Marjorie Morrison Collection

Marjorie Morrison Collection

Box 1

Folder 1– Letters of Condolence # 1-54 (54 items) 

Folder 2– Letters of Condolence # 55- 105 (50 items)

Folder 3– Get Well/ Prayer Gifts/ Remembrance (17 items)

Box 1B

Folder 1

  1. Guest List for Marjorie Morrison 90th Birthday
  2. Various Birthday Cards (36 items)

Folder 2 – Various Letters and Cards to Mrs. Morrison (33 items)

Folder 3 – Various Floral Cards for Mr. James Morrison’s funeral (21 items)

Folder 4 – Various Correspondences to Mrs. Morrison ( 24 items)

Folder 5 – Various Certificates, Achievements, Commemorative Presidential Pictures,
etc. to Mrs. Morrison (25 items)

Box 2Magazines/ Publications

  1. New Orleans, Sep 1975
  2. The Register, March 17, 1962 (2 copies, Morrison featured on page 3)
  3. The Register, April 21, 1973
  4. The Register, August 18, 1962
  5. The Register, February 4, 1967
  6. The Register, April 4, 1964 (Morrison feature on front cover)
  7. The Register, December 19, 1964
  8. The Register, December 2, 1967
  9. The Register, April 17, 1965
  10. The Register, February 5, 1966
  11. The Register, August 18, 1962
  12. The Register, April 18, 1964 (2 copies)
  13. The Register, March 7, 1964
  14. The Register, May 16, 1964
  15. The Register, July 18, 1964 (Morrison feature on page 23)
  16. The Register, April 1, 1970
  17. The Register, March 21, 1964
  18. The Register, August 6, 1966
  19. The Register, January 4, 1969
  20. The Register, July 7, 1973
  21. The Prestige Magazine Diplomat, Feb 1965
  22. The Illustrated London News, Christmas 1965
  23. The 1964 Democratic National Convention 
  24. City Social, Nov 2006
  25. City Social, March 2006
  26. City Social, Feb 2007(Marjorie Morrison featured on page 23)
  27. Red Roses: the Life Story of Jacqueline Kennedy (1964)
  28. Meet LBJ: the Life Story of Lyndon Baines Johnson (1964)
  29. The Congressional Club Historical Review and Register (1962)

Box 2B – Magazines/Publications continued

  1. Colonel Roscoe Turner: Knight-Errant of the Air by Roy Rutherford (1947,2 copies,
    1 signed)
  2. The Book of the Presidents by Vincent Wilson, Jr. (1969) 
  3. Official Program for the 43rd Annual Convention: Florida State Association of
    Letter Carriers
  4. 89th Congress Louisiana Congressional Delegation
  5. Hammond Army Airfield and Early Aviation in the Hammond Area by Judge Leon Ford
    III (1996, signed by author)
  6. 116th Anniversary Souvenir Book: Greenfield Baptist Church
  7. Louisiana’s Florida Parishes: a Bibliography by C. Howard Nichols (1983)
  8. 37. The Times-Picayune: TV Focus Jan 19-25, 1997
  9. A Chronicle of the First Century of the Knights of Momus (1972)
  10. Tuscarawas County Jefferson-Jackson Day Annual Banquet April 23, 1966
  11. Ninetieth Congress Congressional Pictorial Dictionary (Jan 1967)
  12. The Congressional Club, Washington D.C., Pictorial Directory 1954
  13. Diamond Tatler, March 24, 1962
  14. Town Tatler, March 16, 1963
  15. Town Tatler, March 28, 1964 
  16. Louisiana Council for Music and Performing Arts Inc.: Highlights of Programs and
    Projects The State Arts Council 1974-1975
  17. The Register, February 18, 1967
  18. The Register, May 15, 1965 (Morrisons featured on front cover with President Johnson)
  19. Louisiana Life, March/April 2010 (Marjorie Morrison featured on front cover)
  20. Louisiana Life, July/August 2010
  21. InRegister, June 2010
  22. Inside Northside, January-February 2007 (Marjorie Morrison on page 68)
  23. SLU Alumni News, Summer 2004 (Marjorie Morrison on front cover)
  24. The Sketch Book of Kappa Pi, 1971-1972
  25. Louisiana Schools, February 1972
  26. Environmental Awareness Through the Arts 1973 
  27. Highlights of Programs and Projects 1975-1976, Louisiana Council for Music and
    Performing Arts Inc. and the State Arts Council
  28. Visions: For Friends of LPB. June 2010
  29. Programs and Activities, 1971-1972, Louisiana Council for Music and Performing
  30. Louisiana Council for Music and the Performing Arts Annual Report, 1969-1970
    (2 copies)
  31. Louisiana Council for Music and Performing Arts Inc., Highlights of Programs and
    Projects 1973-1974
  32. Louisiana Council for Music and Performing Arts Inc. Programs and Activities,
  33. Cultural Reports: A Publication of the Louisiana Arts Council, April 1988
  34. L.C.M.P.A. Releasing the Artistic Talents of the Handicapped 1980
  35. Cultural Reports A Publication of the Louisiana Arts Council, January 1990
  36. Louisiana Council for Music and Performing Arts, Annual Report 1970-1971
  37. Official Inaugural Program, January 20, 1965

Box 3

Interview of James Morrison by Kenneth D. Myers, March 30- June 23, 1998, Sessions XVII-XXXII

Box 4

Folder 1– Newspaper articles, letters, etc., pertaining to the Royal Society of Arts
(24 Items) 

Folder 2– Various newspaper articles pertaining to Hobson, Benjamin, and Clara Morrison (15 items) 

Folder 3– Various newspaper articles, letters, telegrams, pictures, etc., pertaining
to Roscoe Turner and the Indianapolis 500 (35 items) 

Folder 4– Various newspaper articles and advertisements, brochures, pamphlets, letters,
etc., on “Shadowcreek” and Azaleas (54 items)

Folder 5– Morrison newspaper/ magazine articles 1-64 (64 items)

Folder 6– Morrison newspaper/ magazine articles 65-103 (38 items)

Folder 7 – Morrison newspaper/magazine articles (85 items) 

Folder 8 – Various documents pertaining to Richard P. Hobson (Uncle of Morrison)
(4 items)

Folder 9 – Brief Biography of George Miller (1 item)

Folder 10 – Various Morrison family items (8 items)

Folder 11 – Various Newspaper and Magazine articles on Mrs. Morrison (83 items)

Box 5

Folder 1– Misc/ Invitations/ Event Programs 1-38 (38 items)

Folder 2 – Misc/Invitations/Event Programs 39-98 (59 items)

Folder 3 – Misc/Invitations/Event Programs 99 – 144 (45 items)

Box 6

Folder 1 – Various letters, pictures, and newspaper articles, etc.  pertaining to 
East Louisiana State Hospital Jackson, LA (23 items)

Folder 2 – Various Pamphlets, Letters, and newspaper articles, etc.  pertaining to
Louisiana Legends (17 items)

Folder 3 – Various letters, pictures, and booklets pertaining to Southeastern Louisiana
University and Mrs. Morrison (23 items)

Folder 4 – Various newspaper articles, magazine, annual reports, and newsletters,
etc. pertaining to Louisiana Council for Music and Performing Arts (8 items)

Folder 5 – Various cards, advertisements, and newspaper articles pertaining to Louisiana
Public Broadcasting (6 items)    

Folder 6 – Various newspaper articles, programs, etc. pertaining to Mad-Hatters (4

Folder 7 – Various magazine articles on Mrs. Morrison and the Arts (12 items)

Folder 8 – Various family albums, pictures in protective covers, Certificates, etc.
(11 items)

Folder 9 – Small family album with 25 pictures and cut-outs of 2nd Annual Governor’s
Art Award Program

Folder 10 – Grace Memorial Episcopal Church program- “In Thanksgiving for the Life
of Marjorie Abbey Morrison”; Eulogy- Marjorie Abbey Morrison

Box 7

Item 1– Morrison Funeral Flag

Box 8

Item 1 – Plaque presented to Marjorie Morrison by Melvin L. “Kip” Holden, Mayor 

Item 2 – Framed photograph signed by John Beaux of James H. Morrison, John Beaux,
and Marjorie Morrison 

Item 3 – Framed picture from the Alumni News of Marjorie Morrison cited as Golden
Ambassador to Southeastern Louisiana University with picture and articles on the event

Box 9

Item 1 – Guest book for Marjorie Morrison’s 2010 Louisiana Legend Champagne reception

Item 2 – Marjorie Morrison diploma for Doctor of Humanities

Item 3 – Picture of Egret

Item 4 – Plate stating “Original White House Material Removed in 1950″

Item 5 – Re-elect Congressman Jimmy Poster (2 copies)

Item 6 – “Committee” ribbon

Item 7 – Photograph of Jim Hobson Family in a paper envelope

Item 8 – small apron “Souvenir of Louisiana”

Item 9 – House plans in Meredith Corporation envelope

Item 10 – Mold of “Re-elect Congressman Jimmy” Poster

Item 11 – “Scrapbook” with copies of newspaper articles and telegrams with notes

Item 12 – Framed newspaper article from Post/South on April 8, 1991

Item 13 – Key to the City of Hammond and pin in gold box

Item 14 – Representative James H. Morrison Leather wallet

Item 15 – Louisiana Legends 2010 poster

Item 16 – Friends of Cabildo Louisiana Bicentennial poster

Item 17 – Marjorie Morrison (10 items)-donated by C. Howard Nichols      

  1. 8×10 color photograph of Marjorie Morrison      
  2. 2 page typed document-Some Random Thoughts on Mom      
  3. Majorie Abbey Morrison-vita, membership, and honors (2)     
  4. Typed document-Short bio of Marjorie Morrison      
  5. Booklet-The Marjorie A. Morrison Endowed Scholarship in Visual Arts, May
    31, 2001     
  6. The Lion’s Roar newspaper- “Marjorie Morrison passes away at age 99″ by Megan
    Ferrando, February 2, 2016      
  7. Postcard-Marjorie A. Morrison Louisiana Legend Inductee 2010 (2)

Item 18 – Shadow Creek-Home of Congressman and Mrs. James Hobson Morrison