Policies and Procedures

The following policies and procedures are under the management of the Office of Dean of Students. For questions and inquiries regarding any of the below resources, please contact the Dean of Students.

Student Union, room 1301

Phone: (985) 549-3792

Email: [email protected]

Policy that refers to the use of alcohol for all campus functions

University Alcohol Policy 

Reportable incidents include violations of the Student Code of Conduct and/or any behavior or disturbance that is potentially or actually harmful to the individual exhibiting the behavior, to faculty, staff, or students.

DSA On-Call Reporting

Food policy and procedure for student organizations & departmental units

Food Policy & Permission Form

Application waiver for exemption from on-campus housing

Off Campus Residence Waivers

Off campus individual/group visitations form must be completed for ALL off campus trips, including those that do not require class excuses

Off Campus Visitation Form

Off Campus Expected Behaviors Form

Faculty/Staff Checklist for Off Campus

Guidelines that apply to all alcohol advertising & marketing materials used on campus

Alcohol Advertising Guidelines


Approval form to post any signage on campus

Sign, Poster, and Flyer Approval Form


Guidelines for engaging in expressive activity on campus

University Policy on Public Speech, Assembly and Demonstrations

Guidelines that ensure the registration of your activity goes as smoothly as possible

Registration of Activities Guidelines

Use the University Events Calendar to find out what’s going on at Southeastern

University’s Electronic Events Calendars