Internship Information

What is an Internship?

An internship is a supervised work experience that supplements and enhances a student’s academic coursework. Internships are generally short-term (one or two semesters), have pre-established learning goals, and reflect actively on what students are learning or majoring in while in school. 

Ideally, an internship offers practical experience in a potential career field. They are designed to help students understand the “real world” applications of their academic studies. Internships can be paid or unpaid. Involvement may be part-time, as little as 10 hours a week, up to full-time. Academic credit may be awarded at the discretion of students’ academic departments. 

Why hire an intern?

  • Internship placements are proven, cost-effective methods to meet immediate and long-range human resource needs of employers. 

  • Internship placements are excellent ways to find new, energetic and skilled employees.

  • The internship can be a test period for both you and the student to learn if they are a good “fit.” 

  • Interning students can perform well on some professional-level assignments, thus freeing career employees for more advanced responsibilities.

  • Participation in internships helps decrease the turnover of graduates employed in career positions. 

  • Internships provide an excellent avenue for diversifying the workforce. 

  • Internship programs foster on-going, productive relations between the campus and employer. 

How does this service work?

The Office of Career Services is happy to assist you with posting your internship position(s) on Handshake (Handshake should be a link to the Handshake page) or assist in developing an internship program if you don’t have one in place.  We will also work to promote your internship opportunity to the appropriate academic internship coordinators who will in turn notify students in that particular degree program about the internship.