Criteria for Internship Approval Within Southeastern’s Region


Alternate Certification or Master of Arts in Teaching Degree Program Within Southeastern
Louisiana University’s TEACHER EDUCATION Service Region

Original documentation for the following must be submitted to the Office of Student
Teaching prior to an agreement by Southeastern to supervise an internship in Southeastern’s
teacher education service region [Ascension, City of Bogalusa, East Baton Rouge, Central,
Zachary, Jefferson (Kenner and Metairie area), Livingston, St. Charles, St. John,
St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington]:

  • Verification that all prerequisites have been met the semester prior to the internship
    (The Office of Student Teaching will check the candidate’s curriculum sheet for verification.)

  • Verification that all required parts of Praxis have been successfully passed (An original
    copy of the scores must be on file in the Dean’s office, College of Education.)

  • Written recommendation from all of the candidate’s methods instructors and a rating
    using the Professional Attributes and Characteristics Scale (Recommendation by methods
    instructors is required for internship approval. An example is included in the packet,
    but the form will be sent to the instructors by the Director of Student Teaching.
    The student will be notified of the instructors’ recommendation.)

  • Completed Application for Alternate Certification/MAT Internship

  • Verification that the school has a state approved classification (Attach documentation)

  • Verification that the school is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges
    and Schools (This is required for secondary level placements and recommended for elementary/special
    education placements.)

  • Verification that the Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching are encompassed within
    the rubric to evaluate teachers at the school site (Attach a copy of the evaluation

  • Verification that the principal/assistant principal has certification in principalship
    and training in supervision (Attach a copy of the teaching certificate noting areas
    of certification.)

  • Verification that the principal/assistant principal has served in this role for a
    minimum of three years (Attach resume)

  • Signed Principal/Assistant Principal Internship Agreement form

  • Verification that a mentor teacher, who has taught a minimum of three years in the
    area of the intern’s certification, will be assigned by the principal/assistant principal
    to assist the intern (Attach a copy of the mentor’s teaching certificate and a resume
    verifying employment experience.)

  • Signed Mentor Teacher Agreement Form

  • Verification of minimum class size in area of certification [12 students per class
    average for secondary classroom; 16 students in a regular elementary classroom; Inclusive
    elementary setting with a minimum of three mild/moderate special education students
    with active IEPs; Self-contained or resource mild/moderate special education classroom
    with daily experience (minimum of one hour per day) in a regular elementary classroom]

  • Evidence of cultural diversity within the school population (Attach a copy of the
    school profile or a statement indicating open enrollment.)

  • Attach a copy of the teaching schedule signed by the principal/assistant principal
    (An elementary/special education intern must teach at the appropriate grade level
    (1-5 for MAT) of certification. A majority of the secondary intern’s teaching schedule
    must be taught in the area of certification.)

  • Attach a copy of the signed Internship Agreement form

  • Attacha copy of the contract or employment agreement verifying employment



The candidate is responsible for submitting the above documents the semester prior
to beginning the internship. A complete packet should be submitted rather than item
by item. Authorization to register for an internship will not be granted until all
documents have been submitted.



After completing an application the semester prior to beginning employment for the
internship, the Director of Student Teaching will send the candidate an internship
packet to complete. Email Ms. Jordan K. Ahrend, Director of Clinical Practice and
Residency, at [email protected].