Researching Companies

It is important to thoroughly research companies and positions before the job interview. Use the information you obtain to demonstrate your knowledge and interest to the interviewer. Not only does the employer expect you to be familiar with their organization and the positions for which you are interviewing, but your confidence level will also increase when you know more about the job. 

What to Research

  • Relative size of company in the industry/potential growth of the industry
  • Research the company’s overall mission and values. Are they aligned with yours?
  • Types/numbers of customers/clients/services; number of plants, stores, branches, sales outlets, etc.; company history/background.
  • Publicly or privately owned; geographical locations.
  • Organization structured by services, product lines, functions, etc.
  • Methods of training, evaluation, and promotion.
  • Names and job titles of key contacts (interviewer/recruiter).
  • If possible, your positive personal experience with company: products, services, customer relations, etc.
  • You should also note the company’s culture to gain insight into your potential satisfaction with the job, an important factor that may be easy to overlook.

How to Research

  • Company websites and their social media channels are the first place you should look for information before the interview.
  • Network with current or former employees of company.
  • LinkedIn: find people that you know who work for this company and see posts from the company.
  • Google: look for news articles, recent projects, or other relevant information by searching the company name.