Center for Regional Studies

Photo Collections


personnel: Margaret Adleman, Cheri Alder, Tawa Balfantz, Doyce
Barnes, Carlton Butler, Ted Butler, Melissa Chauvin, Charles
Elliott, Keith Finley, Dr. Roman Heleniak, Dr. Samuel C. Hyde, Jr.,
Dr. Joy Jackson, Sid Johnston, Victoria Mocsary, Letina Robinson,
Michael Ryan, Jeanette Swaim, Lois Wagner, Karen Warren

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

1 Fall 1982 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Center office in Room 219 of D Vickers Hall. Graduate assistant,
Karen Warren, photographer.

2 Spring 1983 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print 35mm

Lois G. Wagner filing photographs in a filing cabinet in Room
219 of D Vickers Hall. Graduate assistant, Karen Warren,

3 Spring 1982 4 x 4 1 original Polaroid none

Joy Jackson and Lois Wagner in Center office, Room 219, D
Vickers Hall. Bill Wyche, photographer.

4 1988 3½ x 5 2 original color print none

Dr. Joy Jackson and Lois G. Wagner in Center for Regional
Studies on 2nd floor of L. A. Sims Memorial Library. Graduate
assistant, Ata Yesilyaprak, photographer.

5 1980s 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Lois G. Wagner in Center for Regional Studies on 2nd floor of L.
A. Sims Memorial Library. Graduate assistant, Ata Yesilyaprak,

6 April 1984 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print 35mm

7 April 1984 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print 35mm

Jeanette Swaim, graduate assistant, transcribing tape in Center
office, Room 219 of D Vickers Hall. Lois Wagner, photographer.

8 Summer 1983 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Karen Warren, GA in Center office in Room 219 of D Vickers Hall.
Lois Wagner, photographer.

9 Spring 1983 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print 35mm

Michael Ryan, GA in Center office, Room 219, D Vickers Hall. GA
Karen Warren, photographer.

10 1980s 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Victoria Mocsary holding her book which was published from her
Master’s thesis by Center.

11 Feb. 1991 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Doll exhibit in Center for Black History month.

12 1990s 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

13 1990s 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Carlton Butler, graduate assistant, holding his diploma. Dr. Joy
Jackson, photographer.

14 1990s 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Carlton Butler, graduate assistant, sitting at a computer. Dr.
Joy Jackson, photographer.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

15 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Charles Elliott, Assistant Director of Center, 2nd floor of L.
A. Sims Memorial Library.

16 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Dr. Roman Heleniak in the Center, 2nd floor of L. A. Sims
Memorial Library.

17 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Ted Butler, graduate assistant, in Center, 2nd floor of L. A.
Sims Memorial Library.

18 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Doyce Barnes, graduate assistant, in Center, 2nd floor of L. A.
Sims Memorial Library.

19 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Victoria Mocsary, photo specialist in Center, 2nd floor of L. A.
Sims Memorial Library.

20 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Sid Johnston, graduate assistant, in Center, 2nd floor of L. A.
Sims Memorial Library.

21 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Dr. Samuel C. Hyde, Jr., Director of Center, 2nd floor of L. A.
Sims Memorial Library.

22 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Melissa Chauvin, student worker in Center, 2nd floor of L. A.
Sims Memorial Library.

23 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

24 2000 4 x 6 1 original color print none

Lois Wagner, secretary, in Center, 2nd floor of L. A. Sims
Memorial Library.

25 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print 35mm Color

26 2000 3½ x 5 1 original color print 35mm Color

Entrance doors to Center on 2nd floor, L. A. Sims Memorial

27 2000 3½ x 5 2 original color print none

28 2000 3½ x 5 2 original color print none

29 2000 3½ x 5 2 original color print none

Tawa Balfantz sitting at the front desk in the Center.

30 2000 3½ x 5 2 original color print none

Keith Finley sitting at the computer in the Center.

31 2000 3½ x 5 2 original color print none

Charles N. Elliott standing at his desk in the Center.

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

32 1990s 3¾ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Group photograph of the Center for Regional Studies. L-R:
Margaret Adleman, Letina Robinson, Lois Wagner, Carlton Butler,
Cheri Alder, Allen Saltus, and Dr. Joy Jackson sitting at desk.
Taken by SLU photographer.

33 1990s 3¾ x 5 1 original B&W print none

34 1990s 3¾ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Dr. Joy Jackson sitting at the front of the Center for Regional
Studies. Taken by SLU photographer.

Photographs that have appeared in the Center for Regional Studies
newsletter and College of Arts and Sciences newsletter. Turtle
Cove, English Turn Historical Marker, Cheri Alder, Aynur Turk
Asova, Tawa Balfantz Col. Henry J. Bender, Melissa Chauvin, Sally,
Clausen, J. Larry Crain, Jimmy Davis, JoAnn Dobbs, Luther Dyson,
Charles Elliott, David Evenson, Keith Finley, Clark Forrest, Clair
France, Benny Gallaher, Isabell Gathright, John Hanchey, Richard
Haydel, Samuel C. Hyde, Jr., Joy Jackson, Archie McDonald, Judson
McKnight, Fritzie Martin, John S. Miller, Victoria Mocsary, Jimmie
Morrison, Clea Parker, Jim Perrin, Letina Robinson, Bill Robison,
Ginger Romero, Allen Saltus, Liz Sawyer, Ralph Shaw, Reginald Span,
Dr. G. Warren Smith, Maurice Tempelsman, Mr. Thigpen and his
family, Annette Wagner, Lois Wagner, Karen Warren and her family,
David Watts, Clifford G. Webb, Harriet Vogt.

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

1 Summer 1993 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Clifford G. Webb, Sr. who donated maps to Center. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. III, No. 1, Summer 1993.

2 Fall 1992 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Michael Starkman, assistant professor Visual Arts, posed with
Harriet Vogt, general artistic director of Fanfare in front of the
poster which he designed for Fanfare 1992. Its inspiration was
“naked ladies” or night lilies which bloom locally in October.
Appeared in College of Arts & Sciences Newsletter, Vol. 3, No.
1, Fall 1992.

3 Fall 1992 3½ x 3½ 1 original B&W print none

With President G. Warren Smith (center) are at left Dr. Ralph W.
Shaw, Jr., chemistry, who won the award for Excellence in Teaching,
and at right Dr. David Evenson, professor of music, who won the
award for Creativity. Appeared in College of Arts & Sciences
Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1992.

4 Fall 1992 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

History Professor Bill Robison received the Dean’s Award
for Excellence in Teaching from Dean W. David Watts of the College
of Arts and Sciences. Appeared in College of Arts & Sciences
Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1992.

5 Fall 1992 5×7 1 original B&W print none

Aerial view of Turtle Cove, Southeastern’s research
station in the Manchac swamp region. It is a busy center for both
scholarly research and SLU student field trips. Appeared in College
of Arts & Sciences Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1992.

6 Summer 1993 5 x 7 1 original B&W print none

Four Southeastern presidents discuss the past and future of the
university in the president’s residence on campus. From left
are Dr. Clea Parker, current president, De. G. Warren Smith, Dr. J.
Larry Crain, and Dr. Luther Dyson. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. III, No. 1, Summer 1993.

7 Summer 1993 5 x 7 2 original B&W print none

Researcher-in-residence Allen Saltus studies photographs printed
from glass negatives with his summer intern, Claire France. Miss
France is printing the Jahncke Collection of negatives which dates
back to World War I and the 1920s. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. III, No. 1, Summer 1993.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

8 Spring 1991 5 x 7 1 original B&W print none

Looking over a map in one of the books he donated to the
Archives is Henry J. Bender, a retired Navy commander and current
resident of Covington. With him is Joy Jackson, director of the
Center. Jim Gorman, photographer. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. I, No. 1, spring 1991

9 Summer 1993 5 x 7 1 original B&W print 35mm B&W

Looking over a land deed and map in Clifford G. Webb, Sr.
Collection is Letina Robinson, student worker in the Center.
Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. III, No. 1, Summer 1993.

10 Summer 1993 5 x 7 3 original B&W print 35mm B&W

Aynur Asova, graduate assistant in the Center, studies one of
the rolled Webb maps which are filed according to parishes.
Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. III, No. 1, Summer 1993.

11 Summer 1993 5 x 7 1 original B&W print none

The Council of Advisors for the Center are shown above. From
left sitting: Mrs. Ginger Romero, Center director Dr. Joy Jackson,
and Mrs. Fritzie Martin. Standing from left: Dr. J. Larry Crain,
Mrs. James Perrin, former Congressman James H. Morrison, and Dr.
Clark Forrest. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. III, No. 1, Summer 1993.

12 Fall 1991 5 x 7 5 original B&W print none

13 Fall 1991 5 x 7 2 original B&W print 35mm B&W (2)

Setting up the “Wood on Water” exhibit in the lobby of the Sims
Memorial Library are graduate assistants Richard Haydel and Isabel
Gathright. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. I, No. 2, Fall 1991.

14 Summer 1992 5 x 7 5 original B&W print 35mm B&W

15 Summer 1992 5 x 7 1 original B&W print 35mm B&W

Lois G. Wagner, Center secretary removes a box of folders from
the FBI Files in the closed stacks. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. II, No. 1, Summer 1992.

16 Summer 1992 5 x 7 3 original B&W print 35mm B&W

Richard Haydel, graduate assistant holds up the Marilyn Monroe
folder in the FBI Files dealing with Kennedy Assassination.
Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. II, No. 1, Summer 1992.

17 Fall 1995 5 x 7 2 original B&W print 35mm B&W (4)

Cheri Alder, graduate assistant in the Center, checks
genealogical data in one of the Special Collections books. Appeared
Centerpiece, Vol. V, Fall 1995.

17A Fall 1995 5 x 7 1 original B&W print 35mm B&W

Types of genealogical material in the Special Collections and
Archives at Southeastern include church records, newspaper
clippings, documents, and numerous charts and lineage manuscripts.
Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. V, Fall 1995.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

18 Summer 1993 5 x 7 1 original B&W print 35mm B&W

Summer 1993 8 x 10 1 original B&W print

Viewing an exhibt of his World War II artifacts in the Center
with his family is (at right) Delbert Thigpen, Mandeville. Others
from left are Patricia Wagner, Perry Thigpen, Jr., Jennifer Wagner,
Rebecca Zeringue, and Silvia Zeringue. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. III, No. 1, Summer 1993.

19 Spring 1991 5 x 7 1 original B&W none

L-R Standing: Allen Saltus, Liz Sawyer, Letina Robinson, Jo Ann
Dobbs, Lois Wagner. Dr. Joy Jackson, Center Director, seated at
desk looking at a map. Jim Gorman, photographer. Appeared in
Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. I, No. 1, Spring 1991.

20 Fall 1991 8 x 10 4 original B&W 35mm B&W (7)

Brenda Gallaher compiled the guide to Civil War sources in
Southeastern’s Archive while serving as an archival intern
last summer. Appeared in Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. I, No. 2, Fall 1991.

21 Summer 1994 5½ x 8 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Gov. Jimmie H. Davis and his wife, Anna Carter Davis. Appeared
Centerpiece, Vol. IV, No. 1, Summer 1994.

22 Summer 1994 5¼ x 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Jimmie Davis accepting a calendar from three scouts during his
second term. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. IV, No. 1, Summer 1994.

23 Summer 1994 5½ x 8 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Davis’s boyhood home and the interfaith tabernacle which
was built near Beech Springs in the 1960s.

Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. IV, No. 1, Summer 1994.

24 Summer 1994 5½ x 8 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

“Sunshine” Davis’s famous horse in the governor’s
office. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. IV, No. 1, Summer 1994.

25 Summer 1994 6 x 8½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Dr. Joy Jackson’s book and quartz glass obelisk inscribed
with a fleur de lis to honor her as a Fellow of the Louisiana
Historical Association. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. IV, No. 1, Summer 1994.

26 Summer 1994 5½ x 8 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Summer 1994 6 x 8½ 2 B&W copy print

Annette Wagner views Mardi Gras costume on display in the
Archives. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. IV, No. 1, Summer 1994.

27 Fall 1995 4½ x 6½ 1 original B&W print none

L-R: Former Congressman James H. Morrison, Senator John Breaux,
and Dr. John S. miller, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
They were the major participants in the first annual James H.
Morrison Lecture on Government and Politics. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. V, Fall 1995.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

28 Fall 1995 5 x 7 3 original B&W print 35mm B&W (3)

28A Fall 1995 5 x 7 2 original B&W print 35mm B&W

Visiting the “World War II in the Pacific” exhibit are the
family of Col. JohnK Wright III, whose photographic collection in
on display. From left are JohnK Wright IV (Col. Wright’s
son), with his daughter, Karen Wright Warren (center), JohnK
IV’s wife at right, Shirley Wright, and grandchildren Jacob,
Beaux, and Ashley Warren. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. V, Fall 1995.

29 Fall 1995 4½ x 6½ 1 original B&W print none

Summer Teacher Institute sponsored by the Louisiana Endowment
for the Humanities entitled “Negotiating Difference in
Nineteenth-Century Literature” held in the Rayburn Room, July 1995
under the direction of Dr. Thomas H. Fick of the English
Department. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. V, Fall 1995.

30 Fall 1995 4½ x 6½ 2 original B&W print 35mm
B&W (2)

30A Fall 1995 4½ x 6½ 3 original B&W print 35mm

30B Fall 1995 4½ x 6½ 1 original B&W print 35mm

30C Fall 1995 4½ x 6½ 1 original B&W print 35mm

Tawa Balfantz examining photographs with interpretative material
on James H. Morrison recently hung outside the Government Documents
Room on the Third Floor of Sims memorial Library. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. V, Fall 1995.

31 Sp/Sum 1998 4 x 6 1 original color print none

L-R: Randy Sanders, Dr. Sam Hyde, James McPherson, Pulitzer
Prize Winning Author, and William J. Cooper, LSU Boyd Professor at
16th Gulf Coast History & Humanities Association Meeting in
Pensacola Beach, Florida, October 9-11, 1997. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. VI, Spring/Summer 1998.

32 Sp/Sum 1998 5 x 8 4 original B&W print none

Sp/Sum 1998 5 x 7 4 original B&W print none

Center for Regional Studies staff: Dr. Samuel C. Hyde, Jr.,
Center Director, Keith Finley, GA, John Hanchey, GA, Scarlet
Savoye, GA, Lois Wagner, secretary, Victoria Mocsary, Photo
Specialist, Charles Elliott, assistant director of Center.

33 Sp/Sum 1998 5 x 7 1 original B&W print none

Center for Regional Studies staff, L-R: Keith Finley, GA,
Scarlet Savoye, GA, Victoria Mocsary, Photo Specialist, Dr. Samuel
C. Hyde, Jr., Center Director, Charles Elliott, assistant director
of Center. John Hanchey, GA, Lois Wagner, secretary. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. VI, Spring/Summer 1998.

34 Fall 1999 4 x 6 1 original color print none

Center for Regional Studies staff, L-R: Reggie Span, GA, Keith
Finley, GA, Charles Elliott, assistant director of Center, John
Hanchey, GA, Judson McKnight, GA, Dr. Samuel C. Hyde, Jr., Center
Director, Melissa Chauvin, student worker, Victoria Mocsary, Photo
Specialist. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. VII, Fall 1999.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

35 Fall 1999 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

World War II photograph. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. VII, Fall 1999.

36 Fall 1999 5 x 7 1 original B&W print none

Dr. Archie McDonald singing 19th century political campaign
songs. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. VII, Fall 1999.

37 Fall 1999 4 x 6 1 original color print none

Dr. Sally Clausen, President of Southeastern, presenting Maurice
Tempelsman with an SLU pin and an array of strawberry treats.
Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. VII, Fall 1999.

38 Fall 1999 4 x 6 1 original color print none

Maurice Tempelsman and Dr. John miller, Dean of the College of
Arts & Sciences, at Morrison Lecture reception. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. VII, Fall 1999.

39 Fall 1999 3½ x 5 1 original color print none

Damaged and incorrect Louisiana historical marker. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. VII, Fall 1999.

40 Fall 1999 4 x 6 1 original color print none

Graduate research assistant Keith Finley and Congressman
Morrison discuss the Morrison Collection. Appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. VII, Fall 1999.

41 Fall 1991 5 x 7 3 original B&W Print 1½ x 2¼

42 Fall 1991 5 x 7 2 original B&W Print 1½ x 2¼

The Hon. James H. Morrison sitting at the desk he used in his
Congressional office in the Rayburn Building in Washington D. C.
Today this desk is on exhibit in the Morrison Room on the third
floor of Sims Memorial Library at Southeastern. #42 appeared in
Centerpiece, Vol. I, No. 2, Fall 1991.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

1 1800s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Halbert Eleazer Paine, an Ohio native, who served as a Union
officer in Louisiana during the Civil War. He later was elected to
three terms in the House of Representatives and was Commissioner of
Patents from 1878 to 1880. Photograph courtesy of Fred Benton, Jr.
which illustrated an article by Lawrence L. Hewitt appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 7, 1989

2 3 x 4½ 1 B&W copy print

8 x 10 3 B&W copy print

J. B. M. Le Bouteaux’s engraving of John Law’s
concession at New Biloxi. Accompanied an article by James F. Gaines
appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 6, 1988.

3 1723 3 x 4½ 1 B&W copy print

1723 8 x 10 2 B&W copy print

Map of New Orleans and the surrounding plantations, or
“habitations,” with possible concealed escape route northeast of
the town. Illustrated an article by James F. Gaines appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 6, 1988.

4 1720 3 x 4½ 1 B&W copy print

1720 8 x 10 3 B&W copy print

A version of the 1720 Le Blond de la Tour map of New Orleans.
Illustrated an article by James F. Gaines appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 6, 1988.

5 unknown 3½ x 5 1 B&W copy print

Midden on Pass Manchac. Illustrated an article by Charles A.
Dranguet, Jr. and Roman J. Heleniak appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 3, 1985.

6 1862 2¼ x 5 1 Xerox copy

Ship Island, called the Hornet’s Nest. Illustrated an
article by Bertram H. Groene appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 3, 1985.

7 1860s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Overall view of Civil War naval operations from Lake Maurepas to
the Mississippi Sound. Illustrated an article by Bertram H. Groene
appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 3, 1985.

8 1860s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Commodore Hollins’s flagship, the
Calhoun, which was later captured by the Union forces and
used to patrol Lake Maurepas, Lake Pontchartrain and the
Mississippi Sound area. Illustrated an article by Bertram H. Groene
appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 3, 1985.

9 1860s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

U.S.S. Barataria being attacked by Confederate
sharpshooters after it had snagged on a log in the Amite River.
Illustrated an article by Bertram H. Groene appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 3, 1985.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

10 1985 3½ x 6½ 1 B&W copy print

First Guaranty Bank Building, Hammond, LA, architect Curtiss and
Davis. Illustrated an article by Hymel G. Falgost, Jr., appearing
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 3, 1985.

11 1985 3½ x 6½ 1 B&W copy print

Commercial Federal Building, Hammond, LA, architect Michael
Holly and Associates. Illustrated an article by Hymel G. Falgost,
Jr. appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 3, 1985.

12 1985 3½ x 6½ 1 B&W copy print

Southeastern Louisiana University Center, Hammond, LA.
Illustrated an article by Hymel G. Falgost, Jr. appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 3, 1985.

13 1985 3½ x 6½ 1 B&W copy print

Sculpture by Charles Roy Blackwood in Hammond Professional
Building. Illustrated an article by Hymel G. Falgost, Jr. appearing
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 3, 1985.

14 1985 3½ x 6½ 1 B&W copy print

Earl K. Long is sworn in as governor in the East Room of the
Governor’s Mansion on June 26, 1939 as outgoing Governor
Richard W. Leche looks on. Illustrated an article by Michael L.
Kurtz appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 3, 1985.

15 1928 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Angela Gregory in Bourdelle’s Parish Studio in 1928.
Displayed are three heads for the Head of the Beauvais Christ. Only
one survived to become the work shown below. Courtesy of
Southeastern Architectural Archives, Howard-Tilton Library, Tulane
University, New Orleans, LA. Illustrated an article by Kim
Finley-Stansbury appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 12, 1994.

16 1985 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Head of the Beauvais Christ taken by Dr. Barbara C. Walker in
Gregory’s Studio. Illustrated an article by Kim
Finley-Stansbury appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 12, 1994.

17 1930 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Angela Gregory with studio assistants around 1930 in her Pine
Street studio working on sculptures for the New Orleans Criminal
Courts Building. Illustrated an article by Kim Finley-Stansbury
appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 12, 1994.

18 1930 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

A model for the pelican sculptures installed at each end of the
New Orleans Criminal Courts Building. Courtesy of Southeastern
Architectural Archives, Howard-Tilton Library, Tulane University,
New Orleans, LA. Illustrated an article by Kim Finley-Stansbury
appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 12, 1994.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

19 1990s 3½ x 5 1 B&W copy print

The front, left end of the New Orleans Criminal Courts Building
includes a Gregory bronze panel, two stone pelicans, and decorative
stone elements. Courtesy of Southeastern Architectural Archives,
Howard-Tilton Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA.
Illustrated an article by Kim Finley-Stansbury appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 12, 1994.

20 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Gregory’s bronze medallion of the state seal,
Louisiana Pelican or Confidence, before it was inset on
the first floor of the New Orleans Criminal Courts Building.
Courtesy of Southeastern Architectural Archives, Howard-Tilton
Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. Illustrated an article
by Kim Finley-Stansbury appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 12, 1994.

21 1929 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Angela Gregory is shown here in 1929 working in her studio on
Stone Pelican for the New Orleans Criminal Courts Building.
Courtesy of Southeastern Architectural Archives, Howard-Tilton
Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. Illustrated an article
by Kim Finley-Stansbury appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 13, 1995.

22 1990s 3½ x 5 1 B&W copy print

The house and studio of Angela Gregory at 630 Pine Street seen
from the back where the studio was located. Illustrated an article
by Kim Finley-Stansbury appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 13, 1995.

23 1980s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Head of the Beauvais Christ sculptured by Gregory in 1928 from
white Italian marble in her studio. Photograph probably taken by
Dr. Barbara C. Walker in Gregory’s Studio. Illustrated an
article by Kim Finley-Stansbury appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 13, 1995.

24 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

The stone relief eagle is used by Gregory as a symbol of the
United States. This panel also includes symbols for France and
Spain, representing the mixed cultural heritage of New Orleans.
Illustrated an article by Kim Finley-Stansbury appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 13, 1995.

25 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

This bronze panel located on the left front side of the New
Orleans Criminal Courts Building appears to depict the Battle of
New Orleans. Illustrated an article by Kim Finley-Stansbury
appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 13, 1995.

26 1990s 3½ x 5 1 B&W copy print

Indian figure part of Gregory’s
Bienville Monument in front on the Union Passenger
Terminal on Loyola Avenue in New Orleans. Illustrated an article by
Kim Finley-Stansbury appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 13, 1995.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

27 1990s 3½ x 5 1 B&W copy print


, the Greek god of medicine, on the Tulane Medical Center,
Hutchinson Memorial Building on Tulane Avenue in New Orleans.
Illustrated an article by Kim Finley-Stansbury appearing in
Regional Dimensions, Vol. 13, 1995.

28 1990s 3½ x 5 1 B&W copy print

Pope John XXIII Panels

shown here are aluminum on walnut and are done in relief. They
are presently in the St. Mary’s Conference Center on Broadway
in New Orleans. Illustrated an article by Kim Finley-Stansbury
appearing in Regional Dimensions, Vol. 13, 1995.


that have appeared in the
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers magazine.

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

1 1860s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Drawing of John Slidell as he appeared in the 1860s. It
was sketched by Thomas Slidell from a daguerreotype. This drawing
appears in Beckles Wilson,
John Slidell and the Confederates in Paris, 1862-1865
(New York: Minton, Balch & Company, 1932. Used as an
illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 16,

2 No picture, number skipped

3 1905 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Laffite the Pirate as he appeared in the 1905 edition of
Stories From Louisiana History by Grace King and John R.
Ficklen. Used as an illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 16,

4 1910 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Hammond Depot. This depot was later moved several blocks
south of Thomas Street and used as a freight depot. It burned in
1926 and was rebuilt in 1927. In 1974, the old Hammond Freight
Depot and its property was sold by the Illinois Central Railroad
to a local company. Today it houses a flea market. Used as an
illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 13,

5 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Formerly Kidder’s Commissary, this building was
later moved to face Thomas Street and became the tailor shop and
residence of Dan Fezekas. Used as an illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 13,

6 1890s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Oxen along Railroad Avenue was a common sight in the
1890s, but snow was a rare treat for Hammond. Used as an
illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 13,

7 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 1½ x 2¼

Charles and Verna Joiner with their first child, Charles
Waldrep. Used as an illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 13,

8 early 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 1½ x
2¼ B&W

Posing with a Christmas cactus is young Velva Joiner,
Charles’s sister. At 88 years old, she still lived in the
family home at 602 East Park which her family moved into in 1908.
Used as an illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 13,

9 1915-16 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 1½ x 2¼

The Williams children and their mother. Standing in the
background is Marie Louise (Sister Agnes Ruth). Sitting on the
bench are from left: Wilford Benedict, Sylvia Alice and Louise
Whitney Williams holding her baby son, Frank Thomas, Jr. Sitting
on the pillow in the foreground is Eleanor Aline. Used as an
illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 13,


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

10 1936 5 x 7 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

The famous hearse which Jimmy Morrison turned into a sound truck
for his campaign for the State Senate. Shown with Morrison is Ed
McGehee (right), a friend and supporter in this campaign. Used as
an illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 13,

11 1940 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Jimmy Morrison at the microphone in center foreground talks to a
crowd in Gonzales during one of his early campaigns. Used as an
illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 13,

12 1940 5 x 7 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Jimmy Morrison holding up a copy of his paper,
The Farmers’ Friend, with a headline attacking the
mayor of New Orleans, Robert Maestri, is vigorous campaigner for
governor. Used as an illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 13,

13 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

The Battle of New Orleans as drawn at the battle site by Hthe.
Laclotte, architect and assistant engineer in the Louisiana
contingent of Jackson’s forces. It was later engraved as
shown here by P. L. Debucourt. From Alcée Fortier, Vol. III,
A History of Louisiana. Used as an illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 17,

14 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

Gathering of the Reimers family and friends for the Reimers
anniversary party. Used as an illustration in
Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 18, 1994.


– Pictures taken November 7, 1985.

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

1 11/7/1985 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of a group of people viewing the “Palmetto People
Exhibit” in the University Center at the Regional Research

2 11/7/1985 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of a group of people viewing the “Palmetto People
Exhibit” in the University Center at the Regional Research

3 11/7/1985 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of a young man viewing the “Palmetto People”
exhibit in the University Center at the Regional Research

4 11/7/1985 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of a young man viewing the artifact exhibit of the
“Palmetto People” in the University Center at the Regional
Research Symposium.

5 11/7/1985 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of a group of people viewing the “Palmetto People”
exhibit in the University Center at the Regional Research
Symposium. Dr. Carlo DiMaio can be seen talking to Max

6 11/7/1985 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of Dr. Bertram Groene speaking at the Regional
Research Symposium.

7 11/7/1985 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of Dr. Bertram Groene speaking at the Regional
Research Symposium.

8 11/7/1985 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of Dr. Bertram Groene speaking at the Regional
Research Symposium.

9 11/7/1985 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of Dr. Bertram Groene speaking at the Regional
Research Symposium.

10 11/7/1985 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of Mr. Al Dranguet speaking at the Regional
Research Symposium.

11 11/7/1985 8 x 10,5 x 7 5 Color, B&W 35mm

Scene of Charles Max Clardy, S. L. U. Archives’
Graduate Assistant for Summer and Fall Semesters 1985.


– Pictures taken by Joy Jackson on October 10,

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

1 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of a sculpture on display in the Clark Hall Gallery
created by Ms. Barbara Tardo for the Regional Research Program of
the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

2 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Two people looking at a drawing on display in the Clark
Hall Gallery done by Ms. Barbara Tardo for the Regional Research
Program of the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern
Louisiana University.

3 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Five people looking at a drawing and a sculpture on
display in the Clark Hall Gallery done by Ms. Barbara Tardo for
the Regional Research Program of the Center for Regional Studies
at Southeastern Louisiana University.

4 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of a man looking at a drawing on display in the
Clark Hall Gallery done by Ms. Barbara Tardo for the Regional
Research Program of the Center for Regional Studies at
Southeastern Louisiana University.

5 10/10/1988 3 x 5 2 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of eight people looking at the drawings and
sculptures on display in the Clark Hall Gallery done by Ms.
Barbara Tardo for the Regional Research Program of the Center for
Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana University.

6 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of two people looking at the sculptures on display
in the Clark Hall Gallery done by Ms. Barbara Tardo for the
Regional Research Program of the Center for Regional Studies at
Southeastern Louisiana University.

7 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of a lady looking at a drawing on display in the
Clark Hall Gallery done by Ms. Barbara Tardo for the Regional
Research Program of the Center for Regional Studies at
Southeastern Louisiana University.

8 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of a young lady standing at the guest register in
the Clark Hall Gallery at the exhibit of drawings and sculptures
done by Ms. Barbara Tardo for the Regional Research Program of
the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

9 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of a lady viewing the exhibit of drawings and
sculptures by Ms. Barbara Tardo at the Clark Hall Gallery for the
Regional Research Program of the Center for Regional Studies at
Southeastern Louisiana University.

SYMPOSIUM, 1988 Continued

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

10 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

View of four people at the refreshment table at the exhibit of
drawings and sculptures by Ms. Barbara Tardo at the Clark Hall
Gallery for the Regional Research Program of the Center for
Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana University.

11 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

10/10/1988 5 x 7 1 B&W Print

Scene of Ms. Barbara Tardo and Mr. Roy Blackwood, head of the
Visual Arts Department standing beside one of the drawings on
display at the Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional Research Program
of the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

12 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

10/10/1988 5 x 7 2 B&W Print

Scene of one of the sculptures done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on
display at the Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional Research Program
of the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

13 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

10/10/1988 5 x 7 1 B&W Print

Scene of one of the sculptures done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on
display at the Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional Research Program
of the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

14 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of people viewing the drawings and sculptures done by Ms.
Barbara Tardo on display at Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional
Research Program of the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern
Louisiana University.

15 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of one of the sculptures done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on
display at the Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional Research Program
of the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

16 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of one of the drawings done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on
display at Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional Research Program of
the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

17 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of one of the drawings done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on
display at Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional Research Program of
the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

18 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

10/10/1988 5 x 7 1 B&W Print

Scene of two of the drawings done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on
display at Clark Hall Gallery for the

Regional Research Program of the Center for Regional Studies at
Southeastern Louisiana University.

SYMPOSIUM, 1988 Continued

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

19 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of the guest register at Clark Hall Gallery for the
exhibit of Ms. Barbara Tardo’s drawings and sculptures for
the Regional Research Program of the Center for Regional Studies at
Southeastern Louisiana University.

20 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

10/10/1988 5 x 7 1 B&W Print

Scene of a large group of people viewing the drawings and
sculptures done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on display at Clark Hall
Gallery for the Regional Research Program of the Center for
Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana University.

21 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of two of the sculptures done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on
display at Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional Research Program of
the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

22 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

10/10/1988 5 x 7 1 B&W Print

Scene of one of the sculptures done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on
display at Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional Research Program of
the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

23 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

10/10/1988 5 x 7 2 B&W Print

Scene of one of the sculptures done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on
display at Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional Research Program of
the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

24 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

10/10/1988 5 x 7 1 B&W Print

Scene of one of the sculptures done by Ms. Barbara Tardo on
display at Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional Research Program of
the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

25 10/10/1988 3 x 5 1 Color Print 35mm Color

Scene of two ladies viewing the drawings and sculptures done by
Ms. Barbara Tardo on display at Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional
Research Program of the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern
Louisiana University.

26 10/10/1988 5 x 7 2 B&W Print 35mm B&W

Scene of a sculpture on display in the Clark Hall Gallery
created by Ms. Barbara Tardo for the Regional Research Program of
the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern Louisiana

27 10/10/1988 5 x 7 3 B&W Print 35mm B&W

Scene of Ms. Barbara Tardo standing beside three of her
sculptures on display at the Clark Hall Gallery for the Regional
Research Program of the Center for Regional Studies at Southeastern
Louisiana University.