of magazine/    newspaper article that “stole Daily World’s thunder”Box 6Folder 2 Freedom of Information        1. Flyer- The Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press-“What we have been
doing     lately”; First Amendment-FOI Action Agenda; Fall/Winter 1984/85    2. The Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press-typed letter-to David K.
Frazer     from Jane E. Kirtley; subject-The Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press
    celebrated 15th anniversary thanks to supportive organizations; November 27, 1985    3. The Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press-typed letter-to David K.
Frazer     from Jack C. Landau; subject-celebrated 15th anniversary thanks to supportive
organizations; January 7, 1984    4. The Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press-typed letter-to David K.
Frazer     from Jack C. Landau; subject-thanks for the support; February 24, 1984    5. Flyer- The Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press-News media law center;
For First Amendment and FOI Services    6. The Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press-Alumni    7. 2 page typed document-The Libel Plague    8. FYI Media Alert: SEC Censorship Campaign: Four pending prior restraint cases
and more to come; September 17, 1984    9. Copy of newspaper article- “House committee subpoenas reporter over Ferraro
    article” by Irvin Molotsky; The New York Times; December 9, 1984    10. Copy of newspaper article- “National-Security disputes predate shuttle report”
by    Mary Thornton; The Washington Post; December 20, 1984    11. Flyer-The Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press; “24 Hour, Toll free
Hot     (Law) line”    12. Magazine-The News Media and the Law; November-December 1984    13. Magazine-1984 Edition “How to use the federal FOI act”    14. Folder-The Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi-Freedom of
    Information Public Improvements Act of 1985; various forms and documents included    15. Typed letter-to Lil Mirando; subject-Public Records Information; July 2, 2003    16. 4 page typed document- Outline for Public Records Discussion    17. Louisiana Revised Statutes     Box 6Folder 3 Hammond Centennial    1. Large booklet-Hammond Centennial 1889-1989Box 6Folder 4 HPD Public Records Issue      1. Typed letter-Daily Star; to Roddy Devall from Lillian Mirando; March 3, 1999-3
copies    2. II Release of Official Information     3. Hammond Police Department form    4. Roedel Parsons, Koch Frost Balhoff and McCollister; typed letter- to Joe Gould
from     Larry M. Roedel; subject-Daily Star-City of Hammond Litigation; June 5, 2000Box 6Folder 5 Job Descriptions-SNPA    1. A Collection of Job Descriptions from SNPA member newspapers-News/Editorial
    Department; Southern Newspaper Publishers Association  Box 6Folder 6 Kemp vs Simpson    1. Simpson and Schwartz letters-to Daily Star from Joseph H. Simpson; February
1982-    November 1992; 14 letters    2. Joseph H. Simpson letters-to Daily Star from Joseph H. Simpson; January 21,
1982-    February 8, 1983-13 letters    3. Envelope-to Rosiland Dees from Duncan S. Kemp III-enclosed-Notice of Date of
    Action; State of Louisiana vs Ralph E. White; November 12, 1985    4. Envelope-to Daily Star, enclosed-typed letter from Edward R. Burton; February
8,     1982    5. Envelope-to Daily Star, enclosed-typed letter from Carolyn Dickson; March 5,
1982    6. Envelope-to Daily Star from Joseph H. Simpson; February 6, 1982    7. State of Louisiana- typed letter ti editor of Daily Star from Duncan S. Kemp
III;     January 13, 1982    8. Newspaper-Daily Star, January 11, 1982-various articles    9. Newspaper-Daily Star, January 15, 1982 Volume 23 Number 43; various articles    10. Envelope-to Editor-Daily Star from House of Representatives, Louisiana; March
10,     1982    11. Copy of handwritten letter-to voters of Livingston, St. Helena, and Tangipahoa
Parish    from Bill Simmons    12. 1 page typed document-For Immediate Release-Byard Peck Edwards Responds    13. Envelope-to Editor of Daily Star; January 23, 1982    14. State of Louisiana-For Immediate Release-Duncan S. Kemp III; list of Byard
Peck     Edward’s, Jr.’s failures/misuses of office attached; January 15, 1982    15. Editor’s note    16. Typed document about Joseph Simpson and Duncan Kemp    17. Envelope-to Daily Star from Joseph H. Simpson; enclosed- copy of newspaper
article    “Ways and Means: ‘They get mine-we get shaft’”; Denham Spring and Livingston     Parish News; April 1, 1982    18. Typed letter-to Bruce and Dennis from Lee; subject-Latest Joe Simpson letter
on     Duncan; July 29, 1982    19. Typed letter-to Bruce and Dennis from Lee; subject-Sheriff’s car; July 29,
1982    20. Copy of typed document-Public Officers and EmployeesBox 6Folder 7 Kemp vs White    1. Newspaper article-The Reader’s Forum-January 8, 1983; “Attacks D.A.’s office”-2
    copies    2. 3 copies of handwritten letter-original copy included; D.J. White    3. Duncan S. Kemp III; typed letter-Dennis Gruse from Duncan S. Kemp III; subject-    newspaper article about State of Louisiana vs William Stayner; February 1, 1993;
3     copiesBox 6 Folder 8 Law    1. Booklet-Louisiana’s Sunshine Laws-Guaranteeing the Citizen’s right to Know;
    Number 297-Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana, Inc.; April 1998    2. Copy of book pages-“Libel Consequences of Headlines” by Deckle McLean    3. Copy of newspaper article-“Tip Leads to Abandoned Animals”    4. The Inlander-The Press and Law- “Opinion on ‘opinions’ makes precision essential”;
     November 16, 1990; copy included    Box 6 Folder 9 Lawsuits    1. State of Louisiana Birth Certificate-Krista Laiche; April 22, 1990    2. Lmxx regarding Johnson suit    3. Copy of newspaper article- “Police nab suspect in business burglaries” September
30,     1990    4. Complaint for Defamation-Reginald J. Johnson; September 13, 1991    5. 21st  Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana; Reginald
Johnson vs Jessie Pingno et al    6. Criminal Subpoena- State of Louisiana Bennie G. Smith; March 18, 1981    7. Summons-State of Louisiana vs Thomas Sparks; August 14, 1986; State of Louisiana
    vs Thomas Sparks-Subpoena Duces Tecum    8. Regular session, 1987, Senate Bill Number 326; An Act; 3 copies    9. Civil Subpoena and Subpoena Duces form-Notice to Appear; David White vs. Alligator
Campground; October 19, 1987    10. Civil Subpoena and Subpoena Duces form-Notice to Appear; David White vs. Alligator
Campground; October 26, 1987    11. 21st  Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana; State
of     Louisiana vs. Donny Fabre; Subpoena Duce Tecum    12. Civil Subpoena Notice to Appear-Mildred Simmons vs Charles Simmons; January
    19, 1987    13. The Daily Star-typed letter to Iddo from Dennis E. Gruse; November 17, 1986;
    Civil Subpoena Notice to Appear; Mildred Simmons vs Charles Simmons; November
    24, 1986 (2 copies)    14. Subpoena-State of Louisiana Clerk’s Office; 21st Judicial District Court Parish
of St.     Helena; June 12, 1985    15. Typed letter- to David K. Frazer from Marlise O. Harrell, subject-Denise Hoover
vs.     Hammond Daily Star; copy of newspaper articles ranging from August 12-17, 1982    16. Pittman, Matheny, Lewis and Moody; typed letter-to Dave K. Frazer from Iddo
    Pittman, Jr; subject-Denise Hoover vs Hammond Daily Star; August 18, 1982    17. Pittman, Matheny, Lewis and Moody; typed letter-to Marlise O. Harrell from
Iddo     Pittman, Jr; subject-Denise Hoover vs Hammond Daily Star; August 18, 1982    18. The Daily Star-typed letter-to Lemle, Kelleher, Kohlmeyer, and Matthews; subject-    services rendered in regard to Subpoena Duces Tecum; Livingston Parish Police
Jury     et al vs. Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Co. Et al; November 26, 1982    19. The Daily Star-typed letter-to Iddo Pittman from David K. Frazer; subject-enclosed
is    the statement to be presented for the Subpoena Duces Tecum; November 26, 1982    20. Subpoena Duces Tecum; Livingston Parish Police Jury et al vs. Illinois Central
Gulf    Railroad Co. Number 40,049; Cynthia Fayard Katherine Quinn vs  Illinois Central
Gulf Railroad Co. Number 40, 039    21. State of Illinois County of Cook; Cash sale by Illinois Central Gulf Railroad
Co.; to    Mary T. Bignar, October 29, 1981; Resolutions of Executive Committee included    22.   Pittman, Matheny, Lewis and Moody; typed letter-to Woodrow Wyatt and John
    Comish from Iddo Pittman, Jr.; subject-City of Hammond, Elbert C. Wilkinson, et
al;    March 15, 1983    23. Subpoena Duces Tecum-City of Hammond vs Elbert C. Wilkinson, et al;    March 21, 1983        24. Nixon newspaper, Inc., to Daily Star from Dennis Gruse; subject-K-Mart Children’s
    Shopping Spree; December 17, 1987    25. Various typed letters by Lydia Arceneaux; December 12, 1987    26. Arrest conset5 forms/reports; Milton Nobles-October 10, 1985    27. Arrest consent forms/reports; October 12, 1985    28. Nixon newspaper-memo to Dennis from Lil; subject-libel suit; October 21, 1985    29. Newspaper article- “City Police charges 11 during weekend” and other various
    articles; October 14, 1985; copy included    30. Nixon np Inc; memo to Dennis from Bruce; subject-Milton Nobles Conversation;
    October 16, 1985    31. 0033-exx-correction; Steven Corlett    32. R0623 1207 A5x Sexual battery; Steven Corlett/Carlett    33. Scheuermann and Jones; typed letter- to Dennis Gruse from Mark M. Gonzalez;
    subject-News item-Sunday May 12, 1991; page 79 requires immediate correction;
State    vs Steven Corlett; May 16, 1991    34. Handwritten note    35. Affidavit-Dennis E. Gruse; June 21, 1985    36. Handwritten note    37.  Pittman, Matheny, Lewis and Moody; typed letter-to Dave Frazer from Iddo
    Pittman, Jr.; subject-Linda Ussin Williams vs Hammond Daily Star et al; August
20, 1982    38. Hammond City Court Parish of Tangipahoa State of Louisiana; City of Hammond
vs    Linda D. Ussin; certificate-State of Louisiana Parishes of Tangipahoa; Robbie
E. Moskau    39. 21st  Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana; Linda
Ussin     Williams vs Hammond Daily Star Publish Co. Inc., Laurie Pennino, Carl Booker,
    Hammond Police Department and Sargeant Feder-Petition for Damages    40. 7th ward court-Linda Ussin, March 16, 1981    41. Citation-Linda Ussin Williams vs Hammond Daily Star et al; March 2, 1982    42. Copy of newspaper- “3 men arrested on charges of burglary” and other various
    articles    43. The Daily Star-typed letter-to Iddo from Dave; subject-Laurie Pennino contact
    information; March 3, 1982    44. 3 page typed document-Bar Discrimination-Tom HuganBox 6Folder 10 Layrisson    1. General Ground Rules-1994 Better Newspaper Editorial Competition    2. Daily Star-typed letter-to Vinet and Vinet Attorneys at Law from David K. Frazer;    subject-retraction letter; June 29, 1992; copy of retraction letter attached;
copy of     phonebook page attached; copy of envelope attached    Box 6 Folder 11 Literacy        1. Various pages with illustrations and slogans promoting early reading    2. SNPA Foundation-typed letter to SNPA Key Executives from Gregg K. Jones; subject-    International Literacy Day Package for September 8; July 27, 1999    3. Editorial #1-For September 8, 1999; SNPA Literacy Day Package-Still Struggling    4. Editorial #2-For September 8, 1999; SNPA Literacy Day Package-No Freedom     Without Literacy    5. For September 8, 1999; SNPA Literacy Day Package-Best of the Best Literacy
Events     and Ideas        6. For September 8, 1999; SNPA Literacy Day Package-Literacy Facts and Figures    7. 1 page typed document-“Shape the Future-Read to someone”    8. IRA-Suggestions for International Literacy Day activities    9. SNPA Foundation-typed letter-to SNPA Key Executives and NIE/Southern Newspaper    Association; Literacy Coordinators from Mary Ann Gentile; subject-International
    Literacy Day, September 8    10. Flyer for SNPA homepage    11. 1995 Literacy ResourcesBox 6 Folder 12 Macaluso Cefalu re Daily Star Report    1. Curet and Barron; typed letter-to Wayne Ray Chutz from John A. Hollister; subject-    Goldsby et al vs Michell et al; September 24, 1996; copy of handwritten note attached    2. Barbara’s notes-handwritten notes    3. Macaluso- January 29, 1997    4. January 29; sly notes for today; January 29, 1997    5. Copy of newspaper article-“Theo Wilson rewrote the newsroom rules”; January
21,     1997    6. Tangipahoa Parish Clerk of Court-typed letter-to Ron Macaluso and Daniel Edwards
    from Donna Blades; subject-State of Louisiana vs Vincent Cefalu; December 10,
1996    7. A Manual for Louisiana Clerks of Court-The Judicial Process    8. 1 page typed document-Ron Macaluso    9. Copy of flyer-“With Freedom Comes Responsibility”    10. February 4; Macaluso ad; February 4, 1997    11. To Lil-February 6, 1997    12. Don A. Zuelke-invoice; February 12, 1997    13. Smith, Jones, and Fawer, LLP-list of cost of professional services per hour    14. Charge Ticket-Daily Star; John J. DahmerBox 7Folder 1 Miscellaneous (mostly pictures)    1. black and white photograph-Former Congressman and Mrs. Jimmy Morrison    2. black and white photograph- Chamber meeting     3. black and white photograph-“Jorrio” Delatte    4. typed letter-to Lil Mirando from T. Jay Seale; subject-North Oaks and Lallie
Kemp     partnership (about newspaper article); November 10, 2011; copy of newspaper article-    “North Oaks, Lallie Kemp may partner” Daily Star, November 8, 2011    5. color photograph-nun and man; Al Ferrar    6. Polaroid-Joe Mirando    7. black and white photograph-Mary Ann Blanca    8. black and white photograph- Cindy Heitman Fletcher    9. black and white photograph- Arlene Lenz    10. brochure-Welcome to the Star!-Daily Star    11. color photograph-men and women eating around a table    12. color photograph-Joan Davis typing    13. discolored photograph-overhead shot of neighborhood; Gumbo; May 9, 1961    14. black and white photograph- Edna Campbell receiving an award     15. color photograph- Judy Bentey    16. black and white photograph- Sherri Brown    17. black and white photograph- Debby Reitman    18. black and white photograph- Jerry Hanible    19. black and white photograph- Gary Perriloux    20. black and white photograph- John Reitman    21. black and white photograph- Wanda Rougeau    22. black and white photograph- Kim Reno    23. black and white photograph- Check Reed (or Need)    24. black and white photograph- Kate Zabbia-Ponchatoula High School    25. black and white photograph- Greg Walsh    26. black and white photograph- Jay Moore    27. black and white photograph- Carolyn Brown    28. black and white photograph- “Chef of Week” H.P. Forbes    29. black and white photograph- Jerry Horn and Patty Frazer    30. black and white photograph- Amie De Blanc    31. black and white photograph- Mike Dowty    32. color photograph-Mike Kenney    33. black and white photograph- Patsy Atkins    34. black and white photograph- Dot Waldorp    35. black and white photograph- Bill Spence    36. black and white photograph- Daily Star 1985 (old building)    37. black and white photograph- Daily Star 1985 (new building)    38. black and white photograph- Buddy Billups    39. black and white photograph- Livingston DerailmentBox 7Folder 2 North Oaks Hospital    1. North Oaks Medical Center Schedule of Louisiana Hospitals average charge per
    discharge    2. North Oaks Medical Center-Outpatient charge performance-Overall hospital levelBox 7Folder 3 Open Meetings/Records    1. revised statutes December 7, 1994    2. State of Louisiana; All District Attorneys and Attorneys for Public Boards
or Agencies;    Re: Open meetings and public records Law Violation; July 3, 1986; William J. Guste,
Jr.    3. Duncan S. Kemp III; typed letter-from Clifton T. Speed; subject-Public Policy
for open meetings; August 26, 1987    4. Your rights under the Public Records Law; 4 copies    5. AM and PM-The NEA Editors Bulletin; “Is it Libel? Notes from an NEA Seminar”    6. Public officers and employees    7. Treasury News-Department of the Treasury-Washington, D.C. “Know your money”-    “Treasury Announcement”    8. Member’s Questions; Better Newspaper Editorial Competition    9. Hammond Chamber of Commerce-typed letter-to Debbie Pope from Barry T. Landry;
    February 19, 1986; included-Resolution and Hammond 2000 Planning Commission     membership recommendation    10. Louisiana Municipal Association Public Records Law/Open Meetings Law Seminars;    Open Meetings and Public Records, Open Meetings    11. Public Records-General; Open Meeting-General    12. Open Meetings Law    13. General Definitions    14. “Louisiana’s Open Meetings Law: Legislation and Litigation” by J. Dale Thorn;
    January 1982    15. Questions and Answers about the New Copy Right law    16. A Reporter’s Guide to Legal Terms and Procedures; Louisiana State Bar Association;    March 1984     Box 7 Folder 4 Photos-Graphic    1. black and white photograph of screwdrivers and a hammer    2. list of photos copied and prices

Box 7Folder 5 Pippins    1. envelope addressed to David Frazer from Hilton M. Cole; June 20, 1998    2. Louisiana Animal Control Association-typed letter to Readers Forum from Hilton
M.     Cole; subject-Janet Pippins; June 9, 1998    3. Tangipahoa Parish Animal Control-typed letter-to David K. Frazer from Janet
Pippins;     For Pet’s Sake; June 1, 1998    4. typed letter/faxes between Janet H. Pippins and Lillian K. Mirando; June 1,
1998     5. Animal Control Statistics    6. Tangipahoa Parish Animal Control-incoming fax-to Lil Mirando from Janet Pippins;
    June , 1998    7. For Pet’s Sake-May 11, 1998Box 7Folder 6 Pittman    1. typed letter to Dennis-subject-Mrs. Pittman contact; June 20, 1988Box 7Folder 7 Ron and Joe    1. Macaluso and Jordan; typed 2 page letter-to Bob Morris from Joseph H. Simpson
and     Ron S. Macaluso; subject-Legal Advertising; May 1, 2003-copy included    2. Simpson and Simpson; April 15, 2013    3. 21st Judicial District Court-Parish of Tangipahoa; State of Louisiana; Joseph
H.     Simpson vs Jeanette Rose Kinchen Perry; Reasons for Judgment; April 17, 2003    4. Simpson and Simpson; typed letter-to Daily Star from Joseph H. Simpson; April
17,     2003Box 7Folder 8 Sensitive Matters    1. Copy of newspaper article- “Judge acquits Ratcliff to end brief trial”; Denham
Springs;     Livingston Parish News; August 1, 1993    2. copy of newspaper article-“Judge Acquits Killian ex-mayor of malfeasance”;
August     10, 1993    3. typed document-State of Louisiana vs Danny Ray Smith; October 12, 1982    4. typed document- Obituary- Grover L. CovingtonBox 7Folder 9 Sensitive People    1. Editors: Correction for Jack Anderson Washington Merry Go Round for Friday,
    October 3    2. Envelope addressed to Daily Star from Joseph H. Simpson; 21st Judicial District
Court    Parish of Tangipahoa State of Louisiana     3. Copy of newspaper article- “Court Rules Reporter must testify in criminal case”;
April     19, 1980    4. Newspaper article-“For the record”; September 17, 1980    5. City Court of Hammond, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana; City of Hammond    vs Lionel H. Primas, James E. Jones; Judgment forfeiting bail bond; January 28,
1980    6. Photo releases for C.M. Fagan children, Halloween picture    7. 3821-eds XX memo concerning correction, 11/14    8. Handwritten letter to Mr. Gruse from Henry Sibley; February 27, 1989    9. Handwritten notes with names and dates    10. Coy of newspaper article-Obituaries; July 8, 1988    11. Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Department Supplemental Report; June 27, 1988    12. State of Louisiana-Certificate of Death-Becky Rechele Pittman; June 12, 1988    13. 6097-lm XX memo to dennis-5/15    14.Twenty First Judicial District Court for the Parish of Tangipahoa; State of
Louisiana;     Willie McGhee vs City of Hammond et al; June 3, 1987; Petition for Damages    15. Handwritten note; copy of newspaper article- “5 arrested in murder” April
16, 1987;     “Man’s body found” April 15, 1987; “TPSO report-murder arrests” April 16, 1987    16. Birth Announcement-Rusty Williams    17. Daily Star-typed letter-subject- Lloyd Ed Shenk obituary; Dennis E. Gruse;
March 13,     1987    18. Handwritten notes-typed-Correction, October 7, 1985; Simple Arson and Car
Theft    19. Nixon Newspaper Inc.-Reply to Daily Star; to Dennis; subject-Authorization
to run     photo of April Lynn Vernon in Legal Aid Services office; January 30, 1985; 2 copies    20. Postal Regulations supercede law permitting bingo advertising-October 1981    21. Subpoena duces tecum; State of LA vs Earl Kyzar; August 29, 1984    22. Public Officers and employees    23. US District Court Eastern District of Louisiana; concerned citizens of Amite,
et al vs    Town of Amite, LA, et al; “Proposed Notice of Settlement”    24. Pittman, Matheny, Lewis, and Moody-typed letter- to David K. Frazer from Tom
H.     Matheny; subject-State of Louisiana vs Earl Kyzar; August 30, 1984; copy of newspaper
    articles included    25. Statement-Scott Blackburn; July 20, 1984    26. Twenty First Judicial District Court for the Parish of Tangipahoa; State of
Louisiana;     27. Copy of book page-Domestic Mail manual (DMM); 2 copies    28. Short article about Judge Leon Ford III    29. Twenty First Judicial District Court for the Parish of Tangipahoa; State of
Louisiana;     The Industrial Development Board vs J. Edward Layrisson, sheriff and in his official
    capacity as tax collection of Tangipahoa Parish et al; June 6, 1984; Petition
for     Temporary Restraining Order, Injunctive Relief and Alternative Writ of Mandamus    30. Criminal Subpoena-State of Louisiana vs Thomas Sparks, Jr; May 30, 1984    31. Subpoena Duces Tecum-State of Louisiana vs Thomas Sparks, Jr; May 30, 1984    32. Typed document-Dennis; newspaper article-Cats host visitors    33. Daily Star-typed letter-James H. Sibley from Lee Young; January 31, 1984    34. SNPA Special Labor Bulletin; February 10, 1984    35. Daily Star-typed letter-to Dennis Gruse from Robin Hauck; April 12, 1985    36. Copy of newspaper articles about highway; State of Louisiana Civil Service
    Commission Appeal of Ronald E. Jones; Notice of Decision; Statement of Appeal    37. Affidavit-State of Louisiana Parish of Tangipahoa; Dennis Gruse; copies of
various    newspaper articles included    38. Copy of newspaper article- “Dropouts try comeback with adult education”; November    8, 1983    39. Typed letter-to Dennis from Kathleen; subject-Discussion to “Mary” about article    40. Envelope addressed to Dennis E. Gruse from La Puma Beach and Campground;     inside-typed letter to Dennis E. Gruse from Sara W. La Puma; July 19, 1983    41. Envelope addressed to The Daily Star from Hammond Cultural Foundation; letter
of     authorization inside    42. Daily Star-typed letter-to US Department of Transportation; from Dennis E.
Gruse;     March 17, 1983; 2 copies    43. In the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana, State of LA vs George E. Brooks,
Jr;     November 9, 1981    44. Subpoena Duces Tecum; Bill Nolan Livestock, Inc. vs Joseph H. Simpson; November
    9, 1981    45. Subpoena Duces Tecum; State of LA vs Eugene Burgess; May 11, 1981    46. Subpoena Duces Tecum; State of LA vs Bennie Smith; March 18, 1981-2 copies;
    Criminal Subpoena; typed letter about subpoena; newspaper article about subpoena    47. Daily Star-typed letter to Harry Lavine from David K. Frazer; October 20,
1980    48. SNPA Bulletin-Legal-House approves legislation to limit Newsroom searches;
    October 20, 1980    49. Envelope addressed- to Daily Star from Schilling and Reid; inside-typed letter
to     Daily Star from Edwin C. Schilling, Jr. December 3, 1980    50. Brochure- “Do’s and Don’t’s-The Code of Ethics of Dual Office Holding Laws”;
    November 1979    51. Ripped newspaper article-August 24, 1980    52. Independence: Service to martin McKnight-Louisiana Power and Light Co. Right
of     Way Permit; June 18, 1980    53. 2 page typed document-PM Photographer 225, PM Photographer, 1st LD WritethruBox 7Folder 9b Sensitive People    54. 4 black and white photographs-trucks and tractors    55. General Fund- 1979    56. 2 page typed document- “told to Mary Miller”; June 4, 1980    57. 5 black and white photographs-car, truck, construction vehicle, man with hand
in     camera, unidentified man    58. Typed document-unknown subject    59. Handwritten document-June 3, 1980    60. Unknown Daily Star documents-2 sets    61. Various typed notes on lawsuits    62. Twenty First Judicial District Court for the Parish of Tangipahoa; State of
Louisiana;     Robert Dale Rigmaiden vs Mike Clark, Billy Brewer, and Southeastern Louisiana
    University; Petition; January 9, 1980-2 copies    63. Daily Star-typed letter-from Mike Dianda; February 25, 1980    64. Nixon Newspaper, Inc.; to all plants from Ray Taylor; February 4, 1980/ February
11,     1980    65. Roberts, Ryder, Rogers, and Neighbors-typed letter to Raymond H. Taylor from
D.     Reed Scism; about associate publishers meeting    66. 2 page typed about Dianda suit    67. Pittman and Matheny; typed letter-from Tom H. Matheny; attached-State of Dr.
    Clea Parker; October 10, 1979    68. Pittman and Matheny; typed letter-from Tom H. Matheny; attached State of Dr.
Clea    Parker; December 4-5, 1979    69. typed letter-to Lee from Jim; August 17, 1981; Daily Star newspaper article-“Police    Jury fires shop supervisor”; Termination Report-Dan Hawkins; August 7, 1981    70. Robert J. Carter-typed letter-to Daily Star (attention David Frazer); re:
James    Meadows; June 28, 1994    71. envelope addressed to Greg Walsh; handwritten letter inside; June 8, 1994;
from     Eliza Bailey    72. typed letter-to Iddo Pittman Jr. from Barbara A. Cole; re: The State National
Case;     May 13, 1994        73. typed letter to Hammond Daily Star-attention David K. Frazer from Iddo Pittman,
Jr.;    re: State National Case; May 13, 1994        74. typed letter-to Daily Star from Joseph H. Simpson; February 8, 1995    75. Public Service announcement- “Career adjustments? In love? Do you need help?
    Marriage and Family problems?”    76. Lakeview Regional Medical Center; Newborn information for newspaper release;
    Mariah Kate Robertson; April 25, 1995    77. Synopsis of Intelligence Information on: new order/A.G.I.; Extremism on the
Right     Handbook    78. Facsimile Cover Sheet; March 5, 1997; deliver to David Frazer from Dawn T.
    Trabeau-Mise; attached-copy of newspaper article- “Suspects sought in bomb threat”    79. typed letter-to David K. Frazer from Douglas T. Curet; re: Neill Corporation
o/file     Number 3339-16; November 3, 1995    80. envelope addressed-to Lillian Mirando from Douglas T. Curet    81. calendar/planner page; July 21, 1998; written noes on it    82. miscellaneous form-John Dahmer; July 20, 2000    83. 7 black and white photographs-2 photographs of bloody/injured child with worker
helping him/her; 5 photographs of workers helping/doing job    84.envelope-Press Release-“Symbolic ribbon cutting held to reopen Tangipahoa River    Saturday”; picture included; July 15, 2000Box 7Folder 10    1. copy of newspaper article-“Lawyer may be suspended over investment incident”;    February 7, 1995    2. copy of book page- State Bar Association    3. copy of newspaper article-Louisiana-Capital City Press; “State ethics board
fines 2     attorneys for $10,000 contribution in Judge’s race”; “Ethics”; June 26, 1993    4. copy of handwritten notes    5. Disciplinary Board of the Louisiana State Bar Association-Recommendations of
    Hearing Committee No. 1 to the Disciplinary Board of the Louisiana State Bar Association;
January 20, 1995    6. 1 page typed document- Greensburg-2 copies        7. Hogan and Hogan-typed letter to David K. Frazer from Thomas K. Hogan, Jr.;
    February 8, 1995    8. 2 page typed document-Appendix ABox 7Folder 11    1. envelope addressed to Editor-Daily Star from Wayne D. Lewis; December 11, 1990    2. copy of newspaper article- “Tip leads to abandoned animals”; handwritten note
    attached    3. lm XX huguet; January 31, 1997    4. envelope addressed to Lil Mirando from Anderson Brown; handwritten note inside    September 3, 1990    5. handwritten notes with dates/contact information    6. Citizens of Hammond For Fair Practices-typed letter-subject- “Thank you for
signing     petition”; February 11, 1991; from Jesse Davis, Jr.    7. Citizens of Hammond For Fair Practices-typed letter-from Lionel Wells, Wilbert    Dangerfield, Jessie W. Davis; November 5, 1990    8. Employment Survey form    9. Louisiana Press Association-typed letter-to Louisiana Publishers from Jill
Wilson;     subject- “1990 Better Newspaper Contest Entries”; November 15, 1990    10. “While you were out” memos-five copies    11. memo about police/davis; to Lil Mirando from Sherri L. Brown    12. envelope addressed to Daily Star from Ora Stewart; handwritten note inside
with     newspaper article; October 24, 1991    13. handwritten notes; lm XX fourth person in car    14. A Substitute list for gamblers and alcoholics    15. handwritten letter to editor    16. Things to do today- January 12, 1992    17. copy of newspaper article- “Police nab suspect in business burglaries”; September
30,     1990    18. copy of newspaper article- “Weekend arrests”; “Recent Sentences”; “Calling
All     Teams”; May 6, 1992    19. newspaper- “Marijuana cases” January 23, 1992; typed letter to Hammond Daily
Star    from Richard E. Holley; re: Wayne R. Huguet, article dated January 23, 1992; typed
    letter to Iddo Pittman, Jr. from Richard E. Holley; re: Wayne R. Huguet; May 19,
1992;     handwritten notes with names and contact information    20. Daily Star-typed letter to US Senator J. Bennett Johnston from Lil Mirando;
June 8, 1992    21. to Lil Mirando from J. Bennett Johnston; attached-copy of letter from Samuel
Dale     McCarter; June 4, 1992    22. 22nd Judicial District Court Parish of Tangipahoa State of Louisiana; Emile
Ray vs    City of Hammond through mayor behalf of Hammond Police ABC Insurers and Bonding
    Co.; Petition for Damages; June 3, 1992    23. City of Hammond Police Department report; June 11,1991    24. Iddo Pittman, Jr.; typed letter to Daily Star (attention David K. Frazer)
from Iddo     Pittman, Jr.; re: Reginald Johnston vs Jessie Pingno, et al; June 17, 1992; handwritten
    note included    25. Hammond Detective’s Office; July 31, 1992    26. lm XX original notes from Coroner on gayle smith; 2 copies    27. newspaper release- photographic/publish permission    28. Iddo Pittman, Jr.; typed letter to Daily Star (attention David K. Frazer)
from Iddo     Pittman, Jr.; re: Reginald Johnson vs Jessie Pingno, et al; October 12, 1992    29. copy of document-nlm XX alack obit    30. black and white photograph-building with trucks parked in front of it        31. Facsimile cover sheet- “Hey! Don’t miss this!”; to Lil Mirando from Robert
F.     Zabbia; February 12, 1993    32. photographic/publish permission-Robert Sauta Cruz; February 13, 1993    33. photographic/publish permission-Reinaldo Fernandez; February 13, 1993    34. photographic/publish permission-Pedro Belancourt; February 13, 1993    35. Iddo Pittman, Jr.; typed letter to Daily Star (attention David K. Frazer)
from Iddo     Pittman, Jr.; re: Wayne R. Huguet vs Hammond Daily Star Publishing Co., Inc.;
enclosed/attached-City Court of Hammond, 7Th Ward, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of
    Louisiana; Wayne R. Huguet vs Hammond Daily Star Publishing Co., Inc; Notice to
    Take Disposition Upon Oral Examination; Certificate attached    36. paper with handwritten telephone number and date        37. Citation-Wayne R. Huguet vs Hammond Daily Star Publishing Co., Inc.; 7Th Ward,
City Court of Hammond, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana; Wayne R. Huguet vs
Hammond Daily Star Publishing Co., Inc; Petition for Damages; January 25, 1993    38. Iddo Pittman, Jr.; typed letter to Daily Star (attention David K. Frazer)
from Iddo     Pittman, Jr.; re: Wayne R. Huguet; January 27, 1993; 7Th Ward, City Court of Hammond,
Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana; Wayne R. Huguet vs Hammond Daily Star Publishing
Co., Inc.     39. handwritten notes    40. nlm XX yonder    41. handwritten note with names/phonenumbers    42. Iddo Pittman, Jr.; typed letter to Daily Star from Iddo Pittman, Jr.; re:
Wayne R.     Huguet; April 8, 1993    43. handwritten notes    44. Hammond Ponchatoula Head Start-typed letter to Daily Star from Peggy Matheu;
    eligibility guidelines attachedBox 7Folder 12: Sandy Seal    1. Various newspaper articles/copies of newspaper articles written by Sandy Seal,
June     21, 1990-July 26, 1991Box 7Folder 13: Fourth term (six weeks) Honor Rolls 1990-1992    1. Various Fourth six weeks honor rolls from the following schools: D.C. Reeves
        Elementary School, Independence Elementary School, Independence Middle School,
Independence High School, Chesbrough Elementary School, Loranger Middle School, Hammond
East Side Primary School, West Side Middle School, Hammond Junior Highschool, Natalbany
Middle School, Midway Elementary School, Southeastern Louisiana University Lab School,
Frost School, First Baptist Church School of Arcola, St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Catholic
High School, Albany Elementary School, Albany Middle School, Champ Cooper Junior High
School, Trafton Academy, Amite High School, Kentwood High School, Nesom Middle School,
Vineyard Middle School, First Assembly Christian Academy, Ponchatoula Junior High
School, Holy Ghost Catholic School, Mater Dolorosa, St. Joseph Catholic School, Holden,
Springfield Elementary School, Maurepas High SchoolBox 8Folder 1: Unused Pictures    1. Miscellaneous photos of children at school (events, classrooms photos, etc);
local fairs/    festivals; class photos; graduation photos; organizations/clubs; awards recipients    2. 4 photographs of students rehearsing for a play with names of the students
pictured    3. 3 photographs of a book fair with newspaper article, “Author” by Kit Gorman    4. Letter and photograph-Mater Dolorosa Catholic School has Pre-K Program back    5. Letter and photograph-Mater Dolorosa 8th grade social studies class conducting
a study    on Tangipahoa Parish    6. Typed article-The Class of 1990-1st Graduating Class of St. Thomas Aquinas    7. Mater Dolorosa School- list of namesBox 8Folder 2: LEAP    1. Press Release-Student Written Composition Scores 15% Better This Year-June
29,     1990    2. Pamphlet-Louisiana Educational Assessment Program “LEAP”    3. Tangipahoa Parish School System-LEAP-Graduation Exit Examination, 1990    4. LEAP-Components and Criteria, January 1989    5. Press Release-Students Score Better on Norm-Referencing Tests for 2nd year
in a row-    June 27, 1990    6. LEAP April 1990-Attainment Rate Report One    7. Tangipahoa Parish School Board-letter-to students, parents, and guidance counselors
    from Leslie M. Mabry, subject-High School Graduation Requirements; September 26,
    1989    8. Tangipahoa Parish School Board-letter-to principals and test coordinators from
Elmira    R. Wilkerson; subject-Graduating Exit Exam retest roster; November 3, 1989    9. LEAP-Components and Criteria; SBESE Performance Standards, Louisiana Domain
    Scoring Model, Questions, and Answers about Graduating Exit Examination; April
1989    10. Preliminary State LEAP Attainment Rates    11. Attainment Rate Table    12. Louisiana Educational Assessment Program-April 1990-Attainment Rate Report
One     (2)    13. News Release-Student’s LEAP Scores Are Up Over 1989; May 29, 1990    14. 1990 Louisiana Educational Assessment Program-Tangipahoa Parish Schools-    Attainment Rate Report Grades 10 and 11    15. Newspaper article- “Tangipahoa Parish Schools-Attainment Rate Program”    16. Newspaper article- Tangipahoa Parish Schools-“Seniors must pass units” by
Sandy     Seal; “5th, 7th grade scores rise”    17. Louisiana Educational Assessment Program-April 1992    18. Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools-1991-1992 Elementary LEAP Results; July 7,
1992      19. Newspaper article- “Overall, Students Meet State Testing Averages”; “Testing…” 
by Sandy Seal; August 9, 1991Box 8Folder 3: Education Series (mostly newspaper articles)    1. “Desegregation Order Looms Here since 1965″; “Desegregation…” by Judy Clancy;
    August 7, 1990    2. “‘Agenda 2000′ will guide La. Education”’, “‘Agenda 2000’” by Sandy Seal; July
30,     1990    3. “Teaching young teens is challenge”, “Teaching” by Stacey De Salvo; August
20, 1990    4. “Parents tough to get involved”, “Parents” by Stacey De Salvo; September 4,
1990    5. “Some cite education progress”; “Progress” by Arlene Lenz; August 10, 1990    6. “Dropouts often tangle with law”, “Dropouts” by Sherri Brown; August 15, 1990    7. “Parents help kids succeed by involvement”, “Parents”; August 23, 1990    8. “Funding loss hurt adolescent students”, “Adolescents” by Stacey De Salvo;
August     24, 1990    9. “Troubled youth regret decision to quit school” by Sherri Brown; August 16
    10. “Poverty hampers some”, “Poverty” by Sherri Brown; August 29, 1990    11. “Teachers may wear many hats”, “Teachers” by  Gary Perilloux; August 9, 1990    12. “Vouchers create conflict”, “Vouchers” by Gary Perilloux; July 31, 1990;     13. “Ability to learn varies for each child”, “Learning” by Arlene Lenz; September
11,     1990    14. “Stormy debate blows voucher bill from panel”, “Funding” by Gary Perilloux;
August    1, 1990    15. “Racial ratio slips as blacks spurn teaching”, “Racial Ratio” by Judy Clancy;
August     8, 1990    16. “School board requires $50 Million to operate”, “School board” by Sandy Seal;
    August 5, 1990    17. Brochure-A Summary of Preparing Louisiana Youth for the 21st Century-Fall
1989Box 8 Folder 4: Interview Notes    1. Dot Matrix printouts of various interview notesBox 8 Folder 5: Enrollment Figures    1. newspaper article-“School Enrollment stays stable” by Judy Clancy; October
20, 1987    2. newspaper article- “Officials say enrollment looks higher” September 11, 1988    3. Supplementary Table-Membership at End of First Reporting Period- October 1,
1986    4. Supplementary Table-Membership at End of First Reporting Period- October 1,
1987    5. Supplementary Table-Membership as of October 1; October 1, 1988    6. Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools attendance report-September 30, 1988    7. Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools attendance report- October 2, 1986, 1986-1987    8. Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools attendance report-October 1, 1987, 1987-1988Box 8Folder 6: SLU Administration    1. newspaper article-“SLU’s enrollment soars for fall” by Sandy Seal; August 26,
1990    2. newspaper article- “SLU reports 11.7% enrollment growth” by Sandy Seal; February
    12, 1990    3. newspaper article- “SLU Faculty thinks part-timers getting bad deal”, “SLU
faculty”     by Sandy Seal; November 8, 1990    4. newspaper article- “Final SLU Tally Shows 10, 398 or 8.87% more” by Sandy Seal;
    September 26, 1990    5. Southeastern Louisiana University program for the Spring Exercises of the 66th
    Commencement; May 11, 1991    6. newspaper article- “Raises equalize salaries”, “Raises” by Sandy Seal; August
1, 1990    7. newspaper article- “Faculty asks about spending” by Sandy Seal; September 13,
1990    8. newspaper article- “SLU Plans to raze old complex to make spaces for 75 vehicles”
    by Sherri Brown; February 13, 1991    9. newspaper article- “SLU lures many” by Sandy Seal; January 11, 1991    10. newspaper article- “SLU enrollment climbs” by Sandy Seal; January 21, 1991    11. newspaper article- “8,691 register for SLU spring semester” by Sandy Seal;
November 28, 1990    12. newspaper article- “SLU plans to lobby for funding” by Sandy Seal; January
21, 1991    13. newspaper article- “Trustees will meet at university”; “Trustees” by Sandy
Seal;     October 21, 1990    14. newspaper article- “SLU whittles choices to 5″; September 17, 1990    15. newspaper article- “SLU search for vice president narrows”; October 24, 1990    16. newspaper article- “30 people apply for SLU post”; July 5, 1990    17. newspaper article- “SLU’s Warren plans to quit, Zaccari pulls bid” by Lauren
        Tedesco; May 2, 1990    18. newspaper article- “Diplomat: Unification brings new nation” by Sandy Seal;
October    10, 1990    19. newspaper article- “16 apply for dean’s post”; August 2, 1990    20. newspaper article- “Smith details stresses on SLU” by Sandy Seal; September
4,1990    21. newspaper article- “SLU hiring 20 more faculty members” by Sandy Seal; July
26,     1990    22. newspaper article- “SLU may start fall semester without finance vice president”
by     Sandy Seal; July 27, 1990    23. newspaper article- “SLU enrollment bursts record”; August 28, 1990    24. newspaper article- “SLU names acting vice president”; “SLU names” by Sandy
Seal; May 17, 1990    25. newspaper article- “SLU loses $1.5 million, Budget Slashed” by Sandy Seal,
July 15,    1990    26. newspaper article- “Paul Marek takes SLU post”; July 18, 1990    27. newspaper article- “Budget adds more SLU funds”; “Budget”  by Sandy Seal;
June 1,     1990    28. newspaper article- “SLU registrar takes Calif. job” by Sandy Seal; July 13,1990    29. newspaper article- “Smith Prepares vice president search” ; “Smith” by Laureen
    Tedesco, May 7, 1990    30. newspaper article- “Loss of SLU job anger plant director Ingram” ; “Plant
director” by     Gary Perilloux; June 29, 1990    31. newspaper article- “Speaker urges individuals to help save fragile Earth”;
“Speaker     urges” by Sandy Seal; June 19, 1990    32. newspaper article- “Renovations to auditorium finishing at Southeastern”;
    “Renovations” by Sandy Seal; June 13, 1990    33. newspaper article- “SLU will use new academic probation rule” by Sandy Seal;
June 5, 1990    34. newspaper article- “SLU loses degree programs”; “SLU loses” by Sandy Seal;
May     30, 1990    35. newspaper article- “Smith composes wish list” by Sandy Seal; June 1, 1990    36. newspaper article- “Questions arise over SLU official’s credentials” by Laureen
    Tedesco; May 4, 1990    37. newspaper article- “Trustees lack Warren records” by Laureen Tedesco; May
9, 1990    38. newspaper article- “Some hear gripes about SLU’s Smith”; “Gripes” by Laureen
    Tedesco; May 15, 1990    39. newspaper article- “Promotion policy angers faculty”; “Promotion” by Laureen
    Tedesco; May 3, 1990    40. newspaper article- “Provost search narrows” by Sandy Seal; May 13, 1990    41. copy of newspaper article- “Dr. G. Warren Smith to take over SLU” by Terri
Sfarza    42. Southeastern Louisiana University program for the Spring Exercises of the
65th     Commencement, May 12, 1990    43. newspaper article-“Graduates begin job hunt early, job recruiters canvas campuses”;    “Jobs” by Sandy Seal    44. newspaper article- “9 university presidents get 21% pay raise” by Stacey DeSalvo;
    July 31, 1990    45. newspaper article- “SLU programs ease unprepared into college” by Sandy Seal;
    August 13, 1990    46. Convocation, Fall 1990, August 31, 1990    47. newspaper article- “Saigo leaves Iowa for Southeastern”; “Saigo”; July 1,
1990    48. newspaper article- “University post attracts local people”; “University Post”
by Sandy    Seal; July 31, 1990    49. newspaper article- “SLU students to get career information”; September 25,
1990    50. Fall 1990 change report, September 14, 1990    51. newspaper article- “Garrett to remain dean of students” by Sandy Seal; September
25,     1990    52. newspaper article- “Fanfare lecture details La.” by Sandy Seal; October 2,
1990    53. newspaper article- “SLU president explains spending”; “SLU” by Sandy Seal;
    September 14, 1990    54. Southeastern Louisiana University Faculty Senate Agenda    55. newspaper article- “SLU Faculty sends items to panels”; October 4, 1990    56. newspaper article- “Clausen backs free tuition to top students”; “Clausen”
by Sandy     Seal; October 8, 1990    57. newspaper article- “Parking needs becomes 1st job for SLU’s Marek”; “Parking”
by     Sherri Brown; September 17, 1990    58. Chart-Enrollment Student Survey: Why Pick SLU? 1989-1990 Survey of Enrolled
    Students    59. newspaper article- “Boggs encourages SLU Graduates”; “Boggs” by Sandy Seal    60. newspaper article- “Trustees Sample Fanfare” by Sandy Seal; October 20, 1990    61. newspaper article- “Fees fund SLU polling center”; July 13, 1990    62. newspaper article- “SLU will offer regular course via satellite”; October
25, 1990    63. newspaper article- “Trustees approve two centers for regional research at
SLU”;     “Board” by Gary Perilloux and Sandy Seal; October 28, 1990    64. newspaper article- “Early registration lists 7,600 in Spring”; November 19,
1990    65. newspaper article- “Smith earns promotion to SLU Vice President after national
    search”; December 2, 1990    66. newspaper article- “SLU faculty hears about salary boost”; “Faculty” by Sandy
Seal;    December 6, 1990    67. newspaper article- “Provost meets faculty” by Sandy Seal; September 13, 1990    68. newspaper article- “560 earn diplomas from SLU” by Sandy Seal; December 16,
1990    69. newspaper article- “SLU’s Provost concentrating on keeping all in touch”;
“Provost”     by Sandy Seal; December 24, 1990    70. newspaper article- “Administrators take rein of NCAA Convention”; “Administrators”
by Sandy Seal; January 20, 1991    71. Enrollment Reports-1991    72. newspaper article- “Quality programs draw students to Southeastern” by Sandy
Seal;     October 21, 1990    73. newspaper article- “SLU sees growth”; “SLU” by Sandy Seal; March 11, 1991    74. newspaper article- “Program gives veterans boost for college” by Sandy Seal;
March    15, 1991    75. newspaper article- “SLU Faculty salaries rate in La., not region”; “Faculty”
by Sandy     Seal; April 16, 1991    76. newspaper article- “Wellman accepts faculty Senate post” April 4, 1991    77. Southeastern Louisiana University Program for the Winter Exercises of the
66th     Commencement, December 15, 1990Box 8Folder 7: Livingston Schools 1989-1990    1. Newspaper article- “Livingston board allows wearing shorts at school”; “Livingston”     By Doug Brown; August 3, 1990    2. Newspaper article- “Clothing tops talk”; “Clothing” by Doug Brown; July 20,
1990    3. Newspaper article- “Board nulls honors classes” by Doug Brown; July 6, 1990    4. Newspaper article- “Livingston opposes panel idea” by Sandy Seal; May 20, 1990    5. Newspaper article- “Livingston praises students” by Sandy Seal     6. Newspaper article- “Albany girls meet academic goals”; “Albany girls” by Laureen
    Tedesco; May 17, 1990    7. Livingston Parish School Board-letter to all members of Livingston Parish School    Board-agenda for meeting, May 11, and 17, 1990    8. Livingston Parish School Board-Dress Code    9. Program-Livingston Parish Honors program-Doyle Elementary School, May 15, 1990    10. Typed letter- to members of Livingston Parish School Board from J. Rogers
Pope;     May 9, 1990    11. Newspaper article- “Livingston names top teachers”    12. Newspaper article- “Livingston school workers get raise”, August 15, 1989    13. Typed letter-to members of the Livingston Parish School Board from J. Rogers
Pope;     agenda for meeting on September 7, 1989    14. Typed letter-to members of the Livingston Parish School Board from J. Rogers
Pope;    agenda for meeting on August 24, 1989    15. Newspaper article- “School board may change drug, tobacco rules” by Sandy
Seal;     August 2, 1989    16. Newspaper article- “Board may OK teacher pay hike” by Sandy Seal; August 23,
1989    17. Newspaper article- “School drug, tobacco rules may change” by Roland Meariman;
    July 21, 1989    18. Meeting on August 3, 1989    19. Typed letter- to members of Livingston Parish School Board from J. Rogers
Pope;     tenure hearing/meeting on September 21, 1989    20. Typed letter-to member of Livingston Parish School Board from J. Rogers Pope;
    addendum/agenda for September 21, 1989    21. Evaluation summary-Livingston Parish 1989    22. Typed letter-to members of Livingston Parish School Board-agenda for meeting
on     October 5, 1989    23. Typed letter- to members of Livingston Parish School Board-agenda for meeting
on     October 19, 1990    24. Typed letter- to members of Livingston Parish School Board-agenda for meeting
on     March 15, 1990    25. Typed letter- to members of Livingston Parish School Board-agenda for meeting
on     March 1, 1990    26. Livingston Parish Schools-California Achievement Test Results 1989    27. Albany High School-Response to Parent Meeting on September 28, 1989; October
5,    1989    28. Sweet Home Baptist Church-The Everlina Fletcher/Ida Louise Williams Honor
    ScholarshipBox 8Folder 8: Computers/ Geo. Richard    1. Copies of various newspaper articles about George H. Richard; February 24,
1990    2. Handwritten letter-to “madam presidents, board members” from Mike Currier;
request    for termination of contract with George Richard and his consultant firm    3. Copy of newspaper article- “Brun asks attorney general to probe Channel 1 contracts”    by Barbara Powell; Shreveport Journal, March 1, 1990    4. TAE (Tangipahoa Association of Education) Sun newsletter-various articles about
    teacher strategies, contracts, and George Richard; May 5, 1988Box 8 Folder 9: Faculty Senate 1990-1991    1. Report on Retirement Incentives-“Mandatory Retirement Age”, April 3, 1991    2. Resolution Concerning Consistent Policy for Textbook Orders    3. Faculty Senate Resolution Addressing the Present Need for Adequate Emergency
    Lighting on the SLU Campus    4. Southeastern Faculty Senate-Agenda April 3, 1991    5. Resolution-November 7, 1990-Faculty Senate Resolution Concerning the Number
and     Status of Part-time Faculty at SLU-November 7, 1990    6. Southeastern Faculty Senate-Agenda November 7, 1990    7. Faculty Senate Resolution Addressing Administrators hired with tenure    8. Faculty Senate Resolution- Bookstore Problems    9. Resolution November 7, 1990-Faculty Senate Resolution about impending library
    regulations affecting faculty borrowing and reserve procedures    10. Proposal draft-Circulation Regulations for Faculty and Staff    11. Summary of Meeting between upper administrators and Faculty Senate Executive
    Committee, November 26, 1990    12. SAC’s Requirement of Major Field Assessment by the Department    13. Campus Correspondences between Dr. Warren Smith, Randy Moffett and Louis     Levy; March 27-November 11, 1985; subject-department heads    14. Southeastern Louisiana University Faculty Senate Agenda-December 5, 1990    15. typed letter-to members of the Faculty Senate from Faculty Senate Budget     Committee, Nick Nelson; subject-Factors Concerning Faculty Raises for the 1990-1991    Academic Year    16. 6 page typed power point presentation-The Formula for Funding Louisiana Public
    Institutions of Higher Education    17. Current Formula Funding Status-1990-1992    18. Southeastern Louisiana University Faculty Senate-Agenda January 23, 1991    19. Resolution on the use of Schedule 25    20. Southeastern Louisiana University Faculty Senate-Agenda February 6, 1991    21. newspaper article-“Faculty Complains about computer scheduling” by Sandy Seal;
    January 7, 1991    22. Southeastern Louisiana University Faculty Senate-Agenda March 6, 1991    23. Resolution    24. Faculty Senate Resolution addressing the president’s awards for university
service    25. typed letter- to members of Faculty Senate from Faculty Senate Budget Committee,
    Nick Norton; subject-policies regarding operation of Southeastern Louisiana University    bookstore; March 6, 1991Box 8 Folder 10: Consolidation-Nesom, Midway, and Natalbany    1. newspaper article- “Board will consolidate 3 schools”; “Board” by Sandy Seal;
October    23, 1991    2. newspaper article- “Consolidated school district reports no opening day woes”
by     Sandy Seal; August 20, 1992    3. newspaper article- “School moving goes smoothly”; “School” by Sandy Seal    4. newspaper article- “2 recall school mergers”; “2 recall” by Sandy Seal; October
24, 1991    5. newspaper article- “Hearing set to discuss 3 schools”; “Hearing”by Sandy Seal;
August    7, 1991    6. newspaper article- “Combining Schools discussed”; “Schools” by Sandy Seal;
June 18,     1991    7. newspaper article- “Study continues on merging 3 parish schools”; “Study” by
Sandy     Seal; July 10, 1991    8. newspaper article- “Nesom parents dislike consolidation” by Sandy Seal; June
19, 1991    9. newspaper article- “Officials decide to name group to study school consolidation”
by     Sandy Seal; August 21, 1991    10. newspaper article- “Crowd debates school consolidation”; “Crowd” by Sandy
Seal;    August 16, 1991    11. newspaper article- “Hearing will discuss school merger ideas” by Sandy Seal;
August    14, 1991    12. newspaper article- “Reorganizing plan coming to full board” by Sandy Seal;
October    21, 1991    13. newspaper article- “Meetings planned on reorganization”; March 12, 1992    14. newspaper article- “School planners to meet” by Sandy Seal; January 10, 1992    15. newspaper article- “Rivers, Sanford claim they left of own volition”; October
24,     1991    16. newspaper article- “Reorganization plan should be ready soon”; “Reorganization”
by     Sandy Seal; April 9, 1992    17. typed letters to Advisory and Planning Committee for Reorganization/Parish
Level    Consultants and Facilitators from Bette K. Laird; includes-various documents/reports
of     reorganization of schools, lists of consultants/facilitators, and school level
meetings/    hearings; January 6, 1992-April 2, 1992    18. Natalbany, Nesom and Midway Feasibility and Reorganizational Plan; August
14,     1991    19. copy of newspaper article-“Study continues on merging 3 parish schools”; “Study”
by     Sandy Seal; July 10, 1991    20. copy of newspaper article-“Crowd debates school consolidation”; “Crowd” by
Sandy    Seal; August 16, 1991    21. copy of newspaper article- “Combining schools discussed”; “Schools” by Sandy
Seal;    June 18, 1991    22. Reorganization Study Committee Meeting Minutes, September 12, 1991-October
7,     1991    23. typed letter-to members of board from Ted Cason; subject-Natalbany, Nesom,
and     Midway Feasibility and Reorganizational Plan; August 6, 1991    24. Advantages of Reorganization Plan    25. various typed letters/correspondences regarding the consolidation plans; June
25,     1991-June 27, 1991    26. maps-Nesom, Midway, and Natalbany Elementary    27. Tickfaw district #110-Bonds Box 8Folder 11: Tangipahoa Schools 1990-1991    1. Various newspaper articles pertaining to important news in Tangipahoa Parish
School    District, such as: information about new board for Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools;
    important news about local schools; articles about teachers/student; funds; scholarships/    awardsBox 8Folder 12: Graduations ‘90    1. Hammond High School Commencement program, May 22, 1990    2. High School Graduation Questionnaire-Loranger High School, May 21, 1990    3. 3 page typed document-honors, awards, rankings of graduating seniors-Ponchatoula    4. High School Graduation Questionnaire-Holden High School, May 25, 1990    5. High School Graduation Questionnaire-St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Catholic High
    School, May 21, 1990    6. typed document-subject-Maurepas High School Graduation    7. High School Graduation Questionnaire-Amite High, May 25, 1990    8. program-Doyle High School Graduation, May 25, 1990    9. Doyle High School list of graduating class of 1990    10. handwritten note-Shantel Ashton, GPA 3.9    11. High School Graduation Questionnaire-valedictorian Shantel Ashton    12. list of awards given at Senior Awards Day at Springfield High School, May
22,1990    13. High School Graduation Questionnaire-Albany High School, May 25, 1990    14. Albany High School-Graduation Senior Awards winners; May 24-25, 1990    15. High School Graduation Questionnaire-Ponchatoula High School, May 24    16. High School Graduation Questionnaire-Oak Forest Academy, May 18, 1990    17. High School Graduation Questionnaire-Harvest Learning Center, May 17; attached-    list of awards    18. High School Graduation Questionnaire-Kentwood High School-May 18,1990;    attached-  list of scholarship recipients    19. High School Graduation Questionnaire-Hammond High School; May 22, 1990    20. High School Graduation Questionnaire-Sumner High School; May 22, 1990    21. Typed document-Sumner High School Gradation, May 22, 1990    22. Handwritten note-scholarship recipient Adrea Johnson    23. Handwritten note-list of local graduations and times         Box 8 Folder 13: Graduation 1991    1. Program-Hammond High School Commencement, May 21, 1991    2. Information-Summer School 1991, Preopening of School Events, typed letter-
    Ponchatoula High School-to the editor from Virgil R. Allen, subject-Summer School
Pre-    Registration, May 24, 1991    3. Handwritten document    4. American Institute for Foreign Study Scholarship Foundation-“Host Families
sought     for Student Exchange Program”, May 1991    5. Beta Club Scholarship-list of seniors (handwritten)    6. Handwritten-list of graduates    7. Senior Awards Day program-May 24, 1991    8. Albany High School Commencement Program-May 24, 1991    9. Holden High School Commencement Program-May 24, 1991    10. Handwritten-list of valedictorian and salutatorian    11. Doyle High School graduation program-May 22, 1991    12. List of graduates    13. Springfield High School Class of 1991 program    14.  Handwritten-list of valedictorian and salutatorian    15. Maurepas High School program-graduates of 1991-May 24, 1991    16. Amite High School List of Graduates    17. Senior Awards Day Master Program-1991    18. Ponchatoula High School 1990-1991 list of graduates    19. Independence High School Class of 1991 class roll    20. List of awards-1991    21. Independence High School Graduation program    22. Typed article about salutatorian-David Maurer    23. Handwritten- names with GPAs    24. Hammond High School Awards Ceremony program-1991    25. Typed speech for award recipient-Angelle Tanner    26. Hammond High School graduate list-1990-1991    27. Transcript with handwritten names on back    28. Loranger High School Graduation program-May 20, 1991    29. Jewel M. Sumner High School-list of graduates, May 21, 1991    30. Handwritten-Sumner-list of scholarships/speakers    31. Handwritten-1990-1991 scholarships list    32. Handwritten-list of valedictorian, salutatorian, honor graduates, awards    33. Handwritten-Top 7 Presidential Academic Fitness awards    34. St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Catholic High School Second Graduating Class     program-1991    35. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School-scholarships list/awards list    36. Kentwood High School graduation program    37. St. Helena Central High School awards day program-May 17, 1991    38. Kentwood High School Class of 1991 program-May 17, 1991    39. List of awards    40. High School graduate Questionnaire-Oak Forest Academy    41. Oak Forest Academy Seniors 1991    42. Handwritten-valedictorian and salutatorian information    43. St. Helena Central High School Commencement program-1991    44. Handwritten names and list of awards    45. Academic Awards and Scholarships    46. High School Graduate Questionnaire-St. Thomas AquinasBox 8Folder 14: 1992 Graduations        1. Program-Hammond High School Graduation 1992    2. Typed document-about various Ponchatoula High School graduates and a list of
    graduating seniors    3. Program-Hammond High School senior awards days-1992    4. Program- Hammond High School 7th annual academic achievement breakfast; May
12,     1992    5. Amite High School announces Top 10    6. Scholarships and Awards    7. Program-St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Catholic High School 3rd graduating class
of     1992    8. Handwritten/typed-list of Awards/Scholarships-Oak Forest Academy    9. St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Catholic High School 1992 Graduating Class    10. Handwritten/typed-list of scholarship recipients, list of prospective graduates-    Springfield High School    11. Program-Academic, Leadership, and Senior Awards Celebration-Doyle High School,
    May 19, 1992    12. List of Senior Awards-Doyle High School    13. Classrole    14. List of salutatorian, valedictorian, and awards    15. Handwritten list of salutatorian, valedictorian, and awards    16. Tangipahoa Parish Magnet High School Spring Commencement Exercises, May 22,
    1992    17. 3 page handwritten list of awards/scholarship recipients-Loranger High School    18. Program-Hammond High School Commencement, May 26, 1992    19. 2 page handwritten list of awards/scholarship recipients    20. 7 page typed document-Hammond High School graduation speech    21. 3 pages-biographies of salutatorian/valedictorian    22. List of awards-1992    23. Newspaper article- “Oak Forest seniors get sheepskins”, May 17, 1992    24. Newspaper article- “Albany co-valedictorians post 4.0 GPAs” May 24, 1992    25. Newspaper article- “39 graduate at St. Thomas”; “39 graduate”, May 18, 1992    26. Newspaper article- “Amacker, Smith Top Kentwood High Graduates”, May 24, 1992    27. Newspaper article- “63 St. Helena Seniors graduate”, May 18, 1992    28. Newspaper article- “Loranger High School presents diplomas to 52″, May 26,
1992    29. Newspaper article- “Diplomas awarded at Springfield High”, June 24, 1992    30. Newspaper article- “Holden High graduates 31 seniors”    31. Newspaper article- “15 finish Magnet High” June 24, 1992    32. Newspaper article- “34 earn degrees from Doyle High”, June 24, 1992    33. Newspaper article- “23 get sheepskins in Maurepas”, June 24, 1992    34. Newspaper article- “179 graduates awarded degrees at Hammond High”; “179″,
May    27, 1992    35. Newspaper article- “50 earn diplomas at Sumner High”, May 27, 1992    36. Newspaper article- “208 graduate from Ponchatoula High School”; “208″    37. Newspaper article- “LaMarca, Watson, Armato lead Independence graduates”,
May     31, 1992    38. Newspaper article- “Amite High School presents 101 diplomas”, May 31, 1992    39. Honors Convocation, May 15, 1992    40. Amite High School holds honors reception    41. Senior Awards Day Masters Program 1992    42. 4 page copy of handwritten list of graduates, honors, awards/scholarships    43. Oak Forest Academy-list of graduating seniors class of 1992    44. Springfield High School Awards Day program, May 19, 1992    45. List of Albany graduates    46. Program-Independence High School-85th annual commencement, May 27, 1992    47. Program-Sumner Class of 1992    48. Newspaper article- “Loranger High School graduation, May 25, 1992    49. Newspaper article- “Hammond High School Commencement, May 26, 1992    50. Kentwood High School 1991-1992 School Session-list of valedictorian, salutatorian,    honor graduates, and 1991-1992 graduating class    51. List of graduating students, Amite High School    52. Ponchatoula High School 1991-1992 Roster of Students in Grade 12    53. Holden High School Commencement Program, May 22, 1992Box 8 Folder 15: 1993 Graduation    1. Hammond High School-list of scholarship recipients    2. Newspaper article- “105 receive diplomas at Amite High School”, June 1, 1993    3. Newspaper article- “Harvest Learning awards 14 diplomas”, June 30, 1993    4. High School Graduation Questionnaire, May 30, 1992, Harvest Learning Center    5. 2 page typed document-Mater Dolorosa Catholic School Graduation    6. Nesom Middle School-Nesom Honor Graduates    7. Program-Nesom Middle School Graduation, May 27, 1993    8. Copy of handwritten note-list of students of the month    9. Seniors that went to State Literary Rally at Louisiana State University    10. Copy of handwritten list of honor students and the classes the honor students
took    11. Awards Day-May 21, 1993-program    12. Various documents/letters to scholarship recipients/finalists-Ponchatoula
High School    13. Fax Cover Sheet-to Sandy Seal from Brenda Morgan, subject-article to be put
into the     paper; May 2, 1993    14. Independence High School list of awards-1993    15. LSMSA Seniors 1993    16. Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts-Louisiana School graduated
9th     class on Saturday, May 22    17. The St. Paul’s School-Press Release-St. Paul’s Graduation-May 17, 1993    18. Senior Awards Day master program-1993; Ponchatoula High School    19. Independence High School Class of 1993 class roll and Top 10 Graduates    20. Hammond High School Commencement, May 25, 1993    21. 5 page typed speech-about Top 10 Graduates    22. Amite High School Graduation program-includes all 93 seniors, honor students,
    scholarships/awards, list of Top 10 seniors/photographs of Top 10 Seniors    23. Tangipahoa Parish Magnet High School Spring Commencement, May 26, 1993    24. Handwritten note to Sandy from Will     25. Important message to Sandy from Sumner High School    26. Handwritten note-Albany High honor graduates    27. Copy of handwritten note-scholarship recipients, valedictorian/salutatorian    28. Officers of the Class of 1993 and Class Roll    29. Scholarships, Awards, and list of graduates    30. List of graduates    31. Holden High School-Graduation news 1993    32. Handwritten note-to Sandy Seal-co valedictorians    33. Program-St. Helena Central High School Annual Commencement Exercise, May 21,    1993    34. Copy of handwritten list of honor graduates    35. List of graduates including GPAs    36. Kentwood High School Graduation information-valedictorian, co-salutatorians,
    honor graduates, al graduates    37. List of awards/scholarships including: military recognition, vocational, athletic,
academic, and local scholarships    38. Handwritten note with names    39. Program-Kentwood High School graduation Class of 1993    40. Graduation awards, Class rank 1993    41. Senior awards    42. Program-Doyle High School Academic, Leadership, and Senior Awards Celebration,    May 18, 1993    43. Program-Springfield High School Awards Day, May 18, 1993    44. Program-St. Thomas Aquinas High School Honors program, May 14, 1993    45. Hammond High School Senior Awards Day 1993    46. Oak Forest Academy 1993 Seniors-list of graduates, co-valedictorians, salutatorians,    honor students, and awards/scholarships    47. Program-St. Thomas Aquinas High School class of 1993 Graduation Ceremonies,    May 16, 1993    48. Class of 1993 Graduation List; awards/scholarship list; small summary of graduation,    St. Thomas Aquinas    49. Jewel M. Sumner High School 1993 Graduation-valedictorian, salutatorian, honor
    graduates, scholarships/awards    50. Handwritten note-scholarship recipients    51. Newspaper article- “Nesom graduates 127″, June 13, 1993    52. Newspaper article- “Scholarship winners named at Sumner”, June 9, 1993    53. Newspaper article- “Hammond High School announce scholarship winners”, June
7,     1993    54. Newspaper article- “44 earn diplomas at parochial school”, May 18, 1993    55. Newspaper article- “St. Thomas High award honor”, May 18, 1993    56. Newspaper article- “Loranger High awards 65 diplomas”, May 25, 1993    57. Newspaper article- “Lewis, Cook, Diamond top KHS graduates”, May 23, 1993    58. Newspaper article- “Doyle graduates 43″, May 23, 1993    59. Newspaper article- “34 Graduate from Oak Forest Academy    60. Newspaper article- “Recile, Pittman lead Holden High”, May 23, 1993    61. Newspaper article- “Hill, Randall lead Springfield class”; May 23, 1993    62. Newspaper article- “Leader leads Maurepas graduates”, May 23, 1993    63. Newspaper article- “93 earn sheep skins”, May 23, 1993    64. Newspaper article- “Albany High awards 81 diplomas”, May 23, 1993    65. Newspaper article- “Albany Seniors receive awards”, May 24, 1993    66. Newspaper article- “162 graduate from Hammond High”, May 26, 1993    67. Newspaper article- “Cade, Simmons top Sumner graduates”, May 26, 1993    68. Newspaper article- “2 Ponchatoula High School seniors achieve perfect GPAs”,
May    26, 1993    69. Newspaper article- “100 earn degrees from Independence High”, May 27, 1993    70. Newspaper article- “Ponchatoula High awards 196 degrees”, May 29, 1993    71. Newspaper article- “Area students graduate in Covington, Natchitochers”, May
28,     1993    72. Newspaper article- “Magnet High issues diplomas to 22 students”, May 28, 1993    73. Newspaper article- “Correction”, May 28, 1993Box 8Folder 16: 1994 Graduation    1. Program-Graduation Exercises-Hammond Junior High School, May 23, 1994    2. Typed 4 page document-Top Ten Students    3. Typed letter-Nesom Middle School-to Sandy Seal from Mitch Williams; subject-    graduation; June 2, 1994    4. Typed letter-to Sandy Seal from Linda Tryniecki; subject-Press Release-Mater
    Dolorosa School Graduation; May 31, 1994    5. Handwritten note about Craig Edwards    6. Program-8th grade graduation    7. Handwritten note-about Champ Cooper    8. Newspaper article- “Indy Seniors Win Awards”, May 27, 1994    9. Newspaper article- “Amite High School names Top 10 Graduates”, May 27, 1994    10. Newspaper article- “Ponchatoula holds graduation”, May 27, 1994    11. Newspaper article- “27 pupils graduate at Holden”, May 29, 1994    12. Newspaper article- “44 earn sheepskins at Doyle High”, May 29, 1994    13. Newspaper article- “Springfield sends out 43 seniors”, may 29, 1994    14. Newspaper article- “Awards winners announced”, May 29, 1994    15. Newspaper article- “90 seniors graduate from Albany High”, May 29, 1994    16. Newspaper article- “29 complete Maurepas High”, May 29, 1994    17. Newspaper article- “106 finish at Amite High”, May 29, 1994    18. Newspaper article- “Ponchatoula High School recognizes graduating seniors”,
May     25, 1994    19. Newspaper article- “Loranger High School graduates 78 seniors”, May 18, 1994    20. Newspaper article- “Tangipahoa Magnet graduates 23 seniors”, May 24, 1994    21. Newspaper article- “Hammond High School Seniors earn scholarships”, May 25,
    1994    22. 1 page typed document-Daily Star: Holden High School graduation information    23. List of graduates    24. 1 page typed document-about senior class    25. List of awards    26. List of Amite High School Top 10    27. Amite High School 1994 Seniors-list of seniors, class rankings, and scholarships    28. Ponchatoula High School 1993-1994 Roster of Students in Grade 12; May 24,
1994    29. Handwritten note-names and GPAs    30. Springfield High School awards day program-May 24, 1994    31. Handwritten list-Class Rank-1993-1994 Maurepas High School, 29 graduates    32. Doyle High School-1 page typed document about graduation    33. Doyle High School-list of Graduates, May 27, 1994    34. Independence High School-list of awards 1994    35. Awards Day Program-Senior Class 1994, May 23, 1994    36. Newspaper article- “Kentwood High awards 49 diplomas”, May 15, 1994    37. Newspaper article- “St. Thomas Aquinas holds graduation”, May 16, 1994    38. Copy of newspaper article- “39 students graduate from Oak Forest”, May 15,
1994    39. Newspaper article- “Jewel Sumner holds graduation”, May 20, 1994    40. Newspaper article- “86 earn diplomas at Independence High”, May 19, 1994    41. Newspaper article- “Hammond High seniors graduate during ceremony at     Southeastern Louisiana University”, May 20, 1994    42. Program-Tangipahoa Parish Magnet High School Spring Commencement Exercises,
    May 23, 1994    43. Program-Hammond High School Graduation    44. Program-Independence High School 87th Annual Commencement, May 18, 1994    45. 2 page typed document-Awards and Special Recognition, May 17-19, 1994    46. List of prospective graduates-Kentwood High School; other graduation information    47. Program- Hammond High School Graduation, including Top 10 Graduates and all
    graduates    48. Program-Jewel M. Sumner High School 1994 graduation, May 19, 1994    49. Program-Loranger High School Graduation, May 16, 1994    50. Handwritten-list of graduates that earned awards/scholarships    51. Handwritten document about Oak Forest Academy graduation, includes graduation
    information, list of graduates, list of awards/scholarships recipients, May 13,
1994    52. Department Awards    53. List of Scholarship Recipients    54. St. Thomas Aquinas High School Senior honors, graduation ceremony, and list
of     graduates    55. List of honors and graduating seniors-St. Helena Central High School     56. Newspaper article- “St. Helena Central graduates 114″, May 8, 1994Box 9 Folder 1: School notes (published) 1990-1991    1. Various newspaper articles-“school notes” section of the Daily Star, includes:
articles    about local schools, teachers/students, and important events in the local school
district    1990-1991Box 9Folder 2: School notes published-beginning August 1991    1. Various newspaper articles-“school notes” section of the Daily Star, includes:
articles    about local schools, teachers/students, and important events in the local school
district    beginning August 1991    Box 9 Folder 3: Question-Answer Candidates    1. Various documents, correspondences, and newspaper articles regarding elections,
questions-answers of the candidates and the opinions/positions of the candidates,
    including documents about the following candidates: Jim Conarty, Ervin “J.R.”
Gordon,     Wallace “Sonny” Wells, Jr., Dan W. Newman, B.B. “Sixty” Rayburn, Gerry Hinton,
    Annette Fuselier, R.H. Bill Strain, Troy Davis, Jackie Kupper, Frank E. Rick,
Carlo    Bruno, Charles “Buddy” Rogers, Michael AllemandBox 9 Folder 4: Tangipahoa Schools-newspaper articles    1. Various articles about school board decisions, Sam Pigno, Ted Cason, improvements
on education, etc.; 1990Box 9 Folder 5: Kids Voting    1. Handwritten letter-to Lil Mirando from Carla Arsaga; attached-articles from
first year     of kids voting; newspaper article-“Kids back to the Polls” by Sharon Fitzhugh,
July 21, 1995; typed document-Kid’s First Vote-Kid’s First Vote Counts for a lot,
November 9, 1994    2. 2 fax cover sheets-to Barbara Esteves from Marilyn Evans-Kid’s Voting USA,
March     11-12, 1996    3. Handwritten note-regarding the number of students and voting    4. Kids Voting-Budget Information for 1994 Pilot Project of Approximately 25,000
    Students         Box 9 Folder 6: various school board information    1. Supervisors travel reimbursement and holidays-1991    2. Tangipahoa Parish School System Supervisory Staff 1990-1991 in-parish miles
    traveled    3. Tangipahoa Parish School System invoices paid by vendor from July 1, 1991-October    31, 1991 (copy included)    4. Tangipahoa Parish School System-general fund; January 1, 1991-October 30, 1991    5. Proposed changes for travel expenses and holidays for supervisors; October
22, 1991    6. 4 page typed document-Corporal Punishment, October 30, 1991    7. Copy of 5 page handwritten note-to “whom it may concern” from Pat Heleniak;
    Hammond Eastside Primary School, April 15, 1991    8. 3 page typed document-Proposals and Research on grade retention    9. 2 page typed letter-to Ted Cason from Art Zieke; subject-Austerity Program,
January     6, 1992    10. Table 1-Teacher Decision Making    11. Table 3-Louisiana Child and Poverty Demographics    12. Table 4-Louisiana Educational Expenses    13. 3 page typed letter-to Tangipahoa Parish School System personnel, parents,
and     parish residents from Art Zieske, subject-basic school concept and grade retention;
attached- copy of newspaper article-“How St. Tammany fail-promote system works”;     article titled-Highlights of Research on Grade Retention; October 8, 1991    14. News Release-subject-Tangipahoa Parish School Board announces policy for free
    and reduced price meals    15. Recommended Milestones for Plan for Career Preparation (1992-1998)    16. Typed letter-to Ted Cason from Carol B. Knight; subject-pupil progression
plan-    parent/community members, attached-committee of educators and parent/community
    members-parent/community members for the pupil progression plan committee register    of attendance    17. 2 page typed document-addressed-ladies and gentlemen of the board; subject-issue
of     proposed sale of acreage to Walmart Corporation    18. Various correspondences between Ted Cason, Anna Distefano, Dennis E. Carlton,
    and Robert W. Stoker regarding Walmart proposal; August 10, 1992-August 17, 1992    19. Typed letter-to news media from Mary L. Ingraffia, subject-model early childhood
    programs; August 11, 1992    20. 3 page typed document-Advisory Committee on Suicide, Sudden Deaths, and other
    crisis-report to the school board; August 4, 1992    21. 4 page typed document-Assertive Discipline Plan with sample form for teachers    22. Typed letter-to Ted Cason from Art Zieske, subject-superintendent’s plan of
    educational initiatives; June 5, 1992    23. 1 page typed document-June 4, 1992    24. Typed letter-to Clarence Zahn from Holly and Smith Architects; subject- additions
to     Champ Cooper Elementary School Project #91059; August 10, 1992    25. Rules and Regulations for Pupils Transported in School Buses-Tangipahoa Parish
    School System    26. Operation Lifesaver Award Presentation-Tangipahoa Parish School Board-September    1, 1992    27. School Board Meeting-September 1, 1992    28. Statement-May 4, 1993     29. 3 page typed letter-to Ted Cason from Art Zieske; subject-technology in Tangipahoa
    Parish School System; August 3, 1993    30. 3 page typed letter-to Ted Cason from Art Zieske; subject- Retentions and
    Administrative Placements; July 22, 1993    31. Various correspondences/documents regarding Education/Curriculum committee,
    grading structure, Alternatives to Retention Committee Plan/Programs; June 21,
1993    32. 2 typed correspondences-between Ted Cason, board members, and Mark Lowe-    regarding free lunch students and number of Professional Staff Members at each
school,    July 21-29, 1993    33. A Restructuring Paradigm for Public Schools, August 24, 1993; presented by:
Arthur    N. Zieske (2 copies)    34. 1 page typed document-about science    35. Senate Bill No. 1057-An Act by Senator Johnson    36. Draft-Policy on the Inclusion of Religious Materials and Discussions on Religion
in     the Curriculum and in student activities; December 13, 1993    37. Student Rights and Responsibilities, Student, Non-Employee Search; Metal Detectors:
Searches with Metal Detectors    38. 2 page typed letter-to members of the board form Ted Cason; subject-proposed
    compilation of feasibility committee; September 30, 1993    39. Schools-tenured bus operators-routes based on seniority, vacant routes    40. 5 page typed document- Bus Drivers-provides for the routes of school bus operators-An
Act by Senator Brinkhous     41. Local 100 Service Employee International Union, AFL-CIO-fax cover sheet and
news    release-Local 100 files suit against Tangipahoa Parish School Board for Fair Janitor
Pay-    attached-typed articles: “When Must time & ½ be paid?” and “What time counts as
work     time?”    42. Local 100 Service Employee International Union, AFL-CIO-news release-Tangipahoa
    School system agrees to pay overtime to local 100 members, union won’t file threatened
    suit    43. Various articles/documents/correspondences about education-including documents
about adult education and committees; March 29, 1994Box 9Folder 7: School Board Candidates    1. Newspaper article-“Communication Called for Richardson”; July 31, 1990    2. Newspaper article- “Mashburn to run for school board” by Laureen Tedesco;     September 21, 1989    3. Typed Reume’-Clara Vee Self Robertson     4. 1 page typed document-about Art Zieske for candidacy of District H. Seat on
    Tangipahoa Parish School Board    5. Typed document-Clara Robertson    6. Newspaper article-School Board races luring challenges”, “School board” by
Judy     Clancy; March 4, 1990    7. 1 page typed document-about George E. Sullivan    8. Typed document-Tangipahoa Parish School Board member Henry Sibley will run
for a third term in office    9. 2 handwritten documents-about Donnie Williams; implementation of a Vo-tech    Curriculum in high school    10. Newspaper article- “Caves seeks board seat in District G”, “Caves” July 24,
1990    11. Newspaper article-“Candidate touts broader education”, “Candidate” by Sandy
Seal;     July 17, 1990    12. Newspaper article- “Perrin supports change”, “Perrin”; July 31, 1990    13. Announcement of Candidacy on the Tangipahoa Parish School Board-District 1    14. Handwritten note with name on it-Tim Mashburn    15. Announcement of Candidacy on the Tangipahoa Parish School Board-Joe Perrin-    District H Seat on Tangipahoa Parish School Board    16. Copy of handwritten document-Kenny Ridge qualifies for 6th term    17. Newspaper article-“Art Zieske will face incumbent”, “Zieske”; Juy 25, 1990    18. Newspaper article-“Brumfield decides not to run”    19. Handwritten note-Betty Robinson withdraws as candidate; newspaper article-Reeves    teacher will enter race” by Laureen Tedesco; April 27, 1990    20. Handwritten document-Hubert S. Stilley, Jr. announces candidacy for a 4th
term to the     Livingston Parish School Board in District 8    21. Businessman seeks board seat-Robert Caves    22. Public Service Announcement-Maxine Dixon candidate for School Board District
F,     July 28, 1990    23. Newspaper article-“Bardwell, Dufreche, to run, Beall says no” July 23, 1990    24. Newspaper article- “Sibley touts improved buildings”, “Test scores” July 18,
1990    25. Newspaper article- “Candidate wants to aid students” by Sandy Seal; July 16,
1990    26. Personal Data Sheet-Louis Ippolito-attached-handwritten document-Major Issues
in     our school system    27. Newspaper article-“Local Professor throws hat in ring”, “Nichols” by Laureen
    Tedesco; March 16    28. Newspaper article- “Banker joins board race” by Laureen Tedesco, March 27    29. Handwritten document-Civic and other    30. 2 paged typed document-Danny Dufreche candidate for re-election for the District
H    Seat on Tangipahoa Parish School Board    31. Typed document-Carl Bardwell district E on Tangipahoa Parish School Board    32. Typed document-Viola Beal-re-election on Tangipahoa Parish School Board    33. 2 page typed document-Doris Flanagan announces school board candidacy     34. Newspaper article- “Stilley wants to keep Livingston seat” July 25, 1990    35. Newspaper article- “Flanagon enter District G race” July 26, 1990    36. Typed document-school board qualifiers    37. Newspaper article- “SLU Educator Plans to Run”, “SLU Educator” by Sandy Seal;
    May 23, 1990    38. 4 page typed document-Elvin Hughes, Jr. Candidate for school board-attached:
Elvin    Hughes contact information     39. Newspaper article- “Ridgel touts experience”, “Ridgel”; July 31, 1990    40. Newspaper article- “Dropouts concern hopeful”, “Robertson” by Sandy Seal;
July 31,     1990Box 9 Folder 8: 1995-TPSB Superintendent Selection    1. Tangipahoa Parish School System-Tabulation of Bids, November 17, 1994    2. Typed letter-to Bernie Shontell from Brett Petry of Holly and Smith Architects;
    subject-Demolition of Annex Building; November 30, 1994    3. Typed letter-St. Helena Central Elementary School-to Lil Mirando from L. Darwin
    Brecheen; march 11, 1994; subject-Superintendent elect, Willie G. Johnson; attached-2
    page typed article of selection of Willie G. Johnson as next superintendent with
photograph    4. Typed letter-to school board members-superintendent search committee from Joseph    Bosch; topic interview questions, January 24, 1995; attached-superintendent search
    committee interview questions and employment contract by and between Tangipahoa
    Parish School Board and Ted Cason; fax transmittal form-Ad rates for “bulletin”
&    “News”; advertise in school board news; 1995 school board news schedule    5. Handwritten list of names and phone numbers     6. Final list of school board superintendent applicants; April 18, 1995      
     7. Copy of newspaper article-“…board puts tax on…” February 22, 1995    8. Suggested superintendent appointment timetable         9. List of questions for final interview    10. Superintendent Applicant Scoring Form    11. Additional items to be considered for superintendent applicant scoring form    12. Employment notice form    13. 3 page typed article-about Tangipahoa Parish School District and the superintendent
    job processes    14. Typed letter-Tangipahoa Parish School System-to Hammond Westside School     building committee from Dane Bounds, subject-minutes of meeting held on October
17,     1994, October 18, 1994; attached-minutes of meeting    15. 3 page typed document-subject-Homeless Assistance Program in Tangipahoa Parish
    School System    Box 9Folder 9: Miscellaneous Schools    1. Lallie Kemp fax cover sheet; copy of certificate-The Bronze Star medal to Steve
    Polito for merituous achievement in World War II, December 8, 1995; typed letter-to
    John Breaux from Richard R. Wilson-subject-Steve Polito, December 8, 1995,     authorization for insurance of awards, Steve Polito    2. The Louisiana Library network-Proposed budget for Louis Project    3. Copy of newspaper article-“Health Unity Jennings, La. Bids are Due” March 3,
1995    4. Petition- Sam J. Pigno vs State of LA through the board of elementary and secondary    education; April 13, 1995    5. Tangipahoa Parish School System-Loranger district #104-Chart of values and
payments    6. Newspaper article-“Loranger property taxes would rise if issue passes” by Sherri
    Jackson    7. Typed letter-to David K. Frazer from Stephen E. Boyette; March 14, 1995    8. Newspaper article-“Pigno denied back pay” by Sandy Seal    9. Newspaper article- “Pigno hopes for old job”, “Pigno” by Sandy Seal; July 21,
1993    10. Newspaper article- “Pigno vows suit if board denies request”, “Pigno” by Dori
Colona    11. Newspaper article- “Pigno seeks teaching reinstatement” by Sherri Jackson;
    February 24, 1995    12. Handwritten list of expenses    13. Handwritten note    14. Newspaper article- “BESE delays vote on Pigno matter” July 23, 1993    15. Minutes of the February 11, 1993 Meeting of the Hammond Westside Elementary    School building committee    16. Ponchatoula Junior High Building Committee, February 23, 1995    17. Copy of newspaper article- “Building Code is question in school project”    18. Copy of newspaper article about PJHS; March 3, 1995    19. PJHS Feasibility Study    20. Alteration and Changes to Hammond Westside Elementary School, January 11,
1995    21. Fax cover sheet-to newspaper from Bette Laird    22. News release-from Bette K. Laird and Marj Morgan- Multiple intelligences staff
    development project sponsored by Tangipahoa Parish School System Chapter 1 Project    23. Copy of article-The Well Rounded Classroom     24. Typed article-about Thomas Armstrong    25. Loranger Community Meeting Agenda, January 30, 1995    26. Loranger Area Schools-Preliminary estimate of probably cost, and information,
    Tangipahoa Parish School Board, February 24, 1995 meeting minutes; drawing of
    Loranger High School-refinish existing buildings    27. Envelope-addressed to Hammond Daily Star from Oaks Montessori School; enclosed:
    typed letter- to Barbara Esteves from Terri Bickham, September 14, 1995; typed
article     about Mary Fanning and list of Fanning’s life events; and handwritten invitation
to     welcome Mary FanningBox 9 Folder 10: Feasibility Committee    1. Tangipahoa Parish School System Superintendent’s Feasibility Committee; January
13,     1994    2. Presentation of School Financing to Superintendent’s Feasibility Committee;
February     17, 1994    3. Tangipahoa Parish School System-Long Range Plan    4. Budget/Finance-Subcommittee Recommendations to the Feasibility Committee    5. Subcommittee Report Form-Parental/Community Involvement    6. Forward to: Jim Faust from Cele Crawford; Curriculum Committee    7. Subcommittee Report form-Maintenance-Facilities Committee    8. Ballot for Discipline Subcommittee (2)    9. Discipline-subcommittee solutions presented to the feasibility committee    10. Superintendent’s Feasibility Committee-salaries/benefits/training/staffing
    subcommittee recommendations    11. Agenda-results of Parish Discipline Survey    12. Project Positive Proof; February 3, 1994    13. Subcommittee report form-Curriculum Committee    14. Typed letter-to superintendent’s feasibility study committee members from
Jim Faust,    May 25, 1994; attached-typed letter to Ted Cason from Dr. Elizabeth Moulds and
Susan     Webb, May 18, 1994; typed document about committee; superintendent’s feasibility
study committee report Box 9 Folder 11: Candidate Response    1. Booklet-Education In Tangipahoa Parish-The Future is Now-A Commitment by     Ronnie Glover    2. LA Secretary of State Candidate Listing-Election Date-October 1, 1994; candidates
    entered as of July 29, 1994; Parish-Tangipahoa     3. Daily Star-biographical information for E.F. Jake Bailey    4. Daily Star-biographical information for Jimmy A. Richardson        5. Daily Star-biographical information for Henry J. Sibley    6. Daily Star-questions and answers-Donnie Williams, Sr.     7. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Tony Paul Ardillo,
Jr.    8. Question and answers for Robert E. Caves, School Board District F    9. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Maxine Dixon    10. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Sherri (Sonny)
Hudson    Jr.-photograph included    11. Fax cover sheet-to Sandy Seal        12. LA Secretary of State Candidate Listing-Election Date-October 1, 1994; candidates
    entered by August 11, 1994; Parish-St. Helena     13. Plan for the Week of January 2-9    14. LA Secretary of State Candidate Listing-Election Date-October 1, 1994; candidates
    entered by July 29, 1994; Parish-Livingston    15. Typed letter-Local 100 Service Employee International Union, AFL-CIO; to Sandy
    Seal from Lechall Bridges; September 26, 1994    16. Typed biography-Kathy Achord Holton    17. Blank question/answer sheet    18. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Laurance B.
Schauf    19. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Linda Guy Phillips
(2);     included-promotional card    20. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Lennie Wales    21. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Mark C. Hurst    22. Questions/Answers-George E. Sullivan (3), August 29, 1994; included-promotional
    card        23. Handwritten list of names and times    24. Questions/Answers-Tim Mashburn, School Board District E    25. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Jerry Morgan    26. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Landry E. G.
Rice    27. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Logan Guess    28. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Andrew L. Jackson    29. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Rev. Terry Sippio    30. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Doris Flanagan    31. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Frank J. Sinagra,
Jr.    32. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Larry Westmoreland    33. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Kara Whittington,
Jr.    34. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Ruth Banks Watson    35. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Louis J. Ruffino    36. Daily Star-biographical information and questions/answers for Howard NicholsBox 9Folder 12: PHS Lawsuit    1. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Tangipahoa    Parish School Board vs various local companies-Petition for Damages-trial by jury    2. Newspaper article-“Judge delays PHS construction trial start”, November 26,
1990    3. Handwritten note-about Ponchatoula with various names    4. Newspaper article-“School Board agrees to take $2.6 million” by Sandy Seal,
    December 2, 1990    5. Newspaper article- “School Board expectations explained” by Sandy Seal, November
    27, 1990    6. Copy of newspaper article-“Choirs sought to perform for capital visitors” November
    28, 1990; handwritten notes on back    7. Copy of newspaper article- “$2.16 million suit settlement” by Jay Workman    8. Newspaper article- “Suit costs board close to $1 million” by Sandy Seal; November
30,     1990    9. Envelope with various handwritten notes on it    10. Newspaper article- “Contractor to estimate PHS repairs” by Sandy Seal; September
    19, 1990    11. Handwritten note    12. Newspaper article- “Dufreche criticizes reports”, “Dufreche” by Judy Clancy;
March     22, 1989    13. Newspaper article- “Fire Marshal’s report on PHS expected today”, “Fire marshal”
by    Judy Clancy; March 20, 1989    14. Newspaper article- “School board sues builders of PHS”, “School board” by
Judy Clancy; January 19, 1989    15. Handwritten note about lawsuit    16. Newspaper article- “La. Fire marshal may close PHS”, “Fire marshal” by Pat
Watkins, March 17, 1989    17. Newspaper article- “Buildings bring pride, problems” by Judy Clancy; August
6, 1990    18. Newspaper article- “Work progresses on new high school” by Teri Sforza; December
    14, 1984    19. Newspaper article- “Builder won’t fix gym floor” by Teri Sforza; September
17, 1986    20. Newspaper article- “The Reader’s Forum-Code violations not the fault of school
    board” March 26,1989    21. Newspaper article- “Work continues at high school” by Teri Sforza; February
25, 1986    22. Newspaper article- “Witness: Survey found PHS problems”, “Witness” by Sandy
Seal; November 28, 1990    23. Newspaper article- “PHS builders face court on Monday”, “PHS” by Al Rogers
and     Sandy Seal; November 25, 1990    24. Copy of handwritten note-list of payments; November 29, 1990    25. Various correspondences/documents between V.J. Bella, Collins Bonicard, Robert
    O’Brien, Ladd Ehlinger, Arnold Smythe, and Craig M. Clement; included-inspection    form    26. 3 page typed letter-to editor from Louis Blanchard; February 25, 1991    27. Typed letter- to Ted Cason from Alton B. Lewis; subject-Ehlinger and Associates
vs    Tangipahoa Parish School Board; July 1, 1991; attached- Answer and counterclaim
    Box 9Folder 13: Letters    1. Various letters to candidates from Sandy Seal; August 6, 1990-August 5, 1992Box 9 Folder 14: Lawsuits    1. Typed letter-to Ted Cason from David A. Hamilton; subject-Hayward West vs.
    Tangipahoa Parish School Board; August 2, 1991    2. Typed letter-to Mark Kolwe from Alton B. Lewis; subject- TPSB vs Charles Ragusa    and Sons, Inc., August 5, 1991    3. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Deborah
Diddon     (Individually and for minor) Cynthia Wheeler vs Audubon Indemnity Company and
the     Tangipahoa Parish School Board-Petition for Damages, September 4, 1991    4. Typed list of court cases    5. Typed letter-to Ted Cason and Tangipahoa Parish School Board members from     Christopher Moody; subject-Charles Helton vs Tangipahoa Parish School Board; July
    1, 1991    6. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Gladys
Harrison     (Individually and for minor) Cicely M. Harrison vs Art Zieske, Red Cason, Hammond
    High School, Tangipahoa Parish School Board and XYZ Insurance Company-Petition
    for Damages, July 2, 1991    7. Fax-to Hammond Daily Star from Clifton T. Speed; subject-St. Helena Parish
School     Board bond election- attached- various documents about St. Helena Parish School
Board;     May 2, 1991    8. State of Louisiana Court of Appeal, First Circuit-Joseph Spalitta, et al vs
Liberty     Mutual, et al.; December 27, 1991    9. Typed letter- Hammond Junior Auxiliary- to “adopter” from Susan Wong and Josie
C.     Mercante, June 27, 1991    10. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Taxpayers
of     Tangipahoa et al vs Mark Kolwe, Sam Pigno, et al-Petition for Sanctions and for
an     Accounting for Official Misconduct and Corrupt Practices    11. Temporary Restraining Order-Tangipahoa Parish School Board et al vs Preston
    Gabriel; attached-21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of
Louisiana-     Jimmy Sparacello vs Tangipahoa Parish School Board et al-Petition for Injunction    12. Typed letter-to Jay Lenz from Ronald L. Wilson; subject-Gerry Broussard vs
The     Board of Trustees for State University and Colleges, Dr. G. Warren Smith, Dr.
Robert    Butler and T. Duple, February 16, 1992; attached- Civil Action-complaint    13. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Patricia
Joiner    Cefalu vs Tangipahoa Parish School Board, Dr. Meth Moulds-Petition for Damages    14. 3 page typed letter- to Ted Cason from Barbara B. Rutledge-Opinion Number
92-284;     November 2, 1992    15. 5 page typed letter- to Stephen Smith from Beth A. Conrad; opinion number
92-432;     October 30, 1992    16. Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana 7th Ward Court City of Hammond; Scarlette    Clark vs. John Post, Mary Ellen Pymm, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes,    Tangipahoa Parish School Board, and assistant Principal Victor Bender; motion
to     transfer and consolidate case; November 19, 1992    17. State of Louisiana, Court of Appeal, First Circuit, Hayward West vs Tangipahoa
    Parish School Board Notice of Judgment, March 5, 1993    18. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Mark
Morice     vs Board of Trustees, Southeastern Louisiana University, et al- Temporary Restraining
    Order    19. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Southeastern
    Louisiana University vs Mark Morice-Reasons for Judgment    20. Commercial Lease of Property-State of Louisiana-Parish of Tangipahoa; Stephen
F.     Hurstell, et al vs Tangipahoa Parish School Board    21. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Joann
Boykins    and others vs Illinois Union Insurance Co., Jessie E. Wilson, Tangipahoa Parish
School     Board, and ABC Insurance Co.-Petition for Damages, April 6, 1994    22. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Hollis
Bush Jr.    vs Tangipahoa Parish School Board, Ted Cason, Leroy Hart, Ruth Watson, Logan Guess,    Donnie Williams, Howard Nichols, Robert Caves, Art Zieske, and E. F. Bailey-Petition    for Reinstatement, Damages, and Attorney Fees, July 29, 1993    23. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Hollis
Bush Jr.    vs Tangipahoa Parish School Board-Petition for Damages, Wages, Reinstatement,
and     Attorney Fees, August 29, 1994    24. 21st Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana- Glenda
Huszar    vs Tangipahoa Parish School Board members; Petition for Writ of Mandamus; August
    17, 1994    Box 9Folder 14: Standardized Testing    1. Newspaper article- “36 parish seniors fail exit exam” by Sandy Seal; May 19,
1993    2. Newspaper article- “Failing LEAP denies diploma”, “Failing LEAP” by Sandy Seal;
    August 12, 1990    3. Newspaper article- “36 parishes seniors flunk exit exams” by Sandy Seal; May
16, 1991    4. Newspaper article- “264 tutored for testing” by Sandy Seal; August 9, 1991    5. 2 charts- Tangipahoa Parish School System LEAP Seniors Standard not attained    6. Tangipahoa Parish School System-Super Seniors Data, April 1993    7. Newspaper article- “Parish students fare better in science, math”, “Parish”
by Sandy     Seal; October 7    8. Newspaper article- “Parish 7th graders top state average”, “Parish”  by Sandy
Seal; July    13, 1992    9. Newspaper article- “Ponchatoula students score well on CAT tests”, “Tests”
by Sandy    Seal; March 19, 1991    10. Newspaper article- “4 percent fail LEAP test”, “4 percent” by Sandy Seal;
April 19,    1992    11. Tangipahoa Parish School Board LEAP Super Senior Results, August 1993    12. 1993-1994 Super Senior Count    13. Newspaper article- “Kangaroos bound back on LEAP” by Sandy Seal; June 18,
1993    14. Newspaper article- “Graduation exit exam results”     15. Newspaper article- “Parish Students Score lower than state average on exam”,
    “Graduating Exit Exam results detailed” July 9, 1992    16. Newspaper article- “Parish slips below Louisiana test average”, “Parish” August
9,     1991    17. Newspaper article- “Parish meets or exceeds average in 4 parts of exam”, “Graduating    Exit Results results” by Sandy Seal; July 8, 1994Box 10Folder 1: Typed documents    1. For Immediate Release: Tangipahoa Parish School System School Bus Driver Pre-    Service Class    2. For Immediate Release- General Ieyoub applauds president’s actions to protect
    America’s Children from tobacco, September 17, 1997    3. Press Release-V.I.P. Program, September 18, 1997    4. Occupational Outlook Handbook    5. Southeastern News-SLU Sponsors career 2000 employment festival, September 24-    October 3, 1997    6. News conference-New report details minor’s access to tobacco-Tobacco sales
to     minors nearly cut in half, September 15, 1997    7. Pioneers Bellsouth Volunteers-small typed article about community service project    8. Princess Diana memorial song    9. “Diana’s Song-Elton John’s tribute to Diana hits American stores” by Matthew
Fordahl    September 24, 1997    10. Copy of handwritten note    11. Tangipahoa Parish Fair Beauty Pageant    12. News release-subject-“Teacher of the Year” awards program    13. Typed letter- to school board members from Donna L. Drude; subject-1997-98
sales     and use tax collections as compared to 1996-97 sales and use tax collections records;
    September 4, 1997    14. United States Senate Media release-Breaux and Landrieu announces $11.3 million
for    housing improvements, September 11, 1997    15. News Service-LSU Book Bazaar to offer more than 60,000 books, September 8,
1997    16. Typed document-“We want your two cents worth”    17. N.E.W.S. from the Louisiana Federation of Teachers- Powell receives Louisiana
    Federation of Teachers New Representative Award    18. N.E.W.S. from the Louisiana Federation of Teachers-Picard named LFT Friend
of     Education    19. N.E.W.S. from the Louisiana Federation of Teachers-Hainkel receives special
LFT    legislative award    20. N.E.W.S. from the Louisiana Federation of Teachers- Bussie receives LFT Pioneer
    Award    21. News release-Immediate appeal for blood donors-all types in demand, December
11,    1996    22. Event announcement/invitation- “Are there really any answers? Why? Our young
    people’s cry”, December 15, 1996    23. Handwritten document-to Daily Star for Feature Story-Darelene Smith “Mothe”    24. News release-Traffic Stop, February 10, 1997, add 1 traffic stop included    25. News release-Vehicles, February 10, 1997    26. For immediate release-about the appointment of Livingston Parish Attorney
John     Burgess as a US Administrative law judge    27. Typed letter-to editor from Carol B. Knight; February 20, 1997    28. Typed letter- to Randy Moffet from Pat Graves, February 18, 1997    29. SLU fax cover sheet to Polly Green, February 20, 1997    30. News Release-Copies of proposed LA content standards are on display and available,
    February 24, 1997    31. Fax cover sheet-to Daily Star, February 24, 1997; news release-LA content
standards    32. For immediate release-Local Youngster named CCFA “Youth Ambassador”,     February 25, 1997    33. Typed document-Poetry contest program postponed    34. News release-subject-display of sample textbook adoption materials in subject
areas    French, Spanish, Arts, and Music in Tangipahoa Parish School Board office    35. Hammond Daily Star Publishing Co. Inc.-re.-Community Calendar; Tangipahoa
    retired teachers to hold annual memorial service-Helen Hanes    36. Press Release-Town Meeting, March 3, 1997    37. Press Release-For our youth regroups to assist youth in 3 parishes, February
20, 1997    38. Typed letter-to Parents of Independence High School students from Brynn Campo,
    Ron Genco, Rose Joseph, and Linda Vacarro; subject-the Tangipahoa Parish School
    Board has adopted new science textbooks; March 6, 1997    39. Flyer-Environmental Fair Day    40. For immediate release-Free Scoliosis screening, March 31, 1997    41. Typed document-Husser Homemakers    42. Press release-State Senate announces citizen information services for 1997
legislative    session-Available options to help citizens stay connected to their state legislature,
March     13, 1997    43. Flyer-HJH (Hammond Junior High) groundbreaking ceremony, April 10, 1997    44. Typed letter-to Media Personnel from Mrs. Carol B. Knight, subject-school
calendar    change to provide for a professional development Day for Instructional Personnel,
April     4, 1997    45. Typed letter-to Media Personnel from Mrs. Carol B. Knight, subject-Pupil progression
plan committee meetings, April 3, 1997    46. Press release-Accident, April 16, 1997    47. Press release-male/female, April 21, 1997    48. Press release-thefts, April 21, 1997    49. News release-Powell elected rural caucas sergeant-at-arms, April 24, 1997    50. Press release-Proms/DWI, May 13, 1997    51. Press release-robbery, May 30, 1997    52. Pamphlet/program-The 105 Committee, Inc. Open house, June 7, 1997    53. Typed letter-from Wilbert Dangerfield- subject-105 Committee, Inc.    54. News release-Summer and Fall Art classes offered at NOMA, June 6, 1997    55. News release-Exhibition is Tribute to Art Collection, NOMA Benefactor, June
6, 1997    56. For immediate release-Local Architect firm teams up to win state contract
for new     capitol complex    57. Typed list of people in a picture    58. News release-CBN producer recognized at prestigious international film and
video festival in Chicago-Hammond, LA, resident Rick Settoon to receive 3 tops awards,
June 9, 1997; on back handwritten-about Rick, Pat, and Barbara Settoon    59. News release-Church Notes, June, 9, 1997    60. Typed schedule    61. City of Hammond News-press release-Temporary Road Closure; June 16, 1997    62. Fax cover sheet-to Barbara from Nick    63. PHS fax cover sheet- to Barbara Moore from Orlisa DePhillips, June 16, 1997;
attached- typed letter  to Barbara Moore from Orlisa DePhillips    64. City of Hammond news-press release-Temporary Road Closure Rescheduled, June
    19, 1997    65. List of accounting participants    66. 2 page typed document-Southeast Louisiana area health education JTPA Closing
    Ceremony    67. Secretarial Participants-list of those pictured    68. News release-Dodge truck, magnum tractor await top young farmer winner, June
23,     1997    69. News release-Talent contest to showcase performances by Farm Bureau Young
    people, June 23, 1997    70. News release-Parish Farm Bureau Queens vie for State Title, June 23, 1997    71. Press release-Community Policing Drug Arrest, July 11, 1997    72. State of Louisiana House of Representatives-for immediate release-subject-new
state    law about new meat gradings and certification, July 21, 1997    73. Typed document about Governor Mike Foster    74. Typed document-Loranger High School Alumni Association calling for members    75. PHS-to Daily Star school news form Ponchatoula High School Guidance Office;
    subject- Ponchatoula register new students on Monday, August 4 (2 copies)    76. Fax cover sheet to Daily Star from Ponchatoula High School     77. Louisiana Association of Educators-for immediate release-educators give awards
to    top legislators, July 30, 1997; list of awards attached    78. Email-Nesom Young Marines car wash    79. News release-Jindal Urges Back-To-School shots, August 4, 1997    80. Typed biography-Virgil Allen    81. Criteria for an award recognizing achievement toward the promotion of mental
health    awareness     82. 2 copies of handwritten documents-about statements and pictures of various
people    83. News release-Job Training Skills    84. News release-Labor Day greetings from Governor Foster and the Secretary of
Labor     Garey Forster, September 1, 1997    Box 10Folder 2: Tangipahoa Parish School Board    1.Book-Tangipahoa Parish School Board-Analysis of Student Enrollment Statistics,
    Projected Available Pay as You Go Funds and Legal Dept Margins-Virgil Allen,     Superintendent, February 4, 1997    2. News release-Southern Regional Education Board-Holding Schools Responsible
for     Higher Student Achievement Defines Accountability Trend New Report Finds, March
    6, 1997    3. News release-Louisiana Association of Educators-LAE initiates huge grassroots
effort    to dedicate funding for education, March 1, 1997    4. 1994-1995 State Summary of Progress Profile Results by District    5. 1995-1996 State Summary of Progress Profile Results by District (3 copies)    6. News release-Picard announces release of school report cards statewide    7. News release-School report cards sidebar: Statewide data summary (2 copies)    8. typed letter-to newspaper staff from Sam. C. Pernici; subject-School report
card     information, March 27, 1997; attached-fax cover sheet and various charts on First
Time    College Freshman Performance    9. book-1995-96 Louisiana Progress Profiles-District Composite Report-Tangipahoa
    Parish, March 1997    10. typed letter-to Lil Mirando from Ken Duncan, subject-Louisiana Education Quality    Trust Fund Annual Report, December 12, 1996-attached-booklet-Louisiana Education
    Quality Trust Fund-A Decade of Investments in Learning-Annual Report, June 30,
1996    11. copy of newspaper article-“SLU students to tutor reading, Clausen says” by
Sherry     Sapp, Morning Advocate, February 15, 1997    12. copy of newspaper article- “Your opinions-letters-Clinton’s Education plan
hailed” by     Sally Clausen, The Times-Picayune, February 13, 1997    13. News release-State of Education: Riley-Crack down on bad schools by Robert
Greene    14. Book-A Call to Action for American Education in the 21st Century   Box 10Folder 3: Teacher Salaries    1. Various typed documents, letters, new release articles, reports, and charts
about teacher    salaries/raises    Box 10 Folder 4: Southern Regional Education Board    1. Book-Accountability in the 1990’s: Holding School Responsible for Student     Achievement, 1997    2. Book- Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Fact Book on Higher Education    Box 10Folder 5: College Tuition    1. Copy of newspaper articles-“At first glance, it seems too good to be true”;
“Educate”;     “Scholarship glitch unfair to students”    2. News release-Best college buys, college buys, August 14, 1997    3. Fax coversheet-to Dori Colona from Rose Mary, August 13, 1997    4. Chart- Louisiana Tuition Opportunity Program for Students, “Tops”    5. Press release-subject-new tax legislation-START Saving Program, August 7, 1997    6. News release-ideas for package, July 25, 1997    7. News release-168,000 students in LA will benefit from 2 new tax breaks for
higher     education    8. Press release-START Saving Program enrollment period opens, July 30, 1997    9. News release-Ideas for Package, July 22, 1997    10. 1 page typed document-Hints for the City Desk, July 6-12, 1997    11. Southeastern Louisiana University-Tuition and Fees, Fall 1997    12. News release-Southern Regional Education Board-College Enrollments, Costs
jumps    in SREB States: Fact book    13. Southern Regional Education Board High Education Trends and Forecasts-Maryland    highlights 1996-1997Box 10Folder 6: Miscellaneous    1. Book-Training and Implementation Guide-Student Mediation in Secondary Schools    2. Handwritten document-about Iddo Pittman    3. Handwritten document-July 21st Tax Stories    4. Typed letter- to “Mr. Allen” from Barbara A. Esteves, September 11, 1996    5. Brochure- “How to get school news in the Daily Star” (2 copies)    6. Handwritten notes with names/phone numbers    7. Newspaper- The Amite Tangi-Digest, December 28, 1995, 128th Year, Number 21    8. Copy of newspaper article- “Computer lab catches on at IMS” by Barbara Esteves    9. Copy of newspaper article- “Parish library branches get new computer system”
by    Sylvia Schon    10. Folder-various information of the 150th Anniversary of the Mormon Pioneer
Exodus-    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; copy of handwritten document
attached    11. Folder-“Stand in the Gap: A Sacred Assembly of Men”-Promise Keepers: men of
    Integrity, October 4, 1997; includes various documents, news releases, letters,
and     copies of new paper articles    12. Folder-Norstan Communication; includes various documents    13. Booklet-“Getting ready for college early: A Handbook for Students in the Middle
    and Junior High School yearsBox 10Folder 6b: Miscellaneous    1. Typed letter-to Virgil Allen from John Dardis; July 14, 1997; attached-typed
document- Proposed Scope of Services for School Board Grant Consultant    2. 1 page typed document-Educators have a Choice!; attached-4 page typed document-    A Very Special Invitation for Professional Educators; 2 page typed document-Why
you     Should Consider Joining Christian Educators Association International    3. 16 page typed packet-School-Based Health Clinic Task Force Office of the Governor
    Recommendations-State of Louisiana Executive Department, June 30, 1997 (3)    4. Newspaper-The News Star The Times- “Education Reform- A New Beginning for     Louisiana”    5. Booklet-School Employee Pay-How Does it Stack Up? Summary Report, April 1997    6. Booklet-LABI Enterprise-Volume 22 Number 1, March 1997, Louisiana Association    of Business and Industry    7. Book-Kids Count Data Book-State Profiles of Child Well-Being-1994    8. Binder-Nixon Newspapers, Inc.-Employee Benefit Plan Box 11Folder 1: New Pay Plan    1. Handwritten notes    2. Typed packet-Tangipahoa Parish School System 1996-97 Salary Schedule     Implementation    3. 1 page typed document-Doris Flanagan, President TFT    4. News release-Employees react, August 23, 1996    5. Fax cover sheet- and typed letter-to Barbara Esteves from Andrew M. Edwards,
II;     August 26, 1996    6. Typed letter-to Lil Mirando from Doris Flanagan; subject-Tangipahoa Parish
School     Bus drivers and teachers vs Tangipahoa Parish School Board; August 26, 1996    7. Tangipahoa Association of Educators- news release-about Tangipahoa Association
of Educators/LAE/NEA information pickett and candlelight vigil; August 26-28, 1996;
(2)    8. News release-Plaintiff letter, August 28, 1996    9. News release-school board meeting, August 21, 1996    10. Daily Star fax cover sheet-to Chris Moody from Barbara Esteves; August 28,
1996    11. Booklet-Tangipahoa Parish School Board General Sales and use tax; December
1,     1996    12. Typed letter-to teacher and fellow employees from Virgil Allen; September
4, 1996    13. News release-Allen’s rebuttal; September 4, 1996    14. Daily Star fax cover sheet-to Andrew Edwards from Barbara Esteves, September
5,     1996    15. Information Picket and Candlelight Vigil-Tangipahoa Association of Educators/LAE/    NEA    16. Typed statement by Doris Flanagan; September 3, 1996    17. 1996-97 Salary Schedule Ranking    18. Typed letter- to Virgil Allen from Mark Kolwe; subject-Sabbatical Leaves;
June 30,     1997    19. Envelope-addressed to Barbara Esteves form Tangipahoa Parish School System;    attached- Typed letter- to Virgil Allen from Mark Kolwe, subject-Teachers’ pay
rankings    in Morning Advocate on October 30, 1996; November 6, 1996; copy of newspaper article    attachedBox 11Folder 2: Energy MGMT Plan    1. Booklet-Tangipahoa Parish Schools and John Controls, Inc.-business card attached    2. Booklet- Comprehensive energy and Operational Efficiency Program for Tangipahoa
    Parish School        3. News release-Energy MGT by Barbara Esteves; July 7, 1997    4. RFP Procedure; copy of magazine article-The Flip of a Switch, December 1996;    Energy retrofit creates and efficient building by Laurie Freeman, February 1997;
    Breakthrough, December 1996; printed PowerPoint slide show    Box 11Folder 3: Enrollment Figures, Dropouts    1. Louisiana Department of Education-News release-Vocational Education has     provided major thrust toward improvement of workforce development in Louisiana,
    May 15, 1997    2. Chart-Enrollment 1997-98 (5)    3. Tangipahoa Parish School System fax cover sheet    4. School Checklist for Early Enrollment Figures as of August 22, 1997; Tangipahoa
    Parish School System Central Office    5. Louisiana Department of Education Student Information System-School Session
1996-    1997 (2)    6. Handwritten note    7. United States Department of Education-News release- Record Enrollment Continues    Fall 1997 Teenagers Show Largest Increases Over Next Few Years, August 21, 1997    8. Tangipahoa Parish School System-typed letter-to media from Louis L. Joseph,
subject-    Community Forum for Zero Tolerance Program-memorandum attached-August 26, 1997    9. Tangipahoa Parish School System fax cover sheet- August 25, 1997    10. School Checklist for Early Enrollment Figures as of August 22, 1997; Tangipahoa
    Parish School System Purchasing    11. SIS Data Control Sheet-October 1, 1996    12. News release-Loranger growth by Barbara Esteves    13. Tangipahoa Parish School System fax cover sheet-to Barbara Esteves from Mark
    Kolwe, October 14, 1996    14. Tangipahoa Parish School System public schools 1996-1997    15. Tangipahoa Parish School System enrollment figures, August 31, 1995    16. Louisiana State Department of Education 1995-1996    17. News release-enrollment figures by Barbara Esteves, October 6, 1996    18. News release-remarks by U.S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley; February
23,     1996    19. Daily Star fax cover sheet-to Virgil Allen from Barbara Esteves    20. Handwritten letter to Virgil Allen from Barbara Esteves    21. Tangipahoa Parish School System Student Enrollment Information, October 2,
    1995 (2)    22. Handwritten note (2)    23. Tangipahoa Parish School System Student Enrollment, September 8, 1995    24. News release- Enrollment by Barbara Esteves from Virgil Allen, November 2,
1995    25. Tangipahoa Parish School System fax cover sheet-to Barbara Esteves from Virgil
    Allen, November 2, 1995    26. Chart about race ratios in various schools    27. Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools attendance reports-October 1, 1991    28. Expulsions for 1991-1992 School Year Through February    29. Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools attendance reports-revisions    30. Dropouts for 1989-1990 School Year    31. Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools attendance report-Dropouts from Lass Sheets,
    1989-1990    32. Various charts regarding-Enrollment profiles/reports, factor charts, basic
studies,     count of students by major, Spring 1992    33. Enrollment Profile-Fall 1992    34. LSU’s Impact on Louisiana     35. Registration Summer, 1993    36. Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools attendance report, October 1, 1990    37. Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools attendance reports, October 1, 1992, 1992-1993    38. Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools- Checklist for administrative placement 1992-1993    39. Registration Figures Fall 1993    Box 11Folder 4 Poverty Stats    1. Magazine-Louisiana’s Children at Risk-Number 293, February 1997    2. Agenda for Children-A Voice for Louisiana’s ChildrenBox 11Folder 5: Budgets    1. Tangipahoa Parish School System- Fiscal Agent Report    2. General Fund    3. News release-meeting stuff: Questions on the Budget, August 29, 1997    4. Tangipahoa Parish School System- Proposed Budgets for School Year 1995-1996    5. Tangipahoa Parish School System- 1995-1996 Revised Budgets    6. Tangipahoa Parish School System- 1996-1997 Budgets    7. Tangipahoa Parish School System- 1997-1998 Proposed Budgets    8. 1995-1996 Cost “Cutting’ and revenue producing measures-Tangipahoa Parish School
System     9. Newspaper article- “Budget Crunching”    10. Tangipahoa Parish School System- typed letter-to board members from Mark Kolwe;
    subject-refunding of sales tax bonds, November 22, 1996; typed letter-to Mark
Kolwe    from Fred G. Benton, Jr., November 22, 1996; attached-School board sales tax bonds    11. Chart-budget-expenditures and revenues    12. Handwritten chart-budget items 1995-1996 revised, 1996-1997 proposed    13. Handwritten-Budget meeting    14. News release-budget by Barbara Esteves; August 16, 1997    15. Tangipahoa Parish School System Proposed Expenditures by Fund for School Year    1995-1996    16. Tangipahoa Parish School System- typed letter-to Mark Kolwe from Ron Caruso;
    subject-1995-1996 Budgets, July 26, 1995        17. Tangipahoa Parish School System- typed letter-to board members from Donna
L.     Drude, subject-1996-1997 sales and use tax collections as compared to 1995-1996
sales    and use tax collections, December 3, 1996    18. Tangipahoa Parish School System- typed letter-to members of governing bodies
of various parishes from Donna L. Drude, subject-1995-1996 sales and use tax department
    year end report, October 9, 1996Box 11Folder 6: TP Master Technology Plan    1. Handwritten note with information about grants    2. D.C. Reeves Elementary-list of people/schools, handwritten notes on it    3. Fax transmission-to Barbara Esteves from Beth    4. Chart-Consolidated Budget Proposals for Tech Programs    5. Chart-Regional Technology Committee, February 1, 1997    6. Brochure-Learning in the Real World    7. News Release-sb mtg-tech plan by Barbara Esteves, August 20, 1997    8. U.S. News Online-Cover Story-Where Computers Do Work        9. President’s Above and Beyond Award and President’s Common Courtesy Award    10. Typed letter- from Karen Bell, June 17, 1997    11. News release-Technology in Schools by Barbara Esteves-Moore, June 27, 1997    12. ETS Research-Computers and Classrooms: The Status of Technology in U.S. Schools-Summary
of Highlights    13. Typed letter-to Editor from William L. Rukesyser, June 1997; attached-various
copies    of newspaper articles-about technology in schools    14. Tangipahoa School System Master Plan for Educational Technology TangiTech
    Planning Committee, June 1, 1997Box 11Folder 7: 1997 Graduations    1. Graduation 1997-Excel    2. News release-1996-1997 Graduations excels, May 1, 1997    3. Copy of newspaper article-1997 Graduation Dates    4. Program-SLU Program for the Spring Exercises of the 72-Commencement, May 17,
    1997    5. Typed article about First Baptist Church School of Arcola graduation    6. News release-about the Tangipahoa Parish Adult Education Program    7. Tangipahoa Parish Magnet High School-handwritten letter    8. St. Thomas Aquinas High School Class of 1997    9. Handwritten note    10. Photo assignment    11. Message note    12. Program-National Honor Society     13. Awards and Scholarships-Graduation Program-May 23, 1997    14. Program-The Last Will and Testament of the Class of 1997    15. Amite High School 1996-97, 1997 Senior Class    16. Amite High School Top 10    17. 3 page typed list of names    18. Springfield High 1997 Senior Graduating List    19. Holden High School-Graduation, May 23, 1997    20. Envelope-LA School-enclosed-photograph of Marcia Speed with a short biography    21. Albany High School Graduating Seniors Class of 1997    22. Albany High school handwritten note, May 20, 1997    23. Sumner High School Graduation Programs; Awards Day-honor roll students, list
of     graduates with awards; 1997    24. Doyle High school typed letter-Barbara Esteves-Moore from Charles C. Miller;
    subject-information about valedictorians; May 12, 1997; typed article about Louisiana
    School for Math, Science, and the Arts; typed list of graduates with names of
parents    25. Program-Senior Awards Day, May 21, 1997    26. Senior Awards Day Master Program 1997    27. Alphabetical List of all students-Ponchatoula High School, May 16, 1997    28. Tangipahoa Parish Magnet High School Spring Commencement, May 21, 1997    29. Harvest Christian Academy 1997 Senior Graduates    30. Handwritten biography-Melissa Fanning    31. Handwritten biography-Melissa Jo Fouch    32. Program-Senior Awards Breakfast, Independence High School, May 16, 1997    33. Program-Independence High School 1996-1997 Senior Awards and Scholarships    34. List of Awards-1997    35. The Saint Paul’s School-News Release-St. Paul’s Graduation-Tangipahoa Parish
    Graduate, May 12, 1997    36. Loranger High School 1997 Graduates    37. Fax Coversheet-Loranger High School to Daily Star (Barbara Moore) from Loranger    High School; subject-Graduate Scholarships and Awards    38. St. Helena Central High School-Class of 1997 Roster    39. Program-Kentwood High School Graduation Exercises, may 16, 1997    40. 1997 Senior Awards    41. Oak Forrest Academy-Seniors 1996-1997    42. Hammond High School Top 10 Graduates    43. Hammond High School Typed list of Graduates    44. Handwritten list of major award winners    45. 1997 Top 10 Students    46. Hammond High School typed list of graduates-final list    47. Program-St. Helena Central High Annual Commencement Exercise, May 16, 1997,
    attached-Top 10 Graduates    48. Loranger High School Commencement Exercises    49. Loranger High School Graduating Class Information    50. Loranger High School Honor Graduates    51. Louisiana Free-Net Spec Diagram        52. Handwritten list-Graduation 1996    53. Daily Star-typed letter-to Graduation Coordinator from Barbara Esteves-Moore,
    April 23, 1997    54. Daily Star-typed letter-to Principal from Barbara Esteves; May 1, 1996    Box 11Folder 8: Redistricting Plan    1. Various newspaper articles regarding the redistricting plan-1994-1995    Box 11Folder 9: Tax-Hammond-District 1    1. News release-School tax package, June 23, 1995    2. Blue book for Consolidated School District No. 1 (Hammond) of the Parish of
    Tangipahoa, Louisiana     3. News-Professional Reporter’s Notebook    4. Hammond Junior High School-meeting agenda/information, September 7, 1995    5. Typed letter-to Tangipahoa Parish School Board from Hammond High School Building
committee, subject-meeting: Wednesday, September 6, 1995    6. Fax transmission- to Mark Kolwe from Fred G. Benton, Jr., subject- $7, 130,
000     general obligation bonds, series 1995A of consolidated school district No. 1 of
the Parish    of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana, September 20, 1999; attached-$7, 130, 000     general obligation bonds, series 1995A of consolidated school district No. 1 of
the Parish    of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana, September 20, 1999; routing memo attached    7. 3 news releases about Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial
Reporting recipients; March-August 1995    8. Official sample ballot    9. Chamber News-Volume 12 Number 6, June 1995-Hammond Chamber of Commerce    10. Handwritten notes    11. Tangipahoa Parish School System-typed letter-Hammond Board Delegation from
E. F. Bailey; subject- meeting-Tuesday, June 20, 1995     12. Copies of newspaper articles about Loranger voters, April 1995    13. Hammond Education Coalition information sheet, July 15, 1995    14. Copies of newspaper articles-about Hammond Tax Elections, 1995    15. 4 maps of Hammond High School buildings    16. 4 page typed document-about various Hammond facilities/schools, May 11, 1995    17. Copy of newspaper article- “Board to consider Westside plans” by Sandy Seal    18. Typed letter-to Lana Lee from Fred G. Benton, Jr.; subject- (which is included)
Draft    of Proceedings in Connection with Receipt of Bids and Sale Bonds of Consolidated
    School District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa, September 6, 1995    19. Preliminary official statement-$7, 130, 000 general obligation bonds, series
1995A of consolidated school district No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa, State of
Louisiana                        Box 11 Folder 10: 1997 Special Leg. Session    1. Urgent-Gov. Foster’s Background Briefing was rescheduled, January 29, 1997    2. Business Card-Barbara A. Esteves    3. News release-Picard Speaks, January 31, 1997    4. Important Notice to All Print Media-about media background briefing regarding
Gov.     Foster’s agenda for the 1997 Special Session    5. Typed document-An Invitation from Governor Foster to all newspaper education
    writers, political reporters, and editors; attached-news release-State Senators
Urge    Alternative to Sales Tax at Special Session; January 27, 1997    6. News release-Administration wants computers in classrooms, January 24, 1997    7. Proposed Resolutions for the 1997 ConventionBox 11Folder 11: 1994 School Board Elections    1. Various newspaper articles, news releases, handwritten/typed documents, resumes
about 1994 candidates (80 items)Box 11Folder 12: Hammond Bond, April 29, 1995    1. Various newspaper articles, typed documents, a map, and newsletters about school
    bond issue (18 items)Box 11 Folder 13: Graduation Questionnaires    1. Blank high school graduation questionnaires (2)    2. Typed letter-to principal from Sandy Seal about upcoming graduation/graduation
    questionnaires, May 1, 1990    3. Blank Daily Star paper    4. Typed letter-to administrators from Sandy Seal about upcoming graduation/graduation
    questionnaires; April 26, 1994; (2)

Box 12 Folder 1: 1996 Graduations    1. Various typed/handwritten documents, newspaper articles, news releases, programs,
    brochures, and rosters of graduations/graduates, 1996 (24 items)    Box 12Folder 2: St. Thomas Aquinas    1. Enclosed in a folder-Various documents, newspapers, brochures, and pamphlets,
1995Box 12Folder 3: Health Clinic    1. Book- The Answer Is At School: Bringing Health Care to Our Students    2. Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals-office of public health-Adolescent
    School Health Initiative-Application for Planning Grant, 9 typed pages    3. Copy of handwritten list of schools and contact information    4. 2 page typed document-An Act; AHEC-Southeast Louisiana Fax Transmission    5. Individual/Organizations involved in the school based clinic initiative     6. Copy of newspaper article-Times Picayune Article February 1995, School-Based
    Health Center Bring care to Youths Statewide    7. Agency Description-attached-1 page type article with summary    8. IRS Determination Letter-Letter attached-November 23, 1990 (2)    9. AHEC Board of Directors    10. Tangipahoa Parish Health Profiles    11. Copy of newspaper article-“Report: Parishes Sexual Disease Cases on The Rise”
by     Sylvia Schon; January 23, 1995    12. Individuals Involved in Organizing Efforts    13. Correspondence from School Officials, February 2, 1995    14. Comprehensive School Health, Questions VI, page 6    15. Letters of Endorsement, 1995    16. Conflict Resolution    17. Quality Assurance Grades SBHC Services    18. Various copies of newspaper article-about Health Clinics    19. Brochure-George Washington Carber-school-based health center    20. School Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention Programs    21. Mission Statement    22. Business card-Area Health Education Center    23. Flyer-Community Meeting, June 29, 1995    24. Typed letter-to board members from Virgil Allen, subject-school based health
center,    July 26, 1995; attached-Proceedings of Lafourche Parish school board, March 8,
1995 (2)    25. News release-Local Digest, August 2, 1995    26. Typed letter-to Eddie T. Blanchard, Jr. From John Norris; subject-School-based
    health center, February 7, 1995    27. Typed letter-to Virgil Allen from Pat Augillard; subject-school based health
center,     July 6, 1995Box 12 Folder 4: LA Education/Teachers    1. Louisiana Association of Educators-LAE Releases annual parish by parish salary
    rankings (3)    2. News release-Teacher Pay    3. Fax cover sheet-LAE, October 30, 1996    4. Louisiana Teacher Salary Rankings 1996-1997-Annual Report (2)    5. Fax cover sheet-attached-addendum #1 to personnel committee report, (2)    6. Typed letter-to educator from Barbara Esteves-subject- Gender Gap    7. Partners in Education-Gender Gap: Teacher’s Guide-Ninth Annual Teen Survey-
USA    Weekend    8. Typed document-Where do we stand-1995-96-The LA Federation of Teachers Annual
    Salary Survey    9. Booklet-Compensation and Classification Study for the Tangipahoa Parish School
    System, November 1995    10. Booklet-Tangipahoa Parish School System, April 2, 1996, Review of Parish and
    Statewide Salary Schedules Box 12Folder 5: Shell Dredging    1. State of Louisiana-Department of Natural Resources; typed letter-William C.
Huls     from Joel L. Lindsey; subject-recommendations for revisions of the coastal use
permits     for shell dreading; July 18, 1984    2. Proposed cutline for shell dredging series    3. 2 copies of book/magazine articles about nature permits    4. Copy of newspaper article- “Officials decide dredging question” Morning Advocate,
    December 22, 1983    5. Copies of newspaper articles regarding the Shell Dredging; Morning Advocate,
December 21, 1983 (2)    6. Shell Dredging Stay Preliminary information-from Lee Young-attached-copies
of     documents regarding the Shell Dredging Story; newspaper articles-copies of books    7. Copies of newspaper articles-regarding layoffs and poverty, Metro State,-Morning
    Advocate; August 6, 1988    8. Petition- Robert M. Casse, Jr., Dave Besse III, et al vs Herbert L. Sumrall
and various    departments    9. Memorandum in support of petition for declaratory and injunctive relief; Robert
M. Casse, Jr., Dave Besse III, et al vs Herbert L. Sumrall and various departments    10. Petition of Appeal-to Hubert L. Sumrall from Dr. Robert M. Casse, Jr. Et al,
    August 4, 1988Box 12Folder 6: Santa Claus Letters    1. Handwritten letters to Santa Claus (13 items)Box 12Folder 7: Solid Waste    1. LEMNA-The Alternative for Waste Water Treatment    2. Copies of various newspaper articles-about the LEMNA Project    3. BioCycle-Journal of Waste Recycling, June 1989    4. Typed document about water system-6 pages    5. Table III-Projected Population 1980-1992    6. State of Louisiana-Department of Natural Resources Office of Environmental
Affairs-    Solid Waste Management Compliance Order (11 items), 1981-1984    7. Legislative Audit Advisory Council-typed letter to Ty Cobb Lanier from Kenneth
E.     Osterberger; subject-Tangipahoa Parish-Non-Compliance with parish transportation
fund    act; February 17, 1983    8. Solid Waste Landfill Proposal    9. Florida Parishes Regional Solid Waste Authority-Status Report, October 11,
1983Box 12Folder 8: Sheriff’s Association    1. Typed packet with all of the members of the association with information about
their    career, photographs includedBox 12Folder 9: St. Helena    1. Envelope-enclosed-handwritten note requesting a publication date and a typed
4 page     document about a response to the September 28, 1989 Morning Advocate article on
the     St. Helena School Bond Issue    2. Newspaper-St. Helena will appeal court ruling, Morning Advocate, March 8, 1990Box 12Folder 10: Secretary of State Candidates    1. Newspaper article-“10 vying for secretary of state say race open”Box 12Folder 11: State Board of Medical Examiners    1. Nixon newspapers-inter office memo- to Dennis from Lillian K. Mirando; subject-    attempts by reporter Lillian K. Mirando to contact Dr. Vincent Cefalu for comment
about    alleged problem with drugs, November 21, 1983    2. copy of newspaper article-“Investigators seize doctor’s records”by Chuck Reed    3. Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners-In the matter of Dewey W. Blackwell,
    M.D.-Final Decision    4. Press Release-December 22, 1981    Box 12Folder 12: Sonic Drive-Ins    1. book- The Long and Winding Road: Sonic Turns 40Box 12Folder 13: SLU Working    1. map of Southeastern Louisiana University    2. newspaper section-Daily Star-1984 Strawberry Festival    3. copies of photos of Southeastern Louisiana University faculty and students    4. Southeastern Magazine-Summer 1985, Volume 2    5. magazine-Southeastern Louisiana University    6. Temporary Restraining Order-Mark Morice vs board of trustees, SLU, et al    7. Facets of Southeastern’s History in her Diamond Anniversary Year    8. The Pick-Volume 19, SLU, 1990    Box 12Folder 14: SLU Library Reference Indexes/E-mail    1. Government Documents-Federal Compact Disks, December 12, 1994    2. Information Louisiana, Frequently Asked Questions    3. Internet Resources: U.S. Federal Government information, April 6, 1994Box 12Folder 15: SLU Economic Reports and Southeastern Economic Outlook    1. Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 1, Number 3, Spring 1986 (2)    2. Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 1, Number 4, Summer 1986 (2)    3. Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 2, Number 3, Summer 1987    4. Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 3, Number 1, Fall 1987    5. State of Louisiana-press release-subject-Conditions of Banks in Louisiana in
1987;     January 6, 1988    6. An Analysis of the Tangipahoa Economy by Jagjit S. Brar, Ph.D.; December 23,
1987    Box 12Folder 16: Social Security    1. typed letter-to media and area agencies from Gilbert Arvie; July 27, 1987;
attached-    social security reference guide; March 1987 Edition                    Box 12Folder 17: Special Olympics    1. memo-inter office communication-to Mike Dowty from Diana L. Rogers    2. Louisiana Special Olympics-press release-subject “A Walk Down One” for the
1983    International Summer Special Olympics Games    3. State Planning regions-map of Louisiana     4. 11 page typed document-including biographies and “Walk down La. Hwy 1 for     Special Olympics” documents    Box 13Folder 1: State    1. Press Packet-February 9, 1994    2. LOPA-Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency-folder-includes news releases, typed    documents, and brochures/pamphlets enclosed    3. 3 page typed letter-Guste Provides Background Information    4. typed letter-to reporters, news directors, and editors from governor’s press
office;     subject-Governor’s Budget Information, May 7, 1990; attached-Governor Budget     Information    5. News release-topic: DSS Communications Director Award, July 6, 1990Box 13Folder 2: TPSO (Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff Office) reports: 1986-1987 (202 items) Box 13Folder 3: TPSO (Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff Office) reports: 1989-1990 (157 items)                                                Box 13Folder 4: Suits    1. Newspaper-Daily Star-November 13, 1987    2. Newspaper-Daily Star-September 23, 1987    3. Petition for Damages-Willie McGhee vs City of Hammond, Kim Barker, ABC     Insurance Co., Time Saver Stores, Inc., Joyce Miller, XYZ Insurance Company; June
3,     1987    4. Petition for damages-Janice Ross Omotoyo et al vs Dan Schneewe Iss, et al;
November    4, 1987    5. Copy of newspaper article- “Police News”     6. Petition for Damages-Pamela Herard and Earl Herard, Jr. Vs Tangipahoa Parish,
    Tangipahoa Parish School Board, et al; September 18, 1987    7. Copies of 3 newspaper article sections-Police News, 1985    8. Petition for Damages-Russell vs Payne, Randy J. Hoth vs City of Hammond et
al;     June 20, 1988    9. Petition for Judicial Review-Mitchell Arnold vs Hammond Municipal Fire and
police    civil service board and the city of Hammond; December 14, 1987    10. Petition for Injunction-Louisiana State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors    vs Thomas Woods Funeral Home, Inc. Lizette Woods and Sidney Woods, July 6, 1988    Box 13Folder 5: Parish    1. Pamphlet-Fourth Ward Water District    2. Copies of 5 newspaper article-Sunday Advocate, 1989    3. Large pamphlet-Facts about Parish Financing (3)    4. Typed letter-newsletter-from Carmon Moore, January 31, 1989, map of Hammond
    (One Dublin Square) attached    5. Newspaper section-Election 87-A Voter’s Guide, October 18, 1987    6. News release-Tangipahoa Industrial Development Foundation and Southeastern
    Louisiana University entrepreneurial resource center benefit from cooperative
venture,     February 13, 1990    7. Cover of a program-Centennial, March 23-29, 1969: Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana
    8. Map of Tangipahoa Parish    9. Louisiana: Parish Police, 10 November, 1990    10. State of Louisiana-News release-Statewide Officials to Hold Joint Press    11. Handwritten note    12. Standing Committee    13. 2 page typed document-Account Statement    14. 25 page typed document; Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for General
Fund through July Box 13Folder 6: Wal-Mart (7 items)    1. Various news releases, newsletters, and typed documents about Walmart    Box 13Folder 7: Weather (17 items)        1. Various news releases, maps, news articles, and typed documents regarding the    weather, brochures/pamphlets; 1989-1992                    

Box 13Folder 8: Taxes    1. Taxpayers Ask IRS    2. News release-Tax Tips for Business Owners: Make the Most of Your Money and
    Your Time, September 21, 1992    3. The Tax Reform Act of 1986Box 13 Folder 9: Tickfaw (64 items)    1. Various meeting minutes, news releases, typed documents, newspaper articles,
folders,     and typed lettersBox 13Folder 10: Trash    1. Copies of 15 newspaper articlesBox 14Folder 1: TPSO Reports August 17, 1987 through December 31, 1988 (150 items)Box 14Folder 2: Legislative Auditor 1992 (10 items)    Box 14 Folder 3: Year End    1. Typed article/news release-Year End; copy of newspaper article-“Freezing weather…”    December 30, 1984 (3 sets)    2. Typed article/news release- Year-End assignmentsBox 14Folder 4: Treasurer’s Race (27 items)    1. Various candidate questionnaires, news release articles, news paper articles,
and typed      Documents about candidates and the treasurer’s raceBox 14Folder 5: Tree Farms    1. Newspaper-The New York Times, November 16, 1988    2. Newspaper- “General News: A Way to See the Forest for the Yule Trees”, The
Times-    Picayune, November 30, 1986    Box 14Folder 6: New Horizon Youth Service    1. News on the Horizon newsletter, November 15, 1996Box 14Folder 7: Voter Registration breakdown    1. Department of Elections and Registration Parish Report of Registered Voters
as of     September 25, 1992 in Tangipahoa    Box 14Folder 8: United Way    1. Typed article about the United Way Plan (2 copies)    2. Tangipahoa Area United Way, Inc.-Participating Agency List    3. List of businesses and monetary figures    4. News release-Americans gave record amounts to United Ways in 1989    5. 1989 Annual Report-Girls Scouts    6. Tangipahoa Area United Way, Inc. 1989-1990 Campaign Report, Week of January
29,     1990    7.  Tangipahoa Area United Way, Inc. 1989-1990 Campaign Report, Week of January
15,     1990Box 14Folder 9: Weather-Hurricanes (43 items)    1. Various brochures/pamphlets, newspaper articles, news releases, and typed documents    regarding the weather, specifically hurricanesBox 14Folder 10: Wetlands    1. “Wetlands White Paper”-At Issue, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, April 1990    Box 14Folder 11: Winn-Dixie    1. Business card-Keith Lavigne    2. Typed letter- to Lil Mirando from Keith Lavigne; February 17, 1994    3. Winn-Dixie Louisiana Fax Sheet    4. Typed document-Company BackgroundBox 14Folder 12: Unemployment (99 items)    1. Various typed documents, LA Labor Market information documents, World Book
    Press Releases, charts on LA Employment rates, LA Department 1983-1991 of Labor
    News Releases, and newspaper articles Box 14Folder 13: Mason/Shrine    1. Pamphlet/brochure-20 questions 1990-1991- The Shrine of North America and Shiners    2. Pamphlet/brochure-Who Are the Shriners and What is the Shrine?Box 14Folder 14: Maps (49 items)    1. Various maps and typed articles/documents, and newspaper articlesBox 15Folder 1: Mardi Gras (20 items)    1. Various flyers, typed articles/documents, newspaper articles, typed correspondences,    and news releasesBox 15Folder 2: Livingston School Board (15 items)    1. Typed documents/articles, typed correspondences, typed documents pertaining
to     fire alarm system, pest control bid list, school tax funds and budgets, and new
buildingsBox 15Folder 3: New Louisiana Laws    1. Governor Foster signs 217 bills into law-Bills and Summary-July 2, 1999    2. Governor signs bills into 105 bills into law-Bills and Summary-July 12, 1999    3. Governor signs 37 bills into law-Bills and Summary-July 13, 1999Box 15Folder 4: LPL-PSC-Energy    1. Special to the Daily Star-by Joe Mirando    2. Pamphlet-The Facts of Light    3. Pamphlet-Entergy 1991 System Profile    4. Energy/Economic Profile of Tangipahoa Parish, LA 1983    5. An Economic Analysis of Fuel Adjustment rates in Louisiana    6. Copy of newspaper article by Lee Young    7. Copy of newspaper article-“Fuel charge boosts utility rates”, November 18,
1982    8. Typed document-“Louisiana energy alliance-Parish Faces Large defecits city
government has to curtail vital services state revenue projections fall short unemployment
reacher double digits”    9. 21 page typed document-about Energy study task force    10. 2 page typed document-to Daily Star from Barry W. Miller; subject- Greater
    Tangipahoa utility company and Southeast Hammond Water Company, March 8, 1984    11. LA Public Service Commission-General Order-Fuel costs surcharge for interstate
    motor carriers, January 31, 1990    12. Pamphlet-Facts About America’s Rural Electric Systems    13. Pamphlet-LA’s Electric Corporations    14. Typed letter-to Lil Mirando from Joe Ticheli; Fact Finder attached; May 24,
1990    15. Business card- LA Power and Light CompanyBox 15Folder 5: Livingston News (49 items)    1. Legal documents, typed correspondences, charts/typed documents on company bids
    about various parish records pertaining to law enforcement, legal records, school
    board, etc.Folder 15Folder 6: Lottery Gambling-Racetrack    1. Typed document-Serious Flaws in H.B. 283-An Analysis Related to National     Standards    2. Gambling/Video Poker: Authorizes and Licenses Certain Video Draw Poker Devices-    An Act, 1991    3. Video Poker Slots- A Comparison-business card attached-Louisiana Coalition
of     Charitable Gaming Organizations-W. Findley Raymond    4. Internal Revenue Service News Release-Avoid the Pitfalls-Know tax laws on     Gambling, February 14, 1992    5. The Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana-Jefferson Downs Corporation, et
al. Vs.     LA State Racing Commission; January 14, 1993Box 15Folder 7: Redistricting    1. Common Cause Report on Congressional and State Redistricting, September 8,
1981    2. Typed letter-to all mayors and police jurors from William J. Guste; news release
    attached; January 7, 1981    3. Senate Reapportionment Statistical analysis-Senate Bill 1, November 12, 1981    4. Typed news release-Topic: Governor releases Congressional Reapportionment Plans,
    October 22, 1981    5. Congressional Reapportionment Statistical Analysis, Senate Bill 5, November
11,     1981Box 15Folder 8: Quad (17 items)    1. Various typed documents (such as audits), typed correspondences, and news releases/    newspaper articlesBox 15Folder 9: Operation Desert Shield (59 items)    1. Various typed documents, news releases/newspaper articles, typed correspondences,
    copies of handwritten documents, and envelopes/lettersBox 15 Folder 10: Photos-Miscellaneous (27 items)Box 16Folder 1a: Livingston Bookings (161 items)    1. Various charts, typed documents, and handwritten documents, included names
and     information about arrests; 1990-1992Box 16Folder 1b: Livingston Bookings (104 items)    1. Various handwritten, typed correspondences, news releases, and typed documents
on Livingston bookingsBox 16Folder 1c: Livingston Bookings (55 items)    1. Various handwritten, typed correspondences, news releases, and typed documents
on Livingston bookings    Box 16Folder 1d: Livingston Bookings (60 items)    1. Various handwritten, typed correspondences, news releases, and typed documents
on Livingston bookingsBox 16Folder 2: Political Press Releases-also includes photos and brochures (84 items)Box 16Folder 3: Ponchatoula City Council (25 items)    1. Various typed letters, copies of articles (including proclamations, insurance
    documents, ordinances, court records), 3 photographs of a house with a yard, and
a     pamphletBox 16Folder 4: Ponchatoula    1. Booklet-Queen of the Most Holy Rosary    2. History of Santa Maria Dell Udienza-handwritten note attached    3. 3 charts on arrest information    4. News release- “AAA cites Ponchatoula, Hammond for pedestrian safety”    5. Photograph- 4×6- South Louisiana Hayride 1961-1969 reunion    6. Typed noted about organizing a fruit and nut grower association    7. 2 newspaper articles about South Louisiana Hayride reunionBox 17 Folder 1: Livingston (24 items)    -miscellaneous typed letters, documents, a book and brochure about Livingston
Parish    Fair and items regarding the Livingston Parish school boardBox 17Folder 2: Ponchatoula History    1. Newspaper article- “Cave taken down” by Bob Warren    2. Chart-Mayors of Ponchatoula, LA 1869-1967    3. Typed document- “Ponchatoula-A History”Box 17Folder 3: Old Unused Photographs with descriptions (24 items)Box 17 Folder 4: Police (49 items)    -miscellaneous typed letters/documents/reports; newspaper articles; legal documents;
    and a comic bookBox 17 Folder 5: Migrant Story (36 items)    -miscellaneous typed letters/documents/articles/reports, brochures/pamphlets,    handwritten notes, newspaper articles, 1 photograph, and business cardsBox 17 Folder 6: Movies    1. Magazine- Spectrum- Southeastern Louisiana University, Volume 2, Number 1,
Fall     1988    2. Newspaper article- “Movie films in Winnfield”    3. Newspaper article- “Teamster man denies he made a TV show go”, March 8, 1989    4. Newspaper article- “This location is home for young movie maker”, May 23, 1989    5. Newspaper article- “Lights, Camera, Action”, September 13, 1989    6. Newspaper-Daily Star, June 25, 1982Box 17Folder 7: Natalbany VFD    1. Typed legal document-Natalbany Volunteer Fire department et al vs Tangipahoa
Parish     Council et al-complaint    2. Typed legal document- Lease by Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury to Tangipahoa
Parish     Tourist Commission”, April 29, 1983    3. Typed legal document-Tourism: Authorizes acquisition and disposition of property
by     Tangipahoa Parish Tourist CommissionBox 17 Folder 8: North Oaks    1. Folder containing information about North Oaks-news releases, magazines, and
typed     documentsBox 17 Folder 9: 911    1. Newspaper article- “911 emergency system being studied for parish” by Judy
Clancy,     January 11, 1990    Box 17 Folder 10: Nuclear Weapons    1. Newspaper article- “Tying politics to arms disturbs physicist” by Gary Perilloux,
    June 20, 1990    Box 17Folder 11: Organizations    1. Programs/pamphlet-Horizon House Youth Shelter     2. Hammond Lions Club, June 19, 1982    3. Handwritten note with names and phone numbers    4. Handwritten note-Bruce Henderson, Public Service Announcement    5. Handwritten list of names-Hammond Chapter 911    6. Typed letter-to CBDA from Mary Zatarain, July 29, 1982    Box 17Folder 12: Information on Phone Companies    1. Flyer-The Skyliner    2. Press Release-LA Public Service Commission-Lambert Press Release: Parish Calling    Plan implementation (Tangipahoa)    3. List-Individual Telephone Account Codes-News Department    4. Typed letter-to employee frm Sprint Phone Company    5. News release-phone memo    6. Copies of 3 newspaper articles about phone companiesBox 17Folder 13: Oil (17 items)    -miscellaneous typed letters, news paper articles, handwritten notes, news releases,
typed     documents        Box 17Folder 14: Pigno (21 items)    -miscellaneous newspaper articles and 1 supreme court press releaseBox 17Folder 15: Places (8 items)    1. Citizens National Bank Calendar-Proud Moments in Tangipahoa History 1984    2. Copy of book page-Citizens National Bank    3. Copy of book page-First Guaranty BankBox 17Folder 16: Place Names (8 items)    -various typed/handwritten documentsBox 17Folder 17: Sun/Vindicator    1 Sun newspaper, 1 Vindicator, 1 book: LA Balloon Festival and Air Show, May 13-15,
    1983Box 18 Folder 1: Photo Contest entries, information about photographs included (44 items)Box 18Folder 2: Independence (6 items)    -newspaper articles, typed documents such as budgets and articlesBox 18Folder 3: Independence City Council (44 items)    -various typed documents/articles, newspaper articles, news releases, photographs,
    brochures, and 1 mapBox 18Folder 4: Juvenile Justice    1. Folder containing miscellaneous typed documents on Juvenile Justice    Box 18Folder 5: Judicial Code of Ethics    1. News release-Supreme Court-State of Louisiana, July 3, 1996    2. Supreme Court of Louisiana-ResolutionBox 18Folder 6: Kentwood (13 items)    -miscellaneous typed documents/articles, press releases, newspaper articles, and
a     brochureBox 18Folder 7: LABI/PAR (29 items)    -miscellaneous typed documents, newsletters/bulletinsBox 18Folder 8: Lallie Kemp    1. Pamphlet-Lallie Kemp Medical CenterBox 18Folder 9: Library (13 items)    -miscellaneous typed documents such as: memos, legal documents, letters and other
    documents; also includes newspaper articlesBox 18Folder 10: Home Rule Charter    1. Newspaper article- “Home Rule: A Charter for Tangipahoa Parish” by Bud Cason,
    March 13, 1985    Box 18Folder 11: Hungarian Settlement    1. Program-LA State Archives Reception, Exhibit Opening, April 21, 1992    Box 18Folder 12: Hurricane (32 items)    -miscellaneous typed documents, press releases, flyers, brochures, copies of newspapers,
    and a photographBox 18Folder 13: ICG-Ponchatoula Wreck (6 items)    -copies of newspaper articlesBox 18Folder 14: Insurance Commissioner Candidates (9 items)    -miscellaneous typed documents, letters, business cards, brochures, and news releasesBox 18Folder 15: Illinois Central (6 items)    -typed news releases and 1 copy of a newspaper articleBox 18Folder 16: Indians (10 items)    -miscellaneous typed documents, news releases, photographs, and an envelopeBox 18Folder 17: Independence Budget (5-28-93) and Italian Festival, Independence, LA (5
    1. Typed documents about Independence Budgets 1993-1994 (3)     2. 2 books about the 6th and 7th Annual Italian Festival (2)Box 18Folder 18: Tangipahoa Parish Clerk of Court Unofficial Election Results (1 item)Box 18Folder 19: Insituform Gulf South News Release (1 item)Box 19Folder 1: Industrial Development (62 items)    -miscellaneous typed documents and newspaper articlesBox 19Folder 2: Industrial Development (100 items)    -miscellaneous typed documents and newspaper articlesBox 19Folder 3: Pictures and copies of newspaper articles (43 items)Box 19Folder 4: Complaint    -enclosed-typed document and cassette tape regarding a dog complaint, September
6,     1995    Box 19Folder 5: Miscellaneous (2 items)    1. Copy of newspaper article- “Transforming Tangipahoa”    2. Southeastern Magazine, Volume 2, Number 2 Fall 1985Box 19Folder 6: Awards, Citations, etc (33 items)Box 19Folder 7: Police Jury Manual, November 1980Box 19Folder 8: Children’s TV (33 items)Box 19Folder 9: Entertainment/Movies (96 items)Box 19Folder 10: Video’s Children’s (37 items)Box 19Folder 11: Graphics A (41 items)    -also contains- Adult Issues, Aging in Foreign Countries, and Agriculture

Box 19Folder 11b: Graphics A continued (65 items)Box 19Folder 12: Graphics B (40 items)Box 19Folder 12b: Graphics B continued (148 items)Box 19Folder 13: Graphics C (60 items)    -also contains- Cities/Stats/Data and Communication, Consulting Firms, Correctional
    Institutes, Crimes, and Crimes (School/Student)

Box 19Folder 13b: Graphics C continued (158 items)Box 20Folder 1: Graphics D (43 items)    -also contains-Donations

Box 20Folder 1b: Graphics D continued (73 items)Box 20Folder 2: Graphics E (108 items)    -also contains- Employment Industry (unemployment), Economy, Education, Employment/Occupations,
Endangered/Extinct Animals, Endowment Money, and Economy (users/abusers)

Box 20Folder 2b: Graphics E continued (29 items)Box 20Folder 3: Graphics F (32 items)    -also contains-Finance and Food Products issues    

Box 20Folder 3b: Graphics F continued (62 items)Box 20Folder 4: Graphics G (24 items)Box 20Folder 4b: Graphics G continued (105 items)Box 20Folder 5: Graphics H (43 items)Box 20Folder 5b: Graphics H continued (57 items)Box 20Folder 6: Graphics I (29 items)    -also contains-International Borders and U.S. BoundariesBox 20Folder 7: Graphics J (9 items)Box 20Folder 7b: Graphics I & J continued (59 items)Box 20Folder 8: Graphics K (7 items)Box 20Folder 8b: Graphics K continued (97 items)Box 20Folder 9: Graphics L (27 items)            -also contains- Languages and LiteracyBox 20Folder 9b: Graphics L continued (42 items)Box 20Folder 10: Graphics M (92 items)    -also contains-Metal Producing Company, Mergers, Military, and Money IssuesBox 20Folder 10b: Graphics M continued (145 items)Box 20Folder 11: Graphics N (28 items)    -also contains-newspapersBox 20Folder 11b: Graphics N continued (57 items)Box 20Folder 12: Graphics O (27 items)Box 20Folder 12b: Graphics O continued (24 items)                Box 21Folder 1: Graphics P (51 items)    -also contains-Politics, Population, and PrisonsBox 21Folder 1b: Graphics P & Q continued (112 items)Box 21Folder 2: Graphics R (27 items)    -also contains-Racial Issues, Resources (imported) and RevenuesBox 21Folder 2b: Graphics R continued (140 items)Box 21Folder 3: Graphics S (84 items)    -also contains-Smoking Stats, Soviet Union, Space, Sports, Steel, Stocks, and
Supreme     CourtBox 21Folder 3b: Graphics S continued (142 items)Box 21Folder 4: Graphics T (56 items)    -also contains-Technology/Education, Terrain, Transportation, Traveling (Highways,
    Roads, Tunnels) and Tobacco/GasolineBox 21Folder 4b: Graphics T continued (81 items)Box 21Folder 5: Graphics U (11 items)Box 21Folder 6: Graphics V (11 items)Box 21Folder 6b: Graphics U & V continued (21 items)Box 21Folder 7: Graphics W (31 items)    -also contains-Weather Hazards, Working Class, and World Development        Box 21Folder 7b: Graphics W continued (80 items)

Box 21Folder 8: Graphics XYZ (5 items)Box 21Folder 8b: Graphics XYZ continued (36 items)Box 21Folder 9: A Maps (90 items)Box 21Folder 10: B Maps (46 items)Box 21Folder 11: C Maps (74 items)Box 21Folder 12: D Maps (6 items)Box 21Folder 13: E Maps (32 items)Box 21Folder 14: F Maps (29 items)Box 21Folder 15: G Maps (40 items)Box 21Folder 16: H Maps (33 items)Box 21Folder 17: I Maps (17 items)Box 22 Folder 1: J Maps (17 items)Box 22Folder 2: K Maps (29 items)Box 22Folder 3: L Maps (29 items)Box 22Folder 4: M Maps (53 items)Box 22Folder 5: N Maps (39 items)Box 22Folder 6: O, P, Q Maps (69 items)Box 22 Folder 7: R Maps (16 items)Box 22Folder 8: S Maps (85 items)Box 22Folder 9: T Maps (25 items)Box 22Folder 10: U Maps (23 items)Box 22Folder 11: V and W Maps (14 items)Box 22Folder 12: XYZ Maps (22 items)Box 22Folder 13: Louisiana Maps (51 items)Box 22Folder 14: Maps-States A-M-Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi (121 items)
Box 22Folder 15: Maps of States N-Z-Nevada, New York, New Mexico, North Carolina, North
Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Washington D.C., and
Wisconsin (90 items)
Box 22Folder 16: Maps-U.S. (29 items)Box 22Folder 17: Maps-World (13 items)Box 22Folder 18: “A” Names (46 items)    1. Abels, Charles A. “Bubbles” (3)    2. Abel, Sheree (1)    3. Adams, Kenneth (1)    4. Adams, Terry (2)    5. Adams, Wallace (2)     6. Addison, May (1)    7. Adelmann, Heddley (1)    8. Akazaki, Misa (1)    9. Alessi, Burnell (2)    10. Allen, Virgil (2)    11. Alost, Jay (1)    12. Althouse, Judy (1)    13. Amakye, Willie (7)    14. Anderson, Barbara (1)    15. Anderson, Laura, Bushnell, Connie (1)    16. Anderson, Lettie (8)    17. Anthon, Dr. George (1)    18. Anthon, Gina (1)    19. Anzalone, Frank (1)    20. Anzalone, Joe Eddie (1)    21. April, Peggy (1)    22. Arbuckle, Charles (1)     23. Arceneaux, Connie (1)    24. Arceneaux, David and Gail (1)    25. Archer, Rev. Richard (1)    26. Averett’s, Lacey (1)    27. Arter, Linda (1)Box 22Folder 19: “B” Names (96 items)    1. Babin, Gwen (1)    2. Badon, Ella (1)    3. Bailey, Jake (1)    4. Bailey, Velma (1)    5. Baker-Jinny and Darryl (1)    6. Bankston, Lynn (4)    7. Bardwell, Carl (6)    8. Barker, Huey (1)    9. Bauerle, Beth (1)    10. Bauers, Pat (1)    11. Beacham, Linda (1)    12. Bedenbaugh, Kathy and Garnet (1)    13. Bel, Evan (1)    14. Bellazer, Mencie (1)    15. Bennett, Boyce (1)    16. Bercegeay, Verlyn and Charlies (1)    17. Bevere, Larry (1)    18. Bickham, Franis N. (1)    19. Billups, William Lamar “Buddy” (2)     20. Blackman, Ferrie Gene (1)    21. Blackwell, Sherry (1)    22. Blackwell, Wayne (1)    23. Blades, Bobby (3)    24. Blalock, Jack (1)    25. Bland, Lou (1)    26. Blaze, Robert (1)    27. Bobb-Semple, Keith (2), Bobb-Semple, Keith & Donna (1)    28. Bolinger, Bobi (1)    29. Borden, Donna Gay (1)    30. Borden, Leonard “Duffy” (1)    31. Bornkessel, Janet (1)    32. Bottolfs, Sylvia (1)    33. Boudin, Sharon (1)    34. Boudreaux, Greg (1)    35. Boyette, Stephen E. (3)    36. Boyette, Stephen Ray (1)    37. Braddock, R. E. (1)    38. Braud, John (3)    39. Braud, Brenda & John (1)    40. Brauninger, Mary Ann (1)    41. Brazil, Jeryl (1)    42. Breaux, Senator John (2)    43. Broome, Devin (1)    44. Brown, Billy “Woody’s Grocery” (1)    45. Brouillete, Dale (1)    46. Broyles, Sheila R. (3)    47. Bruce, Kathy (1)    48. Brumfield, Eric (1)    49. Brumfield, Joe N. (2)    50. Brumfield, Kendrick (1)    51. Brumfield, Les (1)    52. Brunet, Rod (1)    53. Brunies, Joshua “Heath” (1)    54. Bruno, Carlo (3)    55. Bryan, Kathy (2)    56. Bullick, Earl (1)    57. Burgess, Gordon (4)    58. Burgess, Margaret (1)    59. Burch, Fannie (1)    60. Bush, Joseph Ernest (2)    61. Bush, Sylvia S. (1)    62. Butler, Bob (1)    63. Butlet, Cassandra (6) Box 22Folder 20: “C” Names (84 items)    1. Cabler, Charles (1)    2. Calamia, Lee & Tommy (1)    3. Caldwell, Orris (1)    4. Camilleri, Rev. Emanuel (2)    5. Campbell, Edna (2)    6. Cannino, Dominic (1)    7. Cappel, Pam (1)    8. Carner, Bernard (1)    9. Carr, Betty Carol (1)    10. Carr, Diane & Clemint (1)    11. Carrier, Sidney (1)    12. Carroll, Shirley (1)    13. Carter, Judge Burrell J. (2)    14. Carter, Burrell J. (6)    15. Carter, Hodding (2)    16. Carter, Robbie (3)    17. Carter, Willie (1)    18. Cason, Ted (1)    19. Cassaro, Delma (1)    20. Catalanatto family-St. Joseph altar (1)    21. Cathey, James Jr. (2)    22. Causey, Patsy M. (1)    23. Chamber members (1)    24. Chatellier, Charlene (1)    25. Chauvin, Johnny Jr. (2)    26. Ciruti, Bob (1)    27. Cittadino, Joan (1)    28. Clark, Albert L. (2)    29. Clark, Bill & Katy (3)    30. Clark, Keith & Feltus Taylor (4)    31. Clausen, Gale Bell (1)    32. Clausen, Sally (6)    33. Clausen, Raymond M. Jr. (Ponchatoula), congressional medal of honor recipient
(1)    34. Clayton, Deborah (daughter, Ashley) (1)    35. Clayton, The Rev. Nolan (1)    36. Clegg, Holly (1)    37. Clemons, Toni (1)    38. Columbus, Christopher (1)    39. Coats, Jimmie (1)    40. Coher, Peggy (1)    41. Collier, Violet (1)    42. Colmer, Pixie (3)    43. Comeaux, Pat (1)    44. Compton, Carla (1)    45. Conarty, Jim (1)    46. Conleay, Ed (1)    48. Connolly, Jeannie (1)    49. Coppock, Carol (1)    50. Cook, Bernell J. (1)    51. Corkern, Earl & Carol (2)    52. Coumes, Irma (1)    53. Couvillion, Vic (1)    54. Cowen, Stanley (1)    55. Coyne, Glenda-Snowball stand (1)    56. Cozart, Maj. Robert G. Jr. (1)    57. Crain, Dr. J. Larry (2)    58. Crapanzano, Lt. Col. Leroy (1)    59. Crause, Andy & Jan (1)    60. Criswell, Wayne (1)    61. Curet, Sadye (1)    62. Curry, Nim (1)    63. Cutrer, Anita Davis (1)    64. Cutrer, Yvette (1)Box 22 Folder 21: “D” Names (53 items)    1. Dahmer, John (1)    2. Daigle, Phillip (2)    3. Dameron, Rena (1)    4. Daniel, David B. (1)    5. Dangerfield, Ronald (1)    6. Davis, Beth (1)    7. Davis, Bob (1)    8. Davis, Carolyn (1)    9. Davis, Marie (1)    10. Dawkins, Kathleen (2)    11. Dawson, Glen (1)    12. DeArmond, Earl (2)    13. DeArmond, George (1)    14. DeBlieux, Deek & Lisa (1)    15. Delatte, Randy (2)    16. DeMers, John (1)    17. Dekerlegand, Margaret (1)    18. Delvalle, Denise (1)    19. DeMarco, Joe & Nancy (1)    20. DePaula, Russell “Tippy” (4)    21. DeMars, Irenke (1)    22. Dameron, Stan (1)    23. Dickerson, Debbie (1)    24. Dickey, Jeff & Michael (1)    25. Director Lane (1)    26. Domiano, Kelly (1)    27. Domiano, Phillip (1)    28. Donald, Percy (1)    29. Donner, Michael IV (1)    30. Donnau, Catherine (1)    31. Dorman, Bill (1)    32. Dowdy, Eloise & Adams, Amanda (1)    33. Drake, Ernie (3)    34. Drude, Ruby (1)    35. Dubois, Bonnie & Doug (1)    36. Dufreche, Brent (1)    37. Dufreche, Helen (1)    38. Durfreshe, Ulysse and Joyce (1)    39. Dunn, Peggy (1)    40. Duncan, Holly (1)    41. Durand, Randy (1)    42. Durham, Dan (1)    43. Dominquez, Rose Quave (Dist. 1 School Board Candidate Oct. 3, 1998 election)
(2)Box 23Folder 1: “E” Names (14 items)            1. East, Charles & Viola (1)    2. East, Viola Beall (1)    3. Eberhardt, Pal (1)    4. Edwards, Debbie (2)    5. Elbers, Don (1)    6. Elzy, Reginald (1)    7. Elzy, Robert (1)    8. Erdey, Dale (1)    9. Ernst, Elaine (1)    10. Escott, Jan (1)    11. Epstein, Larry (1)    12. Eubanks, Jane & William (Reo) (1)    13. Evans, Sandy & Stephanie Shulte (1)

Box 23Folder 2: “F” Names (48 items)    1. Fairburn, Darrell (1)    2. Falgoust, Hymel (1)    3. Faller, Charles Lokey (1)    4. Fannaly, Vicky (1)    5. Farris, Joanne (1)    6. Faust, Jennifer (1)    7. Faust, Roger (2)    8. Faust, William Bryart Jr. (1)    9. Fellows, Leslie (2)    10. Ferreira, Al/Ann (1)    11. Ficklin, Ronald “Gun” (3)    12. Field, Ricky (1)    13. Finn, Ora Lee (former Amite H.S. principal) (1)    14. Flet, Bill (2)    15. Fleming, Mary & Hugh (1)    16. Fletcher, Ann (1)    17. Fletcher, Karen (1)    18. Forbes, H.P. (1)    19. Ford, Ginger (Helen Virginia Fortenberry) (5)    20. Foret, Carmel (1)    21. Fortenbury, Becky & Robert     22. Mayson, Foster (6)    23. Foster, Risk (1)    24. Ford, Judge Leon III (6)    25. Foti, Charles (1)    26. Fowler, Susan (1)    27. Franco, Wilma (1)    28. Fredericks, Dominic (1)    29. Fricke, Jeanette (1)    30. Fulda, Karen (1)Box 23Folder 3: “G” Names (51 items)    1. Gagliano, Nick (3)    2. Gainous, Phyllis (1)    3. Galladora, Alex (2)    4. Garrett, J.L. (1)    5. Garza, Renee (1)    6. Gasaway, Grace (2)    7. Gasaway, Jeanette (1)    8. Gautier, Debbie (1)    9. Gautier, Joey (1)    10. Gautreaux, Tim (1)    11. Gaydos, Vickie (1)    12. Gayle, Joey (1)    13. Genova, Darlene (1)    14. Genovese, Dr. Charles (1)    15. Genovese, de Ette (1)    16. Giannobile, Patsy (1)    17. Gideon, Dr. Charles (2)        18. Gideon, Tim (1)    19. Gilbert, Kellen (1)    20. Gilbert, Ronald W. (1)    21. Gill, Bobby (longtime Kentwood Mayor) (2)    22. Gill, Dan (1)    23. Gillespie, Jeanne (1)    24. Giluso, Joey Jr. (1)    25. Gladney, Molly (1)    26. Glover, Ronald (1)    27. Gomillas, Liz & John (1)    28. Gordon, Irma Thompson (1)    29. Gorman, Jim & Jan (1)    30. Grantham, Shirley (1)    31. Grappe, Deputy Susie (1)    32. Grant, Thomas W. (1)    33. Graves, Herb (1)    34. Graves, Odom (1)    35. Gray, Chris (1)    36. Gray, Larry (2)    37. Green, Freda (1)    38. Griggs, Gloria (1)    39. Grisoli, Joy (1)    40. Guagliardo, Marjorie (1)    41. Guilbean, Amy (1)    42. Guidry, John Michael (Senator) (1)    43. Guillot, Sheila (1)    44. Gunn, Dorothy (1) Box 23Folder 4: “H” Names (68 items)    1. Habibi, Barbara (1)    2. Hagan, Marsha Kimble (1)    3. Haight, Mike (1)    4. Hale, Lisa (1)    5. Hall, Louise (1)    6. Hardin, Homer (2)    7. Harper, Brian (1)    8. Harris, Edmond (1)        9. Harrison, Phyllis (1)    10. Harrison, Robert H. (5)    11. Hauck, Kevin (1)    12. Hawkins, Jeannie (1)    13. Hawkins, Margaret (2)    14. Hawkins, Suzanne (1)    15. Hayes, Jimmy (4)    16. Hebert, Charlene & Phyllis (1)    17. Hebert, Craig (1)    18. Hebert, Michelle (1)    19.  Heck, Dotty (1)    20. Hejtmancik, Myrtle (1)    21. Heller, Johanna (2)    22. Hemphill, Judy (1)    23. Henderson, Ethel (1)    24. Hendry, Marion (2)    25. Henry, Micah & Rose (1)    26. Herbert, Milton Jr. (2)    27. Hester, Ann (1)    28. Hester, Gaye (1)    29. Heumann, Mary (1)    30. Hewitt, Larry (1)    31. Higginbotham, Norman (1)    32. Hogan, Tom (2)    33. Holliman, Jerry A. (1)    34. Holly-Denise (1)    35. Hoover, Melanie & Steve (1)    36. Hoover, Robert (1)    37. Horn, Jerry A. (1)    38. Horn, Jerry (1)    39. Horton, Valerie (2)    40. Dr. Randolf Howes (2)    41. Howell, Emma (1)    42. Howe, Donna (1)    43. Howes, Ricky & Suzy (1)     44. Hubert, Patty (1)    45. Hutchinson, Cynthia (1)    46. Hutchinson, Louis (1)    47. Hurst, Brenda-St. Helena School Board Member (2)    48. Husser, Leon Jr. (1)    49. Hyde, David (1)    50. Hymel, Emile (1)    51. Hyde, Jimmy (1)    52. Hymel, Kay (1)Box 23Folder 5: “I” Names (7 items)    1. Ieyoub, Richard (1)    2. Ingram, Karl (2)    3. Irwin, Bill (4)Box 23Folder 6: “J” Names (30 items)    1. Jackson, Tom (1)    2. Jackson, Willie Grant (1)    3. Jamal, Selima (1)    4. Jarrett, Tricia (1)    5. Jenevein, Earl Sr. (1)    6. Jenkins, Barbara (1)    7. Jenkins, Erwin Hoy (2)    8. Jenkins, Margie (1)    9. Johnson, Donna (1)    10. Johnson. Doug (1)    11. Johnson, James D. Jr. (5)    12. Johnson, Susan (1)    13. Johnson, Vernon L. (1)    14. Johnson, Virginia (1)    15. Johnson, Willie W. (3)    16. Johnson, Yolanda (1)    17. Jones, Hank (4)    18. Jone, Jeanie (1)    19. Jones, Marion (1)    20. Joseph, Louis “Nick” (1)Box 23Folder 7: “K” Names (31 items)    1. Kelly, Martha (1)    2. Kemp, Cathy (1)    3. Kemp, Duncan (6)    4. Kennedy, Betty (1)    5. Kennedy, Michael J. (2)    6. Kent, Jack (1)    7. Kinchen, C.W. (2)    8. Kinchen, Leonard “Jerry” (1)    9. King, Chesterfield (1)    10. King, Lucy Mike (2)    11. King, Mary B. (1)    12. Kirkland, Jack (1)    13. Klein, Jimmy & Sassy (1)    14. Kliebert, Harvey (1)    15. Konczol, James Jr. (1)    16. Kornick, Alicia (1)    17. Kraft, Leonard (2)    18. Kropog, Alex & Royanne (1)    19. Krumholt, Kathy (1)    20. Kupper, Jackie (3)    21. Kay, Niechaus (1)Box 23 Folder 8 : “L” Names (57 items)    1. LaBorde, Bridget (1)    2. Ladshaw, Tom (1)    3. Lambert, Rhonda (1)    4. Lamonte, Anthony “Tony” (4)    5. Lamonte, Susie (1)    6. Landrieu, Mary (3)    7. Landry, Agnes (1)    8. Landry, Barry (1)        9. Landry, Donna (1)    10. Landry, Lucy (1)        11. Landry, Theresa (1)    12. Langston, Virginia (1)    13. Lanier’s Audrey (1)    14. Larsen, Randy (1)    15. Lavine, Harry (1)    16. Layrisson, Bry (1)    17. Layrisson, Ed (1)    18. Layrisson, Inez (6)    19. Layrisson, Parker (1)    20. Ledoux, Dr. William R. (P.) (1)    21. Lee, Emma & George (1)    22. LeMaire, Samantha (1)    23. Leonhard, Samantha (1)    24 Leverett, Melvin T. (1)    25. Lewis, Niki (1)    26. Link, Al (3)    27. Liuzza, Richelle (1)    28. Livingston, Bob- U.S. Rep. (2)    29. Livingston, Philip Keller (1)    30. Lobue, Joseph (1)    31. Lobue, Sherrie (1)    32. Locascio, Sal (1)    33. Loeventhal, Rose (1)        34. Loften, Oscar (1)    35. Lozes, Adele (1)    36. Ludwig, Bill (2)    37. Lunn, Nita (1)    38. Lusher, Dian (1) Box 23Folder 9: “M” Names (104 items)    1. Mabry, Leslie M. (2)    2. Macaluso, Pal (1)    3. Marshall, Lemar (2)    4. Mayeaux, Chuck (1)    5. McCarthy, Gloria (1)    6. Majesty, John (1)    7. Major, Carolyn (1)    8. Manisolco, Dominick (1)    9. Mannino, Ricky (1)    10. Marshall, Don & Kim (1)    11. Marten, Sammy (1)    12. Martin, Butch & Carol (1)    13. Martin, Hamilton (1)    14. Masarcchia, Tommy (or Tammy)     15. Mashburn, Jack (15)    16. Mashburn, Sadie Pugh (2)    17. Mathews, Bill (2)    18. Mayer, Rusty (1)    19. Mazzeno, Effie (1)    20. McAllister, Carole (1)    21. McCarroll, Eileen (1)    22. McClendon, Thurrell (2)    23. McCraney, Leon (Blue) (3)    24. McCraney, Mack (1)    25. McGary, Melvin G. Sr. (1)    26. McInnis, Jo. Marie (2)    27. McKaskle, Charles R. (6)    28. McKean, Georgette (1)    29. McKnight, James (2)    30. McLin, Royce (1)    31. McManis, Chuck (9)    32. McMinn, Robert (1)    33. McNabb, Elois (St. Helena School Board) (1)    34. MeVea, Tom (2)    35. Meades, LeVern S. (2)    36. Meche, Dwain G. (1)    37. Melendreias, Ed (1)    38. Mercantes (1)    39. Mercante, Frances J. (1)    40. Messina, Mario (1)    41. Metz, Jeanne (1)    42. Michell, Peter (10)    43. Middlebrock, Wayne (2)    44. Milchanowski, Jeff (1)    45. Miller, Donna (1)    46. Miller, Joe (1)    47. Milton, Norma (1)    48. Mirando, Lil (4)    49. Misita, Hildo (1)    50. Misuraca, Mike (1)    51. Mitchell, Christine (1)    52. Mitchell, Mark (1)    53. Mollere, Donna (1)    54. Matheu, Joaquin (1)    Box 23Folder 10 “M” Names Continued (44 items)    1. Moffett, Randy (14)    2. MonGrief, William “Monte” (1)    3. Montecino, John (1)    4. Montecino, Kathy (1)    5.Montelone, Margie (3)    6. Moore, Carmon (1)     7. Moore, Lynelle (1)    8. Morgan, Heather (1)    9. Morgan Lochelle (1)    10. Morgan Steve (1)    11. Morris, Bob (3)    12. Morrison, Eleanor- Pigs for Pets (1)    13. Morse, Joan (1)    14. Muller, Michael J. (2)    15. Muscarello (3)    16. Musemche, Richard (2)    17. Musterman, Warren and Juanita (1)    18. Gwen Myers (6)Box 24Folder 1: Jimmy Morrison (18 items)    1. Jimmy Morrison (18)Box 24Folder 2: “N” Names (9 items)    1. Neal, Ellis (1)    2. Neill (4)     3. Nelson, Sue (1)    4. Nethercatt, Ron (1)    5. Carlos Natoriono (1)    6. Noto, Olan (1)    Box 24Folder 3: “O” Names (7 items)    1. Ollen, Jay (1)    2. O’Neill, Tommy (1)    3. Orayne, Lillian (1)    4. Orgeran, George and Cynthia (1)    5. Osborne, Bob and Marie (1)    6. O’Sullivan, Ron and Louise (1)    7. Ourso, Carbete (1)Box 24Folder 4: Ott, Bishop Stanley J. (25 items)    1. Ott, Bishop Stanley J. (25)Box 24Folder 5: “P” Names (45 items)        1. Paddio, Jacqueline (1)    2. Palmer, Martha (1)    3. Parker, Maise (1)    4. Patterson, Sandy (1)    5. Pearson, Billy (1)    6. Peco, Nat (1)    7. Paderson, Franklin (1)    8. Pellichino, Russel (2)     9. Pen Pals- Carol Heenar and Diane Camelo (1)    10. Peororo, John (1)    11. Pepitone, Danny (1)    12. Perriloux, Gino and Scott (2)    13. Perrin, Esther (1)    14. Pfeil, Anno (1)    15. Phillips, Toni (1)    16. Pickens, Ella (1)    17. Pierce, Bobby Sue (2)    18. Piscoita, Ellis (1)    19. Pittman, Iddo Jr., and Kathy (2)    20. Pitzer, Joe and Pattey (1)    21. Plamann, James “Rocky” (1)    22. Plattsmier, Charles (1)    23. Polito, John J. Jr. (1)    24. Polotzla, Joe and Brownie (3)    25. Ponchatoula High School (1)    26. Ponticelli, Gretta (1)    27. Pottle, Dr. Ralp (1)    28. Powell, Becky and Karen (Moscow) (1)    29. Powell, Henry; Kathy; Wende (3)    30. Prevest, Buddy; Jesse Allen Jr. (6)    31. Prokop, Jules (1)    32. Pugh, Liz (1)    33. Pye, Lloyd (1)Box 24Folder 6: Sam Lake Pigno (10 items)    1. Sam Lake Pigno (10)Box 24Folder 7: Frnak Parrino (82 items)    1. Frank Parrino (82)Box 24Folder 8: “R” Names (60 items)    1. Dewy Ratcliff (1)    2. Roy, Kandy (2)    3. Rayburn, B.B. “Sixty” (1)    4. Recotto, Guy (6)    5. Reed, Debra (1)    6. Dr. Reed and Nurse Lettie (1)    7. “Reggie” Reed and Gwan (3)    8. Reeve, Jim and Walter (2)    9. Reid, T.J. (3)    10. Reno, Sonny (1)    11. Richardson, Samuel (2)     12. Jim Richardson and Thaddeus Richardson (3)     13. Richmond, Eddie (1)    14. Rich Tennis (21)    15.Ricks Brenda (1)    16. Ridgedell, Tom (1)    17. Rimes, James R. (2)    18. Robbins, Sharon (1)    19. Roberts, Halin (1)    20. Roberts, Renate and Ronalds (1)    21. Robertson, Charles; Louise (3)    22. Robin Carl (1)    23. Robbins Ann (1)    24. Robinson, Betty; Bobby; Georgia; Olivia (8)    25. Rochon, Louie (2)    26. Rogers, Stephanie (1)    27. Rollette, Dale and Denise (1)    28. Rolling, Merette (1)    29. Roppolo, Tracy (1)    30. Roussel, Marsha (1)    31. Ross, Ken (4)    32. Ruffino, Louis (1)Box 24Folder 9: Maurice Robinson (19 items)    1. Maurice Robinson (19)Box 24Folder 10: “S” Names (80 items)    1. S & W Wholesale (1)    2. Saigo, Holly (1)    3. Saik, Debbie (2)    4. St. Pierce (or Pierre) Elaine (1)    5. Saitus, Allen R. (1)    6. Sanders, Jessie (1)    7. Sambola, Kathy Cook (1)    8. Sandifer, Joann (1)    9. Sandifer, Vergil (2)    10. Sanders, Randal (1)    11. Santangelo, Mariann (1)    12. Santoro, Charles (1)    13. Sbisa, Lee (1)    14. Shaw, Clay (2)    15. Shafer, Duane (3)    16. Shafer, Raymond (3)    17. Sherman, Dayne (1)    18. Shoemaker, Barbara (1)    19. Short, Kelsey (1)    20. Shurtz, Annette and Mark (1)    21. Sibley, Bray-Harvest World Outreach Ministries (1)    22. Siekkinen, Carolyn (1)    23. Sighorell, Madeline (1)    24. Simmons, Mildred (1)    25. Simon, Lucienne (1)    26. Sims, Julie (2)    27. Sims, Scotty (1)    28. Sims, Viola (1)    29. Sipal, Madonna (1)    30. SLU: Dameron Home (1)    31. Smiley, May (1)    32. Smith, Carl (1)    33. Smith, Joyce (1)     34. Smith, G. Warren (1)    35. Smith, Joel (1)    36. Smith, Lewis (1)    37. Smith, Stephen (1)    38. Snell, Mary Ellen (1)     39. Snellgrove, Rose; Ben Willie (3)    40. Spears, Britney (11)    41. Speed, Wade (1)    42. Starns, David (1)    43. Steib, Ronald (1)    44. Stevens, Jean (1)    45. Stewart, Don (1)    46. Stewart, Paul (1)    47. Stilley, Gerald (1)    48. Stoulia, Lucia (1)    49. Stockett, Cecil (1)    50. Strack, Kay (1)    51. Strain, Robert H.-State Rep. (1)    52. Sullivan, Ted (1)    53. Sullivan, Tom (1)    54. Summers, Sherry (1)    55. Summers, Wayne (1)    56. Sweeden, Loretta (1)    57. Sylve, Bernard Jr. (1)    58. Szczeshiak, Edward (1)Box 24Folder 11: “S” names continued (25 items)    1. Schnadelbach, Bret (1)    2. Schneider, Cheryl “Zemurray’s” (1)    3. Schneider, Hans and Marietta (15)    4. Schwartz, Charles (1)    5. Schwegmann, John (1)    6. Schwegmann, Melinda (1)    7. Seale, Joann (1)    8. Sears, Enid (1)    9. Settoon, Patrick Delano (2)    10. Shafer, Catherine and Duane (1)Box 24Folder 12: “T” Names (31 items)     1. Talbot, Georgia (1)    2. Tallo, Louis (1)    3. Tallo, Patricia (1)    4. Tallo, Sammy and Pat (1)    5. Tavidian, Amy (1)    6. Taylor, Ben (1)    7. Taylor, Gene (1)    8. Taylor, Jeff (2)    9. Taylor, Patrick F. (1)     10. Taylor, Robert (1)    11. Thiel, Michael (1)    12. Thiemann, Jackie (1)    13. Thomas, Athale (1)    14. Thompson, David (1)    15. Thomas, Jerry Aroe (1)    16. Threeton, Alfred “Lennie” (1)    17. Tickfaw State Park (1)    18. Tosso, Emile (1)    19. Toups, Trey (1)    20. Traylor, James (1)    21. Troxclair, Ward (1)    22. Tucker, Charles (1)    23. Tullier-Holly, Denise (1)    24. Turner, Jennie Ann Peco (2)Box 24Folder 13: “V” Names (14 items)    1. Van Alsdorf, Emma Lou (1)    2. Verberne, Deborah (1)    3. Vernon, Marvin A. (1)    4. Vicknair, Janis (1)    5. Vicknair, Pattie (1)    6. Vidrine, Clyde C. (1)    7. Vinet, Jared (1)    8. Vitter, David (2)    9. Vitter, Shirley (1)    10. Vost, Harriet (2)    11. Von Almon, Cheryl (1)    12. Voorhee, Jeanne-New Horizon Youth Service Bureau (1)Box 24Folder 14: “W” Names (51 items)    1. Wagner, Marvin (1)    2. Waguespack, Zoey (2)    3. Walder, Marguerite (1)    4. Wall, “Blind Dog” Wilton (1)    5. Wallace, David (1)    6. Wallsden, Karen (2)    7. Warren, Burnadean (1)    8. Watson, Bridgette (1)    9. Watson, Ruth (1)    10. Watts, Jeorgi (1)    11. Watts, Norman (1)    12. Watts, David (1)    13. Wells, Arden (1)    14. Wells, John and Shirley (1)    15. Wells, Merlyn (1)    16. Westmoreland, Glenn (4)    17. Westmoreland, Patricia (1)    18. Westmoreland, Tonya and Donna Jones (mother and daughter) (1)    19. Whitaker, Janette- “Medical Explorer Post 940″ (1)    20. White, Dr. Sam (1)    21. Wilcox, Jim (1)    22. Wild, Jacqueline (1)    23. Williams, Cade D. (1)    24. Williams, Mike (2)    25. Williams, Mitch (3)    26. Williams, Nancy (2)    27. Williams, Osa (1)    28. Williams, Pat (1)    29. Willie, Byron (1)    30. Wilson, Ellen (1)    31. Wilson, Sharen, Dixon, and Michelle- “Gallery Menette” (1)    32. Windecker, Charles (1)    33. Winston, Diane G.-State Rep. (1)    34. Wolfe, David (1)    35. Wolfe, Lottie (1)    36. Wolff, Susan Johnson (1)    37. Wong brothers (1)    38. Wood, Warren (1)    39. Wright, Lenny and Fred (1)    40. Wright, Teressa (1)Box 24Folder 15: “Y-Z” Names (14 items)    1. Yohe, Rev. J. H. (1)    2. Yokum, Len (1)    3. Yokum, Sonny (1)    4. Young, Annie (1)    5. Young, Charles (1)    6. Youngblood, Stephanie (1)    7. Zabbia, Bob (1)    8. Zabbia, Kim (1)    9. Zaccari, Ronald Michael (1)    10. Zachary, Mary Grace (1)    11. Zewe, John (1)    12. Zieske, Arthur (1)    13. Zotti, Victor (1)    14. Zuppardo, Jeanette (1)Box 25-OVERSIZE BOX-MAPS AND OVERSIZED ITEMS (79 items)-contains- Downtown Parking Mall maps, Hammond Westside map, various sites around
Hammond, posters, construction plans for Street Sidewalk in Hammond, Pumpkin Center
Water Project map, 1992 Air Show layout, Tangipahoa Parish-Senate and House of Representatives,
Councilman District maps, school board district 1994 map, Sewer Rehabilitation Infiltration/Inflow
Repairs for the City of Hammond, Lake Pontchartrain and Maurepas map, “A Traveler’s
Map of the Alps”, map of the west entitled “The Making of America-Far West”, various
precinct maps, National Geographic Society “Endangered Earth”, world maps, “A Travler’s
Map of Spain and Portugal”, National Geographic-“The History of the Philippines”,
2 sets of folded posters containing newspaper printouts/plans/designs for the Strawberry

Box 26Folder 1- Cable TV (5 items)Folder 2- Campaign Spending (26 items)Folder 3- Camp Moore (11 items)Folder 4- Crisis Phone (1 item)Folder 5- Courts (5 items)Folder 6- Kelly Drott Case (2 items)Folder 7- Desert Shield (11 items)Folder 8- Economy (11 items)Folder 9- Economics (18 items)Folder 10- Elections (26 items)Folder 11- Endangered Species (5 items)Folder 12- Jack Eckerd (14 items)Folder 13- Education (11 items)

Box 27Folder 1-Education Series (3 items)Folder 2- Election Results (53 items)Folder 3- Election, October 6, 1990 (1 item)Folder 4- Environment (26 items)Folder 4b- Environment (10 items)Folder 5-Emergency Planning (22 items)Folder 6- Energy (9 items)Folder 7- First Amendment (11 items)Folder 8- Festival/Holidays (63 items)

Box 28Folder 1- Daily Star Construction (2 items)Folder 2- Federal (2 items)Folder 3- Fish (1 item)Folder 4- First Guaranty Bank (1 item)Folder 5- Floods (37 items)Folder 6- Railroad (29 items)Folder 6b- Railroad (28 items)Folder 7- Reapportionment (2 items)Folder 8- Recycling (6 items)Folder 9- Religion (1 item)Folder 10- Registrar Applicants (29 items)Folder 11- Restaurants – Cucos (12 items)Folder 12- River Series, August 13-18, 1990 (29 items)Folder 13- Post Office (10 items)

Box 29Folder 1- Press Release (87 items)Folder 2- Frats (8 items)Folder 3- Gambling/Lottery (3 items)Folder 4- Robert, LA (2 items)Folder 5- Roseland (6 items)Folder 6- St. Helena (3 items)Folder 7- St. Helena School Board (6 items)Folder 8- Safety (14 items)Folder 9- Prisons (4 items)Folder 10- Hammond Centennial (4 items)

Box 30Folder 1- Agriculture (4 items)Folder 2- Desegregation Suit Papers (11 items)-Loose items- 1. Folder- FEMA-People Helping People 2. Folder- Versar- A Journalist’s Guide to Environmental Issues 3. The Judicial Council of The Supreme Court of Louisiana-Annual Report 1985 4. The Rose Company Annual Report 1984 5. Folder-Riverwalk, New Orleans, LA 6. Folder-Press Conference: Pennies for Bread and the Abbey Program, Tuesday, October
2, 1990 7. Folder-Tangipahoa Transport Council 8. VCR Tape-Annetta Williamson on Oprah Winfrey April 10, 1991