Purchasing Basics

Purchasing Basics

The Basics to Purchasing for the University

The following purchasing basics are intended to summarize for general guidance in making purchases for the University.

A. What authority do I have to make a purchase?

  • If you are an authorized budget unit head or procurement card holder, authority to make purchases for goods and non-contractual services up to $1,000 is authorized provided funds for the purchase are available in an assigned budget.
  • If you are an authorized budget unit head, authority to contract for Personal, Professional, Consulting or Social Services  up to $2,000 is authorized provided funds for the services are available in an assigned budget, and the Southeastern contract form and IRS Form W9 are entered into the financial system, and contractor invoice (if required) forwarded to the Controller’s Office within (2) working days of receipt of services.
  • If you are not an authorized budget unit head, then you should consult with your department head before making any purchase without authority.

B.  Are bids required for purchases made for the University?

  • If ordering from a state contract supplier, then no bids are required for cost over $1,000, but a purchase requisition must be entered into financial system for funding check,verification of state contract information, and issuance of a State  Contract Purchase Order.

If ordering from a non-state contract supplier:

For orders up to $10,000– no bids are required unless the purchase would be considered to artificially divide the purchase to circumvent a bid requirement.  Administration does look for faculty and staff to exercise due diligence and comparison price purchases for lowest cost.

For orders over $10,000 up to $20,000– fax or telephone quotesby the department’s Procurement Specialist to at least (3) sources.

For orders over $20,000 up to $25,000 – fax or written quotes are solicited by Procurement Specialist according to the small purchase executive order.

For orders over $25,000 – public notice is faxed to (2) newspapers, and sealed written bids are approved by the Director of Purchasing with the solicitation document posted to the Louisiana Procurement and Contract System (LAPAC) and solicited by the Procurement Specialist according to state rules and regulations. 

C. What documentation is required?

  • Copies of all supporting documentation are entered in the financial systemwith the purchase requisition before an order can be approved or a bid solicited (e.g., quotes, bid specifications, special approvals, etc.).


  • If a product must be solicited for bid as proprietary (no substitutions) due to a special need, the requisition must include a statement outlining the particular circumstances requiring limitation of competition to the specific brand and model.


  • If only one supplier can provide the goods or services, the sole source justification form must be completed and accompany the purchase requisition along with the supplier quote and statement affirming production and sole distribution, and product has no competing suppliers with similar products or services in the market.