Become A Club Sport

Become A Club Sport

The inspiration to start a new club should be initiated by the students.  It is the
responsibility of those students interested in initiating a new sport club to meet
with the appropriate university administrator to discuss the feasibility of establishing
a new club.  Special consideration should be given to student interest and availability
of resources, specifically funds and facilities.  Groups desiring recognition or renewal
as a sport club will need to complete the following:

  • Seek Student Organization status from Student Engagement Office and become a registered
    Student Organization
  • Develop constitution.
  • Present proposal for becoming a club sport to the Director, Recreational Sports and
    Wellness. Proposal should include:
    • Constitution
    • On Campus Status from Student Engagement
    • Sport Club Renewal Form
  • Proposal will be reviewed by Director, Recreational Sports and Wellness, and then
    submitted to the Executive Sport Club Council for a vote at the next monthly meeting.
  • If the club is approved by the Executive Council, the club requesting approval will
    be notified and have an opportunity to appear the following week to present a proposal
    to the Club Sport Council. The Club Sport Council will vote to approve or deny the
    club access.


Eligible participants include all regularly enrolled full-time Southeastern Louisiana
University students with current student picture I.D. cards.  Various leagues may
enforce additional eligibility rules.