University Police Department

Southeastern Louisiana University Police Officers are commissioned by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections and are empowered by Louisiana Revised Statute 17:1805. As such, University Police Officers have the right to carry a concealed weapon and to exercise the power of arrest when discharging their duties while in or out of uniform and to discharge their duties off campus if engaging in intelligence gathering activity, investigating a crime committed on campus, or if specifically requested by the chief law enforcement officer of the city or parish.

UPD Staff

University Police Officers are responsible for the full range of law enforcement services. These include, but are not limited to, responding to and investigation of incidents and offenses, medical emergencies, fires, bomb threats, auto accidents, violations of state liquor, controlled substances, and weapons laws and other on-campus emergencies.

We are on-duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including holidays, University closures, natural disasters, and any other time when the remainder of the University is closed.

Lion Safe App

Download the Lion Safe App Here!

Student Resources

Southeastern UPD wants to ensure students across campus have access to a variety of resources they might need to stay safe, physically and mentally. To do this, the UPD works with multiple departments on campus to offer a variety of support needed by its students.

Southeastern’s University Police Department Cares About the Community

Learn about the ways that the University Police Department gets involved with the community and stays connected to students of Southeastern and members of the surrounding Hammond area.

Community Outreach

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Contact Us

University Police Department
Pride Hall

1301 SGA Drive
SLU Box 10780
Hammond, LA 70402

Emergency: 985-549-2222
Non-Emergency: 985-549-3835
Administrative: 985-549-2318

[email protected]

Interim Director of University Police
Carmen Bray