Southeastern to Remain Remote on Thursday, January 23

Student Technology Fee

The mission of the Student Technology Fee Committee is to facilitate communication and provide for periodic input and analysis of utilization of technology fee proceeds detailed in the Technology Fee Use Agreement. 

The committee provides a mechanism for consistent dialogue between members of the university administration and the Student Government Association regarding the effectiveness of the fee, feedback from users, and discussions about possible revisions in the use of technology fee proceeds.

Committee Members

Student Technology Fee Policies & Procedures

Project Proposals

Large Project Proposal Information (updated August 2024)

Large Project Proposal Process (updated August 2024)

Matching Project Proposal Information (updated August 2024)

Small Project Funding is not available for 2024-2045

The Student Technology Fee has limited funding ($250,000) available for Large & Matching Projects combined.  The following statistics may be used as a point of reference for proposals that have been accepted for funding in the last three years.  Although the quality, applicability, and the number of students affected are the main evaluation criteria, the requested amount is also considered.

Student Technology Resources

Contact Us

Student Technology Fee
McGehee Hall, Room 215

Hammond, LA 70402

(985) 549-2314

Chief Information Officer / Associate Professor
John Burris, Ph. D.