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Photo Collection


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

1 Circa 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W Print 35mm B&W

Court Square, Montgomery, Alabama. Dr. Joy Jackson copied
postcard in the possession of Terry Turnage in 1980.

2 Circa 1900s 5 x 7 2 B&W Print 35mm B&W

Hotel at South Strafford, Vermond. Dr. Joy Jackson copied
photograph in 1980.

3 June 1988 4 x 6 1 original color postcard none

Recreated 1820s farmstead depicts pioneer life as experienced by
Abraham Lincoln in his Indiana boyhood. Located on the original
Thomas Lincoln property, the working farm features hewn-log
buildings, fields and gardens, and a variety of animals. Costumed
“pioneers” demonstrate daily farming and household chores. Lincoln
Boyhood National Memorial, Lincoln Living Historical Farm.

4 unknown 3 x 5 1 original color postcard none

Kentucky Military Institute at Farmdale (Franklin Springs)
Kentucky. The headquarters and barracks buildings of the Kentucky
Military Institute as they appeared shortly after the Civil War.
Founded in 1845 by Col. R. T. P. Allen. West Point class of 1834,
“the oldest private military school in America” achieved national
recognition for its scholarship and military training as a
degree-granting college. Dr. J. Q. A. Stewart, a precursor in the
field of mental health, bought the 500-acre estate in 1893 and
established the Stewart Home School.

5 unknown 4 x 6 1 original color postcard none

Kentucky Military Institute at Military Park-Lyndon
, Kentucky. “The oldest private military school in America”
was moved to this site in 1896 by Col. C. W. Fowler. The scene is
from an original painting by Robert Mason Combs, S.I., a KMI
alumnus. The artist embellished nostalgic features amid a
quadrangle of KMI buildings and memorials as they appeared when KMI
discontinued as a military institution in 1971.

6 June 1940 4 x 6 1 original postcard none

Mobile, Alabama, Radisson Admiral Semmes Hotel. Brick by brick
the Admiral Semmes was built to last. With the same painstaking
craftsmanship and attention to detail, Mobile’s landmark
hotel has been restored, signaling the return of a grand tradition
of Southern hospitality, comfort and elegance. Photo Courtesy Erik
Overby Collection, University of South Alabama Archives.

7 1940s 4 x 6 1 original postcard none

Mobile, Alabama, Radissn Admiral Semmes Hotel. Modern
TimesWith the coming of World War II, Servicemen engulfed
Mobile. With them came rapid, radical change, affecting every facet
of Mobile society. Photo Courtesy Erik Overby Collection,
University of South Alabama Archives.

8 1920s 4 x 6 1 original postcard none

Mobile, Alabama, Radissn Admiral Semmes Hotel. Christmas
ParadeA city quick to celebrate life’s moments. Photo
Courtesy Erik Overby Collection, University of South Alabama

9 early 1900s 4 x 7 1 original postcard none

Mobile, Alabama, Radissn Admiral Semmes Hotel. Downtown Mobile
Barber ShopAt the turn of the century, the barbar shp was a
favorite place to gather for the latest news. Photo Courtesy:
Historic Mobile Preservation Society Archives.