Employees will be reimbursed lodging rates, plus allowable taxes and surcharges/fees according to the GSA lodging rates for the applicable location (receipts required). The GSA lodging rates can be found here.
Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories shall be reimbursed $225.00 per night plus any allowable taxes and surcharges/fees.
When traveling in-state, a Hotel Tax Exempt form must be used. When lodging rates are higher than the published GSA lodging rates, the traveler can complete the Hotel Overage Request form with all necessary approvals and documentation attached in order to receive maximum reimbursement.
Employees will be reimbursed for meals and incidentals according to the GSA meal rates for the applicable location. The GSA meal and incidental rates can be found here.
Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories daily meal per diem shall be reimbursed as follows:
- Breakfast – $20.00
- Lunch – $34.00
- Dinner – $51.00
- Incidentals – $5.00
First and last day meal and incidental reimbursements shall not exceed $82.50.
Meal allowance includes tax and tips. Receipts are not required for routine meals, unless a cash advance was received. Reimbursement for alcohol is prohibited. Note: When a meal is included in the conference schedule, it is considered part of the registration fee – additional reimbursement will not be given for that meal.