Allen Saltus Grants Collection

Allen Saltus Grants Collection

Box 1

Folder 1

“Lake Pontchartrain Basin Maritime Museum”

  1. Resolution (2 copies)
  2. Letter (June 20, 1992) to Pete McGraw from John T. Hunley regarding Oral History Committee
  3. Typed list of contact information for the Oral History Committee
  4. Oral History Committee – Agenda

Folder 2

“Grant Proposal 1993-94 Mill Sites, Washington Parish

  1. Application Packet to Louisiana Division of Archaeology Office of Cultural Development
    Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism for Fiscal Year 1993-94 Survey and Planning
  2. Summary of Proposal
  3. Proposal “Underwater Cultural Resources Survey Selected Mill Sites in Washington Parish”
    submitted by The Center for Regional Studies Southeastern Louisiana University

Folder 3

“Amite River Grant #3022 Professional Services Contract”

  1. “Contract for Professional, Personal ot Consulting Services” July 30, 1986.
  2. “Contract for Professional, Personal or Consulting Services” April 23, 1986.
  3. Purchase Requisition – Southeastern Louisiana University, April 29, 1986. #10369
  4. Purchase Requisition – Southeastern Louisiana University, June 17, 1986. #10372
  5. Purchase Requisition – Southeastern Louisiana University, August 14, 1986. #19684
  6. Purchase Requisition – Southeastern Louisiana University, August 14, 1986. #19685
  7. Purchase Requisition – Southeastern Louisiana University, August 12, 1986. #19682
  8. Student pay stub – Thigpen, Mary – 07/02/86 and 08/05/86
  9. Invoice – Earles and Associates July 21, 1986

Folder 4

“Amite River Grant #3022 Budget Reports”

  1. Deposit ticket – Emmett G. or Lois G. Wagner
  2. Southeastern Louisiana University Request for Budget Adjustment – August 14, 1986
  3. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 07/24/87
  4. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 06/02/87
  5. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 05/04/87
  6. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 04/03/87
  7. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 03/05/87
  8. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 02/04/87
  9. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 01/06/87
  10. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 12/03/86
  11. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 11/05/86
  12. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 10/03/86
  13. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 09/05/86
  14. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 07/22/86
  15. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 06/03/86
  16. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 05/05/86
  17. Southeastern Louisiana University Monthly Department Budget Report – 04/02/86

Folder 5

“Amite River Grant #3022 – Purchase Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Receiving and
Delivery Reports”

  1. Invoice – Kadair’s 08/26/80
  2. Invoice – Kadair’s 09/09/81
  3. Amite River Grant #3022 – List of expenses
  4. Amite River Grant #3022 – List of expenses with hand written additional charges and
  5. Scrap of paper with numbers and words scribbled down (3)
  6. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #427197; 07/07/86
  7. Receiving and Delivery report – 08/26/86; #03597
  8. Receiving and Delivery report – 07/21/86; #3412
  9. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #438055; 08/14/86
  10. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #438056; 08/26/86
  11. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #438057; 08/22/86
  12. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #438058; 08/26/86
  13. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #438059; 08/26/86
  14. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #437904; 07/17/86
  15. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #438060; 08/26/86
  16. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #438061; 08/26/86
  17. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #438023; 08/14/86
  18. Purchase Requisition #19689; 08/21/86
  19. Copy of Purchase Requisition #20871; 08/26/86
  20. Copy of Purchase Requisition #20875; 08/25/86
  21. Copy of Purchase Requisition #20874; 08/25/86
  22. Copy of Purchase Requisition #20873; 08/25/86
  23. Southeast Louisiana University Request for Budget Adjustment 08/25/86
  24. Purchase Requisition #20876; 08/25/86
  25. Purchase Requisition #20877; 08/25/86
  26. Purchase Requisition #20871; 08/25/86
  27. Purchase Requisition #20875; 08/25/86
  28. Purchase Requisition #20874; 08/25/86
  29. Purchase Requisition #20873; 08/25/86
  30. Purchase Requisition #19688; 08/21/86
  31. Handwritten draft of list of expenses
  32. Invoice – BusinessAge Computers – 08/14/86
  33. Memo from Dorthy Reid to Dr. Joy Jackson – 04/29/86
  34. Purchase Requisition #10375; 07/01/86
  35. Purchase Order – to Ben Meadows Company – 07/07/86
  36. Purchase Requisition #19686; 08/14/86
  37. Purchase Order – to Light Impressions – 04/17/86
  38. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #427399; 07/10/86
  39. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #427398; 07/15/86
  40. State of Louisiana Purchase Order #424975; 05/10/86
  41. Handwritten note regarding various businesses, addresses, and numbers (6 pages)
  42. Receiving and Delivery Report #03355; 07/30/86

Folder 6

“Amite River Grant #3022 Correspondence”

  1. Various undated memos (7)
  2. Letter from Shepard Farm/Nancey Irwin to Dr. J. Larry Crain 03/18/86
  3. Letter to Mr. Allen Saltus from Steven D. Smith regarding Amite River Grant
  4. Letter to Mr. Allen Saltus from Steven D. Smith regarding Quarterly Report

Folder 7

“Amite River Grant #3022 Quarterly Travel Authorizations and Expense Account Forms”

  1. Expense Account forms with duplicates – 08/28/86 (3)
  2. Expense Account forms with duplicates – 08/14/86 (2)
  3. Expense Account forms with duplicates – 04/29/86 (2)
  4. Quarterly Travel Authorizations – 01/01/86 – 03/31/86 (3)
  5. Quarterly Travel Authorizations – 04/01/86 – 06/30/86 (3)
  6. Quarterly Travel Authorizations – 07/01/86 – 08/31/86 (2)
  7. Handwritten notes with various dates, places, and numbers (2)

Folder 8

“Amite River Grant #3022 Contract”

  1. Student pay stub – 302500 – 11/30/87 – 12/10/87
  2. Letter to Dr. Kathleen Byrd from Allen Saltus regarding Antiquity Permit dated 01/13/86
    (2 copies with attachments)
  3. Typed list of expenses
  4. Typed budget (2)
  5. Tentative Budget Form for Grants and Projects (3)
  6. Proposal: Underwater Archaeological Survey of Portions of the Amite River and Bayou Manchac,
    . Submitted by: Southeastern Louisiana University Center for Regional Studies, November
  7. Transmittal form for Grant Proposals 01/27/86
  8. Grant Agreement 02/02/86
  9. Cultural Resource Investigation Permit 02/07/86 (2)

Folder 9

“Amite River Grant #3022 Xerox Payments”

  1. Receipts for Xerox copies from 05/14/86 to 08/29/86

Folder 10

“Time Sharing Documentation”

  1. 07/01/86 – 08/31/86
  2. 02/02/86 – 03/31/86
  3. 04/01/86 – 06/30/86
  4. Student employment time report – Mary Thigpen – April and June of 1986

Folder 11

“Underwater Cultural Resources Survey of Portions of the Rivers & Bayous of the North
Shore, Lake Pontchartrain, LA”

  1. Proposal: Underwater Archaeological Survey of Portions of the Amite River and Bayou Manchac,
    . Submitted by: Southeastern Louisiana University Center for Regional Studies, December
    1986 (2)
  2. Letter to Bryan Guevin from Allen Saltus, Jr., regarding budget adjustment 07/15/88
  3. Time Sharing Documentation 10/01/87 – 07/31/88
  4. Monthly Department Budget Report 09/11/89
  5. Monthly Department Budget Report 08/10/89
  6. Monthly Department Budget Report 08/02/89
  7. Monthly Department Budget Report 06/02/89
  8. Monthly Department Budget Report 05/03/89
  9. Monthly Department Budget Report 04/04/89
  10. Monthly Department Budget Report 03/03/89
  11. Monthly Department Budget Report 02/07/89
  12. Monthly Department Budget Report 01/04/89
  13. Monthly Department Budget Report 12/02/88
  14. Monthly Department Budget Report 11/03/88
  15. Monthly Department Budget Report 10/04/88
  16. Monthly Department Budget Report 09/09/88
  17. Monthly Department Budget Report 08/05/88
  18. Monthly Department Budget Report 07/30/88
  19. Monthly Department Budget Report 06/02/88
  20. Monthly Department Budget Report 05/04/88
  21. Monthly Department Budget Report 04/05/88
  22. Monthly Department Budget Report 03/02/88
  23. Monthly Department Budget Report 02/03/88
  24. Monthly Department Budget Report 01/05/88
  25. Student Departmental Listing 05/09/89
  26. Student Departmental Listing 04/07/89
  27. Student Departmental Listing 02/09/89
  28. Student Departmental Listing 01/09/89
  29. Student Departmental Listing 12/08/88
  30. Student Departmental Listing 09/08/88
  31. Time Sharing Documentation 10/01/87 – 07/31/88
  32. Time sharing documentation 10/01/87 – 06/30/88
  33. Receiving and Delivery Report 06/23/88
  34. Handwritten note
  35. Request for budget adjustment 06/29/88
  36. Copy of Xerox receipt (2)
  37. Expense account with duplicates 07/25/88 (4)
  38. Department Duplicating Job Ticket – 06/27/88
  39. Handwritten note
  40. Computer software manual
  41. Purchase Requisition 07/28/88 (3)
  42. Purchase Requisition 07/25/88 (2)
  43. Purchase Requisition 03/02/88
  44. Purchase Order 490565
  45. Campus correspondence 02/01/88
  46. Expense Account 02/26/88
  47. Various receipts for Xerox copies and letter regarding auditron of grant
  48. Receiving and Delivery Report 04/26/88
  49. Purchase Requisition 02/26/88
  50. Purchase Requisition 06/24/88
  51. Purchase Requisition 06/23/88
  52. Purchase Requisition 06/06/88
  53. Purchase Requisition 06/09/88
  54. Purchase Requisition 05/02/88
  55. Purchase Requisition 01/21/88
  56. Purchase Requisition 03/31/88
  57. Purchase Requisition 06/09/88
  58. Purchase Requisition 03/30/88
  59. Purchase Requisition 02/26/88
  60. Purchase Requisition 01/04/88
  61. Purchase Requisition 01/18/86
  62. Handwritten budget
  63. Expense Account 02/26/88
  64. Quarterly Travel Authorization 01/01/88 – 06/30/88
  65. Memo from A. Saltus to Angie
  66. Contract with edits
  67. Memo from Purchasing Department to Dr. G. Warren Smith
  68. Transmittal Form for Grant Proposals 12/10/86
  69. Budget with edits
  70. Letter to Allen Saltus from Bryan Guevin 12/07/87
  71. Various handwritten notes

Folder 12

“1988 Grant Admin”

  1. Letter to Allen Saltus from Patrick Settoon 09/09/88
  2. Letter to Allen Saltus from G. Warren Smith 08/26/88
  3. “Scope of Work – Cultural Resources Survey of Portions of the Rivers and Bayous of
    the North Shore, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana.”
  4. Letter to Allen Saltus from Bryan Guevin 07/27/88
  5. Check stub #29739
  6. Expense Account form 02/26/88
  7. Letter to Brian Guavin from Allen Saltus 04/08/88
  8. Letter to James Raley, Jr. from Allen Saltus 06/24/88
  9. Letter to Bryan Guevin from Allen Saltus 07/15/88
  10. Letter from Kathleen Byrd 08/11/88
  11. Letter to Allen Saltus from Bryan Guevin 08/24/88
  12. Letter to Allen Saltus from Bryan Guevin 07/14/88
  13. Letter from Bryan Guevin 08/15/88
  14. Various handwritten notes
  15. Invoice from Randall E. Primm 08/20/88

Folder 13

“1987/88 Grant Receipts”

  1. Various handwritten notes
  2. Purchase Requisition 03/02/88 with attached check stub

Folder 14

“1988 Grant Proposal (SLU)”

  1. “Underwater Cultural Resources Survey of Portions of the Lower Tchefuncta River” Proposal
  2. “Underwater Cultural Resources Survey of Portions of the Lower Tchefuncta River” Typed
  3. CAD Coding Sheet
  4. Memo to Allen Saltus regarding proposal approval

Folder 15

“Underwater Cultural Resources Survey of Portions of the Rivers and Bayous of the
North Shore, Lake Pont. LA Proposal 1987”

  1. Letter to Bryan Guevin from Allen Saltus 12/22/87
  2. Letter to Bryan Guevin from Allen Saltus 04/08/88
  3. Letter to Allen Saltus from Bryan Guevin 11/23/87
  4. Various handwritten notes
  5. Contract for Earles and Assoc., Surveyors and Engineers 12/11/87
  6. Letter to Allen Saltus from Bryan Guevin 12/7/87 with attached Grant Agreement
  7. Grant Time Table 87-88
  8. Grant Proposal Guidelines
  9. Grant Priorities 1987
  10. Grant Ranking System
  11. Budget form for Research and Grants
  12. Budget
  13. Transmittal Form for Grant Proposal 12/10/86
  14. Site Record Form – Tchefuncta River Coastal Marsh Area
  15. Site Record Form – Houlton Lumber Company Area
  16. Site Record Form – Pineland Park Area
  17. Site Record Form – Madisonville Area

Folder 16

“Permit 1984-85”

  1. Cultural Resource Investigation Permit 04/19/84
  2. Letter from Steven Smith to Allen Saltus
  3. Antiquity Permit Proposal
  4. Underwater Archaeological Survey of a Portion of the Natalbany River, Springfield
    Area, Louisiana.
  5. Copy of newspaper clipping acknowledgment
  6. Cultural Resource Investigation Permit 04/19/84
  7. Cultural Resource Investigation Permit 04/17/85
  8. Contracting Archaeologists
  9. Cultural Resources Code of Louisiana chapters 1 – 6
  10. Letter from Steven Smith regarding grant priorities
  11. Letter to Allen Saltus from Steven Smith 09/09/85
  12. Letter to Allen Saltus from Steven Smith 09/10/85
  13. Letter to Allen Saltus from Steven Smith 10/10/85

Folder 17

“1985-86 Springfield Grant/Warsaw Grant”

  1. Letter to Dr. Kathleen Byrd from Allen Saltus 03/18/85
  2. River Names and Sites within the study area
  3. Hydrological processes and underwater sites
  4. Summary of Activities
  5. Letter to Allen Saltus from Steven Smith
  6. Antiquities Permit Proposal
  7. Crew List
  8. Reminder from Division of Archaeology
  9. Purchase Requisition 03/11/85
  10. Invoice 07/01/85
  11. Expense Account form 07/01/85
  12. Various receipts
  13. Letter to Allen Saltus from Steven Smith 09/21/84
  14. Various receipts
  15. Purchase Requisition 08/09/85, 08/26/85, 08/09/85, 08/29/85, 09/04/85
  16. Monthly Department Budget – 06/04/85;07/30/85;08/07/85;08/20/85
  17. Letter to Allen Saltus from Steven Smith 03/08/85
  18. Letter to Allen Saltus from Steven Smith 02/18/85
  19. Grant Agreement 02/01/85
  20. Underwater Archaeological Survey of a Portion of the Natalbany River, Springfield
    Area, Louisiana
    November 1984
  21. Transmittal Form for Grant Proposals 11/12/84
  22. Tentative budget form for Grants and Proposals
  23. References list
  24. Appendix Informant Report of Submerged Cultural Resources Natalbany River Springfield,
    LA. Area
  25. Contract with Earles Assoc., Surveyors and Engineers 04/13/86
  26. Various handwritten notes

Folder 18

“1988-89 Grant Proposals”

  1. Proposal Underwater Cultural Resources Survey of Portions of the Lower Tchefuncta
  2. Draft of proposal
  3. Budget
  4. Blank Proposal Clearance form
  5. Budget form for research and grants
  6. Proposal Underwater Cultural Resources Survey of Portions of the Lower Tchefuncta
  7. Transmittal form for grant proposals 08/13/87; 03/12/87; 12/10/86
  8. Letter from Kathleen Boyd 09/30/87
  9. Madden says lake pollution data limited Morning Advocate, 10/29/87.
  10. Letter from Bryan Guevin 12/15/87
  11. Map copy with bayous highlighted
  12. Blank forms
  13. Letter from Kathleen Boyd 09/26/88
  14. Grants Program
  15. Various handwritten notes

Folder 19

“Pre Antiquities Permit (1984)”

  1. Draft of permit
  2. List of contacts

Folder 20

“Grant Proposals (upper Amite R.) – not submitted”

  1. Underwater archaeological Survey of Portions of the Upper Amite River, Louisiana
  2. Copy “Skirmish on Amite River, La.” Pg. 123

Box 2

Folder 1

“Underwater Cultural Resources Survey of the Amite River and Bayou Manchac, LA 1987

  1. Grant Agreement
  2. Schedule of Hours 1987
  3. Letter to Dr. Patrick Settoon from Dr. Joy Jackson 11/23/87
  4. Letter to Dr. Jerome Salomone from Dr. Joy Jackson 11/23/87
  5. Letter to Dr. G. Warren Smith from Dr. Joy Jackson 11/23/87
  6. Letter to Bryan Guevin from Allen Saltus 10/22/87
  7. Artifact Inventory List – 16LV76
  8. Transmittal Form for Grant Proposals
  9. Letter to Allen Saltus from Kathleen Boyd 04/03/87
  10. Copy of receipt for Kadair’s
  11. Student Employment Records – August 1987
  12. Quarterly Travel Authorization – 05/01/87 – 08/30/87
  13. Time Sharing Documentation 07/01/87 – 09/30/87
  14. Purchase Requisitions – 04/13/87 – 08/28/87
  15. Monthly Department Budget Report – 09/09/88; 08/05/88; 07/30/88; 06/02/88; 05/04/88;
    04/05/88; 03/02/88; 08/06/87; 02/03/88; 01/05/88; 12/02/87; 10/05/87; 07/07/88; 06/09/88;
    05/09/88; 04/06/88; 03/08/88; 01/06/88; 11/03/87; 09/03/87; 07/24/87; 06/02/87; 05/04/87
  16. Various handwritten notes

Folder 2

“LEQSF – La Education Quality Support Fund Research and development Program Fiscal
Year 1991-92”

  1. Notice of Intent

Folder 3

“Tchefuncta River Survey SRM 4.5 – 10.0 1990-91 Grant #3021”

  1. Grant Agreement
  2. Contract – 09/09/1991
  3. 1990 – 1991 Grant Quarterly Report – 07/14/1991
  4. Bill from VMS Mikrofilmsystem, AB
  5. Handwritten note of expenses and supplies
  6. Time sharing documentation March 18, 1991 – September 30, 1991
  7. Monthly Budget Report – 03/06/92; 02/06/92; 08/03/91; 08/06/91; 05/03/91; 09/07/91;
    12/04/91; 11/06/91; 10/05/91
  8. Purchase Requisitions April 18, 1991 to September 9, 1991
  9. Quarterly Travel Authorizations July 30, 1991 and September 30, 1991
  10. Expense Accounts July 15, 1991
  11. Contract with Earles and Assoc. Surveyors and Engineers 04/14/91
  12. Memo from Joy Jackson to Angie Arnone 11/01/91
  13. Letter to Allen Saltus from Joan Exnicios 04/18/91
  14. Letter to Allen Saltus from Christy Ball 04/29/91
  15. Grant Agreement
  16. Request for Budget Adjustment 04/09/91

Folder 4

“Application for Grant – Natalbany River #3021”

  1. Grant Agreement 02/01/85

Folder 5

“Purchase Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Delivery and Receiving Reports – Natalbany
River #3021”

  1. 03/11/85 – 07/03/91
  2. Miscellaneous handwritten notes

Folder 6

“Budget Reports – Natalbany River #3021”

  1. Monthly Department Budget Report 04/08/85-08/12/86 and 01/09/92-09/09/92

Folder 7

“Professional Service Contract and Purchase Requisitions – Natalbany River #3021”

  1. Receiving and Delivery reports – 04/20/85 and 07/01/85
  2. Purchase Requisitions – 03/26/85 – 08/22/85
  3. Performance Evaluation for contractor John Hoover
  4. Contract for Professional, Personal or Consulting services with John Hoover

Folder 8

“Correspondence – Natalbany River #3021”

  1. Letter to Ruth Pierce from Melanie Thigpen 06/12/85
  2. Letter to Kathleen Byrd from Saltus Allen 05/31/85
  3. Letter to Kathleen Byrd from Saltus Allen 03/18/85
  4. Memo to Dr. Larry Crain from Allen Saltus 02/05/85
  5. Memo to Dr. Warren Smith from Joy Jackson 02/05/85

Folder 9

“Travel QTAs and Expense Accounts Natalbany River #3021”

  1. Expense Account – 07/01/85 and 04/29/85
  2. QTAs for 02/01/85, 04/01/85, and 07/01/85

Folder 10

“Application for Grant – Warsaw Landing #3017”

  1. Application

Folder 11

“Budget Reports – Warsaw Landing #3017”

  1. Monthly Department Budget Reports – 01/85-08/86

Folder 12

“Correspondence – Warsaw Landing #3017”

  1. Letter to Kathleen Boyd from Allen Saltus 05/31/85

Folder 13

“Purchase Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Delivery and Receiving Reports – Warsaw Landing

  1. Purchase Requisitions – February to November of 1985
  2. Various hand written notes

Folder 14

“Travel QTAs and Expense Accounts – Warsaw  Landing #3017”

  1. Expense Account – 04/29/85 and 08/29/85
  2. QTAs for 02/01/85 to 08/31/85

Folder 15

“Underwater Cultural Resources Survey of a Portion of the Tchefuncta River, SRM 2-3.5”

  1. Letter to Allen Saltus from Barbara Saigo 08/26/91 with attached proposal
  2. Protection of Human and Animal Subjects form with attached proposal
  3. “A Brief History of the Center for Regional Studies Southeastern Louisiana University”
  4. 3 pages taken from document with handwritten edit marks
  5. “Institutional Effectiveness”
  6. Application Packet
  7. Time Sharing Documentation January to August 1992
  8. Letter to Kathleen Boyd from Allen Saltus 04/18/92 with attached map, permit, and
    legal document
  9. Correspondence between Allen Saltus and Kathleen Boyd 01/05/92 and 12/15/91
  10. Grant Proposal 11/16/90
  11. Protection of Animal Assurance Form
  12. Letter to Joan Exnicios from Allen Saltus 12/14/88
  13. Approval of proposal
  14. Correspondence between Allen Saltus from Joan Exnicios 01/15/91, 08/08/90, 01/23/90
    and 08/23/90
  15. Blank application forms
  16. Budget Form
  17. Handwritten notes
  18. Proposal

Folder 16

“Grant #3046 – Tchefuncta Budget Sheets 1/92 – 7/93”

Folder 17

“Grant #3046 – Budget Sheets #1208 and #1210”

01/1992 to 08/1993

Folder 18

“Purchase Requisitions; Grant #3046”

01/1992 to 08/1992

Folder 19

“Amite/Manchac – Budget/Grant 86/87”

  1. Copy of Office of Management and Budget Grants and Agreements with Institutions of
    Higher Education, Hospitals, and other Nonprofit Organizations.
  2. Letter with site numbers
  3. Expense Accounts – August 1986 and 1987
  4. Purchase Requisitions – August 1986
  5. Proposal
  6. Budget form
  7. Transmittal form for grant proposals
  8. Letter from Kathleen Boyd to Allen Saltus 02/10/86, 06/22/87
  9. Receipt C&D Repro/Graphics Inc. 04/07/86
  10. Receipt American Hose and Hydraulics, Inc 07/06/87
  11. Correspondence between Allen Saltus and Steven Smith 06/19/86 and 07/05/86
  12. Budget Request
  13. Blank budget forms
  14. Purchase Requisitions – April and July 1987
  15. Transmittal form for grant proposals
  16. Various handwritten notes