FIXX IT Request


If this is an emergency, please call the Housing FIXX IT line at 985-549-3499.


Please contact the Housing Office at 985-549-2118 for any of the problems below:

  1. If the cable TV is not working.

  2. If you see any mold.

  3. If you have a washer or dryer problem.

  4. If you have any custodial issues.

  5. If you have any pest control issues.

  6. If the electronic door access is not working. Example: ID Card swipe not working.

  7. If the Internet is not working, please call 985-340-8324.


Please, complete the form with your name, your Southeastern email address, your phone
number, the building where the problem exist, your room number and a brief description
about the problem. Please give as much information in the Problem area, so your problem
can be repaired.


If you are in Greek Village, please type in the building name and letter.

Example: Building: Greek Village Building A


If you are in Southeastern Oaks, please type the building number and room letter.

Example: Building: Southeastern Oaks Building 1



If you are in Zachary Taylor, please include East or West side of building.

Example: Building: Zachary Taylor East

Room: 100E


If you are in any other dorm that has multiple bedrooms, please type the room number
and letter of your room.

Example: Building:Pride Hall



If the FIXX IT Request form is not completed correctly, it will be emailed back requesting
more information.


To complete the form click on FIXX IT Request Form.