Travel Information


Please be sure to check the State travel website for updated information. 

PPM49 Travel Guide

Travel Checklist

  • 07/01/2023 Update: Utilization of Uber/Lyft –If utilizing Uber or Lyft type services, only a standard size vehicle is reimbursable with an itemized receipt. Premium or larger vehicles are not reimbursable. Agencies may reimburse tolls, surcharges, and fees (excluding wait time fees) when it is determined that these services are the most cost effective option. Wait time fees are not a reimbursable expense. Travelers should try to utilize the most economic ground transportation without incurring additional fees or surge pricing.
    • a. Uber Black, Uber Black XL, and Uber Premier are not reimbursable
    • b. Lyft Lux, Lyft Lux Black, and Lyft Lux Black XL are not reimbursable  
  • 07/01/2023 Update: Clarification on Conference Lodging –  Travelers may be allowed the conference lodging rates, plus tax (other than Louisiana Sales Tax) and any mandatory surcharge. Receipts are required along with documentation showing the actual conference rate. Department heads or his/her designee have the authority to approve the actual cost of conference lodging for a single occupancy or standard room when the traveler is staying at the designated conference hotel. If there are multiple designated conference hotels, the lower cost conference hotel should be booked, if available. In the event the designated conference hotel(s) have no room availability, a department head or his/her designee may approve to pay the actual hotel cost not to exceed the conference lodging rates for other hotels in the immediate vicinity of the conference hotel. Rates exceeding the Conference Lodging Rate must be approved by the Commissioner of Administration. This allowance does not include Agency Hosted Conference Lodging Rates. Documentation required is a formal agenda, program, letter of invitation, or registration fee. Participation as an exhibiting vendor in an exhibit /trade show also qualifies as a conference. For a hotel to qualify for conference rate lodging, it requires that the hotel is hosting or is in conjunction with hosting the meeting. 
  • Mileage Rate – Effective October 1, 2022, the personally owned vehicle reimbursement rates must be based on the GSA rate for mileage, rounded down to the penny.  For current rates, visit the GSA website.
  • Lodging, Meal, and Incidental Rates – Lodging, Meal, and Incidental rates have been restructured to follow GSA rates. Please see more information below in the Lodging, Meals, and Incidentals section.

State Travel Policies and Procedure
Louisiana Travel Guide – provides complete travel regulations

Southeastern Travel Policy

Safe Driving Policy

State Travel Regulations state that expense reports for travel must be submitted no later than thirty days following travel.  Failure to submit an expense report on time could jeopardize reimbursement.

Registration fees may be paid for with Pcard (within Pcard policy).  All other travel expenses must be paid for by the employee and reimbursement to be requested via an expense report once the travel has concluded.  Registration and airfare that is purchased prior to travel may be reimbursed before the trip begins by turning in a completed Travel Advance Form with attached receipts.

Interviewees must have an approved Spend Authorization and Travel Approval for Non-State Employee form.  Consult the Human Resource Office for any questions concerning interviewee travel.

Anyone who is not an official state employee, and will be driving or transported in a state-owned vehicle and/or a vehicle which has been rented to the State of Louisiana must sign the Non-Employee Use of State Vehicle Acknowledgement (formerly known as Hold Harmless Agreement).  If you have any questions, you may contact the travel desk.

As a state agency, the university cannot reimburse Louisiana State Sales tax.  For in-state lodging, please use the Hotel Tax Exemption Form. 

Spend Authorizations (SAs) are to be done in Workday.  SAs are required for in-state conferences or seminars and for ALL out-of-state and International travel.  The following guidance is offered for your assistance in completing SAs and Expense Reports:  

1. All SAs are to be submitted and approved prior to travel.  An approved SA will ensure the person traveling will be covered by state insurance and will be reimbursed for expenses within state travel regulations.  Travel without approval may result in non-reimbursement. In the event a SA is not submitted and/or approved prior to travel, a late SA must be submitted, including justification, and approved before reimbursement can be processed.

2. When submitting a SA in which you are to be reimbursed by a cost center other than your home cost center, you must update the Worktags for the expense(s) being paid for by another cost center.  

3. When completing a SA, remember to use the correct business purpose for the travel expenses.   

4. International Travel: All international travel, whether traveling to or from international territories, must use the international travel business purpose.  Travel outside the United States MUST be pre-approved in order to be reimbursed.

State Travel Regulations state that Expense Reports for travel must be submitted no later than thirty days following travel.  Failure to submit expense reports on time could jeopardize reimbursement.

It is required that employees submit expense reports through Workday when requesting reimbursement for expenses related to travel.  Each Spend Authorization requires a separate Expense Report.

All travel related expenses must be included on the Expense Report.  This includes expenses incurred on a Pcard.

A copy of the formal agenda and/or program for conferences MUST be attached to the Expense Report for meals to be reimbursed, per audit guidelines.

State employees must purchase airfare through the State Contracted Travel AgencyChristopherson Business Travel.

Transactions made by phone or email have a $24.00 agent fee per domestic ticket and a $31.00 agent fee per international ticket.  Tickets purchased using the website have a $7.00 booking fee.

The State always supports purchasing the “best value” ticket.  Once all rates are received, the traveler is to compare costs and determine which fare would be the “best value” for their trip.

Christopherson Business Travel

Toll Free Online Support: (800) 535-0179

Online Email: [email protected]

Toll Free Travel Advisor Team: (800) 961-0720

Travel Advisor Email: [email protected]


If you previously had a profile set up with Shorts Travel Management, you should have received a welcome email from Christopherson Business Travel with a link to set up your new password only.  If you are a new employee, or have never had an airfare profile set up in the past, please click here to set up a profile.  If you have a profile set up and would like to designate someone else to book your travel on your behalf, please click here.

 Logging into Christopherson Business Travel

Selecting a Travel Arranger

Checking Profile for Correct Agency

 If you need help logging in, please contact the travel desk at (985) 549-2089.

Employees will be reimbursed lodging rates, plus allowable taxes and surcharges/fees according to the GSA lodging rates for the applicable location (receipts required). The GSA lodging rates can be found here.

Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories shall be reimbursed $225.00 per night plus any allowable taxes and surcharges/fees.

When traveling in-state, a Hotel Tax Exempt form must be used.  When lodging rates are higher than the published GSA lodging rates, the traveler can complete the Hotel Overage Request form with all necessary approvals and documentation attached in order to receive maximum reimbursement.

Employees will be reimbursed for meals and incidentals according to the GSA meal rates for the applicable location. The GSA meal and incidental rates can be found here.

Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories daily meal per diem shall be reimbursed as follows:

  • Breakfast – $20.00
  • Lunch – $34.00
  • Dinner – $51.00
  • Incidentals – $5.00

First and last day meal and incidental reimbursements shall not exceed $82.50.

Meal allowance includes tax and tips. Receipts are not required for routine meals, unless a cash advance was received.  Reimbursement for alcohol is prohibited.  Note: When a meal is included in the conference schedule, it is considered part of the registration fee – additional reimbursement will not be given for that meal.

Baton Rouge Airport – The state’s current contract rate is $4.50 per day (receipts required) for parking in the indoor parking garage as well as the outside fenced parking lot at the Baton Rouge Airport. Documentation required to receive the contract price is the airport certificate and a State ID. Airport certificate may be found on State Travel Office’s website at:

New Orleans Airport Parking – USPARK’s uncovered parking is reimbursable at a rate of $14.00/day (show University I.D. for discount) plus allowed tax with a receipt. The New Orleans Airport Surface Lot, located on airport property, is reimbursable at a maximum of $18 per day with a receipt. The New Orleans Airport Airline Economy Garage, located off property, is reimbursable at a maximum of $12 per day with a receipt. Please click here for a map of the New Orleans Airport Parking lots.

Travelers using motor vehicles on official state business may be reimbursed for all other parking, including airport parking except as listed above, ferry fares, and road and bridge tolls. For each transaction over $5, a receipt is required.

Travel with a personal vehicle is limited to 99 miles per roundtrip/day.  If you are traveling more than 99 miles, it is encouraged that you use a rental vehicle with the State’s contracted vendors/rates (see below for details).

Rental vehicle expenses must be included in the Spend Authorization (SA).  A Vehicle Rental Request Form must be signed by the person taking the trip and uploaded to the SA when someone enters the SA on behalf of the traveler. Routine in-state field travel does not require a SA unless a rental vehicle will be used.

Employees are allowed up to the Standard Size Vehicle for rentals.  If you are traveling with more than 2 people and/or need a larger rental for a specific business function, you may request a larger rental vehicle on the vehicle rental form.  Justification must be included.

No State Agencies should be paying state taxes on in-state vehicle rentals for official state business.  If you receive any invoice(s) where the taxes are added, please contact the Enterprise branch you rented the vehicle from to request that taxes are removed from your receipt.

Currency Conversion Requirements for Foreign Travel

When requesting travel reimbursement, all expenses incurred in foreign currencies or exchanges of currency must be converted to U.S. dollars. The request for reimbursement must document the calculation using an approved foreign currency conversion methodology. Multiple methodologies may be used in a single trip. Travelers may utilize the following methodologies:

Onsite Exchange Rate: If the traveler converts U.S. dollars to a foreign currency, the traveler must provide the receipt showing the actual exchange rate. This single rate may be used for all expenses paid for with the converted currency, with the total of the expenses not to exceed the amount converted. Additional fees charged by the foreign currency exchange vendor may be reimbursed, if included on the receipt, itemized, and explained. Note: The receipt for the currency exchange cannot be dated more than 3 days prior to the first date of travel or after the last date of trip per the travel authorization form.

Credit Card Rate: If the traveler charges expenses to a credit or debit card, the card issuer will perform the currency exchange. The rate will be detailed on the traveler’s card statement, which may be used as documentation of the exchange rate. Additional fees charged by the card issuer for foreign currency transactions may be reimbursed, if itemized and explained on the statement.

Online Rate: The traveler may use the website for the historical currency exchange as a standard conversion rate. The OANDA website provides exchange rates on a daily basis. Documentation of the conversion rate should be provided for each date where an expense was charged. If a traveler does not provide any documentation of the currency exchange rate used, the online rate option will be used. Note: For lodging, a conversion should only be provided for the day of the charge, not for each day of the stay.