Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Recruitment Information

For more specific information, explore the individual recruitment sites of the three councils listed below.

Students interested in participating in recruitment must be enrolled full-time (as an undergraduate or graduate student) at Southeastern Louisiana University. We also recommend students have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 to be as successful as possible in recruitment and intake processes. Please note that each chapter may have higher GPA or collegiate hours earned requirements for membership and officers are required to maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative to serve in their positions each semester.

  • Membership Intake: Membership intake is the membership selection process conducted by Southeastern’s historically Black Greek-Lettered organizations, which are members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). Membership selection for NPHC groups is an individualized process that is different for each organization. Chapters individually choose the time when they will take new members. This process, known as intake, generally begins with an interest meeting followed by a period of membership education. The membership process culminates with initiation and a new member presentation or “probate,” in which the organization’s new members are revealed to the community.
    • Fraternities and sororities at Southeastern that utilize a membership intake process are: Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Sigma Gamma Rho, and Zeta Phi Beta. 
  • Membership Recruitment: Membership recruitment is the membership selection process conducted by the Collegiate Panhellenic Council (CPC) and Interfraternity Council (IFC). This process is typically “formal” or structured during the fall semester and less formal/structured in the spring semester. The councils, CPC and IFC, determine the timeline by which member organizations may recruit new members into their organizations. New members are offered bids on what is typically called “Bid Day” during the fall semester and then participate in their new member process leading into initiation. During the spring semester, chapters recruit on a rolling basis until they reach their ideal or required chapter total. 
    • Fraternities and sororities at Southeastern that utilize a membership recruitment process are: Alpha Omicron Pi (CPC), Alpha Sigma Tau (CPC), Delta Tau Delta (IFC), Kappa Sigma (IFC), Phi Mu (CPC), Sigma Sigma Sigma (CPC), Sigma Tau Gamma (IFC), Tau Kappa Epsilon (IFC), Theta Chi (IFC), and Theta Phi Alpha (CPC). 

When is Primary Recruitment

Fall primary recruitment takes place during the fall semester. The primary recruitment process will begin Aug.30 and run through Sept. 2. There will be several events that PNMs will be strongly encouraged to attend prior to recruitment kicking off to enhance the overall recruitment experience.

When can I register for recruitment

Online registration will open May 20 and close two days before the first round of primary recruitment (Tuesday, Aug. 27).

What is the registration deadline?

Sorority recruitment registration and fees must be received no later than midnight two business days (August 27) prior to the first round of primary recruitment.

Monday, May 20

Recruitment registration link open for women to submit their recruitment information and register for Fall 2024 Recruitment. Registration fee is $75 until Tuesday, August 20 and goes up to $85 for August 20 – 27. Sign up early to make sure we have all of your information and you have accurately sized shirts!

May/June/July/August Orientation Sessions

CPC will have a table at Summer Orientation where you can learn more about registering and ask questions about CPC sororities and recruitment.

Monday, August 26 – CPC Open Houses

Opportunity for PNMs and anyone still considering recruitment to meet the chapters and go on a tour of all of the houses prior to recruitment kickoff on Friday, September 1. This is not a round of primary recruitment and will give PNMs the chance to become oriented with Greek Village and how primary recruitment flows. You will meet with your tour group at 5:30 PM and then spend about 15 minutes at each chapter’s house. Light refreshments will be provided.

Tuesday, August 27

Recruitment registration link closes.

Thursday, August 29 – CPC Sorority 101 Session

This session will give you the chance to meet your Gamma Chi(s), other people in your PNM group, and allow you to ask questions about the CPC membership experience. You do not have to be signed up for recruitment to attend! We encourage anyone who may still be on the fence to attend this session as well so they can learn more and potentially sign up.

Friday, August 30 – CPC Recruitment Kickoff

You will check in with your Gamma Chi(s) and get everything you need to be successful for Primary Recruitment 2023.

Friday, August 30 – A Day in the Life of Sisterhood Round

PNMs will meet all five chapters and learn more about the core value of sisterhood and what it looks like to be a member of a CPC sorority at Southeastern.

Saturday, August 31 – Philanthropy and Values Round

PNMs will be invited back to no more than three chapters to learn more about the chapter’s philanthropic and service efforts as well as other values of the organization.

Sunday, September 1 – Preference Round

PNMs will be invited back to no more than two chapters to learn more about the chapter’s ritual and what it means to make a commitment to joining a CPC organization.

Monday, September 2 – Bid Day

PNMs will be invited to join one chapter and will have the opportunity to sign their bid card to join a CPC organization at Southeastern Louisiana University!