Many new students wish to earn money while they attend college to cover extra expenses or for entertainment. However, if you are an international student on the F-1 or J-1 visas, you must be aware of what is considered authorized employment. Most students who are in their first year of study in the U.S. are restricted to on-campus employment only. Working off campus without prior USCIS approval is considered unauthorized, or illegal, employment. For information on authorized off-campus employment, please visit the current student section on employment.
On-campus employment is often referred to as Work Study. This allows students to work in various departments on campus part-time. This is the best option for a busy college student as departments will work around a student’s class schedule to assign their work hours. Students are paid at an hourly rate once a month.
International students must follow all USCIS policy when working on campus. To be eligible for on-campus employment, a student must meet the following requirements:
You must currently be in valid F-1 status and in good academic standing at Southeastern while engaged in a full course of study, except during summer and school holidays.
A student who is out of status is not eligible for F-1 benefits, including employment. Once on campus employment is secured, students must only work part-time (20 hours per week) while school is in session and follow all policy as mandated by the Work Study Office.
It is important to note that students who apply for Work Study are divided into two different categories, State and Federal. The Federal Work Study program is federally funded and only students who receive these funds can work under this category. Most, if not all, international students CANNOT be classified as Federal.Many international students are classified as State Student Workers. This is defined as a student worker who is paid out of the budget of the department in which they are employed.For information on how to apply for a Student Worker position, you may visit our Student Employment Network page. Student worker positions are not guaranteed and are only available if listed on the network site.