Judge Leon Ford III

Judge Leon Ford III

Book Collection

  1. Ammunition for Aircraft Guns. USA: Departments of the Army and the Air Force, 1957.
  2. Bady, Donald B. Colt Automatic Pistols. Alhambra, CA: Borden Publishing Company, 1973.
  3. Baer, Ludwig. The History of the German Steel Helmet 1916‑1945. San Jose, CA: R. James
    Bender Publishing, 1985.
  4. Belford, James N. and Jack Dunlap. The Mauser Self‑Loading Pistol. Alhambra, CA: Borden
    Publishing Company, 1969.
  5. Berger, R.J. Know Your Czechoslovakian Pistols. Chino Valley, AZ: Publishers Blacksmith
    Corporation, 1989.
  6. Brunner, John W. The Colt Pocket Hammerless Automatic Pistols. Williamstown, NJ: Phillips
    Publications, 1996.
  7. Canfield, Bruce N. A Collector’s Guide to the ’03 Springfield. Lincoln, RI: Andrew
    Mowbray Publishers, 1989.
  8. Canfield, Bruce N. A Collector’s Guide to the M1 Garand and the M1 Carbine. Lincoln,
    RI: Andrew Mowbray Publishers, 1988.
  9. Canfield, Bruce N. A Collector’s Guide to the United States Combat Shotguns. Lincoln,
    RI: Andrew Mowbray Publishers, 1992.
  10. Carder, Charles E. Revolvers and Pistols from Hopkins and Allen Mfg. and Arms Companies.
    Delphos, OH: Avil Onze Publishing, 1998.
  11. Cate, Jim and Nico Van Gijn. J.P. Sauer and Sohn, Suhl A Historical Study of Sauer
    Automatic Pistols. Marceline, MO: Walsworth Publishing Company, 1996.
  12. Clawson, Charles W. Collector’s Guide to Colt .45 Service Pistols Models of 1911 and
    1911A1. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards Bros. Incorporated, 1993.
  13. Clawson, Charles W. Colt .45 Service Pistols Models of 1911 and 1911A1. Ann Arbor,
    MI: Edwards Bros. Incorporated, 1993.
  14. Coggins, Jack. Arms and Equipment of the Civil War. New York: The Fairfax Press, 1983.
  15. Costanzo, Sam. World of Lugers Proof Marks. Mayfield Heights, OH: Sam Costanzo, 1977.
  16. Datig, Fred A. The Luger Pistol (Pistole Parabellum). Los Angeles, CA: Borden Publishing
    Company, 1962.
  17. Datig, Fred A. Monograph IV: The Swiss Variations 1897‑1947. West Los Angeles, CA:
    FADCO Publishing Company, 1992.
  18. Davis, Virgil M. Gunstock Woods and Other Fine Timbers. USA: SouthLand Press Incorporated,
  19. Dawson, Jim. Swords of Imperial Japan 1868‑1945. Newnan, GA: Stenger‑Scott Publishing
    Company, 1996.
  20. Dorsey, R. Stephen. U.S. Martial Web Belts and Bandoliers: 1903‑1981. Eugene, OR:
    Collectors’ Library, 1993.
  21. Erickson, Wayne R. and Charles E. Pate. The Broomhandle Pistol 1896‑1936. Dallas,
    TX: Taylor Publishing Company, 1985.
  22. Gander, Terry. Germany’s Guns 1939‑1945. Ramsbury, Marlborough: The Crowood Press,
  23. German Military Uniforms and Insignia 1933‑1945. Old Greenwich, CT: WE Incorporated,
  1. Gibson, Randall. The Krieghoff Parabellum. Dallas, TX: Taylor Publishing Company,
  2. Goodapple, T.V., W.R. Maertz, and R.J. Weinand. German Helmets 1933‑1945 Volume II.
    Quincy, IL: Terry Goodapple, William Maertz, and Ronald Weinand, 1983.
  3. Gortz, Joachim and John Walter. The Navy Luger The 9mm Pistole 1904 and the Imperial
    German Navy: a concise illustrated history. Glenview, IL: Handgun Press, 1988.
  4. Greeley, Horace IV. The Colt U. S. General Officers’ Pistol. Lincoln, RI: Andrew Mowbray
    Publishers, 1989.
  5. Harrison, J.C. The American Enfield. Oklahoma City, OK: The Arms Chest, 1995.
  6. Harrison, J.C. The Collectable ’03. Oklahoma City, OK: The Arms Chest, 1997.
  7. Hicks, James E. German Weapons‑Uniforms‑Insignia 1841‑1918. La Canada, CA: James E.
    Hicks and Son Publishers of Gun Books, 1963.
  8. Hoffschmidt, E.J. Know Your PP and PPK Pistols. USA: Blacksmith Incorporated, 1975.
  9. Hoffschmidt, E.J. Know Your Walther P.38 Pistols. USA: Blacksmith Incorporated, 1974.
  10. Honeycutt, Fred L. Jr. Military Pistols of Japan. Lake Park, FL: Julin Books, 1985.
  11. Honeycutt, Fred L. Jr. and F. Patt Anthony. Military Rifles of Japan. Lake Park, FL:
    Julin Books, 1983.
  12. Jinks, Roy G. History of Smith and Wesson No Thing of Importance Will Come Without
    Effort. North Hollywood, CA: Beinfeld Publishing Incorporated, 1977.
  13. Johansson, Eric J. Pickelhauben, The Glittering Age: German Headdress from the Seventeenth
    to the Twentieth Century 1650‑1918. Independence, MI: H.S.M. Publications, ?
  14. Johnson, Larry. Japanese Bayonets, The Definitive Work on Japanese Bayonets 1870 to
    the Present. Broken Arrow, OK: Cedar Ridge Publications, 1988.
  15. Jones, Harry E. Luger Variations Volume I. Los Angeles, CA: Clark Lithograph Incorporated,
  16. Kenyon, Charles Jr. Lugers at Random. Chicago, IL: Handgun Press, 1969.
  17. Kenyon, Charles Jr. Luger: The Multi‑National Pistol. Moline, IL: Richard Ellis Publications
    Incorporated, 1991.
  18. Law, Richard D. Backbone of the Mehrmacht The German K98k Rifle, 1934‑1945. Toronto,
    Canada: Collector Grade Publications Incorporated, 1991.
  19. Lewis, Kenneth. Doughboy To GI US Army Clothing and Equipment 1900‑1945. Warley, West
    Midlands: Norman D. Landing Publishing, 1993.
  20. M1 Carbine Owner’s Manual M1, M2, and M3 .30 Carbines. El Dorado, AR: Desert Publications,
  21. Nelson, Joy. The Dutch Luger. Alexandria, VA: Ironside International Publishers Incorporated,
  22. Olson, Ludwig. Mauser Bolt Rifles. Montezuma, IA: F. Brownell and Son Publishers Incorporated,
  23. Poyer, Joe and Craig Riesch. The .45‑70 Springfield. Orange, CA: North Cape Publications,
  24. Poyer, Joe. U.S. Winchester Trench and Riot Guns and Other U.S. Combat Shotguns. Tustin,
    CA: North Cape Publications, 1992.
  25. Rankin, James L. Walther Volume II Engraved, Presentation and Standard Models. Coral
    Gables, FL: James L. Rankin, ?
  1. Rankin, James L. Walther Volume III 1908‑1980. Coral Gables, FL: James L. Rankin,
  2. Rankin, James L. Walther Models PP and PPK 1929‑1945. Coral Gables, FL: James L. Rankin,
  3. Reese, Michael II. U.S. Test Trials 1900 Luger. Union City, TN: Pioneer Press, 1976.
  4. Reid, Thomas and John J. Nauer. German Belt Buckles 1919‑1945. Houston, TX: Lancer
    Militaria, 1979.
  5. Riesch, Craig. The U.S. M1 Carbine Wartime Production. Tustin, CA: North Cape Publications,
  6. Ruth, Larry L. War Baby! The U.S. Caliber .30 Carbine. Toronto, Canada: Collector
    Grade Publications Incorporated, 1992.
  7. Senich, Peter R. The German Sniper 1914‑1945. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 1982.
  8. Shockley, Philip M. The Trap‑Door Springfield in the Service. Aledo, IL: World‑Wide
    Gun Report Incorporated, 1958.
  9. Smith, W.H.B. Basic Manual of Military Small Arms. Harrisburg, PA: Military Service
    Publishing Company, 1945.
  10. Stamps, Mark and Ian Skennerton. .380 Enfield No.2 Revolver. Ashmore City, Australia:
    Ian D. Skennerton, 1993.
  11. Stephens, Frederick J. Daggers Swords and Bayonets of the Third Reich. Great Britain:
    Patrick Stephens Limited, 1989.
  12. Stevens, R. Blake. The Browning High Power Automatic Pistol. Toronto, Canada: Collector
    Grade Publications Incorporated, 1992.
  13. Stevens, R. Blake. The Inglis‑Browning Hi‑Power Pistol. Canada: Museum Restoration
    Service, ?
  14. Still, Jan C. Third Reich Lugers and Their Accessories. Douglas, AL: Jan C. Still,
  15. Supica, Jim and Richard Nahas. Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson. Iola, WI: Krause
    Publications, 1996.
  16. Walter, John. The German Bayonet. London, Great Britain: Arms and Armour Press, 1976.
  17. Walter, John. The German Rifle. London, Great Britain: Arms and Armour Press, 1979.
  18. (2) Walter, John. The Luger Book The Encyclopedia of the Borchardt and Borchardt‑Luger
    handguns, 1885‑1985. London, Great Britain: Arms and Armour Press, 1986.
  19. Wilson, R.L. The Book of Colt Firearms. Minneapolis, MN: Blue Book Publications Incorporated,
  20. Southeastern Louisiana University Le Souvenir, 1938
  21. Southeastern Louisiana University Le Souvenir, 1939
  22. Southeastern Louisiana University Le Souvenir, 1946
  23. Southeastern Louisiana University Le Souvenir, 1947
  24. Southeastern Louisiana University Le Souvenir, 1948
  25. Southeastern Louisiana University Le Souvenir, 1975
  26. Louisiana State University The Gumbo, 1950
  1. Louisiana State University The Gumbo, 1951
  2. Louisiana State University The Gumbo, 1952
  3. Southeastern Louisiana College 25th Anniversary Program, 1950
  4. A Pictoral History of Tangipahoa Parish. Hammond, LA : Daily Star, 1994.
  5. Southeastern Louisiana University Class of 1939 Alumni News, July 1964
  6. Citizens National Bank Calendar, 1992
  7. Citizens National Bank Calendar, 1993
  8. Citizens National Bank Calendar, 1994
  9. Citizens National Bank Calendar, 1995
  10. Citizens National Bank Calendar, 1996
  11. Citizens National Bank Calendar, 1997
  12. Martin, Cora M. Louisiana Readers, First Grade. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,
  13. Southeastern Louisiana College General Catalogue vol. XVI, no. 3, April 1959
  14. Tatnall, Frank G. National Railway Bulletin. Vol. 65, No. 3. Philadelphia: National
    Railway Historical Society, 2000.

World War II

  1. Adcock, Al. WWII US Landing Craft in Action. Carrollton, TX: Squadron/Signal Publications
    Incorporated, 2003.
  2. Ailsby, Christopher. Combat Medals of the Third Reich. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire:
    Patrick Stephens, 1987.
  3. Altobello, Brian. New Orleans Goes to War, 1941‑1945 An Oral History of New Orleanians
    During World War II. USA: Brian Altobello, 1990.
  4. Beaver, Paul. German Destroyers and Escorts World War 2 Photo Album. Tucson, AZ: AZTEX
    Corporation, 1981.
  5. Breuninger, Michael S. U.S. Military Combat Aircrew Individual Survival Equipment
    WWII to Present. Fairview Village, PA: Michael S. Breuninger, 1994.
  6. Casey, Powell A. Try US: The Story of the Washington Artillery in World War II. Baton
    Rouge, LA: Claitor’s Publishing Division, 1971.
  7. Cohen, Stan. V for Victory America’s Home Front During World War II. Missoula, MN:
    Pictorial Histories Publishing Company Incorporated, 1991.
  8. Cooper, Bryan. The E‑Boat Threat. London: Macdonald and Jane’s Publishers Limited,
  9. Daggers of WWII Germany. 1980: Vol. 1, No. 1.
  10. Delaney, John P. The Blue Devils in Italy A History of the 88th Infantry Division
    in World War II. Nashville, TN: The Battery Press, 1988.
  11. DeNevi, Don and Bob Hall. United States Military Railway Service America’s Solider‑
    Railroaders in WWII. Toronto, Canada: Stoddart Publishing Company Limited, 1992.
  12. Doran, Lee. Military Production Codes of the Third Reich. Houston, TX: FAKTS Company,
  13. Elliott, Peter. Allied Escort Ships of World War II. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute
    Press, 1977.
  1. Ethell, Jeff and Don Downie. Flying the Hump in Original World War II Color. Osceola,
    WI: Motorbooks International Publishers and Wholesalers, 1995.
  2. (2) Gaskill, William M. Fighter Pilot World War II in the South Pacific. Manhattan,
    KS: Sunflower University Press, 1997.
  3. Gotts, Steve. Little Friends A Pictorial History of the 361st Fighter Group in World
    War II. Dallas, TX: Taylor Publishing Company, 1993.
  4. Hess, William N. Zemke’s Wolfpack The 56th Fighter Group in World War II. Osceola,
    WI: Motorbooks International Publishers and Wholesalers, 1992.
  5. Hicks, Walter Edmund. The 97th Bombardment Group, World War II. Ann Arbor, MI: University
    Microfilms Incorporated, 1969.
  6. Hoffschmidt, E.J. and W.H. Tantum IV. Second World War German Combat Weapons. Old
    Greenwich, CT: WE Incorporated, 1968.
  7. (2) Holden, Randy G. Harding Field: Baton Rouge’s Army Airbase During WWII. Baton
    Rouge, LA: Randy G. Holden, 1994.
  8. Hudson, J. Ed. A History of the USS Cabot (CVL‑28): A Fast Carrier in World War II.
    USA: J. Ed Hudson, 1986.
  9. Johnson, Frank D. United States PT‑Boats of World War II in Action. Poole, Dorset:
    Blandford Press, 1980.
  10. Johnson, Thomas M. Collector’s Handbook of WWII German Daggers. Columbia, SC: Thomas
    M. Johnson, 1979.
  11. Kupferer, Anthony J. The Story of the 58th Fighter Group of World War II. Dallas,
    TX: Taylor Publishing Company, 1989.
  12. Kurtz, Michael L. The Challenging of America: 1920‑1945. Arlington Heights, IL: The
    Forum Press Incorporated, 1986.
  13. Lambert, John W. Sortie A Bibliography of American Combat Aviation Unit Histories
    of World War II. St. Paul, MN: Phalanx Publishing Company Limited, 1993.
  14. Maguire, Jon A. Gear Up! Flight Clothing And Equipment of USAAF Airmen in World War
    II. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Limited, 1995.
  15. Maguire, Jon A. Silver Wings, Pinks and Greens Uniforms, Wings and Insignia of USAAF
    Airmen in World War II. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Limited, 1994.
  16. Marinelli, Nick. 363rd Fighter Group 9th Air Force World War Two European Theater
    of Operations. South Lyon, MI: Nick Marinelli, 1992.
  17. Maurer, Maurer. Air Force Combat Units of World War II. New York: Franklin Watts Incorporated,
  18. Maurer, Maurer. Combat Squadrons of the Air Force in World War II History and Insignia.
    Washington, D.C.: Zenger Publishing Company Incorporated, ?
  19. Mills, Stephen E. Artic War Birds Alaska Aviation of WWII A Pictorial History of Bush
    Flying With the Military in the Defense of Alaska and America. Seattle, WA: Superior
    Publishing Company, 1971.
  20. Osborne, Richard E. World War II Sites in the United States A Tour Guide and Directory.
    Indianapolis, IN: Riebel‑Roque Publishing Company, 1996.
  21. Pate, Charles W. U.S. Handguns of World War II The Secondary Pistols and Revolvers.
    Lincoln, RI: Andrew Mowbray Publishers, 1998.
  1. Quesada, Alejandro M. Images of America World War II in Tampa Bay. Dover, NH: Arcadia
    Publishing, 1997.
  2. Radovic, Branislav. German Helmets of the Second World War Volume I. Atglen, PA: Schiffer
    Publishing Limited, 2002.
  3. Radovic, Branislav. German Helmets of the Second World War Volume II. Atglen, PA:
    Schiffer Publishing Limited, 2002.
  4. Reed, James E. The Fighting 33rd Nomads in World War II Volume I. Memphis, TN: Reed
    Publishers, 1987.
  5. Reeves, Willard D. The MPC Checklist. Norcross, GA: Military Marketing Incorporated,
  6. Sawodny, Wolfgang. German Armored Trains in World War II Volume II 1939‑1945. West
    Chester, PA: Schiffer Publishing Limited, 1990.
  7. Sawodny, Wolfgang. German Armored Trains in World War II. West Chester, PA: Schiffer
    Publishing Limited, 1989.
  8. Schwan, C. Frederick and Joseph E. Boling. World War II Remembered History in Your
    Hands, A Numismatic Study. Port Clinton, OH: BNR Press, 1995.
  9. Selman Field World War II 1942‑1946. Paducah, KY: Turner Publishing Company, 1998.
  10. Still, Jan C. The Pistols of Germany and It’s Allies in Two World Wars Volume I. Douglas,
    AL: Jan C. Still, 1982.
  11. Strahan, Jerry E. Andrew Jackson Higgins and the Boats that Won World War II. Baton
    Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1994.
  12. Sweeting, C.G. Combat Flying Clothing Army Air Forces Clothing During World War II.
    Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984.
  13. Tate, Inez B. St. Helena Vets Remember World War II. St. Helena, LA: St. Helena Historical
    Association, 1995.
  14. Thole, Lou. Forgotten Fields of America World War II Bases and Training Then and Now.
    Missoula, MN: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company Incorporated, 1996.
  15. Tourret, R. Allied Military Locomotives of the Second World War. Abingdon, Oxon: Tourret
    Publishing, 1995.
  16. Woolnough, John H. The 8th Air Force Album The Story of the Mighty Eighth Air Force
    in WW II. Hollywood, FL: The 8th AF News, 1978.


  1. The AAF in Northwest Africa An Account of the Twelfth Air Force in the Northwest African
    Landings and the Battle for Tunisia. Washington, D.C.: Headquarters Army Air Forces,
  2. Adcock, Al. 0‑1 Bird Dog in Action Aircraft Number 87. Carrollton, TX: Squadron/Signal
    Publications Incorporated, 1988.
  3. Adlake Aviation and Airfield Lighting Equipment. Elkhart, IN: The Adams and Westlake
    Company, 1943.
  4. Air Force Association 50th Anniversary Directory of Members 1946‑1996. White Plains,
    NY: Bernard C. Harris Publishing Company, 1997.
  5. Air Force Association Directory of Members 2001. White Plains, NY: Bernard C. Harris
    Publishing Company, 2000.
  6. Air Force Association Directory of Members and Patrons 2003. Purchase, NY: Bernard
    C. Harris Publishing Company, 2003.
  7. Air Force Association Members Retired From the Armed Forces Official Directory. White
    Plains, NY: Bernard C. Harris Publishing Company, 1993.
  8. Airway Aids. U.S.: The Jam Handy Organization, ?
  9. Alexander, Sidney and Franklin M. Merriell. Hell’s Angels 42‑17. ?
  10. Apple, Nick P. and Gene Gurney. The Air Force Museum. Dayton, OH: The Central Printing
    Company, 1991.
  11. Army Air Forces Air Transport Command Caribbean Wing 36th Street Army Air Base Miami,
    Florida. Baton Rouge, LA: Army and Navy Publishing Company, ?
  12. Army Air Forces Flying Training Command Eagle Pass Army Air Field. Baton Rouge, LA:
    Army and Navy Publishing Company of Louisiana, ?
  13. Army Air Forces Installations Directory. Washington, D.C.: Headquarters Army Air Forces,
  14. Army Air Forces Southeast Training Center Craig Field Selma, Alabama. Baton Rouge,
    LA: Army and Navy Publishing Company, 1942.
  15. Army Air Forces Southeast Training Center George Field, Illinois Army Air Forces Advanced
    Flying School. Baton Rouge, LA: Army and Navy Publishing Company of Louisiana, 1943.
  16. Army Air Forces Southeast Training Center Stuttgart Army Air Field. Baton Rouge, LA:
    Army and Navy Publishing Company, 1943.
  17. Army Air Forces Technical Training Command Officer Candidate School Second Wing. Baton
    Rouge, LA: Army and Navy Publishing Company, 1942.
  18. Army Air Forces Training Command 69th AAFFTD Clarksdale, Mississippi. Baton Rouge,
    LA: Army and Navy Publishing Company, 1943.
  19. Atkins, E. Richard. Fighting Scouts of the 8th Air Force. Arlington, TX: Scouting
    Force Association, 1996.
  20. Atkinson, Cecil and Kathy Tilley. Camp Claiborne. Forest Hill, LA: ACK Hill Publishing
    Company, 1990.
  21. Balmer, Joe and Ken Davis. There Goes A Waco. Troy, OH: Little Otter Productions,
  1. Barksdale Air Force Base 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Wing 1950. Baton Rouge, LA:
    Army and Navy Publishing Company, ?
  2. Barksdale Field Shreveport, Louisiana. Baton Rouge, LA: Army and Navy Publishing Company
    of Louisiana, ?
  3. Base Leg United States Air Force Academy 1957. ?
  4. Bilstein, Roger and Jay Miller. Aviation in Texas. Austin, TX: Texas Monthly Press,
  5. Blackman, Raymond V.B. Jane’s Fighting Ships. England: Netherwood Dalton and Company
    Limited, 1972.
  6. Blesse, Frederick C. Check Six: A Fighter Pilot Looks Back. Mesa, AR: Champlin Fighter
    Museum Press, 1987.
  7. Blesse, Frederick C. No Guts No Glory. ?
  8. Bohannon, Shawn M., John Andrew Prime, and H.D. “Buck” Rigg. Barksdale Air Force Base.
    Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2002.
  9. Bowers, Peter M. Piper Cubs. USA: TAB Practical Flying Series, 1993.
  10. Bowers, Peter M. Wings of Stearman The Story of Llyod Stearman and the Classic Stearman
    Biplanes. Eagan, MN: Flying Books International Publishers and Wholesalers, 1998.
  11. Bowman A.H. Bowman Field Anniversary 1918‑1978. September 17, 1978.
  12. Braden, Betsy and Paul Hagan. A Dream Takes Flight Hartsfield Atlanta International
    Airport and Aviation in Atlanta. Atlanta, GA: The Atlanta Historical Society, 1989.
  13. Brandly, Raymond H. Waco Aircraft Production 1923‑1942. Troy, OH: The Waco Aircraft
    Company, 1986.
  14. Brandly, Raymond H. Waco Airplanes “Ask Any Pilot”. Troy, OH: The Waco Aircraft Company,
  15. Brown, Warren J. Florida’s Aviation History The First One Hundred Years. Largo, FL:
    Aero‑Medical Consultants Incorporated, 1980.
  16. A Camera Trip Through “Hags” Harlingen Army Gunnery School. Brooklyn, NY: The Ullman
    Company, ?
  17. Camp Blanding 117th Field Artillery 31st Division. Baton Rouge, LA: The Army and Navy
    Publishing Company Incorporated, 1941.
  18. Camp Blanding 124th Infantry 31st Infantry Division. Baton Rouge, LA: The Army and
    Navy Publishing Company Incorporated, 1941.
  19. Camp Blanding Special Troops 106th Engineers 31st Division. Baton Rouge, LA: The Army
    and Navy Publishing Company Incorporated, 1941.
  20. Cassagneres, Ev. The New Ryan Development and History of the Ryan ST and SC. Eagan,
    MN: Flying Books International Publishers and Wholesalers, 1995.
  21. Cavu Army Air Forces Basic Flying School Goodfellow Field San Angelo, Texas. The Class
    of 43‑E, ?
  22. Cearley, George W. American Airlines An Illustrated History. USA: George W. Cearley,
  23. Chronological Syllabus of the Armament Development and Test Center Part One and Two.
    Florida: Eglin Air Force Base, 1976.
  24. Cohen, Stan. The Tree Army A Pictorial History of the Civilian Conservation Corps,
    1933‑ 1942. Missoula, MN: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, 1980.
  1. Cole, Duane. Roll Around a Point. Milwaukee, WI: Ken Cook Company, 1965.
  2. Cole, Duane. To a Pilot. Milwaukee, WI: Ken Cook Company, 1964.
  3. Connelly, T. Garth. PT Boats in Action Warships Number 7. Carrollton, TX: Squadron/Signal
    Publications Incorporated, 1994.
  4. Correll, John T. Air Force Magazine. Dec 1999: Vol. 82, No. 12.
  5. Correll, John T. Air Force Magazine. Jan 2000: Vol. 83, No. 1.
  6. Cortesi, Lawrence. The Grim Reapers History of the 3rd Bomb Group 1918‑1965. Temple
    City, CA: Historical Aviation Album, 1985.
  7. Crookenden, Napier. Airborne at War. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978.
  8. Curtis, Robert I., John Mitchell, and Martin Copp. Langley Field, The Early Years
    1916‑ 1946. Langley AFB, VA: Office of History, 1977.
  9. Daniel, Hawthorne. Uncle Sam’s Navy The Ships and Men of the American Fleet. New York:
    Grosset and Dunlap Incorporated, 1940.
  10. Danowsky, Myron. Bombs Away Class 43‑18 Army Air Force Bombardier School Midland Army
    Air Field. ?
  11. Davies, David and Mike Vines. Barksdale Superbase 21 Home of the Mighty Eighth. London:
    Osprey Publishing Limited, 1991.
  12. Davies, R.E.G. Airlines of the United States since 1914. London: Putnam and Company
    Limited, 1972.
  13. Davis, Larry. The 4th Fighter Wing in the Korean War. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing
    Limited, 2001.
  14. Development of AAF Base Facilities in the United States, 1939‑1945. Manhattan, KS:
    MA/AH Publishing, 1947.
  15. Dixon, Robert J. Aircraft of Langley AFB 1917‑1977. Langley AFB, VA: The Office of
    Tactical Air Command History Headquarters, ?
  16. Donald, David. The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft. New York: Barnes and Noble
    Books, 1997.
  17. Edwards Air Force Base California Air Force Flight Test Center. Baton Rouge, LA: Army
    and Navy Publishing Company, 1957.
  18. Eglin Air Force Base Florida Air Proving Ground Center. Baton Rouge, LA: Army and
    Navy Publishing Company, 1958.
  19. Ellington Field Class 43‑I. ?
  20. Ferguson, Aldon P. Royal Air Force Burtonwood 50 Years of Photographs. Berkshire,
    RG: Airfield Publications, 1989.
  21. Fifty Years of Aviation History at Maxwell Air Force Base 1910‑1960. Alabama: Office
    of Information Headquarters Air University, ?
  22. Fighter Group 359th 1943‑1945. Nashville, TN: The Battery Press, ?
  23. Flight Handbook Pilot Training Manual for the F‑51D Mustang. Eagan, MN: Flying Books
    Publishers and Wholesalers, 1989.
  24. Flight to Pensacola. ?
  25. (2) Ford, Judge Leon III. Hammond Army Air Field and Early Aviation in the Hammond
    Area. Hammond, LA: Judge Leon Ford III, 1996.
  1. Forden, Lesley. The Ford Air Tours 1925‑1931. Alameda, CA: The Nottingham Press, 1973.
  2. Francillon, Rene. The Air Guard. Austin, TX: Aerofax Incorporated, ?
  3. Franklin, J.E. Legacy of Leadership A Pictorial History of Trans World Airlines. Marceline,
    MO: Walsworth Publishing Company Incorporated, 1971.
  4. Freeman, Roger A. The Mighty Eighth A History of the U.S. 8th Army Air Force. Garden
    City, NY: Doubleday and Company Incorporated, 1970.
  5. Futrell, Robert F. The United States Air Force in Korea 1950‑1953. New York: Van Rees
    Press, 1961.
  6. Gandy, Joan W. and Thomas H. Gandy. The Mississippi Steamboat Era in Historic Photographs
    Natchez to New Orleans 1870‑1920. New York: Dover Publications Incorporated, 1987.
  7. Gay, George. Sole Survivor The Battle of Midway and Its Effects on His Life. Naples,
    FL: Midway Publishers, 1980.
  8. Gibbons, Tony. Warships and Naval Battles of the Civil War. New York: W.H. Smith Publishers
    Incorporated, 1989.
  9. Glines, Carroll V. and Wendell F. Moseley. Grand Old Lady Story of the DC‑3. Cleveland,
    OH: Pennington Press Incorporated, 1959.
  10. Graham, William R. Misawa Air Base and City. ?
  11. Grindstaff, Charles W. War Baby of the South 1940‑1945 Robins Field, Georgia. Georgia:
    Office of History Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, 1988.
  12. Gross, Charles Joseph. Prelude to the Total Force: The Air National Guard 1943‑1969.
    Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History, 1985.
  13. Hagedorn, Dan. Alae Supra Canalem Wings Over the Canal The Sixth Air Force and the
    Antilles Air Command. Paducah, KY: Turner Publishing Company, 1995.
  14. Hair, Charles Arthur. The Saga of ’54 and More The Story of the 310th Bombardment
    Group. Anaheim, CA: Robinson Typographics, 1987.
  15. Halberstadt, Hans and Mike. US Aircrew Combat Flight and Survival Gear. Osceola, WI:
    Motorbooks International Publishers and Wholesalers, 1996.
  16. Hall, Cynthia. Little Rock Air Force Base Silver Anniversary Review 1955‑1980. 314th
    TAW Public Affairs Office, ?
  17. Hall, George. Southern Warriors Defenders of the Mississippi Delta. London: Osprey
    Publishing Limited, 1992.
  18. Hamlin, Fred et al. The Aircraft Year Book 1950. Washington, D.C.: Lincoln Press Incorporated,
  19. Harding, Richard A. Aircraft Accident and Maintenance Review. Dec 1953: Vol. 8, No.
  20. Harding, Stephen and James I. Long. Dominator The Story of the Consolidated B‑32 Bomber.
    Missoula, MN: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, 1983.
  21. Harley, R. Bruce. The March Field Story 1918‑1978. California: The Office of Historian
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Skipped Books

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 159 Autumn 1988. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1988.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 160 Spring 1989. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1989.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 161 Autumn 1989. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1989.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 162 Spring 1990. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1990.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 163 Autumn 1990. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1990.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 164 Spring 1991. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1991.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 165 Autumn 1991. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1991.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 166 Spring 1992. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1992.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 167 Autumn 1992. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1992.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 168 Spring 1993. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1993.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 169 Autumn 1993. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1993.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 170 Spring 1994. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1994.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 171 Autumn 1994. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1994.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 172 Spring 1995. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1995.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 173 Autumn 1995. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1995.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 174 Spring 1996. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1996.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 175 Autumn 1996. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1996.

Grant, H. Roger Railroad History 176 Spring 1997. Westford, MA: The Railway and       
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1997.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 177 Autumn 1997. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1997.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 178 Spring 1998. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1998.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 179 Autumn 1998. Westford, MA: The Railway and    
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1998.

Grant, H. Roger. Railroad History 180 Spring 1999. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1999.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 142 Spring 1980. Boston, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
    Historical Society Incorporated, 1980.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 143 Autumn 1980. Boston, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
Historical Society Incorporated, 1980.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 144 Spring 1981. Boston, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
    Historical Society Incorporated, 1981.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 145 Autumn 1981. Boston MA: The Railway and Locomotive
  Historical Society Incorporated, 1981.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 146 Spring 1982. Boston, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
    Historical Society Incorporated, 1982.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 147 Autumn 1982. Boston, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
Historical Society Incorporated, 1982.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 148 Spring 1983. Boston, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
    Historical Society Incorporated, 1983.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 149 Autumn 1983. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1983.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 151 Autumn 1984. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1984.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 152 Spring 1985. Westford, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
            Historical Society Incorporated, 1985.

Post, Robert C. Railroad History 153 Autumn 1985. Westford, MA: The Railway and      
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1985.

Reutter, Mark. Railroad History 182 Spring 2000. Westford, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
Historical Society, 2000.

Reutter, Mark. Railroad History 184 Spring 2001. Westford, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
Historical Society, 2001.

Reutter, Mark. Railroad History 185 Autumn 2001. Westford, MA: The Railway and       
Locomotive Historical Society, 201.

Reutter, Mark. Railroad History 186 Spring 2002. Westford, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
Historical Society, 2002.

(2) Reutter, Mark. Railroad History Millennium Special. Westford, MA: The Railway
and            Locomotive Historical Society, 2000.

White, John H. The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin No. 124. Boston,
MA:   The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1971.

White, John H. The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin No. 126. Boston,
MA:   The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1972.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 128 Spring 1973. Boston, MA: The Railway and     
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1973.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 129 Autumn 1973. Boston, MA: The Railway and   
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1973.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 130 Spring 1974. Boston, MA: The Railway and     
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1974.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 131 Autumn 1974. Boston, MA: The Railway and   
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1974.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 132 Spring 1975. Boston, MA: The Railway and     
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1975.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 133 Fall 1975. Boston, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
Historical Society Incorporated, 1975.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 134 Spring 1976. Boston, MA: The Railway and     
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1976.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 135 Fall 1976. Boston, MA: The Railway and Locomotive
Historical Society Incorporated, 1976.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 136 Spring 1977. Boston, MA: The Railway and     
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1977.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 137 Autumn 1977. Boston, MA: The Railway and   
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1977.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 138 Spring 1978. Boston, MA: The Railway and     
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1978.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 139 Autumn 1978. Boston, MA: The Railway and   
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1978.

White, John H. Railroad History No. 140 Spring 1979. Boston, MA: The Railway and     
Locomotive Historical Society Incorporated, 1979.