Course | Course Description | Prerequisites |
ACCT 200 | Intro. to Financial Acct I | Soph. standing |
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ACCT 221 | Intermediate Financial Accounting | C or better in ACCT 200 & 2.1 Cum. GPA |
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ACCT 225 | Managerial Accounting | ACCT 200 |
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ACCT 312 | Intermediate Financial Accounting II | C or better in ACCT 221 & Junior |
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ACCT 313 | Intermediate Financial Accounting III | C or better in ACCT 312 & Junior |
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ACCT 320 | Accounting Info Systems & Procedures | C or better in ACCT 221, OMIS 350, & Junior |
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ACCT 331 | Cost & Managerial Accounting | C or better in ACCT 221 and Junior |
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ACCT 400/500 | Accounting for Governmental & Not-For-Profit Organizations | C or better in ACCT 312 and Senior |
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ACCT 407 | Auditing | C or better in ACCT 313 and Senior |
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ACCT 411 | Advanced Financial Accounting | C or better i ACCT 313 and Senior |
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ACCT 625 | Accounting for Business Decisions | Graduate Standing & C in ACCT 200 |
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ACCT 695 | Special Topics in Accounting | Graduate Standing & C in ACCT 200 |
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CED 603 | Counseling Theory | Admissions to the CED |
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CED 605 | Pre-Practicum/Counseling Techniques | Admissions to the CED |
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CED 607 | Career Development/Information Services | Admissions to the CED or permission from Dept Head |
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CED 609 | Assessment in Counseling | HD 600, 601, CED 603, & 605 |
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CED 610 | Intro to Diagnosis & Treatment of Psychopathology | HD 600, 601, CED 603 & 605 |
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CED 611 | School Counseling & Consulting | HD 601, CED 603, & 605 |
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CED 613 | Community Consulting & Staffing | HD 601, CED 603, & 605 |
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CED 617 | Counseling Children and Adolescents | HD 601, 608, CED 603 & 605 |
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CED 670 | Special Topics in Counselor Education | Admission to CED program or Permission for Dept Head |
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COMM 211 | Intro to Public Speaking | None |
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COMM 215 | Intro to Interpersonal Communication | None |
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COMM 413 | Advanced Speaking for the Professional | COMM 210 or 211 |
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COMM 417 | Web Page & Communication & Design | Requires Instructor Authorization |
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COMM 418 | Small Group Communications | Junior |
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CMPS 110 | Computer Literacy | None |
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CMPS 120 | Microcomputers & BASIC Programming | Reg/credit for MATH 155, 161 or 165 |
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CMPS 161 | Algorithm Design and Implementation I | Reg/credit for MATH 161 or 155 or permission of Dept. Head |
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CMPS 225 | Software Applications | MATH 241 or equal & CMPS 110 |
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CMPS 233 | Desk Top Publishing | CMPS 110 or permission of Dept. Head |
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CMPS 234 | Intro to Applications of Database Mgmt Systems | CMPS 110, 151 or permission of Dept. Head |
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CMPS 235 | Website Design and Construction | CMPS 235 or permission of Instructor |
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CMPS 262 | COBOL Programming | Reg/credit for MATH 155, 161 or 165 |
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CMPS 280 | Algorithm Design and Implementation II | CMPS 161 and C or better in MATH 155 or 161 |
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CMPS 383 | Information Systems | CMPS 285 |
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CMPS 389 | Computer Graphics | MATH 200 & CMPS 270 or 280 |
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ECON 201 | Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics) | None |
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ECON 202 | Principles of Economics (Microeconomics) | None |
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ECON 333 | Introduction to Money and Banking | ECON 201 and 202 and Junior standing, or ECON 102 and Junior standing |
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ECON 401/501 | Macroeconomics for Managers | ECON 201 & 202 & Junior or ECON 102 & Junior |
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ECON 402/502 | Managerial Economics | ECON 201 & 202 Junior or ECON 102 & Junior |
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ECON 613 | Managerial Economics | Graduate Standing & ECON 201, 202 |
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ECON 641 | Seminar in Contemporary Econ. Problems | Graduate Standing & ECON 201, 202 |
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ECON 695 | Special Topics in Economics | Graduate Standing |
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EDF 607 | Philosophy of Education | None |
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EDF 615 | History of Education | None |
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EDF 616 | History of American Education | None |
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EDF 674 | Readings in Education | EDF 600 & permission of Dept. Head |
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EDF 701 | Educational Statistics | EDF 600 |
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ENGL 101 | Freshman Composition | Placement |
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ENGL 102 | Critical Reading and Writing | ENGL 101 or 121H or demonstration of superior ability on the ACT |
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ENGL 322 | Intro to Professional and Technical Writing | ENGL 102 or 122H |
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ENGL 448/548 | Advanced Professional and Technical Writing | ENGL 102 or 122H, Junior or Dept Head consent |
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ETEC 641 | Web Mastering for K-12 Instructional Delivery | ETEC 620 |
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FIN 381 | Business Finance | ACCT 200 & Junior |
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FIN 551 | Investment Analysis | Graduate Standing & FIN 381 |
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FIN 653 | Financial Policies | Graduate Standing & FIN 381 |
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FIN 657 | Financial Institutions Mgmt | Graduate Standing & FIN 381 |
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FIN 695 | Special Topics in Finance | Graduate Standing and FIN 381 |
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HD 600 | Research Methods and Design | Admissions to CED or permission of Dept Head |
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HD 601 | Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues | Admissions to CED |
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HD 604 | Group Process | HD 601, CED 603 and 605 |
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HD 608 | Human Growth & Development | Permission of Dept Head |
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HD 625 | Cross-cultural Issues | HD 601, CED 603, & 605 OR permission of Dept Head |
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HS 133 | Healthy Lifestyles for the 21st Century | None |
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LS 102 | Intro to Information Research | None |
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MATH 105 | Finite Mathematics | score of 19 or above on Mathematics section of the ACT or appropriate score on COMPASS exam or satisfactory completion of a developmental Math course |
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MATH 151 | College Algebra with Fundamentals | score of 19 or above on Mathematics section of the ACT or appropriate score on COMPASS exam or satisfactory completion of a developmental Math course |
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MATH 161 | College Algebra | Score of 21 or above on the Math Section of ACT, DVMA 92, or an appropriate score on the Developmental Placement Test |
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MATH 162 | Trigonometry | MATH 155 or 161 |
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MATH 163 | Calculus for the Biological, Business, and Social Sciences | MATH 161 or 155 or ACT 28 or higher |
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MATH 165 | Precalculus with Trigonometry | MATH 155 or 161, Math ACT of 28 or permission of Dept. Head |
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MATH 200 | Calculus I | Score of 28 on Math section of ACT or MATH 165 |
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MATH 201 | Calculus II | MATH 200 |
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MATH 241 | Elementary Statistics | MATH 161 or 155 or ACT 28 or higher |
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MFT 621 | Marriage & Family Therapy | Admissions into a counseling program or permission of Dept Head |
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BLAW 231 | The Legal Environment of Business | None |
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BLAW 232 | Business Law | None |
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BLAW 333 | Commercial Law for Accountants | Major in Accounting and/or CPA candidate, Junior standing & BLAW 234 |
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OMIS 200 | Business Statistics | MATH 155 or 161 and CMPS 110 or MGMT 210 |
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OMIS 210 | Business Statistical Models II | MATH 241 or OMIS 200 |
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OMIS 320 | Principles of Supply Chain Management | OMIS 200 or MATH 241 and Junior standing |
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OMIS 350 | Mgmt Information Systems | CMPS 110 & MGMT 210 |
OMIS 380 | Data Analytics | |
OMIS 430 | Production & Operations Mgmt | OMIS 200 & MGMT 351 or permission of Dept. Head |
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OMIS 600 | Statistical Methods in Business & Economics | Graduate Standing & OMIS 200 |
| | |
OMIS 635 | Applications in Project Management | Graduate Standing & OMIS 435 or Dept Head consent |
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OMIS 670 | Database Modeling and Design | Graduate Standing & OMIS 350 |
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OMIS 680 | Info Systems Analysis & Design | Graduate Standing & OMIS 350 |
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OMIS 690 | Technology Applications in Management | Graduate Standing & OMIS 350 |
| | |
MGMT 210 | Microcomputer Applications for Business | None |
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MGMT 220 | Advanced Spreadsheet Application for Business Personnel | MGMT 210 |
| | |
BLAW 234 | The Legal Environment of Business for Accountants | MGMT 210 |
MGMT 240 | Business Communication | |
MGMT 351 | Principles of Management | Junior |
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MGMT 440 | Managing Diversity | MGMT 351 |
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MGMT 464 | Business Strategy | Management 351, Finance 381, Marketing 303, OMIS 200 and Senior standing |
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MGMT 478 | Leadership | Management 351; Senior standing, or permission of Dept. Head |
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MGMT 471 | Human Resource Management | MGMT 351 |
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MGMT 473 | Organizational Behavior | MGMT 351 |
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MGMT 476 | Staffing, Compensation and Employee Development | BLAW 231, MGMT 471, and Dept Head consent |
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MGMT 485/585 | Entrepreneurship | MGMT 351, ACCT 200, MRKT 303, FIN 381 |
| | |
MGMT 640 | Seminar in Industrial Relations | None |
MGMT 657 | The Art and Science of Negotiation | |
MGMT 663 | Organization Theory & Behavior | MGMT 351 |
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MGMT 683 | Business Policy & Strategy | Open to MBA Candidate during the last 12 hours of the program |
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MGMT 695 | Special Topics in Mgmt | Graduate Standing |
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MRKT 303 | Principles Marketing | Junior standing |
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MRKT 314 | Public Relations | |
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MRKT 319 | Consumer Behavior | Marketing 303 and Junior standing |
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MRKT 321 | Personal Selling | Junior standing |
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MRKT 310 | Foundations of Marketing Design | Junior standing |
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MRKT 373 | Social Media and Digital Marketing | MRKT 303 |
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MRKT 432 | Marketing Research | MRKT 303 and OMIS 200 or MATH 241 |
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MRKT 444 | Marketing Management | MRKT 303 and Senior standing |
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MRKT 623 | Marketing Communications | Graduate Standing & MRKT 303 |
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MRKT 650 | Business Research | Graduate Standing & OMIS 200, 600 |
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MRKT 673 | Marketing Administration | Graduate Standing & MRKT 303 |
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MRKT 695 | Special Topics in Marketing | Graduate Standing |
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GBBT 651 | Technology in Business Communications | MBA Student on Instructor Consent |
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GBBT 681 | Administrative Communication Theory | None |
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POLI 202 | State & Local Politics | None |
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POLI 460 | Public Administration | POLI 201 & ENGL 102 |
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SAC 619 | Substance Abuse Counseling | HD 601, CED 603, & 605 |
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SAFT 202 | General Safety Education | None |