Judge Leon Ford III

Archival Collection: United States History

Judge Leon Ford III U.S. History Collection

Box 1: U.S. History:


1. Rand McNally Standard Map of AK

2. Menu from the Rendezvous, Regent Palace Hotel

3. Instructions from Fair Mount M-25 Ballast Discer

4. Matchbook from Primm’s Service Station & Grocery,
Camden, Alabama

5. A Journal of Thomas M. Hogan, Kept during the War Between the
States, August 30, 1862-August 4, 1863.

6. General Federation News, A Magazine for Club Women, Bol. 10,
No., 10, April 1930.

7. 1972 Wisconsin Highway Map

Deep South Piano,
the story of Little Brother by Karl Gertzur Heide

9. Chicago- “Century of Progress,” World’s Fair
Transportation Map

10. New York World’s Fair, 1939

11. Purvis, Mississippi, “Lamar County News,” 1913-1963
Anniversary Edition, 26 July 1963

12. Civilian Conservation Corps – Leonard C. New

13. Naval Bases – World War II

14. World War II Ration Books and Tokens

15. John Wells, POW, World War II

16. World War II, Dieppe Operation 1942; “After the Battle:
Dieppe Eben-Emael,” Number 5, 1974; Advocate Online, “Casualty of
War: Edward Loustalot…was the First American Soldier to Die in
Europe in World War II”

17. Price Lists for Military Payment Certificates and Invasion

18. Servi-Cycle News Clippings

19. Ron King Prints – Pulaski, Virginia

20. Index to Topographic Maps and Geologic Folios for: Arkansas
(1937), Mississippi (1936), North Carolina (1937), South Carolina
(1940), Tennessee (1939)

21. Article, “American Car and Foundry’s Motorailers” by
Robert Mohowski

22. Presbyterian Communion Tokens

23. United Daughters of the Confederacy Literature

24. Blueprints and Maps of Different States – 30 Items

25. The Farm Pump Engine, Fuller and Johnson Manufacturing

26. The Church Pistols, Historic Relics of the Burr – Hamilton
Duel, Pamphlet from Chase Manhattan Bank

27. “A New Landmark for New York” The Chase Manhattan Bank

28. 1872 – McComb City, MS – 1972, official centennial program
(2 copies)

29. The Pony Express Story

30. Photo of Gillsburg, MS 1913 from unknown newspaper,
newspaper photo of Publication Committee of Osyka history book, 2

Box 2: U.S. History


1. Magazines, Brochures, and Calendars – 46 Items

2. University of California Letter – 5 Items

3. Maps and Blueprints – 3 Items

4. Mobile and Galveston Bay Maps – 2 Items

5. 1928 Hanby R+R Atlas of the U.S. – 2 Items

6. Southern Can Works Map – 1 Item

7. Heliogram – Publication of Council on Abandoned Military
Posts, August 1978; January-August 1980, 9 items