Lion’s Lagniappe

What is Lion’s Lagniappe?

Lion’s Lagniappe Account allows your Southeastern ID to work like a debit card. It’s easy to use, super convenient, and there’s no charge to set up your account! With Lion’s Lagniappe there’s no need to carry cash with you! Just swipe your ID to make a purchase and the amount is automatically deducted from your account.

Use your Southeastern ID like a debit card!

How Do I Deposit Funds to Lion’s Lagniappe?

Choose from $10, $11, $15, $20, $25, $35, $50, $100, $250, or $500

Choose from $50, $100, $250 or $500

Amount will appear on your fee invoice and will be payable on fee payment due date

Apply unused financial aid or pay with cash, check or money order

$25 minimum investment

Located in the Student Union (Game Room, first floor), Sims Memorial Library (first floor),The Village laundry facility (resident card access required for entry) and the Louisiana Hall laundry facility (resident card access required for entry)

Cash only ($20 bill or smaller)