Top 10 Reasons Why We Love Institutional Research
Just one word….IPEDS
Showing the Provost how biology lab rats can be counted in graduation and retention
studies -
Unwavering faith that someday someone will devise a foolproof method for quantifying
faculty workload -
Getting to say things like “Although the state appropriations per FTE have decreased
4% over the last three years, the instructional allocation ratio has risen significantly”
in front of the President -
Explaining CUPA definitions to department heads
Thrill of living on the edge when the College of Business makes last-minute data requests
Those delightful folks at SPSS Technical Support
Playing the IR acronym guessing game: HBCU, CSRDE, CDS, SRTK, SREB, NCES, GRS, SPRE
On some reports, I change 6’s to 9’s and 9’s to 6’s — just for fun
While completing the staff salary report, momentarily enjoying the look of $500,000
next to my name