Advertised Notices

Advertised Notices

Budget units may purchase advertising in accordance with the statutory exceptions
outlined below for advertising. External advertising in newspapers, books, magazines,
pamphlets, periodicals, or radio/television shall be coordinated and approved through
the University Marketing and Communications Office. Prior approval of the Purchasing Department is not required provided adequate funding
is available and verified by the budget unit prior to placing the advertisement.

The University shall not expend any public funds for advertising in any newspaper,
book, magazine, pamphlet, periodical, or radio/television stations, except as follow:

(A)  Advertising for bids or proposals for public work, supplies, or for labor.

(B)  Advertising for the sale by educational institutions of books, equipment, produce,
or other materials.

(C)  Announcements by educational institutions of extension course offerings.

(D) Announcements by postsecondary vocational-technical schools of program and course

(E)  Announcements by departments or auxiliary units of institutions of higher education,
to promote cultural or educational programs sponsored by such departments or units
for the public’s cultural and intellectual benefit, limited to a maximum of fifteen
percent of the cost of the event or three thousand dollars, whichever is larger.

(F) Other cases where the law authorizes advertisements.

(G) Any public institution of higher education may expend public funds for advertising
designed to: (1) increase the number of other race students enrolled in a public institution
of higher education, and (2) increase the percentage of black high school graduates
that pursue a higher education; provided that such advertising expenditures shall
not exceed the amounts necessary to implement the provisions of the consent decree
entered in United States of America vs. State of Louisiana, et al., United States
District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, docket number 80-3300-A.

Click here for entire statute.

The University requisition form is used to process any expenditures for advertising.
To process payment, the original invoice shall be stapled to the requisition. In addition,
the Receiving Report Affirmation statement shall be signed and dated by the person
verifying the advertisement was run.